Intelligence Unleashed Publication
Intelligence Unleashed Publication
Intelligence Unleashed Publication
An argument for AI in Education
Rose Luckin
Wayne Holmes
UCL Knowledge Lab,
University College London
Mark Griffiths
Laurie B. Forcier
Creative Commons
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4.0 International Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter
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Copyright 2016
The contents of this paper and the opinions expressed herein are those
of the Authors alone.
ISBN: 9780992424886
The Authors
Rose Luckin
Rose Luckin is Professor of Learner Centred Design at the UCL Knowledge
Lab, University College London. She has been developing and writing about
artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) for over 20 years, and has been an
active member of the International AIEd society since its inception. Her research
explores how to increase participation by teachers and learners in the design
and use of technologies. In addition to over 50 peer-reviewed articles and two
edited volumes, Prof. Luckin is the author of Re-Designing Learning Contexts
(Routledge, 2010), and lead author of the influential Decoding Learning report
(Nesta, 2012).
Wayne Holmes
Wayne Holmes is a Researcher at the UCL Knowledge Lab, University College
London and he teaches about education and technology at the Graduate
School of Education, University of Bristol. He has been involved in education
and education research for more than 20 years, receiving his PhD in Education
(Learning and Technology) from the University of Oxford, and co-founding an
ed-tech web platform on which students answered 300+ million questions.
His research interests are in education, the learning sciences, and artificial
intelligence in education (AIEd).
Mark Griffiths
Mark Griffiths is Director of Research within the Office of the Chief Education
Advisor at Pearson. He leads on the office’s efforts to use world-class research
to influence and inform Pearson’s products and services. Prior to Pearson
he worked at Nesta – the UK’s innovation charity – where he invested in
over a dozen organisations that use technology or social action to improve
school-aged learning.
Laurie B. Forcier
Laurie Forcier leads the Open Ideas thought leadership series within the
Office of the Chief Education Advisor at Pearson. She has over 15 years’
experience in the education sector, covering research, evaluation, policy, and
administration. She was a member of the research team that produced Land
of Plenty, the final report of the Congressional Commission on the Advancement
of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering, and Technology Development,
and is co-editor of Improving the Odds for America’s Children (Harvard Education
Press, 2014).
The authors wish to thank
Michael Barber and Amar Kumar at
Pearson for giving us the space and
encouragement that has allowed
us to form our own collaborative
learning group around AIEd. We
are also very grateful to the many
Pearson colleagues who have
provided helpful guidance to this
project or comments on this paper,
including John Behrens, Kristen
DiCerbo, Erin Farber, Josh Fleming,
José González-Brenes, Denis Hurley,
Johann Larusson, Nathan Martin,
Janine Mathó, Ashley Peterson-
Deluca, David Porcaro, and
Vikki Weston.
8 Foreword by Sir Michael Barber
11 Introduction
13 What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Will AI take over
from humans?
17 A brief introduction to Artificial 31
Intelligence in Education (AIEd) Teachers and AIEd
23 What AIEd can offer learning right now The ethics of AI
and AIEd
32 The next phase of AIEd 40
AIEd and the
41 Taking it to the next level: How AIEd Physical World
can help us respond to the biggest 52
unsolved issues in education Learning from the
approach that
45 Bringing it all together: The continuing driverless cars
race between education and technology 53
Learning from
49 Recommendations to help us DARPA
Unleash Intelligence
56 References
Foreword by
Sir Michael Barber
For thirty years I have attended conferences where
speakers have spoken to slides comparing images of an
early 20th century classroom with one from today, and have
pointedly asked: ‘why so little change?’ The modern variant
goes something like this: smart technologies have already
transformed so many parts of our lives – from how we date
to how we book a taxi. It would seem that there is no doubt
that AI will also significantly influence what we teach and
learn, as well as how we do it. And yet...
We wrote this short paper on artificial intelligence in
education (AIEd) with two aims in mind. The first was to
explain to a non-specialist, interested reader what AIEd is:
its goals, how it is built, and how it works. After all, only by
securing a certain degree of understanding can we move
beyond the science-fiction imagery of AI, and the associated
fears. The second aim was to set out the argument for what
AIEd can offer learning, both now and in the future, with an
eye towards improving learning and life outcomes for all.
What is Artificial
Intelligence (AI)?
Another reason for the difficulty in defining AI is the Computer systems
that learn from data,
interdisciplinary nature of the field. Anthropologists, enabling them to
biologists, computer scientists, linguists, philosophers, make increasingly
psychologists, and neuroscientists all contribute to the better predictions.
field of AI, and each group brings their own perspective DECISION THEORY
The mathematical
and terminology. study of strategies
for optimal decision-
For our purposes, we define AI as computer systems that making between
options involving
have been designed to interact with the world through different risks or
capabilities (for example, visual perception and speech expectations of gain
or loss depending on
recognition) and intelligent behaviours (for example,
the outcome.
assessing the available information and then taking the
most sensible action to achieve a stated goal) that we
would think of as essentially human.2
A brief
to Artificial
in Education
• E
ffective approaches to teaching (which is represented in a
pedagogical model)
• The subject being learned (represented in the domain model)
• The student (represented in the learner model)
Domain model Knowledge of the subject being How to add, subtract, or multiply
learned (domain expertise) two fractions
Newton’s second law (forces)
Causes of World War I
How to structure an argument
Different approaches to reading
a text (e.g. for sense or for detail)
While this content (which might take the form of text, sound,
activity, video, or animation) is being delivered to the learner,
continuous analysis of the learner’s interactions (for example,
their current actions and answers, their past achievements,
and their current affective state) informs the delivery of
feedback (for example, hints and guidance), to help them
progress through the content they are learning.
Figure 1
AIEd system showing a simplified picture of a typical
model-based adaptive tutor.
Pedagogy Learner
Processing the knowledge
Model Model
represented in the models
Learner Interface
Adaptive Content
Learning content (e.g. text or video) adapted to
the needs and capabilities of the individual learner
Data Capture
Data Analysis
AI techniques (such as machine
learning and pattern recognition)
odel learners’ cognitive and affective states17
• Use dialogue to engage the student in Socratic learning
experiences, that is learning experiences that involve
enquiry and discussion, questioning and answering18
• Include open learner models to promote reflection and
• Adopt meta-cognitive scaffolding (for example, by providing
dynamic help or using a narrative framework) to increase
learner motivation and engagement20
• Use social simulation models – for example, to enable
language learning students to engage more successfully
with speakers of their target language by understanding
cultural and social norms21
Expert facilitation
Here models of effective collaboration – known as
‘collaboration patterns’ – are used to provide interactive
support to the collaborating students.26 These patterns
are either provided by the system authors or mined from
previous collaborations. For example, AI techniques such as
machine learning or Markov modelling have been used to
identify effective collaborative problem-solving strategies. MODELLING
These can then be used to train systems to recognise when An approach used
students are having trouble understanding the concepts in probability
theory to represent
that they are sharing with each other, or to provide targeted randomly changing
support of the right form at the right time. systems.
• A
n expert participant (a coach or a tutor)
• A
virtual peer (an artificial student at a similar
cognitive level to the learner, but one who is
capable of introducing novel ideas)
• S
omeone the participants might themselves teach
– for example, the artificial student might hold
deliberate misconceptions, or provide alternative
points of view to stimulate productive argument
or reflection29
Intelligent moderation
With large student numbers working in multiple
collaborative groups, it can be impossible for a
person to make any sense of the large volume
of data that the participants are generating in
their discussions.
AIEd has made great progress, but has barely scratched the
surface. There is exciting promise as the existing technologies
develop, mature, and scale. Yet, the AIEd horizon includes
much more than simply ‘more of the same’. AIEd developers
are getting better at recognising how to blend human and
machine intelligence effectively, which means that future
AIEd is poised to make significant strides in a number of
critical areas.
and AIEd
We are in no doubt that teachers As this transformation takes place,
need to be central agents in the teachers will need to develop new
next phase of AIEd. In one sense skills (maybe through professional
this is obvious – it is teachers who development delivered through
will be the orchestrators of when, an AIEd system). Specifically they
and how, to use these AIEd tools. will need:
In turn, the AIEd tools, and the data
driven insights that these tools • A
sophisticated understanding
provide, will empower teachers to of what AIEd systems can do to
decide how best to marshal the enable them to evaluate and make
various resources at their disposal. sound value judgements about
new AIEd products
More than this, though, teachers • T
o develop research skills to
– alongside learners and parents – allow them to interpret the data
should be central to the design of provided by AIEd technologies, to
AIEd tools, and the ways in which they ask the most useful questions of the
are used. This participatory design data, and to walk students through
methodology will ensure that the what the data analysis is telling
messiness of real classrooms is taken them (for instance, using Open
into account and that the tools deliver Learner models)
the support that educators need –
not the support that technologists or • N
ew teamworking and management
designers think they need. Teachers skills as each teacher will have AI
who take part in these processes will assistants in addition to their usual
gain increased technological literacy, human teaching assistants, and they
new design skills, and a greater will be responsible for combining
understanding of what AIEd systems and managing these resources
can offer. most effectively
The next
phase of AIEd
1 W
e must develop reliable and valid indicators
that will allow us to track learner progress on all
the skills and capabilities needed to thrive in the
current century – at the level of the individual,
the district, and the country. This will need to
include difficult to measure characteristics such
as creativity and curiosity.
2 W
e need a better understanding of the most
effective teaching approaches and the learning
contexts that allow these skills to be developed.
We have already seen how existing AIEd systems of the future will
AIEd systems feature socially and increasingly support the whole
culturally intelligent avatars that learner through sophisticated
guide and support learners in virtual models that also capture data about
environments. The addition of AIEd to a learner’s emotional and physical
AR systems will allow for personalised, state. These enriched models will
adaptive educational experiences further contribute to what is known
with virtual mentors or tutors guiding about how we learn, and will provide
students through field trips, leaving individual teachers with real time
teachers to concentrate on those information about their students’
learners whose needs are greatest. physical and emotional well-being as
well as their cognitive development,
allowing for appropriate and timely
interventions in all the areas that
matter to learning.
Taking it to
the next level:
How AIEd can
help us respond
to the biggest
unsolved issues
in education
We take it as essential that all children should have at least basic skills
(reading, writing, and mathematics), and yet, across the world, we are not
there. For example, in the UK, nine million working age adults have low basic
skills in either literacy, numeracy, or both. To make this real, this means that
these adults will struggle with simple everyday tasks such as assessing how
much fuel is left in their vehicle by looking at the gauge, or understanding
the instructions on over–the-counter medications.57
We have already shown some of the ways in which AIEd can offer a new
set of tools for addressing this challenge. For example, students who need
extra help can be offered one-to-one tutoring from adaptive AIEd tutors,
both at school and at home, to improve their levels of success. Increased
collaboration between education neuroscience and AIEd developers will
provide technologies that can offer better information, and support specific
learning difficulties that might be standing in the way of a child’s progress.
Moreover, and important to addressing the socioeconomic gap, these
AIEd systems will scale broadly as the reduction in their cost makes them
increasingly affordable to schools and school systems.
AIEd could also offer needed support before a learner begins formal
education, perhaps even before they are born. There is strong evidence
that the first five years of a child’s life have a large influence on that child’s
educational attainment.58 Unfortunately, we see evidence of poor school
readiness for many students, particularly children from low-income
families. This means they enter school at a significant disadvantage to their
wealthier counterparts in areas including language, early maths and science
understanding, physical well being and motor development, and social and
emotional development. This can mean that a child may enter school unable
to identify numbers, interact with peers, or use the bathroom on their own.59
Imagine, for example, providing parents with AIEd assistants that could
advise them about strategies for talking to their child, sharing songs,
and enjoying books. This could enable all parents to provide the right
sort of support in those all important early years. For parents who
have problems with numeracy or literacy, the AIEd assistant could help
boost these skills too.
To avoid what’s known as the Matthew Effect60 – the all too common
situation in which learners who are already privileged gain the most
from new resources, further exacerbating existing inequalities –
AIEd assistants should be available for all parents, with additional
support provided to those parents who need it most. This will
help ensure that all parents are well informed, supported, and
engaged in their child’s education.
AIEd could also help teachers find and share the best teaching
resources. Imagine, for example, navigating a popular tool like TES61
or Teachers Pay Teachers62 with your own AIEd assistant who knows
the resources you have found useful in the past, the details of your
students, and the teaching schemes and curricula used in your
institution. Your AIEd assistant could accurately predict the resources
that would work best for you and your students as well as uploading
the resources you have created and successfully used.
Intelligent support for teachers could also help address the issue of
teacher retention where we see many skilled professionals leaving
the profession due to ‘burnout’.63 Now that a cloud-based intelligent
assistant for every teacher is a realistic possibility, we can provide
support to reduce teacher stress and workload. The teacher’s AIEd
assistant will be available through any and all of the teacher’s devices
so that it can be deployed as needed wherever the teacher is working.
Bringing it
all together:
The continuing
race between
education and
We do not lack for predictions of how the existing mix of jobs in the
economy will be upended by the steady rise of the robots, and ever
smarter algorithms deployed on ever bigger data-sets. However, the
implications of this for learning has received relatively little sustained
and serious attention.
Throughout this paper we have set out the AIEd pieces that could
– with further development and smart real-world testing – offer a
proportionate response to the new innovation imperative in education.
Simply stated the imperative is this: as humans live and work alongside
increasingly smart machines, our education systems will need to
achieve at levels that none have managed to date.
Having said this, getting a good job is consistent with the list above.
Indeed, it is one of the central reasons why governments invest
in education.
The table opposite shows our mapping of the tools of AIEd against the
likely requirements of the jobs market in 15 years’ time.
Many of the new Students will need to Give every learner their own
jobs created learn as efficiently and personal tutor, in every subject
will be much effectively as possible
Provide every teacher with their
more cognitively
own AI teaching assistant
demanding than
those currently AIEd to deliver timely, smarter,
available teacher professional development
AIEd tools that help every parent
support their child’s learning
Social skills will be Students need to be Intelligent support for collaborative learning
where humans effective collaborative
continue to excel problem solvers and
makers, able to build on
others’ ideas and extend
and sensitively critique
an argument
We will need to We will need new ways of AIEd tools that support learners to become
re-skill large parts equipping adult learners effective, self-regulated learners for lifelong
of the current with new skills – more learning
workforce – in frequently, quickly,
Lifelong learning companions to advise,
essence, creating and effectively
recommend, and track learning
a learning society
More flexible learning environments,
allowing learners to learn at a time
and a place that works best for them
We will need to do all this without a significant uplift in the MOORE’S LAW
A computing
current investment we make in learning. With the steady term, established
application of Moore’s law, alongside wise investment, there is by Gordon Moore
around 1970,
every reason to believe that the cost of AIEd applications will
which states
diminish overtime, allowing this potential to be realised at a that processor
price that is affordable within current spending parameters. speeds, or overall
processing power
for computers,
Using AIEd to measure education system reform will double every
Once we put the tools of AIEd in place as described above, two years.
The view we have sketched out, that AIEd will play a critical
role in the next phase of education system reform, will not
happen by chance. This takes us to the final section of this
paper: the practical things that need to be done now for the
intelligence of AIEd to be unleashed.
to help us Unleash
Pedagogy Technology
AIEd research has, to date, mainly AIEd is currently something of a cottage
tackled the low-hanging fruit of industry – research and development
education – for example, learning in takes place in small pockets and at
highly structured domains such as modest scale, mostly by researchers
introductory mathematics or physics, with limited funding and without
or applying AI techniques on highly commercial partnerships. The result is
structured datasets such as university that many of the applications that are
administration systems. developed never move beyond the
prototype stage, at which point much
These gains are essential but they of what has been learnt is lost.
are not enough. If we are to bring about
a step-change in the breadth and The solution is not to funnel money into
quality of learning for all learners, the development of a single monolithic
if we are to tackle the persistent and AIEd system that tackles every subject,
unsolved challenges of learning in the and every possible learning scenario.
21st century, funders and researchers
need to go deeper and wider. Instead, success will lie in the
development of a multitude of individual
In short, AIEd needs to begin with the AIEd components that specialise in
pedagogy and be more ambitious! a particular expertise: for example, a
subject area or a specific learner need.
• D
o not get seduced by the To realise this means putting in
technology, start with the learning. place the structures, incentives, and
funding that will allow an ecosystem
• F
ocus existing AIEd funding on the of innovation and collaboration to be
areas that are likely to deliver the created around AIEd.
step-changes in learning that will
make a real difference. Recommendations
• M
ove beyond the disjointed, un- • D
evelop the infrastructure that
prioritised and siloed approaches enables iterative innovation, and
that characterise the current AIEd less re-invention, in AIEd (for example,
funding landscape. APIs, shared data standards, and
• S
cope out a series of ambitious shared learner models).
challenge prizes that begin with • C
reate smart demand for AIEd
insights from the learning sciences technologies. For example,
and educational practice (see governments and philanthropists
overleaf). could guarantee a market for AIEd
solutions that have been shown
to work in real life settings. This
would unlock needed collaborations
between AIEd researchers and
commercial entities.
• F
ound a DARPA for education that
will accelerate the transition of AIEd
tools from the lab into real-world use
(see overleaf).
System change
AIEd will have to function in blended learning
spaces where digital technologies and traditional
classroom activities complement each other.
Realising this means addressing the ‘messiness’
of real classrooms, universities, or workplace-
learning environments, and involving teachers
and learners in the co-design of AIEd so that
our diagram instead looks like this:
• Involve teachers, students, and parents to ensure
that future AIEd systems meet their needs (a
participatory design process that will lead to better
AIEd products, to teachers more knowledgeable
about the processes of learning, and to more
successful learners).
• T
ake the next step to iterate and intelligently
evaluate AIEd applications in real world contexts.
• D
evelop data standards that prioritise both the
sharing of data and the ethics underlying data use.
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