First Things First
First Things First
First Things First
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First Things First – Book Summary – saving your time
“I’d love to spend quality time with you, but I seem to do my best work when I’m under
I’ve got a deadline”. pressure.
“I just don’t have time to exercise.” I’m frustrated by the slowness of people
and things around me.
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First Things First – Book Summary – saving your time
I rely on solving some crisis to give my day What are First Things and how do we put
a sense of meaning and purpose. them first in our lives?
These ideas from the Fourth Generation
I keep thinking that someday I’ll be able to empower us to answer that question:
do what I really want to do.
The fulfillment of human needs and
Now ask yourself: capacities
What is the one activity that, if you did The reality of “true north” principles
superbly well and consistentl,y would have The potentiality of the four human
significant positive results in your personal endowments
What is the one activity, that if you did The fulfillment of human needs covers
superbly well and consistently, would have our physical needs for food, shelter,
significant and positive results in your clothing, economic well-being, and health.
professional life? Our social needs are the need to belong,
relate to other people, to love and be
Some answers could be: loved. The need to learn is our mental
• Improving communication with need to grow and develop personally
people and professionally. Leaving a legacy is our
• Better preparation spiritual need to have a sense of meaning,
• Better planning and organizing contribution, and purpose.
• Taking better care of self
• Seizing new opportunities Any of these needs, unmet, reduces
• Personal development quality of life. An unmet need can create a
• Empowerment black hole that devours your energy and
attention. An unmet need can drive you to
These are all in Quadrant II. You must act urgency addiction.
on them. They don’t act on you.
When the physical, mental, social, and
If you’re looking for time to spend in spiritual needs overlap in a synergy and
Quadrant II, get it from Quadrant III and IV. balance we find fulfillment and joy. Most
importantly, you must live for a purpose
The value of the matrix is that it helps us higher than yourself.
see how importance and urgency affect the
choices we make about how to spend our The reality of “true north” principles
time. It allows us to see where we spend
most of our time and why we spend it there. We need to create an inner compass that
We are able to see the degree to which aligns us with timeless principles and
urgency dominates is the degree to which realities in the human experience. We’re
importance is not. not talking about values, practices, or
religion. We’re talking about service and
reciprocity, the process of growth and
To Live, to Love, to Learn, to change.
Leave a Legacy
The Law of the Farm governs all areas of
Doing more things faster is no substitute for life. You have to cultivate and nurture
doing the right things. things over time. You can’t expect a
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First Things First – Book Summary – saving your time
harvest if you haven’t put in the time and Standing apart from and learning from our
effort to care for your crops. You can’t fix an own experience
unhealthy lifestyle with a week at the spa.
You can’t expect your wife to stay with you Carefully observing the experience of
if you never stop to speak to her and give others
her some affection. What you sow you
inevitably reap. Taking time to be still and listen to that
deep inner voice
The potentiality of the four human
endowments: self-awareness, Responding to that voice
conscience, creative imagination, and
independent will – these create our ultimate Nurture independent will by making and
freedom. The power to choose, to respond, keeping promises.
to change, are all within these four human
gifts. They create the compass that will We choose either to live our lives or
align our lives with True North. to let others live them for us. By
making and keeping promises to
WE ARE THE PRODUCT OF OUR ourselves and to others, little by little we
CHOICES. increase our strength until our ability to act
is more powerful than any of the forces
Self-awareness: that act upon us.
Assess your self awareness (this is a
sample of questions from the book) Develop creative imagination through
Am I able to stand apart from my thoughts
or feelings and examine and change them? The best way to predict your future is to
create it. Visualize yourself in an
Am I able to evaluate the response or uncomfortable situation and use self-
feedback I get from other people? awareness to separate yourself from it.
Conscience See how you would normally react, as
Am I able to keep promises I make to against how you know you should react
myself as well as to others? based on principles. This enables you
to see a goal before you accomplish it
Nurture self-awareness by keeping a and create much of the quality of your own
personal journal. This is high level reality before you live it.
Quadrant II activity. You will gain insight on
repeating patterns and themes in your life. With the humility that comes from being
principle-centered, we’re empowered to
Educate the conscience by learning, learn from the past, have hope for the
listening, and responding. future, act with confidence in the present.
we can act with integrity in the moment of Think about any contributions you’d like to
choice. make.
Section Two: The Main Thing is to keep Reaffirm feelings you want to have in your
The Main Thing The Main Thing life – peace, confidence, happiness,
contribution, and meaning.
Quadrant II Organizing: The Process of
Putting Things First Think about how you might spend this
week if you knew you had only six months
When there’s no gardener, there’s no to live.
Step 2: Identify your roles.
Identify what’s important and focus your
efforts on helping it grow. We all have many roles to fulfill at work, in
our families, in the community, or in other
The Weekly Worksheet provides a view of areas of life. We sometimes succeed in
the bigger picture, as opposed to the limited one role at the expense of another, so the
view of daily planning. Weekly organizing key is balance. Your various roles have to
puts things in a proper context and work together along with your mission
emphasizes importance over urgency so statement.
we don’t limit our perspective to what is in
front of us at the moment. Example: An executive may be a husband
and father, a manager of new products, a
Step 1: Connect with your vision and manager of research, administration
mission manager, and a chairman of the board.
In some cases it may be better not to Future-focused individuals and teams
schedule a goal at a particular hour of the perform better.
day but to list it as priority instead. It may be
more effective to watch for the right time Petty things become unimportant when
when the opportunity arises to have that people are impassioned about a purpose
heart to heart talk with your son, or ask your higher than the self.
boss for that raise.
Vision that transforms and transcends
Step 5: Exercise integrity in the moment. Gandhi overcame his personal weakness
of being a loner when he realized as a
Preview the day. lawyer how to create win-win situations for
Prioritize. Identify priorities using numbers opposing sides. He saw the injustices of
and letters, highlight, encircle, or mark the British over the Indian people, and
them with asterisks. Use some form of T decided his life would be devoted to
planning for the day. Time-sensitive winning equality and freedom for three
activities can be listed on one side; hundred million people.
activities which can be performed any time
of the day are listed on the other. Creating and living an empowering mission
statement, an exercise of creative
Step 6: Evaluate imagination
At the end of the week, review your mission Visualize your eightieth birthday. How
statement to begin organizing the next would you like people to pay tribute to you
week, pause to ask yourself: with regards to each of your roles? What
What goals did I achieve? would you like them to say about you?
What challenges did I encounter?
Getting into our deep inner life
What decisions did I make?
In making decisions, did I keep First Things “Everyone has his own specific vocation or
first? mission in life; everyone must carry out a
concrete assignment that demands
5. The Passion of Vision fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced,
nor can his life be repeated. Thus,
It’s easy to say “no” when there’s a deeper everyone’s task is unique as his specific
“yes” burning inside. opportunity to implement it.” –Victor Frankl
“We don’t invent our mission. It is within us “Every human being has a work to do,
waiting to be realized.” –Victor Frankl duties to perform, influence to exert, which
are peculiarly his, and which no
Victor Frankl, an Austrian psychologist, conscience but his own can teach.” –
discovered how a powerful future vision William Ellery Channing
helped people survive the Nazi
concentration camps. Survivors of POW An empowering mission statement:
camps in Vietnam expressed similar Represents the deepest and best within
experiences: a primary force that kept them you. It comes out of a solid connection with
alive was a future-focused vision. your deep inner life. Is the fulfillment of
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First Things First – Book Summary – saving your time
your own unique gifts. It’s the expression of impact of these statements on their lives
your unique capacity to contribute. and on society.
Is transcendent. It’s based on principles of Help your children or others whose lives
contribution and purpose higher than self. you touch to create their own mission
Addresses and integrates all four statements. Nurture vision in others.
fundamental human needs and capacities.
It includes fulfillment in physical, social, The Balance of Roles
mental, and spiritual dimensions.
Balance isn’t either/or; it’s and.
Is based on principles that produce quality-
of-life results. Both the ends and means are “One man cannot do right in one
based on True North principles. department of life whilst he is occupied
doing wrong in any other department. Life
Deals with both vision and principle-based is one indivisible whole.” – Gandhi
values. It’s not enough to have values
without vision. You want to be good for A more holistic paradigm is foundational to
something. Eastern wisdom. Health, for example, is
seen not in separate departments of
Deals with all the significant roles in your psychology or biology, but the totality of
life. It represents a lifetime balance of the whole person.
personal, family, work, community –
whatever roles you feel are yours to fill. Creating synergy among roles
A woman who chooses to focus on
Is written to inspire you – not to impress motherhood, and does so out of a clear
anyone else. sense of her own personal vision,
becomes truly energized in her role. She
Quadrant II goals to cultivate the recognizes the value of her efforts in
passion of vision: shaping the characters of future leaders in
society. In the process, she develops
Set quadrant II time each week to cultivate competence and character to fulfill her
a rich inner life, to nurture a quiet place other roles. She may want to take up a
within yourself where you can connect with second degree, or a second career.
your own inner compass.
Schedule a personal retreat to write a In a society that is slow to appreciate and
personal mission statement translate the skills of the competent home
Schedule time to evaluate and revise your manager (man or woman) to the job
current mission statement market, it is society itself that suffers.
Commit your mission to memory.
Set a daily goal to visualize yourself living Three Paradigms that nurture balance:
your mission statement Our “natural” roles grow out of our
Review your mission statement each week mission.
before you begin to organize.
Keep a daily record of how your Roles with no meaning except for
experiences, your choices, and your economic security, for example, have no
decisions are affected by your personal sustaining power because they don’t tap
mission statement into our deep burning passion. Business
Read mission statements written by other success cannot justify failure in marriage.
people throughout history. Consider the
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First Things First – Book Summary – saving your time
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First Things First – Book Summary – saving your time
• Developing talents through special your organizer. At the end of the week,
interests and hobbies evaluate your experience. If you’re not
• Contributing through community service already doing so, set aside a day during
the week for renewal, reflection, and
2. Whole-parts-whole recommitment - not just recreation. On this
We see the big picture, then the day, don’t do things you normally do on
interrelatedness of each part – work, family, other days. After a month, evaluate the
personal development, community activity – effect on your life. If you live or work with
how each part contributes to the other. This other people, have a weekly organizing
thinking creates synergy and removes meeting with them. Look for ways to
artificial barriers among roles and goals. coordinate your activities to better
We learn to combine our physical need for accomplish everyone’s objectives.
exercise with the need to build a
relationship by taking our son along for a Integrity in the Moment of Choice
3. Context in Context Things do not always go “as planned”.
Quadrant II organizing is not prioritizing There may be times when we are faced
the schedule; it’s scheduling the with an important meeting, but an
priorities. Block specific time zones for employee we are interviewing suddenly
your priorities each week. Family time breaks down and wants to talk about an
can take Saturday morning, while issue affecting his work. What do we do,
community service can be blocked for guided by our conscience, in this moment
Thursday. These are interchangeable, if of choice?
for example you get free tickets on
Thursday for a concert for the whole family, Do we walk him down to Human
then you simply move community service to Resources and gently shift him over to
Saturday. You still accomplish both goals their area of responsibility? Do we
within the same week. reschedule our meeting, send the
secretary to the meeting ahead to say
Set aside time for preparation, whether it’s you’ll be a half hour late, or send a
for a presentation, or a gardening project. representative to the meeting? Do we
arrange to talk to the employee after the
When we see all the parts of our lives meeting? Whatever we decide, it must be
matter to our mission, that synergy among based on principle and conscience, and
the parts creates energy in the whole. not time pressure or your own needs.
Life becomes a productive cycle of
growth and continuous learning, fulfilling Quadrant II goals to cultivate integrity in
relationships, and meaningful contributions. the moment of choice:
When you set your goals for the
Quadrant II goals to cultivate the week, pause and connect with
perspective of the week: conscience. Observe your own
Designate a specific time and place to do involvement in the process. Think about
your Quadrant II organizing. Find a spot how it feels to connect when you’re not in
that’s conducive to contemplation and the pressure of the moment. Work to
introspection. During the week, take note translate that experience into the
of situations you handle differently because decision moments of each day.
of a weekly perspective. Record these in Create a specific question to ask
yourself in moments of choice. Review
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First Things First – Book Summary – saving your time
it at the beginning of the day and several • What principles did I apply or fail to
times throughout the day so that it’s apply during the week?
constantly before you. Work toward building • What can I learn from the week as a
the habit of pausing to ask that question in whole?
the space between stimulus and response.
At the beginning of the day, think about A monthly or quarterly evaluation may
your personal integrity account. Jot contain questions as:
down deposits and withdrawals as you What patterns of success or failure do I
interact with conscience during the day. see in setting and achieving goals?
Think about the three-part process: Am I setting goals that are realistic but
Ask with intent. What is the right thing to do challenging?
now? What keeps getting in the way of
Listen without excuse. Listen to your accomplishing my goals?
conscience and do not rationalize when you
choose poorly. Always remember to connect to your
Act with courage. It takes courage to do mission, review your roles, identify your
what we feel we ought to do in the moment goals, organize the week, put the
of choice and let go of all the important Quadrant II goals in first,
rationalizations. then schedule other things around
them. Exercise integrity in the moment of
Learning from Living choice, and evaluate your weeks so they
become an upward spiral of learning and
As long as you live, keep learning how to living.
live. –Seneca
Section Three: The Synergy of
How to evaluate your week Interdependence
Characteristics of principle-centered
They’re more flexible and
spontaneous. They aren’t chained to
schedules and appointments. They see
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