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PREFACE meaningful life.

Through this, one may lead a simple yet

higher life.
This book has taken birth through a socializing web site
ORKUT. Running my community ‘Life is to Live’, I had Sharing my thoughts I feel many could be benefited as I had
received tremendous response from netizens all over the gained in my life through this simple formula that Life is
world. After a year of its making, the site got hacked. But simple. If this small book awakens in any aspiring heart a
see! life moves on. spirit to live life simply without much of idiosyncrasies, I
shall consider my life amply rewarded. These thoughts on
Now there is another ORKUT community, ‘Life made life did not descend to me from any alien land, rather I have
Simple’ and its brainchild, this book. All the interesting lived and observed these in my simple life. So reading this,
discussions, questions and answer sessions which reflect upon your own life and live life to the full. Enjoy and
formed the part of the forum on the website, have been share it too! Life is simple, just live it. Expanding the word
taken verbatim in this book just to make it realistic and LIFE its meaning unfolds : Living In Full Enjoyment.
easy to read and digest. They are inserted in the form of
comments. In making of this book, I had the encouragement and
enforcement from many. It will be a failure on my part, if I
No matter, how big or established we are in our fields of do not name a few. My family was with me in all my
work and interest, the common aim at which we all are activities with all their support. Those who contributed
striving for is To lead life fully. But unfortunately and directly deserve a major right on this book. Introduction of
unknowingly, we complicate it. This could be avoided by Dr. Radhika Nagrath through Mrs. Ajitha and Mrs. Josmi
some simple practices and observing little norms in life. was a blessing in shaping the book. Sri. Sudhakaran of
This ‘simple’ book is a tool to facilitate this. Read anything Indological Trust is with me in most of my writings and I owe
from any page; it has something exclusively for you. him a lot.

I need hardly add that it was not my intention nor is it Enjoy reading and Simple Living!
possible to deal with each and every complexity of life. But Sasneham
I have tried to cover almost all aspects and doubts which Dr T P Sasikumar
generally arise in one’s mind who wants to lead a [email protected] / [email protected] /
09911484007 / 09447437948
On this Second Edition Panickers were with me for the Delhi release and later Mrs.
Shobha Panicker for corrections during this second edition.
First edition copies were sold very fast. Mr. Pradeep Nambiar was so kind enough to shoulder the
Hyderabad Release. Dr. Sreelakshmi was the first to
Many loved the book since they loved me. release the book at Chalakkudy hosted by LIC. SAMATHA,
A few started loving me as they loved the book. A few THAPASYA and LIC Training Centre at
critisised the book and wrote to me as they loved the book Calicut supported releases at Kochi, Irinjalakuda and
and me. Calicut. Reviewer’s comments were great encouragement.
Many a lot did not respond as they neither loved me nor the Special are those from Dr. Latha, Prof. Akavoor and IMS
book. and a few lines from readers are included in this edition.

I found lot of errors in the first edition both in English and Hope this second edition will find more readers and will get
format. I gave a dare explanation that ‘it is internet style’; continued encouragement.
‘it is intentional as the ‘bindi’ for the new born is always
put, not at the right place ’ etc. All these were being casual Sasneham
and simple. The fact was that I haven’t seen the proof Dr T P Sasikumar
before printing, trusted others and got messed up.

When I took a serious look at ‘LIFE made SIMPLE’ the

mistakes were not simple. This edition is better after sitting
over it longer.

I have many names to think on this occasion, those who

reviewed, commented, read, purchased, helped in sales,
helped in release, marketed, etc., the list is too long. I am
1.13. Role, Goal and Value balancing
LIFE made SIMPLE 1.14. Value Based Living
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.15. Learning Vs. Being
1.16. Spirituality not a skill to be Demonstrated
1.17. Spirituality is shown in Character
On Second Edition
1.18. Hitler was vegetarian, Ravana used to
Part 1 : 1.19. Spiritual Lessons from the LIFE of Luminaries
LIFE IS NOT SO SIMPLE 1.20. Today God didn't smile at me!
1.21. JANMA & KARMA in day-to-day LIFE
1.22. Material vs. Spiritual

Chapter 1 : Simple LIFE is a Courageous Chapter 3 : Secrets of Mega-Living

LIFE 1.23. I love mom – Be a mom to be loved
1.1. LIFE is not very simple 1.24. Be like Water or Air - Enjoy the Splash
1.2. Defining a simple LIFE 1.25. Reason to be sick
1.3. Balancing your desires to stay peaceful 1.26. Dirt needs to be extricated even if of our own
1.4. God has a different scale : An anecdote body
1.5. Realize now – you are not late 1.27. Beggars of love
1.6. Criticism is only to push you forward 1.28. To be strong
1.7. How to be consistent in LIFE
1.8. Need of Value with courage 1.9.
Unable to practice regularly?
Chapter 4 : Role of a Mentor in Simple
Chapter 2 : Lead LIFE Spiritually Living
1.10. Shun possessiveness in Love 1.29. Faith in Guru
1.11. Attachment to the Roles 1.30. How to select a Good Master
1.12. Detachment is to dissociate when you have 1.31. Sraddha and sadhana
Chapter 5 : Sathsang Influences 1.52. Building confidence
1.32. Sathsang Influences
1.33. Learning Meditation
1.34. Why attend lectures
1.35. Levels of Thinking Chapter 9: Inter Personal Relationship
1.36. Being with and within is Yoga 1.53. Hang No entry board to the incoming hurts on
1.37. To be Pure or Natural? the door of heart
1.38. Learn through Discussions 1.54. Rhythm of Marriage
1.39. Four Steps to Reach God 1.55. Love, Marriage and Family
1.56. Love Account
Chapter 6 : Your Character : Your Action Plan
1.40. Self-esteem Chapter 10: Boons of Creativity
1.41. Food and Practice 1.57. Creativity is Accident
1.42. Practice will make it Habit 1.58. Society Makes us Non-Creative
1.43. Faith in your Own Self 1.44. What is 1.59. Being Natural
Character and How to Build it? 1.60. Make your Child Creative
1.45. You : Radiate Light
1.46. Ultimate is HE Chapter 11: Economics of LIFE
1.61. Audit of LIFE
Chapter 7 : God Loves Simplicity 1.62. Need to learn : Balance Career and Life 1.63.
1.47. Blind Faith may take you to God How much time : For Job and Home
1.48. Why not Simple Bhakthi? 1.64. Feeling Lost?
1.49. Gita - one question - one answer 1.65. Enjoy with Mind
1.66. swayamathma nibandhanam sugam – Be in
1.67. LIFE Account
Chapter 8 : The gift of Sharing
1.50. I want to do - shall I Help you? Chapter 12: What is Real LIFE?
1.51. Kindness 1.68. What is LIFE?
1.69. Defining Real LIFE 2.6. It should have Happened
1.70. LIFE is an Illusion 2.7. Color is Geographical
1.71. Balance Spirituality in Real LIFE 2.8. Watch your Friends
1.72. Mother to Son and Back to Mother 2.9. Upvasa / Vrutha
1.73. Win over LIFE 2.10. Value with Courage is needed to be Happy
1.74. Manas and Buddhi 2.11. Distinguish between Peace and Satisfaction
1.75. Control your Anger
1.76. Get into habit of Sleeping as a Baby Part 3 :
1.77. Having Multiple Interests QUESTION ANSWER SESSIONS
3.1. When and How Much Time a Student Should
3.2. Am I Progressing : The Measuring Scale
Chapter 13: Astrology is a Complete 3.3. Self-Respect and Ego
Science 3.4. Higher Education
1.78. Astrology is Saasthram 3.5. Not to Worry 3.6. MBA is
1.79. Astrology is a sign board Management !
3.7. What Makes us Human
Chapter 14: Holy Scriptures Made Simple 3.8. LIFE : Definition
1.80. Ramayana in the nature 3.9. Thanthra
1.81. Rebirth 3.10. Onam and Dasavatharam
3.11. Question & Answers by an ‘IT’ Aspirant
Part 2 : 3.12. Ragging
2.1. Blues of LIFE / Depression : Attitude is
Everything Part 4 :
2.2. Three Animal Characters / Gunas DILEMMAS OF LIFE IN TIT BITS
2.3. Possessiveness is Natural 4.1. Win over LIFE
2.4. Birth is a Race or Accident 4.2. Never surrender to survive
2.5. Anger Makes Holes 4.3. Never Miss an Opportunity
4.4. Data to LIFE Link 4.7. Bata Story - The outlook matters : An Anecdote
4.5. Mind is a mirror 4.8. Faith
4.6. Heaven and salvation 4.9. Mindfulness
4.10.Feeding is greater service but Teaching is the
4.11. No-one is useless
Report of Release in Kerala
Review by Dr. Latha
Review by Prof. Kishore & Prof. Murthy
Release Report from Delhi
Release Report from Hyderabad
Smt. Valsala Kumari IAS, Kerala wrote
Swami Nityamuktananda, UK wrote

The Final Word


Part - 1 1
On the surface, life seems as simple as the answer to
these questions!

Try answering the following questions one by one, before

reading further down.

Q. How long did the 100 - year war last?

Q. In which month do the Russians celebrate the October


The answers to these questions are slightly off the head.

And most of us, the common people get these wrong.

The facts remain:
The 100-year war lasted 116 years from 1337-1453. with NO EXTRA ego is
simply beautiful.
The October revolution is celebrated in November.
Smooth At
being AS WE ARE
Try to be
Used Learned
Skilled - Desires cause peace to disappear.
are fractions of an artificial LIFE
It is a societal need but that is You think that acquiring things will make you feel secure,
not what we are but the reality is that the more you have, the more is the
and that fear of losing it, and the farther you are from peace. Desires
makes us are the cause of all conflicts. When you want something
dull and cannot get it, you become frustrated.
Learning to be free from desires is learning to stay peaceful.
We learn how to
be intelligent This is not very simple and this world cannot progress if all
controlled people become desire-less. Family runs on desire.
emotionally Society runs on desire.
physically fit Thus balanced desire is the solution to be peaceful.
spiritually higher
Suppose, I desire to own a shirt that a shop is selling.
All are added degrees of complexity in LIFE The shirt can’t enter my mind (manas); maximum it can
hang on me.
Make LIFE Thus nothing enters the manas, except the desire.
SIMPLE being
SIMPLE Be in Keep the manas little controlled.
SIMPLE That will be the proven formula for peace
A general mind make up of a person At
It is inspiring…
4 Years - My daddy is great.
A man was praying to God.
He said, "God?" At 6 Years - My daddy knows everybody.
God responded, " Yes?"
And the Guy said, " Can I ask a question?" At 10 Years - My daddy is good but is short-tempered
”Go right ahead", God said.
At 12 Years - My daddy was very nice to me when I was
"God, what is a million years to you?" young.
God said, "A million years to me is only a second."
The man wondered. At 14 Years - My daddy is getting fastidious.
Then he asked, "God, what is a million dollars worth
to you?" At 16 Years - My daddy is not in line with the current times.
God said, "A million dollars to me is a penny." At 18 Years - My daddy is becoming increasingly cranky.
So the man said, " God can I have a penny?"
And God cheerfully said, At 20 Years - Oh! It’s becoming difficult to tolerate daddy.
"Sure! Just a second." Wonder how Mother puts up with him.

Realize that GOD has a different scale! At 25 Years - Daddy is objecting to everything.
Things move on at their own pace, not as we want.
At 30 Years - It's becoming difficult to manage my son. I
was so scared of my father when I was young.

At 40 Years - Daddy brought me up with so much discipline.

Even I should do the same.
At 45 Years - I am baffled as to how my daddy brought They are there to push you forward.
us up. When somebody criticizes you, don't worry. Stones
are generally thrown only on trees laden with fruits
At 50 Years - My daddy faced so many hardships to
bring us up. I am unable to manage a single son. Your inner thoughts can make you rich or poor, loved or
unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive,
At 55 Years - My daddy was so far sighted and powerful or weak.
planned so many things for us. He is one of his kind
and unique.

At 60 Years - My daddy is great. 1.7. HOW TO BE CONSISTENT IN LIFE

Thus, it took 56 years to complete the cycle and The question arises:
come back to the 1st stage. Realise the true value of Many know how to improve and undergo trials to achieve
your parents before it is too late that.
They get motivated from someone too.
1.6. CRITICISM IS ONLY TO PUSH YOU But this external motivation will not last long.
The Physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual
Arrow goes forward only after pulling the string activity is governed by the ‘BIORHYTHM’. Thus one must
backward, keep changing the concentration based on this. One could
Bullet goes forward only after pressing the trigger toss up and down as the Rhythm is in wave style. The
backward. interval varies from 23 to 53 days and in some of the cases
depending on the transition from physical to spiritual. Thus
Every human being will get happiness the vibration is natural and anything natural is not
only after facing difficulties in his path of life. consistent.

So do not be afraid to face difficulties, Therefore effort is needed to make it consistent.

Let not the negative comments shake you.
Now having the desire to be consistent is the first 1.8. NEED OF VALUE WITH COURAGE
Secondly the efforts and the skills are needed. The Value with courage is needed to be happy.
opportunity, in terms of the good atmosphere is
essential too. The value of the individual can be assessed by the way he
The good 'sathsang' or company will give the best reacts.
The natural feeling that comes to one’s mind and the first
Let us take one instance. You are a lone person who reaction he gets is the assessment of the individual value.
has started on this path of bringing a specific change
in your life. The reaction that comes after the thinking and controlled
Say, getting up early in the morning. behaviour is only value show.
The whole family around you does not have this
practice. You will become inconsistent. Many will react in a polished way, as that is what is
expected from them.
Assume that the whole family gets into the practice of
waking up early; it becomes natural for the one in They learn to be so, or get tuned to be such.
that family. The falling of unjust to them will be the next feeling and the
People in the family influence all the members around. people are upset even after doing good things.

Thus good ‘sathsang’ is the most essential factor for The valued person will like to do something, but the
all the practices or performances. society may not permit him to be so. Thus the person gets
surrendered to the circumstances. He too is not happy.
Else one requires extra energy. Make yourself have
this and let your own self be the driving force towards Hence to be a value based and courageous person is what
this. is needed.


A skill that one learns is what one likes to practice.
Motivation will make it to get into the regular practice.

The practices are governed by the mind (manas) and

not just by the brain (buddhi).

Learning should be in the mind and not just an

intellectual exercise.
Learning intellectually makes people academic and
not skillful.

So learning at the level of ‘manas’ will give you the

skill, and incidentally a correct reaction too.
The activity must get into the emotional level (the fuel)
and the motivation driving (the wheel) with the
sufficient skill (tire), the opportunity must make the
way (the road) then the place you have to go (goal) is
just a drive. Without the goal the drive gets boring. If
you know the path, you are more comfortable in
driving. May be the new path is more thrilling, but it
could be risky as well.

The interest that is in the manas will drive and provide

the fuel of interest in practice.
CHAPTER It can just be called ‘Poor LOVE’.


LEAD LIFE SPIRITUALLY Attachment leads to desire.
Non attachment takes us to non-desirable state. No
desire means no work. Thus no artha, no dharma, no
1.10. SHUN POSSESSIVENESS IN LOVE – Also no satisfaction or enjoyment And enjoyment
POOR LOVE without attachment will have no joy.

Many times love becomes Possessing. Goal, role and value help us to define the attachment. The
Thus to the loved one; it is creating prison - adding attachment will ensure the roles. People want to get rid of
restrictions. the attachment fearing the roles they have to enact. This
getting out of the roles is not a path to spirituality. That is
Becoming possessive cuts the freedom. not taking them to bliss. Rather they are more upset, as
they are not skillful.
This sort of love is not the true So Be Attached
love. It is more of a constrained Play role
love. Grow to higher goals, including spiritual levels.

Words of a great saint, Chinmaya Swamy in this

context are worth quoting,
“You love the flower in the neighbour’s garden and 1.12. DETACHMENT IS TO DISSOCIATE
therefore you pluck it. Loving a woman and telling her WHEN YOU HAVE
not to smile to anyone else is mere possessiveness.”
This is not LOVE This is something else. You need power to remain free from the influence of others.
Detachment is this power. If you can't stay detached What one has to do and what not to do.
from influences, you will not be able to keep your What to reject, what to accept.
thoughts under control. From there it will be a For whom to work and for whom not to work.
downward spiral until all trace of inner well-being is
lost. The first step in detachment is to understand These are at the disposal of the individual.
who you are as a spiritual entity.
Keep your activity on. Never let the feeling come to you to
This allows you to 'detach' yourself from your say that - I should not have done it.
physical identity, and it's world of limited thoughts
and feelings, and 'attach' instead to your spiritual And don’t care what others say or feel about you.
personality, the being of inner peace and power.
Decide what to do.
A normal day will be filled with challenges to this Go ahead.
detachment. On the one side will be your spiritual That needs courage.
awareness, but on the other will be the attraction
towards human beings and the material world. This will come with experience;
By birth; From the support of
Detachment is not a question of becoming separate others; From the society and its
from the later, but of simply remaining conscious of culture.
yourself as a spiritual being whilst being in the world
and playing your part. Detachment means to keep Just check, Are you at the right place? That
yourself centered in your spirituality. only matters.


Keep always higher goals,
The courage is in balancing the goal, role and values. Higher goals will demand higher acts. That
will lead the growth in LIFE
Higher roles will demand more interpersonal 1.15. LEARNING Vs. BEING
You will have more people with you. Many times people learn a lot.
That is growth in LIFE. Nowadays breathing, meditation, happiness, spirituality are
being learned.
In Interpersonal relationship, the more you are Many feels they are into these good practices too. This
attached to one; you will have to sacrifice the relations being is the actualization and the bliss of life is in that
with many. stage.
Many of the attachments are not true love from heart.
Many times they are just show only. Being in spirituality is the process of evolution. That is not
to be learned, that needs to become. The practices of being
Thus a true value based relationship is to be set in in happiness are not showing happiness. Similarly the
dealing with many. processes of being in meditation are not in the posters.
Spirituality does not come through the packaged programs
The value of a person is the true feeling that gets as or spiritual retreats.
the first instinct.
One who wishes to get societal will have more roles Enjoy the karma, the role, keep a high goal, have good
and more attachments. values. Keep your character clean and be courageous.
Initiative, be in activity, be intelligent, have skill and be
Many times the change in the behaviour will not healthy, never stop and march ahead in spite of the
improve the value. hurdles.
The deep-rooted character needs to be purified.
Thus the relation also will be clean and pure. One These are the characters for being in happiness, spirituality
could have a detached attachment as a means too.
towards reaching at higher spiritual value based


DEMONSTRATED Many of the Institutionalized Spirituality practitioners have
marketing people and salesmen to support their ideologies.
Skills that are to be exhibited; perhaps practice is the They are not the real spiritual seekers or spiritually
best tool to learn. But in virtues like enlightened people.
Love, compassion, happiness, honesty, spirituality
etc. skills cannot be shown. They are spiritual demonstrators.
These are not an item that can be presented and Spiritual capsule sellers.
hence the practice is not a self-created opportunity. Buyers are too self-advertisers.
The evaluation is also not possible. Many are not feeling in being spiritual.
It is not that one has to evaluate self.
The consistency is important.

The situation will determine the level one has 1.17. SPIRITUALITY IS SHOWN IN
reached. Never try to evaluate or get the evaluation
from some one.
It is you and the credit is not yours. Hence the merit Character and spirituality are related.
cannot be certified. Thus it is unimportant to know.
One who has a good thought process, a clean mind and a
May be people around you will make the comment clean learning builds a good character.
May be people will follow you.
Not because of the structural – institutional The sathsang and the people are influential on the ordinary
backing but because of the individual greatness. people.
The self governs the spiritually enlightened person, his
Thus the institution for love, charity, compassion, character.
spirituality should not be exhibiting. The individual
must live for that and die, don’t even create He listens to the inner voice.
institutions. He is pure.
1.18. HITLER WAS VEGETARIAN, Change will get into the character with sathsang and

Chinmaya swamy said this….. Material will react with another material at different
situations different. Thus human too will react according
Practice makes you perfect, so does meditation. That to situations.
will increase your 'sraddha' and courage. That activity
for which you are using it will depend on many other VASANA thus depends on situation with birth qualities and
factors. sathsang.

The response to the situation is what is to be The job and the profession will not influence the
evaluated, that too at varied situations. character of the people. However the quality of the
person gets as reflections on the job he dose.
Still the 'satwik', 'rajasik' and 'tamasik' characters are
not fixed. They could undergo a change.
The basic character will be close to 30 % of each of
The person as he gains more and more from the
environment, will get qualities evolved may be at After reading "Hitler was vegetarian, Ravan used to
times as distinct too. meditate" I felt that in what ever situation we are what we
are practicing that matters in our life just like a lotus in the
Vibheeshana and Mahabali are from Ravana family. pond.
So Sir ji what I understood today is that life will play
Kansa was Krishna’s uncle many games with us but we should always be standing
Dharma Puthra and Duryodhana are cousins and at the side of truth and live life.
studied under one master.
The message of true love must be spread in this whole
It is not what one learns and eats but what he is universe.
practicing and with whom he lives, that matters. (Josmi)
Change stress to conflict and to resolution. Do not manage
stress - that is being spiritual.

Love provides enlightenment, blissfulness and joy - that is

Gandhi used to serve coffee to his maid servant who
comes for work in the morning. 1.20. TODAY GOD DIDN'T SMILE AT ME !
Once, the maid servant said “I don’t know how god
looks At temple I do meet people. It’s a good place to socialise
like, but I have seen it in the morning coffee served by with.
The man in a corner, who is in the temple
Gandhi was a spiritual leader, who practiced committee looks at me and he is upset with
spirituality in his life. One has to learn spirituality me, as I have built more contacts than him
from Gandhiji. Read book by Gandhi - ‘GITA MY in a short span..
I was absent one day many who
Arjuna did not get lessons to fight in Bhagavad-Gita. met me the next day asked
He learned that fight is not due to enmity, anger etc. "Why were you not there yesterday?"
but it is for the cause of dharma. I said “He was also not there, yesterday why haven't you
That is why Gita becomes a psychological and social asked him’ (showing the idol in the temple)!
book. The dealings are through spirituality. Learn
Bhagavad-Gita to practice, not to chant.
Move from fear to strength to courage through Many at temple do come and meet each other if
detachment - that is spiritual. not seen, enquire too
Poor god! Many don't even see He will ask why you have not come to me, the other day..
him don't even ask, why He
weren’t there.. These days I started socialising with god too.
I am not able to see.
The committee member has no complaints.
Are you really able to see him around? COMMENTS
I really have no words.
Do you really feel that how happy he is when you are You make people think in the ways they
around him? have never even tried to think. These
phrases make a lot of sense to me. I am
Did you ever ask Him whether he likes you or going to think about it.
not? Is He happy about the offering you gave? (Surya)
That bhakthi in which you are
able to communicate with god is Sir, Again, you have said this very simply and
the level you need to reach coolly!

Don't This is something I tried and found to be really amazing.

act but The first time it happened by chance when I really did
Be in that level not get a chance to do a Sashtanga Namaskaram in an
over crowded temple. I wanted to tell the almighty
You will enjoy talking to god "as you see it for yourself I can not submit myself
asking for his smile. physically".
For you, especially for you, in the crowd.
Criss cross I thought about this for some time and on my next visit
could actually strike a conversation with GOD wherein I
as He is your lover was told that a whole hearted submission of the self is the
most virtuous of all rather than
Be in love with god performing physical exercises for others to see.
Please advice. Thanks. (Ravi)
It is the next day after the sleep.. That is LIFE
See the activity of yesterday will disturb us today.. So I feel this is a better answer for him, why only for him but to all of us

do good to someone, we will enjoy today.. Being spiritual and material together is possible But spiritual
persons don’t think about what is materialistic and materialistic
persons don’t understand spirituality in general.
One need not think beyond
When the desire drives the life that is materialistic.
Today and One has to live, live only materialistic life.
All spiritual persons too live in materialistic world
But if the feeling of being with materialistic is not within, then the life is not demanded to be
so. The person is spiritual.
Take birth with Brahma in the brahma-muhurtha,
For someone who is materialistic and does some or other activity to show that he is spiritual but
live this day with Vishnu. end life tonight with actually all the time, his being is in materialistic thoughts cannot attain spirituality.
Siva. It is quite possible to be in materialistic world and be spiritual and
the other way too


The other day, a smart boy Uthkarsh met me at Mayur Vihar temple We

were in deep discussion on the topic – Material Vs. Spiritual.

Not being satisfied with the answers I gave to his question, I left for sleep.
If Brahma blesses, we will have the next day for us. But that is a flow
Being in that state
else Not intentional, so natural
May be with Siva tonight and may not have a tomorrow. A smooth transition

NO NEXT JANMA, Think of this JANMA..

Chapter She picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the
phone back on the charger and put the telephone book
into the drawer.

3 She watered the plants, emptied the rubbish bin and hung up a towel to dry.

SECRETS OF MEGA-LIVING She yawned and stretched and headed for the bedroom.
She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the
teacher, counted out some cash for an excursion, and
pulled a textbook out from hiding under the chair.
She signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick
1.23. I LOVE MOM – BE A MOM TO BE note for the grocery store.

LOVED She put both near her purse.

Mom and Dad were watching TV when Mom said, "I'm Mom then washed her face with 3 in 1 cleansers, put on
tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed" her Night solution & age fighting moisturiser, brushed
and flossed her teeth and filed her nails.
She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next Dad called out, "I thought you were going to bed." "I'm
day's lunches. on my way," she said.

Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the

She put some water into the dog's dish and put the cat
freezer for dinner the following evening, checked the
outside, and then made sure the doors were locked.
cereal box levels, and filled the sugar container and put
spoons and bowls on the table. She looked in on each of the kids and turned out their
bedside lamps and TV's, hung up a shirt, threw some
She then put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of
dirty socks into the basket, and had a brief conversation
clothes into the washer, ironed a shirt and secured a
with the one up still doing homework.
loose button
In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out clothing for but the solid has not
the next day, straightened up the shoe rack. She added
three things to her 6 most important things to do list. She Thus when something gets in water it dissolves, be
said her prayers, and visualised the accomplishment of with it..
her goals. And water carries, let the big log fall the
water still flows
About that time, Dad turned off the TV and announced to The waves come and go but the water does not change
no one in particular. "I'm going to bed" And he
The air is not cut with the
did...without another thought. crash or thrash the missile
cuts off and goes but air has
That is the difference between MOM and DAD. no problem
MOM is created to Love.
Be a mom, a giver of love. One has to be like this. The splash and the vibration
You will get it back. could happen in life, but life goes on and on. The air
DADs too can love like MOMs. gets polluted, fired but soon gets back to stages
Water too gets back soon Life must be like this.

When kid once gets wounded - will cry

Again on seeing the wound will start crying Even
when it is not paining will start thinking of the
1.24. BE LIKE WATER OR AIR - ENJOY THE earlier pain and will cry.
Don't be like this
Be like water or air and not like solid Be matured
Flow according to wind or slope,
Water flows adjusting and compromising forget the past and splash
according to the slope. Do not demand enjoy being with the flow so
Air too has these characters

The time we feel that it is part of us,

1.25. REASON TO BE SICK belongs to us; it looks so beautiful,
The reason to be sick is always not single... It Enjoy it.
is complex Use it.
Keep it.
Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual
requirements are to be met or else you will be sick in BUT the time
these five aspects we feel it is not part of us,
the time it seems external
Any small physical requirement which is not met at the
right time It looks ugly, bad, dirty, etc.
can result in any of the other non-wellness immediately or
after some time. For that matter, let that be your hair, your nail or your own
Today people are too busy they have no time or
space for breathing / drinking / eating / urinal / toilet / Isn’t it shocking that you don’t mind holding without even
sex / bathing / relaxing The result is the physical going to toilets
problems That in turn will reflect in either one of the But toilet must be clean.
five parameters of LIFE BUT what is that you are doing?
Holding dirt inside!!


Many are beggars of LOVE.

They ask, request, demand love from others. (Renu)
No beggar has become rich.
No rich people like the beggars. SO MUCH SO FINE SIR
Don’t be a beggar of love. Yes its true that we would love to see our loved ones
Be a giver of love, people will love you back happy and we go to any extent to sacrifice and share
Rich people will have the company of rich ones. everything possible see them happy
But does it not become more noble when we cult a
COMMENTS culture at our home and pass it to the society.
Won't it give us more happiness to sacrifice our share
SUCH A NOBLE THOUGHT and grant it to the needy?
How true you said it. So don't restrict that good culture in your family alone let
love and money it spread and let's find more happy faces all around
Two things people run after and Two things go far from (Dr. Sreelakshmi)
you as much you try to be near..... and you let the other
end loose ....
if that is meant to be yours it will follow you ...
(Dr. Sreelakshmi) SIR, I DONT AGREE
with the fact that if you give love, you will get back again.
THEM.... These words are To get love don’t love others.
too good .
Don’t be a beggar of love. Give love !!!! To love only, love others.
I think love, God and key to success are hidden in every
person. Why to expect that I will get something so I will give
Mai tujmey kahin hoon aur tujhey khaber bhi nahi something.
band ker aankhey mai saaf nazer aaonga
tu khud (ego) ko bhula This kind of mentality is not good.
dey mai khud khuda ban
If you study the life history of great people, like Vidhyasagar, Don’t get into that.

you will see what he got by loving others.

People blamed him.

Actually if you love others, you can get hurt a lot. Physically
We all human beings got hurt from the people we love. Emotionally
It is very common and nobody disagrees with it. Socially

The one who does is a hypocrite. means that one needs to have experience

I agree with that you get love by loving others but not always. Experience life in all these aspects. That
will make us strong.

Need to learn, develop skills and get motivated. Read

I partly agree with you, Sir, but not completely and learn from GURU in these aspects.

(Sayantani) The lessons and life of great people are the inspiration.

Be brave. Be independent. Be courageous and open,

EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST LESSON free, creative. Don’t worry, enjoy.
A little of the fact is not the whole truth.
Experience will give a better lesson Life is an interesting subject
Respected Sir ji
Yes, there are bad experiences too.
Today I came to my office early, while planning out my work, Today’s lesson is How to be stronger.

read your mail and went to orkut and find that what all

questions I have about life is already answered in life made May God bless you with lots of success, strength, happiness,

simple. As Mothers give Horlicks and Boost to their children love, name and fame.

every morning for their growth, like this I am going to take With Best Wishes

each lessons as Horlicks and Boost in my life and practice it (Josmi)

for my growth and evolution for which god had sent us.

Chapter Vivekananda’s question to his Guru, “Have you seen


4 and the Guru’s answer, “Yes like you are seeing me I

have seen God”
Ramakrishna Paramhamsa is telling us about the
ROLE OF A MENTOR IN SIMPLE Universe. That this
universe is God.
LIVING Please explain Sir ji
what exactly Ramakrishna has seen in the form of God
and told to Narendranath
from my childhood I am hearing this story but till now I
1.29. FAITH IN GURU am confused.
Yesterday’s discussion about
Seeker Will Believe gururbrahmaa gururvishnu:
Only Ramakrishna and Vivekananda can answer this. but gururdevo maheswara:
the probable interpretations could be: gurusaakshaath param
brahma thasmai sree gurave
Vivekananda met Ramakrishna with full faith of getting the nama ajnaana
The answer was so firm that the seeker will believe.
jnaanaanjana salaakaya
Faith is what will make people see GOD chakshoorunmiilitham yena
thasmai sri gurave nama:
The same faith is seen in Vivekananda so
Ramakrishna gave this answer. Not having knowledge is like blindness - thimiram
(cataract) and the Guru removes it with the knowledge
You are very much right sir..
faith brings results.. Faith upon self and faith upon 1.30. HOW TO SELECT A GOOD MASTER
Master in necessary. A Guru is a senior person, who
already achieved the goal. So faith upon Him, can make Like kids as they grow, their choice for the games and
us to reach the goal. (Praseetha) the playing items keep changing and so do the masters
at many levels.
From KG to PG one doesn’t have the same teacher and
GURU will not teach
should not have.
GURU will not explain or teach or describe or provide data
Same way one must seek higher and higher.
or information.
The school may be in the village. For college and
He takes one to the sun and allows to see around instead
university, one has to go far. Thus for the higher guidance
of teaching in the dark about the beauty of sun light. He
drives people to light from dark.
one could get always a higher master, may not be too So how much thankful I should be to God
much accessible. for taking care of me so much.
Best wishes
To boil water one has to heat 20 minutes, it is not (Josmi)
enough that two 10 minutes with an interval. Thus the
sadhana needs to be continuous. Not at breaks and at
varied intervals.

More than the sadhana, the goal must be given

importance, and then the sadhana will get in line and will 1.31. SRADDHA AND SADANA MAKES
not have time to think. The sraddha should not be on BETTER LEARNING
sadhana. The chanting and the numbers are not
important, the happiness and the bhavana must be good. Sraddha is concentration and Sadhana is practice.
Sraddha on sadhana will be as enjoying the driving in Everyday one may do chanting (sadhana), that doesn’t
rounds. First round will be thrilling. With a few rounds will mean he has sraddha in that.
get bored and the drive with a goal will be more
interesting. May be anything you are interested in, you will have lot
of sraddha, but that may not be worth practicing
Enjoy being with it, with guru and sadhana. (sadhana).

COMMENTS You may be traveling and may see many things on the
Thank you God for a wonderful Guruji way, and you look at it very carefully, that means you
Respected Sir have sraddha;
Very interesting to read that That may not be in practice (sadhana).
from KG to PG we have different Guru's This means that they are not the same and are not related.
But after PG also when one finds Guru, You may do an activity once (without sadhana) still you can
teacher to guide in life and tells life's lessons. have sraddha.
When sadhana with sraddha is in life that makes better

5 Attitude, character, role and goal are influenced by the

people around us.

SATHSANG INFLUENCES The environment matters.


Meditation in our life Greetings to you.
Respected Sirji
How to meditate was a question for which I was I attended your classes at Ramakrishna math in morning
searching an answer, reading does tell us about the and evening sessions for communicational skills and
importance of Meditation but its analysing self and mind management classes (10.09.2007 to 15.09.2007). I
concentrating in our breath, I will try it. Thank you for did't get opportunity to talk to you after the completion of
making meditation so simple. the sessions.
With Love
(Josmi) I would like to say you one thing that I have learn many
things by your lecture, really your expressions and
pronunciation of words by using Sanskrit in lecture is
really impressive.

I am presently working as asst. Manager (HR) in Mithra

1.34. WHY ATTEND LECTURES Agencies at RTC ' x ' roads. I felt that I did good thing by
attend the class. At that time I was in fully depressive
Read this from a letter of a student : mood and submitted resignation that was accepted by my
General Manager. He rejected my resignations even
though I was not accepted with him and I searched for one The meditation took me to god, joined me with god. This
more HR-Manager and got selected. means I am in the hands of the priest who carried me.
The pradikshina was felt as the planetary motion around
Later I attended your first class, and I could overcome all the sun.
the stress from my mind, I feel very free by that moment The milky galaxy is revolving around what?? That
and my heart was filled with joy and courage. feeling joined me with the universe.

Really thanks a lot to you sir. On the way back I was thinking of the levels of thoughts
people could have :

The small boy thinks he will be one day the watch man.
The next fellow thinks he will be the office person in the
1.35. LEVELS OF THINKING The next fellow thinks he will be the temple authority
Another as the drum player The
I was taken to a temple by a few noble hearted people. It priest and so on
was a good darsan. The first round with the
'sreebhooothabali' was over and I was in a corner, got into Did anyone think of being with god?
meditation. Or to be the god himself.
That is when I learned that I was in the hands of the priest.
The lesson of today is
I opened my eyes.
Being with god. Being god.
I saw the priest with lord ayyappa's vigraha in the
pradiskshina. That is a good feeling.
Thanthra says; to do Siva Pooja, be Siva.
The rounds with drum were over and we made the entry
inside the garbhagruham.

The thought continued.

The sankalpa I had was that I was with god.
Destination is being with God.
Respected Sirji 1.37. TO BE PURE OR NATURAL ?
Today's lesson is being with God, it’s really a wonderful
experience when we think of God and Consecrate in his Pure and perfect, who can rate this? It all depends on
name. our practice, the demands from the society.
I wish you a wonderful day
Divine Mother Bless you Sirji It is fine
With Love
(Josmi) BUT being natural is better
More natural - more enjoyable

At the same time we are humans and thus artificiality is

social life People think that is better.
More polished acting if not natural.
Hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, smelling
What you said is absolutely right sir.
listening, learning, knowing, experiencing, being I agree with you.
are the steps towards anything We are acting most of the times. We are natural at times.
let it be for reaching
or anyone else

Being with and then being within is yoga.

Bliss, Enlightenment and Spirituality are in one who is with
God. acharyath padamadathe
Yoga means joining. Thus Yoga means joining with God. padam sishya swamedhaya
padam sa brahma charibhya
paadam kalakramena cha 1.39. FOUR STEPS TO REACH GOD
1. Neglect those who oppose bhakthi
means LEARNING is 2. Mercy on those who are materialistic and not spiritual
3. Friendship with bhakthas
one fourth from teachers; one fourth self one fourth by 4. Love GOD
discussions; one fourth after some time Learn, discuss
Religion and Rituals are the paths to God and not the
and Teach. God These are to take people close to work with the
Keep your eyes, ears and mind open. Knowledge GOD IS WITHIN US
will start pouring in . Yes, the God is within us and kindle that light within
Now start using your brain as an intelligent filter
to distinguish good & bad for usage.



Chapter 6 What is that one need in life? Is it self esteem ?

What are you dealing with at this point of time in life?
Are you Blank?
Clean? Reflecting?
or A person refuses to take financial help from his wife
Busy in Stocktaking? during crisis; is this a state of self-esteem or ego? –
this is what some one understands as self-esteem !
What is happening in LIFE; what next ?
Isn’t it really stocktaking? That is not his character; it is just a question of relation
Why do you want to do service to society? between them. The character is how one behaves all
To be famous? around him; not to a single individual at a given
Once attained, what after that? instance, or a specific case.

Nay you need to do something different.

You need to change to be
More productive
More autonomy 1.41. FOOD AND PRACTICE
Develop a sense of uniqueness
Food could play a role in character molding.
More influence could be from biological reasons.
Be more accepting & loving.
Much more is the people with whom they spend time.
SELF-ESTEEM is The survival and the demand of the life situations will
What one is identified as also give character.
The elephant and the monkey are vegetarians.
But their character is different.
Yes. That is it with which one is identified as.
Elephant generally doesn’t run, but if required it can.
It determines if a person is egoistic or not; Status of
the person in the society and the dealings in the Fox and the Lion are non-vegetarian, the fox keeps
society. howling, the lion keeps quiet most of the time.
The way one behaves at one place may be interpreted
The biological features determine main character and
as show or ego whereas it may be seen as natural in
the group with whom one is attached influence human
another society.
Have a good sathsang. Thus the practice that one has 1.42. PRACTICE WILL MAKE IT HABIT
is more bearing on the character.
The skills that are to be exhibited may be practiced; this
Food does have an effect. Also there is much more so is the best tool to learn.
the day of conceiving by the mother, her mood on the
But in cases like Love, compassion, happiness, honesty,
particular day, what food she ate etc. will influence
spirituality etc., skills
more than the food what one eats in life.
cannot be shown. Not an item that can be presented and
hence the practice is not self-created opportunity. The
We eat only what is practiced around. The northern
evaluation is also not possible.
and southern cuisines vary and so do the east and the
It is not that one has to evaluate self.
The consistency is important.
Tibeten valley is the place where our Gods were living.
People over these places are God’s own people. These The situation will determine the level one has reached.
Never try to evaluate or get the evaluation done from
highly spiritual and satwick people eat non-veg. The
food doesn’t make them low in character or spirituality.
It is you and the credit is not yours. Hence the merit
cannot be credited. Thus it is unimportant to know.
Thus the food is just what one has in practice. More
geographical and traditional is the practices.
May be people around you will make the comment, May
be people will follow you.
One could pick up a single odd one out even in a family
Not because of the structural – institutional backing
with a different taste.
but because of the individual greatness. Thus the
The more he is into that, which will be his practice.
institution for love, charity, compassion, spirituality
should not be exhibiting. The individual must live for
that and die.
1.43. FAITH IN YOUR OWN SELF One must always remember that we all have "2" minds";
one: which provokes us to do the good or right, and
When continuously being battered by the second, which motivates us to do which is not
storms of LIFE and the very spirit is ebbing appropriate or wrong or bad.
away; Mind's nature is like water.
then all one can do is to hang onto that gift called Just like water always flows from higher to lower level,
'Faith' that one support which will weather the the same way, mind always flow from higher to lower.
But it is not always like that.
Faith does not depend on a clever head It When we change the water into water vapour by
heating, it will change its path, and thereby flow from
demands only belief; belief in the self and the
lower to higher.
strength that lies within.
Like that way, mind will also go from lower to higher but
Faith is the seed of victory and the foundation of for that we need to do many things.
making the impossible possible.
An external effect, heating on the water changes its

Like that way we need to do too; To make

1.44. WHAT IS CHARACTER AND HOW TO the mind travel from lower to higher,
BUILD IT? the thing we need to apply is not "EXTERNAL" but
According to me, it is only the character that describes a
person. Once you can tame your mind, you will realize it is the
time to rebuild your character.
To build a "character", one must try to increase his will
power as much as possible. You may ask why "REBUILD"?
We all posses a 'CHARACTER' it is just that either we To be a radiator that people come to for real warmth,
are "mending or maintaining the character" throughout what do you need to detach from today? If you don't
our life. detach then you will stay attached, and then you will see
others and life itself as a threat, and your tension will
PURER THE MIND...... STRONGER THE keep them away. But they cannot threaten you.
CHARACTER..... Only your dependency on a thing, or an idea, or an
opinion can be threatened.
We need a "filter" or "the water has to be boiled" to make
the water germs free.
Sir, You said it. But detachment does not come
so easily or may not even be achieved by ordinary
mortals like me.
What we can do is only strive continuously towards
After all we are human beings and to rise above the
1.45. YOU : RADIATE LIGHT normal is certainly not an easy
Each one of us is a walking radiator. Mostly we radiate Truly, as you said attachments turn love into fear,
thoughts and attitudes. From deep within we radiate our peace into anger and then distort our attitudes and
state of being, and the essential, original and eternal actions towards others. No two opinions on this.
state of every being is peaceful and loving. But we block
and distort this energy with our attachments. I see GOD as my goal/aim and not means and I
am really not aware to what extend I am in the
Attachments turn love into fear, peace into anger and right direction. Would request you say something
then distort our attitudes and actions towards others. on this. (Ravi)
This is neither relaxing for ourselves, or for those around
us. This is why detachment is the secret of living lightly
and lovingly.
1.46. ULTIMATE IS HE Possessing leads to closed (limited) options / restriction.
Detachment gives freedom
The ultimate aim is to reach him..
you are right.. Only in the mind level, not in the worldly level we
Detachment is not leaving anything physically. Get
detached to food doesn’t mean that you don’t eat. you Change the mind, thus for all this can be practiced.
eat but your mind is not always in it. You think of food Easy and effortlessly attainable.
only when you feel hungry. Eat for the requirement, and
not just for eating sake.
You own a house and you are satisfied. You feel that Attachment and
you posses it. You will not carefully watch all the detachment
houses around you.
But when you are in search of a house, you see all the Sirji
houses around and keep comparing, assessing etc..
Well explained, I told this to Aunty also she liked it
This materialistic thought of house is in you as you have
very much. Thank you for making life so simple.
the desire of a house and you are live in that thought..
Detachment comes when you attain it or when you think (Josmi)
you don’t want that.
e, I get attached to people very very easily.. Lately I
Both situations are one and the same
stopped talking to few people in life who meant the
As the world is not yours or the world is fully yours.
world to me..
I have no house in Delhi, and thus I can sleep in Because I thought I was getting too much into them and
anyone’s house. their fights was all deviating me. All I wanted was to
When you have a house in your village, you are bound be with them...It’s hard to go to the same places as
to sleep in your house in that village. they all do and not even talk to them..
Now I have started to miss
them.. Here by detachment do you mean what I
just did??
I am sure, NO

It was getting too much and I called one of them today

and when I talked to her about it she said being fake is
the real medicine.
It would serve your purpose.. and I was shocked to know
that even she was faking it with all of them till now. She
was being fake to all of them too just for the sake of
being with them.. For company that is it..

How do I become a little detached from all this.. and not

let things affect me so
Pandit explained the way. The big compound wall, then

Chapter 7 the big door, the first door then the second door, the
small safe inner house like that a complete narration to
reach the nearest Krishna’s Temple.
Thief following the description reached the sanctum
sanctorum of the nearest Krishna temple with the faith
that the richest man lives there.

1.47. BLIND FAITH MAY TAKE YOU TO GOD He saw Krishna there, showed his knife and got all the
ornaments of Krishna removed.
The story of a thief goes like this.
On the way back home, the thief went to the pandit and
The thief listens to the Bhagavatha Sapthaham (seven gave the portion of the ornaments as the commission for
days story description around Lord Krishna) by the giving the address.
pandit explaining the golden ornaments that Krishna
possesses. The pandit with all these years of sadhana could not
meet the god as he knows that god does not physically
The thief is not aware of god and story of Krishna, To exist
him, he just heard about richness of one Mr. God
Krishnan. The faith, blind faith…. is some times…. more closer to
god….. than the intelligent logic
After the session, thief meets the pandit who narrated
Krishnan’s wealth. Asked him to give the address of that
rich man. The pandit tells the thief that it is only the story
of the god and no god can be physically seen. Thief being
so innocent could not believe this explanation and
threatened the pandit to get the address.
For many people bhakti is sahasra naamam chanting dharma kshethre kurukshethre
(thousand names – nonstop) Timely visit to temples, samaveda uuthsavaha
Going for pilgrimage mamaka paandavaaschaiva
Learning slokas by heart kima kurvathi sanjaya
offering to the deity
making donations so on For this question in the first sloka in Bhagvad Gita the
and so forth. answer is in the last sloka given by Sanjaya

So complicated is BHAKTHI As where the physical strength of Arjuna

and the mental support of Krishna exist
Many a times, these are only show and not natural the success will be.
Thus goes the sloka:
May be god will not sanction the certificate of bhakthi on
these counts yathra yogeswara krishno
yathra partho dhanurdharaha
For him simple, natural way thathra srivijayo bhoothihi
of life Doing your duties druva niithir mathir mama
Being simple is life active
Taking initiative courageous
love helping all around will be
accounted for Bhakthi Chapter 8
In Gita
Drutharashtra - the blind king asks Sanjaya,
who is a common man with a vision, about the
war and what is happening. 1.50. I WANT TO DO - SHALL I HELP YOU?
I wanted to do this and that, I am not able to. (unknown)
Shall I help you?
Normal discussion of entrepreneurs includes such talks. Nara Prathyupakaaraarthi
This will not work. People always hope for help in return while helping they
are expecting you in trouble
If one is capable of doing, he will do it.
If one can’t, then he can’t do it in sharing too. nara prathyupakararthi
vipathim abhi kaamshyathi
Why someone to take share of other when they can do
alone? They are like people who are praying for the other to be in
Offering / taking help shows inability to do alone. trouble, it is said in Ramayana.
Help is not a good action.
May be in due course people who does similar work will COMMENT
They grow together. That's an eye opener
Share but don’t help That info should be an eye opener for those who claim
to have helped others and keep complaining of the
COMMENT people who received and they did not return it.

Help and share
Aren’t the above two different entities? Help is not a loan or material which can be given and
Help is given to the needy. retrieved.
and sharing is something done with mutual concern
so is it bad to lend a hand to needy? The real help is that which is done with empathy and with
May be that's pity for them to accept the right intention of making the receiver comfortable in
share only with those who can have a give and take the particular life situation.
A two-way business
And importantly, the help is the donor's obvious 'Karma' Respected Sir, this is Sandeep, I am a student in R.K.
or 'Duty' and you are bound to do your duty without Math. I have completed my B.Tech. AT present I am
expecting anything in return to it, not even the result. taking coaching for GATE exam, for joining into IIT for
M.Tech. For that I need to get the rank below 100 in all
Everything will follow your 'Karma' and you need not bother India. While preparation, sometimes I lose my
or raise your BP for that. confidence.

Whenever I feel that I am unable to read, I go to my

friends and start narrating study problems and the
problems which I face everyday.
1.51. KINDNESS I am observing that after listening and seeing me, they
get irritated.
Great souls take advantage of every moment and every I think I lose my value by revealing my problems. But
opportunity. what can I do?
My nature is always I want to share all my problems, and
They look forward to give happiness to others through happiest movements with others.
kindness in their thoughts. Suggest me how not to lose confidence and how to be
always confidant
Such souls are willing to overlook weaknesses and how to get self motivation (by not depending on others)
mistakes and have the desire to help everyone to reach
their potential. How to be a man with always positive attitude especially
on studies
how to lose the habit of loneliness which always makes
me share my views especially problems with others

while studying sometimes I lose my concentration

suggest me how to concentrate for more time on studies.

I am asking you only to come out of the problems, which
I am facing now. I hope you will send your valuable kind COMMENTS
suggestions for to be in all India toppers in my
upcoming exam.
First tell yourself that every problem you face will have
With so much of hope in you, I am sending this message
to you.
when u r positive and open minded solution will come to
Please grant your valuable reply. you.

THANKING YOU SIR. Try your best to share problems with friends
who are positive (avoid negative influence).

BUILD Confidence
Confidence is there within you. God is also there within
Read you.
Write You can say confidence is also a blessing of God.
Share your lessons to improve study time and
concentration. (anon)

Knowledge used becomes Skill.

Skill is that which gives confidence Don’t think that you are less than anyone
Practice. Believe your self the success for the goal is only
That is the best way Just before HARD WORK.... HARD WORK.... HARD
exam, as if you are in the exam WORK...
hall Write exam fully by yourself follow VIVEKANANDHA "strength is life; weakness is
alone practice this many times death"
talk to your-self practice this by All the best.
Use of mirror. Talk to mirror - feel as if you are talking to
your friend. (anon)
Accepts thoughts that give happiness and reject
that hurts.

9 Dil pe mat le yaar

Dear Sirji
After reading the inter personal relations I just
remembered these line when are we unhappy
INCOMING HURTS ON THE DOOR OF HEART when we think and do according to our heart but
if we don’t do like that breaking hearts will not
Inter personal relations are important. The
have any place so Sirji you are teaching us that
interaction and interference will always have
dukh ho yaa Suk hasthe muskurate raho.
The need is to accept people as they are for the Dil par mat lo Sir ji Aapki
Khushi salamat rahe.
better feelings and happiness.

What others do, will not affect unless you take it to (Josmi)
Nothing enters in the heart
Nothing in this world is in our heart. External
materials are never confined to heart, thus
Is there anything in the world that enters in our
the effect also is external
The interpretation by the mind (buddhi) carries it Nothing in the world can enter in our heart.
Any material when it is out, if it is far or near,
in the heart (manas).
with me or with someone else
Just make the negative as positive by changing
Take it to heart, that feeling is in heart. Be happy the good music comes with all the strings in balance
if not material, at least the feeling, that it is not too tight, nor loose, must vibrate well to bring
yours. You will enjoy. good music.


LOVE sometimes ends up in MARRIAGE
What is the ideal relation between married couples?
Is it based on trust and loyalty? Love turns to a demanding bondage. Many
Does trust and loyalty breed an ideal relationship? a times love makes people land up in
uncomfortable circumstances
LOVE, unconditional LOVE is the best raga in Marriage.
Accept people as they are, don’t change to love don’t love Life has to be a long term partnership; sharing
to change. and supportive.
Too much of love is good, Too much adjustment is what happens in marriage. Once
but most of the time love will result in possessiveness you adjust, you lose your identity and that makes one
leading to demanding and controlling. That will breed upset. Don’t adjust, accept as they are.
to lack of trust.
Don’t get married for demanding love.
Pure love is getting into loyalty.
But actually it happens the other way
Then love fails and the marriage stands.
People don’t show love and loyalty and start demanding
both. Marriage without love will make the family
suffer the next generation seedlings will
THUS in marriage suffer family fails in the end.

sneha saro ayam purusha

(Dr. Sreelakshmi)
Yes; all the humans are sneha sara.
Creating LOVE Account,
When one gets to know each other, they are The context of this statement is entirely different from the
creating a LOVE account for each other. topic, but how true it is.
The transaction will make them eligible to take credit / Can anyone live? Enjoy?
over-draft / loan / etc. And End
this life without the support of this bank?
No one will support the other, like the bank loan, if
the other can’t pay it back Doesn't the blood bank come second when counted on the
richness of love bank?
You have sufficient asset, then bank will allow loan and
over-draft too. Love ... love.... love...... anything and everything, and
You have enough love, people with interest trust and loving will dissolve the hatred from earth.
depend on you. Make it more beautiful.
To live and to let live.
Thus LOVE is like a Bank Transaction


I don’t think it happens accidentally. Because it
Creative means that what comes from self. which depends on the environment in which you grow.
is not learnt from someone Thus any action that
happens accidentally or spontaneously is creative (Ms.Sankari)
but generally people do not get into creative action
Creative action gives chances for criticism.

All accept the learned path. So 1.58. SOCIETY MAKES US NON-CREATIVE

people think and act
according to what is learnt by them from time to time Environment is artificial, that
Thus they remain only artificial and are never makes people live socially that
genuine, never natural. is not yours.
It is added in you, you are taught to be like someone else
Buddhi makes the creativity to surrender
As creativity may create blame That makes you one among the trained, not the real you.
And people do not want to get blame We all become someone else for the environment or
Thus they feel not being creative is safe society. What is yours?

Less buddhi and more of heart will make people Once you throw away that learning, you will get into more
creative creative activity.
Be more demanding.
Creativity Is Starts fighting
Accident It should Once you expect too much from someone expectation
come from within that turns to be demanding
accidentally. if the response is not as per the expectation it
not from learning and thoughts. leads to fighting.

Control your Expectations. Artificial life is a societal
Enjoy what is seen, given. need but not natural
Being easy, is creative;
But still people become artificial.
DEMANDING In case of love we are
More social and more advanced means more and more
not ready for demanding. After marriage
we start the same demanding.
Added ego, lot of extra fittings around as designation,
You also told that don’t get into demanding more
name, status etc.
from love but I will tell you first demand, then love.
Many times it will not fail So unnatural,
Work according to someone’s requirement, demanding
from the society governing the life.

1.59. BEING NATURAL It is so uneasy.

Being natural is
At ease
Many internet sites are available on this.
That is meditation Even NASA provides a few.
BUT all are from different culture and background.
Learned It is better to have a good group of kids, good company,
of same age and some of little higher too. Give more
responsibilities viz. give job of stitching, working at
home etc.

Teach them to keep things neat. Teach self-

discipline. Give your child more of a feeling that she
Chapter 11
is a grown-up girl.
A kid of class VI may be asked to write the home
account Give him or her, a diary to write
Ask to write about her friends, character etc.
This will make them to think more. Let us assume that we live for 60 Years Account of life
Reading newspaper, making diary is a good then would be like this: To get exact hours we spend, add
practice. Relatives and the relation tree it up and then divide by 24 hours and then 365 days to
construction are good. To learn more on wife / get years in that account.
husband/ cousins and such relations.
Sleep 20 Years
Geography map created self by marking known (as 8 hours in 24 hours is one third, that is one third of 60
places is a good learning. years; amounts to 20 years)
Like this each activity can be summarized as:
Learn measurement - guess how many km between
places and thus guess distances on road / room etc. Study 6 years
Work 10 years
Guess weight of objects around. Eating 6 years

Practicing drawing gives good idea on scale and Getting ready or makeup etc. to look good
proportions. Thinking
Lazy time
Time pass Gossip The question is
many years goes on How much important is Career in LIFE
Very much, BUT -
Do we live? LIFE is more important then career
Many of us don’t.
Mostly we say that there is no time to live. Career is to support LIVE

Invest time in life so that LIFE will get Someone else will do our job, we are not important for job.
added to years. Not years will get added
OUR LIFE we can
to LIFE Live in moments so that we feel only LIVE
that we lived.
The more we do on Career forgetting our LIFE Later
In the life; balance sheet have some credit. who will be with us?
Invest life on others so that you can get overdraft I have example of Scientists, High Government Officials,
from them. and Professors who have done very well in their career.

They have no social / family LIFE

During later part in their lives, at least a good number of
them when they lost career or job and LIFE was left with
them to LIVE and no one was around to share their
Balance career and life with loved one.
They have to LIVE their alone their old-age
Balance YOUR Career. not even partner or kids with them When
You are known by your career. they died
Yes career is important no one knows the addresses of the kith and kin waited
in the hospital / mortuary for dead body to be claimed.
That is LIFE!! do what I could. Actually I am never satisfied with life.

Balance your career and Life. (Lubzz)

Agreed to your views to make a balance but Sir, what if
had the dream of doing MBBS but got 7000 rank in there comes any break in some manner.
medical entrance and could not get through it. Sir How to cope up with that, How will you
now I have opted for Engineering. I am really sad evaluate it for good or bad?
as I could not get into medicine. Now I feel I didn’t
And finally don't hesitate if you are not expecting anything
back not even love.

(Dr. Sreelakshmi)
THREE WAYS are: Animals don’t think of others, past or future when they
1. ENJOY have to deal with a situation Thus they are neither happy
2. ADJUST and ENJOY nor sad at the core of the heart
Human being is a social being
If He has become intellectual He thinks on
NOT ABLE TO ADJUST and PROLONG, past or future and around and so reacts.
It is sheer waste of time for the SELF and for the
SOCIETY too. They are not reactions, they are the
manipulated responses. They are not
from heart.

Though almost all reactions are

against the SELF
This makes him more UPSET Won't we be hurting others?

Feels Unhappy, totally LOST at (Dr. Sreelakshmi)

the activity of buddhi LET
times the manas be the KITE
Buddhi as the THREAD to control.
What to do? Leave the manas as far as possible, But hold with
React as we buddhi at times to have the safe flight.
can, don’t be
reserved. COMMENT
Come what may come.
So where is the boundary?
COMMENT Isn't the string of the kite flexible?

So what's the Is there any limit to fly?

difference? Will we the humans have
any difference? if we don't think If not why people hesitate to hear mind
with the buddhi's back up?
If we responded the way we like,
Shall we feel sorry for it? (Dr. Sreelakshmi)
I can share my happiness and my worries.
When someone comes to you and says that talking to The ego must be put into trash you he feels happy then the world will
get open for you, a very beautiful one. then you have achieved something in your life. And it’s absolutely fine to think the
way you feel
if it doesn't harm self and others.
When you have a problem, you don’t find someone to
talk about it, and then you are a failure in life. (Dr. Sreelakshmi)
One feels LOST;
Fully LOST when
no one is around to share your feelings


I don’t feel very open to my friends and even parents
with whom I can share my feelings with. I feel restricted to
share my feelings because of the fear that people will feel I
am dump and sharing with my parents because I feel will
make them tense. What is wrong with me? All my friends
are really open with their parents. Am I different; can this
harm me? What is the way out of this loneliness?


Thank you
So true sir.
I feel so lucky that I have so many around me who love me.
Soul is our Fixed Asset

Brain is our Fixed Deposit

Thinking is our Current Account

Achievements are our Capital

Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade

Friends are our General Reserves

Values & Behaviour are our Goodwill

Patience is our Interest Earned

Love is our Dividend

Children are our Bonus Issues

Education is Brands / Patents

Knowledge is our Investment

Experience is our Premium Account

The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.

The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts

You need lot of courage to face
Chapter all the ups and downs.

12 (Lubzz


1.68. WHAT IS LIFE ?

A good question!
Jeevan / Chith / Chaithanyam / Athma / Brahman
It is energy, thought, ego, job
all that is around us all that
has made us all that is within
viz. the cell in physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social.
Some times something outside us
Some times what we create is life

Great task
To behold the one Self everywhere,
To attain Brahma-Jnana,
Is real Life.

To live to serve humanity,

To practice self-restraint,
To control the mind and the senses,
Is real Life.

To practice Pranayama,
To do Brahma-Vichara,
To stick to resolves,
Is real Life.

To live in Om,
To chant Om,
To meditate on Om,
Is real Life.

To ignore the names and forms,

To take the essence hidden in them,
To drink the nectar of Immortality, Is
real Life.

Fight troubles.
Sufferings are common in human life. We are making
suffering situations and making them a trouble. Trouble
and suffering depends on the way we see the things, but
they should not come between our ultimate goals.
Let it be your By birth, we are gentle, caring, complex and highly
happiness, intuitive individuals.
Success, Artistic and creative,
Loss, or we enjoy living in a world of hidden meanings and
Sadness. possibilities, called
introverted intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ)
All moments are filled with joy or solace only when we have (Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling)
someone to share.
Our society turns us to be more practical, sensible, etc.
A good company step by step, artificiality is added to make us 'better' We
that is what is in Friendship or partnership. If the poor!

that is missing, Only one percent of the population has an INFJ

Personality Type, making it the rarest of all the types.
one gets upset falls They will be creative, artistic, poetic, and not very
in deep sorrow. practical at life
will get into depression. and could fail in family life.
In this modern society people of that kind are very less.
1.74. MANAS AND BUDDHI Hello sir
I attended the class you took for the staff of PMGs office,
NOT correct is what brain (buddhi) says. Calicut.
I have a bad temper at times and honestly want to
Heart, feelings, the desire form the manas. improve myself,
at least from saying bitter things at that moment.
Manas acts fast, Buddhi slightly later. Can you give me some tips?
When the buddhi conflicts manas and the action is not (Raju)
done; manas will get upset; buddhi starts justifying.

When manas and buddhi say the same thing It is becoming difficult for you to control and get rid of it
the action is best and we since it is not evident to you directly why you are getting
become happy. angry.
Bhagavad Gita says – take manas to the atma level; If you have acidity, headache, or some other problem, that
manas is the cause for happiness and sadness too could cause this problem.

uddharethathmanathmaanam Lack of sleep,

athmaanamavasaadhayeth Tension in office or at home; There
athmaivahyathmano bandhu could be many reasons.
Your unhappiness, in some other aspect is what shoots
out as anger.
You need to find out what is making you upset.
Drink lot of water.
Be more social
Make your-self cheerful.
Reduce your expectations. COMMENTS
Take care of your physical and emotional requirements.
Reduce your expectations.
Be happy, don’t worry.
Say 'even this will change'. This is really a good thing everyone should follow
because expectations bring disappointment and result in
Be brave. various problems one of which is anger.

Behave as if you are more than your age. Behave as if (Hazaaron mein ek
you are 10 years elder than what you really are today.
Automatically you will be better.

You will definitely take a balanced decision.


Definition of Anger
Anger arises from a communication not delivered or an
expectation not met. Anger is actually a tertiary response:
our initial responses are grief and fear. First, we grieve
the death of the expectation that was not met.
Next, we fear that things will never change. Finally, we experience

I’m afraid I will behave 10 yrs plus in all situations. Think you are only the new-born baby on the lap of your
Just kidding! mother
By the way how do we make our 2 yr old kid sleep before Just get into deep sleep as a small baby. Look
12.30 daily? This is the cause of my frustrations for the at yourself as a baby.
whole day.
Sleep less you may say. Stay away.
Is it a silly question? Ask what is that you want in LIFE?
I’m afraid you will say that I’ll have to manage any ways.

(Bindu) Good advice!

Yeahhh. It is really working.
I am able to sleep well like a small baby
Thank you sir


I tried this
At night when you go to sleep, Sir. It really works.
just concentrate on your breath,
only on breath be cool! (Sanchita)
Enjoy your breath.

Ask questions to yourself on all that you want to know.

In the dream, yes, you will get the answer. 1.77. HAVING MULTIPLE INTERESTS
Don’t think on the sad, past life.
Forget about your past QUESTION
Hello sir, This is A Common Problem

I am one of your group members, I have done my B.Tech, Please see what is that you are looking for in life.

I am doing my MBA 2nd year. What is your constitution? viz. self-centered

to do research, pro with social interaction,
I got very less marks in B-tech, so I couldn’t get into software learning and teaching, in an office working
on others command, or do a commanding
or leading job?
After joining MBA I participated in one national level business To escape from technology many get into MBA.
plan contest in Indore, by which I got internship in one
See your interest first.
automation where they will be providing software to the
If you have interest in MBA - marketing, HR, Finance ---,
ask why??
Confirm yourself.

I have taken marketing in my MBA. Yes, one could have multiple interests, interest may keep
waiting for your reply and suggestions on which aspect I should
BUT at a given point of time, one must have a specific
focus......? target and goal.

Ask yourself on your goals.

(amarash amar) Evaluate your merit.

See what to do to improve your score in being better.

Chapter Science
Science is something, which gives answer to questions

13 Why, when, how, where, what etc

Interrogative questions.
Is it so sir?
ASTROLOGY IS A COMPLETE We are eager to hear on your part
(Dr. Sreelakshmi)


Astrology or astronomy, which is correct? Astrology is saasthram, but not science.

I think astrology is not at all scientific.
The movement of planets is discussed in astronomy or As per Bharatheeya saasthram, anything useful for
in astrophysics. So I am not accepting astrology as a humans is saasthram.
subject of interest. May be due to my ignorance about Science is experimental.
Saasthram includes experiencing too. That
(Mohan) is the difference.

Nagarjuna says:

saakshaath anubhavair drushto

Dr. We expect your comment on
this (Padmanabhan)
na srutho, na guru darsithaha It is more on the social, cultural, economic background and
lokaanam upakaaraya ethath practices
sarvam pradarsitham.
In this view, Astrology is helping people and has a These days people with varied background and practices
scientific basis. BUT practicing / predictions are not meet and they plan to start life together.
science or saasthra. They make a good or bad match.
A few don’t have time to spend each other even to make a
If handled well, a few Sasthra is science. bad match.
Science too fails in the hands of scientists.
Many divorcés are due to this problem and
ASTROLOGY is an INDIAN SAASTHRAM, more of independence
Well established, and has to be accepted unless some
other new equipment comes to predict the constitution
with only date, time and place of birth; astrology will
have to be accepted. 1.79. ASTROLOGY IS A SIGN BOARD
For Marriage, Astrology matching is not a must I don’t believe in Astrology
Traditionally in Bharatheeya Parampara, the astrological I don’t believe that it’s not right.
matching was not seen We can get anything from our own hard work.
The Princess were allowed to select the Husband through I think so.
SWAYAMVARAM (selection by choice)
For this, the Kings were not screened-in on astrological Sir I have serious doubt regarding yours views on
basis. astrology. Science is not only an experimental subject I
guess. Most of the fundamental and basic sciences
It is true that the astrology can predict emotional, theory discovered long years before. However at that
intellectual, physical status of the individual and the time no experimental tool was available. But most of the
matching of gunas between two. science are based on the concept of quantum
LIFE in the institution of marriage is not determined by this mechanics or based on theories. Still people believe in
matching. astrology, without understanding the speed of light which
is very very slow to reach from a planet to an object. You can change your future.
Most of the astrological people calculate something at Horoscope is only signal boards,
the time being. But basically that stars or object may be which shows up, down, turn etc.
damaged thousand years before, even if it dies, the
photon from the star reaches to the eye only after a very If one is a good driver, you don’t worry about the signal
high time delay. So total output is that we cannot boards.
understand what is going on. We have experimental
difficulty to calculate time. Untill this time we can reach COMMENT
only up to femto second time scale. But probably most of
the reactions in the galaxy may take place even less
One prevails.
than femto. So completely I am against astrology, but
And, the flow must continue as you said
agreeing astronomy.
irrespective of what is being gathered along with.
Recognition is of course for others to decide and confer.
Truly inspiring! Thank you.
Astrology is considering the cumulative influence of the
planet on the individual. One has to see the effect which
takes care of sources, speed, distance etc.

Attitude, environment, skill, people with one is living are

the major influencing parameters. Influence of people
Chapter 14
that affect our karma (action) and what we do affects HOLY SCRIPTURES MADE SIMPLE
others; we need to control them by the common linkage
that is the concept of God.

Either you can have faith in god, in your karma or in

Horoscope. They don’t go together.

Rama is sooryavansaja, representing sun Sita Krishna and Rama

means earth. Valmiki explains in 'YOGAVASISHTA' – lesson of conflict
resolution to the 16-year-old Rama - 18 days lectures
Raavana is raakshasa who has vimaana (air-craft) to given by Vasishta.
travel in the air. He is the cloud. Raavana cannot touch
the earth as clouds can’t reach earth. Krishna in the next janma gave similar lessons to Arjuna..

Laxmana is indradhanush, lightning, and thus could break In one janma you learn, next
the cloud. janma you can teach.
The Vayu bhagavan is hanuman who goes to the kingdom
of Raavana and creates problems.
Sita and Radha
As the sun with the cloud could not see the earth, Rama Rama had single wife.
couldn’t see Sita. Sita was with Rama always.
Krishna had many people for company left
Hanuman, the wind Radha at times and went for rounds.
moves Raavana, the cloud.
Thus Sun could see the earth – Rama could see Sita. Lakshmana and Balarama

Sun breaks the cloud to make shower and Earth gets Lakshmana was younger and was always with Rama.
shower and get sun light. For all Rama’s act, Lakshmana faced troubles.
Balarama kept disturbing Krishna as the elder

Arrow in shadow
Rama gave an arrow in shadow Krishna got

it back.



Yesterday one of my close friend who is a student of

psychology sent me a sms
THE LIFE COACH “When rain comes,
SPEAKS TO YOU crows hide and eagles
fly above cloud”

That is the message.

It made me to write more on this.


needed to PERFORM

Attitude will develop more skill and will hunt opportunity

Attitude with no skill and opportunity will make one

If any one of this three is absent then one will feel upset.
All these three in equal share are essential for one to be Deal as you do with those animals.

People are dull because they are not "aware".
"Awareness" makes people intelligent.

More you are aware about the thing you do, QUITE INTERESTING!
more you start gathering knowledge of that thing.
But how does one get to know of the human being he is
"awareness" is a kind of meditation. dealing with,
If a person is not aware he can’t be "inteligent" or of which animal does he characterise?
If suppose, a friend you spend 4 hours of your day with, is
(Sayantani) ignorant or of cat's nature.
How does one deal with it??
Just like for other animals.

2.2. THREE ANIMAL CHARACTERS / GUNAS hide from the fox.
Observe the friends around you with the same character.
Not only in eating but in the other activities too.
Humans are of three types.
Cat ignorant
Dog vigilant COMMENT
Fox cunning
All such types are around you. THANK YOU, UNCLE
Look at them! With your example and my mother’s help,
I understood the above said
Okay. Now I think I am a cat,
my mother is a dog (no offence) and my father is a
fox and a bit of cat (no offence)

Birth is a RACE For birth I fought with

Three Gunas millions millions of my unborn brothers and
This is what satwick sisters In my place, anyone could have
rajasik and thamasik taken birth out of those sperms from my
explained in another way. father
that didn’t get the life in my mother's
I am the winner raced many of my
unborn brothers and sisters.
That is my birth. It is me who got the birth
2.3. POSSESSIVENESS IS NATURAL thus I fought for life before my birth
Possessiveness is natural and thus the sacrifice is sacred.
In this whole life, I need not I don’t
have to race as many as I had
The day has relevance only when the other part (night)
raced for this life.
Poverty has existence only when the richness exists.
My birth is a fight my birth
Sacrifice has relevance only when possessiveness exists.
is a winning I am great
I believe in me I can race anyone
What can anyone sacrifice, when he doesn’t possess
in this life as I raced for my birth
Thus the possessiveness is the pre-requisite for sacrifice.
Never find fault with the habit of possessiveness. IT is not TRUE : Birth is an ACCIDENT
Skill and motivation is from us opportunity is from some other His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that
every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail
source the meeting of these together to make us to perform is into the back of the fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.
just accidental
Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his
anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually
Thus including our birth is just an accident dwindled down.

He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive

those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper
at all.
I am the life of my life.
He told his father about it. Father suggested the boy pull
Don't go the way life takes you. out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his
Take the life the way you go and temper.
remember you are born to live and not
living because you are born. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell
his father that all the nails were gone.
The father took his son by the hand and led him to the

He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the

2.5. ANGER MAKES HOLES holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same.
When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like
this one.
There was once a little boy who had a bad temper.
You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter We hear it in our conversations with others
how many times you say "I'm sorry", the wound is still and with ourselves.
there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. It sounds like, "They shouldn't...” “Weren't they awful”.
“Did you hear about” “In my opinion they should" etc.
Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile
and encourage you to succeed. In these moments we waste time
trying to write the script of others and
They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they forget to write our own.
always want to open their hearts to us.
We have no right to write other's LIFE script
Never hurt them, after all what right you have for this ! and any attempt to do so is futile, frustrating
and doomed to failure.

Let others’ life be such,

Taste the freedom from the subtle tensions and anxieties
about others by letting them write their own script.

“HE should have …”, “it should have rained well.” These Don't miss your life by trying to live someone else's. Make
are oft used clauses by most of us. our LIFE SIMPLE by thinking more on us and not on
I see many of them telling that ‘he should have.’
It is just like spending time trying to live someone else's It rained in Delhi the other day, just a drizzling
The ladies in the temple said, “it should have rained
When we live, we must think, I should have… heavily.”
”The dust could have settled or the cold must have…”
We are great fixers, and as What is the USE of these Complaints / comments ?
we watch others we can
hear ourselves attempting to ENJOY the Drizzling
'sort them out'. and wait for the rain
Color, Attitude etc are
2.7. COLOR IS GEOGRAPHICAL geographical too.

The birth is an accident, not anyone’s choice. that

READ THIS... too in a specific place is another accident attitude
This poem was nominated as the best poem by is accident color too
UNESCO written by an African kid:
when I was born, I was black. when
I grew up, I was black. when I go in
sun, I was black. when I get scared,
I was black. 2.8. WATCH YOUR FRIENDS
when i am sick, I will be black.
when I die, I still black.
The attachment and detachment is at mind level you meet
whereas you white fellow.
or not is immaterial; you talk or not don’t matter. There
when you born, you are pink.
are friends and relatives that you know will be with you at
when you grow up, you are white.
times not for any purpose. When you meet each other,
when you go in sun, you are red.
you enjoy else fine, there is no concern. They are just at
when you get cold, you are blue.
the back of the mind and heart. You enjoy being together
when you are scared, you are yellow.
too but have no longing for that
when you are sick, you are green.
when you finally die, you are grey. That is attachment at mind level even though
PHYSICALLY there is no attachment.
and you call me COLOURED
It is like attached detachment matured
/ spiritual level.
Sir, your comments please
Thus you may be together
(Unknown) but not at all for being
Geographical Reasons.... happy being comfortable
with it.
Whenever you get a chance you will run away. So WATCH your friends and relatives as of which type they
Such is the case of many of the relations for the are.
purpose. for benefits..
PHYSICALLY together without BEING together is
detached attachment

Profit and Loss account in relation Expectations are high

from each other and maintained for the purpose of the
Fasting is not starving.
society and status Many of the marriages are also in this
As detachment is not about not having.
You have it and don’t get attached into that.
Utterly selfish Not eating and thinking of the food, the whole day, will not
give the effect of Upvasa / Vrutha.
A few are such that they can’t live without seeing and being
together Thinking on food is lost due to the bhakthi bhava is what is
Such are the teenage and adolescent feelings They Vrutha / Upavasa.
enjoy together. Momentary feelings are the drive Upavasa means, sitting close to God. Just thinking on
they don't think of the future and the consequences God, and God alone.

At psychological or at the level of feelings that

is mostly momentary, goes away in time.
Many are not bothered about relation, contact etc.
They are animal in nature.
They just eat what comes forth but don't think of where 2.10. VALUE WITH COURAGE IS NEEDED TO
it came from BE HAPPY
and not bothered of tomorrow whether they will get or not.
Just concerned at that moment Utterly The value of the individual can be assessed by the way
they are reacting.
Natural feeling that comes in the mind and infact I thought that how I can lead a value based life
accidental reaction is the assessment of the individual when I don’t have the courage. It’s a big
value. question?

Conditional / Cultured / Polished reaction is only value (Josmi)

Many will react in the polished way, as that is what is
expected from them.
They learn to be so, or get tuned to be so.
The falling of unjust to them will be the next feeling and the SATISFACTION
people are upset even after doing good things.
Satisfaction is when one gets the desire fulfilled. Thus
The value person will like to do something, but the desire is the first step for the satisfaction
society may not permit him to be so. Thus the
person will get surrendered to the circumstances. Peace is a sate of mind.
Need not have the desire
He too is not happy Thus for the grahastha the satisfaction is the state of mind
Value based and courageous person can be happy. Pease is not for grahastha as grahastha is with desire

Courage is the thing that matters Optimism
Respected Sir Ji
Is it just a state of the mind or is it the natural power of
In the mail I wrote about leading simple life, which is the mind to be in a positive thinking mode or the ability
based on values, to train the mind to think positively or is it any thing else?
and I wrote about courage too, then after reading
"value with courage is needed to be happy" (Unknown)
Mind is the software that runs the brain - hardware 1. Kama – lust
Buddhi is the networking software which links the data 2. Krodha-anger
3. Lobha-greed
The 6 enemies 4. Moha-delusion
5. Mada-pride
We have only six enemies. They are 6. Matsarya-violence
These enemies are within us.
One cannot attain peace and satisfaction, with out removing
these enemies.
To remove these enemies one need courage.

Part - 3

QUESTION ANSWER Sir how many hours of regular study i.e. daily study you suggest for an
intermediate class student like me.

SESSIONS I am studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

No specific prescriptions

More important is how much concentration you can have.

Read only as long as you can concentrate on your study.
Read only when you enjoy learning.
Think why?
Find reasons for learning,

then learning will become interesting that

is important.

You will find no time to sit idle and will keep learning more
and more time.

Which time is good to study? Let it be in the afternoon. I

mean don’t be in bed without
Namaste sir sleep.
My parents insist me to study in early mornings, That is important
but I feel comfortable studying at night. Please suggest I have a question when someone says the best time to
me which timing is best for studying? study is before sunrise, the Brahma muhurtam. Was it a
heritage practice to read without natural light? Most of the
teaching in the traditional type is directly listening to the
Find your Best Timing
Every time is good. Why schools are not opened in the early hours before
Identify the time of your choice. sunrise?
Some people like early morning Learning is not just reading and schooling.
others like late night Learning is creative thinking.
It depends on the practice and own constitution. Brahma is the God of creativity.
But identify best 2 to 3 hours to read or study

Brahma Muhurtham They will study well. They want to.

In today’s context,
Thank you sir for your suggestion.
This is the first time I feel like I got a mentor
I understand the problem
Thank you so much.
choose the best time that can be adjusted for your activity.
I totally understand what you have said
See what time is good for you to adjust.
and I will implement it.
Brahma muhurtham is not the time before sunrise.
Yours sincerely,
That is the time we wakeup, the time of creativity.
(J.P. Chand)
What is level in spirituality?
3.2. AM I PROGRESSING: The Measuring Is the director of the research institute more scientific or the
Scale junior scientist?

But the director governs the progress of the scientist, so

It is unimportant to know the progress. does the ashram institution too.
One need not measure the weight, buddhi, mind control, Never evaluate your progress on the record of others’
etc. so is bhakthi and spirituality too. opinion.

Be a River naabhisheko na samskaara simhasya

Just flow with the slope, kriyathe vane
The river does not know how and why it flows. vikRamaarjitha sathwasys svayameva
Does it enjoy the flow? Don’t mrugendratha
No lion is enthroned as the king; the other animals
The bund stops it and it stays. As the bund fills, it flows in recognize the lion as the king, as it has the ability, an d
the direction, where the nature takes it. But it flows. shows this ability in its actions.
According to the slope it flows and never stops. Similarly
life must flow. COMMENTS

Wait for the opportunity. No lion is enthroned as the king; the other animals
recognize the lion as one.
Once it comes, accept it.
Never get frozen. Respected Sir ji
Beautifully said
Be like water and not the ice or glacier.
We should not compare ourselves with others.
Individually, one can be at high levels.
Like a river we should keep on flowing.
The institutionalized structure will make people at levels.
OK Sirji I will, I will.
With Mother's blessings
The senior swamiji is more spiritual than the junior one?
(Josmi) We ask the auto driver, he rejects.
We feel that something is lost. Is
Dear Sir, it self-respect?
So beautifully told and how true. Lots can be achieved
individually. The institution prevails. And, the flow must Then offer 15 rupees more, the auto fellow will come for
continue as you said irrespective of what is being ride.
gathered along with. Recognition is of course for others Does this mean your self-respect is something worth only
to decide and confer. Truly inspiring. Thank you. 15 rupees?

(Ravi) Self-respect is used at wrong places.


The activity we do consistently results
in people paying respect to us In due
course of time we feel that we can
3.3. SELF-RESPECT AND EGO have respect from the society that is
what is self-respect / EGO.
This was the question by COMMENT
one of my student.
True...Self respect is misinterpreted.
Self is self
Yes! I agree with you sir. Self-respect is misinterpreted at
Respect is what the society attaches to us. For every possible instance.
self, respect is NIL.
I feel people conveniently disguise their ego through
Taking an example : A lady told me that when she asks extravagant definitions of self-respect. Self-respect is
something and gets rejected, her selfrespect is hurt. always within and there is no need to show it off. When
you respect yourself, you can tackle any situation without
Is this the feeling? Yes. listening to your ego. When you undergo humiliation from
others, normally your ego wakes up and you interpret 3.4. HIGHER EDUCATION
that as your self-respect! Humiliations are a test of your
modesty and passing in the test is what actually boosts QUESTION
your respect towards you.
What is your opinion about
(Padmanabhan) Higher education system in India.
Do you support it.?

(Dr. Mohan)
You talk about higher education. Just think, may be the I mean it is completely opposite. You see small kids
education system from the start is itself wrong. Why carrying loads on their backs leading to health problems
shouldn’t we expect a change in the entire education and nowadays schools don’t even have playgrounds and
system in India? our practicals are done by our teachers and not by us.
Projects are done by our parents.
Yes, I agree Indian students are really brilliant but may
be that is all bookish knowledge. Why can’t we make Why should we be bookworms?
education more practical oriented, stress free, colourful, Books in school with loads of class work.
and interesting and more burden less. Books at home with loads of homework. Books....
I have been in the US in my 7th class and I was open books.... well cut it off. When will this change? When will
mouthed by the education system there. I mean we had it come to an end?
more of practical work more assignments and project There may be advantages with Indian education system
works. These things not only helped us in increasing
but in my point of view I see more disadvantages.
better understanding but it also helped in bringing up the
creativity within us. We never carried our text books to (Ms. Pallavi)
home we used to leave them in the lockers in the school
campus. While this was the life in US;

just compare the present education scenario in india.

3.5. NOT TO WORRY And once it gets solved, he says
All my problems, if I don’t think, the solution comes
QUESTION automatically.

SOLUTION to PROBLEM... SIMPLE Vs. COMPLEX and thus concludes that my thinking has no role in getting
Sir, It is all fate etc. but the thinking, solution are based on
I am RadhaKrishnan. the severity of the problem.
I have been in your workshop in ramakrishna math
recently, DON’T WORRY.
I met u personally there. Hope you remember me, For every complex problem, the solution may be complex
sir I have a question, Always I think or simple
something with full hope, but things For every simple problem the solution is simple
happen right opposite to me. The simple or complex problem over illogical
I never give little hope to things thinking will get complex and will have no
that time things are favour to me . solution.
What is this sir?
(Mr. RadhaKrishnan)
MBA students are
Simple and Complex Problems called
When things are serious one concentrates, and Management students
remembers it too. The possibility of such things getting a
solution and one getting out with success is very rare. I was asking this question to many of the MBA
Thus we say that the problem has no solution
students when I go for sessions at Management
For the simple problem the solution is Institutions
ready and no one thinks what and how to
Why MBA students are called Management Everyday one must ask himself ‘what he has learned
students ? today?’
If the answer is that he has learned nothing – they could
Administer is higher than Manage. decide which animal they are!
See the meaning!
Administering includes the pulling of resources. Managing Your Strength
means adjusting with the available resource They are It is required to know your strength before looking out for
different. the career.
It is more responsibility being as administrator. That
is better too. Many hang out with problems

COMMENT Your taste is to have interaction with people and you

selected the job in which you have less options Then that
Well I feel Management and Administration are
considered to be synonyms and that’s the reason why leads to frustration in job
MBA student’s are called Management Students.
JOB frustration will lead to problems in LIFE
(Sindhu) Change job else get more
time to enjoy after the work
time else
aahara, nidra, baya, maidunhani LIFE will become
samaani chaithani nrunaam pasoonaam boring
jnaanam naraanaam adhiko visesho
Once you enjoy Work or Job or Career
jnaanebhi heena pasubhi samaana
then you need not have the enjoyment
With regard to food, sleep, worry, sex; human and animal outside You can use the spare time for
are equal. Knowledge/skill is only extra for human. Without more serious activity.
knowledge he is equal to animal.
Decide what you want, what Live as if you are Dying Live
is your interest ? and love people
as if
you are going to die the next moment

3.8. LIFE : DEFINITION Learn and enjoy

as if you are going to live in this world for more
Sir Can you give definition of life in a single days

sentence? (Smruthgopi)
LIFE - Live In Full Enjoyment

Yes, LIFE is that with enjoyment

else life has no life.

(Siby) (Anu) A good question!

Thanthra is Sex - to the West

Thanthra is Black Magic - in Asia Thanthra
3.9. THANTHRA is Pooja activity - in South India

QUESTION Actually thanthra is all these, and none of these.

Sir: What is Desire is for every living being. For human it is more May
be when it started growing more the rishis must have given
Thanthra. veda classes.
VEDAS (the first three RIG, YAJUR, SAMA) are to Acharya Chanakya says there is no
soothen and reduce the desire and teach us to be happy wrong in killing the enemy rather than
with reduced desires. living with fear all the life.
One set of people are against this. If you have the way by which our desires can fulfill
They feel, HUMAN BEINGS are the best creation, without disturbing others or system,
If one can’t have desire and enjoyment, then what I think there is no wrong in following the THANTHRA
is LIFE? which is the silent game.

So the ADHARVA VEDA was created. (Tycoon)

Thanthra is more dealt in ADHARVA Veda.

The satisfaction of my desire, many times leads to the

hampering of the interest of another. 3.10. ONAM and DASAVATHARAM !
Many desires come from the neighborhood, and are
tempting. One must enjoy. Onam is for Mahabali's remembrance, the king who ruled
Kerala during Vamana's time.
Is this GOOD / BAD? Myth has it that Kerala was created by the sword-throw by
Who knows? parasurama
but in dasavathara Parasurama comes after vamana How
Let us learn all. Thanthra could Mahabali rule Kerala before it was created?
1. It is not Mahabali, it is Maveli who ruled Kerala 2. The
let us decide later if it is of use or not. Kerala ruled by the Chief Minister today, is not the same
as that ruled by Mahabali / Maveli.
COMMENT 3. Mahabali ruled not Kerala but the land around
Mahabalipuram in Tamilnadu
My view about thantra
4. The land that was ruled by Mahabali may have had a
First of all we have to rise from poor to rich, tsunami effect and Parasurama may have safeguarded.
staying in poor saying big words there is no use.
5. Kerala is not Mahabali's land but Vamana's land around
Vamanapuram or Thrikkakkarayappan's land in Kochi,
6. Mahabali is the great grand son of Ravana. This is
another "chink", as Rama is a later avtaar after Vamana.
7. All these are puranas, just a story to propagate Vedic
at various times by various people. This is a story more DR TPS : Making others’ happy is service. For this one
than 16,00,000 years old !! The names of characters in needs to be happy self. Cheerfulness keeps up the spirit of
these stories might have got repeated over generations. the one who possesses it and brings a smile to the lips of
It could be that we don’t understand the story, and hence
find contradictions. When we get to know better, the QUESTION : Which is the best regional language
contradictions will clear. according to you? Telugu Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada. You
should not say all, only one.

DR TPS : For me my mother tongue is most beautiful

QUESTION : I heard Kerala people eat some Sarswathi
ASPIRANT Leaf to improve memory power. Is it true?

QUESTION : Why people are cruel and harsh when they DR TPS : I am not aware of this !!
know that they shouldn’t be so?
QUESTION : If you’re a Keralite, then swimming is by birth
DR TPS : The true nature of every human being is it seems. Is it true?
kindness. Ego makes them different. The so-called power,
position, status, money etc. in the society brings them a DR TPS : No I don’t swim.
state they become more and more inhuman.
QUESTION : Ok. I heard Kerala people cook with coconut
QUESTION : Can we give positive criticism to improve our oil. Is it true?
friend ?
DR TPS : Yes. Many have the habit of using coconut oil,
DR TPS : Spend so much time improving yourself that you they enjoy it too
have no time left to criticize others!
QUESTION : Ok. Is eating non-veg a sin according to
QUESTION : What is service, and how do we do it ? mythology
DR TPS : Eating non-veg could have been the Vedic QUESTION : People say that dream is false but most of
practice, as the Veda is too old. But as they improved, the them say GOD came into my dream. Which is truth?
early human must have become vegetarians.
DR TPS : I think what Kalam says on this is quite true.
QUESTION : Can we eat non-veg wearing Ekamukhi Dream is not what you see in sleep; dream is the thing
Rudraksha? which doesn’t allow you to sleep.

DR TPS : Eating and wearing are not related. QUESTION : Ok sir, how many hours do you sleep daily?

QUESTION : So you won’t eat non-veg at all? DR TPS : It depends on mood and the energy. No
QUESTION : What’s your goal in life?
QUESTION : Oh my God! Ok, that Ramsethu bridge was
blasted. Do you think is it really constructed by Rama and DR TPS : To be a good person, useful for as many as in
Hanuman or you think Ramayana is just a fiction? this world. Teach what I could learn.

DR TPS : Need to learn more. The geophysical QUESTION : There is a myth that if we donate eyes etc
movement must have separated the Lanka far from India, we will be born as blind in next life. How far it is true?
it would have been closer during Rama's time!
DR TPS : Think of this life.
QUESTION : Did Allah created Vishnu etc or Vishnu Nothing like that, it is a good karma to donate.
created Allah or both are different?
QUESTION : If we don’t think about next life, no one will
DR TPS : Evolution, that is the science. Maybe Vishnu is go to temples. Everyone will do sins because if we do bad,
older than Allah. god will punish. With this fear life goes on.
Getting bored with my stuff, right?
QUESTION : So there is no god? DR TPS : Many people who are visiting temple are sinners,
do good things and don’t visit temples.
DR TPS : I don’t say that.
QUESTION : Oh my God! Why like that? Thrice in a week, Clean Reflections
I am going to temple for getting job in Satyam. Stock taking.

DR TPS : Bad propaganda is to attract people to temples? What is happening in LIFE, what next ?
(smiling) GOD does not look after the Satyam HR!
Really, a stock taking. What to do to
QUESTION : haha.. Nothing like that! Once you only
said that prayers only energise you. Nothing to do with society through services/
god. So getting energized.
But Swami Vivekananda said. “Believe in yourself and Get famous?
believe in god. Then see the miracles! so I am waiting for then what ?
a miracle.
DR TPS : good. But that is nothing to do with temple. GOD Enough!
is within. God may not be in temples. After that --- what?

QUESTION : Krishna said “indugaladu andugaladu ani NO

sandham valadu chakri..
So believing god is in a temple, it is also even within us but Need to do something different.
I am not so pure to keep god in me. change of course. more
productive more autonomy
DR TPS : Try to reach to that level. Not pure, but being
natural is more important. sense of uniqueness
QUESTION : What are you dealing with at this point in time leadership more accepting
in life ? & loving...

3.12. RAGGING Many a times just joke only
Learn some tricks to present
QUESTION May be a joke or a song
Why should you worry?
RAGGING Just be flexible, cool, and calm
Sir, Enjoy being in that group
All the best, have a better
I am a B.Tech student of first year start greater company
my college will be starting from 20th of this month I
am scared of ragging.
Can you please give me any advice
of how to overcome this fear. Please sir, kindly help me. 3.13. ZAZO’s INTERVIEW FOR THE
Zazo: Dr T.P Sasikumar has tons of achievements and a
long list of qualifications. His position in society and in his
Take It Lightly professional circle is far more magnanimous than what I
can describe here. I would like to request Dr.Sasikumar to
Ragging is for building good relations with seniors. write about himself in his own words and would also like to
Take it lightly. thank you for giving me this pleasure which is my biggest
Enjoy being with the unknown group achievement ever till now.
It is nice to play with them Don’t
put too much of ego. Welcome Sir to Orkut’s Hall of Fame!
Be cool!
Take it lightly. DR TPS : Thank you.
See that the elders are your friends and brothers or sisters
Enjoy playing with them I am truthful to self and to all those who interact with me to
You will be alright the best of my ability; I always try to get away from frictions
It is not unnatural and be as simple as I can in interpersonal relationships.
Plus-two (twelfth class) - the then pre degree, I scored very specialization in Knowledge management of ISRO. MS in
less! Psychotherapy and Counseling from IPMS, Mumbai.

Always motivated and skillfully active, I try to use the Professionally learned Computer Vision, Image
opportunity as best as I can. I feel, LIFE has to grow Processing, Remote Sensing, Mapping etc.
like a tree and fall like a river.
I chanced to study little Indian Knowledge though Veda,
Learning and teaching are my passions, I am happy with Upanishad, Thanthra etc. from various gurus including Lt.
everything around me and proud to have this gifted life. Brahmasree K P C Anujan Bhattathiripad. Astrology and
Vasthu from Payyanur Lt. Kesavan Aacharya.
Zazo: Sir, please tell us about your educational and
professional background. Learned Hypnotism and many of the therapies including
REIKI, Pranic Healing and also got initiated to ESOTERIC
DR TPS : I was not a good student at young age. In class DOWSING and Healing.
VIII, I studied at Tagore Vidya Nikethan at Taliparamba in
Kannur, Kerala. In class X, I scored very low percentage. Zazo: How do you feel being a recipient of so many
I passed out from my native school at Naduvil in 1979. degrees and certificates? Is there any subject you are left
1981 I got through Pre-Degree (equal to Plus 2) with a bad with or wish to study?
score. I did fairly well in graduation (BSc Maths) with 89 % DR TPS : The certificates are not the credit. I read only
score from Payyanur College, Kannur, Kerala. Completed serious matters. But they made me read more and more.
MSc. Mathematics with second rank from University of When I have target, I get focused. Else I am not a serious
Science & Tech, Cochin in the year 1986. reader. A serious reader need not bother on certificates.

MPhil from Bangalore University with first rank and PhD in I was half way through MA in Philosophy but had to leave
Fluid Mechanics / Heat Transfer at Bangalore in 1989. in between for some reason. I wanted to read more on
subjects of Philosophy and Psychology. I wish I knew
After joining the Space Department, I finished my LLB from more biology and chemistry.
Osmania Uni. Also did MBA (HR) from IGNOU with
I am not satisfied.
Presently keen to read holy scriptures like Bhagwad Gita, Teaching topics like Educational Techniques / Effective
Yoga Vasishta and works of Sankara, Ramana et. al. Learning & Teaching / Management / Human Rights /
SOFT-SKILL, MAN making / Attitude Setting / Personality
Need more time to read and teach these ocean of wisdom. Development / Mind management etc. is my passion.
I am waiting for the dawn of November 2009 when I will General Talks and Spiritual Talks at Temples are also part
take VRS and devote myself to fulltime learning and of my life for the past eight years.
Zazo: As you are so experienced, please tell us how you
Zazo: Sir, please throw some light on your job profile and find the whole system of education in India? Where India
any new or completed projects, if possible? is lacking? And where do we need to improve? The
statistics show development in South India, what about
DR TPS : Basically I am a Space Department Scientist North and North Eastern states?
since 1989. Worked on Remote Sensing, Mapping, Image
Processing, Photogrametry, Computer Vision etc. DR TPS : It is a wonderful question, can’t be answered in
few lines. Please see my blog NECESSARY BUT
Worked on deputation at Calicut University in Kerala as NOT SUFFICIENT for my view at
DIRECTOR of UGC-Academic Staff College for over a
year. My job entitled me meeting fresh and senior most India needs education that will teach about what we need
teachers – Orientation program for fresh lecturers and in the country, and what we need to do to grow further.
Refresher Program in Advanced topics in their concerned Our education has no learning of our culture, history, and
fields for the senior teachers / professors. system. We have not grown much in the basic education
Apart from all these, I teach at various Colleges /
Universities / Institutes / Public / etc as a Visiting Professor The change, faster tracks and development in South are
/ Guest Faculty. I am with Vivekananda Institute for Human just because of the language skills. English is almost like
Excellence at Ramakrishna Math in Hyderabad for so their mother tongue and the international exposure. Many
many years where hundreds of youth listen to me every go overseas for education and get employed there. These
week. moves taken by them are good for immediate growth and
Due to this, as Indians, we are not growing. We enjoy living DR TPS : The question is, "Is India developed or not"?
with the money we are getting by doing any job. Most of the
jobs are supporting the economy of the developed nations. Regarding money matters, the knowledge and the power
will not make money, we need to strive. We lack that. We
We need to improve the infrastructure. The educational work abroad and they get the merit and credit. Indians are
background of India is good. We could attract foreign great, but not India. We will be able to make India great.
students to India, instead of the current scenario wherein To achieve this in the near future, we need good leaders.
students from India are going abroad for education.
Zazo: Any political leader in the past you got impressed
Zazo: What is your comment on introducing sex education with? Who is your role model?
as a subject for school students in India?
DR TPS : Mahatma Gandhi.. a true political leader with
DR TPS : The basic biology that is taught in the school spiritual background.
level is enough. The animals don’t learn sex in the classes. Many may not call him as political leader, but he was
Instinct is the lesson. What is required is the human value SWAMY VIVEKANANDA. Vivekananda predicted the
education. future of India. He was a spiritual leader with political vision.
Value based education will set human nature. Being human
is the true essence of human being. Thus not just sex, all These men had a vision for the country and were not driven
the feelings need to be controlled. Learning to live as a by selfish interest.
social being, living by protecting others ’ rights is true
education. There are not many other political leaders around. These
days, may be KALAM can be put in better category.
Hatred, unwanted competition, human right violations, etc.
can be stopped by imparting value rich education. We had lot of hope on Vajpai, but the party is not in good
shape now. Vajpai was good as an opposition leader and
Zazo: Being a space scientist for so long you have seen had good vision.
many ups and downs, many development and new
technologies. Where do you place India amongst some Not more on this topic.
developed countries like U.S, Russia & Japan?
Zazo: Sir, what is your work as a spiritual director and life Zazo: What about your online activities, like your yahoo
skill trainer? Please tell us a little bit about your journey to group. What is the purpose of that group? You also own a
spirituality. blog and some communities on orkut too. How ’s that going
DR TPS : Nothing around us is constant so people move
between happiness and sadness. If we fluctuate with those DR TPS : It is almost 3 years back, I started yahoo groups.
scenes we are unable to remain constant internally. But That was when same questions were asked by many of the
when we turn to the One who is permanently radiating students the answers were put on groups’ postings and
virtues, we receive power and become unshakable. asked the students to see them. Few lecture schedules
were also intimated through the group.
God offers all His potential to us.
He is ever constant in being the light that never fades and Orkut was started again for my students of Ramakrishna
is within us. I found that people generally lack this math, the youth, around 200 per week on an average,
understanding. Our Traditional style had lot of methods for whom I meet and most of them wanted the orkut reference.
this realization. But unfortunately many of them are today Someone again demanded the blog; I am not very up-to-
being commercialized. In a small way, wherever I can date on it.. But still posted a few views.
reach I am taking the message, as I understood.
The community LIFE is to LIVE picked up very fast, as I
Personality Development, Communication Skill, Positive was very active in the lectures during that time.
Thinking / Acting, Mind Management, Activity
Management are all LIFE Skills. Both Spiritual Direction October 2007, when I moved to Delhi, I lost my password
and Life Skills are the same. This is the message I am of gmail account and the LIFE is to LIVE community
taking to people. password too. Someone hacked that. My old orkut login
too I lost. I had more than one thousand friends and I had
I have taken thousands of classes and conducted to remove many of them, that’s the time
innumerable workshops for Over lakhs of youth / students I lost it.
and teachers. I have discussed a variety of topics across
govt. offices / clubs/ educational institutes / banks / temples It is then I started LIFE made SIMPLE. As I don’t have
/ etc. many lectures around these days. The growth is less. But
have a few who read and send email to me. They scrap said that most people there gave lectures merely to collect
too. But don’t reply on the community. money. When they had found
someone rejecting the offer, it surprised them. I told them
I am not very pushy. I have a few good friends and they that I live in a better place and enjoy better facilities t han
are with me for long. I got many of my relatives too on the them. So it was they who required money and not myself. I
list; they otherwise would not have been in contact. My felt that they loved others more than they loved themselves.
stay in Delhi was arranged by my orkut friend, whom I have
not met yet. In a SCHOOL in DUBAI, I was chanting slokas asking the
Social networking has done a lot of favour to me and I am students to repeat. They could not, I asked them to leave
positive on them. I have good number of friends; many of it. They didn’t leave. They want to learn chanting those
them keep in constant touch too, even when they are not slokas. The one-hour class stretched to three hours. The
live and active on orkut. students were from Brazil, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia,
Europe, UAE etc. I have not found any other place where
Zazo: Sir how was your experience outside India? I saw the kids are so much interested to learn like this.
that you gave many lectures in different countries, any
memorable moment you want to share with us? The students in one school interviewed and they recorded
the interview to write in their magazine.
DR TPS : I had conducted a few lectures in OMAN,
MUSCAT. At Muscat I remember the special secretary and In DUBAI, Narayanettan one who came to attend my
Kimji (the richest of Oman) attending my talks. The class did not leave my company for ten days; attended all
personal meetings after the lecture at their invitation my lectures without attending his office and home.
showed lot of love and admiration.
In India too, I had many such instances, but those abroad,
I have never had such an encouragement in India. were a few striking.

SOHAR in OMAN, I remember the crowd, Keralites, who Zazo: What is the key to success in your opinion? I think
were all very poor and lived in small sheds. After the lecture this is the question every student and professional wants
they offered me some money but I refused to take. They to ask.
DR TPS : For success one should have I lost my father and sister in an accident when I only
attitude survived, do we call it a failure?
opportunity I never had a childhood of enjoyment, a traditional village
in equal proportion. Anything more or less will have farmer’s son, FAILURE?
problems in life. I got the last rank in my 8th class, a failure.
Opportunity is not in our hand, but as it comes, one has to
use it. Skill needs to be developed with specific target in The list goes on…. are these all failures? Yes, I do had
mind, else will go waste and will feel bad for not having pains and grief over these. At those times, they were
opportunity, and will get into depression. Good attitude will failures.
create a balanced desire and enjoyment in life at all levels.
THESE sort of stories each and everyone will have. Not
A person could be happy but not satisfied. The desire to getting good marks, not getting the job required, not
grow and achieve higher must be there within. When one getting promotion, not getting the girl loved, not having a
achieves what he aims, he is called successful. Thus good house, car etc. etc…. NOT OF MY CHOICE !!
desire is a must starting point for success.
I HAVE NO SUCH FAILURES… or had many… but I
Zazo: Did you ever face failure in your life? If yes, how did always feel they are not failures.
you come up with it?
ONCE you miss a bus, u have many options.
DR TPS : I had and do keep on having many failures in Once you get into a bus, you miss many busses.
LIFE. So missing a bus is good.
Every one will have. This is my word and I keep telling this to people too.
SO nothing in life is a failure.
When I took birth, I won over millions of my unborn We get chances and many more chances.
brothers and sisters, that is a success. THE BIGGEST
WAR EVER ANYONE WILL FIGHT IN HIS LIFE, is before Thus failure is only a displacement for a short time, one
the birth. must enjoy it. Take it as a challenge. THAT IS WHAT I DO.
We do not know what is good for us, let God decide and Zazo: Any message to the readers of this interview?
provide the best. HAVE FULL FAITH IN GOD… DO the
JOB. THAT IS WHAT I DO. DR TPS : If this interview could inspire a few…
Zazo: Please give a guidance and way to those students
who are intended to become a scientist or a teacher as This is a wonderful experience. The effort of this person
you experienced both. who tried this is worth.

DR TPS : Learn well any subject, that is it. One can get I enjoyed, and thank you very much.
into research, and be a scienti st in any field of interest. And
once one learns the subject then he will be able to teach Let this Hall of fame be full. So that this first fame will be
well. out and new good faces are up. All the very best!
Thus could be a good teacher. Research and teaching Zazo: Thanks a lot sir for giving your precious time for this
must go together. A teacher who is not researcher can’t be superb and informative, inspiring and wonderful interview.
active and cannot grow. A researcher who is not a teacher I really enjoyed talking to a personality like you. Thanks for
is not practical too. all the appreciations and kind words. Thanks a lot.

The field of research is not the matter, but the aptitude and Interview ends but the personality keeps on growing…just
the outlook matters; that will help being a creative teacher as LIFE.

Part - 4 4.1. WIN OVER LIFE

Life is to win, so
win over self.


The surrendered self has
BITS no meaning in LIFE
If one can’t hold his shoulder up, why
to LIVE in this world


anyone Except the
SELF. Clear and
clean SELF makes
more days to keep the

SHARING...... with WHOM?

LIFE has meaning only when we have someone to
Let it be
Sadness. COMMENT

All moments are filled with joy or solace only when we have RARE WE.
some one to share. By birth we are different
We are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive
A good company is a must. individuals.
Artistic and creative,
That is what is required from a Friend or a partner. We enjoy living in a world of hidden meanings and
If that is missing, called Introverted intuitive Feeling
One gets upset falls Judging
in deep sorrow, gets (Introverted Intuition with Extroverted Feeling - IIEF)
into depression Our society turns us to be more practical, sensible, etc.
step by step, artificiality is added to make us 'better' Then nothing could be left as his.
Poor we ? All that is, is because of some one else.
Only one percent of the population has an IIEF
Personality Type, The last question?
making it the most rare of all the types. What is it that you have done?
They will be creative, What is it that you have done differently? What
artistic, poetic, not very is your individuality?
practical at life
and could fail in family life. To prove you may need to fight. FIGHT
In this modern society people of that kind are very less. and LIVE

(Sudeep) COMMENT

Be Critical Being critical about your own action will

always guide you to take a strong and determined
decision instead of a weak and temporary one.
4.2. NEVER SURRENDER TO SURVIVE Every such instance will boost your morale to keep this
Many people surrender themselves to anything to
survive. They are called practical, good, well behaved. Survive with peace of mind instead of surviving for the
sake of it
BUT without peace and happiness. (Padmanabhan)
see the self-cheating
that one does for
what reason.

May be to get some immediate benefit. 4.3. NEVER MISS AN OPPORTUNITY

It leads the individual to hell A real life story goes like this....
The person later in life, at some time think of this.
Madan Mohan Malaviya wanted to start the Banaras Hindu Malaviya got the money from NIZAM
University. For this he needed funds.
He came to NIZAM at Hyderabad and asked for money. Let this be only a story.
NIZAM was angry and shouted him to go out. Malviya BUT
replied that he would go from Hyderabad only after getting the lesson is that
his money. They had an angry talk. Never miss the OPPORTUNITY
NIZAM took off his slipper and threw at Malaviya,
MALAVIYA said, “I GOT IT” and took the slipper away. He COMMENT
TOOK THE SLIPPER and announced the auction at
Charminar in the evening. Yes, Winner finds his own way to get his work
NIZAM got angry and asked his people to collect back the Madan Mohan Malavya knew well how to get, what he
slipper through auction, as the slipper was costly, an want.
imported one!
In the beginning, they all got sad for the death of one of speechless. They stood nearby the coffin, shocked and in
their silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of
colleagues, but after a while they started getting curious to their soul.
know who was that man who hindered the growth of his
colleagues and the company itself. There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked
inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to
The excitement in the gym was such that security agents the mirror that said:
were ordered to control the crowd within the room. The
more people reached the coffin, the more the excitement "There is only one person who is capable to set limits to
heated up. Everyone thought: "Who is this guy who was your growth: it is YOU. You are the only person who can
hindering my progress? Well, at least he died!" revolutionize your life. You are the only person who can
influence your happiness, your realization and your
One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin, success. You are the only person who can help yourself.
and when they looked inside it they suddenly became
Your life does not change when your boss changes, Mind gets thoughts and words through the indriyas.
when your friends change, when your parents change, As we have interaction the mind gets filled. Open
when your partner changes, when your company the indriyas to better darsanas.
changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when
you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize QUESTION
that you are the only one responsible for your life.
What about broken mirrors?
"The most important relationship you can have, is the one
you have with yourself" (Subhadra)

Examine yourself, watch yourself. Don't be afraid of Mind is like a floppy

difficulties, impossibilities and losses: be a winner, build No cracks and breaks, only scratches and dust exist Polish
yourself and your reality. The world is like a mirror: it gives it well.
back to anyone the reflection of the thoughts in which one It will have better reflections.
has strongly believed. Use smooth powder to polish.
not grinders with sand.
The world and your reality are like mirrors laying in a coffin,
which show to any individual the death of his divine
capability to imagine and create his happiness and his
It's the way you face Life that makes the difference. Swargam (Heaven) or Moksham (Salvation). Salvation
is the higher state.
"manam darpana samaanam"
Heaven can be reached by good living or the self, not
Mind is like a mirror, Sankara says.... disturbing others.

May be it has some dust which needs to be cleaned. Salvation is at higher level.
Then it will reflect better.
Here, one needs to do good things for others, make others Swargam is here, that is happiness.
happy, serve the society, environment etc.
Ishtathe labhathe swargam God does take rebirth and undergoes the life process.
(bhakthi / yagya /sacrifice will give heaven) From swargam people do come back to life. Like every
morning one gets back to life
poorthe mokshamavaapnuyath
(serving society / nature will provide salvation) Happiness is both temporary and permanent Swarga
is temporary happiness
Try higher level
Moksha is permanent happiness.
To be practical, don’t think of what will happen after death
Both experiences in life itself are possible
what one do today will have an effect in the next day. It is not after death, but here, in this life itself
Yesterday what we thought has influence on today ’s


How to acquire moksh? I don’t

want to reach heaven or hell. don’t
want to reborn in this world.

We human beings have limited power but the god within
everyone has infinite power. OUR FINITE POWER

(I m a small baby)

Yes the attitude of the on lookers on each subject matter,

but sir is it better to think all the sides of the matter on
hand or shall we just skip the details before committing
to any thing, saying I have positive attitude or am

(Dr. Sreelakshmi)
4.10. FEEDING IS GREATER SERVICE BUT Indisputably, undoubtedly teaching is the Greatest
TEACHING IS THE GREATEST and noblest of services.

Feeding the needy is a great service teaching the The true Guru teaches the essence of life to his
seeker is the greatest of all the services. pupil and in the process gives his pupil the most
precious asset of his life i.e. Knowledge which
annadaanam param daanam rests with him for the whole life. I also believe
vidyaa daanamathath param that the Guru in the process keeps raising his own
annena kshanika thruptihi self and thus become more equipped to spread his
yavath jeevamcha vidyaya knowledge. Please carry on with your words of
the food that one eats will stay only for some time (unknown)
the learned lessons will stay life long..

4.11. NO ONE IS USELESS Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this
work, and you don't get full value from your
A water bearer had two large pots, each hung on efforts," the pot said.
the ends of a pole which he carried across his neck. The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that
One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot there were flowers only on your side of the path,
was perfect and always delivered a full portion of but not on the other pot's side? That's because I
water. have always known about your flaw. So I planted
At the end of the long walk from the stream to the flower seeds on your side of the path, and every
House, the cracked pot arrived only half full. day while we walk back, you've watered them. For
two years I have been able to pick these beautiful
For complete two years this went on daily, with the flowers to decorate the table.
bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of
water to his house. Without you being just the way you are, there would
Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its not be this beauty to grace the house?
accomplishments, perfect for which it was made.
But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own Moral:
imperfection. And miserable that it was able to Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all
accomplish only half of what it had been made to cracked pots. But it's the cracks and flaws we each
do. have that make our lives together so very
After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take
failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the each person for what they are, and look for the
stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to good in them. Blessed are the flexible, for they
apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only shall not be bent out of shape.
half my load because this crack in my side causes
water to leak out all the way back to your house. amanthramaksharam naasthi
naasthi moolamanaushadham
ayogya purusho naasthi
yojagaha thathra durlabhaha

No letter is unused in manthra; no roots left unused

in medicine; no people are useless, but those who
can place them at right places are rare.
IT IS A LIVELY BIG SPACE that not only baffles us but also atomise our existence. The
title is very apt as it says “Life made simple” for us by this
We talk about life. We philosophize about life. We dream
simple unassu ming person who is a scientist,
about life. We worry about the certain uncertainties in life.
mathematician, poet, with degrees in LLB, MBA, M.S in
We speak about our experiences in life. Rarely do we
Psychotherapy, and who is well versed in Vedas,
realize that we are floating in an ocean of life – a big life. Upanishads, Thanthra and Astrology. He has given us a
It is not just an empty space around us – it is a lively big good introduction about himself in his book. I quote “moved
life... It is not simple. But it can be made simple, says through Naduvil, Taliparamba , Payyannur, Kannur,
Dr.T.P. Sasikumar, who is popularly known as Dr.TPS in Calicut, Kochi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, New
his book ‘’ Life made Simple”. Delhi on study and job ”. You can read about what he is in
page 136 of this very special Book..
Dr.TPS is one such blessed being who has received a
special stroke from heaven to understand that life is The sum total of his learning and vast experience of
essentially a learning experience. He believes that each Teaching contributed to the genesis of this book, through a
situation, challenge, and relationships contain messages socializing web site ‘ORKUT’. He named his community life
that are worth learning and teaching. His criticality and is to live and conveys the strong message not to wallow in
powerful observations about life is what you find in the self-pity, which is worse than death! I should say he
seminal work. It is this strong faith that has shaped his dramatically alters your perceptions of the world and
convictions and has enabled him to offer us simple yourself. This is what he says about criticism which makes
solutions to alleviate the pain arising out of the complex life us emotionally anaemic "…Arrow goes forward only after
pulling the string backward. Bullet goes forward only after the FAQ are of day to day life. The answers are simple at
pressing the trigger backward. Every human being will get the same time thought provoking and easy to comprehend.
happiness only after facing difficulties in his path of life”
(LS, 15). Dilemma of Life in Tit Bits forms the fourth section. He says
“life is to win, win over self ” (147) enunciating the greatest
The book is divided in to four sections. Part one comprises philosophy of life. He answers the single most important
of fourteen chapters which holds the different permutations question that people have always asked “what is the
of our life under the microscope, He confesses life is not purpose of this life?” Here comes an answer which is
simple, but being simple, with no extra ego, we can make simple- but far from easy. Live in a manner that is
life simple. consistent with one’s spiritual ideals. Be consistent and live
your life with a strong faith in God. He says “our finite power
In part Two titled “The Life coach speaks to you”; he holds the infinite power. This why nothing is impossible”,
discusses the blues of life and offers simple maxims to conveying his deep rooted faith in God.
chart our journey peacefully. He warns us of our six
enemies Kama-Lust, Krodha-Anger, Lobha-Greed, Moha- He reconceptualises love . He stresses the need for us
Delusion, Mada-Pride and Matsarya-Violence. to abound in unconditional Love that becomes the ultimate
He has defined matsarya as violence highlighting the fact truth that lies at the heart of creation. The spirituality that
that the unhealthy competition in any relationship is a he speaks about is not that simple for us. He says I quote
violence against once own divinity! Part three deals with “you need power to remain free from the influence of
others. Detachment is this power”. ( Page-19). In other
these words are well grounded in the wisdom of Vedas closing balance” They are pithy epigrammatical sentences
which tells us to remain as a drop of water in the lotus which make us reflect seriously about our karma. His views
leaf. The hardest philosophy of life is made simple by about karma can be summed up with the lines of
saying practice detached attachment to live your life Bhagavad-Gita.
meaningfully “sarva karma bhale thyagams praahu
thyagam vichakshaha”
This book is special as it carries very interesting One who sacrifices the fruits of his karma makes the
anecdotes about Hitler being a vegetarian and Ravana supreme sacrifice. He defines karma as the activity of
who meditated regularly. The book is replete with service to others. The book thus epitomizes the creativity
comments of his orkut community. So it becomes a of Dr.TPS which is a net of love that catches many souls.
discourse on “Life”. We feel that he is a great teacher who touches a life
forever. The quote
HE offers you 4 simple steps to reach God, viz. Neglect “anna daanam param daanam vidyaa daanam athath
those who oppose bhakthi; Mercy on those who are param”
materialistic and not spiritual; Friendship with Bhakthas
reveals his conviction that teaching the seeker is greatest
and Love god. Thus this simple book becomes sacred in
of all services that has given birth to this discourse on Life.
illumining your way to god.
My discourse ends, but the personality keeps on growing -
His earthy sense of humour is well reflected in chapter 11
Just as LIFE.
titled economics of life. A peep into our life cycle begins
( Dr. Latha Nair. R.,
thus “Our birth is our opening balance , our death is our Department of English, St:Teresa’s College, Kochi)
FILLS A GREATLY FELT VOID their words leave an indelible impression on the minds of
the people.
Dear Dr. Sasikumar,
I owe you a big apology for not responding earlier. Thank
Dr T P Sasikumar’s book – LIFE made SIMPLE – in a small
you very much for your book "Life Made Simple". You have
measure is close to the words of Swamiji’s Dr Sasikumar
actually simplified a lot of spiritual and philosophical
says, ‘There is no last word in anything. I keep telling in my
matters in such simple terms that even young children can
lectures. My prayers is that “Let me have more knowledge
understand them. I think this book fills a greatly felt void.
to realize that what I have learned till now is to be corrected
and updated. There is not last, the best …”. This sums-up
Heartiest congratulations!!! May you God help you bring
the philosophical overtones behind the musings penned
out more and more of such books that are of great
down by Dr T P Sasikumar, a scientist turned philosopher
practical utility to people.
from Space Science.
With best wishes,
Mrs. Valsala Kumari IAS
Commissioner of Civil Supplies, Dr Sasikumar adapted a strange style in compiling these
Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram sayings. He develop0ed this book from his orkut socializing
network site where he had answered the questions of a
‘Great people say great things in simple words’ say number of netizens across the globe. ‘Being simple, being
Swami Vivekananda. Great people like his guru Sri. as we are with no extra ego is simply beautiful. Cool, calm,
Ramakrishna speak out of their experience and therefore smooth at ease is simple life. Try to be what we are’- is the
simple message with which the book begins. Balancing
one’s desires and how to be consistent in life, ability to circumstances and towards dreaded objects too. He goes
accept the criticism to push forward are some of the first to explain the mathematical components of
chapter prescriptions stemming out of an ocean of Gunatrayavibhag of the Gita how each of the three gunas
experience and wisdom. Politely daunting people indulging would take over another guna with out our explicit
in inconsistent words and practices, Dr Sasikumar is knowledge.
emphatic about the need of value with courage.

Decrying show of spirituality, Dr.Sasikumar stresses the

He rightly puts the perspective of ‘possessiveness’ in terms
need to do one’s duties with ‘sraddha in saadhana’. With
of spirituality. The ‘me and the mine’ are often attacked in
a prescription to ‘retrospect’ and ‘introspect’, he suggests
the Upanishads as false and illusions. In the like manner,
the measures to check the progress one achieved in life.
he also exhorts to ‘Shun possessiveness in love’. His It is a ‘must read’ book to make one’s ‘life made simple’.
advice to the younger generation is to perform their ‘role,
goal and value balancing ’ with no ‘attachments to the role’ Prof. Dr. CSHN Murthy & Prof. Dr. Devesh Kishore
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
while keeping oneself balanced between ‘learning and Institute of Management Studies, Noida.
being’. He discovered that, ‘The being is the actualization A GRASS-ROOT PHILOSOPHY
and the bliss of life is in that stage. Being in spirituality is This book is something quite different.
the process of evolution’. His examples of Hitler as If we can get something out of orkut. DrTPS has found
‘vegetarian’ and Ravana as ‘meditator’are something ORKUT different. The book talks about the positive side of
inspiring to have a positive attitude to even worst life. Really thought provoking. No sequence in the book.
User-friendly. Anecdotes substantiate the theory. Profound
philosophy of LIFE. Practically touching every aspect of performer to achiever to reformer. It is simplicity. DrTPS is
LIFE. DrTPS has brought the Philosophy to the grass-root a profound teacher, evident intellectual; his activism had
level. DrTPS is a grass-root Philosopher. So much scope his own style. The last portion that says that all of us are
to promote and kindling the energy of people. It could be useful, and people who can keep them at the right place is
used in training centers. Open any page and read, it givers lacking.
energy. It is done so well. He is a guide for all of us. It gives Dr. P M Nair IPS,
Director, CRPF, Delhi
the message that one can be raised from talker to doer to
PEARL OF MESSAGES experienced can take it to the heart (manas). Many of the
wrong information and misunderstandings are cleared
It was with so much of eagerness I read this book. Reading,
through this small book. He explains about guru,
Experience gives Knowledge and Wisdom. This book is the
spirituality, god, bhakthi, the story of Mahabali and the
Pearl of messages (Rathanakaram / manimuthukal). LIFE
Onam festival etc. DrTPS as a scientist and a spiritually
is not simple when it is added with Philosophy. The
inclined intellectual have a blend of unparallel wisdom of
biological life is simple. Those who thinks of life, it is
critically examining and explaining very simple. There are
tragedy. Those who experience LIFE is a comedy. The
lot of concepts to be cleared in the mind of people, I am
questions that one thinking person has are being answered
sure DrTPS can do a lot of service in this direction. DrTPS
in a small book like this. Most of the great things are written
in his book says the heaven and hell is in this same world .
simple. It is like the poem of Poonthaanam that explains
One who goes deep into this book will get the best pearls
things so simple, which are so tough to understand through
out of this book. Let DrTPS generate more sisters and
the scripts in Veda and even in Gait. LIFE made SIMPLE
brothers to his book LIFE made SIMPLE.
has the essence of all the knowledge. The knowledge when
Prof. Akavur Narayanan,
Rtd. Prof. of Modern Indian Languages Department,
Delhi University,
LIFE made SIMPLE can provide lot of inputs for making the KISS is keep is soft and simple. That is what DrTPS taught
life our kids simpler. Not everybody can answer the us. There are a few who flow with the time and a few
questions of out kids. Many kids are not having the freedom change the time. DrTPS is a rare combination.
to ask questions to us. Through ORKUT many kids have Prof. rathnesh Pathak,
Station Director, Salam Namasthe, Noida
asked lot of questions and DrTPS had answered all of
them. DrTPS took the public domain for very private
discussion. When one talks to DrTPS you feel that he is
talking to you and you alone. He has the ability to get into A LITTLE GEM OF A BOOK
your heart and the points are taken to your heart. Every I have just read "Life made simple", a little gem of a
question that one has is answered in this book. This book book; in todays complex and media-distorted society it is a
gives something to think, once you read any page. This joy to read such a simple but great mixture of scriptual
combination of traditional philosophical knowledge and the wisdom, life experience and common- life-wisdom. It is
most advanced networking technology is an innovative rare especially nice to think there is real communication
way. The value system that he is pushing though the book between people behind it and not "onesided preachers."
is commendable. LIFE made SIMPLE is a book for The author , Dr. T.P.Saskumar shows how to install trust
practitioner. The book tells you to look beyond what is and faith in the micro- and macro cosmos, a rare gift for a
evident. It is a wonderful gift that DrTPS has given. scientist.
Smt. Swagatha Sen Pillai Swami Nityamuktananda
Classical Dancer, New Delhi
A Spiritual Researcher & Traveler With love and prayers.
Pradeep Nambair,
Dear Sir:
Namasthe, HYDERABAD.

Please accept my hearty congratulations for your new book IT REALY CHANGED MY LIFE
– LIFE made SIMPLE. It is really simplifies most of the Dear Sir:
complicated thoughts and situation in our day-to-day life. I Thank you sir, you visited my school a few days back. It
especially appreciate the very thought of having this book, really changed my life, after listening to your lecture. Thank
might be first ever originating from a social network group you so much sir. I read your book also, LIFE made SIMPLE
like ORKUT. The very idea of this is great. Cover design is – Mind blowing matter has written.
very excellent. Thanks very much for making many of ours Mr. Sadik,
Class X, Translam Academy International,
life SIMPLE.
Dr. Sreelakshmi released LIFE made SIMPLE at
Chalakkudy, Trichur on 22 November 2008 on the LIC
Agents Training session on “Excel in LIFE”.

Thapasya organized LIFE made SIMPLE release at

Irinjalakuda, Trichur on 23rd November 2008 along with a
Class on “Personality Development”
Prof. Maya Devi at
Vimala College,
Trichur with LIFE
made SIMPLE on
24th November
2008 with the
session on “LIFE is

Hon. High Court Judge Thottathil B Radhakrishnan

released LIFE made SIMPLE at Kochi on 26 November
2008 along with a session on ‘Functional Proficiency’
organized by Adv. Rajendran Nair for SAMATHA LAW
Dr P M Nair IPS
releasing LIFE
made SIMPLE at
Delhi Kerala House
on 7th
December 2008.

Bhatathiripad and Sri. Unnikrishnan at CALICUT LIC ‘Inter Personal Relationship & Communication’
Training Hall on LIFE made SIMPLE release on 27 th
November 2008 with a workshop on
Prof. Rathnesh Pathak, Communication Expert on LIFE made
SIMPLE release at Delhi Kerala House on 7th December 2008.

Prof. Akavur Narayanan

on LIFE made SIMPLE at
Delhi Kerala House on 7th
December 2008.

Smt. Swagatha Sen Pillai on

LIFE made SIMPLE at Sri. N Radhakrishnan,

Delhi Kerala House on Kathakali Documentary

Expert received LIFE
7 th December 2008. made SIMPLE on release
at Delhi Kerala House on
7th December 2008.
Prof. Rathnesh Pathak,
Communication Expert on
release at Delhi Kerala
House on 7th December

Dr P V Radhadevi,
Space Scientist (wife of
Dr T P Sasikumar) on
release of LIFE made
SIMPLE at Hyderabad
Project Director of AIDS control society in AP and the Dr P V Radhadevi, Space Scientist (wife of Dr T P
former Collector of Hyderabad Sri. Chandravadhanan, Sasikumar) on release of LIFE made SIMPLE at
Hyderabad on 7th December 2008.
I.A.S., Sri. Chandra Mohan, PRO to Chief Minister and
Swamiji Br. Raghunath on release of LIFE made SIMPLE
at Mata Amruthananthamayi Mat, Hyderabad on 7th
December 2008.
The life is worth only when he continues to learn learns.

If the jottings in this book

Helps you to think
Slightly differently
My attempt is a success.

Else let me try in another style later.

Nothing is the best, Nor the perfect, More so this book too.

Swami Nityamuktananda, Prof. Roden, Traveler With Prayers,

with LIFE made SIMPLE in from UK with LIFE made Sasneham
Rishikesh. SIMPLE in Delhi. Dr T P Sasikumar


There is no last word in anything.

I keep telling in my lectures,
My prayer is that let me
have more knowledge To
realize that what I have
learned till now is to be
corrected and updated.
There is no last, the best M.Sc(Mathematics) [Cochin], M.Phil.(Applied Mathematics) & Ph.D(Radiation)
[Bangalore], LLB [Hyderabad.], MBA (HR-Knowledge management) [IGNOU],
The day you feel that what we know is the perfect M.S.(Psychotherapy & Counseling) [IPMS, Mumbai]

knowledge, human lives as an animal / vegetable life.

Scientist, Department of Space, Secunderabad
Educationalist, Science Communicator, Spiritual Director, Life-Skill Trainer,

• DIRECTOR, UGC-Academic Staff College, Calicut University, Kerala
• SCIENTIST, Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad
• SCIENTIST, Program Planning & Project management Directorate, ISRO-
Head Quarters, Bangalore
• HEAD, Photolab, Training, Data Acquisition, Archival & Production at
ADRIN, Secunderabad

Author of LIFE of LOVE, Collection of 27 Delhi Poems

G1-Godavari Towers, Vishnupuri Colony, Malkajgiri, Secunderabad-500009
[email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] 9911484007
(Delhi) / 09447437948 (Kerala) / 9502038875 (Hyderabad)

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