Baking and Pastry Specialization AAS
Baking and Pastry Specialization AAS
Baking and Pastry Specialization AAS
First Year
First Semester Credit
CHEF 1305 Sanitation and Safety 3
HAMG 1321 Intro to the Hospitality Industry 3
PSTR 1301 Fundamentals of Baking 3
ELEC Humanities/Fine Arts Selection 3
CHEF 1301 Basic Food Preparation 3
Second Semester
PSTR 1302 Cake Baking and Production 3
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
SPCH SPCH 1315 or SPCH 1321 3
PSTR 1306 Cake Decorating I 3
PSTR 1305 Bread and Rolls 3
Second Year
First Semester
PSTR 2331 Advanced Pastry Shop 3
PSTR 2307 Cake Decorating II 3
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
RSTO 1325 Purchasing for Hospitality Operations 3
RSTO 1321 Menu Management 3
Second Semester
PSTR 2350 Wedding Cakes 3
MATH MATH 1332 or MATH 1342 3
RSTO 1313 Hospitality Supervision 3
ELEC Academic Elective 3
HAMG 2388 Internship 3
HAMG 2373 Final Project
Total Hours 60