Lloyd 1978
Lloyd 1978
Lloyd 1978
BRIAN L. LLOYD, MB, MRACP The bioavailability of single doses of dtgoxln capsules (0.4 mg), dlgoxin
DAVID J. GREENBLATT, MD sokrtlon (0.4 mg) and reference tabtets (0.5 mg) was compared wtth that
MARCIA D. ALLEN, RN of single intravenous doses (0.4 mg) of digoxin using measurement of 24
JEROLD S. HARMATZ hour urinary excretion and area under the plasma concentration curve.
The absolute systemic availabtltty of all three oral preparations was sig-
Boston, Massachusetts ntficantly less than 100 percent. The bioavallabtltty of capsules and so-
lution was nearly ldentlcal(79 percent and 76 percent, respectively, as
assessed with values for area under the concentration curve and 65
percent and 62 percent as m with urtnary excretion values); both
forms had greater systemic avallabtltty than the tablet, which had bio-
availabt5ty vakres of 50 percent ustng area under the curve and 41 percent
using urinary excretion. Capsules and solution also were similar In peak
plasma dtgoxin levels achieved (3.7 and 3.1 ng/ml), time of peak con-
centratlon (0.8 and 0.6 hour after dosage) and apparent first order ab-
sorption half-life (11.3 and 10.2 minutes); both capsules and solutlon
differed stgntflcantly from tablets (peak level 1.6 ng/ml, time of peak
concenkatkx~ 1.2 hours and absorptkn half-5fe 27.1 mtnutes). Single dose
findlngs were substantiated when steady state plasma levels and 24 hour
urinary excretion values were measured from days 11 through 16 of the
period of once daily ingestion. Mean plasma levels (0.70 ng/ml) and url-
nary excretion values (45.1 percent of dose) for capsules were nearly
identical to those for solution (0.6s ng/ml and 42.5 percent of the dose),
and values for both capsules and solution were signlftcantly greater than
those for tablets. Withtn- and between-subject variation in bioavailablllty
was similar for the three oral preparations. Thus the single dose bio-
availability study was predictive of the steady state findings. The bto-
availability of digoxin capsules is equivalent to that of a solution and
significantly greater than that of a reference tablet formulation.
Pharmacokinetic Variables After Intravenous Adminlstratlon of Digoxln
lktdicates that least-squares analysis could not be performed because of outlying data points.
SE = star&d error; tuza = distributionhalf-life; tllh = intermediate half-life; tl12@= elimination half-life: Vd = total apparent volume of distribution;
VI = volume of central compartment.
0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0
Pharmacoklnetlcs d Dlgoxin Absorption From the Three Oral Preparations
mg) Solution (0.4 mg) Tablet (0.5 mg)
Peak Peak Peak
Time Time Time
Peak (hr Lag Peak (hr Lag Peak (hr Lag
Case Level after Time f112a Level after Time ha Level after Time f112a
no. @g/ml) dose) (min) (min) @g/ml) dose) (min) (min) (ng/ml) dose) (min) (min)
3.5 1.0 l l 3.3 0.75 11.8 11.0 2.1 0.75 14.4 4.2
3.5 1.0 + l t.: 0.5 11.5 7.2 0.8 1.5 15.0 74.3
::: 0.75 28.2
l l 2:8 0.5 10.7 11.2l 0.9
1.2 2.0
1.0 13.8
l 31.3
2.9 0.75 29:8 0:9 X:: 0.75 184:: 13.1 2.0 1.0 13.8 31.5
4.2 0.75 12.6 7.8 f.8 0.5 9.8 6.1 1.6 0.5 15.0 0.7
f :; 0.75
0.8 18.1
15.0 12.4
11.3 311 X:: 11.9
12.5 10.2
4.2 1.6
1.5 1.0
1.2 13.9
11.4 32.0
*SE f0.3 f0.04 f2.4 f3.1 f0.3 f0.04 f0.8 f2.6 f0.2 fO.l ho.6 f6.8
Comwsite 3.4 0.75 15.0 19.8 2.9 0.5 11.4 7.4 1.2 1.0 12.4 22.0
l Indicates that least-squares analysis could not be performed because of outlying data points.
Capsules: Two 0.2 mg capsules of digoxin prepared in a priate, elimination half-life (ti/sg), volume of the central
liquid-filled soft gelatin capsule (Arnar-Stone Laboratories, compartment (Vi), total apparent volume of distribution
lot. no. 746P). using the area method (V,) and total clearance.
Intravenous preparation: 0.4mg of digoxin injection (La- After oral administration of digoxin, individual and com-
noxina, lot no. 994-S) diluted with 46.4 ml of sterile 5 percent posite data points were similarly analyzed and fitted to the
dextrose in water and infused into an antecubital vein by a sum of the smallest number of exponential terms necessary
constant rate infusion pump over 1 hour. to describe the data adequately. Fitted functions were used
Tablet and capsule preparations were ingested with 240 ml to calculate the lag time (tc) elapsing before the start of first
of water. Subjects fasted overnight before each oral dosage order absorption, and the apparent first order absorption
trial and abstained from further food or liquid for 4 hours after half-life (tijs,). In all cases iterative analysis proceeded until
drug administration. Venous blood samples were drawn the convergence criteria were met or 50 iterative steps were
through an indwelling catheter, or by venipuncture, before completed.
dosage and 0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3,4,6,8,12 and 24 Plasma digoxin concentrations for the 24 hours after the
hours after digoxin ingestion or the start of infusion. Addi- first and last dose of each preparation were used to calculate
tional samples were drawn at 65 and 75 minutes after the start the area under the 24 hour plasma concentration curve using
of intravenous infusion. A 24 hour urine collection was begun the trapezoidal method. Single dose bioavailability was as-
at the time of digoxin administration. sessed by comparing the area under the plasma concentration
After the initial 24 hours of study, each oral preparation curve and the 24 hour urinary excretion values after each
was taken daily at 9 AM for 14 additional days. “Steady state” preparation, using repeated-measures analyses of variance
blood samples were collected just before the daily dose on days and the Newman-Keuls test of paired comparisons.17 Relative
11 through 16.Urine was collected in 24 hour periods after bioavailabiity of the three oral preparations during long-term
doses 11,12,13,14 and 15. After the final dose of each oral therapy was similarly assessed from steady state plasma
preparation, 24 hours of blood sampling was performed as in concentrations and urinary excretion values. Appropriate
the case of the initial dose. Subjects remained ambulatory adjustments were made for differences in oral doses of tablets,
during testing, and at least 14 days elapsed between each trial capsules and solution.
to permit complete excretion of digoxin from the preceding Between- and within-subject variations in the various
period. measures of bioavailability were expressed as coefficients of
Analysis of plasma and urine: Plasma and urine samples variation. The between-subject coefficient of variation for a
were stored at -20’ C until the time of assay. Digoxin con- given mode of treatment was determined as the standard
centrations in plasma and urine were determined with ra- deviation for that treatment divided by the treatment mean,
dioimmunoassay as previously described.gJo expressed in percent. When multiple measurements were
Analysis of data: Plasma digoxin concentrations after in- made for the same subjects within a given treatment, an
travenous infusion were analyzed with the computer using overall within-subject coefficient of variation for that treat-
iterative nonlinear least-squares regression techniques,11J2 ment was calculated by weighted pooling of each individual
as described in detail elsewhere.13 Data points for individual subject’s coefficient of variation.18
subjects, as well as for composite points calculated as the
across-subject mean plasma concentrations at corresponding Results
points in time, were fitted to bi- or triexponential functions
consistent with two- or three-compartment pharmacokinetic Single dose pharmacokinetics: Figure 1 shows
models. The functions of best fit were then used to calculate single dose composite data points for all four modes of
the following pharmacokinetic variable@-is: distribution digoxin administration, together with functions of best
half-life (ti/sJ, intermediate pi half-life (ti/s,) when appro- fit.
Disappearance of digoxin from plasma after intravenous after tablets (Table II). Analyses of variance indicated that
infusion was best fitted by two exponential phases in six the overall difference among preparations was significant (F
subjects and by three exponential phases in five subjects = 46.5, d.f. = 2,22, P <O.OOl). The difference between capsule
(Table I). In the remaining subject (Case l), a satisfactory fit and solution also was significant (P KO.05). The peak level was
could not be achieved because of outlying data points. The attained an average of 0.8 hour after dosing with capsules, 0.6
mean apparent elimination half-life was 27.8 hours, the total hour with the solution, and 1.2 hours with tablets. Again the
volume of distribution 8.4 liters/kg and the total clearance 4.35 overall difference was significant (F = 11.9, d.f. = 2,22, P
ml/min per kg. These values are consistent with data in other
reports of intravenous digoxin pharmacokinetics in normal
Peak serum digoxin concentrations (in ng/ml) averaged
3.7 after capsule administration, 3.1 after solution, and 1.6
6.0, i
25.0 -
. ~- . =WRLNENO”S
(0.4 mg)
.o 0 CAPSULE (0.4 mg)
20.0 -
n* 0
. x
15.0 -
-+- -4
. . ”
IO.0 -
----F--- ---w---
5.0 -
40.0 -
50.0 - _________.
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 li.0 iii.0
. 0
xx 6.0
. 0
INTRAVE&JS __________ x
-___---- ----*----
20.0 - #-- x
00 x i
CAPSULE ’ __a!iA~__
- . = ,HTRAvEHO”S (0.4 mg)
- - mg)
x h
12 TABLETS (0.5
10.0 -
0.0 -1
FIGURE 2. Area under the 24 hour plasma concentration cuve (above) 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 7s A.0
and 24 hov urinary excretion rate of digoxin (below) after a single dose HOURS
of intravenous dlgoxin and of the three oral digoxin preparations. Indi-
vidual values and means (* standard error) for all subjects are shown. FKiURE 3. Single dose plasma concentration curves for intravenous
Values for area under the 24 hour plasma concentration curve after digoxin in comparison with curves for each of the three oral prepara-
administration of tablets (above) were corrected for the difference in tions. Each point is the mean (rt standard error) for all 12 subjects at
dose. the time shown.
<O.Ol). The tablet-capsule and tablet-solution differences sorption half-life also were significant (F = 4.24, d.f. = 2,26,
were significant (P <O.Ol), whereas solution and capsules were P <0.05); values of tl/a for capsules and solution were similar
not significantly different. (11.3 and 10.2 minutes, respectively), and values for both were
Pharmacokinetic functions were determined in 8 subjects smaller than that for tablets (27.1 minutes).
after ingestion of capsules, 11 subjects after solution and 10 The findings strongly suggest that the rate of digoxin ab-
subjects after tablets. One-way analysis of variance indicated sorption from capsules and solution is very similar. However,
an overall difference in apparent lag time before the start of digoxin is more slowly absorbed from tablets; peak levels are
absorption (F = 5.95, d.f. = 2,26, P <O.Ol) although differences reached later after dosing, and absorption half-life values are
between the preparations were small and not likely to be of longer. For all three preparations there was a lag time between
substantial clinical importance (Table II). Differences in ab- administration and the start of absorption.
Single dose bioavailability: Analysis of variance indicated
a significant difference among preparations in dose-adjusted
values of the 24-hour area under the concentration curve (F
= 10.25, d.f. = 3,33, P <O.Ol). Systemic availability of all three
oral preparations, as judged by comparison of the area under
the concentration curve and the intravenous value, was sig-
nificantly less than 100 percent. Mean 24 hour area under the
concentration curve for capsules was 79.2 percent of the in-
travenous value (P <0.05, Newman-Keuls test); the solution
x averaged 76.2 percent of the intravenous value (P <0.05), and
dose-corrected tablets averaged only 49.5 percent of the in-
:: travenous value (P <0.05) (Fig. 2). Figure 3 shows the com-
posite intravenous curve compared with that of each of the
oral preparations.
Twenty-four-hour urinary excretion of digoxin after single
doses yielded similar findings. The overall difference between
the four treatments in 24 hour urinary excretion was highly
08 significant (F = 36.06, d.f. = 3,33, P <O.OOl). An average of 130
0 xx mg of digoxin (32.5 percent of the dose) was excreted during
24 hours after intravenous dosage. Excretion after adminis-
(0.4 ms) SOLUTION
tration of capsules averaged 62.5 percent of the intravenous
(0.4 ms) TABLETS value (P CO.01); for solution, excretion was 61.8 percent of the
(0.5 m9) intravenous value (P <O.Ol). Digoxin excretion after ingestion
of tablets, when corrected for dose, averaged only 40.9 percent
of the intravenous value (P <O.Ol) (Fig. 2).
The findings indicate that the systemic availability
of all oral digoxin preparations was significantly less
than 100 percent. The bioavailability of capsules was
x approximately equivalent to that of the solution,
whereas that of the tablet preparation used in this study
0 x
Comparison of Wlthln- and Between-Subject Variability In
Mode of Administration
intravenous Capsule Solutlon Tablets
Single dose AUC 28.4 25.9 26.9 45.1
(between subjects)
Single dose UE 16.0 18.6 33.6 22.7
TABLETS (between subjects)
Steady state AUC 28.9 24.8 30.2
(between subjects) ’
Steady state plasma level . . 18.7 22.5 20.5
(pooled within subjects)
Steady state plasma level . 22.6 31.6 26.3
(between subjects)
FIGURE 4. Steady state plasma concentrations (above) and 24 hour Steady state UE 21.6 23.3 19.9
urinary excretion rates (below) for the three oral preparations during (pooled within subjects) .
multiple dose therapy. Each data point is the mean of four to six daily Steady state UE 14.6 17.1 24.5
rneas~ements for a given s&ject. The figure shows the across-subject (between subjects)
mean (& standard error) of these individual mean values. The urinary Expressed as coefficient of variation (in percent).
excretion data are expressed as percent of dose, thereby taking into AUC = area under the plasma concentration curve; UE = urinary
account differences in dosages among the preparations. excretion.
0.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 0.0
I;.0 1
0 x -----a----
0 A
was substantially less than that of either the solution Figure 5 shows the composite serum concentration curves
or capsules. for all three oral preparations during the steady state dosage
interval. The area under the 24 hour concentration curve at
Steady-state bioavailability: Mean steady state serum steady state, after correction for dose, differed significantly
digosin concentrations (in ng/ml) based upon four to six among preparations(F = 24.75,d.f. = 2,22,P <O.Ol).The area
measurements in each subject in each treatment condition under the concentration curve values for capsules and solution
were: 0.70 for capsules, 0.69 for solution and 0.69 for tablets was not significantly different, whereas the area for tablets
(Fig. 4). After correction for dose, the overall difference among was significantly less than that for capsules and solution (P
treatments was significant (F = 10.04, d.f. = 2,22, P <O.Ol). CO.01) (Fig. 5).
The tablet-solution and tablet-capsule differences were highly
significant (P <O.Ol for both comparisons), whereas values Thus the single dose findings were supported by the
for capsules and solution were essentially identical. Likewise, multiple dose study, demonstrating that capsules and
24 hour urinary excretion in the steady state varied signifi- solution had essentially identical bioavailability, which
cantly among treatments (F = 8.40, d.f. = 2,22, P CO.01). was superior to that of the standard tablet preparation
Mean values (for percent of the dose) were: 45.1 for capsules, under study.
42.5 for solution and 35.0 for tablets (Fig. 4). Again the cap-
sule-tablet and solution-tablet comparisons yielded highly Between- and within-subject coefficients of
significant differences (P <O.Ol), whereasthe capsule-solution variation: Table III summarizes the coefficients of
comparison showed no significant difference. variation for all modes of treatment. For the two single
dose measures of bioavailability, intravenous digoxin of the capsule preparation is significantly less than 100
and oral capsules had approximately equal coefficients percent. Furthermore, the rate and completeness of
of variation, which were less than or equal to those of the digoxin absorption from capsules were essentially
solution and tablet preparations. For steady state identical to those of a standard digoxin solution. This
plasma levels and urinary excretion of digoxin, within- was evident from comparison of values for areas under
and between-subject coefficients of variation for cap- the plasma concentration curve or 24 hour urinary ex-
sules also were less than or equivalent to those of solu- cretion of digoxin after single doses, as well as from
tion and tablets. For all three treatments, between- steady state plasma digoxin levels and urinary excretion
subject coefficient of variation values for steady state values on several consecutive days during long-term
plasma levels were higher than within-subject values. therapy. Other reports2p6,s have suggested that ab-
This was also the case for steady state urinary excretion sorption of the capsule preparation approaches 100
during treatment with tablets. However, within-subject percent completeness and is greater than that of even
coefficients of variation for urinary excretion during the an oral solution. In any case, it is clear that the bio-
capsule and solution treatments exceeded between- availability of digoxin capsules exceeds that of a stan-
subject values. dard reference tablet.s-s Finally, one study21 suggested
that between-subject variability in steady state serum
digoxin levels was less during treatment with capsules
Discussion than with tablets. However, our findings and those of
All currently available formulations of digoxin used most other investigators2Jv5-s do not demonstrate a
for oral administration (tablets, elixir) are variably and striking or consistent difference among oral prepara-
incompletely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.l tions in within- or between-subject coefficients of
One approach to formulation of oral digoxin prepara- variation of systemic availability after either single or
tions with improved bioavailability has been the de- multiple doses.
velopment of gelatin capsules containing a digoxin so- Peak plasma digoxin levels after ingestion of the
lution. Studies of these capsules suggest that the bio- various oral preparations tended to be highest with the
availability of this digoxin preparation is greater and capsules. Anecdotal reports22 and other suggestions23
more consistent than that of tablets and possibly of oral have associated high peak digoxin levels with the oc-
digoxin solution.2-8 currence of transient cardiac arrhythmias, but sys-
As is customary in current studies of digoxin bio- tematic experimental study has revealed no such asso-
availability,2*sJ3Js we utilized a slow intravenous infu- ciations.24 The clinical implications of the high peak
sion as the reference standard for 100 percent systemic digoxin concentrations after ingestion of capsules re-
availability. Because values for area under the concen- quire further study.
tration curve and urinary excretion of digoxin after a
given intravenous dose are influenced by the rate of Acknowledgement
infusion,z*so our estimates of absolute systemic avail- We are grateful for the collaboration of Dr. Dean S.
ability of oral digoxin preparations apply specifically MacLaughlin (supported in part by U.S. Public Health
to the 1 hour intravenous infusion standard. On the Service Grant GM-23430 to the Boston Collaborative
basis of this reference system, our findings from the Drug Surveillance Program) and the editorial assistance
single dose study indicate that the systemic availability of Ms. Ann Werner.
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