Hydraulic Snubber PDF
Hydraulic Snubber PDF
Hydraulic Snubber PDF
hydraulic snubber
5. Design Parameters
hydraulic snubber
SNA 16 - EA - 160
Total stroke length(mm)
Assembly Type
Rated Load (Metric Ton) Type EA
Hydraulic Snubber
For example, when the calculated design load is Design Stroke(mm) Total(Rated) Stroke(mm)
4500 Kgf, size SNA 6 (rated load = 6000 (Displacement) 100 160 250
Kgf) is the proper size to be selected.
50 and less ○ △ △
○ Opt i mum
51 - 110 X ○ △ △ Usabl e
② Assembly Type 111 - 200 X X ○ X Not usabl e
hydraulic snubber
In addition to the standard size series, for non- (1) Installation works at site must be curried out in
standard, rated load, stroke length and/or close reference to the relevant installation drawing to
installation length, special design of snubber be provided for each individual snubber location.
assemblies are available on request. Testing
(2) Exact alignment of the entire snubber assembly is
facilities having loading capacity of Max. 500,000
critically important for the snubber assembly to assure
Kgf is available at our factory. For details, contact
the required performance, and the alignment must be
our Engineering Department.
carefully observed throughout the installation works,
especially when welding the connecting tube with the
adapter of the main unit.
■Quality Assurance