ElTejar CapitalGroup

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To: Diana Martin/Reshika Basden


Date: 06 November 2009

From Allison Forte

Name: Luis Oscar Kasdorf

Company: El Tejar Limited (the "Company")
Client/matter No: 137057.1


0 Acquisition by 0 Issue 0 Transfer of shares representing % of the

beneficial ownership of the issued shares of the Company
X Appointment as a Officer/Director/Alternate Director (circle as appropriate)
X Appointment as authorised signatory on Company's bank account
O Main Contact/Instructing party
O Other (please describe)
Please find enclosed the originals of the following compliance documents:
X Compliance form (Individual)
0 Compliance form (Company)
0 Personal Declaration
X Photographic Identification - certified copy
X Passport, number: 12928296 (Argentinean Passport)
0 Drivers Licence, number:
X Certified utility bill: Edenor Electric Bill # 7940 2517 5314
Other (please describe)


Please acknowledge safe receipt of the documents noted above by signing and returning the
enclosed copy.

Cofe Administrator

For Compliance Department use only

Documeiitation filed in Compliance folder

.X/Lc. ~
Receipt acknowledged
f\Compliance Officer/Manager Date
D M / R


C:\NrPortbl\APPLEBY_BDA\AFORTE\6307697_1 .DOC

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T 009539639

Buenos Aires, 23 de Octubre de 2009

En mi carácter de escribano TITULAR DEL REGISTRO NOTARIAL 222

CERTIFICO que la reproducciOn anexa, extendida en 02 (DOS)

fojals, que sello y firmo, es COPIA FE(' su original, que tengo a la vista, doy fe.
Compliance Form for Individuals

P ipletion by:
hareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories.
nstructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as
art of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law.

iCompany/Partnership Name El Tejar Limited

of Applicant First Name Luis Middle Name(s) Oscar

Surname Kasdorf


rth rfAonth 04 DayT2' I Year 1958 Nationality Argentina

;irth Buenos Aires Passport Number 12928296

I Information Street Address Escalada 1220 Barrio Laguna del Sol Lote 382
- -

City Tigre State/Province Buenos Aires

Country Argentina Zip/Postal Code 1649

Home Telephone +54(11)48093200 I lome Fax 54(11)48090060

I lome E-mail Address [email protected]

'Business Occupation Institutional Relations Director fl Check box if self employed

Name of Employer/Business El Tejar SAACeI

Street Address Av San Martin 2949

City Saladillo State/Province Buenos Aires -

Country Argentina Zip/Postal Code 7260

Business Telephone 4 54(2344)450375 Business Fax +54(2344)450474

Business E-mail Address [email protected]

for requiring 0 Incorporation/Continuation of Entity 0 Appointment as a Director or Officer

0 Acquisition of shares by subscription Authorised signatory on bank account(s)

Acquisition of shares by transfer Other (provide explanation) -

Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional

(cg: attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths. etc.)
)ort; OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the E Passport, 0
Drivers Licence, D
National Photo
ID Card and Z proof of current address is a true and correct copy of the original document as
rs Licence (with photo); OR
seen by me
National Photo ID Card; AND
rof current address

Print full name of person Signature of person

of identity documents must be certifvingldentitv documfii"\
certifying identity document
e (IC: not enlarged) and contain a
able photograph certified by a
ty professional Professional Title Date / I) YR

c USC only
d b Date J /
I) / l / YR
Original tiled Compliance Iblder, date I


- --:-

• • ' uii:•. m'•.


F 005535216

1 Buenos Aires, 23 de Octubre de 2009 . En mi carácter de escribano

2 TITULAR del Registro Notarial 222 de esta Ciudad,

3 CERTIFICO: Que la/s FIRMA que obra/n en el

41 documento que adjunto a esta foja, cuyo req uerirniento de certiflcación se

5 formaliza sirnultáneamente por ACTA nürnero 146 del LIBRO

6 numero 43 , es/son puesta/s en mi presencia por la/s persona/s

7 cuyo/s nombre/s y documento/s de identidad se menciona/n a continuación asI como

8 la justificación de su identidad. Luis Oscar KASDORF, D.N.I. N°

9 12.928.296, de mi conocimiento personal, quien manifiesta actuar como Apoderado


11 MERCIAL E INDUSTRIAL", segn asi to acredita con el Poder General Amplio de

12 fecha 3 de Noviembre de 1995, pasada al folio 1750 del Registro Notarial 137. Estatu-

13 tos inscriptos en el Registro PibIico de Comercio el 19/09/1972 bajo el N° 3255, F

14 293, Libro 77, Tomo A de Estatutos de S.A., y su ultima modificación inscripta el

15 20/05/96, bajo el N° 4432, Libro 118, Tomo A de S.A. Tengo ala vista la documenta-

16 ción citada y de ella surge que el firmante tienefacuitades suficientes para ci ado.

17 DOY FE.- SE DEJA CONSTANCIA QUE ci instrumento cuya firma se certifica se

18 1 encuentra parcialmente en blanco y se encuentra redactado en idioma extranjero.-








rnrTrrrI21 Receiving Offh

%ppLeby Bermuda

Appleby Bermuda El
ppLeby BVI 1=1 Appleby BVI []

Appleby Cayman Appleby Cayman El

Appleby Hong Kong Appleby Hong Kong

Appleby Jersey Appleby Jersey El

Appleby London Appleby London El
Appleby Mauritius El Appleby Mauritius El
I .rirnaIntroducedCLient

Last Name (for an indivIduatl or

Corporate Entity Name Altima Global Special Situations Master Fund Ltd.

First Name c/o Ogler Fiduciary Services (Cavnian) Limited

Address Queensgate House, South Church Street

City George Town

State Province Grand Cayman

Postal Code KYI-1 10

Country Caynian Islands

I/we confirm that I/we have satisfactory evidence of the identity of the introduced client and
will on request provide a copy of that evidence.
,,,es .
introduction is made. •
(Satisfactory evidence is such evidence as wiU satisfy the anti-money Laundering regime in the country from which the
Note that there must not be any LegaL restriction on discLosure.)

I confirm that I have complied with the Appleby Anti-Money Laundering Policies and Procedures Manual with respect to
this client and that I have no reason to suspect that the introduced client is or has been engaged in money Laundering or
the financing of terrorism.

Name: MLRO/Deputy MLRO/Compliance Manager! Managing

Tanya Esdaille Partner (please circle one)

Signature: Dated: 25 October 2009

'In accordance with Gikoij Anti Money Laundering Policies and Procedures, only the MLRO, Deputy MLRO, Compliance Manager and
Managing Partner are authorised to sign this form.

Rev 040408
[email protected]

Foreign Exchange Control direct dial:

Bermuda Monetary Authority Tel 441 298 3233
Fax 441 298 3468
BMA House
43 Victoria Street client ref:
Hamilton HM 12
appleby ref:
AF/ph/137057. I

By Hand
Attention: Authorization and Compliance Division
20 August 2009
Dear Sir / Madam

El Tejar Limited (formerly known as Campos Verdes Ltd.) -

Registration No. 40011 (the "Company")

We hereby seek permission pursuant to the Exchange Control Act 1972 and
related regulations for the issue of shares in the capital of the Company (the
"Shares") to Capital International Private Equity Fund, L.P. ("CIPEF V") and
CGPE V, L.P. ("CGPE V") and together with CIPEF referred to herein as the
"Capital Funds").

The Company is a Bermuda exempted company incorporated on the 4" day of

May, 2007. The exact number of Shares contemplated to be issued to the Capital
Funds is as follows:

a) to issue and sell to CIPEF V [eleven million two hundred seventy

three thousand three hundred twenty one (11,273,321)] Class D
Shares and New Warrants representing (if and when exercised) [one
million eighty thousand one hundred and nine (1,080,109) Class D
Shares to CIPEF V (the "CIPEF V Equity Interest"); and

b) to issue and sell to CGPE V [three hundred eighty seven thousand

one hundred twenty seven (387,127)] Class D Shares and New
Warrants representing (if and when exercised) [thirty seven
thousand ninety one (37,091)] Class D Shares to CGPE V (the
"CGPE V Equity Interest")

We ask that you consider the following information in respect of the Capital
Funds in connection with the permission sought hereunder:

a) CGPE V, L.P. is a Cayman Island exempted limited partnership

which serves as "employees' securities companies" as defined in
A1'PLEBY_BDA\6069427v I
sed to conduct Trust Business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority
Section 2(a)(13) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. Its
objective is to provide a qualifying group of associates of The
Capital Group Companies, Inc. and its affiliates an opportunity to
invest alongside Capital International Private Equity Fund V, L.P.
Each investor in CGPE V is an "accredited investor," as such tenu
is defined in rule 501 of Regulation D promulgated under the
Securities Act.

b) The address for each of CIPEF V and CGPE V is Walker House,

87 Mary Street, Georgetown Grand Cayman, KYI-9002, Cayman

C) The size of the Capital Funds in terms of dollars and number of

investors is as follows:
(i) CIPEF V: two million dollars and 130 investors; and
(ii) CGPE V: seventy two billion dollars and 275 investors

d) The investment manager for the Capital Funds is Capital

International, Inc. ("CII"). CII is registered with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission and has adopted an anti-
money laundering programme that meets the requirements of all
applicable laws and regulations designed to combat money
laundering and suspicious activities; and

CII is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital Group International,

Inc. which in turn is owned by The Capital Group Companies,
Inc. ("CGC"). CGC is also the parent company of several other
subsidiaries, all of which directly or indirectly provide investment
management services. The Capital Group Companies form one of
the most experienced families of investment management firms in
the world, dating back to 1931, and has always been privately held.
/ CGC is owned by a broad group of over 400 key investment and
administrative active associates and retirees.

L(5b Given the size of the Capital Funds and CGC, it is unlikely there will a 5% or
k '.' greater beneficial holder in respect of the Shares contemplated to be issued to the
Capital Funds.

We trust that you will find this application to be complete in all respects and we
look forward to the Authority's permission for the issuance of the Shares to the
Capital Funds as soon as possible. We attach a copy of this letter which, if
convenient, you may endorse and return to us indicating the Authority's consent
Bermuda to the authorizations sought hereunder.
h Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Hong Kong
APPLEBY_13I)A\O69427 I
Should the Authority have any questions concerning this matter, please do not
hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Yours faithfully,

Allison Forte
Corporate Administrator

Virgin Islands
ayman Islands
Hong Kong
)ert Global Equity Partners Pagel of2


Gilbert Global is an institutional investment firm that makes private equity and
equity-related investments in both public and private companies around the world.
Today, Gilbert Global has a capital base of US $1.2 billion. Our principal investors are
Fortune 500 corporations, State and corporate pension funds, university
endowments, insurance companies and financial institutions. Individual controlling or
non-controlling direct investments are generally expected to range from $20 million
to $150 million.

For over 22 years, we have been an investor throughout the United States, Europe,
Latin America and Asia-Pacific. We seek attractive opportunities across global markets
and industries.

Since 1984, Gilbert Global's principals have financed over 130 successful companies
in 17 countries around the world. Our objective is long-term appreciation, through
controlling ownership of a company or strategic minority positions. Portfolio
companies span a wide range of industries, including telecommunications equipment
and services, financial and business services, as well as traditional industrial and
consumer-related businesses. While we do not require an operating role, we have
traditionally worked closely with management teams to help supplement their
companies' strategic and operational planning. We make our money just as our
investors do, by the increased value over time of our portfolio companies.

Over time, we have built a portfolio of companies in various markets across a range
of transaction types, including: (i) growth companies formed around outstanding
management teams with unique products and/or services; (ii) privatizations of
franchises; (iii) strategic alliances with entities that can be used as acquisition and/or
consolidation vehicles; (iv) established businesses that produce high levels of cash
flow to repay acquisition indebtedness; and (v) operational turnarounds of distressed,
underperforming companies with overleveraged capital structures.

Management is our partner in creating value. Our portfolio company managers have
not only their careers, but also a significant amount of their net worth, invested in
their companies. We want our portfolio company managers to think like us... like

Gilbert Global Equity Partners was formed in 1997 upon the investment teams
departure from Soros Capital L.P., the principal private equity vehicle of the Quantum
Group of Funds. Prior to founding Gilbert Global, Steven Gilbert founded and served
as managing general partner of Soros Capital and Chemical Venture Partners (now
JPMorgan Partners).

In managing our investments, Gilbert Global benefits from the resources of the Frank
Russell Company and The Capital Group Companies, Inc., two of the most respected

;tp ://www.gilbertglobal .com/about us/index .htm 8/31/2009

oert Global Equity Partners Page 2 of 2

global investment management organizations in the world.

Lp://www.gilbertglobal.com/about—us/index.htm 8/31/2009
Dert Global Equity Partners Page 1 of 1


LINKS for LP.s

cApirAl. (ROUP
COMPANY Capital Group International, Inc.

Capital Group International, Inc. (CGII) is the global institutional

investment management holding company for The Capital Group
Companies, Inc., one of the most experienced and successful
investment management and research firms in the world. CGII,
whose five subsidiaries provide investment services for a
distinguished list of institutional clients worldwide, have over
$200 billion in assets under management. CGII has more than
111 portfolio managers, research analysts and macroeconomic
professionals, and spends over $50 million a year on intensive
global research. Last year, CGIIs investment professionals made
over 7,600 research visits in over 56countries. Gilbert Global
consults with CGII's research analysts, portfolio managers and
macroeconomic professionals around the world in evaluating
potential investment opportunities.

://www.gi lbertglobal.com/resources/capital_group.htm 8/31/2009

;ults for Page 1 of I

Search Company Name Results-

Company Name to Search: ggep

Company Name
I I Incorporation Status
H Date H



{ Perform Another Search ]

,)( LA,0~ V\- - —C c,,--Pjoj " E&"6+kx-M I


s://www.roc.gov.bm/roc/rocweb.nsf/results/43 1 20F73AE6389A48425 762300404E4E 8/31/2009


Adrian Alhassan
Monday, August 24, 2009 2:36 PM
Allison Forte
Re: Certs of Good Standing Ucir k
ice: High

ee the screen shots sent over by the Appleby Compliance manager in Cayman that confirms their "ACTIVE"
his indicates we have no reason to doubt their standing within Cayman, otherwise they would have lost this
status that allows them to operate in Cayman. I understand the certificate is a formal representation of this status
be accessed via the "print screen" button for a fee between $400 - 500 for both LP's.
inting off the screen shots to go along with the copies of the good standing certificates presented will be sufficient
correspondence to the Authority. As a precaution, I would counsel the client that the BMA reserve the right to
further information e.g. financial statements and could insist on receiving up to date copies of these Certificates.

mow if you have any further queries.


i Aihassan
ance Manager
W (Bermuda )

Mark Drummond \
Monday, August 22009 2:10-PM
Adrian Alhassan

ow, both are active with registered office at Walkers

j see the print screen below?

Pat (Esther) Ebanks

Monday, August 24, 2009 12:08 PM
Mark Drummond -

Configuration - MicrosoftiInternetEmplorer provided by Appleby
t View Favorites Tools Help

X Search Favorites

j https:/Fox.gov.ky/servlet/oracIeforms.servIet.FormsServlet?Form=rgS0000f.fmX8OflFig=COrI5i

Partnership No

21 -MAR-2007



Company Status Annual Fees and Returns Share Capital Name History

Status ACTIVE Termination Date

Status Date 21-MAR-2007 Strike Date

Print Search Report

ninQ htts :1/Fox. cov ,ky/servlet/oracle Forms ,servlet. ListenerServlet?J5ervSessionldroot=skrzSxôOl

riExplorer provided
Configuration Mcrosoft Intemet
t Viev' Favorites Tools Help

Search -Favorites

j https://Fox ,gov,ky/servlet/oracle.forms.servletFormsServlet?form=rgs000UF Frrrx&conFig=corisj


Company Status Annual Fees and Returns -XIMU LJIL1I

Status ACTIVE Termination Date

Status Date 21 .-MAR-2007 Strike Date

Print Search Report

nino htps //lox oov. ky/servlet/oracle Forms, servlet ListenerServlet?JServSessionldroot=skrz8gxôO1

te Administrator

People. The Right Places.

:ayrnan KY1-1104
Page 1 of 5


irian Alhassan
iursday, August 20, 2009 10:47 AM
Jisdair Lynch
anya Esdaille
E: El Tejar/Capital Funds I Draft BMA application letter

ptable. Ideally we would have preferred the doc's certified as true copies of the original.
yen the decision that we would only require the Appleby Compliance Form to be completed, on the
regulation and supervision of CII by the SEC there is no need to insist on this being done in this

s for your cooperation in this matter.


ir Lynch
esday, August 19, 2009 7:40 PM
i: El Tejar/Capital Funds I Draft BMA application letter

-ateful if you would review the attached and let me know as soon as possible if you are able to accept same or not.

Jamie <[email protected]>
Collis <[email protected]>; Lozano, Paola <[email protected]>;
[email protected]' <[email protected]>; Farhad Bayati
ati@conyersdillandpearman .com>
\ug 19 19:29:46 2009
El Tejar/Capital Funds I Draft BMA application letter

ase find the requested forms. Please let us know if there is anything else you require.
Best regards,

Jamie Beal
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Four Times Square I New York I 10036-6522
T: 212.735.3954 I F: 917.777.3954
[email protected]

From: Alisdair Lynch [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 4:32 PM
To: Farhad Bayati
Cc: Charles Collis; Beal, Jamie (NYC); Lozano, Paola (NYC)
Subject: RE: El Tejar/Capital Funds I Draft BMA application letter

Dear Farhad

Further to our previous e-mails of today's date, I have now had the opportunity to speak with our Comp

The only documentation they will require from both Capital International Private Equity Fund, L.P. and C
L.P. are a signed and completed Appleby Compliance Form for Companies Form for each L.P., an electrc
of which I have re-sent to Jamie Beal at Skadden.

I will let you have comments on your suggested draft letter to t he BMA in due course.

Kind regards

Al isd air

From: Farhad Bayati [mailto: Farhad.Bayati@conyersdillandpearman .com]

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:59 AM
To: Alisdair Lynch
Cc: Charles Collis; Jamie Beal; Paola Lozano
Subject: RE: El Tejar/Capital Funds I Draft BMA application letter

Dear Alisdair,

There is no supporting documentation to send to you. Our assessment of the Capital Funds has been entirely based oi
available information. This is our standard practice for such types of companies. From your email below, it is clear th
absolutely requires such forms to be completed despite the publicly available information. Thus, I will leave it to Skadc
provide the same to you as soon as they can.

Kind regards,

>>> "Alisdair Lynch" <[email protected]> 8/17/2009 10:53 AM >>>


I understood your assessment of Capital Funds as you explained it on Friday, however, as I have previo
stated our compliance team will look at Capital Funds for both their own internal and BMA assessment a
their own assessment of what they require. In doing so they will almost certainly request the complete
standard forms that they require to see from all prospective shareholders. I will make myself available
to discuss Capital Funds and what, if any, information that is not publically available they require.

Page 3 of 5

itime, please consult me directly should you wish to advise any party that I no longer require any
that I have requested from them. I made it clear on Friday's call that I would review your
etter and that you should send a draft for my attention with the supporting documents.

know what our compliance team require or if they would like to consult directly with your
department as soon as I have spoken to them.

d Bayati [mailto: [email protected]]

iy, August 17, 2009 10:39 AM
:ollis; Jamie Beal; Paola Lozano
El Tejar/Capital Funds I Draft BMA application letter

iy email below, my telephone discussion with you on Friday (and the draft BMA application letter) is that, based on
y available information on the Capital Funds, (ii) the size of the Capital Funds, and (iii) the fact the Capital Funds
lated and report to the SEC, we feel it should not be necessary for the Capital Funds to complete any of the forms
ye provided. Please let us know if you are of a different point of view as soon as possible. I had advised Skadden
ot need to obtain completed forms but if Appleby absolutely requires such forms (for your internal purposes)
know as soon as possible.

- Lynch" <[email protected]> 8/17/2009 10:22 AM >>>

grateful if you would supply me with the completed forms regarding Capital Funds that I sent by e-
ir attention on 05 August.

1 Bayati [mailto: [email protected]]

y, August 17, 2009 10:11 AM
:ollis; Jamie Beal; Paola Lozano
ejar/Capital Funds I Draft BMA application letter

telephone discussion of last Friday, attached please find the draft BMA application letter which we have prepared
deration. As suggested on Friday, we feel that it should be sufficient for the BMA (and your compliance
department) to approve the issuance of the contemplated shares in the capital of El Tejar to the Capital Funds based
information regarding the Capital Funds, its investment manager and group of companies to which they belong set ou
attached draft (as well as the information that is publicly available given that the Capital Funds report to the SEC).

Please let us know if you have any questions and/or comments on the draft. To the extent you deem amendments ar
necessary to the attached draft, we would appreciate reviewing such amendments prior to the letter being sent to thc

Also, as discussed on Friday, if you think it is necessary for our respective compliance departments to speak to each c
connection with your internal approval of the Capital Funds, please let me know and I will provide you the contact det
compliance department head to pass along to yours. As mentioned on Friday, our compliance department has found
to approve the Capital Funds (if the issuance of shares was in respect of a company we administered) based on the ir
set out in the attached letter and as available in the public domain.

Kind regards,

Farhad Bayati I Associate Attorney I Conyers Dill & Pearman

Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda
E: farhad.bayati©conyersdillandpearman.com I T: (441) 299 4913 I F:(441) 298 7876


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dvice contained in this message was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i)
-related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions or (ii) promoting,
•recommending to another party any tax-related matters addressed herein.

nd any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally
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se immediately notify me at (212) 735-3000 and permanently delete the original copy and any copy of any email,
itout thereof.

-mation about the firm, a list of the Partners and their professional qualifications will be provided upon request.
Capital International Capital International, Inc.
11100 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90025-3395

Phone (310) 996 6000

Fax (310) 996 6200
Canon's Court
22 Victoria Street
P0 Box HM 1179
Hamilton HM EX

August 18, 2009

Re: Anti-Money Laundering Program

Dear Sir or Madam,

[his letter is to inform you that Capital International, Inc. ("CII") is firmly committed to

combating money laundering and the funding of terrorist activities.

For this purpose, CII has established an Anti-Money Laundering Program ("AML

Program") that is designed to comply with the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and other

applicable U.S. laws and regulations relating to the prevention of money laundering and

terrorist financing. Among its other features, Cli's AML Program includes written

policies and procedures, a designated compliance officer, AML training for appropriate

personnel and an independent audit of the program.


Mark Brubaker
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer

The Capital Group Companies

Capital International Capital Guardian Capital Research and Management Capital Bank and Trust American Funds

"Know Your Client" Procedure
uda (c)Inpanv Name

tiered Name u! Entity Capital International Private Equity Fund V, L.P. -

;tcred Office Address Strcet Address 87 Mary Street -
City George Town State/t'rovince

Country Cayman Islands Zip/Postal Code

Tel II Frx

Email Address

of Jurisdiction o lncorporation(Forniation
rporaliomilRcgistration!Dee 1) 21 M 03 Y 2007
Cayman Islands
:ipal Operating or Mailing I Strt Addrcss 6455 Irvine Center Drive
ross (if different from
'e) city Irvine State/l'rovince CA
Country USA Zip/Postal Code 92618
Tel t:as 4

Email Address [email protected]

son for requiring E lncorporatiot'Contiumuation of Entity 0 Amalgamation
Acquisition of shares by subscription O Other (provide explanation)

0 Acqu isitiolt of shares by transfer

Public Company; fl Fit Print Eu!! Name of Stock Exchange Listing

cL Exchange Listing and
ker S inibol and attach: Current set of Financial statements
Evideuuce oIS(ock Exchange listing: or O
Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial (Jo ncr(s)
Private Company, print
tics of Ultimate Beneficial

Print Full Name of trust Print Full Name of Trustee

Irust, print name of Trust,

sloe, l3cncficiarics and date
Print Name of I3cncticiaries Date of Establishment
stabl shTucnt

Prin( Frill Nature of Partnership Print Full Nature of General Partner(s)

Partnership, Print name of
Capital International Private Equity Capital International Investments V, L.P.
tuerslrip and General
Inter(s) FUfl(l \7, L.P.

vale companies titlist Copy of Incorporation Certificate Current certificate of good standing or similar documentation

it Full Name of Person aurthorised to sign for and on behalf of the Company: Current position of authorised person. Director or Officer:

ark Brubaker Authorized Signatory

nature of Person, rtlnor,tJ to sign For and on behalf of the Company Date [D/M/YRJ

"PI, r6- /8,

"Know Your Client" Procedure
uda Company Name:

;tercd Name of Entity JGPE V, L.P.

tiered Office Address Tstree(Address 87 Mary Street
City George Town State/Province

Country Cayman Islands Zip/Postal Code

Tel N Fax N

Email Address

of T Jurisdiction of lncorporatioitlForniation
rporation/Rcgistration/Dce D 21 M 03 Y 2007
Cayman Islands
ipal Operating or Mailing Street Addrcss 6455 Irvine Center Drive
ess (ii different from - - -
e) City Irvine I StatelProvince CA
Country USA Zip/Postal Code 92618
Tel H Fax N

Email Address [email protected]

ton for requiring 0 lncorporatioitlContinuation of Entity o Amalgamation
Acquisition of shares by subscription o Other (provide explanation)

fl Anoijiettion of shares by transfer

Public Company, print Print Full Name of Stock Exchange Listing
:k Exchange Listing and
:cr Symbol and attach:
Evidence of Stock Exchange listing; or D Current set of financial statements

Private Company, print Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

'Cs of Ultimate Beneficial I
Print Full Name ofirust Print Full Name of Trustee

rust, print name of Trust,

stee, Beneficiaries and date
Print Name of Bcncficiarics Date of Establishment

Print Full Name of l'arirtcrship Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

artncrship, print name of
nership and General CGPE V, L.P. Capital International Investments V, LLC

vate companies titlist 21 Copy of Incorporation Certificate D Current certificate of good standing or similar documcntatian
cli: J_
Full Name of Person authoriscd to sign for and on behalf of the Company: Current position of authorised person. Director or 011icer:

trk Brubaker Authorized Signatory

atu of Pc n au ed cosign for and on behalf of the Company Date (D/M I YR)

___ I 2.


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Group Companies Page I of 1

Our websit Media relations I .1, Comments?

About us Our Crur

services opportunities

: .. .

re What we do Come join us

Soup of investment management Our companies make a difference in We rely on our associates for their ideas,
that has earned the respect of peoples fives by helping individuals, skills, efforts and commitment. In return,
investors worldwide. Our families and institutions put their we offer challenging opportunities in a
mes from making every decision hard-earned money to work. highly collaborative, respectful, state-of-
ivestor in mind. the-art environment.

cervic Expur 0 career opporti

The Capital Group Companies

Capos !r,teratorar CapOal G.jro,ar, Cap t,I SeSearCh ancl lianagerrert Cela lCrrO. - - .-

Copyiicjht C '009 The Capital Group Coiriparies. Inc. I All rights teserved I Privacy statement

.capgroup.com/ 8/27/2009

[DATE] 2009

The Bermuda Monetary Authority

BMA House
43 Victoria Street
Hamilton, HM 12

Attention: Authorization and Compliance Division

Dear Sir I Madam

El Tejar Limited (formerly known as Campos Verdes Ltd.) - Registration No. 40011 (the

We hereby seek permission pursuant to the Exchange Control Act 1972 and related regulations
for the issue of shares in the capital of the Company (the "Shares") to Capital International
Private Equity Fund, L.P. ("CIPEF") and CGPE V, L.P. ("COPE" and together with CIPEF
referred to herein as the "Capital Funds").

The Company is a Bermuda exempted company incorporated on the 4th day of May, 2007. The
exact number of Shares contemplated to be issued to the Capital Funds is not known at this time
but it is expected that such Shares will represent greater than five percent (5%) but less than fifty
percent (50%) interest in the Company.

We ask that you consider the following information in respect of the Capital Funds in connection
with the permission sought hereunder:

a) The address for each of CIPEF and COPE is Walker House, 87 Mary Street, Georgetown
Grand Cayman, KY 1-9002, Cayman Islands;

b) The size of the Capital Funds in terms of dollars and number of investors is as follows:
(i) CIPEF: two million dollars and 130 investors; and (ii) COPE: seventy two billion
dollars and 275 investors;

c) The investment manager for the Capital Funds is Capital International, Inc. ("CU"). CII
is registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and has
adopted an anti-money laundering program that meets the requirements of all applicable
laws and regulations designed to combat money laundering and suspicious activities; and

d) CII is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital Group International, Inc. which in turn is

owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc. ("CGC"). CGC is also the parent
company of several other subsidiaries, all of which directly or indirectly provide
investment management services. The Capital Group Companies form one of the most
experienced families of investment management firms in the world, dating back to 1931,
and has always been privately held. CGC is owned by a broad group of over 400 key
investment and administrative active associates and retirees.

Given the size of the Capital Funds and CGC, it is unlikely there will a 5% or greater beneficial
holder in respect of the Shares contemplated to be issued to the Capital Funds.

We trust that you will find this application to be complete in all respects and we look forward to
the Authority's permission for the issuance of the Shares to the Capital Funds as soon as
possible. We attach a copy of this letter which, if convenient, you may endorse and return to us
indicating the Authority's consent to the authorizations sought hereunder.

Should the Authority have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact
the undersigned.

Yours faithfully,

Page 1 of


anya Esdaille
vlonday, August 17, 2009 12:57 PM
\lisdair Lynch
%1lison Forte; Anna Knapman-Scott
E: Confirmation required - URGENT [ABDA-APPLEBY_BDA.FlD1514279]

your clarification. In order to bring this company into compliance with Appleby standards we will need
ng documentation for our records:

iternational Private Equity Fund, L.P.

Compliance Form for Companies
:e of Incorporation
:e of Good Standing and/or equivalent document
:e of Incumbency

Compliance Form for Companies
te of Incorporation
te of Good Standing and/or equivalent document
te of Incumbency

Jair Lynch
day, August 17, 2009 12:11 PM
Esdaille; Anna Knapman-Scott
E: Confirmation required - URGENT [ABDA-APPLEBY_BDA.F1D1514279]

r your e-mail, just so we are all clear. El Tejar Limited is administered by Appleby and the proposed
holders in El Tejar are Capital International Private Equity Fund, L.P. and CGPE V, L.P.

ed a draft letter to the BMA supplied by CD&P that they state is based on publicly available information
:heir compliance team has cleared as sufficient. Please review the draft letter and confirm that the
)n it contains regarding Capital International Private Equity Fund, L.P. and CGPE V1 L.P. is sufficient for
ements and that we do not require any further information to apply to the BMA for consent to issue
El Tejar Limited.

ppreciate a confirmation, or otherwise, as soon as possible today.

ri ks

ya Esdaille
Page 2 of 3
y, August 17, 2009 12:01 PM
_ynch; Allison Forte
Confirmation required - URGENT [ABDA-APPLEBY_BDA.F1D1514279]

-m we have compliance documentation on file for El Tejar Limited (formerly knows as Campos Verdes
rther documentation is required.

npliance Officer (Bermuda)

People. The Right Places,

298 3283
apple byg lo ba I .com

ermuda BVI Cayman Islands Hong Kong Jersey London Mauritius Seychelles Zurich
- Do you really need to print this e-mail?

ta Knapman-Scott
day, August 17, 2009 11:53 AM
ompliance Department
r Lynch; Allison Forte
onfirmation required - URGENT [ABDA-APPLEBYBDA.F1D1514279]
Ce: High

r to a matter that involves a new shareholder to one of the companies we administer, please find
a letter as prepared by CD&P (who represent the new shareholder) to the BMA relating to the new
er. CD&P insist that this is adequate however they have not provided the compliance documents as
I by us. They have based the contents of the letter on publicly available information. Please let us know
tents of this letter are indeed acceptable or if you require any further information to fulfil our
of compliance.

time sensitive matter we would be most grateful for your earliest response.

)U need to discuss, please contact Alisdair Lynch who is copied in above.

Page 3 of 3

id Asset Finance

People. The Right Places.

t Street
1 1179

298 3215
1 2983438


Group Companies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 1 of


apital Group Companies

dia. the free encyclopedia

.1 Group Companies is one of the world's largest investment management organizations with assets of
trillion USD under management. It comprises a group of investment management companies, including
earch and Management, American Funds, Capital Bank and Trust, Capital Guardian, and Capital
ii. As measured by assets under management, Capital rivals Fidelity Investments, a figure the company will
because it eschews publicity.111 The firm was founded in 1931 by Jonathan Bell Lovelace.

e Founding Years
ternal links

unding Years
ell Lovelace was raised in Southern Alabama by a frniiv who was in the timber business. He initially
ecome an architect at what was then Alabama Polytechnic (Currently Auburn University). After college, he
the military, working on a project that pioneered anti-aircraft artillery.121 Lovelace worked with E.E.
& Company, eventually becoming a partner. In 1929. Lovelace believed the stock market to be wildly
and sold his stake in the company. In 193 1, he founded an investment firm. Lovelace, Dennis & Renfrew.
J eventually become the Capital Group Companies. The early company was a model of efficiency, with
tions between Los Angeles and New York being hugely expensive.


aup is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and has over 8.000 associates in 21 office locations around
including offices in London, Geneva, Toronto, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Mumhai and Singapore. The company
[arge newly built campus in Irvine, California, making it one of the largest employers in that city.
:ely, due to the recent decline in the markets and economy, the company has reduced its staff by over 1,000
revious high of 9.000 associates. Its families of mutual funds include "American Funds" and "Capital
al Funds." On the institutional side, Capital manages money for pensions, governments, and other entities
It also manages money for wealthy individuals and engages in private equity investments. One of its
s, Capital International. was responsible for the construction of the MSCI stock market indices. The Capital
voted as the third-most satisfactory workplace in the Greater Los Angeles area by the LA Business Journal

can Funds, managed by the Capital Group Companies was as of June 2007 the largest family of mutual
e US. followed by The Vanguard Group and Fidelity Investments, with roughly $1.3 trillion in assets under

apital Research and Management Company implemented the disaggregation of its equity investment
to become known as Capital Research Global Investors and Capital World Investors.

iblished in February, 2009 on the arXiv preprint website (i.e., which has not yet been peer reviewed) on the

ikipedia.org/wlki/'I'hc_Capital_GroLip_Conipanies 8/17/2009
Group Companies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 2 of 2

network analysis methodologies in economics concluded - in the course of presenting an example -

)ital Group was the most powerful entity in the global stock market. [41

section 'The secret world of a $750bn fund manage? in The Independent
, Charles D.: Capital :The Story of Long-Term Investment Excellence, pages 12-13. John Wiley Press, 2004.
ide the Top Five Best Places to Work: No. 3: The Capital Group". ComputerWorld. June 19, 2006.
and=viewArticleTOC&specialReportld=9000080&articleld= 111562. Retrieved on 2006-06-19.
e backbone of complex networks of corporations: Who is controlling whom?" (pdt). arXiv.org. February 5, 2009. p. p.
.p://arxiv.org/PS—cache/arxiv/pdf/0902/0902.0878vl.pdf. Retrieved on 2009-02-11.

ii links
al Group website
ican Funds website
al International Funds website
al: The Story of Long- Term Investment Excellence (John Wiley & Sons, 2004) (ISBN 0-471-56704-3) by
les D. Ellis. Book profiling the Capital Group Companies.
mm "http://en.wikipedia.org/wikiTFhe_Capital_Group_Companies"
Investment management companies of the United States I Companies based in Los Angeles, California I
d families I Privately held companies of the United States
gories: Articles lacking sources from July 2007 I All articles lacking sources I All articles with unsourced
I Articles with unsourced statements from November 2008

page was last modified on 24 July 2009 at 19:48.

is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply. See
is of Use for details.
pedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

ikipedia.org/wiki/The_Capital_Group_Companies 8/17/2009
Page 1 of I


04 - The Independent - UK Newspaper

world of a $750bn fund manager

e was very polite: "Fm sorry, but we do not discuss our holdings, our philosophies or our strategies."

Group of Companies, the giant US fund manager, is, according to external reports (which it refuses to
mericas third-largest investment firm with $750bn (40bn) under management. In the UK its
massive. It holds 15 per cent of AstraZeneca, 14 per cent of Pearson, 11 per cent of BG, 10 per cent
Grid Transco, 8 per cent of BHP Billiton, 5 per cent of Marks & Spencer. The list goes on and on.

it is even more powerful. Its media analyst, Gordon Crawford, was the man who told Steve Case of
Varner that he had to resign from the company he founded.

an influential com-pany, Capital is almost pathologically shy of the media. Its analysts (Capital does
m fund managers) are never quoted in the press, it does not issue investment reports, it does not
iverts. Its website gives you no contact numbers, and no current executives are mentioned.

known about Capital? It was founded in 1931 by Jonathan Bell Lovelace, who had made his name at a
:kbroker, EE Macrone & Co, where he had predicted the Wall Street crash of 1929. His colleagues did
so JBL (as he was known) sold his stake in Macrone, cashed in his personal investments and moved to

:roit clients backed the new company, and soon it was given management of what was to become one
3st mutual funds in the US, The Investment Company of America.

Os, JBL decided to hand shares to some of the senior executives at Capital, and today it is wholly
300 analysts. It has two classes of shares: A, which have one vote, and "B, which have 10. The B
held by about 60 longstanding employees who all have excellent investment records, are committed
; philosophy of fundamental research and would never agree to sell the company.

Ellis, author of Capital: The Story of Long-term Investment Excellence (Wiley), says the groups
t philosophy is to take long-term positions and rarely sell out. Different investment strategies are
d, so long as they work. Capital believes in what is called the multiple counsellor system, where up to
it analysts manage a fund so that it is not beholden to one ego.

s methods work? Its investment returns are better than those of most of its rivals, it has avoided all
I fund scandals and competitors cant tempt its analysts away: its staff turnover is under 3 per cent a
OMB Number: 3235-0076
Expires: April 30, 2008
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Estimated average burden hours
Washington, D.C. 20549 per response 16.00


SECTION 4(6), AND/OR S.5 N R.NtI:i;
m of Offering (0 check if this is an amendment and name has changed, and indicate change.)
PP V. L.P.
jig Under (Check box(es) that apply): 0 Rule 504 0 Rule 505 U Rule 506 0 Section 4(6) 0 ULOE

)c of Filing: U New Filing 0 Amendment


Enter the information requested about the issuer
me of Issuer (0 check ifthis is an amendment and name has changed, and indicate change.)
Mi V. L.P.
dress of Executive Offices (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code) Telephone Number (Including Area Code)
5 South Stale College Boulevard, Brea, California92821 310.996-6206
dress of Principal Business Operations (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code) Telephone Number (Including Area Code)
difflirent from Executive Offices)
cf Description of Business

pc of Business Organization
1)rporatlon U limited partnership, already formed 0 other (please specify):
business trust 0 limited partnership, to be formed

tual or Estimated Date of Incorporation or Organization: 0 U Actual 0 Estimated

I 1 3 I 0 7
idiction of Incorporation or Organization: (Enter two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation for State: D E
CN for Canada; FN for other foreign jurisdiction)



iw Must File: All issuers making an offering of securities in reliance on an exemption under Regulation D or Section 4(6), 17 CFR 230.501 et seq. or IS U S.C.

I:cn to File: A notice must be filed no later than 15 days after the first sale of securities in the offering. A notice is deemed tiled with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
rnrnission (SEC) on the earlier of the date it is received by the SEC at the address given below or, if received at that address after the date on which it is due, on the
Sc it was mailed by United States registered or certified mail to that address.

here to File: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20549

spies Required: Five (5) copies of this notice must be filed with the SEC, one of which most be manually signed. Any copies not manually signed must be
otocopies of the manually signed copy or bear typed or printed signatures.

(or,ilnhion Required: A new filing must contain all information requested. Amendments need only report the name of the issuer and offering, any changes thereto, the
formation requested in Part C, and any material changes from the information previously supplied in Parts A and B. Part E and the Appendix need not be tiled with

ling Fee: There is no federal filing fee.

IS notice shall be used to indicate reliance on the Uniform Limited Offering Exemption (ULOE) for sales of securities in those States that have adopted ULOE and

at have adopted this form. Issuers relying on ULOE must file a separate notice with the Securities Administrator in each stale where sales are to be, or have been
adc. If a state requires the payment of a fee ass precondition to the claim for the exemption, a fee in the proper amount shall accompany this form. This notice shall
filed in the appropriate states in accordance with stale law. The Appendix to the notice constitutes a part of this notice and must be completed.

hors to file notice In the appropriate states will not result in a loss of the federal exemption. Conversely, failure to file the appropriate
deral notice will not result In a loss of an available state exemption unless such exemption Is predicated on the filing of a federal notice.

Persons who respond to the collection of Information contained In this form are not required
to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number.

EC 1972 (5-05)
1 of 8


Enter the information requested for the following:

• Each promoter of the issuer, if the issuer has been organized within the past five years;

• lEach beneficial owner having the power to vote or dispose, or direct the vote or disposition of, 101/6 or more ofa class of equity securities of the issuer;

• Each executive officer and director of corporate issuers and of corporate general and managing partners of partnership issuers; and

• Each general and managing partner of partnership issuers.

xk Box(es) that Apply: 0 Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner a Executive Officer 0 Director U General and/or Managing Partner

I Name (Last name first, if individual)

,ital International Investments V, LLC (the "General Partner")

siness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)
SnuIh State College Boulevard, Brea, California 92821

cek Box(cs) that Apply: 0 Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner a Executive Officer 0 Director • General and/or Managing Partncr

II Name (Last name first, if individual)

pital International. Inc.

siness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)
100 Santa Monica Blvd., 15th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90025

cck Box(cs) that Apply: 0 Promoter I] ReneticialOwner 0 Executive Officer a Director J General and/or Managing Partner

II Name (Last name first, if individual)

isiness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

eck Box(cs) that Apply: 0 Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer 0 Director 0 General and/or Managing Partner

II Name (Last name first, if individual)

isiness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

icck Box(cs) that Apply: 0 Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer C Director C General and/or Managing Partner

II Name (Last name first, if individual)

sincss or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

ncck Box(cs) that Apply: 0 Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer C Director C General and/or Managing Partner

(Last name first, if individual)

isiness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

ieck Box(cs) that Apply: 0 Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer U Director U General and/or Managing Partner

(Last name first, if individual)

isiness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

Managing Member of the General Partner.

(Use blank sheet, or copy and use additional copies of this sheet, as necessary.)

2 of S
Yes No

las the issuer sold, or does she issuer intend to sell, to non-accredited investors in this offering? ................................................................................0 U

Answer also in Appendix, Column 2, if filing under ULOE.

What is the minimum investmcnt that will be accepted from any individual" ..............................................................................................................EOO,OOO

'hc General Partner may accept capital commitments of lesser amounts. Yes No

Does the offering permit joint ownership of a single unit? ............................................................................................................................................ U I]

Enter the information requested for each person who has been or will be paid or given, directly or indirectly, any commission or similar remuneration for
solicitation of purchasers in connection with sales of securities in the offering. If a person to be listed is an associated person or agent ofa broker or dealer
registered with the SEC and/or with a state or states, list the name of the broker or dealer. If more than five (5) persons to be listed are associated persons of such a
broker or dealer, you may set forth the information for that broker or dealer only.

Name (Last name first, if individual)


mess or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

ite of Associated Broker or Dealer

es in Which Person Listed Has Solicited or Intends to Solicit Purchasers

(Check "All States" or check individual States) ...................................................................................................................................................... DAll States

(AL] (AK) (AZ] (AR] (CA] (CO] [CT) [DE) (DC] [FL) [GA] (Ill) (ID]
(IL] (IN) []A] (KS] (KY) (LA] [ME) [MD) (MA) (MI] [MN) [MS) [MO]
(MT] (NE] [4V] [NH] (NJ] [NM] [NY) INC] [ND] (OH] (OK] (OR] (PA]
[RI] (SC) [SD) [TN] (TX] [UT] (VT] (VA] [WA] [WV] (WI] [WY] (PR]
Name (Last name first, if individual)

ness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

c of Associated Broker or Dealer

s in Which Person Listed Has Solicited or Intends to Solicit Purchasers

(Check "All States" or check individual States) ...................................................................................................................................................... DAll States

(AL) [AK] [AZ] (AR) [CA] [CO] (CT) (DE] [DC) (FL) [GA] (HI] (ID)
(IL] (IN] (IA) (KS) [KY] (LA] [ME] [MD] [MA] [Ml) (MN) (MS] (MO)
(Mi) [NE] (NV] [NI-I] (NJ] [NM] [NY] INC] [ND] [OIl] (OK) [OR] (PA]
(RI) [SC] (SD] (TN] (TX] [UT) [VT) (VA) (WA] ['WV] [WI] [WY] [PR]
Name (Us( name first, if individual)

ness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip

te of Associated Broker or Dealer

s in Which Person Listed Has Solicited or Intends to Solicit Purchasers

(Check "All States" or cheek individual States) ...................................................................................................................................................... 0 All States

(AL] (AK] [AZ] (AR] [CA] [CO) [CT] [DE[ [DCI [FL] [GA) [HI] (ID]
(IL) [IN] (IA] (KS] ]KY] (LA] [ME) (MD) [MA) (Ml) [MN) ]MS] [MO)
[MI) [NE) (NV] [NH] (NJ] (NM] (NY] INC) [ND] IOU] (OK) (OR] (PA]
(RI] (SC) (SDI [TN) (TX! [UT] (VT] [VA] ]WAI (WV] (WI] (WY) (PR)

(Use blank sheet, or copy and use additional copies of this sheet, as necessary.)

3 of 8
Enter the aggregate offering price of securities included in this offering and the total amount already sold.
Enter "0" ii' answer is "none" or "zero. If the transaction is an exchange offering, check this box 0 and
indicate in the columns below the amounts of the securities offered for exchange and already exchanged.

Type of Security Aggregate Amount Already

Offering Price Sold
Debt............................................................................................................................................................. SO So__________
Equity........................................................................................................................................................... So So_______________
0 Common 0 Preferred
Convertible Securities (including warrants) ................................................................................................... SO $0_______________
Partnership Interests .................................................................... . ................................................................. S 70,855,000 $ 70,855,000 -
Other (Specify .......................... . SO SO______________
Total.................................................................................................................................................... S 70,855,000 570,855,000
Answer also in Appendix, Column 3, if filing under IJLOC.

Enter the number of accredited and non-accredited investors who have purchased securities in this offering
and the aggregate dollar amounts of their purchases. For otTerings under Rule 504, indicate the number of
persons who have purchased securities and the aggregate dollar amount of their purchases on the total lines.
Enter "0" if answer is 'none" or "zero."
Number Dollar Amount
Investors of Purchases
AccreditedInvestors ..................................................................................................................................... 273 $70,855,000
Nun-accredited Investors .............................................................................................................................. 0 $0_______________
Total (for filings under Rule 504 only) ................................................................................................. S_________________
Answer also in Appendix, Column 4, if filing under ULOE.

If this filing is for an offering under Rule 504 or 505, enter the information requested for all securities sold
by the issuer, to date, in offerings of the types indicated, in the twelve (12) months prior to the first sale of
securities in this offering. Classify securities by type listed in Part C Question 1. -
Type of Dollar Amount
Security Sold
Typeof offering............................................................................................................................................ __ S________________
Rule505 ........................................................................................................................................................ S________________
RegulationA ................................................................................................................................................. __ S_________________
Rule504 ........................................................................................................................................................ $________________
Total.................................................................................................................................................... $_________

a. Furnish a statement of all expenses in connection with the issuance and distribution of the securities in
this offering. Exclude amounts relating solely to organization expenses of the issuer. The information may
be given as subject to future contingencies. If the amount of an expenditure is not known, furnish an
estimate and check the box to the left of the estimate.
TransferAgent's Fees ........................................................................................................................................................................... U SO_______________
Printingand Engraving Costs ................................................................................................................................................................ U $0_______________
LegalFees ............................................................................................................................................................................................. U $50.000

AccountingFees ................................................................................................................................................................................... S SO

EngineeringFees................................................................................................................................................................................... • $0_______________
Sales Commissions (specify finders' fees separately) ........................................................................................................................... U $0________________
OtherExpenses (identify) ..................................................................................................................................................................... • SO_________________
Total............................................................................................................................................................................................. U $50,000

4 of 8
D. Enter the difference between the aggregate offering price given in response to Part C Question I and total expenses furnished in -
response to Part C Question 4.a. This difference is the"adjusted gross proceeds to the issuer . ....................................................... ...... ......... 570.805.000

5. Indicate below the amount of the adjusted gross proceeds to the issuer used or proposed to be used foreach of the purposes shown. If the
amount lbr any purpose is not known, furnish an estimate and check the box to the left of the estimate. The total of the payments listed
must equal the adjusted gross proceeds to the issuer set forth in response to Part C Question 4.b above. -
Payments to
Directors. Payments To
Affiliates Others

Salariesand fees ........................................................................................................................................... as as

Purchaseof real estate ..... ............................................................................................................................ CIS OS

Purchase, rental or leasing and installation of machinery and equipment ..................................................... [I $ 0$

Construction or leasing of plant buildings and facilities...............................................................................0$ 0$

Acquisition of other businesses (including the value of securities involved in this offering that may be
used in exchange for the assets or securities of another issuer pursuant to a merger) ...................................OS OS

Repaymentof indebtedness .......................................................................................................................... OS 0S

Workingcapital ............................................................................................................................................OS 0$

Other (specify): Investments and related costs

$ •$70,805,000
as as
ColumnTotals .............................................................................................................................................. CIS • $70,805,000

Total Payments Listed (columns totals added) ............................................................................................ U $70,805,000

Ihe issuer has duly caused this notice to be signed by the undersigned duly authorized person. If this notice is filed under Rule 505, the following signature constitutes
sn undertaking by the issuer to furnish to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, upon written request of its staff, the information ftjmished by the issuer to any
son-accredited investor pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of Rule 502.

scuer (Print or Type) Date

'4anse of Signer (Print or Type) Title of Signer (Print or Type)
Thristopher D. Chen Vice President
of Capital International, Inc., the managing member of Capital International
Investments V. LLC, the general partner of Capital International Private Equity Fund


Intentional misstatements or omissions of fact constitute federal criminal violations. (See 18 U.S.C. 1001.)

5 of 8
OMB Number: 3235-0076
Washington, D.C. 20549 ____________- sponse ....................... 16.00


Pro ix Serial

ol'OlTering ( check if this is an amendment and name has changed, and indicate change.)
l International Private Equity Fund V. L.P.
Under (Check box(es) that apply): 0 Rule 504 0 Rule 505 I Rule 506 0 Section 4(6) 0 ULOE

of Filing: I New Filing in MO, UT I Amendment -

Enter the information requested about the Issuer
of issuer (0 check if this is an amendment and name has changed, and indicate change.)
at International Private Equity Fund V, L.P. (the "Fund")
ss of Executive Offices (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code) Telephone Number (Including Area Code)
apital International, inc., 11100 Santa Monica Blvd., 15th Floor, Los Angeles, California 310-996-6006

.'ss of Principal Business Operations (Number and Street. City, State, Zip Code) Telephone Number (Including Area Code)
lerent from Executive Offices)
Description of Business


of Business Organization
rporation • limited partnership, already formed fl other (please specify):
sincss trust 0 limited partnership, to be formed
Month Year
ii or Estimated Date of Incorporation or Organization: 0 3 70 T T] • Actual Estimated
Jiction of Incorporation or Organization: (Enter two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation for State: N
CN for Canada; FN for other foreign jurisdiction)


Must File: All issuers making an offering of securities in reliance on an exemption under Regulation 0 or Section 4(6), Il CFR 230.501 et seq. or 15 U.S.C.

n to File: A notice must be tiled no later than IS days after the first sale of securities in the offering. A notice is deemed Filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
mission (SEC) on the earlier of the date it is received by the SEC at the address given below or, if received at that address after the date on which it is due, on the
it was mailed by United States registered or certified mail to that address.

re to File: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20549.

cç Required: Five (5) copies of this notice must be filed with the SEC, one of which must be manually signed. Any copies not manually signed must be
acopies of the manually signed copy or bear typed or printed signatures.

niadon Required: A new filing must contain all information requested. Amendments need only report the name of the issuer and offering, any changes thereto, the
mation requested in Part C. and any material changes from the information previously supplied in Parts A and B. Part E and the Appendix need not be tiled with

g Fee: There is no federal tiling fee.

notice shall be used to indicate reliance on the Uniform Limited Offering Exemption (ULOE) for sales of securities in those states that have adopted ULOE and
have adopted this form. Issuers relying on ULOE must tile a separate notice with the Securities Administrator in each state where sales arc to he. or have been
Ira state requires the payment of a fee as a precondition to the claitn for the exemption. a Icc in the proper amount shall accompany this form. This notice shall
led in the appropriate states in accordance with state law. The Appendix to the notice constitutes apart of this notice and must be completed.

are to file notice In the appropriate states will not result In a 1055 of the federal exemption. Conversely, failure to file the appropriate
ral notice will not result In a loss of an available state exemption unless such exemption is predicated on the filing of a federal notice.

Persons who respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not required
to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number.

1 of 8


[titer the information requested for the following:

• Each promoter of the issuer, if the issuer has been orgunired within the past five years;

• Each beneficial owner having the power to vote or dispose, or direct the vole or disposition of, 10% or more of a class of equity securities of the issuer;

• Each executive officer and director of corporate issuers and of corporate general and managing partners of partnership issuers; and

• Each general and managing partner of partnership issuers.

l3ox(cs) that Apply: I] Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer 0 Director U General and/or Managing Partner

lame (Last name first, if individual)

al International Investments V LP. (the "General Partner")

cas or Residence Address (Number and Street. City. State. Zip Code) -
apital International. Inc., 11100 Santa Monica Blvd., 15th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90025

Box(es) that Apply: 0 Promoter - - I] Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer 0 Director U General and/or Managing Partner

3me (Last name first, if individual)

al International Investments V. LLC (the General Partner of the General Partner")

tess or Residence Address (Number and Street. City, State, Zip Code)
apital International, Inc., 11100 Santa Monica Blvd., 15th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90025

k l3ox(cs) that Apply: 2 Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner G Executive Officer I] Director U General and/or Managing Parincr

me (Last name first, if individual)

International, Inc.

tess or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)
0 Santa Monica Blvd., 15th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90025

k Box(es) that Apply: U Promoter 0 Beneficial Owner U Executive Officer 0 Director 0 General and/or Managing Partner

'4arne (Last name first, it' individual) -

tess or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

kBox(es) that Apply: Ii Promoter El Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer U Director U General and/or Managing Partner

Name (Last name first, if individual)

ness or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

:k Box(es) that Apply; 0 Promoter I] Beneficial Owner 0 Executive Officer 0 Director 0 General and/or Managing Partner

name first, if individual)

ness or Residence Address (Number and Street. City, State, Zip Code)

;k Box(es) that Apply: 0 Promoter El Beneficial Owner I] Executive Officer fl Director El General and/or Managing Partner

Name (Last name first, if individual)

ness or Residence Address (Number and Street. City, State, Zip Code)

the General Partner. / * Managing Member of the General Partner of the General Partner

(Use blank sheet, or copy and use additional copies of this sheet, as necessary.)

2 of S
Yes No

I las the issuer sold, or does the issuer intend to sell, to non-accrcdited investors in this offering" ................................................................................= •

Answer also in Appendix, Column 2, if tiling under ULOE.

What is the minimum investment that will be accepted from any individual" ..............................................................................................................S20.000,000

General Partner may accept capital commitments of lesser amounts Yes No

Does the offering permit joint ownership of a single unit" .........................................................................................................................................• 3

Enter the information requested for each person who has been or will be paid or given, directly or indirectly, any commission or similar remuneration for
solicitation of purchasers in connection with sales of securities in the offering. Ifs person to be listed is an associated person or agent ofa broker or dealer
registered with the SEC and/or with a state or states, list the name of the broker or dealer. If more than five (5) persons to be listed arc associated persons of such a
broker or dealer, you may set forth the information for that broker or dealer only.

lame (Last name first, if individual)

ion Private Equity Advisers USA LLC

ess or Residence Address (Number and Street, City. State, Zip Code)

aught House, I - 3 Mount Street. London, United Kingdom WI K3NB

of Associated Broker or Dealer

in Which Person Listed Has Solicited or Intends to Solicit Purchasers

(Check 'All States" or check individual States) ...................................................................................................................................................... C All States

(AL] (AK] [AZ) (AR) ILA I [CO] ([) (.E1 )flQ) (j( (Q,) (HI] [ID]

(IM (j] (IA] [] [KYI ([i) [ME) [l.p( (i] Lii) MI IMSI (Q]
(MT( (NE) (NV) [NH] (fl (NM] [NY] (QI (I [i!I (OK) (Q( [3J
(RI) [SC) (SD) [TN) (( [UT] [VT) (( (WA] [WV) () (WY] [PR)
ame (Last name first, if individual)

cas or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

Broker or Dealer

in Which Person listed Has Solicited or Intends to Solicit Purchasers

(Cheek "All States" or cheek individual States) ...................................................................................................................................................... DAll States

(AL] (AK) [AZ] (AR) (CA) [CO) [CT) IDE) [DC) (FL] (GA] (HI] (ID)
(IL] (IN) (IA) (KS) (KY) [LA) (ME) [MD) [MA) (MI) (MN) [MS) (MO)
(MTJ (NE] [NV) (NH) [NJ) (NM) [NY] INC] (ND) (OH) (OK) (OR) (PA)
(Ri) (SC] (SD) (TN) (TX] [UT] (VT] (VA] (WA) (WV) (WI] (WY) [PR)
ame (Last name first, if individual)

ess or Residence Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code)

of Associated Broker or Dealer

in Which Person listed Has Solicited or Intends to Solicit Purchasers

(Check 'All States" or check individual States) ... ................ ..... ............ ............................. ....................................... ............................................ 0 All States

(AL] [AK) (AZ) (AR) (CA) (CO] (CT) [DE) (DC) (ELI (GA) (HI) [ID]
(IL) (IN) (IA) (KS) [KY] (LA) (ME) (MD) (NIA) [Ml) (MN] (.1SJ [NiO(
[MT] (NE) (NV) [NH( (NJ) (NM) [NY] [NC) (ND) (OH] (OK) (OR) (PA]
!RI( (SC) (SD] (TN) (TX) (UT) [VT) (VA] (WA) (WV] [VI( (WY) (PR] -

(Use blank sheet, or copy and use additional copies of this sheet, as necessary

3 of
ter the aggregate offering price of securities included in this offering and the total amount already sold.
tcr "0" if answer is "none" or "zero.' If the transaction is an exchange offering, check this box 0 and
Jicate in the columns below the amounts of the securities offered for exchange and already exchanged.

Amount Already
'ypc of Seeunty Aggregate
Offering Price Sold

)cbt ........................................................................................ So So
quity...................................................................................... so So
0 Common 0 Preferred

onvcrtible Securities (including warrants)............................. SO so

artnership Interests................................................................. $2,000,000,000' Si ,586,820,000

ther (Specify $0 So

T.1 $2,000,000,000' S1,586.820,000
Answer also in Appendix. Column 3, if filing under ULOE.

tel the number of accredited and non-accredited investors who have purchased securities in this offering
i the aggregate dollar amounts of their purchases. For offerings under Rule 504, indicate the number of
cons who have purchased Securities and the aggregate dollar amount of their purchases on the total lines.
ter '0' if answer is 'none" or "zero."
Number Dollar Amount
Investors of Purchases
ccrcditcdInvestors ..................................................................................................................................... 99 $1,586,820,000
on-accredited Investors .............................................................................................................................. 0 So
Total ((or filings under Rule 504 only)................................................................................................. S
Answer also in Appendix, Column 4, if filing under ULOE.

his tiling is for an offering under Rule 504 or 505, enter the information requested for all securities sold
the issuer, to date, in offerings of the types indicated, in the twelve (12) months prior to the first sale of
unties in this offering. Classify securities by type listed in Part C - Question I.
Type of Dollar Amount
Security Sold
ypcof offering ............................................................................................................................................ $______________
ule505 ........................................................................................................................................................ S_______________
cgulationA ..................................... ............................................................................................................ $_________________
ule504 ........................................................................................................................................................ S_________________

Furnish a statement of all expenses in connection with the issuance and distribution of the securities in
offering. Exclude amounts relating solely to organization expenses of the issuer. The information may
given as subject to future contingencies. If the amount of an expenditure is not known, furnish an
mate and check the box to the left of the estimate.
ansferAgent's Fees ........................................................................................................................................................................... a
intingand Engraving Costs ............... . .... ............................................................................................................................................ U $**________________
galFees............................................................................................................................................................................................. a
countingFees . .................................................................................................................................................................................. U
gineeringFees ................................................................................................................................................................................... U SO_________________
LIes Commissions (specify finders' fees separately) ........................................................................................................................... I $0"
thcrExpenses (identify) ..................................................................................................................................................................... • S"
Total............................................................................................................................................................................................. U S1.500.000"

eneral Partner may direct certain capital contributions be made through one or more alternative investment vehicles. "The Fund will bear all legal and other
in the formation of the Fund and the offering of interests (other than any placement fees) in an ansountnotto exceed $1,500,000. Expenses in excess of
)00 and anyplace . ,nt fees will be borne by the manager through a 100% offset against the management lee.



ter the difference between the aggregate offering price given in response to Past C Question I and total expenses furnished in
tponsc to Part C -Question 4.a. This difference is thc "adjustcd gross proceeds to the ..................................................................... SI,998.5O0.000_...,_
jicaic below the amount of the adjusted gross proceeds to the issuer used or proposed to be used for each of the purposes shown lithe
sount for any purpose is not known, furnish an estimate and check the box to the Left of the estimate. The total of the payments listed
ust equal the adjusted gross proceeds to the issuer set forth in response to Part C - Question 4.b above.
Payments to
Directors, & Payments To
Affiliates Others
Salariesand fees ...........................................................................................................................................
OS_•. ___ - OS________
Purchaseof real estate ..................................................................................................................................OS OS
Purchase, rental or leasing and installation of machinery and equipment ..................................................... OS OS
Construction or teasing of plant buildings and facilities ............................................................................... OS 0$
Acquisition of other businesses (including the value of securities involved in this offering that may be
used in exchange for the assets or securities of another issuer pursuant to a merger) ................................... OS as
Repaymentof indebtedness ..........................................................................................................................OS OS
Workingcapital ............................................................................................................................................ OS OS
Other (specie): Investments and related costs

ColumnTotals .............................................................................................................................................. CIS U 51,998,500,000
Total Payments Listed (columns totals added) .............................................................................................. USI .998,500,000

ssuer has duly caused this notice to be signed by the undersigned duly authorized person. If this notice is filed under Rule 505, the following signature constitutes
,dertaking by the issuer to furnish to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, upon written request of its staff, the information furnished by the issuer to any
iccredited investor pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of Rule 502.

(Print or Type) 'SitaXure - Date

/ gust 1,2007
31 International Private Equity Fund V. L.P.
" 7'
e of Signer (Print or Type) Title of Signer (Print 4fypc)
ni Kobayashi Senior Vice President
of Capital International. Inc., the managing member of Capital International
Investments V. LLC, the general partner of Capital International Investments V, L.P.,
the general partner of Capital International Private Equity Fund V, L.P.


Intentional misstatements or omissions of fact constitute federal criminal violations. (See 18 U.S.C. 1001.)

5 of 8
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AL GROUP COMPANIES INC CIK#: 0000732812 (see Business Address Mailing Address
1p n

ation: CA I State of Inc.: CA I Fiscal Year End: 1231 LOS ANGELES CA 90071
CAPITAL GROUP COMPANIES INC ET AL (filings through 2002-11- 2134869277

CAPITAL GROUP INC (filings through 1994-02-10)

Filing Type: Prior to: (YYYYMMDD) Ownership? Limit Results Per Page Search,
include exclude only 40 Entries [Showj

-40 LI RSS Feed I Next 40

Format Description Filing Date File/Film Number

Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00216
Documents 2009-08-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-09-000035 (34 Act) 091014670
[Amend]Application for exemption and other relief filed under the Investment
/A Documents Company Act of 1940 2009-08-05
Acc-no: 0000017283-09-000084 (40 Act)
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2009-05-15
Acc-no: 0000732812-09-000020 (34 Act) 09828036
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2009-02-13
Acc-no: 0000732812-09-000002 (34 Act) 09604077
[Paper]Application for exemption and other relief filed under the Investment
Documents Company Act of 1940 2008-12-19
Acc-no: 9999999997-08-049116 (40 Act)
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2008-11-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-08-000027 (34 Act) 081188942
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2008-08-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-08-000018 (34 Act) 081017792
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00216
Documents 2008-05-15
Acc-no: 0000732812-08-000009 (34 Act) 08836829
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2008-02-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-08-000008 (34 Act) 08616276
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2007-11-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-07-000080 (34 Act) 071242978
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2007-08-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-07-000071 (34 Act) 071053964
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2007-05-15
Acc-no: 0000732812-07-000048 (34 Act) 07852294
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2007-02-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-07-000034 (34 Act) 07612262
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2006-11-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-06-000041 (34 Act) 061214273
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2006-08-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-06-000027 (34 Act) 061028460

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Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2006-05-12
Acc-no: 0000732812-06-000020 (34 Act) 06835996
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2006-02-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-06-000011(34 Act) 06612967
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers. Notice 028-00218
Documents 2005-11-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-05-000057 (34 Act) 051200536
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-002 18
Documents 2005-08-15
Acc-no: 0000732812-05-000048 (34 Act) 051026429
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2005-05-13
Acc-no: 0000732812-05-000027 (34 Act) 05829939
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2005-02-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-05-000001(34 Act) 05606510
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2004-11-15
Acc-no: 0000017283-04-000621 (34 Act) 041143113
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2004-08-13
Acc-no: 0000732812-04-000015 04972800
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2004-05-17
Acc-no: 0000732812-04-000002 04811632
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2004-02-17
Acc-no: 0000732812-04-000001 04609007
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2003-11-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-03-000019 031 003794
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2003-08-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-03-000012 03846030
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2003-05-15
Acc-no: 0000732812-03-000001 03701695
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2003-02-14
Acc-no: 0000314965-03-000001 03565573
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-14
Acc-no: 0000017283-02-000853 02826980
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000024 02813208
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000022 02813206
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000020 02813204
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000018 02813202
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000016 02813200
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000014 02813199
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000012 02813197
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-002i!
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000010 02813194
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-002
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000008 02813192
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-00218
Documents 2002-11-08
Acc-no: 0000732812-02-000006 02813190

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Modified 05/21/2009

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AL GROUP INTERNATIONAL INC CIK#: 0000949308 Business Address Mailing Address

cation: CA I State of Inc.: CA I Fiscal Year End: 0630 FLOOR 11100 SANTA MONICA
der transactions for this reporting owner. LOS ANGELES CA BLVD 15TH FL
90025-3384 LOS ANGELES CA
2134869501 90025-3384

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include exclude only 40 Entries Show All

-40 fjRSS Feed I Next 407

Format Description Filing Date File/Film Number

Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 028-05044
Documents 2009-08-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-09-000036 (34 Act) 091014668
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
/A Documents 2009-06-10
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000168
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
/A Documents 2009-06-10
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000167
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice
Documents 2009-05-15 028-05044
Acc-no: 0000732812-09-000024 (34 Act) 09828035
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-05-08
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000164
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-04-09
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000158
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice
- Documents 2009-02-13 028-05044
Acc-no: 0000732812-09-000003 (34 Act) 09604073
Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3 Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000155
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000151
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000150
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
5/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000140
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000146
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000141
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000142
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
5/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000147
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
3/A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000130

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ilts Page 2 of 2
[Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000134
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000138
(Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000129
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
\ Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000132
[Amend) Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
\ Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000120
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000123
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000125
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000126
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000128
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000119
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000122
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000110
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
'A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000115
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
'A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000117
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
'A Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000118
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
IA Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000116
Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000112
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
IA Documents 2009-02-12
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000111
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
IA Documents 2009-02-06
Acc-no: 0000017283-09-000006
Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
Documents 2009-01-09
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000004
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
IA Documents 2009-01-09
Acc-no: 0000949308-09-000001
[Amend]Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
IA Documents 2008-12-10
Acc-no: 0000949308-08-000184
Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice 0205044
Documents 2008-11-14
Acc-no: 0000732812-08-000028 (34 Act) 081188939
[AmendiStatement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
IA Documents 2008-11-10
Acc-no: 0000949308-08-000179


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I Group Companies: About us Page 1 of]

Hc,,ne Our wei,s,tes Media relotro,rc

I us

- ..

OA -
-, ..

'I d

the investor. IndividualsI

families I businesses and institutions
and - look to our
! T1
C lii Grcup i .
to guard and grow their hard-earned money. Whether in North America,
Asia, investors and their advisers find their way to us and tend to stay.
8,000 associates in 71
lity service and investment results.

Privately held organization

fllerlt to service lriveStill for the Jong term founded nearly 80 years
patient It may look like we're
HI • Experienced, long-tenured
with long- buying stock. But we
11116 ..4J!TI investment professionals
who stay , think of it as if we're
r years. buying whole . Known for exceptional
customer service
f long-term companies. Buying a J
ips like stock suggests a quick -.
never want decision. Buying a
Decades of experience
iint. We get to know our company reflects intensive research to
and their intermediaries over assess long-term potential - its - Capital
(expect uncommonly helpful product, services, leaders and _-,up cc pt 'ye.
d we happily provide it. competitors. Our approach? Discover it )IIded I'.
'Pt tathari it
early, buy it and wait.
Lovelace in o >:.
re oteut our t.ervicc pliuP,aol)iy
Rc,icl m ore about our investment • Our history ory
philosophy • Timeline

The Capital Group Companies

Capital interratona Capita Guarcarr Cap a Sesearch ned tIanagernert Capta Sank 5np - .l --r

Copyright t 2009 The Capital Group Companies, Inc. I All rights reseivec Privacy statement

capgroup.comlabout_us/ 8/27/2009
Global Screening

rhe Capital Group Companies, Inc

,ursday 27th of August 2009 08:09:59 PM GMT

The Capital Group Companies, Inc

uing Body Monetary Authority of Singapore (HAS) - Enforcements

le MRS Imposes a Composition Amount of $2,500 on the Capital Group Companies, Inc for Failing to Notify
SGX-ST and the Trustee of Cambridge Industrial Trust of Changes in Substantial Unitholdings
lication date 2007-04-25
erence 25.04.07



1 On 27 Mar 2007, The Capital Group Companies, Inc paid a composition amount of S$2,500 for
breaching sections 137A and 1375 of the Securities and Futures Act, which requires substantial
unitholders to notify the securities exchange and the trustee of the real estate investment trust
respectively of changes in unitholdings.

2 On 25 Jul and 22 Aug 2006. COC failed to notify SGX-ST and the trustee of Cambridge Industrial
Trust of its direct unitholding changes in CIT. As a result, the trustee of CIT was unable to
disseminate the information to the market as required under Rule 704(3) of the SGX Listing Manual.

Substantial unitholders of a REIT should notify the securities exchange and the trustee of changes
in their unitholdings in a timely manner. This is necessary for the proper functioning of a fair,
efficient and transparent market.

1 Screening Page 1 of 1
heck Page 1 of 2


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e Industrial Trust





- paid a composition amount of S$2,500 in Mar 2007 for breach of section 137A and 137B, Securities and Futures Act - failure to notify
substantial unit holdings in Cambridge Industrial Trust.

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Group Companies, Inc. : American Funds - Securities Class Action Page 1 of 3


The Capital Group Companies, Inc. : American Funds


d fl
Summary: Originally filed on July 15, 2004, related cases were consolidated and a consolidated
complaint was first filed on March 28, 2005. The complaints allege that defendants engaged in an
illegal kickback scheme with several brokers/dealers financed by fees and costs paid by plaintiffs and
other class members who purchased American Funds mutual funds. The named funds filed a motion
to dismiss on May 27, 2005 and the named individuals filed their respective motion on May 31 On
S December 6, 2005 the judge entered an order dismissing certain aspects of the complaint, including
all named director defendants, specific claims and the named funds of which plaintiffs had no
ownership. The plaintiffs were given leave to amend their complaint, which they did and re-filed a
Second Consolidated Complaint on February 16, 2006. Again the various funds and individuals filed
motions to dismiss on April 28, 2006. Discovery was stayed while both sides argued the matter of
Y dismissal. An order was finally entered on January 17, 2007 dismissing the Section 48(a) claim in
addition to the Section 1 of the Sherman Act and the Cartwright Act claims. Plaintiffs filed a Third
Consolidated Complaint on January 30, 2007. Plaintiffs filed a Fourth Amended Complaint on May 16,
2008. The parties soon after engaged in discovery. On July 28, 2009, the first day of court trial was
held before Judge Gary A. Feess. The case is currently in trial proceedings.

SIC Code:
Sector: Financial
Industry: Other (Mutual Fund)

COMPANY/ISSUER NAME: Capital Group Companies, Inc.

COMPANY WEBSITE: http://www.capgroup.com/


COURT: C.D. California I DOCKET NUMBER: 04-CV-05593

JUDGE NAME: Hon. R. Gary Klausner
DATE FILED: 07/15/2004 SOURCE: Notice of Filing
TYPE OF COMPLAINT: Complaint (Unamended and Unconsolidated)
• Milberg Weiss Bershad & Schulman LLP
355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 4170, Los Angeles (Former Location), CA, 90071
(voice) 213.617.9007, (fax) 213.617.9185, info©milbergweiss.com
• Weiss & Lurie (Los Angeles, CA)
10940 Wilshire Blvd - 24th Floor, Los Angeles, CA, 90024
C) 2001 (voice) 310.208.2800, (fax) 310.209.2348, info©wyca.com
LW Sc c'

irities.staiit'ord.edu/1037/CGCI -01/ 8/27/2009

Group Companies, Inc. : American Funds - Securities Class Action Page 2 of 3
lass Action Complaint For Excessive Fees In Violation Of Sections 35(b), 36(b) And 48(a) Of
he Investment Company Act And Of Sections 206 And 215 Of The Investment Advisers Act,
nd For Breaches Of Fiduciary Duty - Jury Trial Demanded
[Type: CompIainDate on the document: 07/15/2004 I


COURT: C.D. California IDOCKET NUMBER: 04-CV-05593

JUDGE NAME: Hon. Gary A. Feess
DATE FILED: 05/16/2008 SOURCE: Docket
• Milberg Weiss Bershad & Schulman LLP
355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 4170, Los Angeles (Former Location), CA, 90071
(voice) 213.617.9007, (fax) 213.617.9185, info©milbergweiss.com
• Weiss &Lurie (Los Angeles, CA)
10940 Wilshire Blvd - 24th Floor, Los Angeles, CA, 90024
(voice) 310.208.2800, (fax) 310.209.2348, [email protected]



Second Amended Complaint
Type: Complaint IDate on the document: 2/16/2006
Third Amended Complaint
Type: Complaint IDate on the document: 1/31/2007
Civil Minutes-General
Type: Other IDate on the document: 04/04/2007
Fourth Amended Complaint
Type.- Complaint IDate on the document: 05/16/2008
Memorandum And Order Regarding Defendants' Motion To Dismiss Consolidated Amended
Type: Order IDate on the document: 6/5/2008
Civil Minutes - Trial
Type: Other IDate on the document: 07/28/2009
U.S. District Court Civil Docket
Type: Docket IDate on the document: 07/31/2009

Case Name and/or Number:

Type: IDate on the document:


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readers that inclusion of any information on this site does not constitute an endorsement of the
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?nter> Asset Management > The Capital Group Companies, Inc. Company Profile
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. Company Profile

If mutual fund firms were described like Contact Information

potential romantic partners in lonely Address: 333 S. Hope St., 53rd Fl.
hearts ads, The Capital Group Los Angeles, CA 90071
Laggards Companies might be marriage material.
The mutual fund firm, founded in 1931, is Phone: 213-486-9200
quiet (they don't advertise or grant many Fax: 213-486-9217
rowser interviews), stable (it prides itself on
consistency and believes investment Financial Highlights
ustri decisions should not be taken lightly), and Fiscal Year End: June
faithful (most of its investments and its
-vices Revenue (2007): 9900.00 M
executives are long-term). Subsidiary
I Investments Capital Research and Management Revenue Growth (1 yr): (-12.00%)
manages The American Funds, a family Employees (2007): 9,000
loney Center Banks
of about 30 mutual funds that ranks
among the largest groups of mutual funds Employee Growth (1 yr): 000%
it Brokerage - National
by assets in the US. Other Capital Group
nter Banks Key People
units offer mutual funds in Canada and
Loans Europe, and investment trusts in Japan. • President: Philip de Toledo
• SVP and Treasurer; SVP, Capital
International: Jim Brown
a/Defense - Major Diversified • Director of Media Relations: Chuck
ufacturers - Major
logy Industry Information

Software & Services Sector: Financial

Industry: Asset Management
- Major Diversified
cation Equipment Top Competitors

rates • American Century Companies, Inc.

J Computer Systems • FMR LLC

I Investments • The Vanguard Group, Inc.

ufacturers - Major
ijor Diversified
Metals & Minerals
grated Oil & Gas
nter Banks

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Group Companies, Inc. Company Profile - Yahoo! Finance Page 2 of 2

Casualty Insurance
uctor - Broad Line
ervices -Domestic
Complete Industry List,..


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ii Group Companies: Timeline Page 1 of
,i Home 1 .f Our websites I Media relations I 4 Comments?

ut the years, the companies within The Capital Group have grown in both depth and breadth, with 8,000
s worldwide now serving the investment needs of individuals and institutions.

look at our organization's history and its pioneering endeavors in the investment management field:

1940s/ 1950s

Capital's first company, Capital Research and Management Company, is founded by Jonathan Bell Lovelace in
Los Angeles. Three years later, it begins managing The Investment Company of America, the first mutual
fund of what will become the American Funds family.
We open an office in New York.

Capital becomes one of the first U.S.-based firms to invest outside of North America.

Capital opens an office in Geneva - our first investment office outside the U.S.
Our Geneva office creates the Capital International market indices (now known as the Morgan Stanley
Capital International indices) - the first set of stock market indices for non-U.S. markets.

The same year, Capital companies reach US$1 billion in assets under management.

A new company is formed to serve large institutional clients in the U.S. - Capital Guardian Trust Company.
We establish our own record keeping company to serve U.S. mutual fund shareholders - American Funds
Service Company.

Our Geneva-based affiliate, Capital International S.A., begins managing global funds distributed outside the
U.S. (Capital Italia and Capital International Fund).

Our companies start managing retirement plans based outside the U.S. and begin serving wealthy individuals
through the Personal Investment Management division of Capital Guardian Trust Company.

Capital Guardian begins management of non-U.S. assets for U.S. institutional clients.

Our London office is established (Capital International Limited).

A Tokyo office Is established (Capital International K.K.) - our first in Asia - followed by Hong Kong (1983)
and Singapore (1989), both of which house operations for Capital International, Inc.

Our first dedicated shareholder service center for American Funds opens. We currently operate service
centers In San Antonio, TX; Hampton Roads, VA; Indianapolis, IN; Phoenix, AZ; and Irvine, CA.

Assets managed by Capital Group companies reach US$25 billion.

apital launches an emerging markets growth fund - the first of its kind - when the World Bank wants a
ay for institutions to invest in developing nations.

\ssets managed by the Capital Group companies pass US$200 billion.

oronto office opens.

:apltal begins offering investment management services for individuals in Canada.

.merican Funds further expands Its presence in the retirement plan market and becomes the leading
rovider of 529 college savings plans.
apital begins offering investment management services for individuals in Europe.

capgrotip.com/about—us/timeline.html 8/27/2009
I Group Companies: Timeline Page 2 of 2
Jew shareholder service center opens in Phoenix.

)ur 34.2 acre Irvine, California campus opens.

apital begins offering investment management services for individuals in Japan.

:apital Research and Management Company implemented the disaggregation of its equity investment
)perations into Capital Research Global Investors and Capital World Investors.

:apital launches the International Growth and Income Fund (IGI).

apital opens offices in Mumbal and Palm Beach.

The capital Group companies

CspusI 1ntrnvtoriJ C.sti. Gui'Js Cp.t esearh and Msfls)emsflt CepItlI b5k sni Tut Amn Furc1'

Coyr'ght 2009 The Ca.itaI Group Companies, Inc. i AI rights ceserved I EdvacLstatenient

:apgroup.comlabout_us/timeline.html 8/27/2009
I Capital International Capital International, Inc.
11100 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90025-3395

Phone (310) 996 6000

Fax (310) 996 6200
Canon's Court
22 Victoria Street
P0 Box HM 1179
Hamilton HM EX

August 1 8, 2009

Re: Anti-Money Laundering Program

Dear Sir or Madam,

This letter is to inform you that Capital International, Inc. ("CII") is firmly committed to

combating money laundering and the funding of terrorist activities.

For this purpose, CII has established an Anti-Money Laundering Program ("AML

Program") that is designed to comply with the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and other

applicable U.S. laws and regulations relating to the prevention of money laundering and

terrorist financing. Among its other features, Cli's AML Program includes written

policies and procedures, a designated compliance officer, AML training for appropriate

personnel and an independent audit of the program.


4 ~ X~ -
Mark Brubaker
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer

e Capital Group Companies

pital International Capital Guardian Capital Research and Management Capital Bank and Trust American Funds

"Know Your Client" Procedure
Company Name:

d Naiic CG1'E \T, LP.

:d Office Address Street Address 87 Mary Street
City George Town State/Province

Country Cayman Islands Zip/Postal Code

tel ft Fax ft

Email Address

Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Formation
ation/Rcgistration/Dce D 21 M 03 Y 2007
Cayrnan Islands
I operating or Mailing Street Address 6455 Irvine Center Drive
(if ditThrent from -- - --- • -- -
City Irvine State/Province CA
Country USA Zip/Postal Code 92618
Tel ft Fax ft

Email Address [email protected]

for requiring E Incorporation/Continuation of Entity Amalgamation
Acquisition of shares by subscription fl Other (provide explanation)
Acquisition of shares by transfer

)Iic Company. print Print lull Name of Stock Exchange Listing

Exchange Listing and
;ymhol and attach: El Current set of financial statements
El Evidence of Stock Exchange listing: or

Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

vate Company. print
of Ultimate Beneficial

Print Full Name of Trust Print Full Name of Trustee

;t. print name of Trust.

Beneficiaries and date
Print Name of Beneficiaries Date of Establishment

Print Full Name of Partnership Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

nership, print name of
ship and General CGPE V, L.P. Capital International Investments V, LLC

companies must Copy of Incorporation Certificate Current certificate of good standing or similar documentation

II Name of Person authorised to sign for and on behalf of the Company: Current position of authorised person. Director or Officer:

Brubaker Authorized Signatory

ofPeMn autb,sed to sign for and on behalf of the Company Date ID/M/YRJ


"Know Your Client" Procedure
Company Name:

N oi Iioit Capital
I anic International Private Equity Fund V, L.P.
A Office Address Street Address 87 Mary Street
City George Town State/Province

Country Cayman Islands Zip/Postal Code

1el # Fax #

Email Address

Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Formation
ation/Registration/Dee D21 NI 03 Y 2007
Cayman Islands
I Operating or Mailing Street Address 6455 Irvine Center Drive
(if different from - - -- - --
City Irvine State/Province CA
Country USA Zip/Postal Code 92 -
Tel 4 Fax

Email Address [email protected]

for requiring U lncorporatiott'Continuation of Entity U Amalgamation
Acquisition of shares by subscription U Other (provide cxi

U Acquisition of shares by transfer

)Iic Company. print Print Full Name of Stock Exchange Listing -

Exchange Listing and
;vmhol and attach:
- U Evidence of Stock Exchange listing: or U Current set of financial statements

vate Company, print Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

of Ultimate Beneficial

Print Full Name of Trust Print lull Name of Trustee

t. print name of Trust,

Beneficiaries and date
Print Name of Beneficiaries Date of Establishment

Print Full Name of Partnership Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

nership, print name of
Capital International Private Equity Capital International Investments V, L.P.
ship and General
I Fund V, L.P.

companies must Copy otincorporation Certificate Current certificate of good standing or similar documentation

II Name of Person authorised to sign for and on behalf of the Company: Current position of authorised person, Director or Officer:

Brubaker Authorized Signatory

e of1 Person7uthorJ to sign for and on behalf of the Company Date ll)/M/YRI

• 6 i'S 2&
(to be sent by email EXCEPT for Out of Office or Strike off)

To: BDA-Central Records, BDA-CMS Support, BDA-VP Help, Craig Mahon, Debra Tucker, Reshika
Basden, Nigel Pichery (name change only)
Date: 19 October 2009
CLIENT/MATTER #: 139555.2 NAME OF CO AD: Allison Forte
COMPANY NAME: Global Farms Group Limited


El Change in Billing Contact/Address/e-mail (CoAd responsible for Updating ViewPoint)

Old Billing Contact/address/e-mail New Billing Contact/address/e-mail

El Change in Billing Fee: Pull Down List Old Fee $ New Fee $
Effective: Pro-rated invoice to client: Yes El No El
El Final Fee Disposition: a) Pull Down List Amount $
(allows fora second selection) b) Pull Down List Amount $
El Change in Billing Type: Pull Down List Frequency / Basis:
Special Instructions:

ED Change Company Status: VP: Amalgamated CMS: Amalgamated
If Company is going Out of Office, fill out the following:
Reason: Pull Down List
Name & address of company
taking over & Contact Person
El Takeover of Company from:
0 Change of Company name to:
Amalgamation/merged with: El Tejar Limited
Is this a company we administer: Yes No El If Yes, client/matter #: 137057.1
Surviving company name: El Tejar Limited

Additional Comments:

Signature of Corporate Administrator Files received by CR & Date

IMPORTANT: All 'Out of Office' and 'Struck Off" company files must be deposited in person with a member of Central
Records ("CR"). CR will not accept any files without this form signed by a CoAd, which in turn will be signed by the CR

To: Diana Martin/Reshika Basden

01 October 2009

From: Allison Forte

Name: TK-RA Sechste Beteiliguns GmbH

Company: El Tejar Limited (the "Company")
Client/matter No: 137057.1


Acquisition by fl Issue D Transfer of shares representing % of the

beneficial ownership of the issued shares of the Company
Appointment as a Officer/Director/Alternate Director (circle as appropriate)
El Appointment as authorised signatory on Company's bank account
[ Main Contact/Instructing party
X Other (please describe) Shareholder of El Tejar Limited
Please find enclosed the originals of the following compliance documents:
O Compliance form (Individual)
X Compliance form (Company)
0 Personal Declaration
O Photographic Identification - certified copy
0 Passport, number:
D Drivers Licence, number:
O Certified utility bill:
X Other (please describe) Certified translation from German for the following: (i) Excerpt fro
the Business Register evidencing ultimate beneficial owners and
other constitutional information; (ii) Annual Financial Statement as
of 31 December 2007; Declaration of the Establishment of the
Company (Articles of Association)

C:\NrPonbl\A1'PLEBY_BDA\AFORTE\61 82483_I .DOC

Please acknowledge safe receipt of the documents noted above by signing and returning the
enclosed copy.


For Compliance Department use only

0 Documentation filed in Compliance folder

Receipt acknowledged ___________________________

/Lompliance Officer/Mwuger Date
1) / M / YR


C:\NrPortbl\APPLEBY_BDA\AFORTE\6182483_1 .DOC

CLient" Procedure
"Know Your
iuda Company Name:

tered Name of Entity I K-Ri' SIite letciliguugs (.tiibl I

tered Office Address Street Address icinfaltstrassc 8

City Vienna State/Province

Country Austria Zip/Postal Code 1010

Tel # ±43 1.533 9630 Fax #

Email Address

of : i I Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Formation
rporation/Registration/ D 02 M 08 Y 2007

cipal Operating or Street Address

ing Address (if different
above) City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Tel# Fax#

Email Address

son for requiring U Incorporation/Continuation of Entity - U Amalgamation

U Acquisition of shares by subscription U Other (provide explanation)
U Acquisition of shares by transfer
Public Company, print Print Full Name of Stock Exchange Listing
:k Exchange Listing and --
er Symbol and attach: 0 Evidence of Stock Exchange listing; or U Current set of financial statements --
Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)
Private Company, print
Leonardo Mc Lean, hduardo Paulette Puevrrcdon, Jiunie Mc Lean, Oscar Alvarado, Juan
Pies of Ultimate
eficiat owner(s)
Pablo Alvarado, Jose Alvarado, Mariano Alvarado, Maria Alvarado, Ignacio Alvarado,
Fcrnanda Alvarado, Miguel Alvarado
Print Full Name of Trust Print Full Name of Trustee

rust, print name of Trust,

stee, Beneficiaries and
Print Name of Beneficiaries Date of Establishment
of establishment

Print Full Name of Partnership Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

artnership, print name of
tnership and General

iate companies must U Copy of Incorporation Certificate U Current certificate of good standing or similar documentation

it Full Name of Person authorised to sign for and on behalf of the Company: Current position of authorised person, Director or Officer:

g. Alexander Walther Managing Director

re of1 TI
atho ied to sign for and on behalf of the Company Date ED / M / YRI
jeu. ç\

*1 Certified Translation from German

[letterhead of Dr. Michael Umfahrer, notary public]

Excerpt from the Business Register

as of 04 September 2009 Excerpt with up-to-date data FN [Business Register Number] 297344 x

Basis of this excerpt is the main register amended by data from the collection of documents.
Most recent entry dated 7 July 2009 with entry number 8
Court having jurisdiction Commercial Court Vienna

TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH


Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
[translator's note: Austrian company with limited liability]

SEAT in [translator's note: compare: registered office]

political community of Vienna

3 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna

EUR 5,833,332


31 December

ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (most recent entry; for additional entries see
historical data)
6 as of 31 December 2007 filed on 23 December 2008

If several managing directors have been appointed, their power of
representation shall be determined by the shareholders' meeting.
I Declaration on the establishment of the company 001
[translator's note: compare: Articles of Association]
dated 2 August 2007

1 Resolution of the shareholders' meeting of 28 December 2007 002

Capital increase by EUR 5,798.332.
Revision of the Articles of Association.

MANAGING DIRECTORS (according to commercial law)

D Mag. [title] Alexander Walther, born on 8 October 1969
4 has represented solely since 17 December 2007


E Anibal Baiz Collares, born on 4 July 1952
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
F Diego Casaretto, born on 25 November 1975
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
G Juan Pablo Di Giacomo, born on 4 January 1977
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
H Santiago Diaz de Cespedes, born on 10 February 1969
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
I Adolfo Fontana, horn on 23 April 1973
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
J Miguel Macchia, born on 2 March 1966
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
K Eduardo Moreno Pareja, born on 29 March 1969
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
L Carlos Silveyra, born on 20 May 1951
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
M Walter Tossi, born on 3 April 1970
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
N Isrnacl Turban N jell, born on 11 November 1967
5 ............................................. EUR7O
5 ................................................................................................... EUR7O
0 Javier Angio, born on 30 May 1970
5 ........................................... EUR 583
5 ................................................................................................. EUR583
P Alejandro Bustarnante, born on 27 November 1962
5 ........................................... EUR583
5 ................................................................................................. EUR583
Q Pablo Calvino, born on 29 April 1958
5 ........................................... EUR 583
5 ................................................................................................. EUR583
R Rodrigo Mugaburu, born on 11 January 1979
5 ........................................... EUR 583
5 ................................................................................................. EUR583
S Christian Nolte, born on 27 June 1977
5 ........................................... EUR 786
5 ................................................................................................. EUR786
T Roberto Riccardi, born on 14 January 1938
5 ........................................ EUR 3,304
5 .............................................................................................. EUR 3,304
U Marcelo Carrique, born on 7 March 1959
5 ........................................ FUR 3,667
5 .............................................................................................. EUR 3,667
V Ricardo Negri, born on 11 October 1946
5 ........................................ EUR6,515
5 .............................................................................................. EUR6,515
W Gustavo Duarte, born on 12 March 1958
5 ........................................ EUR 6,655
5 .............................................................................................. EUR 6,655
X German Weiss, born on 9 December 1958
5 ........................................ EUR 7,241
5 .............................................................................................. EUR7.214
Y Diego Curat, born on 19 February 1965
S ........................................ FUR 9,241
5 ............................................................................................... EUR 9,241
Z Matias Ferreccio, born on 22 July 1959
5 ...................................... EUR 10,364
5 ............................................................................................ EUR 10,364
AA Christian Frei, born on 23 November 1973
5 ...................................... FUR 12,567
5 ........................................................................................... EUR 12,567
AB Nora Giacopazzi de Sassot, born on 10 October 1971
5 ...................................... EUR 13,250
5 ............................................................................................ EUR 13,250
AC Guillermo Arce, born on 26 November 1958
5 ......................................EUR 23,245
5 ............................................................................................ EUR 23,245
AD Alberto Garre, born on 25 November 1954
5 ...................................... FUR 23,820
5 ............................................................................................ EUR 23,820
AE Ricardo Bercini, born on 26 October 1944
5 ......................................................................................EUR 27,211
AF Raul Houssay, born on 30 September 1960
5 ...................................... EUR 36,417
5 ......................................................................................EUR 36,417
AG Mariano Fourcade, born on 5 April 1966
5 ......................................EUR 41,455
5 ......................................................................................EUR 41,455
AH Maria Guadalupe Lamattina, born on 20 March 1966
5 ......................................EUR 43,056
5 ......................................................................................EUR 43,056
Al Carlos Mariano Lamattina, born on 15 August 1963
5 ...................................... EUR 43,485
AJ Franciso Lamattina, born on 7 October 1964
5 ...................................... EUR 43,970
5 ......................................................................................EUR 43,970
AK Juan Ignacio Lamattina, born on 29 December 1969
...................................... EUR 43,970
......................................................................................EUR 43,970
AL Javier Lamattina, born on 5 June 1974
5 ...................................... EUR 43,970
5 .....................................................................................EUR 43,970
AM Femanda Pallette Pueyrredon de Alvarado,
born on 8 December 1939
5 ................................EUR5O,118
AN Tomas Pallette Puerredon, born on 1 July 1974
5 ...................................... EUR 63,929
5 ...................................................................................... EUR 63,929
AO Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon (h), born on 27 March 1972
5 ...................................... EUR 63,929
5 ...................................................................................... EUR 63,929
AP Paula Pallette Pueyrredon, born on 3 June 1965
5 ...................................... EUR 63,929
5 ...................................................................................... EUR 63,929
AQ Carlos Christian Javier Angio, born on 6 November 1967
5 ...................................... EUR 65,401
5 ...................................................................................... EUR 65,401
AR Gonzalo Villegas, born on 13 July 1961
7 ...................................... EUR 49,553
7 ...................................................................................... EUR 49,553
AS Laura Eyheremendy de Lamattina, born on 22 May 1936
5 .................................... EUR 116,609
5 ....................................................................................EUR 116,609
AT Maria del Carmen Lamattina, born on 20 December 1941
•EUR 121,025
•EUR 121,025
AU Miguel Alvarado, born on 29 September 1963
....................................EUR 123,824
....................................................................................EUR 123,824
AV Carmela Giribone de Muro, born on 30 July 1945
FUR 177 577
.................................................................................... EUR 127,577
AW Fernanda Alvarado, born on 25 March 1966
....................................EUR 131,425
.................................................................................... EUR 131,425
AX Ignacio Alvarado, born on 29 March 1965
....................................EUR 131,425
.................................................................................... EUR 131,425
AY Maria Alvarado, born on 14 May 1974
....................................EUR 131,425
.................................................................................... EUR 131,425
AZ Mariano Alvarado, born on 24 January 1962
....................................EUR 131,425
.................................................................................... EUR 131,425
BA Jose Alvarado, born on 3 December 1980
....................................EUR 134,936
.................................................................................... EUR 134,936
BB Juan Pablo Alvarado, born on 4 December 1969
....................................EUR 135,555
.................................................................................... EUR 135,555
BC Alfredo Kasdorf, born on 17 November 1960
....................................EUR 230,567
.................................................................................... EUR 230,567
BD Luis Kasdorf, born on 4 December 1958
..............................EUR 230,575
.................................................................................... EUR 230,575
BE Aureliano C. Bosch, born on 13 March 1976
....................................EUR 264,425
.................................................................................... EUR 264,425
BF Lucia Bosch, born on 28 March 1983
....................................EUR 264,425
.................................................................................... EUR 264,425
BG Marcela Bosch, born on 18 March 1979
....................................EUR 264,425
.................................................................................... EUR 264,425
BH Maria Clara Bosch, born on 15 October 1973
....................................EUR 264,425
.................................................................................... EUR 264,425
BI Florencia Emilia Bosch, born on 25 August 1971
....................................EUR 264,430
EUR 264,430
BJ Oscar Alvarado, born on 30 April 1960
5 ....................................EUR 342,956
5 ....................................................................................EUR 342,956
BK Jaime Mc Lean, born on 7 August 1961
....................................EUR 356,293
....................................................................................EUR 356,293
BL Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon, born on 14 September 1935
5 ....................................EUR 580,902
5 ....................................................................................FUR 580,902
BM Leonardo Mc Lean, born on 24 October 1933
8 ....................................FUR 654,088
BN Maria Luisa Margarita Martin
de Mc Lean, born on 26 November 1965
8 ......................................EUR 26,542
8 ......................................................................................FUR 26,542

Totals: FUR 5,833,322 EUR 5,833,332


5 D Mag. [title] Alexander Walther, born on 8 October 1969

4 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 E Anibal Baiz Collares, born on 4 July 1952
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 F Diego Casaretto, born on 25 November 1975
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 G Juan Pablo Di Giacomo, born on 4 January 1977
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 H Santiago Diaz de Cespedes, born on 10 February 1969
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 I Adolfo Fontana, born on 23 April 1973
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 J Miguel Macchia, born on 2 March 1966
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 K Eduardo Moreno Pareja, born on 29 March 1969
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
L Carlos Silveyra, born on 20 May 1951
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
M Walter Tossi, born on 3 April 1970
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
N Ismael Turban Niell, born on 11 November 1967
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
0 Javier Angio, born on 30 May 1970
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
P Alejandro Bustamante, born on 27 November 1962
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
Q Pablo Calvino, born on 29 April 1958
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
R Rodrigo Mugaburu, born on 11 January 1979
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
S Christian Nolte, born on 27 June 1977
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
T Roberto Riccardi, born on 14 January 1938
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
U Marcelo Carrique, born on 7 March 1959
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
V Ricardo Negri, born on 11 October 1946
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
W Gustavo Duarte, born on 12 March 1958
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
X German Weiss, born on 9 December 1958
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
Y Diego Curat, born on 19 February 1965
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
Z Matias Ferreccio, born on 22 July 1959
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
AA Christian Frei, born on 23 November 1973
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
AB Nora Giacopazzi de Sassot, born on 10 October 1971
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
AC Guillermo Arce, born on 26 November 1958
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
AD Alberto Garre, born on 25 November 1954
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
AE Ricardo Bercini, born on 26 October 1944
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
AF Raul Houssay, born on 30 September 1960
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AG Mariano Fourcade, born on 5 April 1966
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AH Maria Guadalupe Lamattina, born on 20 March 1966
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 Al Carlos Mariano Lamattina, born on 15 August 1963
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AJ Franciso Lamattina, born on 7 October 1964
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AK Juan Ignacio Lamattina, born on 29 December 1969
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AL Javier Lamattina, born on 5 June 1974
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AM Fernanda Pallette Pueyrredon de Alvarado,
born on 8 December 1939
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AN Tomas Pallette Puerredon, born on 1 July 1974
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AO Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon (h), born on 27 March 1972
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AP Paula Pallette Pueyrredon, born on 3 June 1965
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AQ Carlos Christian Javier Angio, born on 6 November 1967
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AR Gonzalo Villegas, born on 13 July 1961
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AS Laura Eyheremendy de Lamattina, born on 22 May 1936
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AT Maria del Carmen Lamattina, born on 20 December 1941
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AU Miguel Alvarado, born on 29 September 1963
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AV Carmela Giribone de Muro, born on 30 July 1945
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AW Fernanda Alvarado, born on 25 March 1966
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AX Ignacio Alvarado, born on 29 March 1965
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AY Maria Alvarado, born on 14 May 1974
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 AZ Mariano Alvarado, born on 24 January 1962
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BA Jose Alvarado, born on 3 December 1980
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BB Juan Pablo Alvarado, born on 4 December 1969
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BC Alfredo Kasdorf, born on 17 November 1960
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BD Luis Kasdorf, born on 4 December 1958
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna

61 BE Aureliano C. Bosch, born on 13 March 1976
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BF Lucia Bosch, born on 28 March 1983
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BG Marcela Bosch, born on 18 March 1979
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BH Maria Clara Bosch, born on 15 October 1973
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 B! Florencia Emilia Bosch, born on 25 August 1971
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BJ Oscar Alvarado, born on 30 April 1960
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BK Jaime Mc Lean, born on 7 August 1961
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BL Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon, born on 14 September 1935
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
5 BM Leonardo Mc Lean, born on 24 October 1933
5 Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna
7 BN Maria Luisa Margarita Martin
de Mc Lean, born on 26 November 1965
7 Zapiola 360, Muniz
RA- Provincia de Buenos Aires


Commercial Court Vienna

1 Registered on 24 August 2007 reference number 75 Fr 8000/07 z
Application for registration of a new business received on 13 August 2007
3 Registered on 14 December 2007 reference number 75 Fr 12847/07 b
Application for amendment received on 4 December 2007
4 Registered on 21 December 2007 reference number 75 Fr 13377/07 g
Application for amendment received on 18 December 2007
5 Registered on 7 March 2008 reference number 75 Fr 565/08 z
Application for amendment received on 17 January 2008
6 Registered on 8 January 2009 reference number 71 Fr 18371/08 f
Annual Financial Statements received on 23 December 2008
7 Registered on 18 April 2008 reference number 71 Fr 4764/09 d
Application for amendment received on 15 April 2009
Registered on 7 July 2009 reference number 71 Fr 8383/09 a
Application for amendment received on 2 July 2009


Identification no. valid as at 4 September 2009: 8184160

Produced via the OZGIN clearing office ************************************HAO21
************************* 4 September 2009 12:07:59,568 84582742 ** LINES: 415

[round stamp] [signature]

NOTARY PUBLIC as court commissioner
Vienna - Alsergrund

With reference to my official oath of office fQ geflcM1ithzeftittheC

as a court-appointed and certified interpreter IZ fl'%
für die
I hereby certify, that the above translation is in DoImetsct1eflfl
full conformity with the meaning of the attached
German language original.
Vienna, 17 September 2009 Andrea Huhalek
Court-appointed and certified interpreter for English

Die genaue Ubereinstimmung der

vorstehenden Ubersetzung mit der -
angehefteten - vorliegondon - Urschrift- /zç H
begtaubigtn Ahch,ift. hIithfi g -bestätige -7'
ich unter Berufung auf meinen Eld. Alk. heekiete U.
gefieCfl ierd iett -j
Doaetsce ur die
aflgli!3che Spiacfle '

dr. michaei umfahrer

offentlicher cour


ichtag 4.9.2009 Auszug mit aktuellen Daten FN 297344 x

rundlage dieses Auszuges ist das Hauptbuch erganzt urn Daten aus der Urkunden-
etzte Eintragung am 07.07.2009 mit der Eintragungsnumrner 8
uständiges Gericht Handelsgericht Wien

1 TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs Gmbl-1

1 Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung

1 politischer Gemeinde Wien

3 Teinfaltstral3e 8
1010 Wien

5 EUR 5.833.332


1 31. Dezember

JAHRESABSCHLUSS (zuletzt eingetragen; weitere siehe Historie)

6 zum 31.12.2007 eingereicht am 23.12.2008

1 Die Generalversarnmlung bestirnmt, wenn mehrere

dr. michael umfahrer

öffentlrcher flour
währnger straBe 2-4
2-1090 wien
teIefo +43 1 319 58 89
12x+43 1 319 58 89 50
c-mail michael.umlahrer@notarat
dvr 09S807
führer bestelit sind, deren Vertretungsbefugnis.

1 Erklarung Ober die Errichtung der Gesellschaft

vorn 02.08.2007

5 Generalversamrnlungsbeschluss vorn 28.12.2007

Kapitalerhohung urn EUR 5.798.332,-.
Neufassung des Gesellschaftsvertrages.

GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER (handelsrechtlich)
D Mag. Alexander Walther, geb. 08.10.1969
4 vertritt seit 17.12.2007 selbstandig


E Anibal Baiz Collares, geb. 04.07.1952
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EUR7O
F Diego Casaretto, geb. 25.11.1975
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EUR7O
G Juan Pablo Di Giacomo, geb. 04.01.1977
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EtJR7O
H Santiago Diaz de Cespedes, geb. 10.02.1969
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EUR7O
I Adolfo Fontana, geb. 23.04.1973
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EUR7O
J Miguel Macchia, geb. 02.03.1966
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EUR 70
K Eduardo Moreno Pareja, geb. 29.03.1969
5 ........................... EUR7O
S ...................................................... EUR7O
L Carlos Silveyra, geb. 20.05.1951
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EUR7O
M Walter Tossi, geb. 03.04.1970
5 ........................... EUR7O
5 ...................................................... EUR7O
N Ismael Turban Niell, geb. 11.11.1967
5 ........................... EUR 70
5 ...................................................... EUR 70
0 Javier Angio, geb. 30.05.1970
5 .......................... EUR 583
5 ..................................................... EUR 583
P Alejandro Bustarnante, geb. 27.11.1962
5 .......................... EUR 583
5 ..................................................... EUR 583
Q Pablo Calvino, geb. 29.04.1958
5 .......................... EUR 583
5 ..................................................... EUR 583

R Rodrigo Mugaburu, geb. 11.01.1979
5 EUR 583
5 EUR 583
S Christian Nolte, geb. 27.06.1977
5 EUR 786
5 EUR 786
T Roberto Riccardi, geb. 14.01.1938
5 EUR 3.304
5 EUR 3.304
U Marcelo Carrique, geb. 07.03.1959
5 EUR 3.667
5 EUR 3.667
V Ricardo Negri, geb. 11.10.1946
5 EUR 6.515
5 EUR 6.515
W Gustavo Duarte, geb. 12.03.1958
5 EUR 6.655
5 EUR 6.655
x German Weiss, geb. 09.12.1958
5 EUR 7.214
5 EUR 7.214
Y Diego Curat, geb. 19.02.1965
5 EUR 9.241
5 EUR 9.241
z Matias Ferreccio, geb. 22.07.1959
5 EUR 10.364
5 EUR 10.364
AA Christian Frei, geb. 23.11.1973
5 EUR 12.567
5 EUR 12.567
AB Nora Giacopazzi de Sassot, geb. 10.10.1971
5 EUR 13.250
5 EUR 13.250
AC Guillermo Arce, geb. 26.11.1958
5 EUR 23.245
5 EUR 23.245
AD Alberto Garre, geb. 25.11.1954
5 EUR 23.820
5 EUR 23.820
AE Ricardo Bercini, geb. 26.10.1944
5 EUR 27.211
5 EUR 27.211
AF Raul Houssay, geb. 30.09.1960
5 EUR 36.417
5 EUR 36.417
AG Mariano Fourcade, geb. 05.04.1966
5 EUR 41.455
5 EUR 41.455
AH Maria Guadalupe Lamattina, geb. 20.03.1966
5 EUR 43.056
5 EUR 43.056
Al Carlos Mariano Lamattina, geb. 15.08.1963
5 EUR 43.485
5 EUR 43.485
AJ Francisco Lamattina, geb. 07.10.1964
5 EUR 43.970
5 • EUR 43.970
AK Juan Ignacio Lamattina, geb. 29.12.1969
5 .......................EUR 43.970
5 .................................................. EUR 43.970
AL Javier Lamattina, geb. 05.06.1974
5 .......................EUR 43.970
5 .................................................. EUR 43.970
AM Fernanda Pallette Pueyrredon
de Alvarado, geb. 08.12.1939
5 .......................EUR 50.118
5 .................................................. EUR 50.118
AN Tomas Pallette Puerredon, geb. 01.07.1974
5 .......................EUR 63.929
5 .................................................. EUR 63.929
AO Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon (h), geb. 27.03.1972
5 .......................EUR 63.929
5 .................................................. EUR 63.929
AP Paula Pallette Pueyrredon, geb. 03.06.1965
5 .......................EUR 63.929
5 .................................................. EUR 63.929
AQ Carlos Christian Javier Anglo, geb. 06.11.1967
5 .......................EUR 65.401
5 .................................................. EUR 65.401
AR Gonzalo Villegas, geb. 13.07.1961
7 .......................EUR 49.553
7 .................................................. EUR 49.553
AS Laura Eyheremendy de Lamattina, geb. 22.05.1936
5 ......................EUR 116.609
S ................................................. EUR 116.609
AT Maria del Carmen Lamattina, geb. 20.12.1941
5 ......................EUR 121.025
5 ................................................. EUR 121.025
AU Miguel Alvarado, geb. 29.09.1963
8 ......................EUR 123.824
8 ................................................. EUR 123.824
AV Carmela Giribone de Muro, geb. 30.07.1945
5 ......................EUR 127.577
5 ................................................. EUR 127.577
AW Fernanda Alvarado, geb. 25.03.1966
5 ......................EUR 131.425
5 ................................................. EUR 131.425
AX Ignacio Alvarado, geb. 29.03.1965
5 ......................EUR 131.425
5 ................................................. EUR 131.425
AY Maria Alvarado, geb. 14.05.1974
5 ......................EUR 131.425
5 ................................................. EUR 131.425
AZ Mariano Alvarado, geb. 24.01.1962
5 ......................EUR 131.425
5 ................................................. EUR 131.425
BA Jose Alvarado, geb. 03.12.1980
5 ......................EUR 134.936
5 ................................................. EUR 134.936
BB Juan Pablo Alvarado, geb. 04.12.1969
5 ......................EUR 135.555
5 ................................................. EUR 135.555

BC Alfredo Kasdorf, geb. 17.11.1960
5 ...................... EIJR 230.567
5 ................................................. EUR 230.567
BD Luis Kasdorf, geb. 04.12.1958
5 ...................... EUR 230.575
5 ................................................. EUR 230.575
BE Aureliano C. Bosch, geb. 13.03.1976
5 ...................... EtJR 264.425
5 ................................................. EUR 264.425
BF Lucia Bosch, geb. 28.03.1983
S ...................... EUR 264.425
5 ................................................. EUR 264.425
BG Marcela Bosch, geb. 18.03.1979
5 ...................... EUR 264.425
5 ................................................. EUR 264.425
BH Maria Clara Bosch, geb. 15.10.1973
5 ...................... EUR 264.425
5 ................................................. EUR 264.425
BI Florencia Emilia Bosch, geb. 25.08.1971
5 ...................... EUR 264.430
5 ................................................. EUR 264.430
BJ Oscar Alvarado, geb. 30.04.1960
5 ...................... EUR 342.956
5 ................................................. EUR 342.956
BK Jaime Mc Lean, geb. 07.08.1961
5 ...................... EUR 356.293
5 ................................................. EUR 356.293
BL Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon, geb. 14.09.1935
5 ...................... EUR 580.902
5 ................................................. EUR 580.902
BM Leonardo Mc Lean, geb. 24.10.1933
8 ...................... EUR 654.088
8 ................................................. EUR 654.088
BN Maria Luisa Margarita Martin de
Mc Lean, geb. 26.11.1965
8 ....................... EUR 26.542
8 .................................................. EUR 26.542

Summen: EUR 5.833.332 EUR 5.833.332


5 D Mag. Alexander Walther, geb. 08.10.1969

4 TeinfaltstraIe 8
1010 Wien
5 E Anibal Baiz Collares, geb. 04.07.1952
5 TeinfaltstraIe 8
1010 Wien
5 F Diego Casaretto, geb. 25.11.1975
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 G Juan Pablo Di Giacomo, geb. 04.01.1977
5 Teinfaltstra3e 8
1010 Wien

5 H Santiago Diaz de Cespedes, geb. 10.02.1969
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 I Adolfo Fontana, geb. 23.04.1973

5 TeinfaltstraBe B
1010 Wien

5 J Miguel Macchia, geb. 02.03.1966
5 Teirifaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien

5 K Eduardo Moreno Pareja, geb. 29.03.1969

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 L Carlos Silveyra, geb. 20.05.1951

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 M Walter Tossi, geb. 03.04.1970

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 N Ismael Turban Niell, geb. 11.11.1967

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 o Javier Angio, geb. 30.05.1970
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 P Alejandro Bustamante, geb. 27.11.1962
5 Teinfaltstraf3e B
1010 Wien

5 Q Pablo Calvino, geb. 29.04.1958

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 R Rodrigo Mugaburu, geb. 11.01.1979

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 S Christian Nolte, geb. 27.06.1977

5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien

5 T Roberto Riccardi, geb. 14.01.1938

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 U Marcelo Carrique, geb. 07.03.1959

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 V Ricardo Negri, geb. 11.10.1946

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 W Gustavo Duarte, geb. 12.03.1958

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 X German Weiss, geb. 09.12.1958

5 Teinfaltstral3e 8
1010 Wien

5 Y Diego Curat, geb. 19.02.1965
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
Z Matias Ferreccio, geb. 22.07.1959

Teinfaltstraf3e 8
1010 Wien
S AA Christian Frei, geb. 23.11.1973

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 AB Nora Giacopazzi de Sassot, geb. 10.10.1971

5 Teinfa1tstra1e 8
1010 Wien
5 AC Guillermo Arce, geb. 26.11.1958
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AD Alberto Garre, geb. 25.11.1954

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AE Ricardo Bercini, geb. 26.10.1944

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AF Raul Houssay, geb. 30.09.1960

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 AG Mariano Fourcade, geb. 05.04.1966

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AH Maria Guadalupe Lamattina, geb. 20.03.1966
5 Teinfaltstraf3e 8
1010 Wien
5 Al Carlos Mariano Lamattina, geb. 15.08.1963

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AJ Francisco Lamattina, geb. 07.10.1964

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AK Juan Ignacio Lamattina, geb. 29.12.1969
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 AL Javier Lamattina, geb. 05.06.1974
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AM Fernanda Pallette Pueyrredon
de Alvarado, geb. 08.12.1939
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

5 AN Tomas Pallette Puerredon, geb. 01.07.1974
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AO Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon (h), geb. 27.03.1972
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AP Paula Pallette Pueyrredon, geb. 03.06.1965
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AQ Carlos Christian Javier Angio, geb. 06.11.1967
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AR Gonzalo Villegas, geb. 13.07.1961

5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AS Laura Eyheremendy de Lamattina, geb. 22.05.1936
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AT Maria del Carmen Lamattina, geb. 20.12.1941
5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien
5 AU Miguel Alvarado, geb. 29.09.1963
5 Teinfaltstra1e 8
1010 Wien
5 AV Carmela Giribone de Muro, geb. 30.07.1945
5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien
5 AW Fernanda Alvarado, geb. 25.03.1966
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AX Ignacio Alvarado, geb. 29.03.1965
5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien
5 AY Maria Alvarado, geb. 14.05.1974
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 AZ Mariano Alvarado, geb. 24.01.1962
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BA Jose Alvarado, geb. 03.12.1980
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BB Juan Pablo Alvarado, geb. 04.12.1969
5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien
5 BC Alfredo Kasdorf, geb. 17.11.1960
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BD Luis Kasdorf, geb. 04.12.1958
5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien
5 BE Aureliano C. Bosch, geb. 13.03.1976
5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien
5 BF Lucia Bosch, geb. 28.03.1983
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BG Marcela Bosch, geb. 18.03.1979
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BH Maria Clara Bosch, geb. 15.10.1973
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BI Florencia Emilia Bosch, geb. 25.08.1971
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BJ Oscar Alvarado, geb. 30.04.1960
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
5 BK Jaime Mc Lean, geb. 07.08.1961

5 Teinfaltstra8e 8
1010 Wien
5 EL Eduardo Pallette Pueyrredon, geb. 14.09.1935
5 Teinfaltstral3e 8
1010 Wien
5 EM Leonardo Mc Lean, geb. 24.10.1933
5 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien
7 EN Maria Luisa Margarita Martin de
Mc Lean, geb. 26.11.1965
7 Zapiola 360, Muniz
RA- Provincia de Buenos Aires

--------------------VOLLZUGSOBERSICHT ---------------------------------------

Handelsgericht Wien

1 eingetragen am 24.08.2007 Geschäftsfall 75 Fr 8000/07 z

Antrag auf Neueintragung einer Firma eingelangt am 13.08.2007
3 eingetragen am 14.12.2007 Geschäftsfall 75 Fr 12847/07 b
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 04.12.2007
4 eingetragen am 21.12.2007 Geschäftsfall 75 Fr 13377/07 g
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 18.12.2007
5 eingetragen am 07.03.2008 Geschaftsfall 75 Fr 565/08 z
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 17.01.2008
6 eingetragen am 08.01.2009 Geschaftsfall 71 Fr 18371/08 f
Einreichung Jahresabschluss eingelangt am 23.12.2008
7 eingetragen am 18.04.2009 Geschaftsfall 71 Fr 4764/09 d
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 15.04.2009
8 eingetragen am 07.07.2009 Geschäftsfall 71 Fr 8383/09 a
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 02.07.2009


zum 04.09.2009 gultige Identnummer: 8184160

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Certified Translation from German
E /1

Business Register Court: Vienna

Business Register Number: 297344 x


for submission to the Business Register Court

as of 31 December 2007

TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH

Leitner + Leitner GmbH & Co KG

Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater
Ottensheimer Stral3e 30, 32 and 36, 4040 Linz
Phone +43/732/7093-0
Fax +43/732/7093-156
e-mail: [email protected]
internet: http://www.leitner-leitner.com

© Leitner + Leitner
Table of contents

Balance sheet as at 31 December 2007 2

Non-current assets movement schedule 3
Notes to the annual financial statements 4

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Notes to the annual financial statements

1. General

The annual financial statements were prepared in accordance with the provisions of the
Austrian Business Code [UGB] as amended in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles and the general principle of presenting a true and fair view of the Company's
financial position and financial performance.

Size classes as defined in Section 221 paras I to 4 UGB

In the reporting year the company is considered a: small company [Kleine


Balance sheet totals as at the balance sheet date:

between EUR 3.65 m

up to EUR 3.65 m more than EUR 14.6 m
and EUR 14.6 m
orting Year I x

Sales proceeds in the last twelve months before the balance sheet date:

between EUR 7.3 m

up to EUR 7.3 m I more than EUR 29.2 Inj
and EUR 29.2 m
Reporting year x I I

Average number of staff in the business year:

I up to 50 between 50 and 250 more than 250

Reporting year I x

© Leitner + Leitner

2. Accounting and valuation principles

When preparing the annual financial statements the principle of completeness was complied

Assets and debts were measured on a going concern basis according to the principle of item-
by-item valuation.

The principle of prudent valuation was taken account of by recognising only the profits
realised as at the balance sheet date. All recognisable risks and imminent losses were taken
into consideration.

Expenses and earnings during the business year were taken into consideration in the annual
financial statements irrespective of the relevant payment dates.

Non-current assets

As to interests in group companies write-downs are made when depreciation presumably is

of a permanent nature.

Receivables and other assets

Receivables and other assets are recognised at their nominal value.


Other provisions include all recognisable risks and contingent liabilities in the amount
necessary according to the prudent judgment of a businessman.


Liabilities were recognised at the amounts repayable.

© Leitner + Leitner
3. Notes to the balance sheet

Non-current assets

As to the development of the individual items of non-current assets and the breakdown of
annual depreciation reference is made to the attached non-current assets movement schedule.

Investments schedule (Section 238 item 2 UGB)

Annual financial
statements Profit/loss
Investments > 20%
Interest in available Equity for the year
% as at in EUR in EUR
El Tejar S.A.A.C.E.I. 76.53% 30 JUN 2007 41,519,285.32 2,073,701.58

Receivables and other assets

All receivables and other assets have a maturity of up to one year.


The balance sheet item "Capital contributions made to carry out a capital increase resolved"
results from the contribution of shares in El Tejar S.A.A.C.E.I. against a capital increase and
consists of the nominal increase in the share capital in the amount of EUR 5,798,332 and a
premium in the amount of EUR 12,138,578.69. The capital increase was registered in the
Business Register on 7 March 2008.


The liabilities have the following maturities:

maturity Total
Year <1 year > 1 > 5 years
<5 years
Total liabilities 2007 5,832.22 0.00 162,226,990.00 162,232,822.22

© Leitner + Leitner

4. Other information

Information on corporate bodies and staff

No staff was employed during the reporting year.

In the reporting year the following person was a managing director:

Mag. Alexander Walther (has represented solely since 17 December 2007)

No advance payments or loans were granted to the managing director.

Moreover, no liabilities were assumed for the managing director.
Signature of annual financial statements

Vienna, 5 December 2008

Managing director:

Mag. [title] Alexander Walther

© Leitner + Leitner
After today's inspection of the collection of documents kept by the Land Register [sic!], I
hereby certify in accordance with Section 89 a (eighty-nine a) of the Austrian Notaries Code
[Notariatsordnung] that this is a printout from the collection of documents of the Business
Register court _District Court Vienna Innere Stadt [First District] for the 1st, 3rd to 6th and
11th District and that the document handed over, namely the annual financial statements, has
been filed under 7 71 Fr 18371/08 f. ------------------
Vienna, 4 (fourth) September 2009 (two thousand and nine).

[round stamp]
Dr. Michael Umfahrer
Notary Public
Vienna - Alsergrund [Ninth District] [signature]
After today's inspection of the collection of documents kept by the Land Register [sic!], I
hereby certify in accordance with Section 89 a (eighty-nine a) of the Austrian Notaries Code
[Notariatsordnung] that this is a printout from the collection of documents of the Business
Register court Commercial Court Vienna and that the document handed over, namely the
annual financial statements, has been filed under 7 71 Fr 18371/08 t. ------------------------------
Vienna, 4 (fourth) September 2009 (two thousand and nine). ---------------------------------------

[round stamp]
Dr. Michael Umfihrer
Notary Public
Vienna - Alsergrund [Ninth District] [signature]

With reference to my official oath of office f &6eu

as a court-appointed and certified interpreter Z geiicfltfith zei1therte
I hereby certify that the above translation is in Dmetscherin
emghsdSe fur die 4
full conformity with the meaning of the attached
certified copy of the German language original.
Vienna, this 171h day ofSeptember 2009 Andrea Hubalek
Court-appointed and certified interpreter for English

Die genaue Ubereinstimmung der

vorstehenden Ubersetzung mit der -
angehefteten - vorIignden - Urchrift-
beglaubigten Ab3chrift Ablichtung-bestätige
ich unter Berufung auf meinen Eid.
:, MI9.bee3deu.
Z gedChtfidl ze,1ifizk'1e m
Uclmetscfleflfl für die

eN a a a

V! E/
irmenbuchgericht: Wien
irmenbuchnummer: 297344 x

zur Einreichung beim Firmenbuchgericht

zum 31. Dezember 2007


TK-.RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH

Leitner + Leitner GmbH & Co KG

WirtschaftsprUfer und Steuerberater
Ottensheimer Strafe 30, 32 und 36, 4040 Linz
Telefon +43/732/7093-0
Fax +43/732/7093-156
e-mail: [email protected]
internet: http://wwwIeitner-leitner.com

-D Leitner + Leitner

BiIanz zum 31. Dezember 2007


Anhang zum Jahresabschluss

© Leitner + Leitner

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Anhang zum Jahresabschluss

1. Allgemeines

Der Jahresabschluss wurde nach den Vorschnften des Unternehmensgesetzbuches in der gelten-
den Fassung unter Beachtung der Grundsätze ordnungsgem61er Buchfuhrung sowie unter Be-
achtung der Generalnorm, ein moglichst getreues Bild der Vermogens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage
des Untemehmens zu verrnitteln, aufgestellt.

GröPenklassen nach § 221 Abs I bis 4 UGB

Die Gesellschaft gilt im Geschäftsjahr als: Kleine Kapitalgesellschaft

Bilanzsummen zum Abschlussstichtag:

bis 3,65 Mlo EUR Ober 3,65 bis Ober 14,6 Mio EUR
14,6 Mio EUR

UmsatzerlOse in den letzten zwolf Monaten vor dem Abschlussstichtag:

bis 7,3 Mio EUR Ober 7,3 Mlo bis Ober 29,2 Mlo EUR
29,2 Mlo EUR
eschftsjahr x

Durchschnittliche Arbeitnehmerzahl im Geschäftsjahr:

bis 50 Ober 50 bis 250 Ober 250

eschäftsjahr x

© Leitner + Leitner
2. Bilanzierungs- und Bewertungsmethoden

Bei der Erstellung des Jahresabschlusses wurde der Grundsatz der Vollsthndigkeit eingehaite

Bei der Bewertung der einzelnen Vermdgensgegenstande und Schulden wurde der Grunds
der Einzelbewertung beachtet und die Fortfuhrung des Unternehmens unterstellt.

Dem Vorsichtsprinzip wurde dadurch Rechnung getragen, dass nur die am Abschlusssticht
verwirklichten Gewinne ausgewiesen wurden. Alle erkennbaren Risken und drohenden VerIu
wurden berUcksichtigt.

Aufwendungen und Ertrage des Geschäftsjahres wurden unabhàngig vom Zeitpunkt der entspi
chenden Zahiungen im Jahresabschluss berUcksichtigt.


Bei Anteilen an verbundenen Unternehmen erfolgt eine auierpIanmafige Abschreibung, wei

die Wertminderungen voraussichtlich von Dauer sind.

Forderunqen und soristige Vermöqensqeqenstande

Forderungen und sonstige Vermogensgegensthnde sind mit dern Nennbetrag angesetzt.


Die sonstigen RUckstellungen berucksichtigen alle erkennbaren Risken und ungewissen Ve

bindlichkeiten in der nach vorsichtiger kaufmànnischer BeurteUung erforderlichen Höhe.

Verb in dl Ic h keiten

Verbindlichkeiten sind mit dem RUckzahlungsbetrag angesetzt.

© Leitner + Leitner
3. Erläuterungen zur BiIanz


Hinsichtlich der Entwicklung der einzelnen Posten des Anlagevermogens und der Aufgliederung
der Jahresabschreibung wird auf den beigefugten Anlagenspiegel verwiesen.

Beteiliaunassoieael (6 238 Z 2 UGB

vorliegender buchmaliges uberschuss/
Beteiligungen> 20% Beteiligung Jahresab- Eigenkapital -fehibetrag
in % schiuss per in EUR in EUR
El Tejar S.A.A.C.E.I. 76,53% 30.06.2007 41.519.285,32 2.073.70158

Forderunqen und sonstiqe Vermögensgegenstände

Samtliche Forderungen und Vermogensgegenstande haben eine Restlaufzeit bis zu einem Jahr.


Der Bilanzposten "geleistete Einlagen zur DurchfUhrung einer beschlossenen Kapitalerhohung"

resultiert aus der Einbringung der Anteile an El Tejar S.A.A.C.E.I. gegen KapitalerhOhung und
setzt sich aus der nominellen Kapitalerhahung iHv EUR 5.798.332,00 und einem Agio iHv
EUR 12.138.578,69 zusammen. Die Kapitalerhohung wurde am 07.03.2008 im Firmenbuch em-


Die Verbindlichkeiten weisen folgende Fristigkeit auf:

Jahr <lJahr > 1 <5 Jahre > 5 Jahre Summe
Verbindlichkeiten gesamt 2007 5.832,22 0,00 162.226.990,00 162.232.822,22

© Leitner + Leitner
4. Sonstige Angaben

Anqaben Ober Organe und Arbeitnehmer

Im Geschäftsjahr waren keine Arbeitnehmer beschaftgt.

Im Geschäftsjahr war folgende Person als Geschäftsführer tätig:

Mag. Alexander Walther (vertritt seit 17122007 selbstandig)

Dem Geschäftsführer wurden keine Vorschusse und Kredite gewahrt.

Uberdies wurden für den Geschäftsführer keine Haftungen übernommen.

Unterfertigung Jahresabschluss

Wien. am 5.12.2008


ag. Alexander Walther


© Leitner + Leitner
Ich bestatige gemaB § 89a (Paragraf neunundachtzig a) Notariatsordnung nach heutiger

Einsicht in die Urkundensammiung des Grundbuches, dass dies ein Ausdruck aus der Ur-
kundensammiung des

biS j1eztrk ist und die weitergegebene Urkunde, nämlich der Jahresabschluss
zu 7 71 Fr 18371 /08 1 eingeordnet ist.

Wien, am 4.9.2009 (vierten September zweitausendneun). _________________________________________

Ich bestatige gemäl3 § 89a (Paragraf neunundachtzig a) Notariatsordnung nach heutiger

Einsicht in die Urkundensammiung des Grundbuches dass dies ein Ausdruck aus der Ur-
kundensammiung des Firmenbuchgerichts Haridelsgericht Wien ist und die weitergegebe-
ne Urkunde, nämich der ,Jahresabschluss zu 7 71 Fr 18371 /08 f eingeordnet ist. ------------
Wien, am 4.9.2009 (vierten September zweitausendneun). _________________________________________

.oc_ oi

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* *1 Certified Translation from German

Dr. Michael Umfahrer

Notary public

Declaration on the Establishment of a Company

[Translator's note: compare: Articles of Association]
of TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH
dated 2 August 2007
GZ [reference no.] 1048 (2007)
dr. michael umfahrer
Notary Public

Self-calculation of corporation tax

on 2 August 2007
re record no. 10-240237/2007

Dr. Michael Umfahrer

Notary Public
Vienna - Alsergrund [Ninth District]

Notarial Deed
Reference no.: 1048 (2007)
AZ [file no.]: 11 253/KB/mm

recorded by me, Magister [title] Klaus Berger, as substitute for the notary public Doctor
Michael Umfahrer, having his official seat of office in Vienna-Alsergrund. ----------------------
In the offices of TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwälte GmbH in 1030 Vienna, Am
Heumarkt 7/26, the following party is present today: -------------------------------------------------
Mrs. Doctor Sonja Kerschbaum, born on 6 (sixth) August 1970 (nineteen hundred and
seventy), lawyer, 1080 Vienna, Piaristengasse 47/11, ------------------------------------------------
whose identity and date of birth has been evidenced to me by her licence number R147286,
issued on 25 (twenty-fifth) November 2003 (two thousand and three) by the Vienna Bar
Association, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
as managing director holding sole power of representation of TOIFL KERSCHBAUM
Rechtsanwälte GmbH, FN [Business Register Number] 273656k, 1030 Vienna, Am
Heumarkt 7/26, having its registered office in Vienna. -----------------------------------------------

- One -
Notarisation -
The party provided me with a private document (declaration on the establishment of a
company with limited liability) which she had executed on this day, which will be annexed to
this Notarial Deed as Annex A, for notarisation. -----------------------------------------------------
I then examined the said private document according to Section 54 (fifty-four) of the Austrian
Notaries' Code [Notariatsordnung] and signed the same.
----------------------------------------- Legal information ------------------
The following legal information was given on the occasion of notarisation:
(1) As a matter of principle, the shareholders shall be jointly and severally liable as common
debtors for raising the portion of the registered capital that has not been fully paid up yet
or for unlawful payments to shareholders which have to be considered prohibited
repayments of capital contributions. ---------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Leaving shareholders will continue to be liable for payments outstanding on their capital
contribution for a period of five years from the date they leave the company. --------------
(3) According to the principles formed by court decisions and the provisions of the Austrian
Act on Equity Substitution [Eigenkapitalersatz-Gesetz] additional personal liabilities of
shareholders may arise in the case that the conditions defined from time to time are
fulfilled, even if the registered capital has been fully paid up. ---------------------------------
Three ----------------------------------------------------
Counterparts ----------------------------------------
The party agrees that any number of counterparts of this Notarial Deed may be issued to
herself, to TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwälte GmbH, TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs
GmbH and its representative bodies and to the legal successors of the same. ---------------------
I recorded this Notarial Deed with the party present, who after this Notarial Deed and the
private document were read out, approved of the same as being in conformity with her will
and the will of the person represented by her and then signed the Notarial Deed. ----------------
Vienna, 2 (second) August 2007 (two thousand and seven). -----------------------------------------

[round stamp] [signature]
DR. MICHAEL UMFAHRER Mag. [title] Klaus Berger
NOTARY PUBLIC Substitute for the notary public
VIENNA - ALSERGRUND Dr. Michael Umfabrer
Vienna - Alsergrund [Ninth District]
Annex A to GZ [reference number] 1048 (2007)

the Establishment of a Company with Limited Liability
[translator's note: compare: Articles of Association]

1. Company Name and Registered Office

1.1 The name of the company shall be TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH.

1.2 The place of the Company's registered office shall be the political community of

2. Objects of the Company's Business

2.1 The object of the Company's business shall be acquisition, holding and management
of interests in Austria and abroad, management of the Company's assets and rendering
of other services.

2.2 The Company shall be entitled to carry out any transactions serving the purpose of
achieving or furthering the objective of the Company, to acquire interests in other
companies in any form permitted, all this except for banking and insurance
transactions, and to establish branches in Austria and abroad.

3. Duration of the Company. Business Year

3.1 The Company shall be established for an indefinite period of time.

3.2 The first business year shall commence upon registration of the Company in the
Business Register and end on the following 31 (thirty-first) December. The subsequent
business years shall commence on 1 (first) January of each year and end on 31 (thirty-
first) December.

4. Registered capital

4.1 The Company's registered capital amounts to EUR 35,000 (thirty-five thousand euros).

4.2 The registered capital shall be fully subscribed for by the sole shareholder. Prior to
registration of the Company the sole shareholder shall make a capital contribution in
cash in the amount of EUR 17,500 (seventeen thousand and five hundred euros).

The shares shall be divisible, transferable and inheritable.

6. Bodies of the Company

The Company's bodies shall be:

6.1 the managing director(s);

6.2 the shareholders' meeting.

7. Management and Representation

7.1 The Company's business shall be managed by one or more managing directors and by
Prokuristen [translator's note: authorised officers of the company] to be appointed, if
necessary. The shareholders' meeting shall regulate their power of representation. If

the Company has only one managing director, s/he shall in any case hold sole power
of representation.
7.2 The managing directors shall be responsible for managing the Company and for
deciding on and directing all affairs of the Company which are not reserved to
shareholders' resolution according to the law, the Articles of Association or a
shareholders' resolution.

7.3 The managing directors shall be obliged to exercise the care and diligence of a prudent
businessman and to observe all restrictions on their power to act imposed by law,
these Articles of Association or by shareholders' resolutions.

7.4 Apart from the affairs which are subject to shareholders' resolution pursuant to
Section 35 para 1 GmbHG [Austrian Statute on Companies with Limited Liability],
approval by the shareholders' meeting shall be required for all measures beyond the
ordinary course of business as regards their type or scope.

8. Shareholders' Meeting, Shareholders' Resolutions

8.1 The resolutions reserved to the shareholders by law, by these Articles of Association
or by shareholders' resolution shall be passed at a shareholders' meeting or according
to Section 34 GmbHG by way of a written enquiry and vote if all shareholders agree to
such procedure.

8.2 Shareholders' meetings shall be held at the Company's registered office. A

shareholders' meeting may be convened by any managing director or shareholder and
the invitation shall include the agenda. A period of not less than 7 (seven) days shall
be between the day of posting the invitation and the day of the shareholders' meeting.

8.3 Shareholders' meetings may be held at any time also without observing these periods
and formal requirements if all shareholders are present or represented and agree that
the meeting be held.

8.4 The shareholders may have themselves represented at shareholders' meetings and at
written votes by representatives holding a written proxy.

85 EUR 10 (ten euros) each of a capital contribution shall entitle to one vote when
resolutions are passed; however, every shareholder shall have at least one vote.

8.6 Within the first eight months of the end of any business year the shareholders shall
resolve on audit and adoption of the annual financial statements, on distribution of the
net profit for the year, and approval of the actions of the managing directors.

8.7 The resolutions of the shareholders' meeting shall be recorded in minutes immediately
after they have been passed. Such minutes as well as any written resolutions of the
shareholders shall be kept safe properly.

8.8 Every shareholder shall be sent a copy of the resolutions passed including information
on the date at which they were recorded in minutes immediately after the shareholders'
meeting or after written vote.

9. Supervisory Board

9.1 A supervisory board shall be appointed if this is required by law.

9.2 The members of the supervisory board shall be elected by shareholders' resolution.

9.3 Any member of the Supervisory Board may ask another member of the Supervisory
Board in writing to represent him/her at a specific meeting; the Supervisory Board
member so represented shall not be counted when determining whether the meeting
constitutes a quorum. The right to chair a meeting shall not be transferable.
9.4 Further obligations may be imposed on the supervisory board by shareholders'

10. 10. Announcements

Announcements of the Company to the shareholders shall be made by letter to the

addresses of the shareholders most recently advised to the Company.

11. Accounting and Resolution on the Profit or Loss for the Year

11.1 The managing directors shall be responsible for preparing the annual financial
statements (balance sheet and income statement) including notes within five months of
the end of any business year in accordance with statutory regulations and for sending a
copy thereof to every shareholder without delay.

11.2 Audit and adoption of the annual financial statements, distribution of the net profit for
the year and approval of the actions of the managing directors shall be reserved to an
annual resolution of the shareholders. In the context of such resolution the
shareholders may resolve that the net profit for the year be distributed in a proportion
other than that of the capital contributions. Such a shareholders' resolution shall
require unanimity.

12. Liquidation

12.1 In the case of liquidation of the Company the shareholders' meeting shall determine
the liquidators and their remuneration.

12.2 Upon appointment of liquidators the powers of the managing directors shall expire;
however, the powers of the shareholders' meeting shall continue during liquidation.
13. Applicable law

Unless otherwise provided in these Articles of Association, the provisions of the

Austrian Statute on Companies with Limited Liability [Gesetz über die Gesellschafien
mit beschrdnkter Hafiung] of 6 (sixth) March 1906 (one thousand nine hundred and
six), Reich Law Gazette [Reichsgesetzblatt] No. 58 (number fifty-eight) as amended
from time to time shall apply.

14. 12. Foundation Cost

Any and all costs, charges and taxes incurred in connection with the establishment and
registration of the Company in the Business Register shall be borne by the Company
up to a maximum amount of EUR 7,000 (seven thousand euros) and shall be
accounted for as operating expenses.

Vienna, 2 August 2007

signed pursuant to Section 54 NO [Austrian Notaries Code]:

TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwälte GmbH [signature]
Mag. [title] Klaus Berger
Substitute for the notary public
Dr. Michael Umfahrer
Vienna - Alsergrund [Ninth District]

This photocopy is full conformity with the original in my hands.
Vienna, 4 (fourth) September 2009 (two thousand and nine).

NOTARY PUBLIC [signature]

j IN

With reference to my official oath of office Mg.beeifte u.

as a court-appointed and certified interpreter genthtkc zertffizirte
I hereby certify that the above translation is in Dnetscten tUr e
ig1che Spacfle
full conformity with the meaning of the attached *
certified copy of the German language original.
Vienna, this 17th day of September 2009 Andrea Hubalek
Court-appointed and certified interpreter for English

Die genaue Ubereinstimmung der

vorstehenden Ubersetzung mit der -

angehefteten v9rli9g9ndQn Urchrift-

- -

beglaubigten Abechrift-Ablichtung-bestãtige
ich unter Berufung auf meinen Eid. AHg. beeIde ti.
9erIctThc$ crtiIi2tete
Z DoimetSCflefl tür tiit
engftscfle Siraclie
\L'L/ 11E/


di. michiel urnfahrer

der TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH
vom 2.8.2007
GZ 1048 (2007)
C olo.
dr. urn fa h re r

Gesollschaftsteuer selbstberechnet
am 2 8 2007
zu Erini 10•24023712007

of Michael tJmlahrer
OUenlitcfler Nola(

Gescháftszahl: 1048 (2007)
AZ: 11253/KB/mm

ifgenommen von mir, Magister Klaus Berger, als Substitut des Offentlichen Notars Doktor
ichael Umfahrer, mit dem Amtssitz in Wien-Alsergrund. -------------------------------------------
den Râumlichkeiten der TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwálte GmbH in 1030 Wien, Am
umarkt 7/26, 1st heute folgende Partei anwesend: -------------------------------------------------
au Doktor Sonja Kerschbaum, geboren am 6.8.1970 (sechsten August neunzehnhundert-
bzig), Rechtsanwaltin, 1080 Wien, Piaristengasse 47/11. ---------------------------------------
ren Persons identitát und Geburtsdatum mir nachgewiesen wurde durch ihre Legitimation
immer R147286, ausgesteilt am 25.11.2003 (furifundzwanzigsten November zweitau-
nddrei) von der Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien, -------------------------------------------------------
selbststandig vertretungsbefugter GescháftsfOhrerin der TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechts-
wAite GmbH, FN 273656k, 1030 Wien, Am Heumarkt 7/26, mit dem Sitz in Wien. -----------

, dr. michael umfshrer

Offentlicher notar
w8hringer straBe 2-4
a-1090 wier
telefon +43 1319 58 89
fax +43 1319 58 89 50
e-mail michael.umfahrerOnotar.at
- Erstens -
- Solennisierung -
Die Partei Ubergibt mir die von ihr heute errichtete Privaturkunde (Erklàrung Ober die Er-
richtung einer Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung), die diesem Notariatsakt als Beilage
IA angeschlossenen wird zum Zwecke der notarieUen Bekrftigung ----------------------------
Ich habe darauf die Privaturkunde im Sinne des § 54 (Paragraph vierundfunfzig) der Nota-
riatsordnung gepruft und unterzeichnet. ----------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- Zweitens ---------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------ Rechtsbelehrung -------------------------------------------
Anlasslich der Beurkundung wurde Rechtsbelehrung erteilt wie folgt. ---------------------------
(1) Für die Aufbringung des noch nicht voll geleisteten Stammkapitals oder für rechtswid-
rige Leistungen an Gesellschatter, die als verbotene Einlagenruckgewahr zu qualifi-
zieren sind, haften die Gesellschafter grundsätzlich als Gesamtschuldner zur ungeteil-
tenHand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Ausscheidende Gesellschafter haften noch fünf Jahre ab dem Zeitpunkt ihres Aus-
scheidens für auf ihre Stammeinlage offenen Leistungen. -------------------------------------
(3) Nach den von der Rechtssprechung gebildeten Grundstzen und den Bestimmungen
des Eigenkapitalersatz-Gesetzes kOnnen bei Vorliegen der jeweils geforderten Vor-
aussetzungen weitere persOnliche Haftungen der Gesellschatter entstehen, setbst
wenn das Stammkapital voll geleistet worden ist. -----------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- Drittens ---------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------ Ausfertigungen --------------------------------------------
Die Partei gibt ihre Zustimmung zur Erteilung von Ausfertigungen dieses Notariatsaktes in
beliebiger Zahi an sie selbst, an die TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwtte GmbH. die 1K-
RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH und ihre Vertretungsorgane sowie an Rechtsnachfolger der
Diesen Notariatsakt habe ich mit der anwesenden Partei aufgenommen, die nach Verle-
sung von Notariatsakt und Privaturkunde these als it'irem und dem der von ihr Vertretenen
Witten entsprecherid genehmigt und darauf den Notariatsakt unterfertigt hat .------------------
Wien. am 2.8.2007 (zweiten August zweitausendsieben). -------------------------------------------

Mag. Klaulserger
titut des otfenn,chen Nofors
Dr Mcrir-,eu Umahrer

Beilage .IA zu GZ 1048 (2007)

die Errichtung einer Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung

1. Firma und Sitz

1.1 Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH.

1.2 Der Sitz der Gesellschaft ist die politische Gemeinde Wien.

2. Unternehmenspeenstand

2.1 Gegenstand des Untemehmens ist der Erwerb, das Halten und die Verwaltung von
Beteiligungen im In- und Ausland, die Verwaltung des Gesellschaftsvermögens sowie
die Erbringung sonstiger Dienstleistungen.

2.2 Die Gesellschaft ist berechtigt, aVe zur Erreichung oder Forderung des
Gesellschaftszweckes dienenden Geschäfte durchzuführen, sich an anderen
Gesellschaften in jeder zulässigen Form zu beteiligen, dies jeweils mit Ausnahme von
Bank- und Versicherungsgeschäften, und Zweig niederlassungen im In- und Ausland zu

3. Dauer der Gesellschaft. Geschäftsjahr

3.1 Die Gesellschaft wird auf unbestimmte Zeit errichtet.

3.2 Das erste Geschäftsjahr beginnt mit der Eintragung der Gesellschaft im Firmenbuch und
endet mit dem darauffolgenden 31. (einunddrei1igsten) Dezember. Die weiteren
Geschäftsjahre beginnen jeweils am 1. (ersten) Jänner und enden am 31.
(einunddreil&igsten) Dezember.


4.1 Das Stammkapital betragt EUR 35.000,-- (Euro funfunddreiIigtausend).

4.2 Das Stammkapital wird von der Alleingesellschafterin zur Gänze übernommen. Die
Alleingesellschafterin leistet vor Registrierung der Gesellschaft auf das Stammkapital
eine bare Einzahlung in Hôhe von EUR 17.500,-- (Euro siebzehntausendfünthundert).

Die Geschäftsanteile sind teilbar, ubertragbar und vererbbar.
6. Gesellschaftsorgane

Die Organe der Gesellschaft sind:

6.1 der/die Geschäftsführer;

6.2 die Genera lversammlung.

7. Geschäftsführung und Vertretunq

7.1 Die Geschäfte der Gesellschaft werden durch einen oder mehrere Geschäftsführer un
durch allenfalls zu bestellende Prokuristen besorgt. Die Genera lversammiung rege
deren Vertretungsbefugnis. Hat die Gesellschaft nur einen Geschäftsführer, so ist diesc
jedenfalls selbständig vertretungsbefugt.

7.2 Den Geschäftsführern obliegt die Leitung der Gesellschaft sowie die Entscheidung unc
Verfugung in alien Angelegenheiten, die nicht gem51 dem Gesetz, these
Errichtungserklärung oder einem Gesellschafterbeschluss, der Beschlussfassung durcl
die Geseiischafter vorbehalten sind.

7.3 Die Geschäftsführer sind verpflichtet, die Sorgfait eines ordentlichen Geschäftsmanne
anzuwenden und aile Beschränkungen einzuhaiten, die ihrer Handlungsbefugnis durct
das Gesetz, these Errichtungserklärung oder Beschiüsse der GeseIischafter auferlegi

7.4 Neben den gem6R § 35 Abs 1 GmbH-Gesetz der Beschiussfassung der Geseiischafter
unterliegenden Angelegenheiten ist zu alien MaRnahmen, die nach Art oder Umfang
Ober den gewähniichen Geschäftsbetrieb hinausgehen, die Zustimmung der
Genera lversammlung erforderlich.

8. Genera iversammlung, Geselischafterbeschiüsse

8.1 Die den GeseIlschaftern durch das Gesetz, these Errichtungserklärung oder einen
Geseilschafterbeschluss vorbehaltenen Beschiüsse werden in der Generaiversammiung
oder mit Zustimmung sämtiicher Gesetischafter zu diesem Verfahren gem5R § 34
GmbHG im Wege der schriftiichen Umfrage und Abstimmung gefasst.

8.2 Die Genera lversammiungen werden am Sitze der GeseiIschaft abgehaiten. Die
Einberufung kann durch jeden Geschäftsführer oder Geseiischafter unter Bekanntgabe
der Tagesordnung erfolgen. Zwischen dem Tag der Versendung der Einberufung und
dem Versammiungstag müssen mindestens 7 (sieben) Tage liegen.
8.3 Eine Genera versammlung kann auch ohne Einhaltung dieser Fristen und
Färmiichkeiten jederzeit abgehalten werden, wenn sämtliche Geseuschafter anwesend
oder vertreten und damit einverstanden sind.

8.4 Die Gesellschafter können sich in der Generalversammiung und bei schriftlichen
Abstimmungen durch schriftlich Bevollmächtigte vertreten lassen.

8.5 Je EUR 10,-- (Euro zehn) einer Stammeirilage gewähren bei Beschlussfassungen eine
Stimme, doch stehtjedem Gesellschafter mindestens eine Stimme zu.

B.6 Binnen acht Monaten nach Ablauf jedes Geschäftsjahres ist die Beschlussfassung der
Gesellschafter Ober die Prüfung und Feststellung des Jahresabschlusses, die Verteilung
des Bilanzgewinnes und die Entlastung der Geschäftsführer einzuholen.

3.7 Die Beschiüsse der Generalversammlung sind unverzüglich nach der Beschussfassung
in eine Niederschrift aufzunehmen. Diese Niederschriften sowie die auf schriftlichem
Weg gefassten Beschlüsse der Gesellschafter sind geordnet aufzubewahren.

L8 Jedem Gesellschafter ist ohne Verzug nach Abha(tung der GeneraIversammlung oder
nach einer auf schriftlichem Wege erfolgten Abstimmung eine Kopie der gefassten
Beschlüsse unter Angabe des Tages der Aufnahme derselben in die Niederschrift


Ein Aufsichtsrat wird besteilt, wenn eine gesetzliche Verpflichtung zur Bestellung

Die Aufsichtsratsmitglieder sind durch Gesellschafterbeschluss zu wählen.

Ein Aufsichtsratsmitglied kann ein anderes schriftlich mit seiner Vertretung bei einer
Sitzung betrauen, ein so vertretenes Mitglied ist bei der Feststellung der
Beschlussfähigkeit einer Sitzung nicht mitzuzählen. Das Recht, den Vorsitz zu führen,
kann nicht übertragen werden.

Weitere Obliegenheiten können dem Aufsichtsrat durch Gesellschafterbeschluss

übertragen werden.


Bekanntmachungen der Gesellschaft an die Gesellschafter werden durch schriftliche

Mitteilung an die der Gesellschaft zuletzt bekannt gegebenen Anschriften

11. RechnunQslegung und Beschlussfassung überdas JahreserQebnis

11.1 Der urn den Anhang erweiterte Jahresabschluss (Bilanz samt Gewinn- i
Verlustrechnung) elnes jeden abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahres ist unter
Verantwortfichkeit der Geschäftsführer binnen fünf Monaten nach Ablauf jec
Geschäftsjahres nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften aufzustellen und unverzüglich
jeden Gesellschafter in Form einer Abschrift zu senden.

11.2 Die Prüfung und Feststellung des Jahresabschlusses, die Verteilung eir
Bilanzgewinnes sowie die Entlastung der Geschäftsführer bleiben der jährlict
Beschlussfassung der Gesellschafter vorbehalten. Die Gesellschafter können hier
beschIie1en, class der Bilanzgewinn nach einem von den Starnmeinlagen abweichenc
Verhältnis verteilt wird. Ein derartiger Gesellschafterbeschluss bedarf

12. Liquidation

12.1 Im Falle der Auflösung der Gesellschaft hat die Generalversammiung die Liquidatoi
und deren Entiohnung zu bestimmen.

12.2 Mit der Besteflung der Liquidatoren erlöschen die Befugnisse der Geschäftsführ
hingegen bleiben die Befugnisse der Generalversammiung auch während
Liquidation bestehen.

13. Anwendbares Recht

Soweit durch these Errichtungserklärung nichts Abweichendes festgesetzt wird, ge1

für das Gesellschaftsverhältnis die Bestimmungen des Gesetzes über
Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung vom 6. (sechsten) März 19
(neunzehnhundertsechs), Reichsgesetzblatt Nr. 58 (Nummer achtundfunfzig) in
jeweils geltenden Fassung.

14. Grundunqsaufwand

Die mit der Errichtung und firmenbücherlichen Eintragung der Gesellschaft verbunden
Kosten, Abgaben und Gebühren aller Art gehen bis zum Hochstbetrag von EUR 7.00(
(Euro siebentausend) zu Lasten der Geseflschaft und sind als Betriebsausgaje-

Wien, am 2.8.2007
unterfertigt gems

roitj KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanw 1 te GmbH Was BOr'er If

des Offerftc Nofrc
Dr. MichaelUrnfchrer
Wen - Asergr
)iese Fotokopie stimmt mit dem mir vorliegenden Original voilkommen überein.
Vien, am 04.09.2009 (vierten September zwei tau send neun). -----------------------
obal Screening Page 1 of

m omplinet
. Batch Screening - Results
Found 4 matches against 2 names from a file of 38 total names called El Tejar Limited.txt", uploaded at
18:33:42, 05/08/2009 GMT.
• searching both persons and non-persons
• without minor spelling variations
• without synonym matching
• matching all words
Searching 149 data sources in 5 categories
Sanctions: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg, Commonwealth of
Australia Law, De Nederlandsche Bank, Netherlands, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Australia, European Union, Financial Services Agency, Japan, Guernsey Financial Services
Commission, HM Treasury (formerly Bank of England), Home Office, Hong Kong Monetary
Authority, Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission, Jersey Financial Services Commission,
Ministry of Finance, Japan, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC), United States, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada, Reserve
Bank of Australia, United Nations Security Council Committee, US Department of State.
Law Enforcement: Central Bureau of investigation, India, Central Narcotics Bureau, Singapore,
Cheshire Constabulary, UK, City of London Police, UK, Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, UK,
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States, General Police Directorate, Slovenia,
Hampshire Police, UK, Hong Kong Police Force, Interpol, Lancashire Constabulary, UK,
Metropolitan Police Service, UK, National Crime Squad, UK, North Yorkshire Police, UK,
Nottinghamshire Police, UK, Philippines National Police, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Royal
Malaysian Police, South African Police Service, Surrey Police, UK, Thames Valley Police, UK,
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations, US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives, US Drug Enforcement Administration, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
US Marshals Service, US Naval Criminal Investigative Service, US Postal Inspection Service, US
Rewards for Justice, US Secret Service, Warwicshire Police, UK.
Regulatory Enforcement: Alberta Securities Commission, Canada, Autorité des marches
financiers, Canada, British Columbia Securities Commission, Canada, Commodity Futures
Trading Commission (CFTC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States, Federal
Reserve Board, United States, Federal Trade Commission, United States, Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN), FINRA, United States, Investment Dealers Association of
Canada, Investment Industry Regulatory Organisation of Canada, Manitoba Securities
Commission, Canada, Market Regulation Services Inc., Canada, Mutual Fund Dealers
Association of Canada, National Credit Union Administration, United States, National Futures
Association, United States, New York Stock Exchange, United States, Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC), United States, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States, Office of
the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada, Office of Thrift Supervision, United States,
Ontario Securities Commission, Canada, Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission,
Canada, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), United States, Securities Commission of
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, US Court of International Trade, US Department of
Justice, Assets Recovery Agency, Financial Services Authority (FSA), Gibraltar Financial
Services Commission, Guernsey Financial Services Commission, Investment Management
Regulatory Organisation, Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission, Jersey Financial
Services Commission, Lloyd's Insurance Market, Personal Investment Authority, Securities and
Futures Authority, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, Australian Securities and
Investments Commission, Central Bureau of Investigation, India, Financial Services Agency,
Japan, Financial Services Board, South Africa, Financial Services Commission, Mauritius, Hong
Kong Monetary Authority, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, Indonesian Capital
Market Executive Agency (Bapepam), InvestED - Hong Kong SFC, Monetary Authority of Macao,
Monetary Authority of Singapore, Reserve Bank of India, Securities and Exchange Commission
of Pakistan, Securities and Exchange Commission, Republic of the Philippines, Securities and
Exchange Commission, Thailand, Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan,
Securities Commission of New Zealand, Securities Commission, Malaysia, Autorilé des marches
financiers, France, BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany, Banking. Finance
and Insurance Commission (CBFA), Belgium, Banque de France, CECEI, France, Banque de
France, Commission Bancaire, France, Capital Market Commission, Greece, Comision Nacional
del Mercado de Valores, Spain, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg,
Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa, Laly, Cyprus Securities and Exchange
Commission, Czech National Bank, Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, Financial and
Capital Market Commission, Latvia, Financial Market Authority, Austria, Financial Market
Authority, Slovakia, Financial Regulator, Ireland, Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway
(Kredittilsynet), Finnish Financial Supervision Authority, Hungarian Financial Supervisory
Authority, Insurance Supervisory Commission of the Republic of Lithuania, Malta Financial
Services Authority, Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, Polish Securities and
Exchange Commission, Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), Securities
Commission of the Republic of Lithuania, Securities Market Agency, Slovenia, Swedish Financial
Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen), Swiss Federal Banking Commission, British Virgin
Islands Financial Services Commission, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Central Bank of
Belize, Central Bank of The Bahamas, Chilean Securities and Insurance Supervisor, Comisiôn
Nacional de Valores, Argentina, Comision Nacional Supervisora de Empresas Y Valores
(CONASEV), Peru, International Financial Services Commission, Belize.
High Profile Persons data: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heads of State/Government

:ps://www.complinet.comlcomplicheck!batch!batch_view_alt.html?report_id 124949722... 8/5/2009

Lobal Screening Page 2 of 2

Other Bodies: Bureau of Industry and Security, Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropia (CEMEFI),
Companies House, Financial Action Task Force, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan,
World Bank.

Eduardo Pallette
Gonzalo Villegas Luiz Hafers Carlos Agote Rodrigo Crouchett
Raül Castells Joseph Carvin Oscar Alvarado Marcelo Degrossi Patricio Sabaini
Altima Global Special Altima One World
Malcolm Goddard Altima Partners LLP Situations Master Fund Agriculture Master FundAltima Partners LLP
Ltd. Limited
Campos de Victoria Explorador Institutional
Brook Limited Inalco System S.A. Isotrade Holding Ltd
J.P. Morgan Trust
Company (Cayman)
Ltd. as Custodian for Jensen Capital Inc. Kleinburg Finance Ltd LUZ DEL NORTE S.A. Morgan Creek Partners
Morgan Creek BRIC
Plus Master Fund, Ltd
Taler Commodity Fund Taler Private Equity The Endowment Master
Hector Alfredo Poli MANAGERS LAND
B.V. Fund B.V. Fund, LP
TRG Special
The Explorador Fund, TK-RA Sechste
Opportunity Master Joshua Milgrim Zev Benjamin
LP Beteiligungs GmbH
Fund, Ltd.
David Gray Juan Alvarado El Tejar Limited

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To: Diana Martin/Reshika Basden


Date: 30 December 2009

From Allison Forte

Name: Joseph Edward Carvin

Company: El Tejar Limited (the "Company")
Client/matter No: 137057.1


Acquisition by Issue X Transfer of 310,954 Class A shares representing 0.67% of

the beneficial ownership of the issued shares of the Company
0 Appointment as a Officer/Director/Alternate Director (circle as appropriate)
0 Appointment as authorised signatory on Company's bank account
O Main Contact/Instructing party
O Other (please describe)
Please find enclosed the originals of the following compliance documents:
X Compliance form (Individual)
El Compliance form (Company)
LI Personal Declaration
X Photographic Identification - certified copy
El Passport, number:
X Drivers Licence, number: 923 596 095 (New York State)
X Certified utility bill: conEdison Electric Bill # 55-5702-1119-101-4
Other (please describe)


Please acknowledge safe receipt of the documents noted above by signing and returning the
enclosed copy.

For Compliance Department use only

0 Documentation filed in Compliance folder

Receipt acknowledged
k ompliance Officer/M&ldcL Date
1) / M / YR



"Know Your Client" Procedure
ida (tnpinv Partnershin \tttc El Tej;sr TiroiteLl

sme ol A;hi.ett J JOCh \i,ldl LLIW1IrL1

ISurname Carvin
ien Signature

fBirth Day 15 j Month Feb fr 1955 Nationality U.S.A.

)f Birth New York, NY, U.S.A. [ Passport Number 443135056
ntial Information Street AddrCSS 55 Hillandale Road
City Rye Brook State/Province NY
Country U.S.A. Zip/Postal Code 10573
Home Telephone +1 (914) 552-1142 Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

iyer and/or Business Occupation Partner


Name ofEmployerand/orBusiness Altima Partners LLP

Street Address 399 Park Avenue, 38th Floor, Suite 3805
City New York State/Province NY
Country U.S.A. Zip/Postal Code 10022
Business Telephone +1 (212)-359-0100 Business Fax

Business E-mail Address [email protected]

n for acquiring 0 Incorporation/Continuation of Entity 0 Appointment as a Director
El Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Instructing Party and/or Main Contact

fl \:rin H h. :ret .rcr Other (provide explanation)

Passport; OR "Photo Drivers License; OR fl National Photo ID Card; AND Proof of current address (not more than 3 months old)

These documents must be certified as true and correct copies of the original documents by a third party professional (e.g. attorney, banker, accountant,
notary public, commissioner of oaths);

The name, signature and position of the third party professional must be noted on each of the documents certified; and

Copies of identity documents must be actual size (i.e. not enlarged) ancontain a recognizilc phograph.

JOSEPH -ar-v4n
full name Sig ture1 1 /
:ner at Altima Partners LLP /) )/o
Date (dd/mm!yyyy)

anu of Bermuda (ompauiv (the Company"): El Tejar Limited

ull Name / Registered Name rJoseph E. Carvin
corporation / Formation / Date of Birth Month
February Day 15 Year
lace of Incorporation / Formation

the Beneficial Owner known to the BM?


Name of Public (oinpan

Evidence of Stock lchange listing Business Activity

[Yes/ No] [Restricted/ Unrestricted]


Name (please print)
Joseph E. Carvin

Title / Position
Partner at Altima Partners LLP
Date (dd mm yyyy)

Name of Entity in connection with which this

El Tejar Limited
declaration is being completed:

Surname: Carvin

Complete forename(s): Joseph Edward

Known by other name(s):

Any previous name(s):

'Tame of Spouse:

Residential Address: 55 Hillandale Road, Rye Brook, New York, 10573, U.S.A.
P.O. Box not acceptable)

Country of Citizenship United States of America IPassport No: 443135056

)ate & Place of issue: April 29, 2008

)ate of Birth: Day: 15 Month: February Year: 1955 Gender: Male

Place of Birth: City: NewYork, NY lCountry: United States of America

Occupation: Partner

Fresent Employer: Altirna Partners LLP

1. A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have a
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

2. Questions 1 - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

Yes No

1. Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in Z Lii

2. Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in El Z

3. Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? LII

4. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? LII Z
5. Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? El Z
6. Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry? LII

Questions 7-10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is
to carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

7. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

8. Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation? 0 Z

8a. If yes, name the organisation(s):

9. Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self D
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

10. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any

I hereby certify that the information in this Declaration is true to the best of my information, knowledge
and belief.

Signed: C
Dated: ,. / fl / 0
Details for Question 1

Mr. Carvin currently holds warrants to purchase shares of El Tejar Limited, a

Bermuda limited liability company. In addition, following the transfer of shares from
Altima Partners LLP to Mr. Carvin for which this Personal Declaration is being
completed, Mr. Carvin will also own shares of El Tejar Limited.
)nEdison ON IT. Working for you 24/7.

EPH CARVN Message Center

account numb.r 55-5703t1-10O1.4 /1 -
r " Trant bit period, you usedtbOyr -s day.
In the cu
compared to last years daily use of 7.29Perm* day. The
cc delivered to; 55 HILLAANDALE RD PD average temperature was 50 degrees th4:period compared to:
5degrs last year.
eloctria rat l.1 Re~t'R&lØous
gas rate: 33esidentlal 4jeligiotX Heating • * • £ ''' '

• I

"ter reading date lueaday, .lan 5,2010

,w billing summary as of Dec 7, 2009 .4

r previous charges and payments
charges from your last bill
nerits through Dec $, thank you -$585.62
-mining balance None
r new charges -d*talls start n page 2
period: Nov 02, 2009 to Dec 04, 2009
ricity charges for 32 days
- $427.87 ? t1-
charges for 32 days
- $385.29
mew charges $813.16
( &
al amount due $al 3.18
Payment Plan Do not mail a payment. The amount of $813.16 will

tomatic&iy deducted from your bank on Dec 17, 2009.

Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

To report e z&Mce pobsm, VIait ww..c*ø.caqn
J. caN 180)-75-COf4EC) Ferpaym'fl
(1.800-752-6633) or v1s w.cenF4.om
visit wrmgwiftcm call 1488--025-5115

-< Con Edison

Cooper Station caM 1-212-243-1900
P.O. Box 138 or 1-900- 7S-CONED
New York, NY 10276-0138 (1-800-752-6833)
woneving it you can got 3 better deal on you, evwgy riees? E xploreyow cnojees et wpeeryqwwgsi. Page 1 of 3

Direct Payment Record Your account number 55-5702-1119-1001-4

Total amount due: $813.16
Edison The amount of $813.16 will be
deducted from your bank on
Dec 17, 2009.

JOSEPH CARVIN Direct Payment Plan

35 HILLANDALE RO Do not mail a payment
RYE BROOK 4Y 10573-1704

5557021119110014 20130081316 2000001316

1111111111111 1111111 IlOIlIlIUlU Fl MAM

Page 1 of 2

Diana Martin

From: Tanya Esdaille

Sent: 22 January 2008 14:38
To: Diana Martin
Subject: FW:
File: 0

om: Watteaux, Laurent [maiIto: la u rent.wattea [email protected]]

ant: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:46 AM
: Charles Everett
C: Harrow, Andrew; Burniston, Chris; Shand, Adam Omar; Knox, Constantine; Diana Martin
ubject: RE:

I Charles,

lease call me to discuss CV Farmco.

is is the link to the FSAs website showing Altima Partners LLP as a registered entity:


3U rent

From: Charles Everett [mailto :CEverett@applebyglobal .com]

Sent: 14 January 2008 22:47
To: Watteaux, Laurent
.Cc: Harrow, Andrew; Burniston, Chris; Shanti, Adam Omar; Knox, Constantine; Diana Martin
Subject: RE:


I am finding a home for CV Farmco and will discuss this with you

If the company is FSA regulated that will be tine, we just need its
registration details I suspect.

Kind regards


Original Message-----
From: Watteaux. Laurent [mailto: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 6:20 PM
10: Charles Everett

2.701 '2008

wo:)- leqo6Aqodde©Ao.

88E 86Z I
6ZZE 86Z I

6L11 NH)
oais 2!J0
JnoD s

SDId lqbid aq_L ldod I'-1


Page 2 of 2

Cc: Harrow, Andrew; Burniston, Chris; Shanti, Adam Omar; Knox,



Any news on CV Farmco? We really need to get a resolution on this.

The closing is now scheduled to take place on January 21. At closing CV

shares will be issued to Altima Partners LLP which is not currently a CV
shareholder. Altima Partners is FSA regulated so I guess that the
information you would need on this entity, if any, is limited.

Thank you.



Laurent Watteaux
Senior Associate
Dechert LLP
160 Queen Victoria Street
London EC4V 4QQ
Tel: +44.20.7184.7604
Fax: +44.20.7184.7001
[email protected]

This e-mail is from Dechert LLP, a law firm, and may contain
information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete the e-mail and any attachments, and
notify the sender. Dechert LLP is a limited liability partnership
registered in England & Wales (Registered No. 0C306029) and is regulated
by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of names of the members
of Dechert LLP (who are solicitors or registered foreign lawyers) is
available for inspection at its registered office, 160 Queen Victoria
Street, London EC4V 4QQ.

The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely
for the addressee. Access by any other person to this e-mail is not authorised. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete this e-mail. Any disclosure of this e-mail or of the parties to it,
any copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited,
and may be unlawful.
************************************ ***** **************************************

Page 1

Diana Martin

From: Bruce Putterill

Sent: 21 January 2008 12:47
To: Alison Gaudette: Global - Conflict Check
Cc: Sherice Arman
Subject: RE: new Calyon file please

I assume our conflict with BUE, Nico and Topaz is being dealt with by a conflict letter

From: Alison Gaudette

Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 11:08 AM
To: Global - Conflict Check
Subject: FW: new Calyon file please

Good Morning

Please do a conflict check on the details that Tim outlined below.

Pis open a new client/matter (as needed) for Calyon Corporate & Investment Bank- re Nico
Middle East Limited.

Names to be included for conflicts entries:

Topaz Energy & Marine Services Limited - borrower
BUE Marine Limited - guarantor
Renaissance Services S.A.O.G. - guarantor

Kind regards

From: Timothy Counsell

Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 10:18 AM
To: Alison Gaudette
Cc: Timothy Counsell
Subject: new Calyon file please


Pis open a new client/matter (as needed) for Calyon Corporate & Investment Bank- re Nico
Middle East Limited.

Names to be included for conflicts entries:

Topaz Energy & Marine Services Limited - borrower
BUE Marine Limited - guarantor
Renaissance Services S.A.O.G. - guarantor

Calyon Corporate & Investment Bank
Mohamed Omarah
Head of Legal for Gulf Countries
Calyon - Credit Agricole CIB
Addax Tower, 14th Floor, Al Seef District P.O. Box 5410 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain


Tanya Esdaille
22 January 2008 14:38
Diana Martin
FW: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters

nce: High

4_ Articles_ 20080114—Excerpt Pass portcopy_MrW 20080114 — Complia

;ociati... _CommercialReg... aither. pdf (32... nceForm. df (1...

-iginal Message-----
Charles Everett
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:30 AM
)A-Compliance Department
:t: FW: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters
:ance: High

iginals of this material is already on the way to us. I have reviewed it and know there are some
problems (such as the passport not being certified etc.) but would be grateful for your
:om me nts.

shareholders of this new company are known to us and also the BMA if that helps.

riginal Message-----
Althuber Franz [mailto: [email protected]]
Monday, January 14, 2008 6:22 AM
3tteaux, Laurent; Charles Everett
rschbaum Sonja; [email protected]; Shand, Adam Omar; [email protected]
;t: RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters
:ance: High

find enclosed pdf-copys of the following documents:

liance Form for Companies, signed by the director, Mr. Walther;

of Mr. Walther's passport;
pt from the (official) Austrian commercial register; duly legalized and translated;
es of Association (German & English); duly legalized;

er Austrian Law, a certificate of incorporation as well as a Certificate of Compliance do not exist,

:ompany is registered with the Public commercial register. Due to this fact, the notary confirmed on
:erpt that the company is registered and exists. I hope, this is sufficient for you.

'ou can see, the articles of association mention 62 shareholders. However, this fact was not
red with the commercial register yet (see excerpt; the capital increase and the amendment of the
s made on December 28th, the registration takes some time). As soon as all shareholders are
red I will send you a new excerpt.

iginal documents will be sent via DHL this afternoon. Please advice until 3 p.m. CET, whether you
ome other documents as well.

have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


-iginal Message-----
Watteaux, Laurent [mai Ito: lau rent. watteaux©dechert.com]
Thursday, January 10, 2008 11:10AM
:huber Franz; [email protected]
rschbaum Sofia; [email protected]; Shand, Adam Omar; [email protected]
:t: RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters

)ther thing. Please also send us PDF of the documents by e-mail at the time the DHL5 are sent.


riginal Message-----
Althuber Franz [mailto: Franz.Althuber©tk-ra.at]
10 January 2008 10:08
3tteaux, Laurent; [email protected]
rschbaum Sonja; [email protected]; Shand, Adam Omar; [email protected]
:t: RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters



-iginal Message-----
Watteaux, Laurent [mai Ito: [email protected]]
rhursday, January 10, 2008 11:04 AM
huber Franz; CEverett©applebyglobal.com
rschbaum Sonja; [email protected]; Shanti, Adam Omar; [email protected]
t: RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters

great. If you could also send a copy by DHL to Charles Everett at the address below that would be


s Everett

s Court
:oria Street
HM 1179
on HM EX
1 441 298 3215

-iginal Message-----
Althuber Franz [mailto: [email protected]]
10 January 2008 09:52
3tteaux, Laurent; CEverett©applebyglobal.com
rschbaum Sonja; [email protected]; Shanti, Adam Omar; [email protected]
:t: RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters

tary prepares the documents until tomorrow morning. Right after this he will forward them to the
,tion office. They will be available on monday morning. We will send them on monday via DHL
y to your attention. Is this ok for you?

g a rd s,

iginal Message-----
Watteaux, Laurent [mai Ito: [email protected]]
Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:46 AM
:huber Franz; [email protected]
rschbaum Sofia; [email protected]; Shanti, Adam Omar; [email protected]
;t: Re: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters


go ahead and have english translations prepared. We need them as soon as possible -- please
n when they can be availalble.

t Watteaux
ieen Victoria Street
44. 20. 7 184. 7001
:[email protected]

riginal Message -----

Althuber Franz <[email protected]>
[email protected] <CEverett©applebyglobal.com>
rschbaum Sonja <Sonja. Kerschbaum©tk-ra.at>; DAIREAUX, Santiago <SD©pagbam.com.ar>;
iux, Laurent; Shanti, Adam Omar; COPPOLA, Tomas Patricio <TPC©pagbam.com.ar>
Ihu Jan 10 03:24:10 2008
t: RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters


repare the necessary documents as soon as possible. I guess you need official English translations

is this right?. This may take a few days.

g a rd s,


nz Althuber

KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwaelte GmbH

umarkt 7/26 . 1030 Wien
43 (1) 718 0035 . Fax: +43 (1) 71800 35 -828

asse 7 ' 4040 Linz

43 (732) 73 03 69 . Fax: +43 (732) 73 03 69 - 816 HG Wien, FN 273656k www.tk-ra.at

peration mit Leitner + Leitner

2itner-leitner.com <http://www.leitner-leitner.com/>

ation via e-mail and attachments shall only be binding if confirmed in writing. The information
iitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential
privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any
in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is
ited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any

DAIREAUX, Santiago [mailto:[email protected]]
Nednesday, January 09, 2008 10:19 PM
huber Franz
rschbaum Sonja; CEverett©applebyglobal.com; Watteaux, Laurent; Shanti, Adam Omar; COPPOLA,
t: RV: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters

jou prepare and send the documents listed below in connection to Austriaco to Charles Everett
Ito Campos Verdes Bermuda.

go Daireaux
\lati, Grondona, Benites, Arntsen & Martinez de Hoz (h) Suipacha 1111 - Piso 18 - C1008AAW
Aires http://www.pagbam.com.ar
54-11) 4114-3042
54-11) 4114-3001/2


essage is confidential. It may also contain information that is privileged or otherwise legally exempt
isclosure. If you have received it by mistake please let us know by e-mail immediately and delete it
our system; you should also not copy the message nor disclose its contents to anyone. Thank you.

ensaje es confidencial y puede contener información amparada por el secreto profesional. Si usted
bido este e-mail por error, por favor comuniquelo inmediatamente via e-mail y tenga la amabilidad
truirlo; no deberá copiar el mensaje ni divulgar su contenido a ninguna persona. Muchas gracias.

arIes Everett [mailto:]

o el: Miércoles, 09 de Enero de 2008 02:51 p.m.
)AIREAUX, Santiago; Shand, Adam Omar
tteaux, Laurent; Tanya Esdaille; Alisdair Lynch
RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters


eed the following certified documents:

tificate of Incorporation;

morandum of Association;

ides of Association / Bye-Laws as appropriate;

tificate of Compliance from the Company's official registered organisation (as applicable); and

npleted Compliance Form for Companies (attached to this email).

rtification for the documents (that each page of a document is a true copy of the original) should be
y a certifying third party professional (e.g. attorney, bank, notary public) and the name and contact
of the certifier should be clearly stated. The person certifying the documentation should be the
erson completing the certification provisions on the Compliance Form for Companies.

send pdf's in the first instance with the originals to follow.


DAIREAUX, Santiago [mailto:SDpagbam.com.ar]

Nednesday, January 09, 2008 9:46 AM
anti, Adam Omar
arIes Everett; Watteaux, Laurent
t: RE: CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters

receipt of the list of documents needed I will ask the same to Austriaco counsel.

go Daireaux
\lati, Grondona, Benites, Arntsen & Martinez de Hoz (h) Suipacha 1111 - Piso 18 - C1008AAW
; Aires http://www.pagbam.com.ar
54-11) 4114-3042
54-11) 4114-3001/2


essage is confidential. It may also contain information that is privileged or otherwise legally exempt
isclosure. If you have received it by mistake please let us know by e-mail immediately and delete it
our system; you should also not copy the message nor disclose its contents to anyone. Thank you.

ensaje es confidencial y puede contener información amparada por el secreto profesional. Si usted
bido este e-mail por error, por favor comuniquelo inmediatamente via e-mail y tenga la amabilidad
truirlo; no deberâ copiar el mensaje ni divulgar su contenido a ninguna persona. Muchas gracias.
anti, Adam Omar [mai Ito: adam.shanti©dechert.com] Enviado el: Miércoles, 09 de Enero de 2008
)AIREAUX, Santiago
arles Everett; Shand, Adam Omar; Watteaux, Laurent
CV/ET -- Austriaco corporate matters


u kindly provide Charles Everett (Bermuda counsel, and copied to this e-mail message) with the
ate documents relating to Austriaco. My understanding is that this will consist of the incorporation
ents, Articles, etc.

s -- please let Santiago know precisely which documents you are in need of. Kindly keep me copied
r communications as well.


Omar Shanti
-t LLP
een Victoria Street
+44 (0)20 7184 7547
44 (0)20 7184 7001
[email protected]

-mail is from Dechert LLP, a law firm, and may contain information that is confidential or privileged.
are not the intended recipient, please delete the e-mail and any attachments, and notify the sender.
-t LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales (Registered No. 0C306029) and
lated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of names of the members of Dechert LLP (who are
rs or registered foreign lawyers) is available for inspection at its registered office, 160 Queen
Street, London EC4V 4QQ.

:ormation in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the
see. Access by any other person to this e-mail is not authorised. If you are not the intended
nt, please delete this e-mail. Any disclosure of this e-mail or of the parties to it, any copying,
jtion or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited, and may be unlawful.
Compliance Form for Companies/Trusts/Partnerships

completion 1w:
Authorised Director or Officer as part of our "Know \out Client- procedure required by law.

a Company Name TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH

1 N.ImC ot Entity 1K-11,A Scchste Uetetliguiigs Gtnb}-1

d 0111cc Address Street Address TciiiftltstraBe 8

City Vienna State/Province

Country Austria, Europe Zip/Postal Code 1010

Tel. # Fax #

E-tiiail Address ale xandcr.walthcrKtisif-group.com

ucorporation Month 08 Day 24 Year 2007 Jurisdiction of-Incorporation/Formation Austria

Operating or Street Address

Address (if
ioni above) City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

for requiring D Incorporation/Continuation of Entity 0 Amalgatitation

Acquisition of shares by subscription D Authorised signatory nit bank account (s)
0 Acquisition of shares by transkr 0 Other (pri'iiIe explanation)
Company, print
;hange Listing and
Print Full Name of Stock Exchange listing

0 Evidence of Stock Exchange listing: or 0 Current set of financial Statements

Company. see Annex I
tes of tilt itnate
I owner(s) Print Full Name ot Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

cia1 owner(s) is a
mt name of Trust
cc Print Full Name of Trust Print Full Naimic of Trustee

rship, print name

rship and General
Print Full Naiiie ot l'artnership Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

companies must 0 Copy of Incorporation Current certificate or good 0 litdi du,il iiikiil Ic 11.11 I (II

( erti ticate standing or siui tar docui tie till oil

/ 'II

nattte of person authoriscd Current position of authorised

fc j1nd oj behalf of the Company Director or Officer

tore of person .tUtllorlSeti Date I) / M / YR

;fl tot ii III (lii beh,tlfo tile (:otnpanv

- lIe 0111'.

()ngiiitl tiled ( onipliiitce thlcr. due

Annex I


NAME Date of Birth

1. BaIz, Anibal 04.07.1952

2. Casaretto, Diego 25.11.1975
3. Di Giacomo, Juan Pablo 04.01.1977
4. Diaz de Cespedes, Santiago 10.02.1969
5. Fontana, Adolfo 23.04.1973
6. Macchia, Miguel 02.03.1966
7. Moreno Pareja, Eduardo 29.03.1969
8. Silveyra, Carlos 20.05.1951
9. Tossi, Walter 03.04.1970
10. Turban, Ismael 11.11.1967
11. Angio, Javier 30.05.1970
12. Bustamante, Alejandro 27.11.1962
13. Calviño, Pablo 29.04.1958
14. Mugaburu, Rodrigo 11.01.1979
15. Nolte, Christian 27.06.1977
16. Ricciardi, Roberto 14.01.1938
17. Carrique, Marcelo 07.03.1959
18. Negri, Ricardo 11.10.1946
19. Duarte, Gustavo 12.03.1958
20. Weiss, German 09.12.1958
21. Curat, Diego 19.02.1965
22. Ferreccio, Matias 22.07.1959

23. Frei, Christian 23.11.1973

24. Giacopazzi de Sassot, Nora 10.10.1971

OR Art-g% O.11 1OQ
49. Alvarado, Jose 03.12.1980

50. Alvarado, Juan Pablo 04.12.1969

51. Kasdorf, Alfredo 17.11.1960
52. Kasdorf, Luis 04.12.1958

53. Bosch, Aureliano C. 13.03.1976

54. Bosch, Lucia 28.03.1983
55. Bosch, Marcela 18.03.1979

56. Bosch, Maria Clara 15.10.1973

57. Bosch, Florencia Emilia 25.08.1971
58. Alvarado, Oscar 30.04.1960

59. Mc Lean, Jaime 07.08.1961

60. Pallette Pueyrredón, Eduardo 14.09.1935
61. Mc Lean, Leonardo 24.10.1933

!eglaubgto Kopie
Dpi.-In2. Dr. VER KEG
1130 tL7L
TeL 77 5'. :179 Fax 877 58 29
Certified translation from the German language. b. 0664 14.1 28 035
:Nr. ATu47225006
Dr. Johannes F. KIackI - Notary public
1130 Vienna, Hietzinger Hauptstral3e 47
Phone: +43 1 8765050, Fax: ext. 22



key-date 10 January 2008

This is an excerpt from the general ledger supplemented by data from the collection of
Last entry on 21 December 2007, registration number: 4
Competent court: Commercial Court of Vienna

1 TK-RA Sechste Betelllgungs GmbH

1 Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
(limited liability company)


1 political community of Vienna

3 Teinfaltstral3e 8
A-1010 Vienna

EUR 35,000.00


31 December

In case several managing directors have been appointed, the power of repre-
sentation of the managing directors shall be determined by the general mee-
ting of shareholders.

Declaration on the establishment of the company of 02 August 2007 001

MANAGING DIRECTORS (in terms of commercial law)

0 Mag. Alexander WALTHER, born on 06 October 1969
4 as of 17 December 2007, sole representation of the company


1 ......................................................EUR 35,000.00
2 ................................................................................EUR 35,000.00

Amounts: FUR 35,000.00 EUR 35,000.00



1 C TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwälte GmbH

1 fFN 273656 k)

1 Am Heumarkt 7/26
A-1030 Vienna
4 D Mag. Alexander WALTHER, born on 06 October 1969
4 Teinfaltstraf3e 8
A-1010 Vienna

-------------------------------------SURVEY OF ENTRIES ------------------

Commercial Curt of Vienna

1 Entry on 24 August 2007 Case No.: 75 Fr 8000/07 z

Application for first registration received on 13 August 2007.
2 Entry on 29 November 2007 Case No.: 75 Fr 12292/07 k
Application for amendment received on 21 November 2007.
3 Entry on 14 December 2007 Case No.: 75 Fr 12847/07 b
Application for amendment received on 04 December 2007.
4 Entry on 21 December 2007 Case No.: 75 Fr 13377/07 g
Application for amendment received on 18 December 2007.


Valid ID-No. as on 10 January 2008: 8184160

Prepared by Clearing House OGlZlN ******** HA021

* * *
10 January 2008 09:56:17, 027 21371847 • 41 lines

It is hereby certified that this Company is registered in the Commercial Register

according to the Austrian law and still existing.

/-/ illegible signature

Mag. Clemens Fritsch

substitute of notary public
Dr. Johannes KLACKL in Vienna-Hietzing
as court commissioner

Round seal: Dr. Johannes KLACKL - notary public - Vienna-Hietzing;


With reference to my oath of office, I hereby certify the exact conformity of the above translation with
the German original - pbo4eopy . attached hereto .at-fny-diefo6al.
Vienna, 2008-01-11. -
Die genaue Ubereinstimmung der vorsiehenden ubersetzung mit der angehefteten - väeg8nthn-
Urschritt - AbstlI?ift - .Ablicb.rng bestâtige ich unter Berüfung auf meinen Eld.
Wien, 2008-01-11. /

U.. q f -.i: Ktrisch


TELEFON 443 I 8765050 TELEFAX DW 22
PSK-KTO 7 726 442 D\'R-NR 0698881
E-Mail [email protected]





Stichtag 10.1.2008 Auszug mit aktuellen Daten FN 297344 x

Grundlage dieses Auszuges ist das Hauptbuch ergnzt urn Daten aus der Urkunden-
Letzte Eintragung am 21.12.2007 mit der Eintragungsriummer 4
zustandiges Gericht Handelsgericht Wien

1 TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH

1 Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftunq

1 politischer Gemeinde Wien

3 TeinfaltstraBe 8
1010 Wien

1 EUR 35.000


1 31. Dezember

1 Die Generalversammlung bestimmt, wenn mehrere Geschafts-
führer bestelit sind, deren Vertretungsbefugnis.

1 Erklrung fiber die Errichtung der Gesellschaft 001

vom 02.08.2007

GESCHFTSFOHRER (handelsrechtlich)
D Mag. Alexander Walther, geb. 06.10.1969
4 vertritt seit 17.12.2007 selbständig


1 .......................EUR 35.000
2 ..................................................EUR 35.000

Summen: EUR 35.000 EUR 35.000


1 C TOIFL KERSCHBAUM Rechtsanwälte GmbH

1 (FN 273656 k)

1 Ain Heumarkt 7/26

1030 Wien
4 D Mag. Alexander Walther, geb. 06.10.1969
4 Teinfa1tstrae 8
1010 Wien

----------VOLLZUGSOBERSICHT ---------------------------------------

Handelsgericht Wien

1 eingetragen am 24.08.2007 Geschäftsfall 75 Fr 8000/07 z

Antrag auf Neueintragung einer Firma eingelangt am 13.08.2007
2 eingetragen am 29.11.2007 Geschäftsfall 75 Fr 12292/07 k
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 21.11.2007
3 eingetragen am 14.12.2007 Geschäftsfa.11 75 Fr 12847/07 b
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 04.12.2007
4 eingetragen am 21.12.2007 Geschäftsfall 75 Fr 13377/07 g
Antrag auf Anderung eingelangt am 18.12.2007


zum 10.01.2008 gultige Identnummer: 8184160

ersteilt Ober Verrechnungsstelle OGIZIN HA021

10.1.2008 09:56:17,027 21371847 ZEILEN: 41

Ich bestatige, dass die Gesellschaft nach österreichischem Recht im Firmenbuch eingetragen und
existent ist.


als Ger!cVskorwnisSr
Diese Fotokopie stimmt mit ciem mit vorliegendem Original volikommen Uberein.--------------
Wien. am 14.01 .2008 (vierzehnten Jänner zweitausendacht).----------------------------------------
I hereby certify, that this document is a complete and true copy of the original document,
hichwas shown to rae.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vienna, this 14th (fourteenth) of January twothousandeight. ----------------------------------------
Beurkundung gthB § 51 Qnbl{

Gesellschaftsvertrag Articles of Association

Firma und Sitz 1. Company name, corporate seat

.1 Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet TK-RA 1.1 The name of the company shall be TK-RA
echste Beteiligungs GmbH. Sechste Beteiligungs GmbH.

.2 Der Sitz der Gesellschaft ist die politische 1.2 The corporate seat of the company shall be
emeinde Wien. Vienna.

UnternehmensQeclenstand 2. Purpose of business

.1 Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist der 2.1 The company's purpose of business is the
:rwerb, das Halten und die Verwaltung von acquisition, holding, selling and administration
eteiligungen im In- und Ausland, die of participations in Austria and abroad, the
'erwaltung des Gesellschaftsvermogens sowie administration of the company's asset as well
ie Erbringung sonstiger Dienstleistungen. as the rendering of other services.

.2 Die Gesellschaft ist berechtigt, alle zur 2.2 The company shall be entitled to engage in
rreichung oder FOrderung des all transactions and measures deemed
eseIlschaftszweckes dienenden Geschäfte necessary or beneficial for the achievement or
urchzuführen, sich an anderen Gesellschaften promotion of said business objectives, and to
i jeder zulassigen Form zu beteiligen, dies take a share in other companies with equal or
weils mit Ausnahme von Bank- und similar business objects in any valid way with
'ersicherungsgeschäften, und the exception of banking business.
:weigniederlassungen im In- und Ausland zu

Dauer der Gesellschaft, Geschäftsiahr 3. Duration of the company, business year

1.1 Die Gesellschaft wird auf unbestimmte 3.1 The duration of the company shall be for an
eit errichtet. unlimited period.

1.2 Das erste Geschäftsjahr beginnt mit der 3.2 The first business year shall begin upon the
Eintragung der Gesellschaft im Firmenbuch und registration of the company in the commercial
ndet mit dem darauffolgenden 31. register and shall end on December 31 (thirty
einunddreil3igsten) Dezember. Die weiteren first), immediately following such registration
eschäftsjahre beginnen jeweils am 1. (ersten) date. Thereafter, the business year shall
'änner und enden am 31. (einunddreil3igsten) correspond to a calendar year.

Stammkapital 4. Stated share caoital

.1 Das Stammkapital betragt EUR 4.1 The stated share capital amounts to EUR
.833.333,--. 5,833,333.

.2 Von diesem Stammkapital haben 4.2 The following persons subscribed the stated
bernommen: share capital mentioned above:


GmbH eine Stammeinlage von EUR 35.000; GmbH, nominal value of EUR 35.000; fully
zur Gänze bar einbezahlt. paid-in cash

• BaIz Collares, Anibal, geb. 04.07.1952, eine • BaIz Collares, Anibal, born 04.07.1c
Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch nominal value of EUR 70; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

• Casaretto, Diego, geb. 25.11.1975, eine • Casaretto, Diego, born 25.11.19

Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch nominal value of EUR 70; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Di Giacomo, Juan Pablo geb. 04.01.1977, • Di Giacomo, Juan Pablo born 04.01.19
eine Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch nominal value of EUR 70; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Diaz de Cespedes, Santiago, geb. • Diaz de Cespedes, Santiago, b

10.02.1969, eine Stammeinlage von EUR 70; 10.02.1969, nominal value of EUR 70; fi
durch Sacheinlage voll eingebracht paid-in by contribution

• Fontana, Adolfo, geb. 23.04.1973, eine • Fontana, Adolfo, born 23.04.1 973, nomir
Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch value of EUR 70; fully paid-in by contributft
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht

• Macchia, Miguel, geb. 02.03.1966, eine • Macchia, Miguel, born 02.03.1 966, nomir
Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch value of EUR 70; fully paid-in by contributio
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht

• Moreno Pareja, Eduardo, geb. 29.03.1969, • Moreno Pareja, Eduardo, born 29.03.196
eine Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch nominal value of EUR 70; fully paid-in 1
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Silveyra, Carlos, geb. 20.05.1951, eine • Silveyra, Carlos, born 20.05.1951, nomin
Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch value of EUR 70; fully paid-in by contributioi
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht

• Tossi, Walter, geb. 03.04.1970, eine • Tossi, Walter, born 03.04.1970, nomin
Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch value of EUR 70; fully paid-in by contributior
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht

• Turban Niell, Ismael, geb. 11.11.1967, eine • Turban Niell, Ismael, born 11.11.196
Stammeinlage von EUR 70; durch nominal value of EUR 70; fully paid-in I
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Angió, Javier, geb. 30.05.1970, eine • Angió, Javier, born 30.05.1970, nomin
Stammeinlage von EUR 583; durch value of EUR 583; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Bustamante, Alejandro, geb. 27.11.1962, • Bustamante, Alejandro, born 27.11.196:

eine Stammeinlage von EUR 583; durch nominal value of EUR 583; fully paid-in I
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

Calviño, Pablo, geb. 29.04.1958, eine • Calviiio, Pablo, born 29.04.1958, nomin
Stammeinlage von EUR 583; durch value of EUR 583; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

ff Mugaburu, Rodrigo, geb. 11.01.1979, eine • Mugaburu, Rodrigo, born 11.01.197

Stammeinlage von EUR 583; durch nominal value of EUR 583; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Nolte, Christian, geb. 27.06.1977, eine • Nolte, Christian, born 27.06.1977, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 786; durch value of EUR 786; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

• Riccardi, Roberto, geb. 14.01.1938, eine • Riccardi, Roberto, born 14.01.1938,

Stammeinlage von EUR 3.304; durch nominal value of EUR 3.304; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Carrique, Marcelo, geb. 07.03.1959, eine • Carrique, Marcelo, born 07.03.1959,

Stammeinlage von EUR 3.667; durch nominal value of EUR 3.667; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Negri, Ricardo, geb. 11.10.1946, eine • Negri, Ricardo, born 11.10.1946, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 6.515; durch value of EUR 6.515; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Duarte, Gustavo, geb.1 2.03.1958, eine • Duarte, Gustavo, born 12.03.1958, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 6.655; durch value of EUR 6.655; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Weiss, German, geb. 09.12.1958, eine • Weiss, German, born 09.12.1958, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 7.214; durch value of EUR 7.214; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Curat, Diego, geb. 19.02.1965, eine • Curat, Diego, born 19.02.1965, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 9.241; durch value of EUR 9.241; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Ferreccio, Matias, geb. 22.07.1959, eine • Ferreccio, Matias, born 22.07.1959,

Stammeinlage von EUR 10.364; durch nominal value of EUR 10.364; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Frei, Christian, geb. 23.11.1973, eine • Frei, Christian, born 23.11.1973, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 12.567; durch value of EUR 12.567; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Giacopazzi de Sassot, Nora, geb. • Giacopazzi de Sassot, Nora, born

10.10.1971, eine Stammeinlage von EUR 10.10.1971, nominal value of EUR 13.250;
13.250; durch Sacheinlage volt eingebracht fully paid-in by contribution

• Arce, Guillermo, geb. 26.11.1958, eine • Arce, Guillermo, born 26.11.1958, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 23.245; durch value of EUR 23.245; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Garré, Alberto, geb. 25.11.1954, eine • Garré, Alberto, born 25.11.1954, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 23.820; durch value of EUR 23.820; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

Bercini, Ricardo, geb. 26.10.1944, eine • Bercini, Ricardo, born 26.10.1944, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 27.211; durch value of EUR 27.211; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

• Houssay, Raul, geb. 30.09.1960, eine • Houssay, Raul, born 30.09.1960, nom
Stammeinlage von EUR 36.417; durch value of EUR 36.417; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

• Fourcade, Mariano, geb. 05.04.1966, eine • Fourcade, Mariano, born 05.04.19

Stammeinlage von EUR 41.455; durch nominal value of EUR 41.455; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

• Lamattina, Maria Guadalupe, geb. • Lamattina, Maria Guadalupe, b

20.03.1966, eine Stammeinlage von EUR 20.03.1966, nominal value of EUR 43.0.
43.056; durch Sacheinlage voll eingebracht fully paid-in by contribution

• Lamattina, Carlos Mariano, geb. • Lamattina, Carlos Mariano, bc

15.08.1963, eine Stammeinlage van EUR 15.08.1963, nominal value of EUR 43.41
43.485; durch Sacheinlage vail eingebracht fully paid-in by contribution

• Lamattina, Francisco, geb. 07.10.1 964, eine Lamattina, Francisco, born 07.10.19E
Stammeinlage von EUR 43.970; durch nominal value of EUR 43.970; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

• Lamattina, Juan Ignacio, geb. 29.12.1969, • Lamattina, Juan Ignacio, born 29.12.196
eine Stammeinlage von EUR 43.970; durch nominal value of EUR 43.970; fully paid-in I
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

• Lamattina, Javier, geb. 05.06.1974, eine • Lamattina, Javier, born 05.06.197

Stammeinlage von EUR 43.970; durch nominal value of EUR 43.970; fully paid-in 1
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

• Pallette Pueyrredon de Alvarado, • Pallette Pueyrredon de Alvarad

Fernanda, geb. 08.12.1939, eine Fernanda, born 08.12.1939, nominal valu
Stammeinlage von EUR 50.118; durch of EUR 50.118; fully paid-in by contribution
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht

• Pallette Puerredón, Tomas, geb. • Pallette Puerredón, Tomas, bor

01.07.1974, eine Stammeinlage von EUR 01.07.1974, nominal value of EUR 63.50
63.509; durch Sacheinlage vail eingebracht fully paid-in by contribution

• Pallette Pueyrredón (h), Eduardo, geb. • Pallette PueyrredOn (h), Eduardo, bor
27.03.1972, eine Stammeinlage van 27.03.1972, nominal value of EUR 63.50c
EUR 63.509; durch Sacheinlage vail fully paid-in by contribution

• Pallette Pueyrredón, Paula, geb. • Pallette Pueyrredón, Paula, bor

03.06.1965, eine Stammeinlage von EUR 03.06.1965, nominal value of EUR 63.50c
63.509; durch Sacheinlage vail eingebracht fully paid-in by contribution

• Angió, Carlos Christian, geb. 06.11.1967, • Angió, Carlos Christian, born 06.11.196;
eine Stammeinlage van EUR 64.972; durch nominal value of EUR 64.972; fully paid-in b
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

• Villegas, Gonzalo, geb. 13.07.1961, eine • Villegas, Gonzalo, born 13.07.1961

Stammeinlage von EUR 66.807; durch nominal value of EUR 66.807; fully paid-in b
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

Eyheremendy de Lamattina, Laura, geb. • Eyheremendy de Lamattina, Laura, bor

22.05.1936, eine Stammeinlage von 22.05.1936, nominal value of EUR 115.844;

EUR 115.844; durch Sacheinlage you fully paid-in by contribution

Lamattina, Maria del Carmen, geb. • Lamattina, Maria del Carmen, born
20.12.1941, eine Stammeinlage von 20.12.1941, nominal value of EUR 120.231;
EUR 120.231; durch Sacheinlage volt fully paid-in by contribution

Alvarado, Miguel, geb. 29.09.1963, eine • Alvarado, Miguel, born 29.09.1963,

Stammeinlage von EUR 124.769; durch nominal value of EUR 124.769; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht by contribution

Giribone de Muro, Carmela, geb. • Giribone de Muro, Carmela, born

30.07.1945, eine Stammeinlage von EUR 30.07.1945, nominal value of EUR 126.740;
126.740; durch Sacheinlage volt eingebracht fully paid-in by contribution

Alvarado, Fernanda, geb. 25.03.1966, eine • Alvarado, Fernanda, born 25.03.1966,

Stammeinlage von EUR 130.563; durch nominal value of EUR 130.563; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht by contribution

Alvarado, Ignacio, geb. 29.03.1965, eine • Alvarado, Ignacio, born 29.03.1965,

Stammeinlage von EUR 130.563; durch nominal value of EUR 130.563; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht by contribution

Alvarado, Maria, geb. 14.05.1974, eine • Alvarado, Maria, born 14.05.1974, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 130.563; durch value of EUR 130.563; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht contribution

Alvarado, Mariano, geb. 24.01.1962, eine • Alvarado, Mariano, born 24.01.1962,

Stammeinlage von EUR 130.563; durch nominal value of EUR 130.563; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht by contribution

Alvarado, Jose, geb. 03.12.1980, eine • Alvarado, Jose, born 03.12.1980, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 134.051; durch value of EUR 134.051; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Alvarado, Juan Pablo, geb. 04.12.1969, • Alvarado, Juan Pablo, born 04.12.1969,
eine Stammeinlage von EUR 134.666; durch nominal value of EUR 134.666; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht by contribution

Kasdorf, Alfredo, geb. 17.11.1960, eine • Kasdorf, Alfredo, born 17.11.1960, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 229.055; durch value of EUR 229.055; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Kasdorf, Luis, geb. 04.12.1958, eine • Kasdorf, Luis, born 04.12.1958, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 229.063; durch value of EUR 229.063; fully paid-in by
Sacheinlage volt eingebracht contribution

Bosch, Aureliano C., geb. 13.03.1976, eine •Bosch, Aureliano C., born 13.03.1976,
Stammeinlage von EUR 262.691; durch nominal value of EUR 262.691; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage voll eingebracht by contribution

Bosch, Lucia, geb. 28.03.1983, eine •Bosch, Lucia, born 28.03.1983, nominal
Stammeinlage von EUR 262.691; durch value of EUR 262.691; fully paid-in by

Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

•Bosch, Marcela, geb. 18.03.1979, eine •Bosch, Marcela, born 18.03.1979, nam
Stammeinlage von EUR 262.691; durch value of EUR 262.691; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

•Bosch, Maria Clara, geb. 15.10.1973, eine •Bosch, Maria Clara, born 15.10.19
Stammeinlage van EUR 262.691; durch nominal value of EUR 262.691; fully pak
Sacheinlage yoU eingebracht by contribution

•Bosch, Florencia Emilia, geb. 25.08.1971, •Bosch, Florencia Emilia, born 25.08.19
eine Stammeinlage van EUR 262.696; durch nominal value of EUR 262.696; fully paic
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht by contribution

• Alvarado, Oscar, geb. 30.04.1960, eine • Alvarado, Oscar, born 30.04.1960, nami
Stammeinlage van EUR 340.706; durch value of EUR 340.706; fully paid-in
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

• Mc Lean, Jaime, geb. 07.08.1961, eine • Mc Lean, Jaime, born 07.08.1961, namit
Stammeinlage van EUR 353.956; durch value of EUR 353.956: fully paid-in
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht contribution

• Pallette Pueyrredôn, Eduardo, geb. • Pallette Pueyrredón, Eduardo, bo

14.09.1935, eine Stammeinlage van 14.09.1935, nominal value of EUR 577.0
EUR 577092; durch Sacheinlage vail fully paid-in by contribution

• Mc Lean, Leonardo, geb. 24.10.1933, eine • Mc Lean, Leonardo, born 24.10.193

Stammeinlage van EUR 656.829; durch nominal value of EUR 656.829; fully paid-
Sacheinlage vail eingebracht by contribution

4.3 Das Stammkapital ist vaIl eingebracht. 4.3 The share capital was fully paid in.

5. Geschaftsanteile, Varkaufsrecht 5. Shares. riaht of first refusal

5.1 Die Geschäftsanteile sind teilbar, ubertragbar 5.1 The shares of the company shall be divisib
und vererbbar. and transferable.

5.2 Ein Gesellschafter, der semen 5.2 Each shareholder who aims to transfer h
Geschaftsanteil ader Teile hiervan entgeltlich shares in whale or partly, against payment of f
ader unentgeltlich an einen Dritten, der nicht free, to a third party, who is not sharehaldE
bereits Gesellschafter ist, veräufern will, hat has to offer these shares to the 0th
diesen zuvar den ubrigen Geselischaftern shareholders according to their shareholding
entsprechend ihrer prazentuellen Beteilig ung am the company ("notice").
Stamnikapital der Geseiischaft anzubieten

5.3 Will der abtretungswillige Gesellschafter 5.3 in the case the shareholder aims to transf
semen Geschäftsanteil ader einen Teil hiervan his shares in whale or partly to a third par
entgeltlich an einen Dritten ubertragen, so against payment, the remaining shareholde
konnen die verbleibenden Gesellschafter may declare to take over the shares. In th
erklären, den Geschaftsanteil ubernehmen zu case the shares shall be transferred to tho
wallen. in Ermangelung einer anderen shareholders who declared to take over if
reinbarung sind die Geschäftsanteiie an die shares according to their shareholding in the
rbleibenden und Ubernahmewiliigen company. The purchase price shall be no less
?sellschafter im Verhältnis ihrer than the amount, the third party would pay for
ammeiniagen abzutreten. Die Höhe des the shares. Evidence has to be proven by
)tretungspreises richtet sich nach dem showing a Share Purchase Agreement already
)tretungspreis, den der Dritte zu zahien bereit signed by the third party in the form of a notarial
Das Angebot des übernahmebereiten Dritten deed.
den übrigen Gesellschaftern durch einen vom
ernahmebereiten Dritten bereits in
)tariatsaktsf arm unterzeichnetem
)tretungsvertrag nachzuweisen.

I Will der abtretungswillige Geseiischafter 5.4 in the case the shareholder aims to transfer
men Geschäftsanteii oder einen TO hiervon his shares in whole or partly to a third party for
entgeltlich an einen Dritten ubertragen, so free, the remaining shareholders may declare to
nnen die verbleibenden Gesellschafter take over the shares. In this case the shares
klären, den Geschäftsanteil übernehmen zu shall be transferred to those shareholders who
)llen. in Ermangelung einer anderen declared to take over the shares according to
reinbarung sind die Geschäftsanteile an die their shareholding in the company. The
•rbleibenden und ubernahmewilligen purchase price shall be an amount, calculated
sellschafter im Verhältnis ihrer by an independent auditor or an independent
ammeinlagen abzutreten. Die HOhe des auditing firm valuating the shares. If the
)tretungspreises soil in diesem Fall von einem shareholders do not agree on the auditor's
abhängigen Wirtschaftsprufer oder einer person, the auditor shall be elected by the
irtschaftsprufungsgeselischaft berechnet president of the Austrian Chamber of Certified
rden. Können sich die Gesellschafter Tax Consultants and Auditors, Vienna branch.
isichtlich des Wirtschaftsprufers nicht einigen,
ist dieser vom Präsidenten der Kammer der
irtschaftstreuhänder, Landesstelle Wien, zu

5 Will keiner der ubrigen Gesellschafter von 5.5 In case that no other shareholder aims to
inem Vorkaufsrecht Gebrauch machen oder purchase the shares or declares to do so within
)t keiner von ihnen binnen 90 Tagen ab Erhalt a period of 90 days after receipt of notice, the
s Anbots eine Erklarung ab, so kann der shares may be transferred to the third party.
tretungswillige Gesellschafter semen
schäftsanteil frei ubertragen.

Geseilschaftsorciane 6. Corporate bodies of the company

e Organe der Gesellschaft sind: The corporate bodies of the company shall be:

der/die Geschäftsführer; 6.1 the managing director(s);

die Generaiversammlung. 6.2 the general assembly.

GeschäftsführunQ und Vertretunp 7. Management and representation of the


I Die Geschäfte der Geseilschaft werden 7.1 The business of the company shall be
rch einen oder mehrere Geschäftsführer und managed by one or more managing directors as
rch allenfalis zu besteilende Prokuristen well as a holder of procura yet to be appointed.
sorgt. Die Generalversammiung regelt deren The managing directors shall represent the
rtretungsbefugnis. Hat die Gesellschaft nur company in accordance with the corresponding


einen Geschäftsführer, so ist dieser jedenfalls shareholders' resolution regarding their po
selbstandig vertretungsbefugt. of representation. If the company has only c
managing director, he shall have sole power
representation in any case.

7.2 Den Geschäftsführern obliegt die Leitung 7.2 The managing directors shall be responsil
der Gesellschaft sowie die Entscheidung und for the management of the company as well
Verfügung in alien Angelegenheiten, die nichi for the decision-making and carrying-out of
gem513 dem Gesetz, diesem business matters which have not been reser,
Gesellschaftsvertrag oder einem to the shareholders' approval in accordar
Gesellschafterbeschluss, der Beschiussfassung with law, this Articles of Association of I
durch die Gesellschafter vorbehalten sind. company, or shareholders' resolution.

7.3 Die Geschäftsführer sind verpflichtet, die 7.3 The managing directors shall be obligal
Sorgfalt eines ordentlichen Geschäftsmannes to act with the diligence of an ordinary businE
anzuwenden und alle Beschrankungen person and to comply with all restrictions of th
einzuhalten, die ihrer Handlungsbefugnis durch power of agency and representation set forth
das Gesetz, diesen Gesellschaftsvertrag oder law, this Articles of Association of the compar
Beschlüsse der Geseflschafter auferlegt sind. or shareholders' resolutions.

7.4 Neben den gemä13 § 35 Abs 1 GmbH- 7.4 In addition to the matters reserved pursue
Gesetz der Beschlussfassung der Gesellschafter to sec. 35(1) of the Austrian Law on Priv
unterliegenden Angelegenheiten ist zu alien Limited Companies, all matters which, by th
Mal3nahmen, die nach Art oder Umfang Ober nature or extent, obviously exceed the ordin
den gewohnlichen Geschäftsbetrieb scope of the company's business shall
hinausgehen, die Zustimmung der subject to approval by the shareholder's.
Generalversammlung erforderlich.

8.Generaiversammlunc, 8. General assembly, shareholders' resoiutio


8.1 Die den Gesellschaftern durch das 8.1 All matters reserved to the shareholders I
Gesetz, diesen Gesellschaftsvertrag oder einen law, by this Articles of Association of ti
Gesellschafterbeschluss vorbehaltenen company or by shareholders' resolutions sh
Beschlusse werden in der Generalversammlung be resolved upon by the general assembly,
oder mit Zustimmung sämtlicher Gesellschafter upon the consent of all shareholders to su
zu diesem Verfahren gemal3 § 34 GmbHG im procedure, by written resolution and ye
Wege der schriftlichen Umfrage und pursuant to sec. 34 of the Austrian Law
Abstimmung gefasst. Private Limited Companies.

8.2 Die Generalversammlungen werden am 8.2 Meetings of the general assembly shall 1
Sitze der Gesellschaft abgehalten. Die held at the company's registered off ic
Einberufung kann durch jeden Geschäftsführer Meetings may be called by each managir
oder Gesellschafter unter Bekanntgabe der director or shareholder with notification of ti
Tagesordnung erfolgen. Zwischen dem Tag der agenda. Between the day of dispatch and ti
Versendung der Einberufung und dem day of the meeting, both days excluded, the
Versammlungstag müssen mindestens 7 have to be at least 7 (seven) days.
(sieben) Tage liegen.

8.3 Fine Generalversammlung kann auch 8.3 Meetings of general assemblies may at ai
ohne Einhaltung dieser Fristen und time be held without compliance with the abo
Färmlichkeiten jederzeit abgehalten werden, terms and formalities if all shareholders a
wenn sämtliche Gesellschafter anwesend oder present or represented and consent to ft
vertreten und damit einverstanden sind. holding of the meeting.
Die Gesellschafter kOnnen sich in der 8.4 Shareholders may be represented in
leralversammlung und bei schriftlichen meetings and upon written inquiries and votes
tim mungen durch schriftlich Bevollmächtigte of the general assembly by persons holding
reten lassen. written proxies.

Je EUR 10,-- (Euro zehn) einer 8.5 Every EUR 10.-- (Euro ten) of par value
mmeinlage gewahren bei Beschluss- shall grant one vote, each shareholder shall
;ungen eine Stimme, doch steht jedem have, however, at least one vote.
3ellschafter mindestens eine Stimme zu.

Binnen acht Monaten nach Ablauf jedes 8.6 Within eight months after the end of every
;chäftsjahres ist die Beschlussfassung der business year, the shareholders shall resolve
ellschafter Ober die Prüfung und Feststellung on the examination and authorisation of the
Jahresabschlusses, die Verteilung des annual fiscal statements, the use of balance
nzgewinnes und die Entlastung der sheet profits and the exoneration of the
;chäftsführer einzuholen. managing directors.

Die Beschlusse der 8.7 Shareholders' resolutions passed in the

ieralversammlung sind unverzUglich nach der general assembly must be recorded in notes
;chlussfassung in eine Niederschrift immediately after the respective resolution has
wnehmen. Diese Niederschriften sowie die been passed. These notes as well as all written
schriftlichem Weg gefassten Beschlüsse der resolutions must be properly filed by the
ellschafter sind geordnet aufzubewahren. Company.

Jedem Gesellschafter ist ohne Verzug 8.8 Immediately after the convocation of a
h Abhaltung der Generalversammlung oder general assembly or after the passing of a
h einer auf schriftlichem Wege erfolgten written resolution, each shareholder shall
timmung eine Kopie der gefassten receive in written form a copy of the passed
chlUsse unter Angabe des Tages der resolution with specification of the date on
iahme derselben in die Niederschrift which the respective resolution had been
jsenden. incorporated into the notes.

Aufsichtsrat 9. Supervisory board

Ein Aufsichtsrat wird nur besteilt, wenn 9.1 A supervisory board shall be appointed, if a
gesetzliche Verpflichtung zur Bestellung legal obligation for the appointment is fulfilled,
:eht. otherwise not.

Die Aufsichtsratsmitglieder sind durch 9.2 The members of the supervisory board are
ellschafterbeschluss zu wählen. appointed by shareholders' resolution.

Ein Aufsichtsratsmitglied kann em 9.3 A member of the supervisory board may

res schriftlich mit seiner Vertretung bei einer consign another member to substitute him at a
ng betrauen, ein so vertretenes Mitglied ist session, such substituted member is not taken
ler Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit einer into account for the determination of the number
ing nicht mitzuzählen. Das Recht, den of members needed to pass a resolution.
itz zu führen, kann nicht ubertragen werden.

Weitere Obliegenheiten können dem 9.4 Other duties can be conferred upon the
ichtsrat durch Gesellschafterbeschluss supervisory board by shareholders' resolution.
tragen werden.

10. Bekanntrnachunqen 10. Notifications

Bekanntmachungen der Gesellschaft an die Notifications of the company to

Gesellschafter werden durch sch riftliche shareholders shall be made in written forrr
Mitteilung an die der Gesellschaft zuletzt addresses last notified to the company.
bekannt gegebenen Anschriften vorgenommen.

11. Rechnunqsleciunci und Beschlussfassunq 11. Accounting and use of balance sheet prc
Ober das Jahreserqebnis

11.1 Der urn den Anhang erweiterte 11.1 The annual financial statements (balai
Jahresabschluss (Bilanz samt Gewinn- und sheet and profit and loss account), including
Verlustrechnung) eines jeden abgelaufenen notes to the statements, for every fiscal y
Geschäftsjahres ist unter der Verantwortlichkeit shall be prepared under the responsibility of
der Geschäftsführer binnen fünf Monaten nach managing directors within five months from
Ablauf jedes Geschäftsjahres nach den end of every fiscal year in compliance '
gesetzlichen Vorschriften aufzustellen und applicable law and a copy thereof shall
unverzüglich an jeden Gesellschafter in Form mailed to the shareholders without delay.
einer Abschrift zu senden.

11.2 Die Prufung und Feststellung des 11.2 The examination and the authorisatior
Jahresabschlusses, die Verteilung eines the annual financial statements, the use
Bilanzgewinnes sowie die Entlastung der balance sheet profits, and the exoneration
Geschäftsführer bleiben der jährlichen the managing directors shall be reserved to
Beschlussfassung der Gesellschafter annual shareholders' resolution. -
vorbehalten. Die Gesellschafter kOnnen hierbei shareholders can thereby resolve that the
beschlier3en, class der Bilanzgewinn nach einem profit be distributed in a ratio other than the n
von den Stammeinlagen abweichenden of the shareholders' capital contributions. Si
Verhältnis verteilt wird. Ein derartiger resolution shall require the consent of the en
Gesellschafterbeschluss bedart der share capital.

12. Liquidation 12. Liquidation

12.1 Im Falle der Auflosung der Gesellschaft 12.1 If the company is dissolved, the gen
hat die Generalversammlung die Liquidatoren assembly shall appoint liquidators
und deren Entlohnung zu bestimmen. determine their remuneration.

12.2 Mit der Bestellung der Liquidatoren 12.2 Upon appointment of liquidators the rig
erlOschen die Befugnisse der Geschäftsführer, and powers of the managing directors si
hingegen bleiben die Befugnisse der terminate, the powers of the general asserr
Gene ralversammlung auch wäh rend der shall, however, continue during liquidation.
Liquidation bestehen.

13. Anwendbares Recht 13. Applicable Law

Soweit durch these Gesellschaftsvertrag nichts To the extent that this Articles of Associatior
Abweichendes festgesetzt wird, gelten für das the company and shareholders' resolutions
Gesellschaftsverhältnis die Bestimmungen des not provide otherwise, the provisions of the L
Gesetzes Ober die Gesellschaften mit on Private Limited Companies of March 6 (
beschränkter Haftung vom 6. (sechsten) März 1906 (nineteen hundred six), Imperial Le
1906 (neunzehnhundertsechs), Gazette No. 58 (fifty eight) shall apply to
chsgesetzblatt Nr. 58 (Nummer shareholders' affairs in its current version.
tundfunfzig) in der jeweils geltenden

G ründunqsauf wand 14. Incorporation Cost

mit der Errichtung und firmenbücherlichen All costs, dues and fees regarding the
ragung der Gesellschaft verbundenen establishment and registration of the company
ten, Abgaben und GebUhren aller Art gehen with the commercial register shall be borne by
zum HOchstbetrag von EUR 7.000,-- (Euro the company up to a maximum amount of
entausend) zu Lasten der Gesellschaft und EUR 7,000.-- (Euro seven thousand) and shall
als Betriebsausgabe zu buchen. be booked as a business expense.

* * * * **** *** ** ** *

EUR 13,20 entrichtet

Notar Di. Johannes F. KLACKL, Wien-Hietzing

Ich heurkunde, daB dieser Wortlaut des Gesellschaftsvertrages der unter FN 297344 x des
Haiidelsgerichtes Wien eingetragenen TK-RA Sechste Beteiligungs Gmhl I mit dern Sitz in
Wien mit dem Wortlaut, wie er in dem mir urschrilIlich vorliegenden
Generalversammlungsprotokoll der vorgenannten Gesel I schaft vom 28.12.2007
(achtundzwanzigsten Dezember zweitausendsieben) mit dem Beschluss Ober die
Gesellschaftsvertragsanderung beurkundet ist, Ubereinstimrnt. -------------------------------------
Wien. am achtundzwanzigsten Dezember zweitausendsieben (28.12.2007) ----------------------


p<AUTWAL1 ItER<<ALEXA<<<<<<<<
P1761834<1 AUT6910088M1704039<<<<<
- AGSS Approval Page 1 o13

ia Martin

n: Charles Everett
04 October 2007 14:22
Tanya Esdaille
Cheryl-Ann Mapp; Diana Martin
ject: FW: Campos Verdes - Bermuda compliance/KYC documents

can you check these documents to ensure they are satisfactory?

Harrow, Andrew [mailto:[email protected]]

Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:16 PM
iarles Everett; Diana Martin
tter, Douglas L
ct: FW: Campos Verdes - Bermuda compliance/KYC documents

•s, Diana,

w have authority from Campos Verdes to accept another investor into the Company, The company is called Sur
ii Managers Land Investment Ltd and it is registered in the BVI.

liance documents are attached and 1d be grateful if you would confirm you are satisfied from a KYC
ective and submit an application to the BMA as soon as possible.


Ignacio Cosentino (mailto:[email protected]]

26 September 2007 18:46
arrow, Andrew
tricio Gomez Sabaini; Juan Pablo Alvarado; Joseph Carvin; Getter, Douglas L; Francisco Javier Illanes M.; Carolina

ct: RE: Campos Verdes - Bermuda compliance/KYC documents

hthe following information:

tified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
tified copy of the Certificate of Good Standing
tified copy of the Memorandum of Association
cuted KYC Compliance Form

gistered office of the company is the following:

do Codari Managements (B.V.l.) Ltd

Romasco Place, Wickhams Cay 1 P0 Box 3140

AGSS Approval Page 2 of 3

Road Town, Tortola

Britich Virgin Islands VG1 110

s for notices:

Juan Ignacio Cosentino and/or Patricio Gomez Sabaini

Sur Capital Advisors
Castex 3123 20 Piso
(C1425CDA) Buenos Aires
Tel/Fax: +54-11 4801 -1 500
Email: [email protected]; ic©surcapital.com.ar

er confirm the final amount.

and regards,

pital Partners
31232 Piso
DA Buenos Aires
)1-1551 dir / 4801-1500

Harrow, Andrew [mailto: and rew. [email protected]]

lartes, 25 de Septiembre de 2007 07:23 a.m.
ado Cosentino
ricio Gomez Sabaini; Juan Pablo Alvarado; Joseph Carvin; Getter, Douglas L
t: Campos Verdes - Bermuda compliance/KYC documents
:ance: High

ested I attach the form required to be completed by the Sur Capital vehicle for KYC purposes in Bermuda.

on to this form please provide a certified copy of the company's certificate of incorporation and bye-laws and a
:ertificate of good standing. The certification needs to be done by an independent 3rd party e.g. Lawyer, Banker,

prepare the subscription and purchase agreement. I'd be grateful if you would confirm exactly how much Sur will
sting and also provide details of the investing company's registered office together with the name, contact address
number of the appropriate person to receive notices under the agreement.

en Victoria Street
20 7184 7379 Direct Line
20 7184 7001 Direct Fax
[email protected]

Compliance Form for Corn panies!1 rusts/Partnerships

for completion by':

Authorised Director or Officer as part of our Know Your Client" procedure required by law.

tercd Office Address Street Address Romasco Place, \Vickhams Cay 1, P0 BOX 3140

City Road Town State/ l'iovince Tortola

Country British Virgin Islands Zip , Postal Code VG 110

Tel. #284 852- 10 10 Fax 0284852-1011

E-mail Address [email protected]; [email protected]

of Incorporation Month August Day 9 Year 2007 Jurisdiction ofln corporation/Format ion BVI

ipal Operating or Street Address Castcx 3123 Piso 2

ng Address (if
cut from above) City Capital Federal State/Province Buenos Aires

Country Argentina Zip'Postal Code CI425CDA

n for requiring F1 Incorporation/Continuation of Entity Amalgamation

Acquisition of shares by subscription Authorised signatory on bank account(s)

D Acquisition of shares by transfer D Other (provide explanation)

iblic Company, print
Exchange Listing
Print Full Name of Stock Exchange listing
El Evidence of Stock Exchange listing: or 0 Current set of financial Statements
ivate Company, print Patricio Gomez Sabaini, Juan Ignacio Cosentino, Mendala S.A., Marcos Galperin
s of Ultimate
'ficial owuci(s) Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

neticial owner(s) is a
L. print name of Trust
ritistee Print Full Name of Trust Print Full Name of Trustee

irtoership, print name

rtnership and General
icr(s) Print Full Name of Partnership Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

ate companies must Z Copy of Incorporation Current certificate of good Individual documentation
h: Certificate standing or similar documentation

rint full nantie of person authorised Current position of authorised person,

o sign tbr and on behalf of the Company Director or Officer

igt'l'ature of person authorised Date li ! M / Y
.0 sign for and on behalf of the Corimpany -
OttiCC USC only
TO\ ed DV Date
D / M .' YR

N[3 ..\ 1 pi ac required to complete I ,onl I ciaatt m and comp liance form" for lndi idtiak°
- -- 'k- --

4t 1 i2 ' •

1I -

A S .,.


(_) (

En Co

z o_

— z
-. -o

2- 0


o 0 C71






that, pursuant to the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004,



1.Is on the Register of Companies;

2. Has paid all fees, annual fees and penalties that are due and payable;

3. Has not filed articles of merger or consolidation that have not become effective;

4. Has not filed articles of arrangement that have not yet become effective;

5. Is not in voluntary liquidation; and

6. Proceedings to strike the name of the company off-the Register of Companies have not been instituted.


16th day of August, 2007
Cert I

Fran ler Illanes .. .......

Aeto / y-
iChi (e /
10 26, 2007
Diana Martin
13 July 2007 14:28
Charles Everett
'Harrow, Andrew'; 'Miranda, Alex'; Alisdair Lynch; 'Ramiro Angio - El Tejar SA'
Campos Verdes Ltd. - Application to the BMA

ay proceed with application to the BMA on behalf of:


:ered Office: Citco Bank & Trust Company, Bahamas Financial Centre, 4th Floor, Nassau, The
nas CB-13136
)orated in the Bahamas on: 11th August 2000
icial Owners:

ndo Jorge Campos, d.o.b. 3rd August 1958, Argentine Citizen of Arenales 925, 9th Floor, Buenos
Argentina 1061.
idro Daniel Campos, d.o.b. 8th January 1962, Argentine Citizen of Arenales 925, 9th Floor, Buenos
Argentina 1061
Jesusa Lopez de Campos, d.o.b. 10th June 1926, Argentine Citizen of Arenales 925, 9th Floor,
)5 Aires, Argentina 1061

r Alfredo Poll

7th June 1961, engineer employed by Pluspetrol S.A., Argentine citizen of J.F. Segui 3672, Buenos
Argentina 1425.

'liance Officer

.ight People. The Right Places.

i's Court
:toria Street
)X HM 1179
Iton HM EX

1 441 298 3260

1 441 298 3320
[email protected]


PHONE NO. May. 10 2005 04:I5PM P01


Fax # 1-441-298-3320
Total Pages (incl. Cover): 4 (four)


Dear Diana, July, 61h 2007

1 am faxing you the following documents to complete BROOK Requirements:

-AFJ'1.1IS y compliance Form for Individuals notarized (Fernando J Cainpo)

-API'LBBY Compliance Form for Individuals notarized (Alejandro D Campos)

-A Pl'LBI3Y Compliance Form for Individuals notarized (Elisa J I dc Campos)

-TI1'WA1*1 11io.ortroix.,LTwic

I will send today the originals by FEDEX,

Fernando Campos

P1): The CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING will be mailed to you next week,
from Bahamas.
Page 1 of


Diana Martin
05 July 2007 16:01
Ramiro Angio - El Tejar SA
Harrow, Andrew'; Watteaux, Laurent; 'Getter, Douglas L; 'Miranda, Alex'; 'George Liberatore; 'Joseph
Carvin; Charles Everett
ct: RE: KYC

m receipt of documents for Campos de Victoria S.A. and Brook Ltd. and advise as follows:

npos de Victoria S.A.

tents satisfactory. However, please note that we have accepted the Spanish language documents
cause we are able to have them translated by a staff member whose first language is Spanish. It
normal procedure to only accept foreign language documents that are accompanied by its English
ition, which translation has been attested to by the translator.

)Ok Ltd.

Ltd. - Certificate o()r1rporation and current Certificate of Good Standing or similar documentation
ido Campos, Alejandrq,empos and Elisa L. de Campos - Compliance Form for Individuals
hed) required from Udch of them.


liance Officer

ight People. The Right Places.

i's Court
:toria Street
x HM 1179
ton HM EX

L 44 298 3260
1 441 298 3320
[email protected]
apple byg to ba I. co m


Compliance Form for Companies/Trusts/Partnerships
onspIetion by:
uthonsed Director or Officer as part of our "Know Your Client" procedure required by law.

Ia Company Name
1 Name of Entity
jz.o() z LiTh.
I Office Address Street Address 4Mk fi,,.).tlti&Irt cj-r, Fc/.2.ry (ciico r ' 172-4A I' cv)
- 4A AAU Zip/Postal Code
CB - 3
c 2.)_e —c2 0 Fax#

E-mail Address

corporation Month v !)ay A Year Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Formation

(co4ip n
Operating or Street Address
Address (if
om above) City State/Province

Country - Zip/Postal Code

for requiring 0 Incorporation/Contanuation of Entity 0 Amalgamation

Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
0 Acquisition of shares by transfer 0 Other (provide explanation)
Company. print -
hange Listing and .
Print Full Name of Stock Exchange listing

0 Evidence of Stock Exchange listing; or fl Current set of financial Statements

C4—i4 1ct k?.J/ o C/ - i - s4 . e u Pr
owner(s) Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

ial owner(s) is a -
it name of Trust
Print Full Name of Trust Print Full Name of Trustee

rship, print name _

ship and General
Print Full Name of Partnership Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

ompanies must fl Copy of Incorporation El Current certificate of good fl Individual do(ijinentanon

Certificate standing or similar documentation

2- ji 1-
Full name of person authorised Current position ofautliorised person,
for and on behalf of the Corn paw Director or Officer
? /0 /c
;ure rued Date I ) / M / YR
1 for an on behalf of the Company

USC oiil'
by RM
I) / M / YR
filed Compliance folder. date
PHONE NO. 915283
Jul. 16 201 1037RM F'S





(0 ts C,)

0 • -

c ; ci

cJ c

. 0

0 '-

q ci
PHONE NO. May. 10 2006 04:18PM P05

PHONE NO. Ju 1, 16 2i1 103?M í'ü

Compliance Form for Individuals

completion by:
all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories.
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a iferniuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law.

Ia Company/Partnership Name
se of Applicant First Name Middle Name (s) _


ti Signature

Birth Mh iay Nationality

AD 6
ort Number
6 6

tial Information Street Address

AlzeK* !~ z 5 /e 1' co
City -- State/Province -

Country Zip/Postal Code


Home Telephone Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

icr/Business Occupation c)Check box if self employed

Name of Employer/Business

Street Address - zo - 2 o
City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Business Telephone Business Fax
I 3
Business E-mail Address

n for requiring ' 0 Appointment as a Director or Officer


Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s) --

D Acquisition of shares by transfer - D Other (provide explanation)

tity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional
(cg: attorney, banker, notary public, coisimissioner of oaths, etc.)
assport; OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the 911assport, El l)rivers, isje.D National Photo
, rivers Licence (with photo); OR
II) Card and fl proof of current address is a true and Correct copy of the o jinal document as
seen by me
)ther National Photo ID Card; AND 4
roof of current address cRIBA

Print full name of person Signnure of perso

es of identity documents must be certifying identity document certitgieEtitdocuissel

btze (ie: not enlarged) and contain a

;iliZaI)le photograph certified bya Aj o f ç 106
part y professional professional fide I )ate I) / M / YR

,thcc use only

used by - Date
I) /M / YR
Original filed Compliance folder, date

PHONE NO. May. 10 26 04:16PM P2

Compliance Form for individuals

k,t compictiot) b
a)) diarcholdviN, tiltitit;itc 1'cncIija) Owtirr, genera] partners, officers, directors and authori.ed ){)at'Tsm
ntrucfi1g j oliiirS ( tltc-i ibm institulions, Isv firms and similar mstnicnng pinrs t hat are regulated) c)fi Bermuda cotn)iany, ils part
if die flu II I '!. know your ci ri it" procedure required by law.
judit Company/Partnership Ntnw
anir. of Applicatut }rs1_ Name Middle Nnie(s)

I Pay Nationality

Passport Ntunbei
of ftrth
)UO J2- Lf 6 ' 6 ~ II
9'zs I°/ co
I Isulor Illatuouu Stiect A ddics$


;:; t
Zip/Pos alCol lc

Holm I IotIICJaA_(

u)ycr/ fltusincs cuptnn TREheck box if self eniphutd
NaIUC of }.t))lOyr/]ltISIIit'sS -

p~-) 7-2o /& o
A 7/a c
Country Zipl¼>sta1 Code
g7 ik ,4.
tusinrcs Trle1di,nc liucinecs FAX

J3iisjncss E-mail Address

Oil fur t et3iiurlulg 1 iicuirporatnui'(oJitinoatioi) of' Entity 1'TAppoiiitnicm is a 1)iree 1w or Officer

Acquisition c 'cliarc by ',ml-Acription orised siguatory on bank aceount(t)

TTAcejulaition of charts by ti aosfcr (.)i.hcr (provide sxpiaiuWou)

filLy Documents io be Attached Scelion to bu completed by cortlfyntg third party professional

(eg: attorney, b:iuikrr, notary puh)ic, conunuissioncr of oaths, etc.)
1' sport: C )i& tirretic ce'utuLt)at roe ituJttieu 1ef'y eu n' , r.ispl e, [3 ,,,'v' , D
5,.,h......I 50......
11) Card and U proof of' LurreUl address is true' mid ci I cci cop of tlwO na] doiuixsteiit
I )rivrrs Licence with piiot ii)

Other Natioua] Photo II) (,,rd; AN])

Proof of current address cci& ic '1

- .-......
.-- .

Print full name of person Signat tire of perco . .

sits of idc.iuicy docillimits fl)USt be certifyitig identity document u:ertafymg identil I1OC&tiflCI)t
tslnz (Ic: taut enlarged) sod contain a
osabk p tcc-ph certified by a 06/ _.2 -.

ii prty prctfrsstoiid 1 1 ;oft 5iollal T:tle Date 1) / M / YR

CC uce only
uc,v,/ by

!!itdl tCd uphai'ce folder, date


I, the undersigned, in my capacity as public notary hereby certify that the holder of the
attached passport appeared before me on the 25th day of June 2007, and that the attached is a
true copy of the original and the picture thereon a good likeness of the holder.


Name: Alberto M. Miguens

Capacity: Public Notary

Date: June 25, 2007

Telephone number: 54-11-4326-8559/0327/6719/2884

Address: Avda. Pte Roque Saenz Pefia 720, 5to E

(1035) Buenos Aires, Argentina

En nomb,o del Gob/erno de Is Repáblica Argentina,

In autoñdad quo explda el presents pesaporte,
ruega y sot1c1t8 a todds aquellos a gwenes puedo
concemi,, do/en passr libremenle a au mule, y
pres$arle Is asistencia y piviecciOn neceaaria.
The Government of the Republica Argentina, hereby
requests all whom It may concern, to permit the
bearer to pass without delay or hindrance and In case CD
of need to give all lawful aid and protection.
Em noina do Govemo da RepUblics Argentina,
L; L
1' Q

a autceidade que concede o presente passaporte, ar

roga e Solicits as autoridades competentes, deixar

passer llvreinente 0 titular e prestar-the tods a - o L
assislncla a proteção necoesàjia. Zearro
vc tø 5<
a <
(sA .-
Au nom du Gouvornement do Is Rbpubllque
Argentine, I'autorltfl gui délivre to present paaaoporl,
demande a taus ceux qul pourraient étra concernéa,
do laisse, passer librement son titulaire et lul préter
'assistance of Is protection nèceesaire.

-2- S

4W 9

P4a. Aao'e

R t)Q
.. .. .I..
8ueno Aires. .....'de ...............................e .........


120 46 4 6 3 N

13 1,k!O#<h1r4?r S. S,VrfS-w,ce ecoS. 3P;,p,e-.0

7tt.2x(1 SUc' lOIttflc jcc,in'necr,-,' h.' ,co,.


J1JL __

Re s u 'n en d e Cue

m tander Rio
Fsil -
RESUMEN NRO.: 002377'


1061 CAPHAL U$S 1.244,63

l H IiHiIHIii iI I HID li lIi Dil till JIM iiiDil UM I l iI III TNA $ 23,00 %
TNAUSS 18,00 %
TEM S 1 89
TEMU$S i,'.o

ITERIOR 22 May )7 SALDO ANTERIOR S 6.228,92 U$S 1 225,49 PROXIMOCIERRE 05 Jul 07

NTERIOR 10 May 07 PAGOMIN.ANT. $ 1.862,00 PROXIMOVTO. 17 Jul 07

OMPRA $ 15.000,00 FINANCIACION $ 13.500,00 ADELANTO 5 .500,00 CPRA.CUOTAS $ 15.000, 00


SALDO ANTERIOR 6.228,92 1.225,49

05.07 SU PAGO EN PESOS 3.000,00-

.05.07 100376* AUTOPISTAS DEL SQL 6781

.05.07 247777* AUTOPISTAS DEL SQL 42,90

rjeta 9179 Total Consunos de MARIA PARDO 110,74 0,00

.07.06 009C21* FRAVEGA-MAR DEL PLATA II Cuota 11/12 60,30

'.10.06 000890* GARBARINO Cuota 08/12 169,65
.11.06 000381* MONACO NEUMATICOS Cuota 07/12 97 66
12.06 000933* GARBARINO Cuota 07/12 166,74
L01.07 000464* MONACO NEUMATICOS Cuota 05/05 -( 14,40
.02.07 001049* PRESMAR SA Cuota 04/06 " 33,00
.03.07 006010* FARMACITY Cuota-03103- 16,29
1.03.07 002396* EXPRESS/ROSSI & ROSSI Cuota-03103 11,66
3.03.07 004855* FARMACITY Cuota...03/03 16,55
3.03.07 000505* MACH ELECTRONICS SA Cuota 03/06 29,83
7.03.07 001344* COMO QUIERES QUE TE QUIERA Cuota ..-037'03- 32,27
3.04.07 000849* FARMACITY Cuota .03103 9,41
1.04.07 007083* FARMACITY Cuota 02/06 19,9c.
3.04.07 005041* MJEVA VISION Cuota 02/06 30,33
6.04.07 000118* JOHNSON'S CLOTHES L85 Cuota 02/03 53.00
7.04.07 004203* CARREFOLfi-SAN FERNANDO Cuota 02/06 12,11

arj eta 7990 Total Corisunos de FERNANDO U CAWOS 773,22 0,00

4.05.07 003266* MOVISTAR PAGO TRAF I '474,0C

5.05.07 005368* PIJEVA VISION Cuota 01/06 68,85
7.05.07 209385* ACA-SEDE CENTRAL 98,00
8.05.07 001355* YPF LA ANIARTIDA 131,50
8.05.07 001868* CALZETTA NEUMATICOS Cuota 01/03 29,34
805.07 343804* EST DE SERVICIO N 35,20
9.05.07 000256* NORTE 1002 66,45
6.05.07 002658* DEEEZA 1158 MARQU ' 146,32
7.05.07 383945* ACA-SEDE CENTRAL 9Q_Q,4
8.05.07 000705* OSDE PER:05/2007 ID:000061187219501
1.06.07 296113* DIREC TV DEB ALIT 000000006296113
1.06.07 310385* MOVISTAR DEB AUT 000000097310385 18,78
1.06.07 001334* CARREFOUR-SAN FERNANDO 219,90
6.06.07 000319* FARMACITY Cuota 01/02 16,2/
7.06.07 385852* ACA-SEDE CENTRAL 95,00

arjeta 9575 Total Consunos de FERNANDO U CA10S 2.472,61 0,00


7.06.07 DB IVA $ 21% 105,48 22,15
7.06.07 D6 IVA U$S 21% 15,82 3,32
7.06.07 CREDITO IVA 2,48%. RES. 207/03(S) BASE: $ 1618,5 40,08-

4ame of Entity in connection with which this

leclaration is being completed:

;urname: Fernando Jorge

Complete forename(s): Campos

Known by other name(s): -

ny previous name(s): -

Name of Spouse: Maria Victoria Pardo

Residential Address: Arenales 925, 9no Piso, (1061) Cdad. Dc Buenos Aires, Argentina
P.O. Box not acceptable)

Country of Citizenship Argentina IPassport No: 12046463N

Date & Place of issue: 12 Apr 2005, Buenos Aires
)ate of Birth: )ay: 03 Month: August Year: 1958 ender: Male

Place of Birth: City: Buenos Aires ountry: Argentina

Occupation: Financial Consultant

Present Employer: Self-employed

1. A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have a
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

2. Questions I - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s). where the general partner is an individual.
AN 0


Yes No

I. Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in Lii 113

2. Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in 0 ']

3. Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? LI

4. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? 0
5. Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? 0 ,1I
6. Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry? F1 91

Questions 7 - 10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is

to carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0 VN
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

8. Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation? U

8a. If yes, name the organisation(s):

9. Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

10. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any

I hereby certify that the information in this Declaration is true to the best of my information, knowledge
and belief.

Signed P-MMIM-1
June 22", 2007


PLEBY Compliance Form for Individuals

completion by:
all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories.
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law.

la Company/Partnership Name
e of Applicant First Name Middle Name(s)

aie ccc

hrth Year Nationality

3irth Passport Number

al Information Street Address

city State/Province

- 6--EJT J Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone
ç-- 4/9 tS.3c Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

c-€i-a ,.cr
/Business Occupation ck box if Qemployed
Name of Employer/Business

Street Address

City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Business Telephone Business Fax

Business E-mail Address

for requiring Incorporation/Continuation of Entity fl Appointment as a Director or Officer

Acquisition of shares by subscription D Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
Acquisition of shares by transfer Other (provide explanation)

Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional

(eg: attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc.)
art; OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the Passport, Drive i cc,
II) Card and proof of current address is a tm and correct cop of th o nil do (uhnt as
:rs Licence (with photo); OR
seen by inc
r National Photo II) Card; AND
of current address
ow 40 iAW4
Print full name of person
:)f identitydocuments must he _ertifying ident y u tit
certifying identity document
(ie: not enlarged) and contain a
able photograph certified by a _______________________
:y professional Professional Title Date 1) // M / YR

use only
i by Date
I) / M / YR
Original filed Compliance folder, date

PHONE NO. : May. 10 2006 04:1EPM P3

PPLEBY Compliance Form for Individuals

Al Shari uhIcr, ullli:i.itC licticlitia) 'ticT, grllcrIl palaitcrs. O1liCC, Chll'cCturN 'jiid .l(iIllt'riCd signatories.
ctrLliimf j'.ii lics (ULIJCJ (han l ucuciocis, Law fii'nit and situtlar intrructiiig parfirs tliI arc regulated) of a Hrrnuuda company. at part
of Ocr fic cc''. "kicow your ehecit' proccdwt' rcqticrcil by law.

nidi Company/Partnership Ninc

fl)C ofAp1ihic.ici ViNatnc Middle Nanir(c)
i l........

i(lc Siguatici C'

,f Bi •,'

l'tspott Nciil,c'r
, 4L (N
•..— (/\j_.14—
iiti:il htiflirniation l'ct Aihirra.
TAJ (cJó ç.Pçi
(.c>nntry /,Iis/1st Cccck'

I home 'lc.kphccnc I Ionic 1'u

2,.3C?9 -'2..3cj
J Ionic E-mail Address
- ? i_t.€?O c.i_a ç•'
•yrr /lhiisii ie
>..c '*1.- c.)Jca..) tt1 :heck box if/enipl.ycd
Rime of Prop1 ccy('r/iitlSmCss

Sircet Address

City Srate/Pncvtiicc

C .ocintry Zqs/l'ottal Code

I 1i incc 'TCILpIlccI II.- Bicsii tess Fax

1htic.ncs T-iaaail Addi'c.ss

III •i.ct rc1cccciii I iicorpccraLiori/(oIciioc1:It ott of iniity 0"Appointinent at a I)i ccucr or Officer
Acquisitioi; ccfchresbyubscrii;tion CI Asitb .tignatucy
orised baok
oil c-cuuot(s)

tJ Acqui'ic ion of shoes by u aciitir Ocher (prcv3r explanation)

iiiy Jkscuittciits to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party profcttiotial

(c-g: attorney, looker, notary public, ltcriulIiioncc of oathc.etc.)

OR I hereby certif' tinit the clttac:lo'i! copy of the Patsport, T)rtvc' 0

Ii) Catd acid piooi of current addccss is :c rn and correct cop of the o tal (kiLUiX'Iit as
)nvrrs Lcrei IC s''tth phici ( c) 01 I..
cI'CII lilt
.)thicr National Photo 11) Cad; AND '

>roof of' curreni address

grfo 4. ( ll'o-uCR1
Print (till 111111C. cit peraOtl . Sc curt of pci
ie of idenuty (hOClilIleilti 1111111 Jucunicnt ertifying idric It
lsat (Ic: not cirlargcd) and c01114i11 .1
1tcia.ablc pI)oior:iph ceriluied by a
1 picrty prilfissi> ,ic:>l Prof essiccical 1 idt 1.) ate I1 I'd / YR

oflhcc uii,
ccnvd by ... _._ l.)atc ,.. .._ ....
Ii / M / 'YR

Original iikd (' tin Imcc


I, the undersigned, in my capacity as public notary hereby certify that the holder of the
attached passport appeared before me on the 25th day of June 2007, and that the attached is a
true copy of the original and the picture thereon a good likeness of the holder.


Name: Alberto M. Miguens

Capacity: Public Notary

Date: June 25, 2007

Telephone number: 54-114326-8559/0327/6719/2884

Address Avda. Pte Roque Saenz Pena 720, 5to E

(1035) Buenos Aires, Argentina
i.072 ,00

En nombre do! Goblerno do la Republica Argentina.

I. autoridad quo expide 0/ pr080nte pasapofto,
wega y aol/c/ta a todos aque/los a qulenea puede
concern/r, dejen poser libremente a su titular
prestarle ía esistencia y pmtecciOn nocesana.

The Government of the Republics Argentina, hereby

requests all whom It may concern, to permit the
bearer to pass without delay or hindrance and In case
of need to give all lawful aid and protection.

Em name do Governo cia RepUblica Argentina,

a autoridade quo concede o presente passaporte,
rags e solicits as autoridades competentes, deixsr
passer llvramente o titular a prestar-ihe lode a
aststsncia e proteçäo neceuárta.

Au nom du Gouvernement do Ia République

Argentina. l'autorité gui deIivre le present pasaepot,
demands 'a bus ceux gui pourraient dire concernés,
do laisser passer librement son tituleire at lui préter
l'asslstance et Is protection nécessaire.

2 --




&P-011 D471111

Buenos Aires. .....Ida...........



gbeenfsn T1A M5GAPI'1 •TW11
145 2614 8N
iv.sii mr.Ot y Gt1ficsdos
hi I.h1sO c"x,eJo co, '."o
rw be&e .pheot,, asre**, t*e, ?Ierse))
La Tarjeta American Express B Para consultas Ingrese en
Estado do Cuenta American Express Argentina SA
Arenales 7071 Plaza San Martin
Fturalón V.ndml.nto Cl 061 AAA Buenos Aires
NCirnero do Cuenta
INDRO CAMPOS 3764-061480-34007 05/06/07 13/06/07
Centro de Atención Telefónica
0-810-555-AMEX (2639)

Sao Anterior $ Cotdtoe $ Débftos $ Saklo a pear $

Páginal de
2.5311391 2.531 1391+1 2.6071351 =

o Anterior U$S Cr4dlco U$S Drtoo U$S Santo a par U$S

,., , Eata tturIOn irluye paçoe y
IJ,VU - + V,VV S cargos rbntoehaataat
SdeJunto 2937

iies abone el saldo de La Tarjeta hasta en 12 cuotas con EXPRESS PLAN, Solicite EXPRESS PLAN
ndo al 0-810-444-8000 de 9 a 21 hs, Para mayor información ingrese a
etailo do In tranecIoneo DpOrto err $

ayo Grades par su page reallzado con Déblto Directo

etaile do lao tratcroe &pano an


a o.nl, 3764-61480-3407


DEL 03/04/07 AL 08/05/07 CR
rayo MOVISTAR 382,46
ROD P2432852800 E000
COD00001 R00 P0512021006 E/07
COD00004 R09 P0034651704 E000
COD00001 R41 P48907906 06 E/07
C0000209 R04 P0194045909 E002
C0000009 R04 P0198408709 E000
lunlo OSDE CENTRAL 1.034,00
COD 00002 R06 P0686515105 E/07

o Cuenta Esto do Cuenta No. Amorioan Express Argentina S.A. Su saldo Be debitado
culT.: 30-67481887-0 mensualmente de au
061480-34007 00067800639 p.ing.Brutoe: 901-913202-7
0-4525148-2 C.N.R.P.: 1.122808 cuenta bartcaria.
.udor Final El ento total aerá dthto do laouenta 1408093901 l.VA Reap. Inecripto Recuerde informarnos
del BANCO OE BOSTON cualquier modifica-
ciOn qua realice.
1 ALEJ1ANDRO CAMPOS I 1ltlll 11 111 liii 11111 11111
111 III'S 11111 IiIl 1 111 J'lh 111111 I1II 11 III
ARENALES 925 9 iIl iI II Ihi Il I IlI III OI ii III liii II
Cl 061 AAE C AUT BS AS I 111111 11111 liii 11111 Illil lUli IlIli 11111 11111 liii 11111 111111 111111 111111 Recuerde qua dispo-
ARGENTINA 000 *AB608063144AR* 06/07 ne de 30 dlas desde
el Vto. del presente
Estado de Cuenta
para observar yb
IiIIiutIIiiIIuIiIsiIIiliIiIiIuIIuiIIiI reclamar sabre los
cargos detallados
en el mismo.
La Tarjeta American Express wwwamerican

Estado de Cuenta FacturaciOn 05/06/07

Nuevos Cargos en PESOS para ALEJANDRO CAMPOS Contlnuaclón

NC,neco de Cuenta 3764-061480-34007

05 do Junto MOVISTAR
Plan do Cuotas. Cuota 03 do 06
Total del cargo: 119,00
Efectuado el 13 de Marzo 2007
Plan do Cuotas. Cuota 02 do 06
Total del cargo: 338,00
Efectuado el 14 de Abril 2007
Plan do Cuotas. Cuota 02 do 06
Total del cargo: 169,00
Efectuado eli 4 do Abril 2007
Total de Cargos en PESOS para ALEJANDRO CAMPOS
Fueha y detae do Las t,ans,onoe


NCseo de cuonta 3764-1480-34015
R00 P1182414700 E000
C0000001 F120 P3100000407 El 50
Plan do Cuotas Cuota 04 do 06
Total del cargo: 219,00
Efectuado el 14 do Febrero 2007
Total de Cargos en PESOS para M PILAR IRUSTA C DE CAMPOS
Fueha y detaiLs do las If


NCwnero de cuenta 3764-061480-33025
yenta por Correo
C0000003 R09 P0034653803 E000
COD00001 R49 P7557305206 E/07
Plan do Cuotas. Cuota 05 do 12
Total del cargo: 100,00
Efectuado el 23 do Enero 2007
Total de Cargos en PESOS para ELISA LOPEZ DE CAMPOS
F&a y details do Lao Ifaneaooee

Total de Cargos en DOLARES para ALEJANDRO CAMPOS


lame of Entity in connection with which this

eclaration is being completed:

urname: Alejandro Daniel

omplete forename(s): Campos

(nown by other name(s): -

ny previous name(s): -
4ame of Spouse: Maria del Pilar Irusta Cornet

Residential Address: Arenales 925, 9no Piso, (1061) CdaS De Buenos Aires, Argentina
(P.O. Box not acceptable)

Country of Citizenship Argentina IPassport No: 14526148N

)ate & Place of issue: 01 JUN 2005 , Buenos Aires

)ate of Birth: )ay: 18 Month: Januaryt Year: 1962 Gender: Male

'lace of Birth: ity: Buenos Aires ountry: Argentina


Occupation: Financial Consultant

'resent Employer: Self-employed

1. A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have a
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

2. Questions I - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.



Yes No

Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in D


Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in LI P9

Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? U

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? LII rVI

Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? Kli

Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry9 in

luestions 7 - 10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is

carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation? 0 CK

If yes, name the organisation(s):

Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self fl YN
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had fl
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any

hereby certify that the informa2.iii1M1 Declaration is true to the best of my information, knowledge
nd belief. -

igned: C9 R 4
d 200 7
6oAro xt!fl £
-szt//iii4p 144;z /4'4 t

MAT. 4012
Compliance Form for Companies/Trusts/Partnerships
onipletion by:
.uthorised Director or Officer as part of our "Know Your Client " procedure required by law.

La Company Name
Name of Entity
320o LTb
Office Address Street Address i/Jktjc:ft fto c
City State/Province —

T4.6 U- 0AMks
Country Zip/Postal Code

Tel. # (2.
) 56-512
(29) 354 —24j
E-mail Address

:orporation Month Day Year ____ Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Formation

114 T3k'4*4,4k

Operating or Street Address

Address (if
ni above) City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

for requiring D Incorporation/Continuation of Entity D Amalgamation

Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
0 Acquisition of shares by transfer 0 Other (provide explanation)

ompany, print

ange Listing and

Print Full Name of Stock Exchange listing

0 Evidence of Stock Exchange listing; or D Current set of financial Statements

tk(7.~, Q(2— tj C*4A0, S4 L. Q4S
of Ultimate
sviler(s) Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

ti owner(s) is .s

name of Trust
Print Full Name of Trust Print Full Name of Trustee

hip, print name —

up and General

Print Full Name of Partnership Print Full Name of General Partner(s)

)mpanies ilIust 0 Copy of Incorporation 0 Current certificate of good 0 Individual documentation

Certificate standing or similar documentation

___ > C ? ZTA 5'

ill name of pers ithorised
. Current position of authorised person,
fo d on ialfo the Company Director or Officer

Date I) / M / YR
or and on ehalf the Company

I) M YR.
nal filed ( :oniphancc folder, date
Compliance Form for Individuals

r completion by:
all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories.
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law.

ida Corn pany/ Partnership Name

me of Applicant - First Name
Middle Name(s)

j p
en Signature -
' Birth l)ay Year Nationality
15 a6
Passport Number
I 2- 5'0 F
f Birth
WC /r7I'Z
QA-L zc 7
itial Information Street Address

City State/Province -
Country , Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

yer/Business Occupation ,ç 0 Check box if self employed

Name of Employer/ Business

Street Address

City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Business Telephone Business Fax

Business E-mail Address

n for requiring D Incorporation/Continuation of Entity 0 Appointment as a l)irector or Officer

, Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
Acquisition of shares by transfer fl Other (provide explanation)
tity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional
(cg: attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc.)
assport: OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the Passport. 0Drivers
vers Lice Photo
rivers Licence (with photo); OR
11) Card and E] proof of current address is a true and correct copy of th orig doc uni
seen by me
)ther National Photo II) Card; AND
roof of current address
Print full name of person
es of identity documents must be certifying identity document ert ng iUt do )t
Lie (ie: not enlarged) arid contain a
iizable photograph certified by a ' . 04 0
party professional Professional 'I'i Ic Date I) / M / Yl
)thcc use only
oved by Date
I) / M / YR
Original tiled Compliance folder, date

PHONE NO. : May. 10 2006 04:17PM PO4

Compliance Fonai for Individuals

for co plcI Ici by.

all shar('ltt)h k'u. Ilitiniati' hcocficiat onc:, ncra) partIIe, officen, directors and authorised siti1ories.
instruct)n) partits (other than institutions, law trmc and similar nsirucIing partics t hat are regulated) of :i tkrnsitda company, as pat i
01'1 11V It rn k now your ehcnt" procedure required by law.

tida Conipuiy/ Pnrtneihip Name

Middle Namc(s)
itnc of Apphcant First Nai,w
/.- ... b CAtI Nos

cn Stgitaui t

fPirth M( 11 Day Year , N.mco;Jity

• 5o 6 F

utial 111forillation Street Addrto

AilC /V 141 ic c Z C

Statr/Provincc —
Jc,Ut-c m-2.(c

,q. A-
v;itliI'cstal Code
1 06 1
I Ionic Fax
~; ii ?8 6
Hot tic 'Iclephotic
413113 - ' -

I lortir F.-mad Adclrss

;.rr/I3uciiirs. — Oicup.itiou
1- .).4./f
(Thee-k box ilseif employed
anon _ .--____________________________________________-•--•• -- --•-- -••--•••–•--• -• ......................

N,iunc' of tiiiployc c/I Susniess

Strcet Addi eta

City Statc/l>rc,vince

Country Zip/Postal (itle

ISusiness lttk1;hoite flustiirss Fax

1fiitucss fl-jvciil Address

I) 10) iC(Ill?IiI) 0 I:1(Orporatic'fl /Coo L'tfltIiltK'Ii of kflLi1y 1 Ajpoiotuii'nt aa a I.)ircctcn 01

Araptisitioti olsharc by subscription i Atitbotited sIfiiatOry ott bank account(s)
CTA sjuisiti on of shares by ti nsfcr flTt hit (pu vi h i-xplai atioO)

tity 04ivti,nents to IH' Atht:IIed - Section to be completed by eejlifving third parypmIeMslIial

(cg attorney, banker, notary public, COrntlIiS%ioflcr of oaths, ctc,)

assport O1& I hereby trrtif'v that the iva(lied copy of dir 1issport, l)ivcts Licc D a) Photo

rivers I .icenre (with phoro) ()1

II) c:arcl 111(1 b
proof of current .Iiiclrrss is a Li or .od I I)rt( Ii Cup) of ib orig uLt ac
SCI'i1 11)' t1)C
)ther National Photo II) C ard AND
It X0 Al
roof of rttITent :iildress 4j
Print hill name of person '\ ,-5ttir p I SC I

itt yli ig identity document cerL St it it I t 1i I Ill It

'i oft sslonal libe f.Litc 1) M / Y Ii..
V pri IessR,iI.Il

littler USC
rovdby -- - ...... .... .

1) / NI / YR

( )rigutl filcd (onipli.iiu c (olcicr, daic - --


I, the undersigned, in my capacity as public notary hereby certify that the holder of the
attached passport appeared before me on the 25th day of June 2007. and tha iha aflaali ad IS a
true copy of the original and the picture thereon a good likeness of the holder.


Name: Alberto M. Miguens

apacity: Public Notary

Date: June 25, 2007

Felephone number: 54414326-8559/0327/6719/2884

Address Avda. Pte Roque Saenz Pefia 720, 5to E

(1035) Buenos Aires, Argentina

- .... 4

IRANO -1 v so
. AT.4072 v v
1 10
f'o 'I V

En nombro dot Gobiorno do to RepUb/Ica Argeadna,

Is wtor/dod quo xp/do el prosonte pasaporto, — V V
" tN
ruegs y so//c/ta a todos ao,uellos a quiar,es puede . 0 , ,v It
concernir. do/en pasar lit,romenta a su titular y
prosier!, /8 aslstencia y pmfocCicn necesaria.

The Government of the Repübilca Argentine. hereby 'O

requests all whom it may concern, to permit the , ,, v
bearer to pass without delay or hindrance and In case <
of need to give all lawful aid and protection.
-J -
a o LLJ 00
Em nome do Govecno da Repübuca Argentina,
a autoridade quo concede o reaente passaporle, ./ '-' " V u
Z Cl) N-
roga e 3oucita 'as autordades competontes, doixar ;W
passer llvrernenta o titular pruatar'Iha toda a 0..
eessst4ncla e proteçao n.ceeaária. W w 1-, "0
CL - 4 $ C

Au nom du Gouvo;noment do Is République .L."a. '- Jc j.. V (\I

Azgentine, leutorltè qui dèlivre Is prsent pesseport,

demands 'a tous ceux qul poiirraient étre concernés, j V
delalsaer passer Hbrement son t3tu$sire,tuIØrétor I h..,
I assistance at la protection nécessatre ", 0.. rr
4 C

- A?D('fAT YD


"'" ;"°

• . ..

r n
Bueoo Aires, .1 ....

l/ . .................
ucc S'7A AFCEL
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— 1 Net -

nka ,S ,t-,,fl e:JetaCuracr' ,'mslOn

ensobrado y (I,Str,bu( on Jr IactuIa,(n,t,fcado

RAM ISO 9003-2000 RAM-U 9000 1483

Facturj N°
EZ DE CAMPOS; ELISA 33241/1009658842000001200/0508
NALES 00925 l-ejiaerr:sOri 08/05200/
): 09 DEPTO: 0010 ENTIRE: JUNCAL, SUIPACHA 10 hoja de 4

1 CAPITAL FEDERAL VTO. 05-06-2007 CUENTA: 965884200


:co CUENTE: 332417100

2417 L4.0C0i O1 107D03C

05) IDE NTUICACION: 9094752
EOARGENT)N0 (1) CIA 11784
LINEA: (11)4393-7836 -


, Iriterl et 6196588420011564
BJDI7 (0:

FLin 24619658842001
Conceptos Locales $ 86,41
)965884200-6 Conceptos de Larga Distanda $ 56,38
Otros Serviuos I Otros Cargos $ 0,58

000 MISSING CHILDREN Total Servicios de Telefóriica $ 143,37

Si usted tiene alguna
Comunicaciones a Celulares $ 43,24
información, Ilamenos
- all 011-4797-9006 Total servicios de otras empresas $ 43,24
iafo•missin,chi1d, Impuestos $ 39,22
03*0 URIAITI, 56 A3*OS (vrdetaIc Idorso)
0 h emoo-, eI n '
o\o buL,jdo p0 M:r
- c 0e'd:do

A los clientes del serviclo Mantenimiento

)omiciliario les comunicamos que a partir
del dIa 15/07/2007, el abono mensual de
ete servicio pasarà a ser de $3,50 + IVA
correspondiente a su condición
Para consultas por favor comuniquese
Ilamando al 112.

TOTAL A PAGAR $ 225,83

Ciiente al 08 05 0 rrg str -rnpo11r'.

'Jr'x:rJ( fctji ,'cm - 06-08-2001
Fecha de vencimiento: 05-06-2007

oc 5cr cr ruo $ 0,046900


Impuestos Importe $ con recargo Pago en término $

lVA-Consr,mior FindI 21% 3959 39,22
El monto do IVA discriminado no puede cornputarse corno crédito fiscal

Eltimado Cliente:
Muchas gracias por utilizar los
serviciok de Telefónica de Argentina.

kecuerde que la deuda no caducaid una vez ejecutada la baja. (ACIONES al teldforro 0-600-333-3344, para recib,r
Aide o.a auier ducia,e5tair nw, u
- ase5oramierrto, a direc.tarrrerrte envie su reclamo, par correo
Esta lctura curnplrmerita las normas do facturac.iorr surr cargo, a través del Apartado Especial 114 (1000) Corroo
- Ieielorcicjrcreirto, 1rriacrdo'ios al 112 0
establecidas en la resalucidrc general (AHP) N° 1415, Aiiexo Central, dentro de los plazos del aiticulo 36 del Reglarnento
0$00- 33-0312 sir' cargo, ce lurrer a vierile4
IV Pon to 15. General del Servicio Basico Felefónico".
rio ' a 2 1 hs.
El Reglarnento General do Clienctes del Servccio Blsico Asimisrno, "en las Oficinas Cornrenciales de lelefonica do
- A have', do Internet vii tanrcici r'riestro woo
lelefónuco, dispone quo le iicfoimenias lo suguienrte: Argentina S.A. y cr1 la gula telefónrica so encuorrtra a so
site (n(tp.//wwsv.telntitaa.corni.arj.
Señor Clionrto: Si su reclarnu no es atendido debidamente 0 disposiccOn el texto del Roglarniento General do Clientos del
•Pci Carta, ccci biercdaurw a to Ca',illo do
la respuesta del prestador no es satisfactoria, corniuiriqueso Servicco Basica Telefóncco en el quo est1rrc fijados sus
Ccrneo S 504 (1000) Coptal Eoderal, ci a braves
gratuifarrierrte con la COMISION NACIONAL Of COMUNI- deiechos y obligaciones".
do Bi.caorres COCA 'efereriocarrdo "Oca Lava
El Estada Nacronal no controla ni regula ij iriformacidni disponible en INtERNEt. Se recornirenda a los padres ejencer un
CeiitrOi Op 23!!:, ,ararrerrbo /50 (1426)
Capital Federal. iazonablo control par los contenidos que curisurrioni sus hijos. Es acorrsejable la consulta a su proveedor de servicio do
acr.esos a fin do obtonor el corrosporiclrorite asosoiairiionto sobro programas do bloquoo do sitios quo considereri
in ci.,rr xc ii i ocr tes.

Cómo pagar su factura. Elija su Medio de Pago:

Jsted pcede pogar su lar,:ura basra ci ditirrici Débito automático:
d do veiri.iiniie'itO ,.c lanes cc cualuareiJ de A traves do su cuenta baiicaira rnediarrto el sisterrra do Pago directo en caja do ahorros y r,uerita corrcento (puode adhorrrse
Os iodio'. hJb1ii tJG01 qco pou)ernos a I J if sistorna crc su eritidad barrcania a a traves del 112).
rJisposrr or, (Von h'rji so Media do acgo). Medraiite las scjjuierites tarjetas do crddito: American Express, Cabal, Carla Aulom3tica, Carla Franca, Credimas, Cordobesa.
I ariscor ride a lechra do pogo iou 'ecar go, Dirici $. ltjhcreO, Mastercard, Mira, Nararija, Nevada, Piovencred, IDE, Visa, Shopping.
podia airoirOila cii ircislios cer:tios Jo Pago electrónico: a haves do los ca1eios autoiniaticos tiabrlctados y p3girras web de las medes Banelco
,iterrcicri ci insti lucacures c'specaalin-eirte (www.pagorniiscuentas.corn). Link (www.liurkpagos.rornar).
lrnclailitdas. Pago telefónico con tarjeta de crédito a través del 112 : American Express, Cabal, Carta Franca, Cioderuc.ial, Credimnas,
Su pago queriar,c Iegairnerrte aceptadra cciii ci Dicier',, Italcred, Mastercard, Mira, Patagonia 365. Visa.
sello y firiri,a del cateici, U cOil escribura Bancos que cobran las facturas por ventanilla y hasta la fecha de Pago con recargo: Banco de la Proviiicia de Buenos
rniecurcizada de ',eguridad. Aics Barrio Noun,, Barrio Credicuop, Banco Galicia, Saucy do ía Ciudad do Buenos Acres, Barrio Patagonia, Barrio de la
Parripa, HSdC Bank Argentina S.A., Barico de Li Provinicia do Neuquen, 8NL, Barrio Itau Bueri Ayre, Banco Macro Bansud, Banco
del Chubut, Nuevo Banco Bisel, Barrio Sictrervielle, Banco de la Provinicca do Sta. Crua, Barrio do Tier, a del Fuego, Nuevo barico
do StiEd, Nuevo Barrio industrial do Azul. Banco do Ia Piov,iii.ra do Crirdoba, BNP, Banco Saeiit, Banco del lucumdnr, Nuevo
Atención... Barb del Chacu.
Bancos que cobran lax facturas pot ventanilla y hasta la fecha de Pago con recargo solo a clientes: BBVA Barrio Frances,
El P.egiorrerita deicera: -Jo Clieritel, del Ser'ieio Banco Rio de la Plata, Citibank NA, BankSoston.
BaSiiO I elel(ifl(L3, clisponie due alto ía FALIA Bancos que cobran las facturas por ventanilla aOn después de ha fecha do Pago con recargo: Nuevo Banco del Suquia,
DL PALO DL LA F-A( I URA: a I RL-lN A (30) itias Barrio Regional de Luyo, Bairco Errcpresario de I ucurnidri, Barico do la Frovincia de San Juan.
Corriclos postenrores al vriucrrirc'nrto Entidades que cobran lax facturas ann después de Ia fecha de Pago con recargo: Pago FJcrl, Rapipago, BaproPagos, Bolsa
comresporide I.c suspensrOrr do Iv', Ilarniadas de Cornoncio do B.BJairca, Cirnana do dcrinnoicio do PehuajO y CJmaias asoi.radas, Pronto Pago, Ripsa, Iarjeta Nevada, Correo
salierrtes. A SESEN IA (60) dias ccii ricicis Argentina. Cob, o Express.
aosteniores if veircinurrer:tcr conresponce Icc Centros de atenclOn de TelefOnica de Argentina cobran inclusu despuds de la fecha con recargo en ofectivo, cheque (1.
craja Del servicro, taijeta do crddito y tar leta dc ddLrrtu.

() Cheque emitido a favor de TelefOnica de Argentina S.A. - no a la orden (Omnicarnente so aceptancni cheques del titular

del servrdio, cheques cairc.elatorcos a certificados c.uya fecha do cerlihi(accrin no exceda a las 24 Ks. al rniomnrento do su

I hi:r4ur,


Name of Entity in connection with which this

declaration is being completed:

Surname: Elisa

Complete forename(s): Lopez de Campos

Known by other name(s): -

Any previous name(s): -
Name of Spouse: Jorge Manuel Campos (Dec)

Residential Address: Arenales 925, 9no Piso, (1061) Cdad. De Buenos Aires, Argentina
P.O. Box not acceptable)

Country of Citizenship Argentina [Passport No: 00250653F

)ate & Place of issue: 15 Dec 2003, Buenos Aires

)ate of Birth: )ay: 10 Month: June Year: 1926 [Gender: Female

'lace of Birth: City: Buenos Aires lCountry: Argentina

Occupation: Housewife

'resent Employer: -

A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have a
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

Questions I - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

Yes No

Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in 0 gi


Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in 0

Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? D

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? D ,
Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? 0 ,Pq
Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry? 0 rx

uestions 7 - 10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is

carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation?

If yes, name the organisation(s):

Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self 0 ,
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any

ereby certify that the information in this Declaration is true to the best of my information, knowledge
d belief.

gned: -
June 20',
e. P. 63. Cs

Compliance Form for Companies/Trusts/Partnerships
)mpletion by:
athor-ised Director or Officer as part of our "Know Your Client" procedure required by law.
a Company Name
Name of Entity

Office Address Street Address i3 AJ4* I&)A-$JCA ceTé, F,-o 744-<r

City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

'A PcA m A -136
Tel. # (j.j) - Fax # (2 .i) 6 2- I
E-mail Address

orporation Month 1 Day i Year Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Formation

ICZNkkt,tjai ,
iH oF 1146 f344M14S
Operating or Street Address
Address (if
in above) City State/Province

Country - Zip/Postal Code

for requiring 0 Incorporation/Continuation of Entity 0 Amalgamation

Ip Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
0 Acquisition of shares by transfer 0 Other (provide explanation)
ompany, print
ange Listing and
Print Full Name of Stock Exchange listing

0 Evidence of Stock Exchange listing; or 0 Current set of financial Statements

-L-s'SA L. C44c, e,
wner(s) Print Full Name of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)

al owner(s) is a -
name of Trust
Print Full Name of Trust Print Full Name of Trustee

;hip, print name

hip and General
Print Full Name of Partnership Print Full Name of Genera] Partner(s)

ompanies must 0 Copy of Incorporation fl Current certificate of good D Individual documentation

Certificate standing or similar documentation

L C,
ill name of person authorised Current position of authorised person,
for and on behalf of the Company Director or Officer
ire o on 050rised ] )ate I) / M / YR
for and on behalf of the Comp.niy -
.isc only
I) / M / YR

)nginal filed Compliance folder, date

Citco Bank and Trust Company
(Bahamas) Limited

July, 2007


Ms. Diana Martin

Compliance Officer
Canon's Court
22 Victoria Street
Hamilton HM 12

Dear Ms. Martin,

RE: Brook Ltd.

We are pleased to enclose a Certificate of Good Standing in respect of the above-

captioned company.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Corporate & Trust Services

One Montague Place, in floor bahamas-bankcitco.com Phone: (242) 502 5300

East Bay Street www.citcoco,n Fax: (242) 394 0701
P.O. Box N-4906
Nassau, Bahamas
fill fill
Ing. Alfredo Poll
Argentina Country Manager

I Ipluspetrol
lilt Pluspetrol S.A.
Lima 339
C1O73AAG Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: (54-11) 4340-2192
Fax: (54-11) 4340-2440
E-mail: [email protected]
Compliance Form for Individuals
Form for completion by:
'7 all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories.
'7 instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda compan
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law.

Bermuda Company/Partnership Name

Full Name of Applicant First Name Hector Middle Name(s) Alfredo

Surname Poli

Specimen Signature

Date of Birth Month 06 Day 07 Year 1961 Nationality Argentina

Place of Birth Buenos Aires Passport Number 14433790 N

Residential Information Street Address J.F.Segui 3672

City Buenos Aires State/Province Cap.Federal

Country Argentina Zip/Postal Code 1425

Home Telephone +54-11-43402192 Home Fax +54-11-47100059

Home E-mail Address [email protected]

Employer/Business Occupation Engineer 0 Check box if self employed

Name of Employer/Business Pluspetrol S.A.

Street Address Lima 339

City Buenos Aires State/Province Cap. Federal

Country Argentina Zip/Postal Code 1214

Business Telephone +54-1143402149 Business Fax

Business E-mail Address [email protected]

Reason for requiring 0 Incorporation/Continuation of Entity 0 Appointment as a Director or Officer

Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
fl Acquisition of shares by transfer fl Other (provide explanation)
Identity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional
(eg: attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc.)
Passport; OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the ZPassport, E)
Drivers Licence, 0
0 Drivers Licence (with photo); OR ID Card and 0 proof of current address is a true and correct copy ofthe original doct.

O Other National Photo ID Card; AND

seen by me

0 Proof of current address Martin Siano

Print full name of person Signature of person
Copies of identity documents must be
certifying identity document certifying identity document
actual size (ie: not enlarged) and contain a -.
recognizable photograph certified by a Lawyer - C.I.
third party professional Professional Title Date D / M / YR

For office use only

Approved by Date
D / M / YR
0 Original filed Compliance folder, dare

-- .

•_::V i.-

Ej (
, iTiT•1

\ \'


" -

,- -

fmp eso' Oigto

PjIq I 081e( hO c5r
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Buenos Aires . e .
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J U ç 5L 0 AC.ARA T0/?IO
•LI Sit1 V .•VV

14433790N - /

TO/a derl/ituIar$/rrcorres,jancfé coS IrRIe o$OI\ uL..: .. . • .
•.•. :.:: .
ib bearers alto o ebb cOrres5., rds wuTii1eoreQrihef5r/ert VVV -' -..-•

I V-V ..... . . V V

- 5 - . . . ........ .
/ Vc

L1t . ......... ...
< 7 10 iVV
• -.

iombre del Gob/ama de /0 Republics Argentina, 7 3 '0 •V

15 V V
wtoridad qua expide el presente pasaporte, .
a y so/ic/ta a todos aqua/los a quienes puede ,
v g•

cernir, dejen pasar libremente a su titular y i • .. V '.0

esf ar/a la asistencia y prOteCCion necesaria. C)
>Vi VV
V I'4
co Q•'. . Ø
Governmentof the Republica Argentina, hereby . N-
'.v tn
jests all whom it may concern to permit the I pt') rq V
rer to pass without delay or hindrance and rn case
f need to give all lawful aid and protection. -i
• V
-iS V/?O
- i. V •_ ..' >V/• VV/,VVV

name do Governo da Republica Argentina, --e.- V w

itoridade qua concede a presenta passaporte
se solicita as autoridades competentes deixar
..er livremerite o titular a prestar Ihe toda a . N--
assistencia a protecao necessarla Z i/r-f
/ VVV . V.,
V V55

nom du Gouvernement de la République °- < b
sritine, l'autorité qui délivre Ia present passeport, .- . ui w
endo a taus ceux qui pourraient Otre concernés,
alsser passer librement son titulaire at ui preter V '0
• V
• ..
I assistance et Ia protection nécessaire ...i CD

:u .
4579622 1 • V
—2— V • • •. •VVV
07 10:58a PlusP.trol S.A +541143402186 p.2

Compliance Form for Individuals

Form for completion by
v all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories.
/ instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that arc regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by Law.
Bermuda Company/Partnership Name
Full Name of Applicant First Name Hector Middle Name(s) Alfredo

Specimen Signature
Surname Poll
Date of Birth Month 06 Day 07 Year 1961 Nationality Argentina

Place of Birth Buenos Aires Passport Number 14433790 N

Residential Information Street Address J.F.Segi.ii 3672

City Buenos Aires State/Province Cap.Federal -

Country Argentina Zip/Postal Code 1425

Home Telephone +54-1143402192 Home Fax +54-1147100059

Home E-mail Address alfredopoliarnct.com.ar

Employer/Business Occupation Engineer El Check box if self employed

Name of Employer/Business Pluspecrol S.A.

Street Address Lima 339

City Buenos Aires State/Province Cap. Federal

Country Argentina Zip/Postal Code 1214

Business Telephone +54-1143402149 Business Fax

Business E-mail Address apolip1uspetroLncr

Reason for requiring 0 Incorporation/Continuation of Entity El Appointment as a Director or Officer

Acquisition of shares by subscription Lj Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
0 Acquisition of shares by transfer Other (provide explanation)

Identity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional

(eg attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc.)
Passport; OR Z
I hereby certify that the attached copy of the Passport, El Drivers Licence, D
National Photo
ID Card and 0 proof of current address is a true and correct copy ojdie original document as
fl Drivers Licence (with photo); OR seen by me
El Other National Photo ID Card; AND -
0 Proof of current address Martin Scano /
Print 6.dI name of person Signature of person
Copies of identity documents must be certifying identity document certifying identity document
actual size (cc: not enlarged) and contain a .,
recognizable photograph certified by a Lawyer - C.L. 'fr 0 /0 9— 2-Ciø
third parry professional Professional Title Date D / M / YR.
2/ -•.-;.c)
For office use only
Approved by ________________________________________________ Date
D / M I YR
C] Origmsl filed Compliance folder, date


) l
lope , lgu
0 te-I

Buenos Aires . ...... .de



'1 •
'i';,.' c,,ii4ic.r

tOO1 d ii ci y can Ielt6t' so
'flobe re S eoicq 3JIttssgeperdt. ot li,,i3Oonth cie


- .. .- ..,-. -.... .....
- . -

En nombro del Gob/erno do la RopUbilca Argentina, W V v

ía autoridad quo expide el prosente passports,
ruega y so/ia/ta a lodes aque/los a quienes puede V Lt'
concemir, dejen pasar /ibromonte a so titular y
prestarlo la as/stone/a y protecclôn nacesaria. . 3 a C7, v c'
.. V 1
0 ::i
The Government of the Repüblica Argentina, hereby N- .
requests all whom It may concern to permit the l't' V
V 00
bearer to pass without delay or hindrance and lflcase
of need to give all lawful aid and protection. , j. - 0 •- te -.A,
. V c

Em name do Governo do Republica Argentina, . . i .'.O

a eutoridade qua concodo 0 presents passaporte, - . -
roga e solicita as autoridodes competerites deixar ? .A •j ,,-
passer livremente o titular e prestar-the toda a N-
- - . . I .- V
assistenclaeprotecaonecossarla. i
Au norn du Gouvernement de to République Z
Argentine, ('autorité qui délivre to present passeport,
'Q W
demands a bus ceux qui pourralent etre concernCs, 04
do laisser passer Iibroment son titulaire et lul préter "
„... .
V '0

'assistance at Ia protection nécessaire. ,'.I”
.-' .-•, . .., Q 0'.
LD r-1
4579622 .•V It
—2—i 4L - .

. - N
2 • 'N

c:•. i
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set • - •..• 2. •
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- 1

• .:. . _____________ -.
- -

Buenos Aires . do . .__... do




14433790N /
- ...........- -:- .- ••-.


< . V V
- - V V
En noinbre dot Gob/emo do /a Repdb!ica Argentina, Z V V
Jo autoridad qua expido 0/ presents pasaporte,
ruega y so/ic/ta a todos aqua//os a guienes puede Ln

concern/p, do/on pasnr librementa a su titular y '0

prestarle is as/stoncia y protocciOn necesar,a. (-.4
The Government of the Ropübllca Argentina, hereby I..-
requests all whom It may concern, to permit the C)
bearer to pass without delay or hindrance and In case N-
of need to give all lawful aid and protection. C)
Em name do Govorno do Ropibllca Argentina,
a autoridade quo concede o presente passaporte,
roga e solicita as autoridados compotentes, deixar '.51W
passer tivremente o titular e prestar-the toda a
assisténcia 0 proteco necessária. '0
Au nom du Gouvernement de Is Rbpublique '0
Argentine, 'autorité qui délivre Is present pas.seport, (0
demande tous ceux qui pourraient ètre concerrlés,
do laisser passer tibrement son titulaire 81 lui prèter '0
'assistance at la protection necessaire. C)
5 —
- 2 -

tor A. Poll Page 1 of 1

iana Martin

rom: Miranda, Alex [alex. [email protected]]

ent: 17 July 2007 06:29
Diana Martin
ubject: Hector A. Poli


Dnnection with the Argentine Friends and Family KYC process, please find attached a better scan of Mr. Poli's

i regards,

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is e-mail is from Dechert LLP, a law firm, and may contain information that is Co


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Page 1 of 1

iana Martin

rom: Ramiro Anglo - El Tejar SA [[email protected]]

ent: 13 July 2007 12:01
0: Diana Martin;'Miranda, Alex
ubject: RV: Pasaporte y Domicilio A Poli - Certificados

Poll information
e is OK

Miranda, Alex [[email protected]]
12 July 2007 07:50
Diana Martin
Additional FE investor

:.pdf (275


ived this via fax today. You may already have it, but just in case.

iginal Message -----

on-mfp-0003dechert.com [mailto:lon-mfp-0003©dechert.com]
2 July 2007 11:43
anda, Alex

cument was digitally sent to you using an HP Digital Sending

-mail is from Dechert LLP, a law firm, and may contain information that is confidential or privileged.
re not the intended recipient, please delete the e-mail and any attachments, and notify the sender.
t LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales (Registered No. 0C306029) and
ated by the Law Society of England & Wales. A list of names of the members of Dechert LLP (who
citors or registered foreign lawyers) is available for inspection at its registered office, 160 Queen
Street, London EC4V 4QQ.
Miranda, Alex [[email protected]]
10 July 2007 12:52
Diana Martin
Harrow, Andrew

t.pdf (103
Dear Diana,

:eived this document by fax today. It relates to an individual investor who was going to invest
h an entity called Captiva Assets Corporation, but who is now investing in his individual capacity.
)art of the Argentine Friends and Family group of investors, so it is possible that Ramiro has already
im this information. I am forwarding it to you in case he has not.


-maiI is from Dechert LLP, a law firm, and may contain information that is confidential or privileged.
are not the intended recipient, please delete the e-mail and any attachments, and notify the sender.
rt LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales (Registered No. 0C306029) and
ilated by the Law Society of England & Wales. A list of names of the members of Dechert LLP (who
licitors or registered foreign lawyers) is available for inspection at its registered office, 160 Queen
a Street, London EC4V 4QQ.
37 07 10:58a PlusPetrol S.R +541143402188 P. 1


Date : July 10, 2007

TO: Andrew Harrow, Associate

Fax +44 20 7184 7001

From : Alfredo Poll

Fax: (5411)4710-0059 Argentina

Phone: Direct 4340-2192

Total number of pages including cover =

Dear Andrew - Please find attached the Compliance form for
Individuals, duly signed and certified by professional.

Kind Regards - Alfredo Poll


CENTENNIAL PARTNERS, S.à r.l., Société a responsabilité limitée.

Registered office: L-1724 Luxembourg, 3, boulevard du Prince Henri.

In the year two thousand, on the 20th of November.
Before Maitre Georges d'Huart, notary public residing at Petange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, undersigned.

There appeared:
PLUSPETROL HOLDING, a company organised under the law of Gibraltar, and having its registered office at 10/8
International Commercial Centre, Casemates Square. Gibraltar;
here represented by Mr Xavier Pauwels, employee, residing in Luxembourg, by virtue of a proxy given under private
The aforesaid proxy, being initialled ne varietur by the appearing person and the undersigned notary, shall remain
annexed to the present deed to be filed at the same time with the registration authorities.
This appearing party has incorporated a <<societe A responsabilite limitée> (limited liability partnership), the articles
of which it has established as follows:
Name - registered office - duration
Art. 1. There is hereby formed a <<sociEte a responsabilite limitCe>, limited liability partnership company, governed
by the present articles of incorporation and by current Luxembourg laws, especially the laws of August 10th, 1915 on
commercial companies, of September 18th, 1933 on <sociétés a responsabilité limitée>, as amended, and more partic-
ularly the law of December 28th, 1992 about unipersonal companies.
At any moment, the partner may join with one or more joint partners and, in the same way, the following partners
may adopt the approprite measures to restore the unipersonal character of the Company.

Art. 2. The Company is incorporated under the name of CENTENNIAL PARTNERS, S.à r.l.

Art. 3. The Company's purpose is to take participations, in any form whatsoever, in other Luxembourg or foreign
enterprises; to acquire any securities and rights through participation, contribution, underwriting, firm purchase or op-
tion, negotiation or in any other way and namely to acquire patents and licences, to manage and develop them; to grant
to enterprises in which the Company has an interest, any assistance, loans, advances or guarantees, finally to perform
any operation which is directly or indirectly related to its purpose.
The Company can perform all commercial, technical and financial operations, connected directly or indirectly in all
areas as described above in order to facilitate the accomplishment.

Art. 4. The Company has its registered office in the City of Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The regis-
tered office may be transferred to any other place within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by a decision of the partners.
Art. S. The Company is constituted for an unlimited period.

Capital - classes of shares

Art. 6. The Company's capital is set at EUR 720,165,625 (seven hundred twenty million one hundred sixty-five thou-
sand six hundred twenty-five euros) represented by 1,152,265 (one million one hundred fifty-two thousand two hun-
dred sixty-five) shares of a nominal value of EUR 625 (six hundred twenty-five euros) each.

Art. 7. The Company shall be able to redeem its own shares, but only in the bounds of a decrease of its subscribed
capital by cancellation of the redeemed shares.
The conditions and methods of redemption by the Company of its shares are fixed as follows;
1) Redemption can be made through any distributable sums of assets, notably shareholdings.
2) The redemption price will be equal to the nominal value, or if not, to the par value of all the redeemed shares.
Art. 8. The ordinary shares are freely transferable among the partners.
No transfer of ordinary shares to a non-partner may take place without the agreement of the other partners and
without having been first offered to them.
Otherwise it is referred to the provisions of articles 189 and 190 of the co-ordinate law on trading companies.
The shares are indivisible with regard to the Company, which admit only one owner for each of them.
Art. 9. The life of the Company does not come to an end by death, suspension of civil rights, bankruptcy or insol-
vency of any partner.
Art. 10. The Company is managed by one or more managers (who may be partners or non-partners), appointed by
the partners with or without limitation of their period of office. The managers may be removed at any time, with or
without cause, by a resolution of partners holding a majority of votes.
For all acts, within the bounds laid down by its purpose and by the law, The Company is engaged by the individual
signature of each manager.
The powers and remuneration of any managers possibly appointed at a later date in addition to or in the place of the
first managers will be determined in the act of nomination and published.

Art. 11. Any manager does not contract in his function any personal obligation concerning the commitments regu-
larly taken by him in the name of the Company; as a mandatory he is only responsible for the execution of his mandate.

in accordance with legal requirements, including provisions prescribed by articles 59, 162 and following of the Luxem-
bourg law on commercial companies and those relating to valuation and payment of contribution in kind.

Art. 12. Managers' decisions are taken by meeting of the board of managers.
Any manager may act at any meeting of managers by appointing in writing or by telefax, cable, telegram or telex an-
other manager as his proxy.
However, in case of emergency or material difficulties, the holding of such meeting is not compulsory.
In such cases, resolutions or decisions shall be expressly taken, either formulated by writing by circular way, trans-
mitted by ordinary mail, electronic mail or telecopier, or by phone, teleconferencing or other telecommunications me-

Shareholders decisions
Art. 13. Shareholders decisions are taken by shareholder's meetings.
However, the holding of meeting is not compulsory as long as the shareholders number is less than twenty-five.
In such case, the management can decide that each shareholder shall receive the whole text of each resolution or
decisions to be taken, expressly drawn up by writing, transmitted by ordinary mail, electronic mail or telecopier.

Art. 14. Resolutions are validly adopted when taken by partners representing more than half of the capital.
However, decisions concerning an amendment of the articles of association must be taken by a majority vote of part-
ners representing the three quarters of the capital.
If this quorum is not attained at a first meeting, the partners are immediately convened by registered letters to a
second meeting.
At this second meeting, decisions will be taken at the majority of voting partners whatever majority of capital be rep-
Every meeting shall be held in Luxembourg or such other place as the managers may from time to time determine.
In case of resolution amending the articles of association duly taken by circular way, the votes shall be counted and
the result of the vote shall be drawn up by notarial minute, the whole by and at the request of the management or by
any other duly authorised person delegated by the management.
A sole partner exercises alone the powers devolved to the meeting of partners by the dispositions of Section XII of
the law of August 10th, 1915 on sociétés a responsabilité limitée.
As a consequence thereof, all decisions which exceed the powers of the managers are taken by the sole partner.

Financial year - balance sheet

Art. 15. The Company's financial year runs from the first of January to the thirty-first of December.

Art. 16. Each year, as of the thirty-first of December, the management will draw up the balance sheet which will
contain a record of the property of the company together with its debts and liabilities and be accompanied by an annex
containing a summary of all the commitments and debts of the manager(s) to the company.
At the same time the management will prepare a profit and loss account which will be submitted to the general meet-
ing of partners together with the balance sheet.

Art. 17. Out of the net profit five percent shall be placed into a legal reserve account. This deduction ceases to be
compulsory when the reserve amounts to ten percent of the capital of the company.
The balance is at the disposal of the associates.
The associates may decide to pay interim dividends on the basis of a statement of accounts prepared by the managers
showing that sufficient funds are available for distribution, it being understood that the amount to be distributed may
not exceed realised profits since the end of the last fiscal year, increased by carried forward profits and distributable
reserves, but decreased by carried forward losses and sums to be allocated to a reserve to be established by law or by
these articles of incorporation.

Art. 18. Each partner may inspect at the head office the inventory, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account.

Art. 19. The credit balance of the profit and loss account, after deduction of the expenses, costs, amortisation, charg-
es and provisions represents the net profit of the Company.
Every year five percent of the net profit will be transferred to the statutory reserve.
This deduction ceases to be compulsory when the statutory reserve amounts to one tenth of the issued capital but
must be resumed till the reserve fund is entirely reconstituted if. at any time and for any reason whatever, it has been
broken into.
The excess is distributed among the partners. However, the partners may decide, at the majority vote determined
by the relevant laws, that the profit, after deduction of the reserve, be either carried forward or transferred to an ex-
traordinary reserve.

Winding-up - liquidation
Art. 20. In the event of a dissolution of the Company, the liquidation will be carried out by managers, partners or
any other person appointed by the partners, who are vested with the broadest powers for the realisation of the assets
and payment of debts, taking into consideration the several classes of shares.

Applicable law
Art. 21. For all matters not provided for in the present articles of incorporation, the partners refer to the existing

Transitory measures
Exceptionally the first financial year shall begin today and end on December 31, 2000
Payment - contributions
The issue of the shares is also subject to payment of a total share premium amounting to EUR 459,485 (four hundred
flty-nine thousand four hundred eighty-five euros), to be allocated to a distributable item of the balance sheet.
Description of the contribution
The contributions made by PLUSPETROL HOLDING against the issuance of the shares in CENTENNIAL PART-
NERS, S.à rI. representing all its assets and liabilities (entire property) are composed of:
920,078 (nine hundred twenty thousand and seventy-eight) ordinary shares with a nominal value per share of USD
100,- (one hundred US dollars) each and 232.187 (two hundred thirty-two thousand one hundred and eighty-seven)
preferred shares with a nominal value per share of USD 100.- (one hundred US dollars) each of PLUSPETROL RE-
SOURCES CORPORATION , a company incorporated under the laws of Cayman Islands. representing 100 % of the
share capital of this last company.
The value of this contribution in kind is evaluated at EUR 720,625,1 00 (seven hundred twenty million six hundred
twenty-five thousand one hundred ten euros). Such contribution has been evaluated by the founder of the Company
pursuant to a statement of contribution value.
Evidence of the contribution's existence
Proof of the contribution's existence has been given to the undersigned notary by a copy of the Memorandum and
Articles of Association and a balance sheet of PLUSPETROL HOLDING.
Effective implementation of the contribution
PLUSPETROL HOLDING, contributor here represented as stated hereabove, declares that:
- it is the sole full owner of such shares, legally and conventionally freely transferable, and possessing the powers to
dispose of such shares;
- there exist no pre-emption rights nor any other rights by virtue of which any person may be entitled to demand
that one or more of such shares be transferred to him;
- the transfer of such shares is effective today without qualification and the agreement's deed has been already signed,
proof thereof having been given to the undersigned notary;
- all further formalities shall be carried out in The Cayman Islands, in order to duly formalise the transfer and to
render it effective anywhere and toward any third party.
Statement of contribution value - acknowledgement
Thereupon PLUSPETROL HOLDING, sole founder, represented as hereabove stated, requires the notary to act
what follows:
Acknowledging having been beforehand informed of the extent of its responsibility, legally engaged as founder of the
company CENTENNIAL PARTNERS, S.ã rI. by reason of the here above described contribution in kind, PLUSPETROL
HOLDING expressly agrees with the description of the contribution in kind, with its valuation, with the effective trans-
fer of these assets and liabilities, and confirms the validity of the shares' subscription and payment.
Estimate of costs
The costs, expenses, fees and charges, in whatsoever form, which are to be borne by the Company or which shall be
charged to it in connection with its incorporation, have been estimated at about 350.000.- Luxembourg Francs.
Fixed rate tax exemption request
Considering that it concerns the incorporation of a Luxembourg company by a contribution in kind consisting of all
the assets and liabilities (entire property) of a company having its registered office in a European Economic Community
State, the company refers to Article 4.1. of the law of December 29, 1971, as modified by the law of December 3, 1986,
which provides for capital fixed rate tax exemption.
Extraordinary general meeting
Immediately after the incorporation of the Company, the above-named person, representing the entirety of the sub-
scibed capital and exercising the powers of the meeting, passed the following resolutions:
1) Are appointed as managers for an unlimited duration:
- Mr Christian Buhlmann, Company Director, residing at 3 boulevard du Prince Henri, L-1724 Luxembourg
- Mr Luis Alberto Rey, Civil Engineer, residing at Farias 90, Muniz, Pcia. De Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Mr Hector Pedro Poli, civil Engineer, residing atJuan F. Segui 3672, Piso 19, Buenos Aires, Capital Federal Argentina
- Mr Ricardo Luis Rey, M.B.A. (Business Administration), residing atJuncal 1651, Piso 11, Buenos Aires, Capital Fed-
eral Argentina
- Mr Hector Alfredo Poli, Mechanical Engineer, residing at Avda Cura Allievi 1180, Barrio Cerrado (<Las Marias,), bou-
logne. San Isidro, Pcia. De Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Mr Edith Rodriguez de Rey. Housewife, residing at Farias 90, Muniz, Pcia. De Buenos Aires, Argentina

2) The company shall have its registered office at L-1724 Luxembourg. 3, boulevard du Prince Henri
The undersigned notary who understands and speaks English, hereby states that on request of the above appearing
persons, the present incorporation deed is worded in English, followed by a French version; on request of the same
persons and in case of discrepancies between the English and the French text, the English version will prevail.

In faith of which we, the undersigned notary, have set hand and seal in Petange, on the day named at the beginning of
this document.
The document having been read to the person appearing, said person signed with Us, the Notary, the present original
Traduction francaise du texte qui précède:
L'an deux mille, le vingt novembre.
Par-devant Maitre Georges d'Huart, notaire de residence a Petange, soussigné.
A comparu:

PLUSPETROL HOLDING, une societe régie par le droit de Gibraltar et ayant son siege social au 10/8 International
Commercial Centre, Casemates Square, Gibraltar;
Ici representee par Mr Xavier Pauwels, employe privé, demeurant a Luxembourg, en vertu d'une procuration sous
seing privé lui délivrCe;
Ladite procuration, paraphCe ne varietur par le mandataire comparaissant et le notaire instrumentant, restera an-
nexCe au present acte pour être formalisée avec lui.
Lequel fondateur comparant a déclaré avoir constitué une sociCté a responsabilité limitée dont il a arrêté les statuts
comme suit:
Denomination - siege - objet - durée
Art. le,. II est formC par les presentes une société a responsabilité Iimitée qui sera régie par les presents statuts et
les lois luxombourgeoises actuellement en vigucur, notamment par celles du 10 aoüt 1915 sur les sociétes commerciales
et du 18 septembre 1933 sur les sociétés a responsabilite limitée, telles que modiflées, et plus particulièrement la loi du
28 décembre 1992 sur les sociétés unipersonnelles, ainsi que par les presents statuts.
A tout moment, l'associé peut s'adjoindre un ou plusieurs coassociés et, do méme, les futurs associés peuvent pren-
dre les mosures appropriées tendant a rétablir Ic caractère initial unipersonnel do la Société.

Art. 2. La Société prend la denomination de CENTENNIAL PARTNERS, S.à rI.

Art. 3. La Société a pour objet la prise de participation sous quelque forme que ce soft, clans toutes entreprises com-
merciales, iridustrielles, financieres ou autres, Iuxembourgeoises ou etrangCres, l'acquisition de tous titres et droits par
voic de participation, d'apport, de souscription, de prise ferme ou d'option d'achat, de negociation et de toute autre
maniCre et notamment I'acquisition de brevets et licences, leur gestion et leur misc en valour, l'octroi aux entreprises
auxquelles dIe s'intéresse, do tous concours, prCts, avances ou garanties, enfln toute activité et toutes operations gé-
néralement quelconques se rattachant directement ou indirectement a son objet.
La Société peut réaliser toutes operations commerciales, techniques ou financiéres en relation directe ou indirecte
avec tous les secteurs prédécrits, do manière a en faciliter Vaccomplissement.

Art. 4. Le siege social est établi a Luxembourg. Grand-DuchC de Luxembourg.

II pourra être transfére en tout autre lieu du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg par simple decision des associés.

Art. S. La SociCtC est constituée pour une durée indéterminée.

Capital - categories de parts sociales

Art. 6. Le capital social est flxé a EUR 720.165.625.- (sept cent vingt millions cent soixante-cinq mille six cent vingt-
cinq euros), représentC par 1.152.265 (un million cent cinquante-deux mille deux cent soixante.cinq) parts sociales or-
dinaires do EUR 625,- (six cent vingt-cinq euros) chacune.
Art. 7. La Société pourra racheter ses propres parts sociales et ce exlusivement dans le cadre d'une reduction de
son capital souscrit par annulation des parts rachetées.
Los conditions et modalités de rachat par la Société do sos parts sont fixées comme suit:
1) Ic rachat peut ètre fait au moyen de toutes sommes distribuables ou actifs, notamment des participations;
2) Ic prix do rachat sera egal a Ia valeur nominale ou, a défaut de valeur nominale, au pair comptable do toutes les
parts sociales rachetées.
Art. 8. Les parts sociales ordinaires sont librement cessibles entre associés.
Aucune cession de parts sociales ordinaires entre vifs I un tiers non-associé ne peut être effectuée sans l'agrément
des autres associés et sans leur avoir eté offerte en priorite.
Pour le reste il est référé aux dispositions des articles 189 et 190 de la lol coordonnée sur les sociétés commerciales.
Les parts sont indivisibles a I'egard do la Société, qui no reconnait qu'un soul propriétaire pour chacune delles.

Art. 9. Le décès. 'interdiction. la faillite ou la dCconfiture d'un des associés ne mettent pas fin a la Société.
Art. 10. La Société est administrée par un ou plusieurs gérants (qui peuvent être associés ou non). choisis par les
associés avec ou sans limitation do la durée de leur mandat. Les gérants peuvent être révoqués I tout moment, avec ou
sans cause, par une resolution prise par Ia majorité des associés.

Pour tous actes, clans les limites fixécs par son objet social ou la loi, la Société se trouve engagee par Ia signature
individuelle de chaque gerant.
Les pouvoirs et rémunérations des gérants éventuellement nommés postérieurement en sus ou en remplacement
des premiers gérants seront déterminés dans l'acte de nomination et publiés au Memorial C.

Art. 11. Un gérant ne contracte en raison de ses fonctions, aucune obligation personnelle quant aux engagements
reguliérement pris par lui au nom de la Société; simple mandataire, il West responsable que de l'exécution de son mandat,
et ce conformément aux exigences legales, en ce compris notamment les dispositions prescrites par les articles 59. 162
et suivants de la loi fondamentale sur les societes commerciales et celles relatives a l'évaluation et a la liberation des
apports en nature.

Art. 12. Les decisions des gérants sont prises en reunions du conseil de gérance.
Toutefois, en cas d'urgence ou de difficultés matérielles, la tenue de reunions West pas obligatoire.
Dans ce cas, les resolutions ou decisions a prendre seront expressement prises, soft formulées par écrit par voie de
circulaire, par courrier ordinaire, électronique ou télécopie, soft par téléphone, téléconférence ou autre moyen de té-

Decisions des associés

Art. 13. Los decisions des associés sont prises en assemblées génerales.
Toutefois, la tenue d'assemblees generales West pas obligatoire, tant que le nombre des associés est inférieur a vingt-
Dans ce cas, chaque associé recevra le texte complet do chaque resolution ou decision a prendre, expressément for-
mulée, et émettra son vote par écrit, transmis par courrier ordinaire, électronique ou télécopie.
Art. 14. Los resolutions ne sont valablement adoptées quo pour autant qu'elles soient prises par les associés repré-
sentant plus de la moitié du capital social.
Toutefois, les decisions ayant pour objet une modification des statuts no pourront être prises qu'à Ia majorite des
associés représentant les trois quarts du capital social.
Si ce quorum West pas atteint lors de la premiere assemblée, une seconde assemblée sera immédiatement convoquée
par lettres recommandées.
Lors do cette deuxième assemblée, les resolutions seront adoptees a la majorité des associés votant quelle que soit
la portion du capital représente.
Toute assemblée se tiondra a Luxembourg ou a tout autre endroit que la gerance déterminera.
En cas de decision modificative des statuts prise par voie de circulaire, les votes émis seront dépoulllés et le résultat
du scrutin fera I'objet dun procès-verbal établi par acte notarié, le tout par et a la requete de la gérance ou de toute
personne a ce deléguee par la gérance.
Un associé unique exerce les pouvoirs dévolus a I'assemblée generale des associés par les dispositions de la section
XII de Ia loi du 10 aoOt 1915 relatives aux sociétés a responsabilite limitée.
II s'ensuit que toutes decisions qui excCdent les pouvoirs reconnus aux gérants sont prises par l'associé unique.

Exercice social - comptes annuels

Art. IS. L'exercice social commence le premier janvier et se termine le trente et un décembre.

Art. 16. Chaque année avec effet au trente et un décembre, la gerance établit le bilan qui contiendra l'inventaire des
avoirs de la Société ainsi que de toutes ses dettes actives et passives, et sera accompagné dune annexe contenant le
résumé de tous les engagements et dettes des gerants de la societe.
En memo temps, Ia gérance préparera le compte de profits et pertes qui sera soumis ensemble avec le bilan a las-
semblée generale des associés.

Art. 17. Sur le bénéfice net, il est préleve cinq pourcent pour la constitution d'un fonds de reserve legale jusqu'à ce
que celui-ci atteigne dix pourcent du capital social.
Le solde est a la disposition des associés.
Los associés peuvent decider de payer des acomptes sur dividendes sur base d'un état comptable préparé par les
gerants duquel il ressort quo des fonds suffisants sont disponibles pour distribution, étant entendu quo les fonds a dis-
tribuer ne peuvent pas excéder le montant des bénéfices réalisés depuis le dernier exercice fiscal augmente des béné.
fices reportés et des reserves distribuables mais diminué des pertes reportees et des sommes a porter en reserve en
vertu d'une obligation légale ou statutaire.

Art. 18. Tout associé peut prendre communication au siege social de la Société do I'inventaire, du bilan et du compte
de profits et pertes.

Art. 19. L'excédent favorable du compte de profits et pertes, après deduction des frais, charges, amortissements et
provisions, constitue le benefice net do la Société.
Chaque année, cinq pour cent du bénéfice net seront affectes a la reserve légale.
Ces prélévements cesseront d'être obligatoires Iorsque la reserve légale aura atteint un dixième du capital social, mais
devront être repris jusqu'à entière reconstitution, si a un moment donné et pour quelque cause quo cc soft, le fonds de
reserve se trouve entamé.
Le solde du bénéfice net est distribué entre les associés.
Néanmoins, les associés peuvent, a la majorité prévue par la loi, decider qu'apres deduction de la reserve légale, Ic
bénéfice sera reporté a nouveau ou transféré a une reserve spéciale.

Dissolution - liquidation
Art. 20. En cas de dissolution de Ia Societe pour quelque raison que ce soit, la liquidation sera faite par la gérance,
des associés ou toutes autres personnes désignées par les associés et qui auront les pouvoirs les plus larges pour réaliser
les actifs et rCgier le passif de Ia Société, en tenant compte des diverses categories de parts sociales.
Loi applicable
Art. 21. Pour tout ce qui West pas prévu par les presents statuts, les associés se referent aux dispositions légales en
Disposition transitoire
Exceptionnellement le premier exercice commencera Ic jour de la constitution pour finir Ic 31 decembre 2000.
Libération - op ports
Lémission des parts sociales est en outre sujette au paiement dune prime démission totale s'élevant a EUR 459.485
(quatre cent cinquante neuf mule quatre cent quatre-vingt-cinq euros), a affecter a un poste distribuable du bilan.
Description de l'apport
Les apports realises par PLUSPETROL HOLDING en contrepartie de 'emission de parts sociales CENTENNIAL
PARTNERS S.a ri., representant de tous ses actifs et passifs (integralite de patrimoine), se composent de:
920.078 (neuf cent vingt mille soixante-dix-huit) parts oridinaires avec une valeur nominale de USD 100,- (cent US
dollars) chacune et 231.187 (deux cent trente et un cent quatre-vingt-sept) parts preferentielles de USD 100.- (cent US
dollars) chacune de PLUSPETROL RESOURCES CORPORATION, une société de droit des lies Caimans, representant
100 % du capital social de cette dernière societe.
La valeur de cet apport en nature est évaluée a EUR 720.625,110 (sept cent vingt millions six cent vingt-cinq mule
cent dix euros).
Cet apport a été evalue par Ic fondateur de la Société aux termes d'un rapport d'évaluation.
Preuve de l'existence de !'apport
Preuve de 'existence de I'apport a ete donnée au notaire soussigné par Ia production des statuts de PLUSPETROL
HOLDING et de sa situation bulantaire.
Réolisotion effective de I'apport
PLUSPETROL HOLDING, seule fondateur et apporteur. ici representé comme dit ci-avant, declare que:
- ii est Ic seul proprietaire de ces parts sociales et possédant les pouvoirs de disposer de ces parts, légalement et
conventionnellement librement transmissibles;
- ii n'existe aucun droit de preemption ou d'autres droits en vertu desquels une personne pourrait avoir Ic droit d'en
acquerir une ou plusieurs;
- Ic transfert des parts est effectivement réalisé sans reserve aujourd'hui et les conventions de cession ont etc deja
signées, preuve en ayant été apportee au notaire soussigne;
- toutes autres formalites seront réalisées dans les lies Caimans aux fins d'effectuer la cession et de la rendre effective
partout et vis-à-vis de toutes tierces parties.
Evaluation de l'apport
Reconnaissant avoir pris connaissance de l'étendue de sa responsabilité, legalement engage en qualité de fondateur
de la Societe a raison de I'apport en nature ci-avant décrit, PLUSPETROL HOLDING marque expressément son accord
sur la description de I'apport en nature, sur son evaluation. sur Ic transfert effectif des parts sociales, et conflrme la
validité de la souscription et de la liberation des actions émises.
Estimation des frais
Le montant des frais. dépenses, rémunérations ou charges, sous quelque forme que ce soit, qui incombent a la Société
ou qui sont mis a sa charge en raison de sa constitution, s'élève a environ 350.000.- francs Iuxembourgeois.
Requéte en exoneration des droits
Compte tenu qu'ii s'agit de la constitution d'une société Iuxembourgeoise par apport en nature de tous les actifs et
passifs (université de patrimoine), d'une société de capitaux ayant son siege dans 'Union Européenne. la société requiert
sur base de I'article 4.1 de la Ioi du 29 décembre 1971 telle que modiflee par la Ioi du 3 décembre 1986. 'exoneration
du droit proportionnel d'apport.
Assemblée générale extraordinaire
Immédiatement après la constitution de la Societe, Ic comparant précité, représentant la totalitC du capital social,
exercant les pouvoirs de l'assemblée, a pris les resolutions suivantes:
1) Sont nommCs gerants pour une duree indéterminée:
- M. Christian Bühlmann, Company Director, résidant au 3, boulevard du Prince Henri, L-1724 Luxembourg
- M. Luis Alberto Rey, Civil Engineer, résidant a Farias 90, Muniz, Pcia. Dc Buenos Aires, Argentine
- M. Hector Pedro Poli, Civil Engineer, résidant a Juan F. Segui 3672, Piso 19, Buenos Aires, Capitale FCdérale d'Ar-

- M. Ricardo Luis Rey, M.B.A. (Business Administration), résidant ajuncal 1651, Piso 11, Buenos Aires, Capital Federal
- M. Hector Alfredo Poli, Mechanical Engineer, rCsidant a Avda Cura Allievi 1180, Barrio Cerrado (<Las Marias>, Bou-
logne, San Isidro, Pcia. De Buenos Aires, Argentina
- M. Edith Rodriguez de Rey, Housewife, résidant a Farias 90, Muniz, Pcia. De Buenos Aires, Argentina
2) Le siege social de Ia Société est établi a L-1 724 Luxembourg, 3, boulevard du Prince Henri.
Le notaire soussigné qui comprend et parle l'anglais constate par le present acte qua la requête des personnes corn-
parantes les presents statuts sont rediges en anglais suivis d'une version francaise, a la requête des mêmes personnes et
en cas de divergences entre le texte anglais et francais, la version anglaise fera foi.

Dont acte, fait et passé a Petange, date qu'en tête des présentes.
Et aprés lecture faite et interpretation donnée au comparant, il a signe avec Nous. notaire, la presente minute.
Signé: X. Pauwels. G. d'Huart.
PCtange, Ic 7 décembre 2000.
Pour expedition conforme
G. d'Huart
Enregistré a Esch-sur-Alzette, le 27 novembre 2000, vol. 864. fol. 45, case 6. - Recu 500 francs.
Le Receveur (signé): M. Ries.
(72246/207/415) DCposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 20 décembre 2000.

GADLING HOLDING S.A., Société Anonyme Holding.

Siege social: L-1219 Luxembourg, 23, rue Beaumont.

Lan deux mille, Ic douze dCcembre.
Par-devant Maitre Joseph Elvinger, notaire de residence a Luxembourg, Grand-DuchC de Luxembourg.
Ont comparu:

1.-LIDINAM SOCIETE HOLDING S.A. LUXEMBOURG, sociCtC anonyme, établie et ayant son siege social a L-1219
Luxembourg, 23, rue Beaumont, ici représentee par Madame Maria Dennewald, docteur en droit, demeurant a Luxem-
bourg en vertu d'une procuration sous seing prive, donnée en date du 11 decembre 2000, laquelle procuration restera
annexCe au present acte pour être forrnalisCe avec Iui.
2.- Madame Maria Dennewald, docteur en droit, demeurant a L-2227 Luxembourg, 12, avenue de la Porte-Neuve.
Lesquels comparants ont requis le notaire instrumentant de dresser l'acte constitutif d'une société anonyme qu'ils
déclarent constituer entre eux et dont ils ont arrêté les statuts comme suit:
Art. ler. II est constitué par les présentes entre les comparants et tous ceux qui deviendront propriétaires des ac-
tions ci-apres créees, une société anonyme holding I uxem bourgeoise, dénommCe GADLING HOLDING S.A., société

Art. 2. La Société est constituée pour durée illimitée. Elie peut ètre dissoute par decision de l'assernblée gCnerale
des actionnaires statuant a la majorité des voix requises pour la modification des statuts.

Art. 3. Le siege de la Société est établi a Luxembourg. II peut être transfére par simple decision du conseil d'adrni-
nistration en tout autre lieu de cette commune et par decision de I'assemblée genCrale extraordinaire des actionnaires
statuant comme en rnatière de modification des statuts, clans toute autre localité du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. II
pourra même être transféré a I'étranger, sur simple decision du conseil d'administration, lorsciuc des évCnernents ex-
traordinaires d'ordre militaire, politique, économique ou social feraient obstacle a I'activité normale de la Société son
siege ou seraient imminents, et Ce, jusqu'ã la disparition desdits événements.
Nonobstant un tel transfert a l'etranger qui ne peut être que temporaire, Ia nationalité de la Société restera luxem-
En toute autre circonstance, le transfert du siege de la Société a I'Ctranger et 'adoption par Ia Société d'une nationalité
étrangere ne peuvent être decides qu'avec 'accord unanime des associés et des obligataires.

Art. 4. La Société a pour objet Ia prise de participations sous quelque forme que ce soit, clans toutes entreprises
commerciales, industrielles, financiéres ou autres. Iuxernbourgeoises ou etrangercs. I'acquisition de tous titres et droits
par voje de participation. d'apport, de souscription, de prise ferme, d'option, d'achat, d'echange, de négociation ou de
toute autre maniére et encore 'acquisition de brevets et de marques de fabrique et la concession de licences, leur ges-
tion et leur mise en valeur. FIle peut en outre accorder aux entreprises auxquelles elle s'intéresse tous concours ou
toutes assistances financières, prets, avances ou garanties, comme elle pout emprunter méme par emission d'obligations
ou s'endetter autrement pour fmnancer son activité sociale. Elie peut exercer toute activitC et toutes operations gene-
ralement quelconques se rattachant directernent ou indirectement a son objet, autorisées par et rentrant clans les lirnites
tracées par la Ioi du 31 juillet 1929 sur les societés de participations financiéres (sociétés holding).
Art. S. Le capital social souscrit est tixé a trois cent mille euros (300.000,- FUR), représenté par trois cents (300)
actions d'une valeur norninale de mille euros (1.000,- EUR) chacune. Les actions sont nominatives ou au porteur, au
choix de I'actionnaire.
La Société peut procéder au rachat de ses propres actions sous les conditions prévues par la loi.

To: Diana Martin


Due: 24 July 2008

From: Allison Forte

Name: Michael Edward Holme

Company: El Tejar Limited (the "Company")
Client/matter No: 137057.1


1J Acquisition by D Issue 0 Transfer of shares representing % of the

beneficial ownership of the issued shares of the Company
X Appointment as a Officer/Director/Alternate Director (circle as appropriate)
0 Appointment as authorised signatory on Company's bank account
L] Main Contact/Instructing party
LI] Other (please describe)
Please find enclosed the originals of the following compliance documents:
X Compliance form (Individual)
111 Compliance form (Company)
[I] Personal Declaration
O Photographic Identification - certified copy
0 Passport, number:
X Drivers Licence, number: New York Driver's Licence # 216 294 056
X Certified utility bill: T Mobile Statement on a/c # 348019745
Other (please describe)

Please acknowledge safe receipt of the documents noted above by signing and returning the
enclosed copy.

L:\Corp D - E\EI Tejar Ltd\137057.1 Corp Admin\1. AI)MINISTRATIVE\Conipliance\Compliance Form MernorandumMichael

Corporate Administrator

For Compliance Department use only

0 Documentation filed in Compliance folder

Receipt acknowledged
Compliance Officer/Manager Date
D / M / YR


L:\Corp D - E\EI Tejar Lcd\137057.1 Corp Admin\1. ADMINISTRATIVE\Compliance\Cornpliance Fomi Memorandum_Michael

Compliance Form for Individuals

completion b:
all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners. oflicers, directors and authorised signatories.
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulate(l) of a Bermuda conipanv. as part
of the tiriii's "know your client" procedure required by law.

da Company/Partnership Name L_ 1 fA L_ fl.

1C of Applicant First Name Middle Name(s)


:1 Signature

3irtb Month l)av Year -12 Nationality -

CL 2
Birth ) Passport Number

.Al Information Street Address

- ' ----- A i ' 4-

City - State/Province
N'- -'- -

Country - 7ip/Postal Code

Home Telephone - Hoitie Fax

212 4 - 2-L
Home E-mail Address

r/Business Occupation 0 Check box if self eniploved

Name of Emplover/Busimiess
\L1.V L(
Street Address -

City State/Province

Cotinrrv Zip/Postal Code
Business Telephone Business Fax -.
2--1 1 ' ' s. I > 2.' 2 S S (Y)
Business E-mail Address
' _ c
for requiring fl Incorporation/Continuation of Entim, Appointment as a Director or Officer
El Acquisition of shares b' subscription 0 Authorised sigilatorv on bank account(s)
17-Acquisition of shares by transfer 0 ( )t}ler (provide explanation
v Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional
eg: ,ttcnncv, banker. nor,tr, publit, COflhtfli"iOiieT tit o.it})', (ic.
.)ort: OR I hereby crtitc that tile attached copy ot the Passport, D
I )rivcrs Licence, 2
National Photo
II) Card and proof of current address is a true and correct copy of the onginil d'ttmnient is
'crs Licence (with photo): OR
by tic
er Natioal
n Photo ID Card: AND
f of current address

Print til I name of' person Si ant Fe PC F'. at

I !ic1
of identity documents must be -
certitvmmig identity document certilviniz identit': otun n

rable pliotograpli certified by tThZ 1uc . ___ I

rtv proressinil Protsioi ii I itic l).te I) \I

:c Use oils
L'd by
I) 0 \I YR
- . PW '-ewYor
m I tiled
Origi (oinpl iii ice tolder, die _ 2
L •••Hr'

Gooc m



Nolaly PIagIW York
Your Statement
Statement For: MICHAEL E. HOLME
Account Number: 348019745

lportant Information I Page 1 of 15

w Mexico customers:This bill
:ludes charges for services
ad in a previous billing cycle
lesired payment arrangements
available by calling
AV 02011127 74508H 56 C"5DGT

immary of Charges I
vious Balance $ 209.68
225 E 57TH ST APT 18H
it Recd -Thank You $ (209.68) NEW YORK NY 10022-2861
mthly Service Charges $ 125.98
I III liii 1.111 11111liii •iliii..,lIl..l • III 111111I I
,tal Amount Due $ JS
,tal Amount Due by 5/16/08
Now York

nth!y Service Summary

liy irv.on C gs 5or ? .35 420;C8
Monthly Service Adjustments Usage One Time Other Taxes & Total
obile Number
Charges Charges Charges Charges Surcharges Charges
ount Charges $ 59.99 $ - $ $ - $ - S 1020 $ 70.19
-724-8076 $ 4.99 $ - $ 7.89 $ - $ - $ 410 $ 16.98
-602-5293 $ 2.99 $ - $ 31.65 $ - $ - $ 4.17 $ 3881
tal $ 67.97 $ - $ 39.54 $ - - 1847 $ 125.98
ailable Service Type WHENEVER WEEKEND
iTime Unl Nts 700 Incl Minutes Minutes 700 -


Statement For: MICHAEL E. HOLME

0 Account Number: 348019745

Amount Due Amount

By 5/16/08 Enclosed
MOBILE $125.98 EasyPay
) BOX 790047
LOUIS MO 63179-0047
o and
To pay this invoice using your credit card - check box
complete the reverse side
111111111 1111111 1111111111 uulIluuuIul 11.1111 111111.11 • till I
0 For EasyPay Option - check box and complete the
reverse side
If you have changed your address - check box and
record new address on the reverse side.

0403 4o1I?4sO5:b6O8o000I2S9E.510O222861

al (0 8; !
S N C)

((4(a(0 (40(4



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. (.

CERTIFICO que el documento adjunto que consta de

2 fojas que Ilevan mi sello y firma, es copia fiel de su original, que tengo a la vista

3 cloy fe.- Registro nUmero ... del Distrito de .....I.P.c i.i.J...,.. -----.--..

4 Lugar yfecha. ... ...

Q ...?S'

5 ................................................................................



8 /E La firma v el sello que antecedeii se legalizan en ci

tior do 1e:izaci6n NQf&) que se agrega.
f/z S1adi11o,..de.i?--.


Compliance Form for Individuals

r completion by:
all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law
ada Company/Partnership Name
me of Applicant First Name I Middle Name(s)


en Signature

UBirth M
car ionaIity

if Birth Numbcr
ntial Information Street Address j s-- '- ---'
City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

ycr/Business Occupation 0 Check box if self employed

nation f
Name of Employer/Business 1 - l
Street Address
/ ,,
- LC

City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Business Telephone
oi-- Business Fax
Business E-mail Address

son for requiring 1Incorporation/Continuacion of Entity IJ Appointment as a Director or Officer

Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
tJ Acquisition of shares by transfer 0 Other (provide explanation)
ntity Documents to be Attached Section to be by certifying third party professional
(Cg: attorney tary public, commissioner of oaths, etc
Passport; OR I hereby certify that the attac the 0 Passport,El 0
Drivers L.icFnce, National Photo
Drivers Licence (with photo); OR
ID Card and fl pt, i a true and correct c,ppy otfthe original document as
seen by me / 7 /7
Other National Photo ID Card; AND
Proof of current address
pies of identity documents must be
Print full name of pccM ''
certifying identity document
- Sigsia
n ing iderdocument
Ml size (ic: not enlarged) and contain a
ognizable photograph certified by a
A party professional Professional Title Date D /M/YR

office use only

provedby ____________________________________________________ Date
0 / M / YR
Original filed Compliance foldcr, date

Yes No

Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in El El"

2. Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in 0

3 Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? El E(

4. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? Li EY'
5 Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? El EI'
6. Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry? LI

Questions 7 - 10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is

to carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

7. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had El
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

8 Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation? El

8a. If yes, name the otganisation(s):

9. Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self El
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

10. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had El EiY
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any

to the best of my information, knowledge

and belief.



.............. EDUARDO I'JIC do JESUS RIYAIW
NO TA ft 10

Name of Entity in connection with which this

declaration is being completed:

Surname: (. c --
Complete forename(s):

Known by other name(s): -

Any previous name(s): -
Name of Spouse:

Residential Address:
(P 0. Box not acceptable)

Country of Citizenship r.J IPassport No: - I4 L(

Date & Place of issue:

Date of Birth: Day: A9 Month: Year) q Gender: ThA LT

Place of Birth: city: Country:

Occupation: 'J J , J ( , c-(L E(V

resent Employer: L TE S4

A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have a
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

2. Questions I - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. in respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.



Decreto-Ley 9020 - Art. 172 - Inc. 4

5 Libro de Requerimientos NO Acta NO . F°

6 .............................: : .:............ :: en mi carácter de notario

7 . . .... . del Registro nUmero . . .. del Partido de

8 . .n . CERTIFICO que la . firma

9 .'---- ----- --- -- que obra en el documento que

10 antecede, . auténtica . y fue . puesta en mi presencia, con

11 fecha . por la siguiente persona

12 de mi conocimiento, de to que doy fe: ..


19 Mini. ••SJ -. -.


16 ........... .



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1. dub


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Decreto - Ley 9020 (Articulos 117/118)


$ _4'
virtud de la facultad que le confiere la Ley Organica del Notariado, legaliza la firma y el seflo

del notario D [urdo io dc Jcsc3I VACLA. ------------------

0 --- -----------------------
6 i A
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obrantes en el Documento N° ' -- - -

La presente legalizaciOn no juzga sobre el contenido y forma del documento. /

24 de Abril de 2.007


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clrcunslancl•s an quo sea nec..arlo probir In
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cido I. no.
Art. 47 - Ley 17.671.
.1,1 nIP. p,,ln I


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irior 51-01-2007 72,00

I00I -723290 12-03-2007 72.00
C0003- 11040 07-03-2007 142,00-
30061-562173 12-03-2001 2,00-
10041-730513 13-04-2007 69.00

r*,nt. to tur no as coaDrobanti di Pago tin al .l10 dl banco
ibi.viion S.A. CA! Nro 25020109961179 F.cha Vto. 03-09-2007
Co./e C.,tltic.d./s on •



CERTIFICO que el documento adjunto que corista de

2 fojas que Ilevan mi sello y firma, es copia fiel de su original, que tengo a la vista

3 cloy fe.- Registro nUmero del Distrito de

4 :.:.:.
.:Lugar yfecha O.JM)r...........c .

: .........

La firma i el sello que anteceden se legalizan en el

ESO valor de legalizaclén quo se agrega.

. (ie 20Y



Decreto - Ley 9020 (ArtIculos 117/118)


en virtud de la facultad que le confiere la Ley Orgánica del Notariado, legaliza la firma y el sello
r i o dc J 1 IV'JCL
del notario D

obrantes en el Documento No C 0,10 17 24

La presente legalización no juzga sobre el contenido y forma del documento.

de 2.0,07
• 1
L - de jDr I
Compliance Form for Individuals

r completion by
all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (othcr than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's 'know your client" procedure required by law
ida Company/Partnership Name
nc of Applicant First Name I Middle Name(s)
jc- UeL


en Signature

Birth Mth— Da Nationality

if Birth Passport Number
ntial Information Street Address
c' . € . c.Al2r'_-t_ Sj J

City State/Province
euJjcz)S 4aç€
Country Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

iyer/Busincss Occupation
'L 0 Check box if self employed
Name of Employer/Business

Street Address
C~'2a tLLSLT
City State/Province
S LLc -€ Q
Country Zip/Postal Code
Business Telephone Business Fax
Business E-mail Address
ion for requiring Fj. Incorporation/Continuation of Entity 94'ointmcn,As a Director or Officer
El Acquisition of shares by subscription Aushorise%inatorY on bank accoun ,, )

J Acquisition of shares by transfer 0 Othe2lrovide explanation)

ntity Documents to be Attached Section toompletcd by c.itif'ing third party prosional
(cg: attobanker, not. commissioner of ods, etc
Passport OR tachccl copy ofI 0 Passport, ;
I hereby ccrtifr that the a~ EIDriver/(ccnce, El National P ow
Drivers Licence (with photo); OR nd C] proof/of current ad4zs is a true and co cop ol the nal docu nt as
seen by mc
Other National Photo lD Card; AN FIRMA/S CER T I.ICADA EN EL SELLO
Proof of current address
Print fullnanae o 'so
pies of identity documents must b cemng ide ocument C I
iiLit (ie: not enlarged) and contain a
gnizable phot graph certified by a
ti party ~
,sioa Titi )?tc M / YR

office use only

proved by Dare

M / YR.
Original filed Compliance folder, date -
F 003282349

1 Buenos Aires, 23 (k Abril (Ic 2007 . En ml carIcter tie Escribano

2' TITULAR del Registro Notarial 222 de esta Ciudad,

3 CERTIFICO: Que iaJs FIRMA que obra/n en ci

4 documento que adjunto a esta foja, cuyo requerimiento de certificación de su/s

5 firma/s que se formaliza simultáneamente por ACTA nümero 009 del

6 LIBRO nümero 21 , es/son puestals en ml presencia por ia/s persona/s

7 cuyo/.s nombre/s y documento/s de identidad se nlenciona/n a continuación y de

8 cuyo conocimiento doy fe. 1) Carlos Christian Javier ANGlO, titular

del Documento Nacional de Identidad N° 18.557.994, quien manifiesta

10 actuar por sus propios derechos.- WY FE.- SE DEJA CONSTANCIA QUE

11 el instrumento cuya firma se certifica carece de lugar y fecha de

0O t Se,ç,

Mii M44'

4t ZEN

T 006129982

Buenos Aires, 23 de Abril de 2007

En mi carácter de Escrib AR D L REGISTRO NOTARIAL 222

CERTIFICO que la repro , ext ndida en 01 ( NA)

COPIAFIEL e su origi , que tengo Ia vista, doy fe.

fojals, que sello y firmo, eX

n 1)

Matrlcula 4669

Name of Entity in connection with which this

declaration is being completed:


Complete forename(s): CA e'_LOS. C 444-rj Z1AU

(nown by other name(s): -

Any previous name(s): -
Name of Spouse: . L L-i&A4

Residential Address:
P0. Box not acceptable) €rJ O -j1

Country of Citizenship Ik& -VN Passport No: 3cc q

,S C

)ate & Place of issue: 2 , (A ( i C ) -

JC (>
)ate of Birth: )ay: Month: At Year. lOender: IV)
'lace of Birth: City: (u Q& Pc., lCountry:


'resent Employer: CL. rj.s\.. SA

1. A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have a
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

2. Questions I - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

Yes No

I Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in D


2. Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in 0

3. Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? 0

4. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? [J

5. Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? 0 -W
6. Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry? 0 ,J4

Questions 7 - 10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is

to carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

7. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

8 Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation?

8a. If yes, name the organisation(s):

9. Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self 0 J1
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

10. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had [J
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any
jurisdiction? .. -

I hereby certify that the information in this Declaration is true best of

and belief. -




/)A9t t t HuIU 466 g


F 003282350

1 i Buenos Aires, 23 de Abril de 2007 En mi carácter de Escrihano

2 TITULAR del Registro Notarial 222 de esta Ciudad,

3 CERTIFICO: Que Ia/s FIRMA que obra/n en el

4 documento que adjunto a esta foja, cuyo requerimiento de certificación de sills

5 firma/s que se formaliza simultáneamente por ACTA nümero 010 del

61 LIBRO nümero 21 , es/son puestals en mi presencia por la/s personals

7 cuyo/s nombre/s y documento/s de identidad se menciona/n a continuación y de

8 cuyo conocimiento doy fe 1) Carlos Christian Javier ANGlO, titular

del Lcumento Nacional de Identidad NO 18.557.994, quien manifiesta

10 actuar por sus propios derechos . - WY FE. - SE DEJA CONSTANCLk QUE

11 el instrumento cuya firma se certifica se encuentra parcialmente en

12 blanco.- CONSTE.-














• p899c?U uoq3e;OJd of 19 9OUB4S!39,I

jsjd fl le 8!8lfl1U uas luewejq!l jessed jessial eP
seuJeouo a ;ueiinod inb xneo sno opuwep
iJode6Ud juasaid, 91 oJAJlclP nb l!10Inl 'auu.rf
9nblqndEI Of op ueweuino flp wOu nV


po -99zd G.isn o AtUg WaJAII Jes9d
ixop 'o;ueledwoo s9poppolne sp 81i3llO e e6oi
'ocdgsed e2ueeJd 0 9nb ePePJOlfes
9UflUB8JV ..eo!lqfdaJ ap ouiao op ewou w

•uo300Jd pua ps i;-i fl9 QAjB 01 p99u 0

eaeo UI PU8 eoUaJpu!q ic ABlep jn041[m SSed oi iaieq
94 21W29d o weuoo Am i wotc lie spenbej
Aqeieq eupueftiy eijqnda ati o uawwe'o eqj

apas'eau u9e;aJd 4 viuejstse al gliejsoid

( JU/Pif! PS U 01U9W9J!( jepd uoIep ifuJo0uo
opand SSUO,f7b u sollenbe sopoi s oiiOI/oS,( eani
aijodestid eiueS8d /0 OP!dxo aob pepijolne e,
'ecqju&j5.1V ec~fjqpded' el op ouJe,qoQ fop oic7wou u

!. •: .... ..



'–I I

ANGO - - -


: 18557994N .

La !o e1Prrn'.r se 'e '

........................... .4-s.
9h AVEMDA SAN MARTIN 311 - ( 7260) SALADLLO Bco Pc,a us As

1II4! 7

J L i1




j.77' •


ur tr 2•31trE. tr r;tE -
T 006129981

Buenos Aires, 23 de Pbri1 de 2007

En mi carácter de Escribano IT LAR DEL REGISTRO NOTARIAL 222

CERTIFICO que la repro ucciOn an xa, extendida e 01 (UNA)

foja/s, que seHo y fir o, es COPI FtEL de su Iginal, que engo a la vista, day fe

NA do


'•- L-
9•a- f

• ,)• - ;
r $ • 3

• - • •

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Passport Passeport

1-11. IAN
•0 MAY /MAI 0-
1 0

II •. •

1.1 NOV /NOV 98

• ii NOV /NOV GB


03391 36?26GBR6305028M081 111 6<<<<<<<<<<<<<<08

Avenida Diagonal, 442 bis. 33 planta
08037 Barcelona

Dear Sir,

As a member of the Board of Directors of KALANIE GRUPO DE INVERSIONES, S.l ..,SoIe

Shareholder Company, I delegate my representation in favor of Mr. Joseph Carvin to represent me at the
Board of Directors' Meeting of the Company to be held on November 21, 2006, with the following

First: Ratification of the constitution and holding of the meeting of the Board of Directors,
the Agenda and the designation of Chairman and Secretary of the meeting.

Second: Appointment of Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Third: Appointment of Secretary non member of the Board of Directors.

Fourth: Appointment of Vicesecretary non member of the Board of Directors.

Fifth: Granting powers of attorney.

Sixth: Granting banking powers of attorney.

Seventh: Delegation of authorities.

Eighth: Reading and, if thought fit, adoption of the Minutes of the meeting.

Yours faithfully.

! / 7

'Mr. Malcolmfian Goddard
21 de noviembre de 2006


Avenida Diagonal, 442 bis, 3 planta
08037 Barcelona

Muy Sres. mios,

Por la prescntc ICS comunico ml aceptación al cargo de mienibro del Consejo do Adniinistración
de KALANIF GRLJPO DE INVERSIONES, S.L., Sociedad Unipersonal, para el cual he sido
nombrado por decision dcl soclo cinico de la Sociedad.

Asimismo, me comprorneto a desempeñar mis funcioncs bien y flelmente y declaro

expresamente no estar incurso en ninguna de las incompatibilidades establecidas en la Ley
5/2006, de tO de abril. nI en ninguna otra disposición legal.

Y para quc asI conste, lirino la presente en la fecha arriba mencionada.

, J

Malcolm Ian Goddard
KALANIE GRUPO DE rNVERSIONES, S.L., Soci$dad Unipersonal
Avenida Diagonal, 442 bis, 3' planta
08037 Barcelona

Dear Sir,

As a member of the Board of Directors of KALNIE GRUPO DE iNVERSONES, S.L., Sole

Shareholder Company, 1 delegate my representation in favor of Mr. Joseph Carvin to represent meat the
Board of Directors' Meeting of the Company to beheld on November 21, 2006, with the following

First: Ratification of the constitution and holding of the meeting of the Board of Directors,
the Agenda and the designation of Chairman and Secretary of the meeting.

Second: Approval of the acquisition of shares of the Argentinean company EL TEJAR

SAACEI, as well as transaction documents derived from said acquisition.

Third: Granting of special powers of attorney

Fourth: Delegation of authorities.

Fifth: Reading and, if thought fit, adoption of the Minutes of the meeting.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Malco6n,9çi.dard
[ For informative purposes only.
Not to be signed

November 21, 2006


Avenida Diagonal, 442 bis, 3 planla
08037 Barcelona

Dear Sirs,

I hereby formally accept the office of member of the Board of Directors of KALANIE GRUPO
DE INVERSIONES, S.L. Sole Shareholder Company, to which I have been appointed by
resolution of the Sole Shareholder of the Company.

In addition, I commit myself to exercise my duties rightly and faithfully and I expressly declare
not to be subject to any of the incompatibilities set forth by Law 5/2006, of April 10. or by any
other applicable Law.

And, for the record, I sign the present letter on the date above-mentioned.

- Malcolm Ian Goddard

T 006069240

Buenos Aires, 18 de Abril de 2007

EnmicarácterdeEscribano TITULAR DEL REGISTRO NOTARIAL 137

CERTIFICO que la reproducciOn anexa, extendida en 02 (DOS)

fojafs que sello y firmo es COPIA FIEL de su original que tenga a la vista day fe

I yv A
Compliance Form for Individuals

r completion by:
all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law
ida Company/Partnership Name
me of Applicant First Name Middle Name(s)


en Signature

Birth Month Day Year I Nationality

C'-i. A<C I
f Birth Passport Number I
tial Information Street Address
SjL (&i'
City <.
- LLO State/Province
5UC)\i us Pr' i\-E
Country Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone Home Fax

Home E-mail Address -

'er/Business Occupation C o 0 Check box if self employed
Name of Employer/Business
Street Address r j Wu- J -c
City State/Province
Country Zip/Postal Code
Business Tel o
e . . Business Fax Lk SC

Business E-mail Address

I for requiring ØJncorporation/Continuation of Entity 0 Appointment as a Director or Officer

E] Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authori signaro on bank account)/
0 Acquisition of shares by transfer Li 0 cr (provide e anation)
ity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed certif'ing tbi party pro ssional
(cg: attorney, banker, n ary public, corn sioner of o Is, etc
ssport; OR I hereby cemf, that the attached cop of the Passpo E]
Drivers •iccnce, fl
Nano Photo 0
ivers Licence (with photo); OR ID Card and (TI Drool of current dress is a true c-n ccl co of the original do ument as
seen by me
iber National Photo ID Card; AND CERTIFICAD /3 EN EL LLO __
O1ARI&L N ?g ?4 -
I Print full name of person fperso\
s of identity documents must be cernrylflg Identity docum -
iiz (Ic: not enlarged) and contain a
rsizable photograph certified by a
party professional Professional Tide Dat M / YR
111cc use only
wed by
Original filed Compliance folder, date
F 003282347

1 Buenos Aires, 23 de Abril de 2007 En ml caráctcr (Ic Escribano

2 TITULAR del Registro Notarial 222 de esta Ciudad,

3 CERTIFICO: Que la/s FIRMA que obra/n en ci

4 documento que adjunto a esta foja, cuyo requerimiento de certificación de su/s

5 firma/s que se formaliza simuitánearnente por ACTA nümero 007 del

6 LIBRO nümero 21 , es/son puesta/s en ml presencia por ia/s persona/s

7 cuyo/s nombre/s y documento/s de identidad se mencionaln a continuación y de

8 cuyo conocimiento doy fe. 1) Oscar ALVPRADO, titular del Docuinento...

9 Nacional de Identidad NO 14.014.208, quien manifiesta actuar por

10 sus propios derechos.- DOY FE.- SE DE JA CONSTANCIA QUE el instru-.

11 niento cuya firma se certifica carece de lugar y fecha de creaciOn y..

12 se encuentra parcialmente en blanco.- CONSTE.-






0QM(HU c1e
/ ,
/ / c) /






Name of Entity in connection with which this

declaration is being completed:

Surname: A, j

Complete forename(s): OS
Known by other name(s): -
Any previous name(s):

Name of Spouse: (' çv £Jk (\& J '-CTE

Residential Address:
(P 0. Box not acceptable)

Country of Citizenship 1LJT\AJ C fPassportNo: / L c 4 24:

Date & Place of issue: j (oc (cc.i
)ate of Birth: Day: Month:, Year: Gender: ,viA L

Place of Birth: ity: j -y..Jc it ountry:

Occupation: C :TC) Ak 60ACLI (y)E eT'Q

7resent Employer: -ç- -

A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships,
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

2. Questions I - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

Yes No

I Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in [J Si.

2. Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in 0 1I-

3. Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? 0 f4-

4. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? 0 01:..
5. Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? El 'Lv
6. Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry? fl 1.j.

Questions 7 10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is


to carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

7. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had El
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

S Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation? El '1ZI

8a. If yes, name the organisation(s):

9. Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self 0
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

10. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any
jurisdiction? -

I hereby certify that the information in this Declaration is true to the best knowledge
and belief,


Dated: 2b10410

F 003282348

1 Buenos Aires, 23 de Abril (Ic 2007 . En mi carácter de Escribano

2 TITULAR del Registro Notarial 222 de esta Ciudad,

3 CERTIFICO: Que la/s FIRMA que obra/n en ci

4 documento que adjunto a esta foja, cuyo requerimiento de certificación de su/s

5 firma/s que se formaliza simultáneamente por ACTA nümero 008 del

6 LIBRO nurnero 21 ,es/son puestals en mi presencia por la/s personals

7 cuvo/s nornbre/s y documento/s de identidad se niencionaln a continuación y de

8cuvo conocirniento doy fe. l) Oscar ALVARADO, titular del Documento

Nacional de Identidad N° 14.014.208, quien manifiesta actuar par

10 sus propios derechos . - tOY FE.- SE DEJA CONSTANCIA QUE el instru-

mento cuya firma se certifica se encue ra arcialmente en blanco.-

12 CONSTE. -




16 RA
' AA PUB.'









•0i1Bs8039u U0!43040Jd ul jo oDusssu,t

ieid !I 40 oijulniq U0S luowajq!l JOSSOd JOSS!B op
.,quj93uoo ejjq 2u0(BJJnod Inb xnoo snot e opuowop

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.ioxlep 0$4u040dw03 $OPBPiiO4flU so °4!!I 0 DbOj

'opoduBsed o4ueseid 0 epaouoo onb opupiionu U
8UI4U0JV eollqgdoij up OUJOAOO op uwou W

UOl4304oJd pus pe IflJMBI lie OAJB 04 POOU 40

0653 ul PUB O3U8PUN JO i00p 4fl04M used 02 ioiueq
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Aqoieq 'aU!2UeJV vojjqqdeH 0140 2UOWUJOAO9 Ot4j

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• ,, - h' 'tipodusud ejuesojd /0 ep/dxo ont PUfJO/flU 8/

'uufJuoliJy 8o//q(1do u, op O-vlqOV 'op oiqwou ug


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U&ll /S lUfl// WI W/) W393 O$UUW(?)OP .i63



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- 1- - - -

IA#,,,AOW k - - .lt.fl.4.)J .JLI 1 lO SIJOUIji (flI S1fl.U(I Ji)ç) ) 'vi;ø. $IJ

1V1 SISflVNV J9I9 A1C eje i'



O1tJO1VtJY7Y0 73

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'iv:ui.i YL)I'IOd

H -i L
10.1 4 vs, I 1OfltI1N iao oniaJsiNi

': NO'


OE94 E BU0'

T 006129980

Buenos Aires, 23 de Abril de 2007

En mi carácter de Escribano?AR DEL RE RO NOTARIAL 222

CERTIFICO que la reproduane

io, extend a en 02 (DOS)

fojals, que sello y firmo, s COP de 'originaI, que engo a la vista, doy fe.
REPSOL YPF GAS S.A. - I B I Factura: 0182-00016588
I9ON J Feclia: 14.03.2007
(lPA)qAN 4).) l)..o. An (III I K)) 1)1,1)1)11

,,.,ln. A.


i. do cliente: 100035783 Dir. E'ntreqa: RIVADA VIA SUR
(7260) SALADILLO Buenos Aires
ARTIN 2914 COdiçjo do paqo electrOnico: 372010
SALADILLO Buenos Aires A pagar hasta el 26.03.2007 $ 2.085,70
*nsurnidor Final - 00 C.U.I.T. 20-14014208-6 2do. Vencimlento hasta el 09.04.2007 $ 2.115,56

Via Citenla (oriieiiIe 1? diaS

;o Cntidnd U.M. Oeocilpclón P.Unitario lmp.Total

I 100 I 1I,0() I (1 1' PlT()PAN( ) 1.1810 2085.70

1 50204 150 Subtotal I 2.085,70

0812 00001700
1303 2001
SAT' 180180179 Porc Iva (rr*l (3337) 0,00
Perc Iva PC 810 1 0,00
Total 2.085,70

CAI Nro : 25020114290802 Vto CAI 16 12 2007

II )7)1n0Ifl),)'.


VII (,A",';A I'IANIA 00*17 I') ANIA 0(W)7
C I0n01Wn1fl3;7010 (1 1144)15181111720)0
COMP 110182000)65118 ClOMP 110187-000I6589

yb VTO



PF GAS S.A. I'(ANIA 14)07 111 PSL V)'r GAS S A R6PSOL YPF GAS S.A. (1'), 0007) REPSOI YPF GAS S.A. (01 0001)
751*11 I720I000M0110PANTF uoIR7cW)oISc8a C 100(fl5711111172010 C I0Tfl5793113770I0
steel 26.03.2001 $ 2.085,70 COMP, 110)8700016588 ClOMP 11018200016588
14.30% TEN bncl VA) VTO.: 26032007 VTO.: 26.03.2007
rnienlo hal .109.04.2001 $2,115,56 IMPORTE: $2005.70 IMPORTE: $ 2.095,70
200 VTO 09 04 7007 20(3 V TO: 0904 7007
IMPOPTE 52 115.56 IM000TE'$7 115.56
fl,'c'.'oy, d.( 4 30 l. TIM ()'nI VA) fl.o,r, ,1& 4 1*10'., TIM inc) VA)
OF GAS S A 737()4)7 177)11011 II.
Compliance Form for Individuals

is for completion by:

all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law
muda Company/Partnership Name

EDu A Kb o
Name of Applicant First Name Middle Name(s)

F?.LLETTE euE4ct
:imen Signature
of Birth Month j Day
2f 'car/(? 4 2 Nationality

5. & 0
c of Birth Passport Number
j3u 22
dential Information Street Address
Rejo U 4.I4E j! 32 l2, •f) /'ir
Cit' State/Province
Country Zip/Postal Code
Home Telephone SY Home Fa
14 z J2
[!.:,e E-mail Address Q-fvLl(e ft •
)lover/Business Occupation 0 Check box if self employed
Name of Employer/Business
Le IJ K3 ç
Street Address
L. J A-L€M '?— 12.* !"
City State/Province
uoc A oAPrt D
Country Zip/Postal Code

Business Telephone Business Fax

Business E-mail Address

p c
ison for requiring Incorporation/Continuation of Entity U Appointment as a Director or Officci
U Acquisition of shares by subscription U Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
U Acquisition of shares by ::ansfer D Other (provide explanation)
antity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional
(cg: attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc
Passport; OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the 0 Passport, 0
Drivers Licence, National Photo
Drivers Licence (with photo); OR
ID Card and fl proof of current adclre'c ic a trite' —d-- ect copy of the original document as
seen by me -
Proof of current address
Print full name of person Sigi ti o
pies of identity documents must be cer7ing identity document certi ti"-
till size (ic: not enlarged) and cont ain a '
:ognizablc photograph certified by a
rd party professional Professional Title Date D / M / YR

it office use only

)proved by - Datt ______________________
F) / M / YR
Original filed Compliance bIdet, date
.il it •


F 003282258

1 Buenos Aires, 19 de Abril de 2007 . En mi carácter de Escribano

2 TITULAR del Registro Notarial 137 de esta Ciudad,

3 CERTIFICO: Que la/s FIRMA que obra/n en el

4 documento que adjunto a esta foja, cuyo requerimiento de certificación de su/s

5 firma/s que se formaliza simultáneamente por ACTA nümero 198 del

6 LIBRO nümero 67 , es/son puesta/s en mi presencia por Ia/s persona/s

7 cuyo/s nombre/s y documento/s de identidad se menciona/n a continuación y de

8 cuyo conocimiento doy fe. 1) Eduardo PALLETTE PUEYRREDON, titular

del Documento Nacional de Identidad N° 22.654.580, quien manifiesta

10 actuar pos sus propios derechos.- WY HE.- SE DEJA CSTANCIA QUE

el instrumento cuya firma se certifica carece de fecha de creación

12 y se encuentra parcialmente en blanco . - CONSTE. -













F 003282257

1 Buenos Aires, 19 de Abril de 2007 En ml carieter de Escribano

2 TITULAR del Registro Notarial 137 de esta Ciudad,

3 CERTIFICO: Que Ia/s FIRMA que obra/n en ci

4 documento que adjunto a esta foja, cuyo requerimiento de certificación de su/s

5 firma/s que se formaliza simultáneamente por ACTA nümero 197 del

6 LIBRO n(imero 67 , es/son puesta/s en ml presencia por la/s persona/s

7 cuvo/s nonibre/s v docurnento/s de identidad se menciona/n a continuación y de

8 cuyo conocimiento doy fe. 1) Eduardo PALLETTE PUEYRREDON, titular

9 del Documento Nacional de Identidad N° 22.654.580, quien manifiesta

10 actuar pos sus propios derechos.- DOY FE.- SE DEJA CONSTANCIA QUE

11 el instrumento cuya firma se certifica presenta fecha de creaciôn

12 diferente a la de su certificación, y se encuentra parcialmente en

13 blanco.- CONSTE.-













- - .:..:.'..'. • . •1 v.t
• C-)

En nonibre del Gobierria de la Repáblica Argentina, .- w -'i

la auforidad que expide e/ presente pasapc'rte, • , V
• ruega y so/ic/ta a todos aque/los a quienes puede
• concernir, dejen pasar libremente a so titular y , Z
pres(ar/e la as/steno/a y profecciOn necesaria. 0 '• V '0
0 ('ii
-' 311-i.
The Government of the Republica Argentina, hereby 0 ./ ''
•- : ' 0
requests all whom it may concern, to permit the • :.-.- t..o
bearer to pass without delay or hindrance and in case • . ' •-
of need to give all lawful aid and protection.
LI • ULI 00
Uj V
V '-
Em name do Governo da Repüblica Argentina, .- J----i -, It os

a autoridade que concede o presente passaporte,

i =
I_', •,',. -
4M 0
roga e solicita as autoridades competentes, deixar w
UJ ?- 3z • z
passar livremente a titular e prestar-Ihe toda a •. - •_ •_•• _•• ,•-•
assistencia eprotecao necessaria. - >- r'j
oJ 5W Z LUPt
Au nom du Gouvernement de la Republique fr'- jOO
• Argentine, 'autorito qui del vie to present passeport, p. V N-
demande a tous ceux gui pourraient étre concernés, P UJ LD
de laisser passer librement son titulaire et liii prefer I -•
W N-.
'assistance et la protection nëcessaire. . .-'- _J z
. ("I
- 0 St
3973980 <'0
V c'.J
- 2— 1
• .

•. :. ... ••, - •. • j'-. • .- • ............ -:-. --' .


A flG E N T A



& pi Buenos Aires, .. de .... 904



EDUARDO '...-. .. . FIR.'4 / S GNAURE


:226545 8-0 NORMA ?SAE1 XGU1
DivsiOn Docuneqtos Certlticados
Ljkt del few'so
The erer ' c, ' v - ' I',' :h e t!t 0.1111(,' rctrst'



:. :1: , .... . TIi-•

I :I:, . -
T 006069244

Buenos Aires, I q de Ahri I de 2007

EnmicarácterdeEscribano TITULAR DEL REGISTRO NOTARIAL 137

CERTIFICO que la reproducciOn anexa, extendida en 02 (DOS)

foja/s, que sello y firma, es COPIA FIEL de su original, que tengo a la vista, day fe.

Factura Nro. 00-75367893

- Emisi6n:23103/2007 Capital Federal
N° Cuenta 8110-3393 7509-

e Erresa Distribuldora y Comercializadora Norte S.A.

Azooardo 102,.
C1107ADO Capital Federal Cliente
DNRP: 65511620; CUlT: 30-65511620-2; W.A.: Resp. Inscripto;
Impuestos Internos: No Responsabie; Ingresos Brutos: Exento PALLETTE PUEYREDON EDUARDO
rarativo de su consumo de energia
anterior 397 kWh
seis porlodos 518 k'Mi PLAN: 18119040 - Bimostral - Mod. Nro. 9869572 825

Tarifa: T1-R2 Actwidad: RESIDENCIAL

SuaciOn VA: CONSUMIDOR FINAL CUlT: 00-00000000•0

rgoncias 0 laIla do suministro: 0800-666-4002 6 (011) 4555-9600 .$68,69

TOTAL A PAGAR hasta el 12/04/2007
'icio Tolofónioo Comorcial: (011) 4346-8400
na Comorcial: BULNES 1789 (1425) CAPITAL
[bona por Débito Automático
lecha do emisión do In prasonlo (actLira, Oslo suminiso no rogistra facluras
idas pondienlos do pago por consumo do onorgia oi6ctnica.
La próxima laCtura vence el 12/06/2007

onsumo Detalle de su factura

- Cargo liJo 16,29
mo Bimostre 2
2-Consumo total -kWh 757 31,80
3ESIRIA 3242 4 9
9572 Fact MuIlipi. 1 Ponlodo do Consumo 25/01/07 al 23/03/07

oat Cargo Fijo

tAntorior Total kWh bim1DiasJido Importo Subtotal "A" 48,09

16830 757 Actual 16,29x 51 / 57 $ 14,58 impuosto al Valor Agrogado 21,0000 Z 10,10

Anterior F16,29x 6/ 57 $ 1,71 Fondo Pcia.Sanla Cruz Loy N' 23.681 0,6000 5 0,29

757 $ 16,29 Contribuciôn Municipal 6,3830 5 3,07

Cargo Variable Rot. Sec. Energla N' 745/05 7,14
I Consumo I $4cWb IDIaslPeriodol Importe, I

0,04205 51/57 $ 28,45
0.0420x 6/57 $ 3,35 I
$ 31,80 1 Subtotal "B"

rm a (El monlo do IVA disc,iminado no puodo compularso como crédilo

Ada Acuordo Docroto PEN N'1957/2006 dispono quo los incremontos y

rs quo rosullan do In rolorida Ada Acuordo so aplican a parlir del
n Art. 2 y Ode IaRosoiuciön 51/2007 ENRE.
rgla N' 745/05 indluyo un Cargo Adicional do $ 7,14 calculado con
3 KWh 641 on 56dlas.
d a su podido, In prosento facturacirin sorâ dobitada do la
lilo Nro. 000035132666 VISA ARGENTINA

Total (A+ B) 68,69

Total a pagar a techa de vencimiento $68,69

Recargosobroconcoptos 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 a 10, 12y 1 1,08 5 80,75

•Impuostoal Valor Agrogado 21,0000 5 80,16
•Confrib&ii6n Municipal 6,3830 Y. 80,05

Talon Banco TalOn Edenor
Factura Nro. 003-75367893 Factura Nro. 003-75367893
rot Cuenta Nro: 8110 33937509 Edenor Cuenta Nro: 8110 33937509




/ CQPA/s


Name of Entity in connection with which this

declaration is being completed:

Surname: PALL E'-IT P4 -Gtot1J

Complete forename(s): EbiJ A-RDO
Known by other name(s):

Any previous name(s):

Name ofSpouse: LUZ ArIMAQitJA

Residential Address:
(P 0. Box acceptable) U Ou CA ct e4 A 3% a L.100C
Country of Citizenship A2GeNTaVA frassport No: 2 Z : s '- 580
Date & Place of issue:

Date of Birth: Day: 03 Year 4 6 12. }oender Ji ,-LG


Place of Birth: City: 6)45 MS ICountry: AE,e&n &A


Present Employer: IG ((sJ E)c.O S A

1. A separate declaration must be completed and signed by each individual proposing to have a
beneficial interest of 5% or more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a
declaration is to be completed by the general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.

2. Questions I - 6 must be completed by each individual proposing to have a beneficial interest of 5% or

more in a company to be registered. In respect of partnerships, a declaration is to be completed by the
general partner(s), where the general partner is an individual.


Yes No

I Do you have any interest in any company or partnership registered or formed in 0 E


2. Have you ever been refused consent to register a company or form a partnership in 0 I

3. Are you or have you ever been an undischarged bankrupt? 0 EI

4. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud or dishonesty? 0
5 Has fraud or dishonesty been proven against you in any civil proceedings? 0 1
6. Have you ever been the subject of a judicial or other official enquiry? 0

Questions 7 - 10 must be completed where the entity proposed to be registered or formed is

to carry on investment business or is a collective investment scheme.

Yes No

7. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0 (
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to provide investment business to the
public in any jurisdiction?

8 Are you a member in good standing of a self regulatory organisation? 0 IN

8a. If yes, name the organisation(s):

9. Have you ever been the subject of investigation, proceeding or other enquiry by a self 0
regulatory organisation of which you are or were a member?

10. Have you or any entity that you have been associated with, ever been refused or had 0 1
revoked a licence, permit or other authorisation to conduct investment business in any

I hereby certify that the information in this Declaration is true to the best of my information, knowledge
and belief.

Signed: 46"


MAT. 1960

Legal Notice

You are strictly prohibited from disclosing or copying the content of this service to third parties excluding regulatory agencies.

Please note

(1) General Legal Notice

(2) Category Legal Notice
(3) Reported Link Legal Notice

gence was performed by Tanya Esdaille, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

me: apsh2 Printed: 02-05-2007 18:02 CET

eduardo pallette pueyrredon

Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

ii Legal Notice

iation identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
formation correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
rtext links are provided. Users should also carry Out independent checks in order to verify the information correlated.

ry Legal Notice

based on information contained in the sources provided.

ed Link Legal Notice

ndividual or entity is listed as being 'Reported to be linked to' other profiles, the nature of the links vary considerably and users should not
:ive inferences merely from that association.

ww.world-check.comlportal/modperlfNextGen/Search?action=print 5/2/2007
secure in the knowledge
Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name eduardo pailette pueyrredon

Noise words stripped
Total matches found None
Search time,, 181:11 Wed 02nd May 2007'
Entities searched Both people and non-people (organisations, countries, ships)
Spelling variations Yes
Search synonyms Yes
Ignore initials No
Match words All words In the query
Sanctions bodies searched •
.' Sank of England
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
Do Nedertaridsctie Bank, Netherlands
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
- European Union
- Financial Services Agency, Japan
- Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
We of Man Financial Supervision Commission

Jersey Financial Services Commission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Reserve Bank of Australia •
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of State
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of Investigation, India
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service, UK
Ministry of the Interior, Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal Inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

Screening Online Page 1 of 2

Regulatory Enforcement bodies searched Assets Recovery Agency
Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Lloyd's Insurance Market
Personal Investment Authority
Securities and Futures Authority
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Africa
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Securities and Exchange Commission, Republic of the Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autoitt&#2 des march&#233;s flnnciecs, Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States
Federal Reserve Board, United States
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FsiCEN)
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, Untied States
National Futures Association, United States
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United States
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Office of Thrift Supervision, United Stales
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), United States
Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
Autont&#233; des marth&233;s financiers, France
BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany
Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA). Belgium
Banque de France, CECE1, France
Banque do France, Commission Bancaae, France
Comlslon Naclonal del Mercado de Valores, Spain
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
Comrnrssione Nazionale perle Societa e Is Boma, Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority, Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakia
Financial Regulator, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kredittilsyn.t)
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
Polish Securities and Exchange Commission
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM)
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Flnansinspektionen)
International Financial Services Commission (IFSC). Belize
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Pare La Fitantropia (CEMEFI)
Companies House
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
World Bank
Nigh Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heads of State/Government
info4C bodies searched None
Factiva bodies searched None

earring Online Page 2 of 2

Compliance Form for Individuals

for completion by:

all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of firm's 'know your client" procedure required by law
suda Company/Partnership Name
lame of Applicant First Name C Middle Name(s)


nen Signature

)f Birth Mpnb Day Y Nationality

of Birth Passport Number T 4
ntial information Street Adiess
r State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone
4 Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

ycr/Business - Occupation l3 0 Check box if self employed

Name of Employer/Business
D6 C
Street Address
D v tk ' \
City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Business Telephone Business Fax

Business E-mail Address

i for requiring [J Incorporation/Continuation of Entity E Appointment as a Director or Officer

0 Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
Acquisition of shares by transfer 0 Other (provide explanation)
ity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional
(cg: attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc)
rsport; OR I hereby certiti tbat the attached copy of the I '
Passport, 0
Drivers Licence, 0
National Photo
ivers Licence (with photo); OR
ID Card and tiI
proof of current address is a true and correct copy of the original document as
seen by me
her National Photo ID Card; AND
aof of current address

Print full name of person Signature of person

of identity documents must be certifying identity document certifying identity document
(ic: not enlarged) and contain a
izablc photograph certified by a
arty professional Professional Tide Date D / M / YR

lice use only

vcd by Date
D / M / YR
Original filed Compliance folder, date
.xs puo puosno.fl
om4 ioeA at4l U! AOA4 JO Aop qx!s /4U8N4 S!q pioseiojo uopuo
D GO!JJO JO lOGS ALU peXiJJo puo las puo GWDU Aw peqiJ3sqns


flMGJGLB oei6o ol OWOS at4l punoj puo SlOU!!JO P!DS

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pp :pepjopAAotea .s.a 30V)1INfl(NO)1OIV1
INV)flNflVO)3131 VZ JNVAO1flAJ\
Advocates & Notaries Public P0 Box 186 1 Le Marchant Street St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4HP Channel Islands
Telephone +44 (0) 1481 723466 Fax +44 (0) 1481 727935 Email advocates@ozannescom www.ozannes.com
Direct Line: +44 (0) 1481 731457 Direct Fax: +44 (0) 1481 714653 Direct E-mail: [email protected]

Your Ref:
Our Ref: GJF/BM/A1607001/1765577.1 16 April 2007

Tanya Esdaille
Senior Compliance Officer
Canon's Court
22 Victoria Street
Hamilton HM 12
By Courier
Dear Ms Esdaille

Altima Global Special Situations Limited - Know Your Customer Information

Please find enclosed the completed compliance form for Gavin Farrell along with a
certified copy of his passport and utility bill.

Kindest regards

Yours sincerely

PA to Gavin Farrell


Guernsey and Jersey Lawyers Other Offices; Jersey

ot G TA Bainbridge P T R Ferbrache P A Harwood E A G Prentice D C Moore St .J A Robilliard J M Weasels 0 S K Dawes R 0 Shepherd 0 J Farrell .J E Roland P R P Christopher

Consultants: R A R Evans J F Dyke (non-Advocate)

Compliance Form for Individuals

for completion by:

all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law
nuda Company/Partnership Name
'Jame of Applicant First Name


men Signature

of Birth i
Month Day vq~ car Nati :

of Birth r -, ,-

lential information Street Address L
LL1 .
s cou:L
City State/Province

Country Code
Zip/Postal (\
Home Telephone Home Fac
25 3
Home E-mail Address

loyer/Business Occupation
cA 0 Check box if self employed
Name of Employer/Business
ezt t-
Street Address
f \C\IV'T
City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code
(L'Ncç Lo
Business Fax
t4 \ ClL L~
Business Telephone '

Business E-mail Address CZC1rV\e' (C.

son for requiring EJ Incorporation/Continuation of Entity CKPpointment as a Director or Ofilcet
0 Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
El Acquisition of shares by transfer - Other (provide explanation)

entity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professional

(cg: artomcy, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc

"'Passport; OR I hereby cettify taat the attached copy of the 'assport, fl

Drivers Licence, 0
National Photo
ID Card and proof ' of current address is a true and correct copy of the original document as
Drivers Licence (with photo); OR
seen by mc
Other National Photo ID Card; AND
(Proof of current address
He .' (5S(7
Print full name of person Signature oIperson
spies of identity documents must be certifying identity document ccrti'ing identity document
till size (ic: not enlarged) and contain ;i
:ognizable photograph certified by a Sos_i CiTO -
/G oq_.Zoc9
rd party professional Professiorcil Title Date D / M / YR

sr office use only

pprovcd by - Dice
D / M / YR
I Original filed Compliance folder, date

t5 ;C4


ç\ C:) '

• U
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Passport Passeport GBR 030422045

23 AUG /OUT 66 0
23 MAR /MARS 08



DATE... i(j1-/oq

A SOMMEILLEUSE NZ Il f Electricity
Guernsey Electricity Limited
110 Box 14, North Side
'OSTAL ADDRESS V,ile. Guernsey
OUTE DE COUDRE Telephone: (01481) 207
T PETERS Hosirnile: (0 1481) 246'342
H-mail: admini)clectricity o
Y7 9HX
fleter Number: 96768
2nd February 2007
'AR 1/6126700050


We are due to send your quarterly statement this month in our normal billing cycle.

I would be grateful if you could provide us with a reading within the next week so we can send
you an accurate account. This can be achieved by the following methods.

a) Submit your reading on-line at www. electricity. gg

b) Fax the reading to our dedicated freephone fax number 0800587 3014,
c) During office hours phone our dedicated freephone number 0800 587 3015.
d) Complete the slip below and return it to us at the Freepost address:
Guernsey Electricity, FREEPOST, Guernsey, GY1 5SS

If you cannot provide your own reading and we cannot access your meter by a mutually
agreeable appointment on 241975, we will estimate your account in the normal way.

Yours sincerely


Customer Accounts Manager DATE.

H. C9-r{

tomer Reference: 6126700050 Date: 22nd February 2007

er No. 96768
if Domestic Super Economy 12
ding Low 1 Ratel

Normal Rate2
Compliance Form for Individuals

ii for completion by:

all shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (ocher than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the fit-rn's "know your client" procedure required by law
Vw6a Company/P.II1p Name Lt'\ — fr -c\_ 'AS j c'3
Name of Applicant First Name Middle Name(s)


•inlcn Signature

o f Birth Month Da

c of Birth Pasrt Number

dcntial information Street Address

City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone Home Fax

Home E-mail Address

loycr/Business Occupation -ç
0 Check box if self employed
Name of Employer/Business

Street Address

qc State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

Business Telephone . - - Business Fax -

Business E-mail Address
- --
son for requiring El incorporation/Continuation of Entity Appointment as a Director or Officer
0 Acquisition of shares by subscription El Authorised signatory on bank account(s) --

El Acquisition of shares by transfer Other (provide explanation)

ntity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party profession

(cg: attorney, banker, notary public, commksioncr of oaths, etc
Passport; OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the El
PassporrEI Drivers Licence, D
N;ition:'t hot
ID Card and proof of current address 3sI,e tn corrcopy of the original dict as
rivers Licence (with photo); OR
seen by me
Other National Photo ID Card; AND (
Proof of current address

Print full name of person Signature of person

pies of identity documents must be certifying identity document certifying identity docunacit
tj_sjz (ie: not enlarged) and contain a
og-nizable photograph certified by a ________
rd pa' professional Profescional Title Date D I' M / 'YR

ir office site only

)proved by Date
D / M / YR
Original filed Compliance folder, date
Compliance Form for Individuals

ii for completion by:

all shareholders, ultimatc beneficial owners, general partners, officers, directors and authorised signatories
instructing parties (other than institutions, law firms and similar instructing parties that are regulated) of a Bermuda company, as part
of the firm's "know your client" procedure required by law

mwi Name
Name of Applicant First N,imc Middle Name(s)

:imen Signature

of Birch Month Day ationalitV

e of Birth Passport Numberc3 \\

dential Information Street Address Q\s4 -

3 \ \Jc3Lt4
City State/Province
Country Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone
- - Home Fax
Home E-mail Address

)loycr/l3usincss Occupation
cccc- 0 Check box ifsclfcniploycd
rmation J
Name of Eniployer/Btisiricss
Street Address

City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code

— Business Fax
734S - L
Business Telephone

Business E-mail Address

sson for requiring 0 lncorporation/Continuation of Entity Appointment as a Director or Officer
0 Acquisition of shares by subscription 0 Authorised signatory on bank account(s)
0 Acquisition of shares by transfer D Other (provide explanation)
entity Documents to be Attached Section to be completed by certifying third party professiomsi
(eg: attorney, banker, notary public, commissioner of oaths, etc

I Passport; OR I hereby certify that the attached copy of the I'assportD'Drivcrs Licence, U
National Photo
Drivcrs Licence (with photo); OR
ID Card and 0
proof of current address is a ucaiidc r the original dcui as
seen by me
Other National Photo ID Card; AND

I Proof of current address

Print full name of person Signature ofpJsorl
pies of identity documents must be certifying identity document certifying identity document
jje (ie: not enlarged) and contain a
:ognizablc photograph certified by a
)L- __________________
rd party professional Professional Title Date 0 / M YR

r office use only

pproved by - - Date
D / M / YR
J Original filed Compliance folder, date
Drivers Licence
Cayman Islands
28462 F 511012005 41612008
IA 2 Apr 08, 1953 •
.0 UK1VrbT

Sigrii1iirc of Itoldcr Skgnatury Of Is.ciiicg offirrr

Certified $ true copy of the orginaI

Mark C. Drummond, Notary Public

IUmIU01 I3IIS$ 01%

' uLI,

zz Cn


Fiona M. Barrie, Notary Public

(I Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in and for the Cayman Islands
Pas&eport GBR 093111773 My commission expires on — )cl
V Qcb'

08 APR /AVR 53

-SI *tg* flat. flfl fl AteIflaAst,na fl
at ,t.I., at 1 fl .ath.t.. t *i 1It
10 SEP /SEPT 13


I, David Sargison, certify that my residential address and signature are as below:

31, Woodland Drive

Lower Valley
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands

6(av . S a r g iso.

Date: 12th April 2007

Sworn before me this 12th day of April 2007

uJL L7
Mark G.Drummon

My commission expires
K C(F-i I F R

)irect line 345 914 1694

)irect Email: fiona.barrie( ogier.com

2'h April 2007


Fiona M. Barrie, Assistant Secretary and duly authorised signatory of Ogier

'iduciary Services (Cayman) Limited DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the
esidential address of David S. Sargison is as follows;

31, Woodland Drive,

Lower Valley,
Grand Cayman,
Cayman Islands

Yours faithfully,


Fiona M. Barrie
Assistant Secretary

Signed in the presence of Mark Drummond

Notary PCibJic in and for the Cayman Islands

Mark Drut mond /

April 2007
My commission expires 3l January 2008

Ogier Fiduciary Services

(Cayman) Limited Associated Offices www.ogier.com

Registered Office Administrative Office:

Queensgate House Ansbacher House Guernsey A company regulated
P0 Box 1 234GT 20 Genesis Close Jersey by the Cayman
George Town George Town London Island Monetary Authority
Grand Cayman Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands Cayman Islands
Tel +1 345 945 6264 Tel +1 345 945 6264
Fax +1 345 945 6265 Fax + 1 345 945 6265

Driver's Licence
Cayman islands
ucvct pc. TYPE ATE ES ON
28.462 F 511012005 41812008
1.42 Apr 0,l9S3

BO 4
.rU L)K!Vr'tST .
• .
SIjituu iIukIcr SignaIurr Of ksuiug Offit
( )II rr

\Hfl I
Certified a true copy of the original

Mark C. Drummond, Notary Public

in and for the Cayman Islands

My commission expires on __________

pp.uj ç r'

I— Z
Ue 00


u7j. CO 1II4TITT E
rr NOILYiSINlW.1 30 VSiA

Ui z




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o r- LL _ •!'

LU u_
(I z L_ 2 0
E 0
4> 0
I— (/) z
o a: - z
Reproduction certifièe
conforme a ('original

26 -O't- 2007
Pour Ia Bourgmestre,
Ia Fonctionnaire 0169ué1
Kiefer C.
ØQ ,r&xJ)t
Carte dtdecttté Identity Card

çp.Godar .

Si l

1UXE.4OURG (L) ,,
'nt. ...I4# Si V. DZfl N.

715031959193<<< 10 12 2001 << 10.12.2011

eproduction ceriifée
conforme A loriqinal

€ 13 MARS 2007

Pour le Bourgmestre,

Muller N.

CARTE NATOMALE 1YIOENTIT N': 064X,105 NatoniIt& Frinc.e
- JI Horn; JACM


L 1a- 11 Mtei
e: 0707 1%7


us • tL
CMis 'ili $sq(su: O42Q1
d$Mwi, i Z7 O4.


Reproduction certifiée
conforme torigina'

08 -03- ?007
Pour le Bourgmestre,
le Fonctionnaire delegue.
Stutz L.


To: Dawn Souza

Cc: Ruby L. Rawlins, Bernett Cox, Tanya Esdaille, Cheryl Ann Mapp,
John Evans, Wayne Morgan,Carol Feathers

Date: 28 May 2007

From: Donna S. Outerbridge, Incorporations Administrator, Incorporation

Department, Ext. 6247

Campos Verdes Ltd.

Enclosed are the Corporate Records for the above-captioned Company along with the Corporate
Seal. The Minute Book entries (I'll forward the minute book upon receipt), Share Register,
Incorporations and Compliance file have been sent to Vicki Clarke for input into Viewpoint and
will be delivered to you along with a Viewpoint, D&O Register and Yellow Card upon

The assigned attorney is Tonesan Amissah.

• The purpose of the Company is to acquire, develop and manage frms and to dispose
of fm- land.
• The Incorporation date is 4 May 2007.
• The Bye-laws are standard including the directors powers to dispose of assets authorised
by Charles Everett.
• There is no call made on the shares. A nil paid share certificate has been prepared
and out for signature.
• The appointment of Auditors has been waived.
• We still await officer's confirmation letters from Messrs Carvin and Goddard is awaited.
• Please note the following:
• At the Provisional Meeting:
o James Keyes was erroneously included, when in fact, Charles Everett should
have been entered as Absent: and
o Resolution 3. - Incorporation Date states that Monday, 7 May 2007 was the
incorporation date. This should have read Friday, 4 May 2007.
• At the First Board of i)irectors Meeting, Bemett Cox was made Chaimian to
the Meeting, when in fact, it should have read Ruby L Rawlins, as she had
signed the minute.
Therefore, kindly arrange at your next Directors Meeting/Written Resolution to make
mention of these changes accordingly.
• Reid Management Limited has been appointed as Accountants to the Company.
• The Company has passed a banking resolution however, an application has not been
• Await return of the duly executed Corporate Services Agreenient.
• A Company Booklet will be forwarded to the client for their records.
• By copy of this memo to Tanya Esdaille along with the duplicate Compliance file. I
am asking her to liaise directly with you on Compliance issues. John has discussed the
compliance infomiation with Tanya. Tanya has agreed to provide copies of the
necessary compliance information and to forward for your records.
• Copies of HIM,- invoices may be obtained directly from the Lawyer.

Should you require further details into the organization of the Company, do not hesitate to contact

Donna S. Outerbridge


rgiri Islands

'nan IsLands

Hong Kong


Page 2
Investor Status Comments Ramiro

Luz del Norte S.A. Awaiting BMA approval

Isotrade Holding Ltd Certificate of Good Standing - awaited Copy received 10th August 2007
from the BVI Registry Office as noted
by Mr. Fitte
Juan Amadeo - awaiting compliance
documents as noted by Mr. Fitte Received - please refer to my email of
23rd July
Santiago Cardie Fitte - specimen
signature not given on Compliance
Form. Once signed, it will suffice to
Signed CF received
fax/email it to me.
Martin Donnelly - certified proof of
residential address not supplied.

Jensen Capital Inc. A. Certification from a third party Received 24th July 2007
professional for the Compliance Forms
of Ignacio Marseillan and Alejandro L I
Etchart required
B. A more recent proof of address for Received 240' July 2007
Alejandro Etchard is required.

C. A legible ID for Estela Etchebarne is

Received 24 July 2007

Kleinburg Finance Ltd Awaiting a BVI Certificate of good Received


Hector Alfedo Poli Awaiting BMA approval

Campos de Victoria BMA approval received. Charles' email

S.A. of 13th July attached.

Brook Ltd Awaiting BMA approval In process

Inalco System N.a. Awaiting BMA approval

14507476. 1 BUSINESS
Froni: 07/13/2007 12:30 #511 P.001/004

cr3 JWI
By Email
I ap!cbyg1oba1.corn
direct dial:
Bermuda Monetary Authority Tel 441 298 3215
Authorisation & Compliance Department Fax 441 298 3367
BMA House your ref:
43 Victoria Street
Hamilton HM 12 appleby reft
Attention: Ms. Leanora Stovel-Smith
Ms, Deborah Bean
12 July 2007

iDea.r Ms Stovel-Smith and Ms Bean

Campos Verdes Ltd. (the "Company")

We write further to our ongoing correspondence regarding the above Company and
our letter of 28 June 2007 a copy of which is attached for ease of reference.

It is now proposed that a further investment is made in the Company by way of

subscription for shares in the Company. The Company has subscription applications
for a total of 3,500,000 of its Class A Common Shares, as broken down below, and we
write to seek the Authority's permission for the allotment of shares in the Company as

Taler Commodity Fund B.V., a company incorporated in the Netherlands

Antilles on 18 October 2006 and having its registered address at Ara Hilltop
Building, Unit A-6, Willerstad, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles intends to
subscribe for 400,000 Class A Common Shares.

1.1 Taler Commodity Fund B,V, is a subsidiary of Taler Asset Allocation

Virgin Islands
Fund B.V. a company incorporated in the Netherlands Antilles on 18th
ayman (stands October 2006 and having its registered address at Ara Hilltop Building,
Hong Kong Unit A-6, Willerstad, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles,
L:\Corp A\A!tfrna Panncs LLC\13498,I South America Pcoj ct\Ccrrcs\Lcuer\Lcctcr to BMA - 12 Page 1
July 074oc
From: 07/13/2007 12:31 p511 P.002/004

1.2 Taler Asset Allocation Fund B.V., is a subsidiary of Taler Enhanced.

Fund B.V. (leveraged) a company incorporated in Netherlands Antilles
on 18th October 2006 and having its registered address at Ara Hilltop
Building, Unit A-6, Wilerstad, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.

1.3 The lawyer representing, and managing, the Taler Commodity Fund.
B.V., Jan Bootsma has advised that there are individual investors in 1.1
and 1.2 but that such investors are numerous and their ultimate interest
in Campos Verdes would end up being only in the tenths of 1% at

2 Copernico Latin America Strategic Fund, a company incorporated in the

Cayman Islands on 29 June 1999 and having its registered address at Butterfield
House, 67 Fort Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands intends to
subscribe for 600,000 Class A Common Shares. This is an open end find
registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority under Section 3(3) of
The Mutual Funds Law (1996 Revision).

2.1 The Fund Promoter is Copernico Capital Partners LLC, Greenwich,

Connecticut, and having Federico Carballo as Managing Partner.

3 Copernico Special Situations Fund, a company incorporated in the Cayman

Islands on 22 June 2006 and having its registered address at Butterfield House, 67
Fort Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands intends to subscribe
for 150,000 Class A Common Shares. This is an open end fund registered
with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority under Section 3(3) of The Mutual
Funds Law (1996 Revision).

3,1 The Fund Promoter is Copernico Capital Partners LLC, Greenwich,

Connecticut, and having Federico Carballo as Managing Partner,

4 Copernico Argentina Fund, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands

on 28 June 2006 and having its registered address at Butterfield House, 67 Fort
B ermuda
Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands intends to subscribe for
VIrgIn Islands
yman Islands
250,000 Class A Common Shares. This is an open end finid registered with
Hong Kong the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority under Section 3(3) of The Mutual
Jersey Funds Law (1996 Revision).
L:\Corp A\Altima Partners LLC\153498.1 South America ProjecACo AL \Ltr to BMA - 12 Page 2
July 07 .doc

From: 07/13/2007 12:31 #511 P.003/004

4.1 The Fund Promoter is Copemico Capital Partners LLC, Greenwich,

Connecticut, and having Federico Carballo as Managing Partner.

5 The Endowment Master Fund, L.P., a company registered in the State of

Delaware on 21st March 2003 and having its registered office at Corporation
Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, USA, intends
to subscribe for 1,000,000 Class A Common Shares, The general partner is

5.1 The Endowment Fund GP, L.P. a company registered in the State of
Delaware on 21st February 2003 and having is registered office at
Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, Delaware
19801, USA; the general partner of which is

5,1,1 General Partner: The Endowment Fund Management LLC a

company having its office at 4265 San Felipe, Suite 740,
Houston, Texas 77027, USA; and having

5.1.2 the ultimate beneficial owners being (1) Arthur'H Sherman,

American citizen, born 19th November 1965, and (2)John
Arthur Blaisdell, American citizen, born 30th March 1960.

6 TRG Special Opportunity Master Fund, Ltd., a company registered in the

Cayman Islands on 23rd August 2004 and having its registered office at M&C
Corporate Services Limited, P0 Box 309GT, Ugland House, South Church
Street, Georgetown, Cayman Islands intends to subscribe for 1,000,000 Class A
Common Shares,

6.1 TRG Special Opportunity Master Fund, Ltd., is part of The Rohatyn
Group of companies.

• 7 Campos de Victoria S.A. a company registered in Montevideo, Uruguay, on

6th November 2006 and having its registered office atjuncal 1305 - 16th Floor -
Apt. 1604, Montevideo, Uruguay 11000 intends to subscribe for 50,000 Class A
Bermuda Common Shares.
Virgin Islands
yman Islands 7;1 The registered owner of Campos de Victoria S.A. is the S & SB Trust;
Hang Kong
whose Trustee is the Commonwealth Trust Company; and
L:\Corp A\Aldm, Parcn tLC\13348.1 South America 1'rojecv\Co\tcrALecr to BM' 12 Piige 3
July O7.dc
From: 07/13/2007 12:31 #511 P.004/004


7.1.1 the ultimate beneficial owner of which is Sylvia Esther Rossi de

Broris, Argentina citizen, born 20th May 1943,

Enclosed with this letter is a corporate structure chart illustrating how the shareholdings
of the Company will look once the proposed allotments have been made.

We respectfully seek the permission of the Authority to these proposed allotments and
would be grateful if you could please stamp this letter as approved and return a copy to
us at your earliest convenience.

It is expected that a further Subscription for a total of an additional 1,675,000 Class A

Common Shares will be made by 9 further investors in the coming days once our XYC
procedures are completed.

We are thank you for your assistance with this matter and should you require any
further information with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact Charles
Everett of this office,

Yours faithfully




Virgin Islands
ayman Islands
Hong Kong
L:\Corp Vdtinia Prme LLC\133498.I South Amccka Ptojcct\Corrc\LçiccrALcttcr to BMA - 12 Pags 4
July 07.doc
ihanced due diligence searches have been performed in World-Check and Complinet for the following
ith no results.

aler Asset Allocation Fund B.V.

aler Commodity Fund B.V.
.M.T. Curacao N.V.
aler Enhanced Fund B.V.
hilippus Johannes Theodorus van den Berg
onald Eduard Westdorp
arsten Ejgil Inopinatus Hallas
redrik Bror Karlsson
illiam A Jones
G Brunt
.J. van neutegern
an Bootsma
opernico Capital Partners LLC
ederico Carballo
he Endowment Master Fund, L.P.
effrey Bailin
ohn Blaisdell
.rthur Haag Sherman
lorgan Creek Partners II, L.P.
lei Thomas Kuyper
iger Select BRIC Plus Master Fund, Ltd.
)avid Nathan Bree
'RG Special Opportunity Master Fund, Ltd.
Jicolas Rohatyn
ampos de Victoria S.A.
ensen Capital Inc
rook Ltd
:nalco System S.A.
:sotrade Holding Ltd
(leinburg Finance Ltd
aptiva Assets Corporation
uz del Norte S.A.

)iana Martin
ompliance Officer
July 2007
heck Page 1 of 2


Legal Notice

u are strictly prohibited from disclosing or copying the content of this service to third parties excluding regulatory agencies.

Please note

(1) General Legal Notice

(2) Category Legal Notice
(3) Reported Link Legal Notice

ED: 05-07-2007 17:28 CET USER: apshl











n, Texas USA




- insurance licence revoked by Texas Department of Insurance for allegedly having failed to return advance commissions for
ous cancelled policies.

www.claimsguides.com/news/southcentra1/2006/09/05/72003.htm ARCHIVE
www.insurancejournal.com/news/southcentral/2006/09/05/72003.htm ARCHIVE
www.tdi.state.tx.us/news/2006/news200630.html ARCHIVE

d: 2007/02/09 UID: 567184 El: I Updated:

ral Legal Notice

rmation identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party
ources. Information correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the
sources to which hypertext links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the information

iory Legal Notice

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creening Page 1 of' 1

;creening >> Batch Screening >> View Results JL, 20u7

ling services Adverse Media Search EID Check News and Information

3atch Screening - Results

Found I match against 1 name from a file of 33 total names called "Taler Asset Allocation Fund B.txt", uploaded at
15:20:34, 05107/2007 GMT.
• searching both persons and non-persons
• without minor spelling variations
• without synonym matching
• matching all words
Searching 64 data sources in 5 categories
Sanctions: Bank of England. Commission de Surveillance du Secleur Financier. Luxembourg. Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, European Union, Financial Services Agency, Japan, Guernsey
Financial Services Commission, Home Office. Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Isle of Man Financial
Supervision Commission. Jersey Financial Services Commission, Monetary Authority of Singapore. Office
of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United States, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions,
Canada, Reserve Bank of Australia, United Nations Security Council Committee, US Department of State.
Law Enforcement: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). United States, Hong Kong Police Force. Interpol.
Regulatory Enforcement: Financial Services Authority (FSA), Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.
Guernsey Financial Services Commission, Investment Management Regulatory Organisation, Isle of Man
Financial Supervision Commission, Jersey Financial Services Commission, Lloyd's Insurance Market.
Personal Investment Authority, Securities and Futures Authority, Australian Securities and Investments
Commission, Financial Services Agency, Japan, Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Hong Kong Securities and
Futures Commission, InvestED - Hong Kong SFC, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Securities and
Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Securities and Exchange Commission. Thailand. Securities and
Exchange Surveillance Commission. Japan, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation. United States, Federal Reserve Board. United States. Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Investment Dealers Association of Canada, National Credit Union
Administration, United Slates. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States. Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, United States, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada.
Office of Thrift Supervision, United States. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). United States. US
Department of Justice, Autorité des marches financiers. France, BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory
Authority, Germany, Banking. Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA), Belgium. Commission de
Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg. Czech National Bank, Danish Financial Supervisory
Authority. Financial Market Authority, Austria, Finnish Financial Supervision Authority, Netherlands Authority
for the Financial Markets.
Other Bodies: Bureau of Industry and Security, Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropia (CEMEFI),
Companies House, Ministry of Economy. Trade and Industry. Japan, World Bank.
High Profile Persons data: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heads of Stale/Government.

Asset Allocation Taler Commodity Fund Taler Enhanced Fund Philippus Johannes
N.M.T. Curacao N.V.
B.V. B.V. B V. Theodorus van den Berg
Carsten Ejgil Inopinatus
Id Eduard Westdorp Hallas Fredrik Bror Karlsson William A Jones D Niezen
Copernico Capital
runt H.J. van neutegem Jan Bootsma Federico Carballo
Partners LLC
ndowment Master Morgan Creek Partners
Jeffrey Bailin John Blaisdell Arthur Haag Sherman
L. P. II. LP.
Tiger Select BRIC Plus TRG Special Opportunity
homas KLiyper David Nathan Bree Nicolas Rohatyn
Master Fund, Ltd. Master Fund, Ltd.
)OS de Victoria S A. Jensen Capital Inc Brook Ltd Inalco System S.A. lsotrade Holding Ltd
Captiva Assets
urg Finance Ltd Luz del Norte S.A.

www.cornplinet.cornlcornplicheck/batchlbatch_vicw_alt.htrnl?rcporl_id 118364883317... 05/07/2007

creening Page 1 of I


creening>> Batch Screening >> View Results 5th Jul 2007

ing services Adverse Media Search EID Check News and Information

'atch Screening - Results

Found I match against 1 name from a file of 33 total names called "Taler Asset Allocation Fund B.txt', uploaded at
15:20:34, 05/07/2007 GMT.
• searching both persons and non-persons
• without minor spelling variations
• without synonym matching
• matching all words
Searching 64 data sources in 5 categories
Sanctions: Bank of England, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg, Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, European Union, Financial Services Agency, Japan, Guernsey
Financial Services Commission, Home Office, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Isle of Man Financial
Supervision Commission, Jersey Financial Services Commission, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Office
of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions,
Canada, Reserve Bank of Australia, United Nations Security Council Committee, US Department of State.
Law Enforcement: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). United States, Hong Kong Police Force, Interpol.
Regulatory Enforcement: Financial Services Authority (FSA), Gibraltar Financial Services Commission,
Guernsey Financial Services Commission, Investment Management Regulatory Organisation, Isle of Man
Financial Supervision Commission, Jersey Financial Services Commission, Lloyd's Insurance Market,
Personal Investment Authority, Securities and Futures Authority, Australian Securities and Investments
Commission, Financial Services Agency, Japan, Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Hong Kong Securities and
Futures Commission, InvestED - Hong Kong SFC, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Securities and
Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand, Securities and
Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States, Federal Reserve Board. United States, Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Investment Dealers Association of Canada, National Credit Union
Administration, United States. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States, Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, United States, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada.
Office of Thrift Supervision, United States, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). United States, US
Department of Justice. Autorité des marches financiers. France, BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory
Authority, Germany, Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA). Belgium. Commission de
Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg, Czech National Bank, Danish Financial Supervisory
Authority, Financial Market Authority, Austria, Finnish Financial Supervision Authority, Netherlands Authority
for the Financial Markets.
Other Bodies: Bureau of Industry and Security, Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropia (CEMEFI).
Companies House, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Japan, World Bank.
High Profile Persons data: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heads of State/Government.

r Bodies

m A Jones (line 8) ALBERT WILLIAM JONES Disquaf Disqualified Directors

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creening>> Single Name Check >> Investigate Match 5th Jul 2007

ling services Adverse Media Search EID Check News and Information

nvestigate Match



Nationality: BRITISH

Issuing Body: Companies House (info)

Title: Disqualified Directors (More information)
Publication type: Companies House-Disqualified Directors Register
Section of the CDDA 1986 S2(from 2002-3-21 to 2012-3-20)
Valid from date: 2002-03-21
Valid to date: 2012-03-20

www.complinet.comlcornpl ichecklbatchlinvestigate.htrnl?batch_entity_id=79 1 54&backz... 05/07/2007

Campos Verdes Ownership Structure Post 29 May 2007

Altima Global Special

Situations Master Fund Limited

170 Shares (100%)

US $17,000

Altima Agro Investments SARL


602 Shares (100%)


Agro Opportunities, S.L.


I I El Tejar Group
(PD's for those 2
5,000,000 432,721 Class B Shares (23.47%) persons holding
Shares 5% or more)

I El Tejar S.A.A.C.e.I.
(Argentine) 1,411,049 Class A Shares (76.53%)


Edary S.A.

1.323.318 Common Shares (100%

Campos Verdes Ltd.

(Bermudian) Ya

I Common Share (100%)

CV Farmco Ltd.

C:\Documcnts and Seuings\DMartin\Local Sctcings\Ternporary Internet Files\0LK2\Canipos Verdes Structure chart post 29 May 2007.DOC
)RM No. I




Pursuant to Section 6/132C(1)

'r the meaning of expressions used in this form, reference should be made to the Companies Act
81 (the "Act").

State the proposed name of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company")

Campos Verdes Ltd.

State whether this application requires consent pursuant to section 4A.

El Consent Required No Consent Required

State whether the business activities of the Company will be Restricted, Non-Restricted or both and
the precise nature and fields of operation of the business intended to be carried on by the Company.

A. fl Restricted Activities 2 Non-Restricted Activities

B. Activity Details To acquire, develop and manage farms and to dispose of farmland.

State whether the Company is to be a local or exempted company and whether the Company will
have a physical presence in Bermuda.

Exempted 0 Local Physical Presence El Yes


State whether the Company proposes to carry on business in Bermuda and who will manage the
Company in Bermuda.

A. R Proposes to carry on business Z Does not propose to carry on business

B. Company Manager Appleby Corporate Services (Bermuda) Ltd.

State entity type. Mark as appropriate.

Limited Liability 0 Unlimited Liability El Limited By Guarantee

D Mutual Company El Limited Duration
Page 1
State the proposed address of the registered office of the Company and the name of the Bermuda
resident representative (where the Company proposes to rely on Section 130 of the Companies Act

Canon's Court, 22 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

The persons applying for consent to incorporate (or continue) the Company are:-

me and Address Occupation or Nationality Date of Birth

Place of Incorporation

id Finance Limited
mon's Court
Victoria Street
imilton HM 12
,rmuda A Bermuda Joint Stock Company

State the direct (registered) owner(s) of the Company. Complete as appropriate.

If an individual:

Name and Address Occupation Nationality No. and class of % of Date of

Shares Voting Birth

If a company:

Name and Address Place of Stock No. and Class % of Voting

Incorporation Exchanges(s) of Shares Rights
(if quoted)
Edary S.A
Piso 3
115 Cerrito Street 1 shares at
'Iontevideo Par Value
Uruguay Uruguay N/A US$0.01 each 1000/o

If a partnership:

me and Address Place of Formation Stock Exchanges(s) % of Voting Rights

(if quoted)

Page 2
If a trust:

arne and Address of Date and Country of Nationality Date of Birth

ttlor Settlement

me and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality % of Voting Rights

ustee(s) of Incorporation

ime and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality Date of Birth

neficiaries of Incorporation

State the intermediate owner(s) of the Company.

Lme of Intermediate Address of Place of StockExchange(s)

vner(s) Intermediate Owners(s) Incorporation(s) (if quoted)

Tajar S.A.A.C.e.I (i) Tucuman 326

)O% Owner of 9. b)) 5th Floor
Buenos Aires
Agrentina Argentina N/A

go Opportunities, S. L. (ii) First Floor

1.47% Owner of 10.(i)) 654 Avenida Diagonal
Barcelona, Spain Spain N/A

tima Argo Investments 25, avenue de la

SARL (iii) Liberté
O% Owner of 10.(ii)) L-1931 Luxembourg Luxembourg N/A

tima Global Special Queensgate House

Situations Master Fund South Church Street
Limited (iv) George Town
O% Owner of 10.(iii)) Grand Cayman (aymau
1234GY Islands N/A

Page 3
State the details of the ultimate beneficial owner(s) of the Company. Complete as appropriate.

If an individual:

ime and Address Occupation Nationality No. and % of Date of

class of Voting Birth
Shares Rights

te remaining 76.53% ownership of 10.(i) is held by 45 shareholders of which only two hold
we then 5%, as follows:

onard Mc Lean
rrntevideo 1488 Medical 23 Oct.
gentina Doctor Argentina 8.7% 1933

luardo Pallette Pueyrredon

:publicica Arabe Siria 3242
Floor Company 27 March
gentina Manager Argentina 7.6% 1972

Le Manager of IO.(iv) is:

ivid Stephen Sargison
Woodland Drive
wer Valley Chartered 8 April
-and Cayman, CI Accountantant British 1953

If a company:

me and Address Place of Stock Exchanges(s) No. and Class of % of Voting

Incorporation (if quoted) Shares Rights

If a partnership:

me and Address Place of Formation Stock Exchanges(s) % of Voting Rights

(if quoted)

If a trust:

me and Address of Date and Country of Nationality Date of Birth

;tlor Settlement

me and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality % of Voting Rights

Lstee(s) of Incorporation

me and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality Date of Birth

rieficiaries of Incorporation
Page 4
the undersigned, hereby apply to the Ministry of Finance for the Company to be registered
r continued). We have read the Companies Act 1981 and will abide by its provisions. The
Lrticulars set out in this application form are true to the best of our information, knowledge
id belief. We are aware that it is a criminal offence to make any false statement pertaining to
is application under the provisions of the Companies Act 1981.

Common Seal of Reid Finance Limited

s nereunto affixed in the presence of:-

.tcd this 3rd day of May 2007

Page 5

If it is proposed to offer shares or stock in the Company to the public, by private placement or listing on a
stock exchange, a copy of the prospectus or other offering document must be submitted with this form.

If the Company is a local company evidence must be submitted that, within three months prior to the date of
submission of this application, the applicants have advertised their intention to incorporate the Company.

(a) In respect of any direct registered beneficial owner as listed in question 9, Financial Statements and/or
Personal Declarations will be required in respect of:-

i) Any individual proposing to hold 5% or more of the share capital of the Company; or

ii) Any body corporate (which term shall include companies, partnerships and unincorporated
associations) proposing to hold 5% or more of the share capital of the Company;

(b) Where the financial position of a body corporate in paragraph (a)(ii) is consolidated, the consolidated
statement will be acceptable.

Where the Company requests power to hold land situate in Bermuda, the applicants must obtain the consent
of the Minister of Finance through the Registrar of Companies pursuant to section 120(1) of the Companies
Act 1981.

Page 6



Section 7(1) and (2)



Campos Verdes Ltd.

(hereinafter referred to as "the Company")

The liability of the members of the Company is limited to the amount (if any) for the time being
unpaid on the shares respectively held by them.

We, the undersigned, namely,

ame and Address Bermudian Status Nationality Number of Shares

(Yes or No) Subscribed
harles Everett
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British I

uby Rawlins
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British

rnett Cox
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British

ivera Nusum-Robinson
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British

hereby respectively agree to take such number of shares of the Company as may be allotted to us respectively
the provisional directors of the Company, not exceeding the number of shares for which we have respectively
bscribed, and to satisfy such calls as may be made by the directors, provisional directors or promoters of the
mpany in respect of the shares allotted to us respectively.
The Company is to be an exempted Company as defined by the Companies Act 1981.

The Company, with the consent of the Minister of Finance, has power to hold land situate in
Bermuda not exceeding in all, including the following parcels:-

Not Applicable.

The authorised share capital of the Company is US$100.00 divided into 10,000 shares of par value
US$ 0.01each.

The objects for which the Company is formed and incorporated are unrestricted.

The following are provisions regarding the powers of the Company:-

(i) Has the powers of a natural person;

(ii) Subject to the provisions of Section 42 of the Companies Act 1981, has the power to issue
preference shares which at the option of the holders thereof are to be liable to be redeemed;

(iii) Has the power to purchase its own shares in accordance with the provisions of Section 42A
of the Companies Act 1981;

(iv) Has the power to acquire its own shares to be held as treasury shares in accordance with the
provisions of Section 42B of the Companies Act 1981.
by each subscriber in the presence of at least one witness attesting the signature thereof-

(Subscribers) (Witnesses)

)scribed this 3rd. day of May 2007

MP DUTY (To be affixed)
eck Page lofi I

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(3)Reported Link Legal Notice

nce performed by Tanya Esdaille, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

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edary s a
Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

Legal Notice

tion identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
irmatlon correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
:ext links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the information correlated.

Legal Notice

)ased on information contained in the sources provided.

I Link Legal Notice

Jividual or entity is listed as being 'Reported to be linked to" other profiles, the nature of the links vary considerably and users should not
'e inferences merely from that association.

rw wnr1d-'he'k /rt1/rnr1 ,-
complinet Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name edary s a

Noise words stripped
Total matches found None
Search time 18:17:18 Wed 02nd May 2007
Entities searched Both people and non-people (organisations, countries, ships)
Spelling variations Yes
Search synonyms Yes
Ignore initials No
Match words All words in the query
Sanctions bodies searched Bank of England
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
De Nedertandsche Bank. Netherlands
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
European Union
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Reserve Bank of Australia
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of State
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of Investigation, India
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service, UK
Ministry of the Interior, Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
US Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal Inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

ceening Online Page 1 of 2

Regulatory Enforcement bodies searched Assets Recovery Agency
Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Uoyd's insurance Market
Personal Investment Authority
Securities and Futures Authority
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Central Bureau of Investigation. India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Africa
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Securities and Exchange Commission, Republic of the Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autorit&%233; des march&#233:s financiers, Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. United States
Federal Reserve Board, United States
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, United States
National Futures AssociatIon, United States
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). UnIted States
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Office of Thrift Supervision. United States
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). United States
Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
Autorit&#233; des march&#233;s financiers. France
BaFIn - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany
Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA), Belgium
Banque de France, CECEI, France
Banque de France, Commission Bancarre, France
Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Spain
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
Commissione Nazionale per Is Societa e to Borsa, Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority, Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakia
Financial Regulator, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kredlttilsynet)
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
Polish Securities and Exchange Commission
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM)
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspeittlonen)
International Financial Services Commission (IFSC), Belize
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropia (CEMEFI)
Companies House
Ministry of Economy. Trade and Industry. Japar
World Bank
High Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Heads of State/Government
Info4C bodies searched None
Factiva bodies searched None

:reening Online Page 2 of 2

heck Page 1 of 1

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You are strictly prohibited from disclosing or copying the content of this service to third parties excluding regulatory agencies.

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(2) Category Legal Notice
(3) Reported Link Legal Notice

ence performed by Tanya Esdaille, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

ne: apsh2 Printed: 02-05-2007 17:55 CET

edary sociedad anonima

Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

Legal Notice

ition identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
rmation correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
text links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the information correlated.

' Legal Notice

ased on information contained in the sources provided.

Link Legal Notice

Jividual or entity is listed as being 'Reported to be linked to" other profiles, the nature of thje links vary considerably and users should not
e inferences merely from that association.

rw world .check com/nnrt1 /mcid r i'., i'..

conipiunet Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name edary sociedad anonima

Noise words stripped
Total matches found None
Search time 18:18:04 Wed 02nd May 2007
Entities searched Both people and non-people (organisations, countries, ships)
Spelling variations Yes
Search synonyms Yes
Ignore initials No
Match words All words in the query
Sanctions bodies searched Bank of England
Comniesion de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
De Nedertandsche Bank, Netherlands
Departirent of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
European Union
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Conynission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Reserve Bank of Australia
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of State
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of investigation. India
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). United States
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service. UK
Ministry of the Interior, Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
US Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal Inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

creening Online Page 1 of 2

Regulatory Enforcement bodies searched Assets Recovery Agency
Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Lloyds Insurance Market
Personal Investment Authority
Securities and Futures Authority
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Africa
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Securities and Exchange Commission. Republic of the Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autont&#233; des march&#233:3 financiers. Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States
Federal Reserve Board. United States
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (F'mCEN)
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, United States
National Futures Association, United States
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United States
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United Slates
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Office of Thrift Supervision, United States
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), United States
Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
Autorit&#233; des march&#233,s financiers. France
BaFIn - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany
Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA), Belgium
Banque de France, CECEI, France
Banque de France, Commission Bancah-e, France
Cornision Naclonal del Mercado de Valores, Spain
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e to Borsa. Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority, Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakia
Financial Regulator, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kredlttllsynet)
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
Polish Securities and Exchange Commission
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM)
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspelitionen)
International Financial Services Commission (IFSC), Belize
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropia (CEMEFI)
Companies House
Ministry of Economy. Trade and Industry. Japan
World Bank
High Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Heads of State/Government
lnfo4C bodies searched None
Factiva bodies searched None

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(3) Reported Link Legal Notice

!nce performed by Tanya Esdaille, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

ie: apsh2 Printed: 02-05-2007 18:25 CET

el tejar s a a c e I
Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

Legal Notice

tion identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
)rmation correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
:ext links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the Information correlated.

Legal Notice

ased on information contained in the sources provided.

1 Link Legal Notice

lividual or entity is listed as being "Reported to be linked to" other profiles, the nature of the links vary considerably and users should not
'e inferences merely from that association.

_...._._._1_1 I_.. -. ._ IC' -

complinet Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name el tejar s a a c e i

Noise words striped
Total matches found None
Search time 18:19:24 Wed 02nd May 2007
Entities searched Both people and non-people (organisations, countries, ships)
Spelling variations Yes
Search synonyms Yes
Ignore initials No
Match words All words in the query
Sanctions bodies searched Bank of England
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
De Nedertandsche Bank, Netherlands
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Australia
European Union
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Reserve Bank of Australia
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of State
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of Investigation, India
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service, UK
Ministry of the Interior. Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

:reenlng Online Page 1 of 2

Regulatory Enforcement bodies searched Assets Recovery Agency
Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Lloyds Insurance Market
Personal Investment Authority
Securities and Futures Authority
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Africa
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Securities and Exchange Commission. Republic of the Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autorlt&#233; des march&#233;s financiers, Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States
Federal Reserve Board. United States
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, United States
National Futures Association, United States
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United States
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Office of Thrift Supervision, United States
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). United States
Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador. Canada
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
Autorit&U233 ties march&233;s financiers, France
BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany
Banking. Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA). Belgium
Banque tie France, CECEI, France
Banque de France, Commission Bancaire, France
Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Spain
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
Commissiorre Naziorrale per Ia Societe a la Borsa, Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority. Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakia
Financial Regulator, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kreduttilsynet)
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
Polish Securities and Exchange Commission
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM)
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen)
International Financial Services Commission (IFSC), Belize
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropis (CEMEFI)
Companies House
Ministry of Economy. Trade and Industry. Japar
World Bank
High Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heeds of Stale/Government
lnfo4C bodies searched None
Factiva bodies searched None

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(3) Reported Link Legal Notice

ence was performed by Tanya Esdailie, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

ie: apsh2 Printed: 02-05-2007 18:06 CET

altima agro investments sari

Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

Legal Notice

ition identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
)rmation correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
text links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the information correlated.

f Legal Notice

based on information contained in the sources provided.

J Link Legal Notice

ividuai or entity is listed as being "Reported to be linked to" other profiles, the nature of the links vary considerably and users should not
e inferences merely from that association.

nit --A.4-1, .^1, n,.n, /nrr4nl /w.r,A /XT -....fl.-.. IC' -...t. fl.. . t- Is
complinet rI
Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name altima agro Investments sad

Noise words shipped
Total matches found None
Search time 18:22:33 Wed 02nd May 2007
Entities searched Both people and non-people (organisations, countries. ships)
Spelling variations Yes
Search synonyms Yes
Ignore initials No
Match words All words in the query
Sanctions bodies searched Bank of England
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
De Nedertandsche Bank, Netherlands
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
European Union
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Reserve Bank of Australia
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of State
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of Investigation. India
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). United States
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service, UK
Ministry of the Interior, Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal Inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

Client Screening Online Page I of 2

Regulatory Enforcement bodies searched Assets Recovery Agency
Financial Services Aubi C: S"',
Gibraltar Financial Services Cornrniss'c'
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Investment Management Regulatory C
Isle of Man Financial Supen. 'cc O"
Jersey Financial Services Co,n,ins
Lloyd's Insurance Market
Personal investment Auti's-,
Securities and Futures Auth's iv
Australian Securities and ln.istjneci'
Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Atnc,
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Future'S Cm mm's'
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Comm,, :
Securities and Exchange Commission. Republic of the Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autont&#233; des march&#233;s financiers. Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States
Federal Reserve Board, United States
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FmCEN)
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, United States
National Futures Association, United States
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United Stale'
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United State'
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, C
Office of Thrift Supervision, United Stales
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), United Sce.
Securities Comrniss4onof Newfoundland and Labmnin, Ca di
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
Autont&#233; des march&#233;s financiers, Frans
BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany
Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA), tier;
Banque de France, CECEI. France
Banque de France. Commission Bancare. France
Comislon Nacional del Mercado de Valores. Spain
Commission do Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembc
Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e Ii tiorsa, Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority, Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakm,i
Financial Regulator-, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway lKrudtlisynoll
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Marlcey.
Polish Securities and Exchange Commissror
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CM','Ml
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanmmmnspaklmorr,mn
International Financial Services Commission FSC
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropla (CEMIi i
Companies House
Ministry of Economy. Trade and Industry, Japas
World Bank
High Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) .Heads of State(.'n's"'
lnfo4C bodies searched Noire
,rch','a h)ds soarr'l'e'i Nr"e
heck Page 1 of 1

Legal Notice

You are strictly prohibited from disclosing or copying the content of this service to third parties excluding regulatory agencies.

Please note

(1) General Legal Notice

(2) Category Legal Notice
(3) Reported Link Legal Notice

ence was performed by Tanya Esdaille, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

ne: apsh2 Printed: 02-05-2007 18:04 CET

agro opportunities s I
Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

Legal Notice

tion identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
Drmation correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
text links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the information correlated.

V Legal Notice

based on information contained in the sources provided.

ci Link Legal Notice

dividual or entity is listed as being "Reported to be linked to" other profiles, the nature of the links vary considerably and users should not
ie inferences merely from that association.

yw wr1d-'h* i/rrt,11/i-rrA
complinet Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name agro opportunities S I

Noise words stripped
Total matches found None
Search time 18:21:59 Wed 02nd May 2007
Entities searched Both people and non-people (organisations. countries, ships)
Spelling variations Yes
Search synonyms Yes
Ignore initials No
Match words All words in the query
Sanctions bodies searched Bank of England
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
De Nederlandsche Bank, Netherlands
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
European Union
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Reserve Bank of Australia
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of State
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of Investigation. India
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service, UK
Ministry of the Interior, Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco. Firearms and Explosives
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

creening Online Page 1 of 2

Regulatory Enforcement bodies searched Assets Recovery Agency
Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Lloyd's Insurance Market
Personal Investment Authority
Securities and Futures Authority
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Africa
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Securities and Exchange Commission, Republic of the Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autorrt&#233: des march&#233s financiers. Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States
Federal Reserve Board, United States
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FInCEN)
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, United States
National Futures Association, United States
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United States
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Office of Thrift Supervision, United States
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), United States
Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
Autorit&#233; des march&#233;s financiers, France
BaFIn - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany
Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA). Belgium
Banque de France, CECEI, France
Banque de France. Commission Bancaire, France
Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Spain
Commission de Surveillance do Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
Commissione Nazionale per le Societe e la Borsa, Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority. Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakia
Financial Regulator, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kredittilsynet)
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
Polish Securities and Exchange Commission
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM)
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektlonerr)
International Financial Services Commission (IFSC), Belize
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Para La Fitantropia (CEMEFI)
Companies House
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japar
World Bank
High Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heads at State/Government
lnfo4C bodies searched None
Factiva bodies searched None

Screening Online Page 2 of 2

heck Page 1 of 1

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You are strictly prohibited from disclosing or copying the content of this service to third parties excluding regulatory agencies.

Please note

(1) General Legal Notice

(2) Category Legal Notice
(3)Reported Link Legal Notice

ence was performed by Tanya Esdaille, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

ne: apsh2 Printed: 02-05-2007 18:07 CET

altima situations fund

Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

Legal Notice

3tion identified or correlated In this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
ormatlon correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users In the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
text links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the information correlated.

V Legal Notice

based on information contained in the sources provided.

d Link Legal Notice

dividual or entity is listed as being Reported to be linked to" other profiles, the nature of the links vary considerably and users should not
e inferences merely from that association.
complunet r ('
Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name altima situations fund

Noise words stripped
Total matches found None
Search time 18:23:05 Wed 02nd May 2007
Entities searched Both people and non-people (organisations, countries, ships)
Spelling variations Yes
Search synonyms Yes
Ignore initials No
Match words All words in the query
Sanctions bodies searched Bank of England
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
De Nedertandsctie Bank, Netherlands
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
European Union
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. Canada
Reserve Bank of Australia
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of State
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of Investigation. India
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United Stales
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service, UK
Ministry of the Interior, Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
US Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal Inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

reenin; Onhee Page 1 of 2

Regulatory Enforcement bodies searched Assets Recovery Agency
Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Lloyd's Insurance Market
Personal Investment Authority
Securities and Futures Authority
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Africa
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Securities and Exchange Commission, Republic of the Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Japan
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autoiil&#233; des march&#233;s financiers, Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States
Federal Reserve Board. United States
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FInCEN)
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, United States
National Futures Association, United States
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United Stales
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. United States
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada
Office of Thrift Supervision, United States
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). United States
Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
AutorIt&233; des marcli&#233;s financiers, France
BaFin- Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany
Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA). Belgium
,Perique de France, CECEI, France
Banque de France, Commission Bancaie, France

Commission ci.
Cornialon Nacional del Mercado de Valores. Spain
Surveilance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg
Commission. Nazronale per le Societe e la Borsa, Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority. Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakia
Financial Regulator, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kredittilsynel)
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
Polish Securities and Exchange Commission
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM)
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen)
International Financial Services Commission (IFSC), Belize
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Pars La Filantropia (CEMEFI)
Companies House
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
World Bank
High Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heads of State/Government
lnfo4C bodies searched None
Factiva bodies searched None

creening Online Page 2 of 2

ieck Page 1 of 1

Vv K
Legal Notice

You are strictly prohibited from disclosing or copying the content of this service to third parties excluding regulatory agencies.

Please note

(1) General Legal Notice

(2)Category Legal Notice
(3)Reported Link Legal Notice

-me performed by Tanya Esdaille, Senior Compliance Officer - Appleby

le: apsh2 Printed: 02-05-2007 18:09 CET

david stephen sargison

Exact Match

There are no entries matching the above search criteria.

Legal Notice

tion identified or correlated in this profile, appears in the listed sources. We are not responsible for the content of third party sites or
irmation correlated is necessarily brief and should be read by users in the context of the fuller details available in the external sources to
:ext links are provided. Users should also carry out independent checks in order to verify the information correlated.

Legal Notice

)ased on information contained in the sources provided.

I Link Legal Notice

lividual or entity is listed as being "Reported to be linked to" other profiles, the nature of the links vary considerably and users should not
e inferences merely from that association.

w uur1rLj'hp'1, n/ 1/wic..A

complinet Client Screening

Client Screening Online - Results

Query name david stephen sargison

Noise words stripped
Total matches found None
Search time 18 23 42 Wed 02nd May 2007
Entities searched js'
Spelling variations
Search synonyms
Ignore Initials N.
Match words All words in the query
Sanctions bodies searched Bank of England
Commission de Surve.,'. o. SeUe,r
De Nedertandsct,e Bank, Netherlands
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Auslr,
European Union
Financial Services Agency. Japan
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Home Office
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Isle of Man Financial Supervision Comm so
Jersey Financial Services ColTanission
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Uritno ,
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Instittiteis, C.o
Reserve Bank of Australia
United Nations Security Council Committee
US Department of Slate
Law Enforcement bodies searched Central Bureau of Investigation, lone
City of London Police, UK
Federal Bureau of Invesbgatn 'CBl
Hong Kong Police Force
Metropolitan Police Service, UK
Ministry of the Interior, Saudi Arabia
Philippines National Police
Royal Malaysian Police
South African Police Service
US Air Force Office of Special r'sest;at nos
US Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco, Feearrrs a .1 i - s
US Drug Enforcement Administration
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Marshals Service
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Postal Inspection Service
US Rewards for Justice
US Secret Service

ening Online Page 1 of 2

'jut, 11 Lr't.rcerrent S J C', sill J • i Assets Recov.,y Ayvriu y
Financial Services Authorit, rSA
Gibraltar Financial Services omrr us
Guernsey Financial Services Commis
Investment Management Regulatory
Isle of Man Financial Super. sicn Cu-
Jersey Financial Services . -
Lloyds Insurance Market
Personal Investment Aulhc, ty
Securities and Futures Ault nr!ly
Australian Securities and Investments ( miii
Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Financial Services Agency, Japan
Financial Services Board, South Africa
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Cu-
InvestED - Hong Kong SFC
Monetary Authority of Macao
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reserve Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Comrrss•c- of Fa
Securities and Exchange Commission. Republic of ti ' it
Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, J,i1,ii
Securities Commission of New Zealand
Autorit&#233 des march&#233;s financiers. Canada
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),
Fader-al Deposit Insurance Corporation. United
Federal Reserve Board. United States
Financial Crimea Enforcement Network (FmCEN
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
National Credit Union Administration, United Stat'
National Futures Association, United Stales
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), United Suit.'
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. United SlaIn,
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, C,i,i<i
Office of Thrift Supervision, United Stales
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission, Canada
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), United Slates
Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Lab •i r '
US Court of International Trade
US Department of Justice
Autorit&#233; doe march&#233;a financiers, Frar
BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CbI-A), be
Banque do France, CECEI. France
Banque do France, Commission Bancaxe. France
Comusion Nacionat del Mercado de Valores, Spain
Commission de Surveillance du Sedeur Financier, Luxembo
Commisslone Nazionale per le Societa a la Borsa. Italy
Czech National Bank
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority, Austria
Financial Market Authority, Slovakia
Financial Regulator, Ireland
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kred'ttiIc, 'el)
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Mark 't
Polish Securities and Exchange Commissior
Portuguese Securities Market Commission (( I!
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen)
International Financial Services Commission (IFSC), Belize
Other Bodies bodies searched Bureau of Industry and Security
Centro Mexicano Para La Filanlropia (CEMEFI)
Companies House
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japar
World Bank
Hugh Profile Persons data bodies searched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Heads of Stale/Government
lnfo4C bodies searched None
Factiva bodies searched None

rening Online Page 2 of 2





Pursuant to Section 6/132C(1)

or the meaning of expressions used in this form, reference should be made to the Companies Act
981 (the "Act").

State the proposed name of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company")

Campos Verdes Ltd.

State whether this application requires consent pursuant to section 4A.

0 Consent Required No Consent Required

State whether the business activities of the Company will be Restricted, Non-Restricted or both and
the precise nature and fields of operation of the business intended to be carried on by the Company.

A. fl Restricted Activities 0 Non-Restricted Activities

B. Activity Details To acquire, develop and manage farms and to dispose of farmland.

State whether the Company is to be a local or exempted company and whether the Company will
have a physical presence in Bermuda.

ED Exempted 0 Local Physical Presence fl Yes


State whether the Company proposes to carry on business in Bermuda and who will manage the
Company in Bermuda.

A. Proposes to carry on business Does not propose to carry on business

B. Company Manager Appleby Corporate Services (Bermuda) Ltd.

State entity type. Mark as appropriate.

Limited Liability LJ Unlimited Liability 0 Limited By Guarantee

LIII Mutual Company Limited Duration
State the proposed address of the registered office of the Company and the name of the Bermuda
resident representative (where the Company proposes to rely on Section 130 of the Companies Act

Canon's Court, 22 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

The persons applying for consent to incorporate (or continue) the Company are:-

ame and Address Occupation or Nationality Date of Birth

Place of Incorporation

eid Finance Limited

anon's Court
Victoria Street
amilton HM 12
ermuda A Bermuda Joint Stock Company

State the direct (registered) owner(s) of the Company. Complete as appropriate.

If an individual:

Name and Address Occupation Nationality No. and class of % of Date of

Shares Voting Birth

If a company:

4ame and Address Place of Stock No. and Class % of Voting

Incorporation Exchanges(s) of Shares Rights
(if quoted)
ldary S.A
iso 3
115 Cerrito Street 1 shares at
1ontevideo Par Value
Uruguay Uruguay N/A US$0.01 each 100%

If a partnership:

tme and Address Place of Formation Stock Exchanges(s) % of Voting Rights

(if quoted)

Page 2
If a trust:

ame and Address of Date and Country of Nationality Date of Birth

ttlor Settlement

ame and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality % of Voting Rights

rustee(s) of Incorporation

ame and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality Date of Birth

neficiaries of Incorporation

). State the intermediate owner(s) of the Company.

ame of Intermediate Address of Place of StockExchange(s)

wner(s) Intermediate Owners(s) Incorporation(s) (if quoted)

I Tajar S.A.A.C.e.I (1) Tucuman 326

00% Owner of 9. b)) 5th Floor
Buenos Aires
Agrentina Argentina N/A

rgo Opportunities, S. L. (ii) First Floor

3.47% Owner of 10.(i)) 654 Avenida Diagonal
Barcelona, Spain Spain N/A

Itirna Argo Investments 25, avenue de la

SARL (iii) Liberté
00% Owner of 10.(ii)) L-1931 Luxembourg Luxembourg N/A

Itima Global Special Queensgate House

Situations Master Fund South Church Street
Limited (iv) George Town
00% Owner of 10.(iii)) Grand Cayman Cayman
1234GY Islands N/A

•State the details of the ultimate beneficial owner(s) of the Company. Complete as appropriate.

If an individual:

ime and Address Occupation Nationality No. and % of Date of

class of Voting Birth
Shares Rights

te remaining 76.53% ownership of 10.(i) is held by 45 shareholders of which only two hold
re then 5%, as follows:

onard Mc Lean
ontevideo 1488 Medical 23 Oct.
gentina Doctor Argentina 8.7% 1933

luardo Pallette Pueyrredon

publicica Arabe Siria 3242
Floor Company 27 March
gentina Manager Argentina 7.6% 1972

te Manager of 10.(iv) is:

ivid Stephen Sargison
Woodland Drive
wer Valley Chartered 8 April
and Cayman, CI Accountantant British 1953

If a company:

ime and Address Place of Stock Exchanges(s) No. and Class of % of Voting
Incorporation (if quoted) Shares Rights

If a partnership:

Lme and Address Place of Formation Stock Exchanges(s) % of Voting Rights

(if quoted)

If a trust:

me and Address of Date and Country of Nationality Date of Birth

ttlor Settlement

me and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality % of Voting Rights

stee(s) of Incorporation

.me and Address of Occupation or Place Nationality Date of Birth

neficiaries of Incorporation
Page 4
, the undersigned, hereby apply to the Ministry of Finance for the Company to be registered
continued). We have read the Companies Act 1981 and will abide by its provisions. The
rticulars set out in this application form are true to the best of our information, knowledge
ri belief. We are aware that it is a criminal offence to make any false statement pertaining to
s application under the provisions of the Companies Act 1981.

Common Seal of Reid Finance Limited

hereunto affixed in the presence of,

d this 3rd day of May 2007

Page 5

If it is proposed to offer shares or stock in the Company to the public by private placement or listing on a
stock exchange, a copy of the prospectus or other offering document must be submitted with this form.

If the Company is a local company evidence must be submitted that, within three months prior to the date of
submission of this application, the applicants have advertised their intention to incorporate the Company.

(a) In respect of any direct registered beneficial owner as listed in question 9, Financial Statements and/or
Personal Declarations will be required in respect of:-

i) Any individual proposing to hold 5% or more of the share capital of the Company; or

ii) Any body corporate (which term shall include companies, partnerships and unincorporated
associations) proposing to hold 5% or more of the share capital of the Company;

(b) Where the financial position of a body corporate in paragraph (a)(ii) is consolidated, the consolidated
statement will be acceptable.

Where the Company requests power to hold land situate in Bermuda, the applicants must obtain the consent
of the Minister of Finance through the Registrar of Companies pursuant to section 120(1) of the Companies
Act 1981.

Page 6



Section 7(1) and (2)



Campos Verdes Ltd.

(hereinafter referred to as "the Company")

The liability of the members of the Company is limited to the amount (if any) for the time being
unpaid on the shares respectively held by them.

We, the undersigned, namely,

amc and Address Bermudian Status Nationality Number of Shares

(Yes or No) Subscribed
harles Everett
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British I

uby Rawlins
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British

mett Cox
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British

Ivera Nusum-Robinson
anon's Court, 22 Victoria Street
amilton HM 12, Bermuda Yes British

hereby respectively agree to take such number of shares of the Company as may be allotted to us respectively
the provisional directors of the Company, not exceeding the number of shares for which we have respectively
bscribed, and to satisfy such calls as may be made by the directors, provisional directors or promoters of the
mpany in respect of the shares allotted to us respectively.
The Company is to be an exempted Company as defined by the Companies Act 1981.

The Company, with the consent of the Minister of Finance, has power to hold land situate in
Bermuda not exceeding - in all, including the following parcels:-

Not Applicable.

The authorised share capital of the Company is US$100.00 divided into 10,000 shares of par value

The objects for which the Company is formed and incorporated are unrestricted.

The following are provisions regarding the powers of the Company:-

(i) Has the powers of a natural person;

(ii) Subject to the provisions of Section 42 of the Companies Act 1981, has the power to issue
preference shares which at the option of the holders thereof are to be liable to be redeemed;

(iii) Has the power to purchase its own shares in accordance with the provisions of Section 42A
of the Companies Act 1981;

(iv) Has the power to acquire its own shares to be held as treasury shares in accordance with the
provisions of Section 42B of the Companies Act 1981.
ny' by e;ich siibcriber in the prcmeiice olat 1cat one \Vit1iec attestii1 the signature tereofl-

(Subscribers (\X7itnesse

)scribed thk 3rd di v of May 2007

MP DUTY (To be affixed)

o p


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LJ T 006069245

Buenos Aires, 19 de Abril de 2007

En ml carácter de Escribano TITULAR DEL REGISTRO NOTARIAL 137

CERTFICO que la reproducciOn anexa, extendida en oi(UNA)

foja/s, que sello y firmo, es COPIA FIEL de su original, que tengo a la vista, cloy fe. H

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