Water Blocking in MV XLPE Cables - EE Publishers

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12/13/2017 Water blocking in MV XLPE cables - EE Publishers

EE Publishers (http://www.ee.co.za)

Water blocking in MV XLPE cables


The penetration of water or the presence of moisture in XLPE cables is one of the most serious problems associated with the lifespan of cables under
the influence of high electrical stresses. XLPE insulated cables which are designed to operate at 600 to 1000 V require insulation thicknesses well
above those required purely for electrical performance.

The electrical stresses experienced by LV XLPE cables are too small and insufficient to create electrical failures due to moisture, so no protection from the effects
of water and moisture is required for LV XLPE cables. Medium voltage (> 1000 V) (MV) XLPE cables experience significantly increased electrical stresses and
should be protected against water penetration and moisture. MV XLPE cables can be protected by radial or longitudinal protection against water penetration. Water
is able to penetrate the cable through damages in the outer sheath at the joints or termination ends. Longitudinal water-blocking is the most appropriate means of
protecting for MV XLPE cables.

Water-blocking techniques

Water-blocking is achieved through the prevention of water flowing inside the cable as well as between the elements of the cable. This is achieved by filling the free
space within the cable with water-blocking materials. In the instance of water penetration through a damaged outer sheath, the water-blocking materials will start
the blocking process against water and moisture ingress. Each stage of the cable design is analysed and all interfaces within the cable are water-blocked. Where
electrical contact is required between the interfaces of the cable, a semi-conductive material made be used.

Water-blocking materials

Water swellable materials (Fig. 1) can be hard water-blocking compounds or dry materials such as water swellable powders or water swellable tapes and yarns.
The use of tapes and yarns was found to be the most appropriate method of water-blocking from a manufacturing and an application perspective.

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Fig. 1: Examples of water swellable tapes and yarns.

Water-blocking of conductors

Water-blocking of conductors is a crucial step in the design of the cable. This is achieved by applying a yarn in the centre of the conductor and water swellable
tapes over each layer of wires. Fig. 2 shows an example of a conductor with water swellable materials, and Fig. 3 shows how it turns blue in the presence of
moisture. It is essential to ensure that conductivity of electrical current is maintained after applying tapes to the conductor. This was tested by measuring the
resistance of the conductor. Aberdare achieves this through compaction of the conductors. Compaction of the conductors with the tapes forms a framework
structure on the tape thereby maintaining conductivity.

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Fig. 2: Conductor manufacture with

water swellable tapes and yarn.

Tests were conducted at Aberdare’s laboratories in Port Elizabeth, in the presence of representatives from Eskom and City Power, to verify the increase on
conductor temperature due to the additional tapes within the conductor. The specification states that there should be no more than a 2°C temperature change when
a cable connector is applied. This test is called a heat cycling test. The cable was tested and passed and the results verified. Samples have been sent to a testing
house in France to conduct further load cycling tests. Verification of all tests has a huge benefit for installers as they would not be required to remove the tapes
when jointing or terminating cable ends.

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Fig. 3: Water swellable tapes and yarn turn blue in the presence of moisture

Water-blocking of amouring

Water-blocking of armouring is achieved by applying a generous layer of bitumen to the armour. This seals the crevices between the armour wires and enhances
the corrosion resistance of the armouring (Fig. 4).

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Fig. 4: Bitumen applied to armour layer.


Because the penetration of water or the presence of moisture in MV XLPE cables is a serious problem associated with the lifespan of cables carrying high voltages,
water ingress must be prevented, and any moisture which does build up inside the cable must be blocked effectively. Water swelling tapes and yarns have been
shown to be an effective remedy.

Contact Annelene Sivalingum, Aberdare Cables, Tel 011 396-8000, [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Related Tags
Aberdare (http://www.ee.co.za/tag/aberdare) Water (http://www.ee.co.za/tag/water) XPLE (http://www.ee.co.za/tag/xple)

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