Wait An Kung

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In our modern society most people live under The exercises come in two sets. First a
stress and neglect to take proper exercise. warming-up set of exercises prepares the
Most of them are overworked and many suffer participant for the second set of exercises and
from various stress related diseases, ensures that ‘Chi’ or the inner source of energy
especially after middle age. will rise and "energise” the body.

To prevent this situation it is important that This system is not one which functions well if
people take some form of exercise used in parts or with the omission of
particularly in middle age and after, in order to substantial parts of the system. It is important
keep themselves both physically and that the exercises are followed as instructed
mentally fit, within their capacity and and in the sequence given in order to gain the
capability. full benefits of Wai Tan Kung.

Wai Tan Kung has proved helpful with It is hoped that the users of Wai Tan Kung will
improving health and in particular with high enjoy and benefit as much from their exercises
blood pressure, arthritis, digestive disorders as I have done. My sincerest thanks are due
and insomnia. to Grand Master Chang Chi-Tung and also to
my teacher in Indonesia, Bapak Wastu
The basic principal is to get rid of distracting Pragantha Zhong, who inspired us all.
ideas and allow one's ‘chi’ or inner energy to
rise in the body by making one's body The exercises are best performed as a group
tremble, relaxing one's muscles, improving activity with a guide or teacher facing the group
blood circulation and generally enabling one and showing by direct example how to perform
to become healthy and happy. It is an each exercise correctly.
effective system of exercises for the middle
aged and the elderly which it is hoped will If you cannot do it fully, then try & do your best
enable people to live in better health and by making an attempt. Gradually the body
provide them with more energy to do so. becomes more flexible and as health improves
the exercises become easier.
The aim of this booklet is to introduce
Wai Tan Kung to possible participants in For many Wai Tan Kung has become the way to
England & Europe and everywhere through out greater vigour, energy and general health.
the world who have requested an explanation,
and to do so in simplified practical terms
adapted to Western needs of Wai Tan Kung.
These notes are an attempt to fill this need.
However, the source must always be studied
and the writings of Grand Master Chang
Chi-Tung consulted.

The main purpose of these exercises is

to warm up participants before doing
WAI TAN KUNG. They harmonise
respiration, strengthen muscles &
tendons and are said to invigorate
internal organs. They are beneficial for
both old and young and are intended to
activate ‘Chi’ or the innate life energy
in the body.

Relaxation & concentration

• Stand with heels together and the front

of the feet apart
• Rest the head easily on the neck with
chin slightly tucked in
• The tip of the tongue touches the ridge
behind the upper teeth
• The eyes look straight ahead
• Upper & lower teeth lightly touch each
• Breathe naturally & relax whole body
• Free yourself of any distracting ideas
& focus or concentrate on a pleasing
• Hold the stance for a count of 30

• Heels of feet together front of feet

splayed sideways into one line with legs
kept straight.
• Place left hand below navel, palm up with
right hand underneath left, palm touching
the back of left hand and thumb of right
hand above that of left.
• Breathe naturally
• Arch the arms above the shoulders with
palms upwards and fingers apart. The
head is slightly raised and the eyes
look slightly upwards
• At the same time as raising, the arms
(and breathing in) shout "HUNG"
• Then lower arms to original position (and
breathing out) simultaneously and
shouting "HA"
• Repeat this exercise three times

HEAD TURNING (5 x each,
right & then left
5 x also.)

• Feet remain with heels back to back

and aligned as in previous exercises.
• Extend two arms horizontally, palms
raised up.
• Turn the head to the left - looking at
the middle joint of the middle finger
• Count from one to five imagining the
life-force or "Chi" flowing to it
• Turn the head to the right and repeat
the exercise as above
BODY SLANTING (3 x right &
left altern.,)

• Stand with heels close together with front

parts of the feet apart.
• Place the left palm on the stomach below
the navel and the right palm on the back of
the left hand.
• Move the right foot forward one step to the
right, slant the body forward and press in
the stomach, shouting "HUNG"
• Then straighten up the body and let the
stomach expand, shouting "HA",
simultaneously moving the right foot back
to the original position.
• Keep the palms in the same position as
• Repeat the exercise with the left foot,
shouting "HUNG" when left foot/step
forward and "HA" upon stepping back.


• Feet are kept parallel and as wide apart as the

outer edges of the shoulders
• Arms hang down naturally by the sides with
fingers apart.
• Breathe naturally & look straight ahead
• Whirl the arms upwards and as soon as
they are in a vertical line with the head, turn
the head to the left & shout "HA", then
lower the arms
• Repeat this exercise three times and at the
end, looking straight ahead hold the arms
up and count 18 to allow the life force or
"Chi" to flow up the arms to the hands
• Then whirl arms upwards again repeating
the exercise but turning head right. Also
do this three times and end by looking
straight ahead, arms held up and counting
EXERCISE I.6 (18 x left

• The two feet are parallel, the knees are bent slightly
(the knees are relaxed) and the distance between
the feet is wider than that of the shoulders
• The two arms are crescent form as if clasping a large
• First swing the body to the left then swing to the
right alternating, eighteen times left and eighteen
times right.
• The life-force or ‘Chi’ can be felt flowing like water in
the arms.

This exercise loosens & strengthens the lower back

Waist bending

• The two feet are parallel and positioned in

line with the edges of shoulders
• Arms hang down by the sides and the
thumb and index touch lightly and the
other fingers close up into partial fist
• Shout ‘HUNG’ whilst bending the waist.
The left fist touches the ground whilst the
right fist remains next to the right knee -
look slightly upwards
• Shout ‘HA’ whilst straightening up the
waist & returning to original position
• Repeat movement three times
• Then repeat the whole exercise for the
right side and do it three times also.
• Or you can alternate
Plucking Grass

• Stand with the heels close together

then bend down pointing both hands
at the feet, breathing in through the
nose after shouting ‘TSEE’
• Straighten up at the waist slowly
raising the arms to the waist, the
elbows bent 90 degrees, whilst
simultaneously raising the left foot
and moving it sideways by stepping
• Slide the left hand & arm along the
body upwards into the air and
simultaneously slide & point the right
arm to the ground downwards whilst
exhaling & shouting ‘FOO’.
• repeat this three times
• then do the same for the right side &
bend down 3 x & slide up on right side

Sideways Kicking

• Stand with the heels close together,

then kick out sideways with the lower
portion (from knee down) of the left
• Repeat 9 times for left leg.
• Then do the same 9 times with the
right leg.
• You can alternate first left then right
leg 9 times.

• Stand with heels close together

then raise the left leg and right
arm then repeat the exercise by
raising right leg and left arm.
• complete 18 steps for each leg

There are twelve Wai Tan Kung exercises in the instruction manual, plus one preliminary movement and one
"Life force" or Chi releasing movement.

In learning Wai Tan Kung one must first carry out the preliminary movement, then the 12 exercises and
finally the Chi releasing movement.

This order should be carefully followed in order to ensure the maximum benefit and no possible
undesirable side-effects.

If one is short of time one should first do the preliminary movement, then one or two of the 12 other
exercises and lastly the Chi releasing movement.


• DO consult your doctor to ensure Wai Tan Kung cannot harm you because of any physical condition
• DON'T do Wai Tan Kung right after meals. Either do it before meals or two hours after meals
when the stomach is virtually empty again.
• DON'T drink ice water or cold drinks afterwards. However warm or luke-warm drinks are alright.
Cold drinks after half an hour are also fine.
• DON'T take a bath immediately after Wai Tan Kung. Wait half an hour and rest in a relaxed altitude after
Wai Tan Kung for the best results.
• DON'T go to bed right after doing Wai Tan Kung - it could make you dizzy.
• DON'T do Wai Tan Kung if you are pregnant or are having a period.


This movement intends to regularise

respiration and improve circulation.

• Stand with both feet parallel and feet as

wide apart as both armpits
• Bend knees very slightly (for about
1/2 an inch)
• Relax the whole body & do not exert any
strength or tension. This applies to all
Wai Tan Kung exercises
• Breathe naturally & free the mind of
distracting ideas
• Let the arms hang down loosely by your
sides with backs of hands facing front
• Fingers should be apart & index finger
sticking out
• Rest head easily on the neck with the chin
slightly tucked in
• Tip of tongue touches the ridge behind
upper teeth. Eyes look straight ahead
• For beginners 5 minutes is enough, in a
relaxed way this can keep the mind calm
and the life force will be extended.
• Keep the mind calm and the life force will
make elbows and hands tremble
• Work through any minor pains or aches.
• If trembling becomes violent stop
exercises immediately & take a walk &
try again tomorrow.

For beginners 5 minutes is enough. After about

100 precise sessions this can be extended to 10
minutes and longer, as energy depletion demands.

This exercise makes internal lungs & heart function

more smoothly. This is the first Wai Tan Kung

• Stand with both feet parallel as for last

• Place your left palm on the abdomen below
the navel and the right palm on the back of
the left hand, fingers apart.
• Keep back of the head, spine, legs all in a
straight but relaxed line
• Lean head slightly back and inhale through
the nose until the lungs are full and the
stomach is fully extended
• Immediately they are full bend the upper
body slightly forward to an angle of about 15
degrees and press in the stomach with both
hands and blow the air out through pursed
rounded mouth until fully empty
• Do not hold the breath between inhaling or
• Repeat nine times

(Exercise of long life).

This exercise in intended to keep the limbs supple,

improve the circulation and increase ones stamina.

• Move the left foot sideways until feet are as wide

Press twice against junction apart as outer edges of shoulders. The feet
between thumb & forefinger should be parallel.
on both hands
• Bend the knees, but keep body vertical
(not bending forwards)
• Raise arms forward to a horizontal position.
• Press left edge of right palm twice against
junction between the thumb and index finger of
the left hand - for about a second each time
• Repeat the movement with the right hand.
• Now separate hands, palms down, arms forward
• bending knees, simultaneously swing arms down &
backwards as far as possible straightening up the
knees again
• Then swing down with arms, bending knees and
swinging arms back to arms-in-front position with
legs straight.
• Repeat 9 x

then bend down & flutter arms

in a bent down position in the
back with hands cupped as though
holding a tennis ball.

This movement is intended to strengthen arms and legs

to improve stamina of the middle aged and elderly. It is
intended to benefit the intestines.

• Keep feet parallel and keep them apart as far as

the arm pits
• Extend arms sideways and horizontally, palms
upwards and fingers spread apart.
• Keep legs straight and stick up the toes.
• Spread fingers and push out toes simultaneously
nine times, tension/relaxation in succession.
• Wait for the life force to flutter the arms for the
count of 30
• lower toes

Extend the arms like wings and push up the toes.


This movement is intended to strengthen the arms,

shoulders, stomach, intestines & digestion.

• Keep feet as in the previous exercise.

Knees are slightly bent & the body is relaxed.
• The arms remain extended
• Make fists with both hands simultaneously
starting with thumbs & followed by each finger in
• Thumbs inside other fingers
• Raise fists close to ears, the elbows level with
the shoulders
• Look straight ahead & breathe in a relaxed &
even manner
• Turn fists nine times & then circle fists around
the head in a small circle turning fists front &
back halfway round - do 18 circles small
• Repeat with large circle - arms fully extended
upwards & turn fists front & back halfway
change - over - do 30 times

The arms are gradually relaxing & become more supple

- the chest is relieved of pressure & circulation is

This movement is intended to make the arms &

shoulders supple & to broaden the chest & to
strengthen the eyesight.

• The feet remain as in the last exercise

• The arms hang down naturally
• Raise the left hand in front of the chest
palm down & fingers apart
• Place the right hand in front of the
stomach & under the left hand, palm up &
fingers apart
• Then raise the left hand over the head,
palm upwards, & lower the right hand
simultaneously beside the right thigh,
palm down
• Spread the fingers outwards nine times &
wait for the Chi to tremble the arms up &
down about 30 times
• Then repeat for the opposite side

Relax arms & shoulders to make them flexible


This movement is intended to co-ordinate the

fingers, improve circulation, increase lung
capacity, clear the throat & give a more
peaceful mind

• The feet remain in the same position as for

the last exercise.
• The feet are slightly bent.
• Cross the arms in front of the chest with
the right arm inside the left arm & the
hands at 90 degrees to the forearms,
fingers apart
• Flex the fingers outwards 9 x to
stimulate the life force which will make
the arms & hands tremble - up to 30
times then stop & repeat in the opposite

Purpose - crossing arms is supposed to calm the

mind, & harmonise heart & lung actions.

This exercise is intended to strengthen the spleen &

reduce stress

• The left foot moves to the left so that feet

are as wide apart as the outer edges of the
shoulders. The feet remain parallel.
• Bend the knees & keep the head & spine
in one straight but relaxed line.
• Place the hands in front of the chest,
palms up & fingers apart. The small
fingers are next to the nipples
• Raise the heels
• Flex the fingers outwards nine times
• Turn the head 3 times to the left then 3
times to the right
• Move the levelled palms down to waist &
back up to the chest to activate the life
energy in the chest. Each up & down cycle
lasts 3 to 4 seconds
• Repeat 30 (later 50) times


This exercise is intended to activate the life force in

the waist zone & to strengthen the spine and

• After completing the previous exercise, keep

the hands in front of the chest and turn the
palms down.
• Move the hands down to be level with the
waist, palms still downwards
• The arms now form an oval
• Flex the fingers upwards nine times and wait
for the life force to charge the arms & hands
to make them tremble.
• Then swing the body at the waist to the left
and then the right as far as it will go in a turn
of 180 degrees.

Turning the waist makes the hands & legs supple &
nimble & will improve circulation.

This movement helps to harmonise the internal

organs & is intended to relieve the stress at work.

• The feet remain in the same position as with

the previous movements & the knees remain
• Extend the arms forward, palms facing
• Spread the fingers & flexing backwards nine
times to activate Chi or the life force which
will make the whole body, except the head,
• The chest should be kept up right & relaxed,
the knees jerking sideways & the arms
thrusting back & forth with stomach muscles
• Breathe naturally & look straight ahead.


This movement is intended to strengthen the

joints & tendons of the legs & improve
the functions of the kidneys & the bladder

• Two arms are held on two sides of the body

at an angle of 45 degrees. The thumb &
small finger of each hand sticks out & the
middle three are folded against the palm
• Raise the left leg forward & slightly to the
left with toes pointing upwards
• Move the foot forward & backwards nine
times pivoting at the ankle.
• The life force will make the leg tremble

Duration: each leg 18 secs, rising to 30 counts


This movement makes the circulation better

& is intended to strengthen joints of the legs

• Stand with feet together. Then

slightly bend the knees & move the
left foot two steps sideways so that
they are about 2 to 3 feet apart &
parallel to each other. Bend the
knees further down
• Keep the back of the head & the
spine in one straight line but relaxed
• The arms hang dow15n loosely at
the sides, with the backs of the
hands facing front
• Fingers apart, index finger slightly
sticking out
• Raise the right knee forward & up to
the height of the stomach, then let
the right foot fall down flat lightly like
a leaf falling to the ground, keeping it
parallel to the left foot.
• Now move the left leg in the same
• When moving forward, begin & stop
with the right leg.
• Move 30 steps forward & 30 steps

(The ‘Chi’ or life force releasing movement)

This movement releases a part of the Chi or life

force which has been accumulated during the last
12 exercises. Enough has to be released or one
may feel uncomfortable if one has too much Chi.
After doing Wai Tan Kung for some time ones
capacity for storing Chi will increase.

• Stand with the feet close to each other, then

slightly bend the knees, and then move the
left foot to the left and keeping the feet
parallel to each other and as wide apart as
the armpits
• Straighten the knees
• The arms hang down loosely at the sides,
with the backs of the hands facing front
• with fingers apart
• Swing the body slowly and stiffly to the left
like a robot and let the right foot move half a
step forward.
• Move the left foot forward in the same way.
• Move forward 40 steps and then 40 steps
Massaging the Acupuncture Points


• The thumbs support the chin and the tips of the middle fingers of the right and left hands tap and
touch points 1 on the right and left sides of the face respectively.
Then the tips of the middle fingers move in a circle at these points and then tap gently - repeat
each point nine times.
• The tips of the middle fingers move in the same way nine times at points 2, 3 and 4.
• Now place the tips of the middle fingers at points 3 and move them along the lower rims of the
eyes to points 4, then move along the upper rims to points 3, DO NOT TOUCH THE EYES.
Do this nine times.
• Now move the tips of the middle fingers to the midpoint between points 4 and massage the
nose from the top to the bottom, then go up again. Do this nine times.
• Now place the tips of the middle fingers at points 5, 6, 7 & 8 in succession and move them
in a circle nine times and then tap gently.
• The thumb & index finger of the right hand & left hand pull at the right & left earlobes (points 9)
nine times.
• The tips of the middle fingers flick the upper parts of the ears (points 10) nine times.

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