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Promoting transformative
innovation in schools
a Futurelab handbook
Key to themes
Futurelab understands that you may have
specific areas of interest and so, in order
to help you to determine the relevance of
each project or publication to you, we have
developed a series of themes (illustrated by
icons). These themes are not intended to cover
every aspect of innovation and education and,
as such, you should not base your decision on
whether or not to read this publication on the
themes alone. The themes that relate to this
publication appear on the front cover, overleaf,
but a key to all of the current themes that we
are using can be found below:

Digital Inclusion – How the design

and use of digital technologies can
promote educational equality

Teachers and Innovations –

Innovative practices and resources
that enhance learning and teaching

Learning Spaces – Creating

transformed physical and virtual

Mobile Learning – Learning on the

move, with or without handheld

Learner Voice – Listening and acting

upon the voices of learners

Games and Learning – Using games

for learning, with or without gaming

Informal Learning – Learning that

occurs when, how and where the
learner chooses, supported by digital

Learning in Families – Children,

parents and the extended family
learning with and from one another

This report is available to download free of

charge from
Summary 03
1. Introduction: the need for transformative innovation 04
2. Creating cultures of transformative innovation in schools 08
2.1 Starting innovation cycles in school 09
2.2 Developing distributed leadership 11
2.3 Enabling champion(s) of innovations 12
2.4 Rethinking teacher learning 13
2.5 Networks and hubs 15
2.6 Risk and risk management 17
3. Why take the risk? 20
4. Questions to consider for educators 22
5. Tools to support innovation 26
References 30

Dan Sutch, Tim Rudd, Keri Facer

Futurelab 2008
FOREWORD This handbook, however, simply explores the
question ‘why innovate?’ in schools, and leaves
This handbook is the result of input and it to the educators closest to the issues and
insights from a number of practitioners and opportunities to determine the direction and
policy makers in the field, empirical evidence philosophy with which they wish to underpin
and desk research. It arose out of the belief that their innovations.
in order to bring about the educational changes
needed to support young people today, there If you have any comments to make, or
is a need to develop cultures of transformative suggestions about other projects and research
innovation in our schools. we should be aware of, please do let us know.

We would like to thank the numerous experts ^c[[email protected]

from a wide range of fields who gave their
time and effort to contribute to this report
through our online surveys, workshops and ABOUT THE RESEARCH
interviews. In particular we would like to thank The research underpinning this handbook
Brenda Bigland, Matt Buxton, Doug Belshaw, sought to explore examples of innovation,
Mike Davis, Tony Fisher, Jennifer Groff, Avril especially those utilising new digital
Loveless, Michele Selinger, Nick Soucek and technologies, to transform learning. In
Kristian Still for their invaluable contributions. exploring these leading edge examples,
Any omissions or errors, however, are our own. we sought to investigate where teachers’
creative ideas came from, and to understand
This handbook does not attempt to provide a what strategies and processes helped to
definitive ‘how to’ guide to innovation, nor does communicate and embed the innovation.
it address the wider question of system-wide Our information is based on interviews
innovation. Instead, it aims to prompt debate with individuals identified by a wide number
around the nature and purpose of innovation in of key agencies and other experts in the
schools and to share approaches and tools that field of innovation, who were consulted
may promote innovative practice in schools. and interviewed at networking events,
conferences and meetings.
Of course, any discussion of innovation in
education necessarily opens up a host of Teachers were identified through discussion
related debates – from debates on the nature of with key agencies (such as the SSAT and QCA)
curriculum and assessment, to debates on the and further teachers identified iteratively
identity and role of teachers and communities, through conversation with those teachers
to discussions about the relationship between and through their own online networks. In
research and practice in changing teaching total 40 innovative teachers were interviewed
and learning. We cannot begin to address and surveyed using an online survey tool,
all of these issues here, but many are phone and face-to-face meetings. In addition
covered in other Futurelab publications and to these, workshops brought together
we would encourage you to explore these expert practitioners, academics, industry
through our website; in particular, the papers members and policy makers to investigate the
‘Personalisation and Digital Technologies’, opportunities and processes for innovation in
‘Enquiring Minds guide’, ‘Social Software and schools. All of the information gathering and
Learning’, ‘2020 and Beyond’ and ‘Towards analysis built upon an evolving literature search
New Learning Networks’ (see www.futurelab. covering fields including: educational change; map out some of the innovations in business and technology;
fundamental debates about the organisation teacher identity and development; design and
and purpose of education that we feel are development models; change management;
necessary for reimagining our education measures of innovation; and diffusion/sharing
system today. of innovation.

SUMMARY A range of tools and techniques also exist
that can help foster creative thinking,
This handbook aims to offer evidence, insights, problem solving and innovative practices, and
ideas and recommendations that can be built emerging digital technologies also present
upon to support and nurture a culture of new opportunities and social practices that
transformative innovation within education. can lead to more diverse and dynamic learning
experiences by harnessing the potential
Increasingly it is recognised that there is a of a networked society. A broader culture
need to innovate to enable greater creativity, of innovation must be established, so that
flexibility, learner input and so forth, and practice and skills can be shared and suited
to deliver a more personalised educational to local contexts and needs, and so that
system and foster new skills amongst learners. the development of networks and hubs of
There is a need for transformative innovation innovation can emerge to help disseminate and
in order to develop new relationships and diffuse practice.
ways of working, to update approaches, and
to harness the collective social capital and Innovations require a focus on new practice
skills of school communities to deliver better in line with broader educational visions,
learning and teaching. This means challenging and there is a need for subsequent policy
accepted practice and prevailing logic, which changes to facilitate greater innovation;
can place practitioners outside their comfort however, there needs to be a shift of focus to
zone, as many changes that innovations may a model of bottom-up innovation emanating
bring can often be disruptive and challenging from practitioners themselves to ensure a
in the short term. However, evidence suggests sustainable culture of change and development.
that innovation is not only necessary but can A more open approach to the development,
be exciting and rewarding and result in a whole sharing and refinement of materials and
range of benefits. resources also needs to develop, as this is
more likely to encourage a set of localised
Numerous resistances or barriers to solutions to educational challenges suited to
innovation have been highlighted, but many particular contexts.
of these are perceptual, and with effective
strategies, support and the right culture in Innovation can be challenging and hard work,
place, many others can be overcome. There yet the rewards are plentiful. To innovate
is significant room for manoeuvre within requires willingness to try new approaches, and
existing frameworks and policies to find space this can lead to ‘failures’, but if innovation is
for innovation. By re-professionalising the seen as an iterative and ongoing process rather
workforce and empowering teachers to act as than a one-off activity, much can be learnt
innovators, a range of skills and abilities are and shared from these setbacks. Ultimately
modelled to learners. Driving innovation also the consequences of failing to innovate are
requires more imaginative use of resources, far more serious: an education system that
including the skills and abilities of learners, becomes outdated and fails to provide relevant
wider networks and innovators in other fields. educational experiences for learners.

1. Introduction
What are the strategies and tools we need to This paper is not written to promote a specific
fundamentally transform educational practice direction for the transformation of education
and educational institutions to meet the needs (our own preferred direction is articulated
of young people, teachers, communities and elsewhere). Instead, what we are presenting
society today, and respond to the changes here is a set of ideas, possibilities and tools
likely over the coming years? Too often we that we hope will support all of those who are
ask the question – how can we improve what exploring how to fundamentally transform
we are doing? Or, how can we ‘modernise’ educational practice; exploring how, in other
education? Too rarely we ask the question – words, to really innovate.
how do we go about testing out and putting
into practice fundamental change? Or, more
precisely, how can we transform education?

Page 01

‘Innovation’, however, is an over-used word
in the ‘fast-paced, ever-changing, go-getting
21st century’ – everything from toothbrushes to
financial services are described as ‘innovative’ to
the point that the word has become degraded and
reduced to mean, too often, a simple incremental
improvement or addition. This is not the sort of
innovation we are concerned with here.

Instead, when we talk about the need for

innovation, we mean the sort of transformative
innovation that challenges our assumptions
about how we do things. We mean developing


creative approaches to problems, by asking
questions about the status quo, about accepted
practice and about the prevailing ‘logic’ that
permeates the system. As Hargreaves (2000)
argues, “you cannot have innovation without
creativity”, and creativity is not simply about
incremental improvement, it is also a process
which breaks down existing patterns of mind and
develops new ways of doing and seeing things.

One useful definition for innovation is “the
successful exploitation of ideas, generated at
the intersection of invention and insight, which
leads to the creation of social or economic
value”1. This definition stresses three important
elements: that innovation is the exploitation of
ideas (not just the ideas themselves); that those
ideas are generated by mixing creativity and
insight (including understanding the problem
you are attempting to overcome); and that when
applied, the new practice is something valued. being placed upon the development
This is the sort of innovation we are interested of creative, collaborative and thinking skills,
in here: radical and challenging (it asks amongst others. The economic imperative for
questions about the underlying assumptions of the development of a creative and innovative
education), informed by insight and knowledge workforce and set of practices has been
of the problems that education faces, and made by many commentators, thinkers and
committed to making a difference to the Government bodies (see for example NESTA
education system. 2007; DIUS 2008). This sees a demand placed
upon educators to engage in significant
This sort of innovation is increasingly required curriculum debates, to ask the question ‘what
in order to make the sorts of fundamental is education for’, and to change how education
changes in educational practice that are is organised in response to these questions.
needed to respond to social and technological
developments. At the same time, these information and
communications technologies are also
For example, the changes in organisation of beginning to offer new approaches to accessing
working and social life and in local and global and sharing information2. The possibilities are
relations that have been brought about by emerging for a much more diverse group of
the use of information and communications people to become content creators, editors and
technologies increasingly place demands on members of broader learning communities, to
schools to change not only how they teach but work with others beyond traditional boundaries
what they teach, with an ever greater emphasis and groupings, to connect to experts and

1. The description was shared as part of an informal

network developed around Jon Burg’s blog ‘Future Visions’.
2. See for example: Opening Education: Social Software and Learning. A Futurelab publication looking at the
potential of social software for learning ( See also Futurelab’s Learner
Voice Handbook (
learners with similar interests, to capture,
store and tag data, and to share their work,
reflect and discuss the learning processes
with a range of others3.

There is a misguided perception, however,

that the introduction of new technologies in
classrooms automatically engenders the sorts
of transformations in practice necessary to
develop new skills and competencies amongst
young people. This is not necessarily the case.
New technologies offer great possibilities
but ultimately they can just as easily be used

to cement or embed existing practices, to “ A system-wide strategy to help the

modernise methods and processes, but do teaching profession innovate, to do things
little to challenge the underpinning orthodoxy. differently in order to do them better, is
As the OECD and many others have argued key to transforming pupils’ learning and
for many years now, to achieve new educational achievement, on which our vision is based”
objectives and to fully exploit the new (p34)... “It also requires the education system
technologies able to support these, requires a to improve the way that knowledge about
fundamental reorganisation of curriculum and personalising learning is captured and
teaching in schools: transferred within and between schools, to
create a system for educational innovation

“ Powerful tensions exist between traditional that is better able to meet the challenges
curricula-based on well-defined content ahead.” (p41)
and rules for students to learn and be able
to reproduce – and the open, skills-based, It has been argued that we are moving toward
student-centred approaches supported by a situation where “change in education may
ICT. Dominant curricular and organisational now be thought of as a constant condition,
1 patterns in school were not designed for the
Internet age, and often inhibit its effective
rather than an event”4. This is particularly
true as new tools are developed, new social
use. ICT offers some gain for traditional relationships evolve and new possibilities
curriculum delivery, but its full educational emerge. In developing skills in learners such as
potential cannot be realised without creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, the
radical changes in school structures and role of the teacher theoretically moves towards
methodologies.” OECD, Learning to Change: that of an innovator, entrepreneur and creator
ICT in Schools (2001), p15 [our emphasis] of emergent knowledge, as opposed to that of
transmitter of fixed curricula. These sorts of
These arguments have also underpinned changes are those which Cornu (1995) suggests
many of the recent calls for personalisation will be at the core of a “new professionalism”
of education. And indeed, the idea of in teaching.
‘personalisation’ itself now implies the need
to develop radically different relationships Currently, however, most teacher innovation
between teachers, learners, schools and tends to relate to what might be termed
communities. It suggests a reorganisation ‘sustaining innovation’, that is, changing the
of schooling around the needs of individual activities within a given structure, rather than
learners; the requirement to develop new adopting transformational or ‘disruptive’
structural and organisational relationships innovation practices. In other words, currently
between different educational institutions; most creative use of resources is applied to
the need to develop new professional identities differentiate or to adapt pre-defined activities
for educators to support learners’ progress that usually sit within the National Curriculum,
through multiple choices; and the need to particular schemes of work, or perceived
empower learners to make informed decisions school requirements.
about educational trajectories. These needs
will not be met simply through a process of However, if we are to meet the challenges
‘improvement’ or ‘modernisation’. Instead, and opportunities presented by a condition
as the Education 2020 Review argued: of ‘constant change’, we need to consider
how teachers can be empowered to innovate

3. For some examples, see

4. Futurelab literature review: Teachers Learning with Digital Technologies: A review of research and projects, p5
in ‘disruptive’ or ‘radical’ ways that may well they find that schools are applying to them for
challenge existing practice and lead to more permission to make changes for which they do
transformational change. not need to request permission. They argue, in
fact, that schools have more freedom to make
Where the last 20 years or so have seen a change than they currently believe.
movement away from localised innovation,
today new freedoms and opportunities are While educators, familiar with a centralised
beginning to emerge in guidance and policy, model of decision making that has developed
which may serve as sanctions and permission over the last 20 years, may understandably
for this sort of transformative innovation. greet these changes and opportunities with
a degree of scepticism, the fact remains that
For example, the QCA Big Picture Curriculum these institutions and policies do now begin to
initiative refocuses attention on the goals of open up a degree of space for transformative


education and actively encourages educators innovation that has been lacking for some
to fundamentally rethink how they organise time. The question is – how might schools
curriculum and learning in their schools. now respond to these opportunities?
It promotes diversity in models of teaching
and learning, and encourages exploration In the light of these observations, this paper
of new relationships between subjects, adopts a positive tone. Not only is there strong
between teachers and young people and in the evidence of teachers’ ability to innovate, there
organisation of time and space. The changes are also both opportunities and support for
at Key Stage 3 begin to offer a clear space for innovative practice emerging within policy and
rethinking a whole raft of educational practices. guidance, and there are clear and pressing

social, educational and technological motors
The UN Convention on the Rights of the for change to encourage and sustain innovation.
Child is also beginning to permeate education
policy, opening up the potential to argue for This handbook then, starts from a position
a reorganisation of the relationships between that educators are interested in achieving real
adults and children in the educational contract. progress in their work and that the challenge
The emphasis upon ‘personalisation’ and
the new working relationships with children’s
remains, after a long period in which innovation
has been centralised, to rebuild the capacity and
services and extended schooling further create cultures of localised innovation in our schools.
the opportunity to develop fundamentally new
relationships between parents, communities, We start, therefore, by discussing the practices
teachers, children and other education providers. and principles which have been identified
as able to promote the creation of cultures
The Building Schools for the Future of innovation in schools, based upon our
programme, and the Primary Capital interviews, workshops and desk research.
Programme, all provide opportunities for
school leaders and local authorities to radically We then flag up a series of questions that
transform the space and environments for educators might ask themselves at the start of
education, and demand that educators ask this process. These are intended to act as a way of
challenging questions about the purpose and translating the research evidence into useful and
role of education in their communities. practical tools for supporting change in schools.

At the same time, organisations such as the We then present a range of different ‘innovation
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust and techniques’ and tools that have been identified
Innovation Unit have both been established to as potentially useful in the field. In the main,
promote innovation (in the organisation and these techniques are focused upon challenging
governance of schooling for example) and have ingrained habits of mind and supporting the
also repeatedly argued that schools have more playful and creative exploration of new ideas.
freedom to innovate than they are aware of.
The Innovation Unit, for example, used to run5
the Power to Innovate initiative which enables
schools to apply to the Secretary of State to
suspend regulatory requirements for a time-
limited period so they may trial innovative
approaches. Often, however, it is reported that

5. The running of this initiative is now with the DCSF. See:
2. Creating cultures
of transformative
innovation in schools
In developing this research, we interviewed and The following discussion provides an overview of
surveyed 40 teachers who have been identified inter-related strategies, principles and practices
as leading innovators; we ran workshops with that may support educators to overcome these
experts in the field of educational change; and barriers in order to enable greater opportunities
we surveyed the literature referring to change for transformative innovation in schools.
management and innovation in and outside We do not address here the more systemic
education. In these discussions and reviews developments that would be required at policy and
we mapped out over 300 distinct issues that system level to promote innovation, although we
educators and others identified as barriers acknowledge their importance; instead, our focus
to engaging in transformative innovation in is on identifying issues likely to be of significance
education. These resistances were clustered to headteachers and classroom practitioners.
around: risk, relationships, professional identity,
ownership of change, tools and resources.
We then returned to our interviews and the
literature to explore the ways in which different
educators, researchers and other innovators had
successfully overcome these barriers in the past.


Reflection and

© Jack Goffe/Digital Dialogues

2.1 Starting innovation and creative approaches and ways of
finding solutions, as well as employing
cycles in school alternative methods and strategies for
One of the key lessons from our review and idea development and visioning the ‘future’.
consultation is that innovations often fail when This is a stage where many of the tools
they are perceived as not being aligned with for creative thinking and visioning can be
the cultural values and beliefs of schools, employed to break existing habits of mind.
when they are seen as externally imposed, or
when there is a dependence upon external _ Application: the use of strategies and
resources (including people) to enable changes organisational structures to implement
to happen (Zhao et al 2002). For a culture of new approaches, including key issues


transformative innovation to flourish, therefore, around innovation diffusion and routes
it needs to be allied with, or develop from, to successful implementation which


problems or ideas that are central to the core may themselves require new practice to
values and goals of a school, its community and emerge. This is a stage when the model
the people within it. With the initiative and drive of leadership and management becomes
coming from within a school itself, external critical to sustain and embed an innovation.
support is recast as an aid to innovation and
the innovation is supported by the momentum _ Reflection and communication: ensuring
of the organisation. strategies in place are effective, regularly
reviewed and refined, and that they are
This is a critical distinction from a model of disseminated to, and understood by,
innovation that focuses on ‘best’ or even ‘next’ all those affected. Effective social and
practice or which seeks to promote simply a support networks need to be established
set of new ideas generated from outside the to foster continued innovative practice.
school. Instead, it suggests a different model, New ideas and opportunities may then
more akin to problem-solving, that is premised be identified to begin the next cycle of
upon a cyclical, iterative and reflective process. innovation. This is a stage when the
This starts with insight into the problems,
models of communication and networking
issues and opportunities faced by a particular are critical to ensure that innovations are
school, and works through these, drawing in diffused throughout the system – they are
challenging insights and perspectives from presented here as a joint activity as the
others along the way, before leading to sharing reflections must be shared, just as much
of lessons learned, transformed practice in that as the activity and aims.
setting and the development of new problems
to be identified.
This perspective of innovation as a cyclical
process that is constantly in development,
This implies the creation of a culture of innovation
suggests a very different model of innovation
which is built upon cycles of insight, invention,
from the ‘transfer’ of one good example
application, reflection and communication:
of practice to another setting. And as such,
it has a number of implications.
_ Insight: this starts with problem
identification, building knowledge of the field
First, it requires seeing educators involved
and also exploring the routes for finding
in innovation as professionally curious and
solutions and the tools to help deliver them.
exploratory, as individuals and groups who
This is also a critical point for generating
enquire into their environment and constantly
buy-in and support from a wide range of
seek to develop new responses to it. Second,
stakeholders in the identification of problems
it suggests a new approach to risk, in that
and issues, and for learning from others
innovations are not expected to ‘succeed’
about the issues they have identified as
at all costs, instead, as part of a cyclical
important concerns or opportunities.
process of development, ‘failures’ are critical
to the learning process. And finally, it offers a
_ Invention: this comprises creative processes
communal and shared approach, in that defining
of developing new ideas and challenging
problems, inventing new approaches, bringing in
existing ‘logic’ or practices. It brings in
new ideas and embedding innovations are seen
diverse forms of expertise and knowledge
as collaborative endeavours.
to develop ideas. It necessitates different

Without this cyclical approach, too often
‘innovations’ are merely incremental and Brenda Bigland, Headteacher at Lent Rise
short-lived and a wider culture of innovation School in Buckinghamshire, states that a
is unlikely to flourish. With this approach, “team culture: ‘where one goes, we all go’”
however, openness to ideas is encouraged, is important. She goes on to explain that it is
the role of risk and failure is understood, difficult to make the progress that Lent Rise
exploration of problems and creative solutions has made unless the staff are enthused and
are cast as enjoyable activities, and are brought along as accomplices. She believes
intimately bound up with the development of strongly that the first step is the building of
new networks and relationships. a culture, a supporting ethos, team work and
risk taking. “It is not just about ICT. You could

Essentially, this requires the development of put anything into this school and it would work
a culture in a school which sees all members because we would do it together.”

of that community as potentially creative:

In Lent Rise everyone has the opportunity to
“ The creative force encourages people lead. “When they are ready, they will tell me.
to be innovative and exploratory in their They lead in their classrooms, as coordinators,
behaviour... If one accepts the benefits of project leaders, leaders on the charter mark,
creative approaches and one accepts that all the things that we need to do to keep
all people are capable of creativity and one validating ourselves. You can’t get one person
wishes to develop creativity in teachers and who leads everything; you have to make sure
their students, then one should affect the everyone gets that chance. One day people
environment to favour creativity over entropy. lead; next day they will support so that they
A teacher can do this in his or her classroom understand both sides. I ensure that they
by creating a safe learning environment get the credit and credibility for what they
for his or her pupils to explore ideas. A have done. They do the work; they get the
Headteacher can do this in his or her school accolades.”
by creating an ethos that is supportive of
creativity.” Brant (2006, pp27-28)
2 The remainder of this discussion will explore
the different ways in which the creation of an
environment that is supportive of creativity
might be made possible. We suggest that this
is dependent upon:

_ distributed leadership
_ champions of innovations
_ new approaches to teacher learning
_ networks and hubs
_ strategies to manage and
communicate risk.

2. Developing distributed for leading innovation, a management
structure needs to be put in place that
leadership allows such a model to operate in a coherent
Building a culture of transformative innovation and organised manner. This means that
premised upon creativity is not, clearly, simply senior management has a clear role in
about ‘letting go’ and waiting to see what ideas actively promoting innovation across the
bubble up. Instead, it requires significant hard school community, providing clear support,
work, team building and leadership, as the appropriate resources and communication
example of Lent Rise (see boxout) suggests. channels. It must ensure appropriate success
Indeed, our review and consultation suggested measures are identified, keep relevant
a need for a fresh perspective on leadership, documentation and also ensure impacts


what it means, and how it might operate in and lessons learnt are disseminated and
schools to promote transformative innovation. celebrated. It may also play a critical role
in creating permission for radical change

2.2 Developing distributed leadership

Hoyle (1976) highlighted two polarised forms by facilitating system-wide communications,
of organisation in schools: a bureaucratic and managing the risks around innovations
(hierarchical) model, categorised by fixed, (see later section on risk).
rigid roles for teaching staff, clear and definite
rules and hierarchical power relationships; 3. Exploring new models of leadership that
and a non-bureaucratic model, which has operate outside existing structures
fewer rules, structures, hierarchical and fixed Outside education, we are seeing a rise in new
relationships and has greater flexibility in terms models of ideas generation and dissemination
of curriculum, approach and school policies6. through movements such as Creative
When we look at the type of leadership Commons7. These are also facilitated by social
required to promote transformative innovation, software tools and online communities such
however, we see a need both for clear central as,,
management and for distribution of autonomy, that can help sharing
to diverse groups and individuals. contacts, information and processes. In
respect of education, these tools and practices
In practice, this translates into a number of
key points:
offer new possibilities for learning within
communities which enable teachers and
students alike to create and share content,
1. Recognising that leadership of innovation ideas and approaches. Seely Brown8 refers to
may and can come from a range of sources the “new forms of apprenticeship” that occur
In a cyclical model of innovation, leadership on the internet, where young people learn a
needs to come from those who are as close to practice through creating, tinkering, sharing
understanding the problems and opportunities and building on one another’s creations. This
as possible. This may include ‘traditional’ new kind of apprenticeship takes a different
school leaders, newly qualified teachers, view on the way in which people learn from
technicians, students, or anyone within the those around them.
school community. Leadership may therefore
come from those who have the passions and One longer term implication of exploring
specific knowledge to lead change and the new models of leadership and the use of
motivation to bring about improvements. The online tools to support this, is that learners
challenge is identifying and enabling those and teachers can take on the role of
who are passionate, knowledgeable and able developers and designers, developing their
to influence others to promote change, and own networks, information literacies and
being open to the possibility that this may tools for innovation. This can even be taken
come from ‘unusual suspects’. a step further if teachers and pupils become
involved in the trialling and development of
2. Reviewing the role of senior new prototype technologies, forging links
management teams with industry, which in turn adds a greater
While it is important to devolve leadership relevance and impact to the activities.
to staff and students, there is still a need Distributing leadership opens the possibility
for strong central management to ensure for multiple channels and partnerships to be
cohesion, rigour and diffusion of effective built with the wider community, and for greater
innovations. With empowered professional cross-fertilisation of ideas between educators
educators and students taking responsibility and diverse sectors.

6. See Somekh et al (1997) for a more detailed description.

2.3 Enabling champion(s) These activities are critical to the success
of any innovation and are often very difficult
of innovations to achieve. Indeed, it is likely that many of
Promoting a distributed leadership model these activities will provide insurmountable
is also related to the process of uncovering obstacles if they are not confronted by
and promoting those who have a desire or individuals and groups with a real passion
capacity to act as ‘champions of innovation’ and motivation to make change. This is why
in a school. Champions of innovation are the role of the ‘champion’ is critical to ensuring
critical to the success of transformative transformative innovation is able to happen
innovation, as they have the passion and – without that motivation, change is likely to
desire to overcome resistances because be incremental rather than fundamental.

they are strongly motivated to share their

approaches. In practice, champions play Talking with a wide range of innovative teachers
as part of our research, it became clear that
2.3 Enabling champion(s) of innovations

diverse roles in mobilising and enabling

transformative innovation: they emerged as champions of innovation
because of their desire and beliefs, rather than
_ they identify opportunities and challenges in response to a ‘formal’ role position. Where
they were most successful was where they
_ they drive projects through and keep
were able to mobilise the people, time, space
them going
and resources to support change; where they
_ they scaffold conversations with other were able to listen to diverse perspectives and
stakeholders and bring people into the vision be supportive of the wide range of practices
_ they help minimise and share risks that develop in innovation; and where they
_ they share findings and impacts internally had a wider understanding of the potential
and externally with other innovative applications of their innovation to support
practitioners or networks longer term educational change.
_ they sustain and diffuse the innovation
School leaders have a responsibility, then,
_ they help colleagues and students to develop
not necessarily to ‘appoint’ innovation
2 their own innovative practice or projects.
champions, but to understand how to support
and encourage them where they emerge, and
to ensure that they are able to access the
resources, perspectives and bigger picture to
help translate their enthusiasm into shared
practice. Importantly, however, this is not
a recommendation to necessarily identify
a school ‘innovation champion’, rather it is
a recommendation to nurture the diverse
passions, interests and motivation of different
teachers as they identify different problems
and solutions they wish to develop.

2.4 Rethinking teacher For a culture of cyclical innovation to develop,
this perception of teachers and the consequent
learning emphasis upon de-contextualised professional
“ If educational change is viewed as a development must change. One way of
complex system, it emphasizes the need to envisaging this change is to explore the concept,
accompany change with a framework for drawn from studies of technology development,
long-term teacher learning because change of teachers as ‘end-user innovators’.
is, in essence, learning to do something
differently, involving adjustments to many Eric von Hippel (2005) describes end-user
elements of classroom practice.” GF Hoban, innovation – that created by practitioners –
Teacher Learning for Educational Change: A as the most important and influential form


systems thinking approach (OUP 2002), p39 of innovation. He argues that empowering
end-user innovation encourages teachers to
The principle of promoting and nurturing freely reveal their innovations, using methods
teacher creativity and the capacity to champion such as those found in open source communities,
innovation goes to the heart of debates on the often sharing them with others within networked

2.4 Rethinking teacher learning

identity of teachers as professionals, and the communities. This process of sharing practice
types of teacher development, training and has similar intended results as ‘best practice’
learning that schools may wish to promote approaches but is continually reborn and
in order to encourage the initiation and uptake developed through use and need, rather than
of transformative innovation. through a hierarchically organised system.
Essentially, for transformative innovation
A significant barrier to transformative to occur, teachers need to be empowered
innovation identified in the research literature to innovate through distributed leadership,
and consultation was that a teacher’s role is to be given a role in mobilising change and to
often perceived, both by teachers themselves try alternative practices and approaches and
and by others, as that of ‘practitioner’ rather share them with others – the process of sharing
than intellectual educationalist able to that transfers ownership of the innovation
identify problems and work with others and becomes fundamental.
with research to develop their own solutions
(Clandinin 1986; Eraut 1994). Research
shows that such perceptions affect the type
and delivery of training and professional
development, as well as teachers’ actual
capacity to innovate (Kompf et al 1996).

It is often reported, for example, that professional

development can be dislocated from practice, be
inappropriate, non-transferable, siloed, lacking
in support from management, poorly financed,
a one-off activity, with tools and opportunities
to sustain the practice unavailable. Moreover, it
is often based around targets or ideals relating
to immediate concerns and therefore can in
fact be ‘conservative’ or regulatory rather than
transformational in effect. The focus upon
pragmatic approaches that mirror those found
to be successful elsewhere, often described
as ‘best practice’ or ‘good practice’, can also
undermine the development of more customised
and suitable solutions. This model of professional
development is underpinned by a notion of a
teacher not as a creative professional enquirer,
who needs to be supported to develop her own
solutions and responses to problems, but as a
practitioner, whose role is not to initiate change
and respond to their assessment of need, but
to deliver existing ideas of practice irrespective
of contextual distinctions.

Another approach is to re-design professional As well as playing a role in nurturing the
development completely. Adey (2006) for dispositions and capacities of teachers to
example, promotes reflective professional innovate, professional learning also needs
learning premised upon the “freedom for to be integrated into the cycle of innovation
teachers to innovate” rather than following in schools so as to increase the likelihood of
predetermined programmes, and which wider adoption and adaptation. In order for this
acknowledges that: to be successful the following principles need
to be in place:
“ …there are no short-cuts or quick fixes, and
anyone who desires to make real changes _ the school culture needs to strongly support
in schools has to be prepared for the cost ongoing professional learning to allow time

and effort of professional development for innovations to be explored and adapted

programmes lasting months if not years.” as part of practice
_ innovative ideas and possibilities need
This suggests the development of models of to be connected to local and specific
professional learning which are intimately circumstances, and potential for adaptation
2.4 Rethinking teacher learning

tied up with ongoing cycles of innovation and and change needs to be built into the
development as part of the everyday work of exploration of the ideas
teachers. The need, then, is for professional
_ leadership and management teams need
development to provide challenge and support
to be supportive of ideas and open to new
‘in context’ and to create cultures in which
approaches and practices
ideas and possibilities are widely discussed,
explored and tested in practice. The shift _ professional learning needs to be informed
towards a ‘Masters level’ profession, with the by wider debates on the nature, purpose and
consequent emphasis upon the development potential future changes in education in order
of research and enquiry skills, would seem to provide an informed context in which to
to open up possibilities in this direction. measure the appropriateness of innovations
_ measurements of success for innovations
This is not to suggest that teacher learning need to be judged against a far richer set
2 should become wholly inward facing. After
all, the evidence suggests that teachers
of criteria than existing student performance
criteria. They need to be considered in the
need a whole set of inspirational and creative longer term, and also in relation to their
resources and examples that show evidence wider impact on the culture and practice
of benefits and impact before they will change of the school.
their own or more broadly accepted practice
(Snoeyink and Ertmer 2001; Cox et al 1999;
Yuen and Ma 2002). Teacher learning therefore
needs to create opportunities for and promote
acceptance of the exploration of a wide range
of different ideas, tools and practices. The
highly innovative teachers we worked with were
characterised by a tendency to investigate new
tools and approaches from a diverse range of
sources, including: exploring ideas emanating
from sporadic personal networks; personal
investigation; incorporating their investigations
in other areas of professional life (for example
post-graduate study); using recommendations
from agencies, press and colleagues; and
linking to established innovative networks.
Any change in professional development also
needs to specifically address aspects such as
confidence, risk-taking, professional vision and
broader relationships to changes in education
and society more generally.

2.5 Networks and hubs and challenges in new ways9 within schools or
amongst a wider community. See for example
“ Innovations happen at the intersection of;;
disciplines. The problem may reside in www.stixy.com10.
one domain of expertise and the solution
may reside in another.” Karim Lakhani To stimulate the development of new ideas
Many networks or communities in education
Sustaining and developing cycles of innovation are quite narrowly focused. It is worth looking
in schools requires educators to look beyond at networks in different sectors, subjects,
the boundaries of subject areas and schools disciplines and fields to find greater inspiration
to diverse networks and resources. There are and variation in approaches that can act


a range of ways in which these networks play as a stimulus to original practice. There is
important roles in refining and sustaining greater likelihood of transformative innovation
innovation (and, perhaps more importantly, if practitioners draw on all the potential
in maintaining the confidence and morale of resources around them, and this includes
innovators trying risky and challenging things). utilising skills, tools and knowledge of a much
broader community. Examples can be found at
To manage information,
Teachers are faced with a plethora of initiatives,
and messages emanating from a range of

2.5 Networks and hubs

external organisations, which present problems To develop opportunities to work with
both of information management and of different sectors and disciplines
distinguishing between what is merely new
and what is fundamentally transformative. “ Allowing different sorts of knowledge,
The innovative practitioners interviewed in disciplines and expertise to collide produces
our research highlighted the importance of the spark of a new idea and what’s needed
identifying mediating organisations, agencies to turn it into an innovation.” Towards
and individuals able to give an insight into Education for Innovation (Hargreaves 2000,
cutting edge and future practice. They identified in Reiss et al), p6
the need to think critically about much of the
advice offered on best practice, and to consider While networks and online resources allow 2
whether it is a conservative force rather than educators to share experiences of their
advice that stimulates innovative practice. They individual work, this is not the same as
also identified the importance of using these developing opportunities to actively work
trusted agencies to filter the diverse examples with others from different disciplines and
of practice that exist in order to showcase what perspectives. In attempting to develop truly
was truly distinctive. transformative innovations, it is likely to be
important for educators to find (or create)
To help share successes and failures in opportunities to work together with others
safe spaces from a wide range of different perspectives,
It is important for practitioners who are seeking as it is only through the processes of
to introduce new and innovative approaches collaboration and co-working that the real
to participate in networks or communities distinctions in perspective and understanding
which are also encouraging of innovation. become visible and refined.
Opportunities for both informal and formal
sharing of ideas, approaches, broader visions
and reasons for innovation, successes and
failures are essential to the development
of ideas and to ensuring that knowledge is
transferred and sustained. These networks
may not only be virtual or outside the school,
but informal communication channels in
particular are vital, providing space and the
right environment to engage in open and
honest ideas sharing that can develop trust and
questioning between colleagues. Resources
exist that readily allow learners and teachers
alike to investigate and think about key issues

9. For examples, see

10. For an overview of these and other such resources visit
of tools specific to local needs. The notion
of a hub, therefore, is a place where a range
of approaches are shared together to give a
broader picture of change and development,
exemplified by physical and virtual sites such as and

Where access to such hubs is difficult,

opportunities to collaborate with non-
educators such as artists or scientists through
projects like Creative Partnerships can offer

the opportunity to look at old problems with

fresh eyes. In other cases, identifying shared
problems across subject areas, around which
people can come together to work on within
a school, can also serve to foreground the
multiple ways in which individual problems
or issues might be challenged – how could
techniques and ideas from science teaching
inform thinking about PE? How might drama
2.5 Networks and hubs

approaches transform questions of pastoral

care and exclusion? Finally, simply creating
a hub that brings together different age groups
and different stakeholders to explore ideas
and challenges might offer some of the same
opportunities to work on issues from multiple
perspectives (Grant 2008).

To share innovations and get feedback

2 A key reason to participate in diverse networks
is also to contribute to the general pool of
resources and support that will help to promote
local and national ‘ecologies’ of innovation. This
This might include, for example, finding sharing needs not only to communicate the
opportunities to participate in ‘incubation outcomes of innovation (as in old ‘best practice’
spaces’, consisting of diverse individuals from models) but also to communicate the principles
different fields who are collectively interested and reasons for the innovative practice, in
in creating social innovations. Such spaces order to better help others to decide whether
can enable practitioners to find out about and how to adapt and appropriate it for their
new opportunities and ideas being tried out, own specific circumstances. It is, in essence,
share their own innovative practice and ideas, important to share the culture, principles and
and give and receive help and support for approaches of practice through networks and
getting projects off the ground. They can act hubs of innovation, as much as the content of
as a catalyst for change, offering support the practice itself. Traditionally there has been
and information that can mediate perceived some reluctance from teachers in sharing
risks through linking with a dynamic network their work with others and making it more
of practitioners who have experience in publicly available. However, this is an essential
approaching things differently. ingredient if innovation is to be diffused across
the system and have the greatest impact. This
The multi-disciplinary approach to design might be viewed as more of an ‘open source’
fosters greater detail in the development approach where the innovation, no matter
of ideas, encouraging collaborators to share where it emanates from, is seen as being
reasoning and approaches as much as final owned by the community, who can use, share,
decisions. The development of such hubs can edit and amend the innovation depending on
also lead to new partnerships and the creation their needs and circumstances.

2.6 Risk and risk Engaging with and getting buy-in from a wide
and varied range of stakeholders for new
management approaches from the outset is essential, not
“ There is always the risk that as a teacher only because it makes the success of the
you are accountable for the success or innovation more likely, but because potentially
otherwise of any innovation – if it goes there is also a greater pool from which to find
horribly wrong for example... some teachers solutions. Moreover, they widen the investment
are often encouraged to take risks, many in the innovation, share some of the risks and
schools that stand out from the norm increase the likelihood of innovation diffusion.
are schools where things are often done All of this becomes particularly important when
differently.” Secondary teacher there are significant financial and resource


investments required, and also where there
There were significant resistances to innovation might be conflict between the stability of
identified by teachers, research and policy traditional practice and the disruptive nature
makers which could be characterised as of the innovation.
concerns about the ‘risks’ of innovation: the
risk of failure, risk of wasting time, risk of Develop appropriate success measures –

2.6 Risk and risk management

expenditure that couldn’t be justified, risk of more diverse
criticism from parents, inspectors, governors It is critical to understand, when beginning
or students, and so forth. All of these risks any innovation process, the sorts of success
are real and serious concerns, and need to measures that the innovation is working
be addressed in order to facilitate and promote towards and to ensure that these can be
innovation. A number of key strategies were measured using appropriate techniques.
identified through our consultation: Often, when attempting truly fundamental
changes, different evaluation measures from
Practical risk management those that are traditionally accepted may be
There are practical strategies that can be necessary. It is important not simply to state
implemented to manage risk. At a practical that existing measures won’t be sufficient, but
level, always piloting and prototyping rather to articulate, in ways that can be understood
than moving to wholesale change, will allow
lower risk taking. Ongoing monitoring of impact
by stakeholders and collaborators, the sorts
of evidence of change and impact you are
and distinct ‘break points’ allow innovators to looking for. This may require the development
keep a close eye on developments and identify of novel techniques – involving young people as
any issues emerging. Again, if teachers, researchers and informants, or the use of video
students and schools are working and aligning and other data collection techniques. Whatever
themselves with other innovative practitioners is selected, however, needs to allow you to fully
and networks, they will also be able to learn explain the impact of the innovation in ways
from the lessons of others, reducing risks on that can be easily understood by the community
an ongoing basis. you are hoping to influence.

Get stakeholder buy-in “If you are evaluating, learning from mistakes,
Taking early action, identifying supporters negotiating, listening – and you have an exit
from within and beyond the school, drawing strategy – then risks are calculated ones.
on evidence, and developing clear methods Even when the stakes are high, you use the
and approaches to communication become resources to learn and move the organisation
extremely important in managing risk. forward. Risk cannot be avoided and shouldn’t
be. It is risks that arise from work that has
“ There was a slight risk that in the early not been properly thought through and shared
stages the project might not be acceptable to that should be avoided.” Teacher reporting
a minority of colleagues. If that minority was approaches to risk management
too large there would be no ‘critical mass’…
my strategy was of working firstly with willing
individuals in all departments and we soon
were able to ‘court’ the few more hesitant
individuals.” Secondary teacher reporting
risk management approach

2.6 Risk and risk management

Creative approaches to managing costs Making visible the risk of ‘doing nothing’
Innovation is often perceived as having a cost What is often overlooked when the risks of
because of the lack of time and funding that innovation are discussed, is the risk of ‘doing
is available to investigate new approaches and nothing’. At a time when there are significant
ideas. However, with the support of leadership socio-economic, technological and cultural
2 teams, there are ways in which teachers can
find time to trial new approaches. Creative
changes in progress – at a time when we
know we do not yet meet the needs of all young
approaches to timetabling, providing cover people today – the risks of ‘doing nothing’ may
and changing the focus of lessons to actually need to be more clearly and loudly articulated.
explore the innovations with learners as an
exploratory learning activity or related to
aspects of the curriculum, are just a few of the
possibilities. Examples can be seen at national
level in approaches such as Opening Minds11,
Enquiring Minds12 and work undertaken within
the QCA’s co-development network13.

Accepting risk of failure as part of the process

Truly innovative environments acknowledge
that failure is likely to be part of many attempts
to develop new approaches. The point at which
failure becomes a cost to a system, is the
point at which nothing more can be learnt and
transformed into new practice. If there is no
ongoing cycle of innovation, in which failures
can inform new approaches, then the cost of
failure is unacceptable as it will have had no
benefits. If, on the other hand, all failures
serve to provide more information, evidence
and opportunity for professional learning,
then the costs of failure are balanced by the
benefits it offers to the system.

2.6 Risk and risk management

3. Why take the risk?
Our interviews, workshops and desk research _ giving others a voice in the development
emphasised the extent to which engaging of approaches and therefore greater
in transformative innovation was personally understanding of choices and alternative
and professionally fulfilling for many of those methods of problem solving
involved. From existing evidence, just some _ modelling innovative behaviours to learners
of the benefits resulting from the creation of to enhance creativity and problem solving
cultures of innovation in schools include: techniques
_ enabling schools and teachers to adapt _ forming closer relationships with learners
to new circumstances, environments and and other stakeholders as co-designers and
‘educational climates’ problem solvers
_ improving professional skills and developing _ understanding local needs but engaging with
new practices diverse educational and non-educational
_ empowering professionals, giving them populations to find solutions
more responsibility and ownership over both _ greater understanding of the wider context
problems and solutions of media and tools development and the
_ embedding innovation at the local level and alternative possibilities, messages and
sharing solutions with others approaches that can and have been adopted.
_ developing the practice of co-design, involving
others in finding solutions

There is no doubt that attempting to challenge There are many examples of innovative
the status quo, attempting to find ways around approaches and transformative practice,
the often frustrating constraints in which despite both real and perceived constraints,
schools need to operate, and creating space which suggests there is space and opportunity
to think about the ‘big questions’ that face for innovative action given the support and drive
education, is hard. But what is also clear, is to do so, but for this sort of practice to flourish
that for those who are involved in these cycles requires the development of communities and
of innovation on a day-to-day basis, this activity hubs that can transfer and share insights, so a
is both rewarding and, in their eyes, critical to bottom-up approach to transformation develops.
the future shape of education in the UK. Indeed,
many of the innovative teachers interviewed
made clear the deep sense of ownership and
value they placed on their innovations.

Many also reported being very angry about

the ways in which so much potential for using
innovations to support effective learning and
teaching was lost or limited because of the
demands of a rigid, exam-orientated approach
to the curriculum. Many felt it was their
“responsibility to take the children, the staff

Why take the risk?

and the community [they] work with and for
into the 21st century”.

4. Questions to
consider for educators
This section takes the general issues we have
discussed so far and translates them into a
series of prompts for educators to consider
when approaching the question of how to
develop and promote a culture of transformative
innovation in their school. These questions
will, for many educators, be familiar and many
will already be developing their own answers;
some questions, however, may be new to all or
a useful starting point for those just beginning
the challenging process of exploring how to
instigate fundamental educational change.

Developing distributed leadership
_ Have you explored the whole concept of
leadership and what this means in different
aspects of education?
_ Have you considered alternative distributed
leadership models for different areas or
_ Could pupils, parents, members of the
wider community or local business be given
leadership opportunities?
_ Can and should leadership be distributed
more widely amongst staff?
_ How much autonomy do different groups in
the school have to identify new approaches

Questions to consider for educators

to education that they would want to explore:
_ Heads of department or year?
_ ASTs?
_ NQTs?
Starting cycles of innovation _ Teachers?
_ Looking at past innovations in the school, _ Students?
how successful have they been in stimulating, _ Parents?
embedding and sustaining truly innovative
_ Should there be a designated lead or leaders
practice? Were these innovations shared
dealing with aspects of innovation?
more widely across the school and wider
Enabling champions of innovation
_ What mechanisms or forums are in place to _ Should you identify those individuals or
discuss and share new practice?
_ To what extent have past innovations worked
groups best placed or most willing to explore
and promote innovation in your institution? 4
with or attempted to challenge the status quo? _ Can time, space, resources and training be
_ Will your planned innovative practice have made for such individuals?
maximum impact? Does your innovation _ Are there appropriate mechanisms available
have the constituent components of insight, for them to share their findings, approaches
invention, application, and reflection and and innovations with others both inside and
communication? outside the institution?
_ Have you developed a broad and compelling _ Do they have the opportunity to learn from
vision? Have others ‘signed up’ to it or co- others and practice occurring outside the
authored it? How can you best convince people institution?
your innovation will have a beneficial impact?
_ Have clear problem areas or challenges been
_ Does your innovation challenge ‘conventional identified that require innovative solutions or
wisdom’ and existing ‘logic’ or practices? Have approaches in order to ensure any innovation
you been creative in developing scenarios, has a clear and tangible purpose?
asking questions such as ‘What if...?’
_ Have you tried starting with an ideal answer
to a problem and then attempted to radically
think through alternative ways and means of
getting you there?
_ Is there a clear ethos of innovation? How
might such an ethos and related set of
working practices be stimulated?
_ How will you build on successes and failures
and share this with a wider network?
_ Have you explored a range of techniques
to stimulate innovation, creativity and
problem solving?

Rethinking teacher learning Risk and risk management?
_ Do approaches and resources relating to CPD _ Has a network of other innovators
also offer opportunities to support research been established or involved to increase
and enquiry? the likelihood of support and sustained
_ Does training and CPD activity focus on innovation?
future practice? _ Have broader measures of impact been
_ Does it account for longer term transformation considered other than the existing and
in practice, culture and learning needs? predominant measures?
_ Has a clear message about the need for _ Do measures of impact draw on future
training and innovative practice been made educational or societal directions?
and understood by other staff? Has this been _ Is the innovation understood and well
shared with other stakeholders in the wider communicated?
school community? _ Is it adequately resourced and supported?
_ To what extent does current CPD in the
Questions to consider for educators

_ Are there clear contingency plans in place

school integrate with ongoing activity? for risks identified?
_ Are there clear opportunities to incorporate _ Are there clear mechanisms for sharing
new learning in practice and for mentoring the plans for innovation with other experts
and knowledge transfer amongst staff? or interested parties who might offer
_ Can or should other outside experts be used support or solutions?
to deliver training, especially those related to _ Is there a clear ethos that accepts that
innovation and transformative practice, rather innovation is difficult and may not always
than the more traditional training providers? be entirely successful? Is there a method
by which all the findings and lessons from
Networks and hubs innovations can be built upon?
_ Have you identified a range of innovative
organisations, networks or communities Why take the risk?
who you can learn from and share your _ Have you thought through the longer term

ideas with? consequences of not innovating in relation
_ Have you looked at networks in different to areas for educational improvement and
sectors, subjects, disciplines and fields in modernisation?
order to get new ideas? _ Can innovation and innovative practice be
_ Can you build upon both professional and seen as a broader and ongoing aspect of
wider networks – formal and informal – that professional development, wider educational
staff, parents or pupils are involved with? Is transformation and also capacity building for
it possible to asset map the various networks the institution?
people are linked into? _ Will existing practices, organisation and
_ What opportunities are there to work with relationships be appropriate for education
different communities? and for learners in the future?
_ What opportunities for problem solving and _ Can innovation and the related practices
joint working are available across subjects? and processes be mapped against
_ What forums are there for joint working with curricula, wider skills and competencies
students, staff and parents? and incorporated into day-to-day learning
opportunities for learners?
_ Is there time and resource for staff or
pupils to identify appropriate networks and
links to innovative groups, practitioners,
organisations or individuals?

Questions to consider for educators

5. Tools to
support innovation
While creating cultures of innovation in schools Before dismissing such tools and techniques, it
is dependent upon the fundamental cultural and is worth reflecting that our experience, existing
structural issues outlined above, there are also practice, culture, habits and so forth, often
sets of tools and resources that can assist at guide us towards certainty and something that
various stages in the process. It is essential to closely resembles existing and proven practice.
do some investigation and background reading If we are really interested in transformative
in order to find the tools and resources that innovation, however, we have to challenge these
you feel suit your situation or approach best. habits of mind and may need to develop more
Techniques for stimulating innovation and systematic approaches to moving ourselves
creativity are numerous and varied and can out of comfort zones and opening ourselves
also take time to perfect. However, if they are up to a whole range of alternative possibilities.
delivered well and shared they can become The short selection below is taken from a wide
transferable skills that have positive effects range of tools in this field, and is intended to
in other areas of school life, which can help help us to find new innovative approaches.
to stimulate a broader culture of innovation
and creativity within an institution.

Do Nothing group activity, and requires only a visual tool
Do Nothing is a technique that is used to help such as a flipchart, whiteboard or overhead
explore and evaluate the benefits of certain projector. To begin with, the group is asked
actions by first investigating the possibility of to focus on specific projects/activities, and to
not taking any action to overcome a problem identify important elements around or between
or issue. It is a simple technique can help these projects/activities. The next task is to
to identify unnecessary actions by offering cluster these together according to intuitive
a different perspective. relationships such as similarity, dependence, interdependence, resistance, communication.
you/talk/do_nothing Discussion around these ideas should be
encouraged throughout.
DO IT is an acronym that stands for: AffinityDiagramming.pdf

_ Define problem BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)

_ Open mind and apply creative techniques This approach is about creating over-reaching
_ Identify best solution goals that are challenging and provoking, with
the aim to strive towards overly-ambitious

Tools to support innovation

_ Transform.
goals whilst recognising they may not ever
be achieved. The intention is that in aiming
This is a framework that helps as a guide
for such an audacious goal you will surpass
through the early to mid-stages of idea
your initial expectation by some way.
conception and generation, including
problem definition and solution identification.
This framework helps to create links
Advantages, Limitations and Unique
between different activities and helps to
ensure that appropriate techniques are used
Advantages, Limitations and Unique Qualities
at different stages to create a time-effective
is a technique consisting of several stages that
change programme.
in turn:
_ explore possible solutions to a specific problem
Attribute ‘Cherry Split’ _ identify the advantages and disadvantages
Attribute ‘Cherry Split’ is an attribute-listing to selected solutions
technique that helps to break a challenge or _ distinguish the unique qualities of the solutions.
problem into its component attributes, which
can then be tackled separately. This is a By dissecting each solution into its component
straightforward yet effective technique that is parts, the most valuable or desirable aspects
useful in identifying solutions in a creative way. of each solution become apparent and the focus
This technique helps to simplify the process of can be placed on synthesising these together.
dealing with complex problems and challenges,
and also to approach the problem or dont_you/talk/advantages_limitations_
challenge in a different way that could help to unique_qualities
highlight unforeseen issues and offer a better
understanding overall. By breaking it down into Scenario Testing
its component attributes it is easier to see how Scenario Testing is a technique that helps
aspects of a problem interrelate, and also what to test developing concepts through a
is necessary to overcome them. dissemination and evaluation process based around various scenario cards. The cards are
you/explore/attribute_cherry_split provided to the participants by the facilitator,
and reflect a series of potential scenarios
Affinity Diagrams as envisioned by the facilitator. This process
This technique helps identify connections encourages an outside and critical evaluation
between issues that are otherwise not of the ideas explored and used within the
apparent, and provides the opportunity to focus scenarios, and this fresh perspective can
resources on these areas. This technique will help to highlight areas that require further
help to highlight relationships and resistances development not identified by the facilitators.
between elements of an activity that might
otherwise not be obvious. It is a low-cost you/talk/scenario_testing

Alternative Scenarios relationship between their daily routine and
Alternative Scenarios is a technique derived their environment, for example looking at the
from Scenario Planning, which is a strategic practical aspects of pupils interacting with the
planning method used to help inform flexible technologies around them. This is especially
long-term plans. Alternative Scenarios useful in order to see what participants actually
encourages participants to explore and forecast do within a real context as opposed to what
future scenarios in order to enhance their they claim to have done in retrospect. The
understanding of the way that environments participant’s own account will often overlook
and circumstances may affect certain aspects of their practice that they take for
problems, practices or strategies. Through granted, and through a form of subjective
the process of imagining and exploring observation these particular activities can
changing circumstances, this technique helps be observed and then later prompted in a
to demonstrate how specific problems and retrospective discussion. This approach can
strategies are potentially more or less relevant. also make apparent positive and constructive practices that were otherwise taken for
you/personalise/alternative_scenarios granted. Identifying these can help teachers
and students to structure their environments
Go2Web2.0 more effectively.
Tools to support innovation

The significance of Web 2.0 is that it reflects a

shift towards web-based applications; that is to you/talk/day_in_the_life
say they are encompassed by the web browser
and don’t need installation locally. Go2Web2.0 Superheroes
offers a substantial listing of over 1,000 Web Superheroes is an imaginative and highly
2.0 applications, and acts as a searchable participatory brainstorming technique
directory of free web-based and web-centric that, using fantasy role-play, encourages
applications. The list is set up as a grid of icons, participants to think broadly around a specific
and clicking on a webpage’s icon will bring up problem. Participants take on the roles of
a link and a short description of the website’s fictional (or real) superheroes, and use their
function as outlined by key terms. The list of characters’ particular traits to solve the
5 websites can also be searched/filtered with
these key terms.
problem. The process of thinking outside of the
norm can help lead towards the exploration of ideas that might not have occurred otherwise.
Photo Elicitation you/personalise/superheroes
This approach uses images as the starting
point for conversations. By using photographs YackPack
of the school, the local community, problem This is a tool to support the recording and
areas or more general images, the approach sharing of live and pre-recorded voice
asks participants to describe problems and conversations between individuals and
invent solutions based upon observations of the groups. It is intuitive to use and easy to
images. The observations can be literal or more manage different conversations, providing the
creative. Digital tools can also support this opportunity to structure, facilitate and capture
process, for example see all manner of speaking and listening activities.
This is a popular technique to bring together Compendium
lots of ideas at an early stage of a project. There Developed by the Knowledge Media Institute,
are many resources that can assist in developing as part of Open University, Compendium is a
this approach, as well as digital tools such as sophisticated concept-mapping tool – users and can construct maps composed of different
nodes, and from each node both internal and
A Day in the Life external resources can be directly referenced.
When asking students or teachers to undergo Suitable for use by both individuals and groups,
new activities or practices, such as asking Compendium helps to manage information so
them to incorporate new technologies into that it can be explored visually. Compendium
their practices, it is valuable to spend time is available as a free download; all that is
with them throughout their entire day to see required is to install the application on your
what kinds of inherent problems occur in the local machine. There is a full set of resources

available on the website that includes fairly Further sources of ideas, tools and techniques
comprehensive tutorials and training. Despite Some renowned thinkers have a wide array of
looking daunting at first, the application materials to stimulate creative and innovative
becomes very easy to use, very quickly. approaches. Famously, Edward de Bono (,
main.html), for example, has used the ‘six
Eyejot thinking hats’ technique for problem solving,
Eyejot is a new web service that allows users but he has also developed a wide range of
to send video messages really quickly. Rather practical tools and approaches for inspiring
than relying on text, users can record a video creative ideas, thinking laterally and promoting
message, annotate it, and send it to anyone. innovation. From his perspective, creativity
Eyejot is a client-free online service and the and lateral thinking can be learnt, rather than
platform. The interface is similar to an e-mail being unique qualities only some people are
box except the messages that you’re sending born with.
(via e-mail) are videos rather than text. Others, such as John Adair (www.johnadair. and Paul Sloane (www.destination-
Google Docs, focus more on leadership

Tools to support innovation

Google Docs provides free online tools for word for innovation and mobilising and establishing
processing, spreadsheets etc that, due to their the conditions for creativity in organisations
web-based nature, allow multiple users to work and business.
on the same documents at once. One of the
strengths of Google Docs is that it attempts In education, it is often worth looking at
to compensate for a time when multiple users different classroom approaches or activities
are editing the same place in a document at that can inspire new and interesting
the same time. approaches to ideas generation14. Futurelab has also collected a number of other tools and
techniques that can be applied to provide new
Grupthink approaches and opportunities for learning and
Grupthink provides an online space where
users can ask open-ended questions and
teaching15. Many of these support visioning,
alternative approaches to problem identification
receive a wide variety of answers from and solving, and practical ways to involve others
either their own created groups (classes, in creative processes.
year groups, thematic etc) or from all people
using Grupthink. Where this may provide a There are resources that offer practical tools and
huge number of conflicting responses, the approaches to alternative classroom practice16,
social tagging element of the site provides or approaches to partnerships in education17
a method to navigate the (potentially) vast that bring new opportunities to rethink accepted
number of responses – as whilst providing or traditional practice. It is also worth
their own answers, users can also rate (re)considering alternative systems of education
other contributors’ answers. and different pedagogies18 to get new ideas, as well as thinking about how other sectors and
fields approach learning and teaching.

14. See the following for inspiration, ideas and approaches to promoting innovation: What If? Innovations Company
(; IDEO (; Engine Group (; Winning Moves
15. See Futurelab’s bank of collected tools and resources (, and also
NSBA Toolkit (
16. See for example the Enquiring Minds guide (
17. See for example Creative Partnerships (
18. There is a wealth of resources on alternative forms of education. For concise overviews see for example: Carnie,
F (2002) Alternative Approaches to Education: A guide for parents and teachers, Routledge Falmer. Schome also
provides a useful overview to alternative educational approaches:
Adey, P (2006). A model for the professional Goodman, PS (2001). Creating organizational
development of teachers of thinking. Thinking and technological change. In PS Goodman (ed),
Skills and Creativity 1 (2006) p49–56 Technology Enhanced Learning: Opportunities
for change. London, p163
Brant, J (2006). Developing Subject Knowledge
and Creativity in Business and Economics Hargreaves, D (2000). Towards Education for
Teachers. MST Institute of Education, University Innovation. Presentation at the Institute of
of London Education, London, 22 November 2000

Becta (2008). Harnessing Technology 2 Strategy Hargreaves, D (2003). Innovation: Working

( laterally: How innovation networks make an
esID=37348&CFID=502799&CFTOKEN=c0 education epidemic. Demos in partnership with
d30d99fa3d0b12-2CDA1942-AE70-A423- National College for School Leadership/DfES
Hippell, Eric Von (2005). Democratizing
Carnie, F (2002). Alternative Approaches to Innovation. MIT Press
Education: A guide for parents and teachers.
Routledge Falmer Hoban, GF (2002). Teacher Learning for
Educational Change: A systems thinking

Castells, M (2000). The Rise of the Network approach. Open University Press p39
Society. US: Blackwell Publishing
Hoyle, E (1976). The parameters of change.
Clandinin, D (1986). Classroom Practice: In W Prescott and Hoyle (eds), Innovation:
Teachers images in action. Philadelphia: Problems and possibilities (pp27-54). London:
Falmer Press Open University

Cornu, B (1995). New technologies: integration Jones, A (2004). A Review of the Research
into education. In D Watson and D Tinsley Literature on Barriers to the Uptake of ICT
(eds) Integrating Information Technology into by Teachers. Becta
Education. London
Kenny, J (2003). A research-based model for
Cox, M, Preston, C and Cox, K (1999). What managing strategic educational change and
factors support or prevent teachers from using innovation projects. Research and Development
ICT in their classrooms? Paper presented at in Higher Education, Vol 26, p333-342.
the British Educational Research Association Proceedings of HERDSA Conference (2003),
Annual Conference, University of Sussex at Christchurch, New Zealand [verified 23 Aug 2004]
Brighton, September 2–5
Kompf et al (eds) (1996). Changing Research
Demetriadis, et al (2003). ‘Cultures in negotiation’: and Practice London. Falmer Press
teachers’ acceptance/resistance attitudes
considering the infusion of technology into Ling, T (2002). Innovation; lessons from the
schools. Computers & Education, 41, 2003, p21 private sector. Invest to Save

Eraut, M (1994). Developing Professional Mumtaz, S (2000). Factors affecting teachers’

Knowledge and Competence. Falmer Press use of information and communications
technology: a review of the literature. Journal
DIUS. ‘Innovation Nation’ is a new report of Information Technology for Teacher
from DIUS outlining the broader need for Education, 9 (3) p319–341
unlocking people’s talents, a fairer society and
economic competitiveness ( OECD (2001). Schooling for Tomorrow. Learning
publications/ScienceInnovation.pdf) to Change: ICT in Schools. OECD Publishing
Grant, L (2008) Designing Educational identifiers&st1=962001131P1
Technologies for Social Justice. Futurelab

Preston, C, Cox, M and Cox, K (2000).
Teachers as Innovators in Learning: What
motivates teachers to use ICT. MirandaNet

QCA Big Picture ( For

a short video overview see: curriculum.qca.

SSAT ‘A New Specialist Education System:

Transforming Secondary Education’ states that
schools should be confident to innovate and
change practice to find solutions to learning
challenges, and points out that schools often
have more freedom and flexibility than they
realise. It identifies four key areas, namely:
curriculum, teachers’ pay and conditions,
governance and organisation and funding.


Seltzer and Bentley (1999). The Creative

Age. Demos

Somekh, B, Whitty, G and Coveney, R (1997).

IT and the politics of institutional change.
In B Somekh and N Davis, Using Information
Technology Effectively in Teaching and
Learning. London

Snoeyink, R and Ertmer, P (2001). Thrust into

technology: how veteran teachers respond.
Journal of Educational Technology Systems,
30 (1), p85–111

Veen, W (1993). The role of beliefs in the use of

information technology: implications for teacher
education, or teaching the right thing at the
right time. Journal of Information Technology
for Teacher Education, 2 (2), p139–153

von Stamm, B (2005). Getting Cats and Dogs

to Play Together. NESTA 16 Sep 2006

Zhao, Y, Pugh, K, Sheldon, S and Byers, J (2002).

Conditions for classroom technology innovations.
Teachers College Record, 104(3), 482-515

About Futurelab About Becta
Futurelab is an independent not-for-profit Becta is the government agency leading the
organisation that is dedicated to transforming national drive to ensure the effective and
teaching and learning, making it more relevant innovative use of technology throughout
and engaging to 21st century learners through learning. It is our ambition to utilise the
the use of innovative practice and technology. benefits of technology to create a more
We have a long track record of researching and exciting, rewarding and successful experience
demonstrating innovative uses of technology for learners of all ages and abilities, enabling
and aim to support systemic change in them to achieve their potential. We do this in
education – and we are uniquely placed many ways. We make sure the right technology
to bring together those with an interest in is available, we influence the development of
improving education from the policy, industry, policy, and we set standards and provide tools
research and practice communities to do this. that help establish and promote best practice.
Futurelab cannot do this work on its own. We We know that technology has the potential
rely on funding and partners from across the to transform learning. We are committed to
education community – policy, practice, local inspiring education providers to realise that
government, research and industry - to realise potential, and equip learners for Britain’s
the full potential of our ideas, and so continue future success.
to create systemic change in education to
benefit all learners.

Also from Futurelab

Literature Reviews and Research Reports
Written by leading academics, these publications
provide comprehensive surveys of research and
practice in a range of different fields.

Drawing on Futurelab’s in-house R&D
programme as well as projects from around
the world, these handbooks offer practical
advice and guidance to support the design and
development of new approaches to education.

Opening Education Series

Focusing on emergent ideas in education and
technology, this series of publications opens
up new areas for debate and discussion.

This handbook is available to download free of

charge from

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