Real Time Object Detection & Tracking System (Locally and Remotely) With Rotating Camera
Real Time Object Detection & Tracking System (Locally and Remotely) With Rotating Camera
Real Time Object Detection & Tracking System (Locally and Remotely) With Rotating Camera
Real Time Object Detection & Tracking System (locally and remotely) with
Rotating Camera
Abstract - The task of real time detection and tracking of a moving object in a video stream is quite challenging if camera itself is moving. This
paper presents an implementation of real time detection and tracking of an unknown object in video stream with 360° (azimuth) rotating camera.
It also presents adaption of different object tracking algorithms and their effect on implementation. The system described in this paper contains a
camera that is connected to an embedded system (standalone board) or PC/laptop. They (board/PC) are having an image processing algorithm
which detects an object first and then tracks it as long as it is in the line of sight of the camera. As the object moves, the PC/laptop/embedded
Board gives signal to motor to rotate the camera which is mounted on a stepper motor. To monitor Object in video user can have multiple
options. If user is using laptop/PC to track object it is very simple for him because he already has a screen but in case of embedded board user
can monitor the activity of the object of interest using HDMI output or streaming video on WEB server. The object can be defined directly by
the end user by selecting a portion of the frame in video stream. The embedded board/PC also saves the video stream in a storage device for
playback purpose.
Key Words: Embedded System Board, Embedded Linux OS/Linux OS, Object Detection, Object Tracking, Rotating Camera, OpenCV Libraries
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3058 - 3063
B. Embedded Linux OS/ General Purpose Linux OS do this is to use a 360° rotating camera. The camera is
Operating systems [19] based on Linux kernels are mounted on a stepper motor so that it can rotate by 360°
currently used in embedded system devices such as consumer (clockwise and counter-clockwise in azimuth). The stepper
electronics, networking equipment, machine control etc. motor is used to get an accurate position. Whenever the object
There are many versions of embedded Linux available in goes out of boundary of the camera, the motor will rotate to
the market. Some of them are: keep the object in the frame. Selecting a suitable stepper motor
Android (embedded) [8] is very important as many factors like revolution per
Maemo minute, step size, voltage specification etc. are to be taken in
Debian to consideration. For the present application, step size of the
Raspbian motor should be small so that the camera can cover larger area.
This paper proposes 2 algorithms to move the motor for
C. Object Detection tracking the object. Interfacing of stepper motor with
Objection detection [4] is a method to identify an object in embedded board is easy using motor driver IC [17].
a video or a picture frame. The object can be anything that is Choosing camera is crucial task for user because every
of interest for further analysis. Numbers of methods have been embedded board doesn’t support all the cameras. So it is
developed to detect a moving object using an active camera. responsibility of user that he should check camera
Usually a moving object detected by static camera using compatibility of embedded board first [22].
background subtraction.
An object [1] can be represented by its shape, position and F. OpenCV libraries
appearances. Some of the commonly used object OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s
representations are: free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++ [15], C,
Points Python [12] and Java interfaces and it supports Windows,
Articulated shape models Linux, Mac OS, iOS and Android. OpenCV was designed for
Skeletal models computational efficiency and with a strong focus on real-time
Probability densities
Active appearance models
Multi view models
To track the object, embedded board needs an image
The choice of a unique feature is very crucial in object
processing algorithm. Here these paper describes a design
detection. Most necessary property of feature is in its
using 3 different algorithms to track the object in a video
uniqueness so that the object can be easily distinguished
stream. One common thing about these algorithms is that they
all use OpenCV libraries. All algorithms have their own
D. Object Tracking
benefits and limitations. These algorithms are:
The basic aim of object tracking is to estimate object
location in image sequences. To track an object, many kind of
1. Object tracking using Dominant Color:
calculations are necessary e.g. object orientation, object shape,
This algorithm is developed using OpenCV library. It can
direction of object, speed of object, area of object and etc.
easily run on embedded boards. This algorithm is needed to
Major challenges [1] involved in object tracking are:
develop because embedded board comes with limited
Illumination change resources like limited processor speed and limited on-chip
Pose variation RAM.
Object deformation This algorithm [12] detects an object of most dominant
Scale variation color. Basically it uses k-means clustering on the video frame
Motion blur and it gives centroid of most dominant color in Frame. This
Noise in image/video sequence algorithm is limited to some object only which have dominant
Partial/Full occlusion of object color. As it is very simple, it can run smoothly on embedded
Object tracking with moving a camera becomes boards.
challenging because many difficulties arise due to these
challenges. 2. CAMSHIFT Algorithm
The CAMSHIFT algorithm [20] is based on the MEAN
E. Rotating Camera SHIFT algorithm. The MEAN SHIFT algorithm works well on
In the present application, the object will be tracked as static probability distributions but not on dynamic ones as in a
long as it is in the line of sight of the camera. A simple way to movie. CAMSHIFT is based on principles of the MEAN
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3058 - 3063
SHIFT but also a facet to account for these dynamically A. first approach:
changing distributions.
CAMSHIFT's is able to handle dynamic distributions by
readjusting the search window size for the next frame based on
the zeroth moment of the current frames distribution. This
allows the algorithm to anticipate object movement to quickly
track the object in the next scene. Even during quick
movements of an object, CAMSHIFT is still able to correctly
CAMSHIFT works by tracking the hue of an object, in this
case, flesh color. The movie frames were all converted to HSV
space before individual analysis.
3. CMT algorithm
Consensus-based [2] Matching and Tracking of Key points
(CMT) is an award-winning object tracking algorithm,
CMT is able to track a wide variety of object classes in a
multitude of scenes without the need of adapting the algorithm
to the concrete scenario in any way. CMT is able to achieve Fig. 2: Interface of camera on a stepper motor and storage
excellent results on a dataset that is as large as 60 sequences. It device with embedded system.
is open source algorithm under the BSD license.
The main idea behind CMT is to break down the object of First approach uses embedded board to track into the video
interest into tiny parts, known as key points. In each frame, it stream. Different algorithms like CMT, CAMSHIFT and
tries to again find the key points that were already there in the openTLD are lagging on embedded board because of limited
initial selection of the object of interest. This is done by resources. So the algorithm on embedded system should be
employing two different kinds of methods. First, it tracks key very simpler so it can run in real time. So one algorithm that
points from the previous frame to the current frame by detects an object using dominant color and provides center of
estimating what is known as its optic flow. Second, the object. It uses k-mean clustering on HSV conversion of
it matches key points globally by comparing their descriptors. frame. Algorithm is written into python and it uses OpenCV
As both of these methods are error-prone, it employs a novel library. After center coordinates are obtained, they are pass on
way of looking for consensus within the found key points by to stepper motor algorithm which rotates motor according to
letting each key points vote for the object center. Based on the the logic. These two algorithms are connected through means
remaining key points, the new bounding box is computed and signal passing is done through named pipe IPC to pass data
the process continues. between two different processes. Also third Writing algorithm
CMT algorithm is capable of taking dynamic input given by is used to save video on hard disk. The output video stream
user. This is an advantage of this algorithm. can be seen on HDMI monitor or TV using HDMI cable.
Fig. 3: object tracking using Dominant color.
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3058 - 3063
The limitation of this algorithm is that it only works with
dominant color object. So it will detect only few dominant
colors. The main problem occurs when two dominant color
object comes into one frame, then behavior of algorithm
would become undefined.
B. Second approach:
Now, to use complex algorithms like CMT [5] and
CAMSHIFT, a special arrangement is needed. In this design
PC/laptop and general purpose OS (Ubuntu distribution) are
used to run this algorithm. These algorithms are running
smoothly on PC because of good processor speed. Signal
passing to an embedded board which is connected to Stepper
Motor is done through serial communication using UART
based communication. The board is running motor algorithm
and when it gets the signal, it will move motor accordingly. Fig. 5: object tracking using CAMSHIFT algorithm.
Python provides Serial module [14] and C++ provides libserial
library [16] for serial communication. CAMSHIFT algorithm [6] is written in C++. It tracks object
very smoothly. It accepts input directly by the user. A user just
have to select the object in the video stream using a mouse.
User can select the object by drawing a Bounding Box on the
video stream. It will give coordinates of center point and
algorithm uses that to send to motor algorithm as signal using
serial programming in C++ [16].
The limitation of this algorithm is re-detection. If the object
make occlusion from screen and reappears then detection of
object would not be guaranteed. But in these application,
advantage is that camera is moving so it would not let object
get occlusion in horizontal direction.
2. CMT
CMT algorithm [5] was originally written in python. User
can give input by selecting bounding box on screen. It
Fig. 4: Interfacing of embedded board with PC which is supports many arguments with itself. It tracks any kind of
running image tracking algorithm. object with re-detection feature.
Limitation of CMT algorithm in our application is that the
According to the object found in video, a signal is passed to user have to choose object very carefully because algorithm
the embedded board serially. Motor algorithm running on use key points to detect the object. If the user selects an object
embedded board makes decision about how to rotate a motor. with most of background then moving object tracking
And writing algorithm on PC saves video stream to hard disk becomes very tough because algorithm uses key points
for playback Purpose. Serial to TTL converter can be used to randomly. So if it takes most of the key points from the
send data from laptop to embedded board. background, it will track background only. If user chooses an
In previous image (fig. 4) these design is illustrated. Here object with no background selected or he chooses an object
camera is connected to PC/laptop which is running an object with moving background it will work perfectly. One more
tracking algorithm. Motor is connected to an embedded board point is that the user have to select the object such that CMT
which is running motor algorithm and finally board is will find minimum key points.
connected to PC using Serial cable.
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3058 - 3063
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3058 - 3063
E. Extended work: In above image (Fig.9), board is connected to camera and
Object tracking algorithms like CMT and CAMSHIFT stepper motor both, and also connected to Wi-Fi dongle or
works very fast with PC and controlling of motor is done Ethernet for video streaming purpose on internet. PC is not
through embedded board. This is local configuration. Now directly connected to embedded board but remotely connected
same thing can be done using a new arrangement that makes it by socket programming.
work remotely. In proposed configuration, the embedded
board is placed at some remote location and connected to the F. Camera:
internet via Ethernet and is powered by a good power source Last improvement is very crucial for the operation of the
(on battery it will last maximum one day). The camera is system. When webcam rotates, its wire gets wrapped around it.
connected to the embedded board and video stream server So after 3 or 4 rotations webcam cannot rotate further in one
installed on board called motion. What motion do? [10] It direction. That is not going to create a major problem but
takes the video stream from camera and stream it on internet. sometime user needs more than 3 rotations in one direction.
This stream on PC [11] can be used as input using OpenCV For such applications, a wireless camera can be used. User can
libraries and tracking of an object in that stream is possible. It use his mobile as wireless camera. There is one software on
is possible because versatility of OpenCV libraries. According android named Droidcam [23] is available which turns mobile
to the object’s coordinates, a signal is sent to the board which into a wireless camera. On the other hand user can use Droid
is running stepper motor algorithm. This time signal is passed client software on Linux to catch that stream. What client
using one more IPC called socket which is part of the socket software will do? Client [24] creates video driver in Linux
programming. User can monitor object on PC screen and kernel which acts as virtual camera. All you have to do is to
writing algorithm is writing video on hard disk. This just open that driver and fetch video stream using OpenCV
arrangement allows user to monitor object remotely. Python libraries. This method works perfectly.
has module called socket [13] and C++ have socket API’s for
socket programming.
This arrangement provides good result but the major
problem of this arrangement is that one should have sufficient
bandwidth of internet because the board has to stream a real
time video over the internet. Also, the Internet lag is always
present and video stream will have 2 seconds of lag. If one
reduce resolution of video stream, efficiency would be
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3058 - 3063
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with high end mobile devices (faster CPUs), they can run [15 Apr. 2015].
flawlessly and one can use mobile to give signal to embedded [17] “How to do wiring of unipolar stepper motor with
embedded boards”
board to control motor over network.
Motor-Tutorial/ [15 Apr. 2015].
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IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @