Antenna: Long-Wire: An Antenna Will Be Resonant As Long As Its Length Is Integral Multiple of Half Wave Length - An

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It consists of a conductor , metal rod or tubing or wire that is broken in the center so that RF

power can be applied to it. It has a physical length pf λ/2 in free space at the frequency of operation.
It is known as half wavelength dipole Or half wavelength dipole or Or half wave-doublet or simply
dipole. It is known as Hertz antenna.It is defined as asymmetrical antenna in which the two ends are
at equal potential w.r.t centre point.

The wave length of a radio wave or a sound wave or any other wave variesinversely as the frequency
and is given by

λ ἀ 1/f

λ=c/f, where cis velocity of light,

f is frequency in Hertz, λ is wavelength in metre



λ=300/f(MHz) meters.

λ/2=300/2f( MHz)

=150\f MHzmetres

=150*3.28/f (MHz)feet.

λ/2=492.00/f MHz feet

λ/2=150*39.37/f MHz Inches.

This concept being correct while it neglects the end effect. End effect is regarded as dielectric effect
of the air at the end of the antenna that effectively lengthened it. This effect makes the length of the
antenna 5%longer than its actual length.This will produce an interference between the exciting and
oscillating currents and decrease in oscillation amplitude and decrease in radiated field.

To counter balance the end effect and to make antenna resonant properly,the physical length is cut
to 95%of the electrically computed half wave length.

Thus free space is multiplied by a factor K to get practical λ/2 length

λ/2 =492*K\f(MHz)

=492*.95/ f(MHz)

λ/2=468/ f(MHz) feet

LONG-WIRE ANTENNA : An antenna will be resonant as long as its length is integral multiple of half
wave length.An antenna that is a wavelength or longer at the operating frequency is a LONG-WIRE ANTENNA
.In general, the gain achieved with long-wire antennas is not as great as the gain obtained from the
multielement arrays. But the long-wire antenna has advantages of its own. The construction of long-wire
antennas is simple, both electrically and mechanically, with no particularly critical dimensions or adjustments.
The long-wire antenna will work well and give satisfactory gain and directivity over a frequency range up to
twice the value for which it was cut. In addition, it will accept power and radiate it efficiently on any frequency
for which its overall length is not less than approximately 1/2 wavelength. Another factor is that long-wire
antennas have directional patterns that are sharp in both the horizontal and vertical planes. Also, they tend to
concentrate the radiation at the low vertical angles. Another type of long-wire antenna is the BEVERAGE
ANTENNA, also called a WAVE ANTENNA. It is a horizontal, long-wire antenna designed especially for the
reception and transmission of low-frequency, vertically polarized ground waves. It consists of a single wire,
two or more wavelengths long, supported 3 to 6 meters above the ground, and terminated in its characteristic
impedance, as shown in figure

The higher the number of λ/2 the better is the directivity. The power gain and directive
characteristics of the harmonic wires (which are “long” in terms of wavelength) make them useful
for long-distance transmission and reception on the higher frequencies. In addition, long wires can
be combined to form antennas of various shapes that will increase the gain and directivity over a
single wire. The term “long wire,” as used, means any such configuration, not just a straight-wire
antenna. .The long-wire antenna will work well and give satisfactory gain and directivity over a 2-to-
1 frequency range; in addition, it will accept power and radiate well onany frequency for which its
overall length is not less than about a half wavelength.The directional characteristicssplit upinto
variouslobes at differentangles from wires axis as againstdoughnutshape of a single λ/2 . it radiates
a horizontally polarised wave at low angles from about 170 to 240 relative to earth surface. In long
wire antenna the current in adajacent half section is out of phase and any feeder system can be

The long wire antennas are of two forms Resonant and Non-resonant.The resonant is unterminated
while non resonant are terminated with a chacteristic impedance.In resonant long wire antenna
standing wave exists along its length and pattern is bidirectional. Where as in nonresonant there are
no standing waves and pattern is unidirectional.
Resonant Antennas

Directional pattern

Non-resonant Antennas
Directional pattern

The length of a long wire antenna can be extended from the physical length of λ/2 antenna as

λ/2 =492*.95/ f(MHz) if one half wave length in length

λ/2 =492*(1-.95)/ f(MHz) if one half wave length in length

2λ/2 =492*(2-.95)/ f(MHz) if two half wave length in length

LENGTH =492(n-.095)/fMHz feet if n half wave length in length

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