Application For Immediate Retirement: Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
Application For Immediate Retirement: Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
Application For Immediate Retirement: Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
Standard Form 2801
2 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
Section F - Annuity Election current spouse annuity by completing and attaching
Read “Important Information About Survivor Annuity SF 28012 to your application. Your current spouse
Elections,” page 5, before making your election. If you initial cannot receive both a regular survivor annuity and
either Box 1 or Box 2, your wife or husband will receive a an insurable interest survivor annuity.
survivor annuity upon your death. The amount of this survivor
annuity, and the amount of the reduction in your annuity to If you elect the insurable interest annuity for a
provide this benefit, will depend on which election you initial. current spouse because a court order awards (or you
have elected) the regular survivor annuity to a former
If your spouse is not elected to receive a monthly survivor spouse, the insurable interest election for your
annuity, his or her health benefits coverage as a family current spouse can be converted to a current spouse
member on your FEHB enrollment will terminate when you annuity if the former spouse loses entitlement to the
die. regular annuity through death or remarriage prior to
For information on the effect of court orders on your spouse's reaching age 55. The marriage duration requirement
eligibility to receive survivor benefits, see page 5. (see item c on page 5) does not apply to insurable
interest annuities.
Box 1: If you initial box 1, your spouse's survivor annuity
upon your death will be 55% of your unreduced If you choose to provide an insurable interest
annuity. Your annuity will be reduced by 2½ percent survivor annuity, the amount of the reduction in your
of the first $3,600 and 10% of the remainder of your annuity will depend upon the difference between
annual annuity to provide this benefit upon your death. your age and the age of the person named as survivor
annuitant, as shown in the table below. The
Box 2: If you initial box 2, your spouse's survivor annuity survivor's rate will be 55% of your reduced annuity.
upon your death will be 55% of the annual amount
you specify in the blank space (which must be less Age of Person Named in Relation Reduction in Annuity
than the full amount of your annual annuity). Your to that of Retiring Employee of Retiring Employee
annuity will be reduced by 2½ percent of the first
$3,600 and 10% of any additional amount you Older, same age,
or less than 5 years younger
5 but less than 10 years younger 15%
If you initial box 2, you must complete and attach
SF 28012, Spouse's Consent to Survivor Election, 10 but less than 15 years younger 20%
to your application. The law requires consent of the 15 but less than 20 years younger 25%
spouse if a married person elects less than the 20 but less than 25 years younger 30%
maximum survivor benefit.
25 but less than 30 years younger 35%
Box 3: If you initial box 3 you will receive an annuity 30 or more years younger 40%
payable only during your lifetime, without a monthly
survivor annuity for your spouse. All retiring
employees, married and unmarried, may choose this Box 5: If you initial box 5, you must complete the remainder
type of annuity. However, you should carefully of Section F. Read item f. on page 5 before making
review all information provided before making your your election. If you are married and initial box 5,
election. you must also complete and attach SF 28012,
Spouse's Consent to Survivor Election, to your
If you are married at retirement and choose this type application.
of annuity, you must also complete and attach to
your application SF 28012, Spouse's Consent to If you initial box 5, after your death, the person(s)
Survivor Election. The law requires that your you elect will receive the percentage of the annuity
spouse consent if you elect less than maximum you select. Your annuity will be reduced by 2½
survivor benefits. percent of the first $3,600 of all or a specified
amount of your annual selfonly annuity and further
Box 4: If you initial box 4, a person selected by you, who reduced by 10% for any portion of the base used
has an insurable interest in you, will receive a over $3,600 a year. If your annual annuity is $3,600
survivor annuity upon your death. Insurable interest or less, only a 2½ percent reduction applies.
exists if the person named (such as a former spouse
or a close relative) may reasonably expect to derive Section G - Information About Children
financial benefit from your continued life. Information about your children in your annuity claim file
may help to expedite the processing of claims for survivor
To choose this type of annuity, you must provide benefits in the event of your death. Therefore, you may, if
medical documentation showing that you are in good you wish, complete Section G by providing the names and the
health. You are responsible for arranging and paying dates of birth of your unmarried dependent children under the
the costs of the medical examination. The medical age of 22. List any child who is between 18 and 22 and is a
report of the examination should be attached to your fulltime student. List any child who is over the age of 18 and
retirement application. You will be notified if incapable of selfsupport because of a mental or physical
additional evidence is required. Note: If you are disability incurred before age 18. Check the box headed
retiring on the basis of disability, you are not eligible “disabled” by the name of each child to whom this applies.
to choose this type of annuity.
You may elect this insurable interest survivor annuity Completion of Section G is optional; the processing of your
in addition to a regular survivor annuity for a current annuity application will not be delayed or otherwise affected
or former spouse. However, if the person you select if you do not complete it. Children will not be denied benefits
to receive the insurable interest survivor annuity is after your death solely because they were not identified on
your current spouse, you both must waive the your retirement application.
Standard Form 2801
3 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
Section H - Direct Deposit/Direct Express and If you have questions concerning the crediting of
Tax Withholding Information your post1956 military service and how to make the
The U.S. Department of the Treasury pays all federal benefits deposit, contact your employing agency. Failure to
electronically. If you are not enrolled in the Direct Deposit pay the deposit to your agency voids any further
program, you will need to enroll or to arrange for a Direct right to pay it at a later date.
Express debit card provided by the Department of Treasury.
To enroll in the Direct Deposit program, contact your Schedule B - Military Retired Pay
financial institution or OPM. To obtain a debit card, go to This information is needed to assure correct credit for military If your payments are not electronically service. Receipt of military retired pay or pension or
deposited to your account and you do not have a Direct compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs in
Express card, you must contact the Department of the lieu of military retired pay may affect the computation of
Treasury at 18003331795 to discuss your options. This your annuity rate. You cannot receive retirement credit for
does not apply if your permanent payment address is outside military service if you receive military retired pay, unless
the United States in a country not accessible via Direct you were awarded the retired pay (a) due to a disability
Deposit/Direct Express. Use Section H, items 1 through 3c incurred in combat with an enemy of the United States or
to tell OPM how to make payment to you. (b) under the provisions of Chapter 1223, title 10, U. S.
Use Section H, item 4 to give OPM instructions regarding Code, Sections 12731 through 12739 (pertaining to
Federal income tax withholding. If you do not give any retirement from a reserve component of the armed forces).
instructions, the Internal Revenue Service has instructed OPM If you are waiving military retired pay for civil service
to withhold at the rate for a married person with three retirement purposes, your agency can help you prepare your
exemptions. request for waiver. Attaching a copy of your waiver request
and a copy of the finance center acknowledgment (if
After your application is processed, as discussed on page 11, available) to your application may help us to process your
item 6, you will be able to instruct OPM to withhold State claim more quickly. Even if you have already waived your
income tax, provided your State participates in OPM's State military retired pay to receive benefits from the Department of
Tax Withholding Program. Veterans Affairs, you also need to file a waiver of your
Section I - Applicant's Certification military pay for civil service retirement purposes.
Be sure to sign (do not print) and date your application after Schedule C - Federal Employee's Compensation
reviewing the warning. Item 3: Indicate whether you agree to notify us if the status
of your workers' compensation claim changes.
Schedule A - Military Service Information Important: You may not legally receive both
Item 2: Post-1956 Military Service If you performed retirement annuity and workers' compensation
military service on or after January 1, 1957, you may (except for a scheduled award) for the same period
pay a deposit of 7% of your military basic pay (plus of time. Any overpayment of workers' compensation
interest, if applicable) to cover that service. The or retirement annuity you receive is subject to
military service deposit must be paid to your agency collection by OPM or the Office of Workers'
while you are still employed. If the deposit is not Compensation Programs (OWCP).
paid, your post1956 military service will be credited
as described below. The information requested regarding benefits from
If you were first employed in a position subject to OWCP is needed because the law prohibits the dual
CSRS coverage before October 1, 1982: If you do compensation which would exist if you received both
not make the deposit and you are eligible for Social a civil service retirement annuity and compensation
Security benefits at age 62, your annuity will be for total or partial disability under the Federal
recomputed (at age 62) to eliminate credit for the Employees' Compensation Act. Note: The
post1956 military service. If you are age 62 or older Department of Labor has determined that the
when you retire and are eligible for Social Security alternative annuity lump sum payment is a payment
benefits, no credit for post1956 military service will within the terms of the dual compensation provision.
be allowed in the computation of your annuity unless If you receive the alternative annuity lump sum
you pay the deposit before you separate. payment and later elect compensation from OWCP,
no compensation would be payable until the amount
If you were first employed in a position subject to of the lump sum payment and all annuity paid is
CSRS coverage on or after October 1, 1982: You returned to the Retirement Fund.
will not receive any retirement credit for your
post1956 military service if you do not make the If you are applying for disability retirement, please
deposit for it before you separate. include, as part of your SF 3112 submission, all
medical evidence submitted to OWCP in connection
The amount of a CSRS military deposit may be with your compensation claim and any OWCP
different for an employee who has been absent from decision or evaluation of your claim.
civilian employment to perform honorable, active
military service that interrupted Federal civilian
service. Under certain conditions, the amount of the
military deposit for such a period of military service
would equal the amount of retirement deductions that
would have been withheld from Federal civilian basic
pay if the military service had not interrupted the
civilian service. Ask your benefits office about this
alternative military deposit calculation referenced in
5 U.S.C. 8334(j) if you think it may apply to you.
Standard Form 2801
4 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
Important Information About e. Court-Ordered Former Spouse Annuities. If your
Survivor Annuity Elections annuity begins on or after May 7, 1985, and a
The election you make at retirement is for the person named in qualifying court order gives (awards or requires you
Section E. No one else can benefit even if you allow the to provide) a survivor annuity to a former spouse
annuity reduction to continue after your marriage ends. from whom you were divorced on or after that date,
OPM must honor the terms of the court order, except
a. Married Employees. If you are married at retirement as discussed below. Your annuity will be reduced to
and do not indicate your annuity election or your provide the survivor annuity for the former spouse if
spouse does not consent to an election of less than he or she is eligible for this benefit. However, a
the maximum survivor annuity, your application will former spouse cannot receive a survivor annuity by
be processed on the basis of maximum survivor court order unless:
benefits for your spouse.
b. (1) He or she was married to you for at least 9
Spousal Consent Requirement. months;
(1) If you are married and you do not elect to
provide the maximum survivor annuity (2) You have at least 18 months of service
benefit for your spouse by initialing Section subject to retirement deductions; and
F, box 1 of the application, you must attach
a completed SF 28012, Spouse's Consent to (3) He or she has not remarried before reaching
Survivor Election. This is required even if a age 55. This does not apply if you and your
former spouse will be awarded a survivor former spouse were married for 30 years or
annuity by court order. See “CourtOrdered longer.
Former Spouse Annuities” under item e. If you are married and a court has awarded a survivor
annuity to a former spouse, see item g. below, which
(2) OPM may waive the spousal consent explains how you can protect your current spouse's
requirement if you show that your spouse's future survivor annuity rights.
whereabouts cannot be determined. A
request for waiver on this basis must be f. Electing a Survivor Annuity For a Former Spouse
accompanied by: or a Combination of Survivor Annuities For
• A judicial determination that your Current and Former Spouses.
spouse's whereabouts cannot be
determined; or (1) To make a former spouse annuity election,
you must have been married to the person
• Affidavits by you and two other for a total of at least 9 months and you must
persons, at least one of whom is not have at least 18 months of service that was
related to you, attesting to the subject to retirement deductions. A former
inability to locate the current spouse who marries again before reaching
spouse and stating the efforts made age 55 is not eligible for a former spouse
to locate the spouse. You must survivor annuity, unless you and your
also give documentary evidence, former spouse were married for 30 years
such as tax returns filed separately or longer.
or newspaper stories about the
spouse's disappearance. (2) You may elect to provide a survivor annuity
for more than one former spouse whether or
(3) OPM may waive the spousal consent not you are currently married. If you are
requirement if you present a judicial married, you may elect a survivor annuity
determination regarding the current spouse for your current spouse as well as a survivor
that would warrant waiver of the consent annuity for one or more former spouses.
requirement based on exceptional However, the total of the survivor annuities
circumstances. may not exceed 55% of your unreduced
annuity. Also, if you are married, you must
c. Marriage Duration Requirement. To be eligible for have your spouse's consent if you do not
survivor annuity after your death, your widow(er) elect the maximum current spouse survivor
must have been married to you for a total of at least 9 annuity.
months or be a parent of your child, provided all
other requirements are met. The marriage duration (3) To elect a reduced annuity to provide a
requirement does not apply if your death is survivor annuity to a former spouse or a
accidental. combination of survivor annuities
for current and former spouse(s), complete
d. Survivor Annuity for Children. The eligibility of Section F, box 5.
your children for survivor annuity after your death
does not depend on your marital status or the type of g. Electing a Survivor Annuity For a Current Spouse
annuity you elect. Your unmarried dependent When a Court Order Gives a Survivor Annuity to a
children may qualify for survivor annuity until age Former Spouse.
18. Benefits may be payable to an unmarried child (1) If a court order has given a survivor annuity
after age 18 if the child is a fulltime student at a to a former spouse, you must make your
recognized educational institution or is incapable of election concerning a survivor annuity for
selfsupport due to a disability incurred before age your current spouse as if there were no
18. Benefits for a student child are generally not
payable after the child attains age 22.
5 Standard Form 2801
Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
courtordered former spouse annuity. By (6) FEHB coverage for your widow(er) can
electing the maximum survivor benefit for continue only if he or she is elected to
your current spouse at retirement, you can receive a survivor annuity.
protect your spouse's rights in case your
former spouse loses entitlement in the future h. Electing an Insurable Interest Annuity For a
(because of remarriage before age 55 or Current Spouse.
death). You can do this because OPM must Note: Disability annuitants cannot elect an insurable
honor the terms of the court order and you interest survivor annuity.
are not required to elect a survivor annuity
for the former spouse. (Note: The election (1) If a former spouse's courtordered survivor
you make now regarding a survivor annuity annuity will prevent your current spouse
for your current spouse cannot be changed from receiving a survivor annuity that is
except as explained in “Survivor Annuity sufficient to meet his or her anticipated
Election Changes After Retirement,” see needs, you may want to elect an insurable
page 7.) The following paragraphs explain in interest annuity for your current spouse.
more detail how your election at the time of (2) If you elect an insurable interest survivor
retirement can affect your current spouse's annuity for your current spouse, you and
future rights if the court has given a survivor your current spouse must both waive the
annuity to a former spouse. regular survivor annuity. To do this:
(2) If a court order gives a survivor annuity to a (a) initial and complete box 4 in
former spouse, your annuity will be reduced Section F of the SF 2801 naming
to provide it. If you elect a full or partial your current spouse;
survivor annuity for your current spouse (or
another former spouse), your annuity will be (b) complete Part 1 of SF 28012 and
reduced no more than it would be reduced to check box b;
provide a survivor annuity equal to 55% of
your unreduced annuity. (c) have Parts 2 and 3 of SF 28012
(3) If you die before your current and former properly completed (i.e., spouse's
spouses, the total amount of the survivor consent to insurable interest benefit
annuities paid cannot exceed 55% of your in lieu of regular survivor annuity).
annuity. OPM must honor the terms of the (3) If you elect an insurable interest survivor
court order before it can honor your election. annuity for your current spouse and your
The former spouse having the courtordered former spouse loses entitlement before you
survivor benefit would receive an annuity die, you may request that the reduction in
according to the terms of the court order. your annuity to provide the insurable
(4) If the court order gives the maximum interest annuity be converted to the regular
survivor annuity to the former spouse, your spouse survivor annuity. (See “Survivor
widow(er) would receive no survivor Annuity Election Changes After
annuity until the former spouse loses Retirement,” see page 7.) Your current
entitlement. Then your widow(er) would spouse would then be entitled to the regular
receive a survivor annuity according to your survivor annuity. If your former spouse
election. loses entitlement after you die, your
widow(er) can substitute the regular
(5) If the court order gives less than the survivor annuity for the insurable interest
maximum survivor annuity to the former survivor annuity.
spouse, your widow(er) would receive an (4) If for any reason OPM cannot allow your
annuity no greater than the difference insurable interest election for your current
between the courtordered survivor annuity spouse, your current spouse will be
and 55% of your annuity. However, if the considered elected for a maximum regular
former spouse loses entitlement to the survivor annuity, unless your current spouse
survivor annuity (through remarriage before signs another SF 28012 consenting to less
age 55 or death), your widow(er)'s survivor than a maximum regular survivor annuity.
annuity would be increased to the amount
you elected. i. Voluntary Contributions and Survivor Annuity
For example, if there is a courtordered Election.
former spouse survivor annuity that equals The following information applies only to employees
40% of your annuity, you elect the who have made voluntary contributions to purchase
maximum survivor annuity for your current additional annuity (see page 10), or who are using
spouse, and you die before the former excess retirement deductions (see “80% Limitation on
spouse's entitlement to a survivor annuity Basic Annuity” on page 8) as voluntary contributions.
ends, the former spouse would receive a (1) Survivor annuity that is purchased by
survivor annuity equal to 40% of your voluntary contributions is not subject to the
annuity and your widow(er) would receive a spousal consent requirement discussed on
survivor annuity equal to 15% of your page 5, nor is it subject to court orders
annuity. However, if the former spouse later awarding survivor benefits to former
loses entitlement to the survivor annuity spouses. Therefore, regardless of your
(through remarriage before age 55 or death), marital status at retirement or the type of
your widow(er) would then receive a survivor election you make for your regular
survivor annuity equal to 55% of your annuity:
Standard Form 2801
6 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
(a) You may elect not to provide a Survivor Annuity Election Changes
survivor annuity based on the After Retirement
voluntary contributions, or
a. You may name a new survivor or change your
(b) You may name any individual you election if, not later than 30 days after the date of
want to receive the voluntary your first regular monthly payment, you file a new
contributions survivor annuity. election in writing. If the person you named to
That is, the individual you name to receive a survivor annuity dies or your current
receive the voluntary contributions marriage ends in death, divorce or annulment, you
survivor annuity does not need to should write OPM, Retirement Operations Center,
be the same person you name as Boyers, PA 16017. (Note: If your marriage to the
survivor annuitant under the spouse you had at retirement continues, you must
regular survivor election made in have his or her consent to any election that does not
Section F of SF 2801. provide the maximum current spouse survivor
(2) If you are married and elect to provide a
regular survivor annuity for your spouse Your first regular monthly payment is the first
(by checking box 1, box 2, or box 4 of recurring annuity payment (other than an estimated
Section F on the SF 2801), your voluntary payment or an adjustment) after OPM has determined
contributions annuity will automatically be your regular rate of annuity payable under CSRS and
reduced to provide an additional survivor has paid the annuity accrued since the time you
annuity for your spouse, unless you attach a retired.
signed statement to your application for
retirement in which (a) you state that you do b. When the 30day period following the date of your
not want to provide a survivor annuity based first regular monthly payment has passed, you cannot
on the voluntary contributions or (b) you change your election except under the circumstances
name another person to receive this benefit explained in the following paragraphs.
as explained in (4) below.
(3) If you are single and elect an annuity c. You may change your decision not to provide a
payable only during your lifetime or if you survivor annuity for your spouse at retirement or you
are married and with your spouse's consent may increase the survivor annuity amount for your
elect an annuity payable only during your spouse at retirement if you request the change in
lifetime (by checking box 3 of Section F on writing no later than eighteen months after the
the SF 2801), your additional annuity commencing date of your annuity. You must also
purchased by voluntary contributions will pay a deposit with interest representing the difference
not be reduced to provide a survivor between the reduction for the new survivor election
annuity, unless you elect otherwise as and the original survivor election, plus a charge of
explained below. $245.00 for each thousanddollar change in the
designated survivor's base. Such an election would
(4) If you want to designate an individual to cancel any joint waivers made at retirement.
receive a survivor annuity based on your However, the total survivor annuity(ies) provided for
voluntary contributions, you must submit a former spouses (by court order or election) and the
signed statement which names the person current spouse cannot exceed 55% of your annuity.
who is to receive the voluntary contributions Note, you can make a contingent election of 55% for
survivor annuity. (Only one person may be your current spouse even if there is a court order.
named.) The signed statement must be d. The reduction in your annuity to provide a survivor
attached to your application for retirement. annuity for your current spouse stops if your
If you are electing a survivor annuity for a marriage ends because of death, divorce, or
person other than a current spouse, the annulment. However, you may elect, within 2 years
statement must include that person's full after the marriage ends, to continue the reduction to
name, date of birth, social security number, provide a former spouse survivor annuity for that
and mailing address. (In this instance, you person, subject to the restrictions in paragraph j.
must also provide proof of the person's date If you marry someone else before you make this
of birth, such as a certified birth certificate.) election, your new spouse must consent to your
(5) The reduction in your voluntary election.
contributions annuity to provide a survivor e. The reduction in your annuity to provide a survivor
annuity based on your voluntary annuity for a former spouse ends (1) when the former
contributions depends upon the difference spouse dies, (2) when the former spouse remarries
between your age and the age of the person before reaching age 55, or (3) under the terms of the
named to receive the survivor annuity as court order that required you to provide the survivor
shown in the table on page 3. annuity for the former spouse when you retired.
The survivor's rate is 50% of your additional (Modifications of the court order issued after you
annuity after it is reduced to provide a retire do not affect the former spouse annuity.) If
survivor benefit. Important: The reduction you and your former spouse were married for 30
to provide the voluntary contributions years or longer, the reduction does not end.
survivor annuity will not be eliminated if the However, if at retirement, you had elected a survivor
person you elect to receive this benefit dies, annuity for your current spouse (or another former
nor can you substitute another individual to spouse), the reduction will be continued to provide
receive the benefit.
Standard Form 2801
7 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
annuity for that person. If you have not previously (3) If, during any period after you retired, your
made an election regarding a current spouse whom annuity was not reduced to provide a current
you married after retirement (or if your election or former spouse survivor annuity, you must
regarding a current spouse at retirement was based pay into the retirement fund an amount
on a waiver of spousal consent), you may, within 2 equal to the amount your annuity would
years after the former spouse is no longer eligible have been reduced during that period plus
because of remarriage before age 55 or death, elect 6% annual interest.
a reduced annuity to provide a survivor annuity for
that current spouse. This election is subject to the k. Insurable interest elections are not available after
restrictions given in paragraph j. retirement.
f. If you were not married at retirement, you may
elect, within 2 years after a postretirement marriage,
a reduced annuity to provide a maximum or How Annuities Are Computed
lessthanmaximum survivor annuity for your spouse,
subject to the restrictions given in paragraph j. The following discussion is not detailed enough to answer
every question you may have. Your agency is responsible for
g. If you were married at retirement, that marriage ends, giving you an annuity estimate and specific advice about your
and you marry again, you may elect a reduced annuity individual circumstances.
to provide a maximum or lessthanmaximum survivor
annuity for your new spouse, subject to the restrictions Basic Annuity Computation — The amount of your annuity
given in paragraph j. Please note that the survivor depends primarily on your “high3” average pay and length of
annuity elections automatically terminate upon service.
divorce. You must make a new election within Unused Sick Leave — An employee who retires with unused
2 years after the divorce to provide a survivor annuity sick leave will have the number of working days represented
for a former spouse. Continuing a survivor reduction, by such leave added to the years of service for the purpose of
by itself, is not a former spouse survivor election. If computing the annuity. Additional annuity earned thereby
you remarry the same person you were married to will not be subject to the 80% limitation on basic annuity.
at retirement and that person had previously consented Days of unused sick leave may not be used in determining
to your election of no survivor annuity, you may not average pay or length of service for annuity eligibility.
elect to provide a survivor annuity for that person
when you remarry. High-3 Average Pay — The “high3” average pay is the
highest pay obtainable by averaging the rates of basic pay in
h. If, at retirement, you received (by election or court effect during any 3 consecutive years of service with each rate
order) a reduced annuity to provide a survivor weighted by the time it was in effect.
annuity for a former spouse and you elected to
provide an insurable interest survivor annuity for Basic Annuity Formula — For employees generally, (a)
your current spouse, you may change the insurable take: 1½ percent of the “high3” average pay and multiply the
interest election to a regular current spouse survivor result by 5 years of service; (b) add: 1¾ percent of the
annuity within 2 years after your former spouse loses “high3” average pay multiplied by years of service between 5
entitlement (because of remarriage before age 55, and 10; and (c) add: 2% of the “high3” average pay
death, or the terms in the court order), subject to multiplied by all service over 10 years.
restrictions (1) and (2) given in paragraph j. Formula for Law Enforcement and Firefighter Personnel
i. The reduction in your annuity to provide an insurable — The basic annuity of an employee who retires under the
interest survivor annuity ends if the person you special provision covering law enforcement, firefighter and
named to receive the insurable interest annuity dies nuclear materials courier personnel is 2½ percent of the
or when the person you named is your current spouse “high3” average pay multiplied by 20 years of law
and you change your election as explained in enforcement, firefighter and/or nuclear materials courier
paragraph h. The reduction also ends if, after you service, plus 2% of the “high3” average pay multiplied by all
retire, you marry the insurable interest beneficiary service over 20 years.
and elect to provide a regular survivor annuity for
that person. If you marry someone other than the Other Special Computations — Information concerning
insurable interest beneficiary after you retire and other special computations, such as those for certain air traffic
elect to provide a regular survivor annuity for your controllers, customs and border protection officers, nuclear
new spouse, you may elect to cancel the insurable materials couriers, Members of Congress, Congressional
interest reduction. employees, retirement under provisions of the Panama Canal
Treaty, etc., must be obtained from your employing agency.
j. Postretirement survivor elections are subject to the
following restrictions: 80% Limitation on Basic Annuity — The basic annuity may
(1) They cannot be honored to the extent that not be more than 80% of the employee's “high3” average
they conflict with the terms of a qualifying pay. Retirement deductions withheld after the month the 80%
court order that requires you to provide a limitation is reached are, at separation, set aside as a special
survivor annuity for a former spouse. credit. At retirement, this special credit is applied to any
unpaid deposit or redeposit. Any balance, or the entire special
(2) They cannot be honored if they cause credit if no deposit is due, is refundable before annuity has
combined current and former spouse been granted or may be used as voluntary contributions to
survivor annuities to exceed 55% of purchase additional annuity as explained below.
your unreduced annuity; and
Standard Form 2801
8 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
Guaranteed Minimum Disability Annuity — An employee Refunded Service Which Ended On or After March 1,
retiring before age 60 on account of total disability is 1991 — You will receive no credit in the computation
guaranteed a minimum basic annuity which amounts to the of your annuity for the period of refunded service.
lesser of (a) 40% of the “high3” average pay or (b) the sum This usually results in a reduction in the amount of
obtained by using the basic annuity formula above, but your annuity, or, in the event of your death, your
increasing the length of actual service by the period between eligible widow's (or widower's) annuity. The period
the date of the employee's separation for retirement and the of service will be creditable for title and average
date age 60 is reached. salary purposes whether or not a redeposit is made.
If you are eligible for and elect an alternative annuity,
If the basic annuity is greater than the guaranteed minimum, the redeposit will be “deemed” paid.
the basic annuity is paid instead. Persons receiving military
retired pay or pension or compensation from the Department Refunded Service Which Ended Before March 1,
of Veterans Affairs in lieu of military retired pay are generally 1991 — If you separated from service on or after
not eligible for the guaranteed minimum annuity computation. October 28, 2009, you will receive credit in your
annuity computation for the period of refunded
Reductions to the Basic Annuity — There are several service. If you do not pay the redeposit for this
possible reductions to the basic annuity. These include: service, your annuity will be permanently, actuarially
a. Service You Have Not Paid For — Civilian service reduced because the redeposit is not paid. The
during which no retirement deductions were withheld amount of the reduction will be based on factors
from your salary is called “nondeduction” service. which will be divided into the amount of redeposit
and interest you owe at retirement. Annuities based
A “deposit” is a payment to the retirement fund to on separations for disability are not subject to the
cover a period of nondeduction service. You do not actuarial reduction and any redeposit due must be
have to make a deposit if you do not wish to do so. paid at retirement. If you are eligible for and elect an
This can affect the amount of your monthly annuity. alternative annuity, the redeposit will be “deemed”
However, this service is creditable for title to annuity
and may be used as needed in computing your c. Reduction for Unpaid Post - 1956 Military Service —
“high3” average salary, even if the deposit is not See the discussion on page 4, instructions for
paid. completing Schedule A.
Non-Deduction Service On or After October 1, 1982 d. Reduction for Early Retirement — Unless
— If you have performed creditable civilian service retirement is based on disability or under the special
on or after October 1, 1982, during which no provision for law enforcement, firefighter, nuclear
retirement deductions were withheld and for which materials courier or customs and border protection
you have not paid a deposit, that service will not be officer personnel, the annuity of an employee who
included in computing your annuity. If you have retires before age 55 will be reduced by 1/6 of 1%
such service, you will be given an opportunity to pay (2% a year) for each full month, if any, under age 55.
the deposit, with interest, before we complete our
action on your application. If you are eligible for and e. Reduction for Alternative Annuity — An employee
elect an alternative annuity, the deposit will be who separates for a nondisability retirement with a
“deemed” paid. life threatening medical condition and a life
expectancy of 2 years or less is eligible to elect an
Reduction for Non-Deduction Service Performed alternative annuity benefit. The employee will receive
Before October 1, 1982 — An employee who a lumpsum payment of his or her unrefunded
performed creditable civilian service before October retirement contributions, including post1956 military
1, 1982, during which no retirement deductions were deposits, and a reduced monthly annuity. Deposits and
withheld from salary and for which no deposit has redeposits that are “deemed” paid are not included as
been made will have his or her annual annuity part of the lumpsum payment. The amount of the
reduced by 10% of the amount due as deposit. The reduction in annuity is based on the employee's age at
deposit consists of the amount which would have retirement and amount of retirement contributions.
been withheld as retirement deductions, plus interest. Employees retiring on disability or who have a former
Retiring employees who want information on paying spouse who is entitled by court order to receive a
such a deposit should attach a signed statement to portion of the employee's annuity or a survivor
that effect to the application for retirement. If you annuity cannot elect an alternative annuity. Married
are eligible for and elect an alternative annuity, the employees must obtain their current spouse's consent
amount due as deposit for civilian service will in order to elect an alternative annuity.
generally be “deemed” paid. f. Reduction for Survivor Annuity — This reduction is
explained under Section F Annuity Election starting
b. Refunded Service — Civilian service for which on page 3.
retirement deductions were withheld from your
salary and later refunded to you is called “refunded”
service. A “redeposit” is a payment to the retirement
fund to cover a period of refunded service.
Generally, you do not have to make a redeposit if you
do not wish to do so. However, this can affect the
amount of your monthly annuity.
Standard Form 2801
9 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
Additional Annuity (Voluntary Contributions) — An
employee who, in addition to the amounts withheld from Filing Your Application
salary, has made voluntary contributions to the retirement Submit the completed application to your agency. Your
fund will be paid, in addition to the regular annuity, $7.00 per agency must then complete the Agency Checklist of Immediate
year, plus $0.20 for each full year the individual is over age Retirement Procedures (SF 2801 Schedule D) and Certified
55 at retirement, for each $100.00 in his or her voluntary Summary of Federal Service (SF 28011) which are included
contributions account. If, with respect to voluntary in this package. These forms were included in this package so
contributions, an employee elects a survivor annuity, the that you would have an opportunity to review and become
additional annuity purchased will be reduced based on the familiar with the type of information and procedures your
difference between the annuitant's age and the survivor's age agency will need to process your application. After you
as shown in the table on page 3. The survivor's annuity will be submit your application, your agency will complete the
50% of the employee's additional reduced annuity. Note: The SF 28011 and return it to you for your review and signature.
additional annuity purchased by voluntary contributions is not If you are applying for disability retirement, you and your
increased by costofliving adjustments. agency will also need to complete SF 3112. (Be sure to ask
your employing agency what documentation and evidence are
necessary if you are applying for disability retirement.)
Cost-of-Living Increases
1. Limitation on amount of increase. An annuity may Important: You and your employing agency are jointly
not be increased by a costofliving adjustment to an responsible for the completeness and correctness of the Certified
amount that exceeds the greater of (a) the maximum Summary of Federal Service (SF 28011). You should review it
pay for a GS15 thirty days before the effective date carefully before signing it. If you have already signed a
of the adjustment or (b) the final pay (or average pay summary (for example, during preretirement counseling), ask
if higher) of the retired employee, increased by the your agency to let you review it again. Any errors, omissions,
overall annual percentage adjustments (compounded) or discrepancies will delay the processing of your application
in General Schedule rates of pay since the employee's and may result in incomplete credit for service in the initial
retirement. adjudication of your application.
2. Determination of amount of increase and effective
date. Costofliving increases are effective on
December 1 and are payable in the January annuity
payment. They are determined by the percentage What Happens After You File Your
increase in the average Consumer Price Index for the Retirement Application
"base quarter" of the year in which they are effective
over the "base quarter" of the preceding year in 1. Your Employing Office
which an increase occurred. The “base quarter" is Your employing office will close out your records,
July, August, and September. The first costofliving using the Agency Checklist to assure that all
increase you receive will be prorated to reflect the necessary steps are taken. When this process (which
number of months you are on the retirement rolls includes paying you any unpaid compensation, such
before the increase is effective. as for unpaid annual leave) has been completed, the
agency will forward your application and records to
Payment and Accrual of Annuity
2. OPM Acknowledgment
All annuities are payable in monthly installments on the first Within a few days after receiving your application
business day of the month following the one for which the OPM will send you an acknowledgment. This
annuity has accrued. All annuities are adjusted to the next acknowledgment will show your claim number,
lower dollar. which will begin with the letters “CSA.” This
The commencing date of most annuities is the first day of the number will be very important to you as an annuitant
month after pay ceases and all other requirements for title to because you will need to refer to it any time you
annuity are met. There are three exceptions, however: write or call us in connection with your annuity.
(1) disability annuities, (2) annuities based on involuntary
separations, and (3) annuities based on voluntary retirement Important: OPM cannot begin the processing of
of employees who are in pay status for three days or less in your application for retirement until we receive your
the month of retirement. In these three instances, annuities application and retirement records from your agency.
commence no later than the day after pay ceases and all other If you need to contact OPM about your application
requirements for title to annuity are met. before you receive your retirement (CSA) claim
number, contact your former payroll office. Your
former payroll office can tell you if your application
and records were sent to OPM. If the records were
sent, you should provide OPM with the payroll office
number and the number and date of the Register of
Separations and Transfers on which your retirement
package was sent. Only your payroll office can
provide this information. Do not contact OPM
unless your retirement package has been sent to us.
U.S. Office of
U.S. Office of Personnel
Personnel Managemen
CSRS/FERS Handbook for
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel
Personnel an
and Payroll Office
Payroll Office Standard Form 2801
NSN 7540006344250 10 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
3. Interim Annuity Payments 6. After Your Application Is Processed
The next action OPM takes is a preliminary review of When we finish processing your application, we will
the records available at the time your application is send you a booklet explaining your benefits and any
received. If your entitlement to annuity is clear at monthly survivor benefits payable after your death.
this point, OPM may authorize interim annuity The booklet contains information you will need after
payments as a means of preventing undue financial you retire, including how to contact OPM to make
hardship while we process your application. These various changes (tax withholding, address, health
interim payments may be lower than your actual benefits, etc.).
annuity rate. When interim payments are authorized,
you will receive a notice showing the amount of your What To Do If Your Address Changes
Before Processing Is Completed
4. Alternative Annuity (Lump-Sum Refund) If your address changes before you receive your claim
Employees who separate for nondisability number, first contact your agency to find out if your
retirement, have a life threatening medical condition application has been forwarded to OPM.
and a life expectancy of 2 years or less are eligible to
elect an “alternative” annuity (lumpsum refund of If your agency has forwarded your application or if you have
retirement contributions with a reduced monthly received your claim number, you can telephone, use email, or
benefit). OPM will send you specific information write to report your new address. If you know your claim
about this election during the processing of your number, please refer to it in any correspondence. If you do
application. If you are retiring because of a not yet have a claim number, please give your name, Social
disability or if you have a former spouse entitled to Security number, date of birth, the date of retirement, and the
courtordered benefits, you are not eligible to elect agency you retired from.
an alternative annuity.
You can call OPM at 18887676738. If you use TTY
equipment, call 18558874957. The Internet address is
5. Disability and Special Retirement Applications The email address is
Applications for disability retirement and special [email protected]. If you prefer to write to us, you should
retirements are processed differently. For disability report your new address to:
retirements, your agency will forward your
U. S. Office of Personnel Management
application, evidence supporting your claim of
Attn: Change of Address
disability, and preliminary records to OPM for
P. O. Box 440
disability determination based on review of both
Boyers, PA 16017-0440
medical and nonmedical evidence. Interim annuity
payments can be authorized only if and after the In addition, you should notify the Postal Service of your
disability has been approved and your last day in a forwarding address.
pay status is known to OPM. For law enforcement,
firefighter, air traffic controllers, customs and border
protection officers, and nuclear materials couriers,
your agency will forward evidence concerning your
entitlement to the special provisions. Interim annuity
payments can be authorized only if and after OPM
has verified your entitlement to the benefit.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 2801
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 11 Previous editions are not usable.
See Privacy Act
Application for Immediate Retirement Information on
Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) Instruction Sheet
3. Address (number, street, city, state, ZIP code) 4a. Daytime area code and telephone number after retirement 4b. Best time to reach you
( )
4c. Home Email address 4d. FAX number
( )
5. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 6. All social security numbers you have
Yes No Yes (Ask your employing office about other documents you must submit) No
Section B - Federal Service
1. Department or agency from which you are retiring (Include bureau or division) 2. Date of final separation (mm/dd/yyyy)
3a. Your pay plan and occupational series
Yes (Complete items 1a - 1f and attach a copy of your marriage certificate) No (Go to item 2)
1a. Spouse's name (last, first, middle) 1b. Spouse's date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 1c. Spouse's social security number(s)
5. Initials I choose a reduced annuity with survivor annuity for my former spouse(s) or for my spouse and former spouse(s) shown below.
You must attach: (1) Copies of divorce decrees for all former spouses for whom you elect to provide a survivor annuity. (2) If you
are married, attach a completed SF 28012, Spouse's Consent to Survivor Election. You cannot choose this option and provide a
maximum survivor annuity for your spouse (Box 1). An election for a former spouse ends if your former spouse dies or remarries
before age 55, unless you were married for 30 years or longer. If one of these events occurs, this election terminates and you must
notify the Office of Personnel Management.
Name and address of current spouse
Survivor annuity equal
to _______________%
of my annuity
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 2801
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices 2801111 Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 Previous editions are not usable.
Section H - Direct Deposit/Direct Express and Tax Withholding Information
Federal benefits payments will be made electronically by Direct Deposit into a savings or checking account or by a Direct Express debit card provided
by the Department of the Treasury. See SF 2801A for additional information. This does not apply to you if your permanent payment address is outside
the United States in a country not accessible via Direct Deposit/Direct Express.
1. Select one of the following:
Please send my annuity payments to my checking or savings account. (Go to item 2.)
Checking Savings ( )
3c. Name and address of the financial institution 3d. Special Note: If you prefer, you may attach a cancelled personal check
that shows the information requested above, instead of filling in the
requested financial institution information. If you attach your personal
check, it is especially important that you contact your bank, credit union,
or savings institution to confirm that the information on the check is the
correct information for direct deposit. (Some institutions, especially credit
unions, use different routing numbers on checks.)
4. Do you want Federal income tax withheld from your annuity 4a. Do you want Federal income tax withheld at the rate currently being withheld from your
payments? salary?
Yes (Go to item 4a.) Yes (Attach a copy of W-4 form on file with your employing agency.)
No (Go to Section I.) No (Attach a new W-4 form; otherwise, withholding will be at the rate for married
with 3 exemptions.)
Section I - Applicant's Certification
Warning I hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true
Any intentionally false statement in this to the best of my knowledge and belief.
application or willful misrepresentation relative
thereto is a violation of the law punishable by a Signature (Do not print) Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of
not more than 5 years, or both. (18 U.S.C. 1001)
Applicant's Checklist
This checklist is provided to help you be certain you have attached all necessary documentation and to help your employing office be Yes No Not
certain it forwards all of your retirement documentation to the Office of Personnel Management. Applicable
1. Military Service - If you answered "yes" to Section B, Item 4, did you attach Schedule A?
2. Military Service - If you completed Schedule A, did you attach a copy of your discharge certificate or other certificate of active
military service?
3. Military Retired Pay - If you answered "yes" to Section B, item 5, did you attach Schedule B?
4. Military Retired Pay - If you completed Schedule B and answered "yes" to item 2 or 3, did you attach a copy of award or other
documentation of the type of military retired pay you are receiving?
5. Military Retired Pay If you completed Schedule B and answered "yes" to item 4, did you attach a copy of your request for
waiver and a copy of the military finance office's acknowledgment or approval of your request for waiver (if applicable)?
6. Survivor Election If you are married and did not initial box 1 of Section F, did you attach SF 28012, Spouse's Consent
to Survivor Election?
7. Life Insurance If you answered "yes" to Section D, item 3, did you attach SF 2818, Continuation of Life Insurance Coverage
As an Annuitant or Compensationer?
8. OWCP - If you answered "yes" to Section C, item 1 did you attach Schedule C?
9. Tax - If you want to elect a Federal Income Tax withholding rate, did you attach a W4 form?
10. Court or Administrative Order(s) - If you answered "yes" to Section D, item 2, and/or "yes" to Section E, item 2 did you attach a
copy of the order(s)?
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 2801
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 Previous editions are not usable.
Schedules A, B and C
1. Name (last, first, middle) 2. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 3. Social security number
2. If any of your military service occurred on or after January 1, 1957, have you paid a deposit to your agency for this
service? (You must pay this deposit to your agency. You cannot pay OPM after you retire. See Schedule A on page 4
of the instructions for the effect on your annuity if the deposit is not paid.) Yes No
Schedule B - Military Retired Pay
If you are receving or have applied for military retired or retainer pay (including disability retired pay), complete items 1 4 below.
3. Except for scheduled compensation awards, workers' compensation and CSRS retirement benefits cannot be paid for the same period of time. Please complete the
information below regarding your claim. You must complete this section.
a. Do you agree to notify us promptly if the status of your workers' compensation claim changes?
Yes No
b. Do you authorize the Office of Personnel Management and/or the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) to collect any overpayment if we later find you
are not eligible for both compensation and annuity payments covering the same period of time?
Yes No
Applicant's Certification
I certify that all statements made on Signature (do not print) Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
these schedules are true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 2801
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 Previous editions are not usable.
Spouse's Consent to Survivor Election
Instructions: If you are married and you do not elect a reduced annuity to provide a maximum survivor annuity for your current spouse,
complete Part 1. Have your spouse complete Part 2. Part 2 must be completed in the presence of a Notary Public or other person authorized to
administer oaths. The person administering oaths must complete Part 3.
Part 1 - To Be Completed by the Retiring Employee
Name (last, first, middle) Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Social security number
I have elected: (Mark the box(es) which describe the election you have made with regard to your current spouse. For example, a married employee who only
elects a survivor annuity for a former spouse, must also check boxes “a” and “d”.)
a. No regular or insurable interest survivor annuity for my current spouse. I understand that:
• No survivor annuity will be paid to my spouse after my death,
• His/her Federal Employees Health Benefits coverage based on my Federal employment will terminate upon my death, and
• He/she will not be eligible to enroll in the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) after my death.
b. An insurable interest survivor annuity for my current spouse, but no regular survivor annuity for my current spouse. (I have completed Section F,
item 4 on my Standard Form 2801 naming my current spouse.)
c. A partial survivor annuity for my current spouse equal to 55% of $_________________________ a year.
d. A survivor annuity for my former spouse __________________________________________________ equal to _____________% of my annuity.
(name of former spouse)
A court order which requires a retiring employee to provide a survivor Important: If the current spouse consents to an election to provide no
annuity for a former spouse is not an election and spousal consent is not survivor annuity or a partial survivor annuity and is later divorced from the
required. In other words, such a court order does not require a current spouse retired employee, the retired employee may not then elect (nor can OPM
to waive the right to a survivor annuity for the current spouse, even though honor a court order) to provide a former spouse annuity which exceeds the
the Office of Personnel Management must honor the terms of the court order amount elected at retirement for that spouse. This also applies if the parties
before it can honor the election for the current spouse. remarry.
I freely consent to the survivor annuity election described in Part 1. I understand that if my spouse elected no regular or insurable interest
survivor annuity in Part 1 above, after my spouse dies I will not receive a survivor annuity, my Federal Employees Health Benefits
coverage will terminate when my spouse dies, and I will not be eligible to enroll in the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
(FLTCIP) if I am not already enrolled before my spouse's death. I also understand that my consent is final (not revocable).
Name (type or print) Signature (do not print) Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
the __________ day of _________________________, __________, at _______________________________________________________.
(Month) (Year) (City and State)
(Seal of Notary Public or witnessing authority of person authorized to administer oaths) Signature (do not print)
Expiration date (mm/dd/yyyy) of commission, if Notary Public
Public Law 98615, which establishes the spousal consent requirement, authorizes solicitation of this information. The data furnished will be used to determine the type of
annuity awarded. The information may be shared and is subject to verification, via paper, electronic media, or through the use of computer matching programs with national,
state, local or other charitable or social security administrative agencies in order to determine benefits under their programs, to obtain information necessary for determination or
continuation of benefits under this program, or to report income for tax purposes. It may also be shared and verified, as noted above with law enforcement agencies when they
are investigating a violation or potential violation of civil or criminal law. Executive Order 9397 (November 22, 1943) authorizes use of the Social Security number. Failure to
provide information may delay or prevent action on your application.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 28012
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices 2801111 Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 Previous editions are not usable.
Certified Summary of Federal Service
Civil Service Retirement System
Section A - Identification
1. Name (last, first, middle) 2. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 3. Social security number(s)
4. List all other names used (maiden name, AKA, spelling variants) 5. Other birth dates used 6. Military serial number
Yes (Attach a copy of the applicant's military retired pay order, Yes (Attach a copy of the military finance center's letter to the
if available, and complete 9b.) employee accepting waiver, if available.)
No No (Includes cases where a waiver is not necessary.)
Section B - Verified Service History Documented in Official Records
Federal agency or Appointment, separation, or conversion Name of retirement Remarks and non-creditable time
military service branch dates for civilian and active honorable system* (Indicate if service is part-time. If service was WAE or
military service (e.g., CSRS, intermittent, show the number of days or hours worked.)
CSRS Offset, etc.)
From (mm/dd/yyyy) To (mm/dd/yyyy)
*Give details of creditable civilian service not subject to retirement deductions in Section C.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 28011
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices 2801111 Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 Previous editions are not usable.
Section C - Details of Civilian Service Not Subject to Contributory Retirement System for Civilian
Federal Employees
This information is required to compute the portion of annuity based on such service.
Detail below (1) any period of Federal civilian service subject to "FICA" deductions and (2) any other Federal civilian service not subject to a Federal
employee (or DC Government) retirement system. If total basic salary earned for any such period of service is known, you may make a summary entry on the
right hand side below. Otherwise, show each change affecting basic salary during the period of service. Show parttime tour of duty, if applicable. If parttime
service is after April 6, 1986, also provide total number of hours employee worked during the period and show what a fulltime tour of duty would be.
Official Title Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
I have additional service. (If you claim additional service, attach signed statement(s) giving dates, positions, titles and locations of employment,
including agency, bureau, and division. Claimed service cannot be credited for retirement until it has been verified. This includes unverified service
listed on SF 144, Statement of Prior Federal Civilian and Military Service, or similar affidavit.)
Note: If you have performed Federal civilian service subject to social security deductions (FICA) or not subject to retirement deductions, be sure that
your agency has correctly completed Section C above. If you have active military service on or after January 1, 1957, for which you have not
made a deposit, be sure to read Schedule A on page 4 of the “Instructions” for Completing Application for Immediate Retirement for information
on how this affects your annuity. You cannot change your decision after you retire.
Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Reverse of Standard Form 28011
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices 2801111 Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 Previous editions are not usable.
Agency Checklist of Immediate Retirement Procedures
Civil Service Retirement System
Section A - Employing Office Checklist: To be completed by office maintaining Official Personnel Folder (OPF).
1. Name (last, first, middle) 2. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 3. Social security number
Option C Family with the following multiples:
1 2 3 4 5
8. Are the following documents attached or actions taken? Indicate by an “X” for each item. Yes Not
a. SF 2801*
b. All documents applicant shows attached to SF 2801
c. If applicant is married and elects less than the maximum survivor benefit, SF 28012*
d. SF 28011*
e. If applicant served in the military, or applied for military retired pay or DOVA benefits in lieu of military retired pay, or applied for
OWCP benefits, Schedules A, B, C of SF 2801
f. If applicant has military service, DD 214 or its equivalent, if available
g. If applicant wants a refund of military service deposit because he/she does not want to waive military retired pay, SF 2802*
h. If applicant wants to waive military retired pay, copy of waiver request and response from Military Retired Pay Center, if available
i. If post1956 military service is involved and deposit is not made, was applicant counseled about the effects of not paying the deposit?
Attach OPM Form 1515*
j. If discontinued service retirement, documentation specified in Chapter 44, CSRS and FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices,
including OPM Form 1510* and attachments
k. If early optional retirement, enter OPM authority or Public Law number here
l. If law enforcement/firefighter, customs and border protection officers, or nuclear materials courier, agency certification if the applicant is
eligible for a special computation
m. If OPM has approved disability retirement, a copy of the approval notice and checklist
n. If employee has applied for compensation benefits, OWCP award, if available
o. Agency estimates of annuity
p. If divorced on/after 5/7/1985, and former spouse is awarded a survivor annuity or a portion of retirement, a copy of the divorce decree,
court order, and property settlement agreement.
9. If the annuity is not for disability, are the following documents attached? Yes Not Sent to
Applicable OWCP
a. All SF 2809's* in the applicant's OPF
b. All SF 2810's* in applicant's OPF
c. SF 2821*
d. All SF 2817's*, SF 176's*, SF 176T's*
e. SF 2818*
f. All SF 54's* and SF 2823's* in the applicant's OPF
10. If retirement is for disability, is the employee's disability documentation specified in SF 3112* attached?
Yes No, explain:
*See page 3 for titles of forms referred to above.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management 1 Standard Form 2801 Schedule D
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices NSN 7540006344250 Previous editions are not usable. Revised June 2013
11. List any documents attached which are not listed on the front of this checklist.
12. Certification by the Chief Human Resources Officer or Designee
I certify that the above accurately reflects verified information in official records and that the applicant has sufficient service to be entitled to an
annuity. I further certify that all required documentation in support of this application is attached, accurate, and complete.
Signature Address
Official Title Submitting Office Number (SON)
Person to contact for further information Telephone number, FAX number, and email address
Offenses Barring Annuity Payments: Public Law 87299 prohibits payment of annuity to persons who have committed specified offenses involving the
national security of the United States. Employing agencies are responsible for submitting all pertinent information to the Office of Personnel Management,
Retirement Services, in any case when this law possibly applies.
Section B - Payroll Office Checklist: To be completed by the office maintaining the Individual Retirement Record
(SF 2806)
If the appropriate response to a question is “Not Applicable,” leave blank.
Important: The SF 2806 must be closed out and received by OPM within 30 days after the employee's date of separation.
Yes No*
1. Does the SF 2806 for the applicant named in Section A contain all information necessary to comply with OPM instructions for
maintaining the Individual Retirement Record?
2. Is applicant's sick leave balance shown on SF 2806?
3. Is applicant's last day in pay status shown on SF 2806?
4. Is the applicant's health benefits status posted on SF 2806?
5. If this is a preliminary SF 2806 for disability retirement, is applicant's life insurance status posted?
6. If applicant is continuing life insurance into retirement, is the SF 2821 with Payroll certifying signature attached?
7. Has applicant made a military service deposit with your agency?
7a. If "yes," is the SF 2806 for the deposit attached?
8. Does the applicant have any parttime service on or after April 7, 1986?
8a. If "yes," is the number of hours in each scheduled tour of duty and the date of each change in tour of duty posted on the SF 2806 or
SF 28061 (including changes to fulltime and intermittent status)? Also, show what a fulltime tour of duty would be, total number
of hours actually worked, and what total number of hours would have been if employee had always worked fulltime.
9. If the applicant is a Postal Service employee, are postal earnings for nondeduction service shown on SF 2806?
10. Disposition of SF 2806:
SF 2806 and Register of Separations and Transfers (SF 2807) are attached.
If SF 2806 was already forwarded, provide the following:
Forwarded to:
SF 2807 Number:
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) of SF 2807:
*11. Explain any "No" responses here:
12. Certification by the Chief Payroll Officer or Designee
I certify that the above reflects official records maintained by this office.
Signature Telephone number, FAX number, and email address
Payroll Office Number Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 2801 Schedule D
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices Revised June 2013
NSN 7540006344250 2 Previous editions are not usable.
Section C - How to Process Open Season Health Benefits Changes When Employees Retire Before the
Effective Date of the Open Season Change:
a. If the employee is retiring before the effective date of an Open Season change, the Human Resources office should have the employee
complete the Open Season SF 2809 and have the authorized agency official initial and date Part G to show that the Open Season
registration was timely submitted. The name of the losing installation and the signature of its certifying officer should not appear on the
SF 2809. Attach the unprocessed SF 2809 to other health benefits documents and the SF 2806 when they are submitted to OPM.
b. If an Open Season change has already been processed, but the employee unexpectedly retires before the effective date of the change, the
losing office should void all Open Season forms and transfer the existing enrollment (if any) to the gaining office (OPM). Tell the
employee that the Open Season change has been voided and, if possible, have the employee complete a new SF 2809 and handle it as
stated in a. above. If it is impossible to make this action quickly, notify OPM that the employee's Open Season change, which was timely
filed, has been voided, and that a new Open Season SF 2809 will be sent to OPM. For further information, refer to the Federal Employees
Health Benefits Program Handbook for Enrollees and Employing Offices. This is on the internet at
Click on Healthcare, then Reference Materials and then on FEHB Handbook.
SF 28011 Certified Summary of Federal Service
SF 28012 Spouse's Consent to Survivor Election
SF 2802 Application for Refund of Retirement Deductions
SF 2809 Health Benefits Registration Form
SF 2810 Notice of Change in Health Benefits Enrollment
SF 176
SF 176T
SF 2817
} Life Insurance Election
Continuation of Life Insurance Coverage as an Annuitant or
SF 2818
SF 2821 Agency Certification of Insurance Status
SF 54
SF 2823
} Designation of Beneficiary
SF 3112 Documentation in Support of Disability Retirement
OPM Form 1510 Certification of Agency Offer of Position and Required Documentation
OPM Form 1515 Military Service Deposit Election
DD214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty