Franklin 2015
Franklin 2015
Franklin 2015
DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION Drug Metab Dispos 43:1236–1245, August 2015
Copyright ª 2015 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Introduction and the antibiotic affinity for macrophages (Denis et al., 1990; Henao
Doxycycline (doxy) is a second-generation tetracycline antibiotic et al., 2007). Often, all of these bacterial infections require long-term,
approved for use in the United States since 1967 (Nelson and Levy, daily treatments, which may lead to poor compliance and under-
2011). Doxy is a broad spectrum antibiotic used to treat a variety of dosing with currently available formulations. The development of new
human and animal diseases. Doxy is effective against bacteria, such as delivery vehicles is important to both human and veterinary medicine.
Coxiella burnetii and Borellia spp. (Nelson and Levy, 2011). It can be An ideal drug can be given at infrequent intervals, yet maintain a high
used to treat intracellular infections as diverse as Plasmodium level of efficacy during the treatment period. Both free and liposomal
falciparum, Chlamydia spp., and Mycoplasma spp., for which it is tetracycline and doxy have been explored in in vitro and in vivo
the drug of choice (Rolain et al., 2005; Zeidner et al., 2008; Nelson models for their antichlamydial activities (Sangaré et al., 1998, 1999,
and Levy, 2011). Bacteria-infecting cells, such as macrophages, are 2001a,b; Selliah and Ravaoarinoro, 2004). Extended-release formula-
challenging to treat due to the location of macrophages in the tissue tions of antibiotics have been used in veterinary medicine for many
years. For example, an oxytetracycline formulation, Liquamycin LA-
200 (Zoetis, Inc., Kalamazoo, MI), which can be administered every
48 hours, has been used in cattle (Kumar and Malik, 1998). However,
This work was supported in part by departmental funds from the Research
a particular formulation may not have the same efficacy across
Animal Resources Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin; the
Companion Animal Fund, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin,
species. Cefovecin, Convenia (Zoetis, Inc.), a cephalosporin formu-
Madison, Wisconsin; a gift from Comfort Care for Animals, LLC; and the National lation that lasts for 2 weeks, has found wide use in companion animals
Institutes of Health [Grant NIH-1R21AI090308]. in the management of chronic dermatologic diseases. However, Convenia relies on resorption of the drug in the renal proximal tubule
s This article has supplemental material available at in dogs and cats for its extended action, as opposed to liposomal
ABBREVIATIONS: AUC, area under the curve; doxy, doxycycline; DPPC, 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; sphing, sphingomyelin;
LE, liposomal; LE-doxy, liposomal encapsulated doxycycline; MRT, mean residence team; SPE, solid phase extraction; sphing, sphingomyelin;
STD, standard.
Loading Liposome Doxycycline Pharmacokinetics Efficacy 1237
formulations, which would be expected to have an extended release of a concentration of either 33 or 8.25 mg/ml, and 250 ml was added to the lipid
the drug (Stegemann et al., 2006a,b). Nonhuman primates do not swelled in sulfuric acid, followed by 53.6 ml of 5 M NaOH in 1 M citrate
reabsorb this drug in the kidney, and its half-life is not extended in buffer. The addition of NaOH/citrate raised the pH of the extra-liposomal
these species (Raabe et al., 2011). compartment to pH 3.9, creating a pH gradient that drove the loading of the
doxy. The maximum pH was determined experimentally, and pH 3.9 was
In human medicine, tetracyclines are also used to treat skin
selected because higher pH values resulted in precipitation of the doxy. A
disorders that do not necessarily have a bacterial origin (Gu et al., single tube of doxy liposomes was loaded either on a rotating shaker for
2012). There are formulations of extended-release doxycycline hyclate 24 hours at 22C or in a water bath at 55C for 1 hour. The liposomes were
for human use, but they have not been developed or dosed for their diluted in 4 ml of normal saline (Baxter International, Deerfield, IL),
bacteriocidal activities (Sapadin and Fleischmajer, 2006; Gu et al., sedimented at 1000g for 10 minutes in a centrifuge, and resuspended in 2 ml of
2012). There is evidence that doxy has anti-inflammatory properties at normal saline. The loading efficiency was determined by solubilizing the
subantimicrobial doses and may cause inhibition of phospholipase A2, aqueous liposome suspension in chloroform/methanol at a volumetric ratio of
inhibition of the expression of nitric oxide synthetase, accelerated 1:3:1 water/methanol/chloroform.
degradation of nitric oxide synthase, inhibition of pathologic matrix Particle Size. The particle size for the liposomes was determined using
metalloproteinase activity, and free radical scavenging (Sapadin and a Malvern Nano Series Zetasizer (Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK). An
aliquot of the liposomal preparation was suspended in 0.9% w/v NaCl. The
Fleischmajer, 2006; Federici, 2011; Gu et al., 2012). These activities
samples were read at 25C.
are used to treat multifactorial inflammatory diseases, such as acne and Thin Layer Chromatography. To determine whether the preparation of
rosacea, in human beings (Sapadin and Fleischmajer, 2006; Federici, liposomes by acid loading led to any degradation of the lipid components,
2011; Gu et al., 2012). a sample of liposomes prepared from DPPC and cholesterol was extracted
Liposomes have long been studied as a drug delivery system (Hunt
consisted of 0.1% formic acid in deionized water (A) and acetonitrile (B). The heavy that individual colonies could not be identified. The microplate Alamar
mobile phase gradient started at 100% A from 0 to 0.5 minutes, with a linear blue assay was used to determine the efficacy of STD and DPPC LE-doxy in
gradient to 40% A at 3.5 minutes, followed by a linear gradient to 100% A at a cell-free system as a comparison (Franzblau et al., 1998).
4.5 minutes, with a total run time of 6.5 minutes. Separation was achieved at Statistical Analysis. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the
40C with a 50 2.1 mm 5 mM column (Allure PFP Propyl; Restek serum and liver concentrations of doxy and to compare cell counts and numbers
Corporation, Bellefonte, PA). The qualifying and quantifying ions for doxy of colony-forming units between and within groups. Fisher’s exact test was
were mass to charge (m/z) 445 and 428, respectively. The qualifying and used to compare the probability of histologic lesions in skin samples obtained
quantifying ions (m/z) for oxytetracycline were 461 and 426, respectively. from the rats at necropsy.
Plasma standards (in untreated rat plasma) included a blank and ranged from
0.05 to 5 mg/ml, with the lower limit of quantification being 0.05 mg/ml. The
accuracy of the assay was determined with replicates of three at 0.05, 0.1, 1, Results
and 10 mg/ml and was 100.1, 97.4, 97.2, and 96.4%, respectively. The Sulfuric Acid Loading. The optimal concentration of doxy loaded
coefficients of variation on the replicates of three at 0.05, 0.1, 1, and 10 mg/ml into the DPPC liposomes was obtained using 4 ml of 8.25 mg/ml doxy
were 11, 6, 16, and 7%, respectively. loaded into liposomes containing 3.0 M sulfuric acid loaded for 24
Liver tissue concentrations of doxy were determined by Liquid Chroma- hours at 22C, with a percentage capture of 97.77%. Doxy loading
tography Mass Spectroscopy, as previously described for plasma. The untreated
using 1 ml of 33 mg/ml produced a preparation with 14.77% capture.
rat liver was fortified with doxy at zero and six concentrations ranging from 0.1
to 50 mg/ml for the standard curve. The tissue standard curve was accepted if Doxy loading approached 100% using 4 ml of doxy solution at
the measured concentration in at least four out of six standards was within 15% a concentration of 8.25 mg/ml, and this method was used for loading
of the actual concentration. Approximately 1 g of tissue was weighed within the liposome preparations used for pharmacokinetics studies in rats.
Loading the same two concentrations for 1 hour and 48 hours at 22 or
Results of histologic evaluation of skin samples obtained at 4 weeks postinjection from ACI rats injected s.c. with STD or LE-doxy
Miscellaneous Inflammation/
Group No Lesions/Number of Samples Histiocytosis/Number of Samples
Number of Samples
% % %
Injected 4/8 (50)a 0/8 (0) 2/8 (25)
Noninjected 2/8 (25) 0/8 (0) 1/8 (12.5)
Injected 0/14 (0)a,b 5/14 (35.7) 2/14 (14.3)
Noninjected 3/14 (21)c 0/14 (0) 5/14 (35.7)
Injected 4/12 (33)b 3/12 (25) 0/12 (0)
Noninjected 8/12 (67)c 1/12 (8.3) 0/12 (0)
Injected skin samples from rats that received STD-doxy had a greater probability of having no lesions compared with injected samples receiving LE-doxy in DPPC
liposomes (Fisher’s exact test; P = 0.019).
Injected skin samples from rats that received LE-doxy in sphing liposomes had a marginally greater probability of having a lesion compared with injected skin
samples from rats that received LE-doxy in DPPC liposomes (Fisher’s exact test; P = 0.066).
Noninjected skin samples from rats that received LE-doxy in sphing liposomes had a greater probability of having no lesions when compared with noninjected skin
samples from rats that received LE-doxy in DPPC liposomes (Fisher’s exact test; P = 0.052).
Loading Liposome Doxycycline Pharmacokinetics Efficacy 1241
10–40 times more efficient than the previously published methods 2010). The inverse of the fraction of hydromorphone loaded versus
(Table 4). Previous formulations of doxy in DPPC/cholesterol hydromorphone added is linear, and the slope is the inverse amount of
liposomes used mannose or glucose solutions at a pH of 6.0 as the amount of ammonium ions present in the liposome (Tu et al.,
nonionic hydrating solutions, and these formulations have encapsu- 2010). The fraction of the drug loaded decreases as the amount of the
lation efficiencies of nearly 10-fold less than the sulfuric acid–loading drug added increases, which was not previously described (Zhigaltsev
technique (Budai et al., 2009). Ciprofloxacin was loaded into DPPC/ et al., 2006). Ammonium sulfate gradient loading without pre-
cholesterol large unilamellar vesicles across a transmembrane pH cipitation produced a concentrated drug within the liposome (Tu et al.,
gradient. The drug forms small stacks in the interior of the liposome 2010). There was no movement of cations across the liposome bilayer.
and precipitates under certain conditions (Maurer et al., 1998; Maurer- Ammonium (NH4) donates a hydrogen ion to the drug, forming
Spurej et al., 1999). Drug loading and precipitation were studied using ammonia (NH3), which diffuses through the lipid bilayer into the
ciprofloxacin and vinorelbine using a hydroxybenzenesulfonate or solution. The unionized drug is brought into the liposome across the
MgSO4 gradient (Zhigaltsev et al., 2006). Drug precipitation inside the gradient.
liposome led to better drug retention (Zhigaltsev et al., 2006). Their We hypothesized doxy would follow this equation, and using
loading equation predicted that the percentage of drug in the liposome hydrogen ions rather than ammonia would further improve the
is not dependent on the initial concentration of the drug when there is loading. We loaded 8.25 mg/ml doxy ( 4 ml for a 33-mg drug) into
no precipitate. (Zhigaltsev et al., 2006). The percentage of released DPPC/cholesterol liposomes at 22C, which was well below the phase
drug is dependent on the initial drug concentration, and equilibrium transition temperature of the lipid (Table 1). The loading efficiency for
between the soluble drug and precipitate follows a zero-order process doxy using 3.0 M sulfuric acid was lower for sphing/cholesterol
if the drug precipitates in the liposome (Zhigaltsev et al., 2006). Tu liposomes compared with DPPC/cholesterol, but it was better than
et al. used an ammonium sulfate gradient–loading system to describe other published results (Tables 1 and 4). Sphing LE-doxy loading
the liposomal loading of the drug based on the amount of ammonium under the same conditions was less efficient, probably due to the
ion in the liposomes and the initial amount of drug added (Tu et al., higher phase transition temperature of the sphing, especially since this
1242 Franklin et al.
sphingolipid was used along with cholesterol to form the lipid described by a number of investigators (Blanchard et al., 1975; Saivin
membrane (Szoka and Papahadjopoulos, 1980). The phase transition and Houin, 1988; Kelly et al., 1992; Sangaré et al., 2001a,b; Selliah
temperature of the DPPC-cholesterol membranes would be expected and Ravaoarinoro, 2004; Rolain et al., 2005; Agwuh and MacGowan,
to be lower than sphing, the membranes would be less rigid, and pH 2006; Zozaya et al., 2013; Gutierrez et al., 2014). We obtained lower
gradient loading would be expected to be faster for a gradient of the values of AUC, Cmax, and MRT for STD-doxy when compared with
same number of pH units between the inner liposome compartments the LE-doxy formulations. Rats administered sphing LE-doxy had
and the outer medium (Szoka and Papahadjopoulos, 1980; Maurer a higher Cmax and AUC compared with those administered DPPC. The
et al., 2001). Loading of sphing liposomes was still adequate for the MRT of DPPC LE-doxy was greater than that for sphing LE-doxy.
preparation to be used in in vitro leakage tests and pharmacokinetics These differences are due to the lipids used for the membranes and the
studies in rats. DPPC LE-doxy liposomes were large, having amount of drug loaded in the liposomes. The higher Cmax for the
a Z-average diameter of 3178 nm, and liposomes made using shaking liposomal formulations was attributed to an initial burst of drug
without other disruptive techniques, such as sonication or extrusion, leakage in both the in vitro and in vivo formulations of LE-doxy and
would be expected to be multilamellar (Szoka and Papahadjopoulos, higher doses in comparison with STD-doxy. The refrigerated
1980). Large, multilamellar liposomes administered subcutaneously liposomal preparations are put into 23C, pH 7.4, saline or
either remain at the injection site and are engulfed by macrophages or approximately 37C, pH 7.4, subcutaneous tissues. The change in
are distributed through lymphatic channels (Oussoren and Storm, pH and temperature caused the drug to efflux until the internal
1999, 2001). Thin layer chromatography results showed the presence liposomal pH was stabilized. The initial burst of leakage tended to
of two additional components, suggesting that DPPC breakdown inhibit further leakage as the internal liposomal pH dropped.
products were present (Supplemental Fig. 1). Given the exposure of The 4-week postinjection liver samples had identifiable levels of
the lipid to acid at elevated temperatures during liposome preparation, doxy. The average concentration for sphing LE-doxy was 0.174 mg/g
it is not unexpected that some lipid would be hydrolyzed in this way (S.D. 6 0.0505) and that for DPPC LE-doxy was 0.169 mg/g (S.D. 6
(Grit et al., 1993a,b). The effect of the presence of these two lipid 0.0850). STD-doxy has a bioavailability of over 80% (Agwuh and
degradation products on the liposome membrane integrity in our MacGowan, 2006). Excretory organs, including the liver, contain the
loading system is presently unknown. The pharmacokinetics (Fig. 2; highest concentrations (Blanchard et al., 1975; Saivin and Houin,
Table 2) of the liposome preparations and liver concentrations at 4 1988). The serum concentration of injectable doxy reaches a maximum
weeks demonstrated that adequate concentrations of intact liposomes 2–4 hours after injection (Blanchard et al., 1975). The liver/serum
were present in the formulations tested. ratio decreases until 8 hours and then rises. These two peaks correlate
Pharmacokinetic analysis of STD-doxy and previous LE-doxy with the low peaks found in the kidney (Blanchard et al., 1975). The
formulations using different loading methodologies has been MIC of many microorganisms is variable, the Cmax of DPPC and
Loading Liposome Doxycycline Pharmacokinetics Efficacy 1243
sphing (2.01 and 6.49 mg/ml, respectively) in serum was above the and Ravaoarinoro, 2004). Tissues for this study were homogenized in
published MIC of organisms, such as Streptococcus pneumoniaie, 1 ml of sterile water, and the homogenate was evaluated for bacterial
Group A streptococci, and Staphylococcus aureus (Agwuh and inhibition (Selliah and Ravaoarinoro, 2004). Our 4-week postinjection
MacGowan, 2006). The MICs for Coxiella burnetii are reported from liver concentrations were lower but were based on the grams wet
1 to 4 mg/ml, levels which fall within our serum levels (Rolain et al., weight of tissue.
2005). A B-cyclodextrin–based matrix formulation of long-acting STD-doxy has a pH between 1.8 and 3.3 and is not recommended
doxy had a Cmax of 2.8 6 0.3 in dogs (Gutierrez et al., 2014). Mice for i.m. or s.c. use due to the potential for injection site pain, irritation,
infected with Chlamydia trachomatis received intramuscular injec- and tissue necrosis (Zozaya et al., 2013). A nonpainful injection site
tions of cationic liposomal doxy for 30 days using a 10 mg/ml bulge was reported in dogs receiving a long-acting formulation,
solution. The Cmax was 218.75 mg/ml at 48 hours (sera), 18.25 mg/ml although histology was not performed (Gutierrez et al., 2014). There
at 24 hours (liver), and 2.3 mg/ml at 12 hours (genital organs) (Selliah were no skin reactions in our previous studies with liposomal
Published encapsulation efficiencies of various liposomal-antibiotic formulations
mM mg %
Doxycycline 90 LEC anionic 2 49.17 0.98 0.01 Sangaré et al., 1998,
90 LEC cationic 2 28.68 0.57 0.006 Sangaré
90 LEC neutral 2 21.06 0.42 0.004 Sangaré et al., 1998
Doxycycline 90 LEC anionic 2 49.1 0.98 0.01 Sangaré et al., 1999
90 LEC cationic 2 28.68 0.57 0.006 Sangaré et al., 1999
90 LEC neutral 2 21 0.42 0.004 Sangaré et al., 1999
Doxycycline 90 LEC cationic 2 28.68 0.57 0.006 Sangaré et al., 2001a
Doxycycline 2.73 DPPC, phosphate 0.1354 15.98 (pH 6) 0.02 0.007 Budai et al., 2009, 2009
16.18 (pH 7) 0.02 0.008
16.29 (pH 8) 0.02 0.008
Doxycycline 2.73 DPPC, glucose 0.1354 24.28 (pH 6) 0.03 0.01 Budai et al., 2009
28.31 (pH 7) 0.04 0.01
21.2 (pH 8) 0.03 0.01
Doxycycline 2.73 DPPC mannitol 0.1354 39.47 (pH 6) 0.05 0.02 Budai et al., 2009
30.36 (pH 7) 0.04 0.01
39.47 (pH 8) 0.05 0.02
Doxycycline 20 DPPC 8.25 97.77 8.06 0.403 Current study
Doxycycline 80 sphing 33 43.87 14.47 0.18 Current study
morphine, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone tested in rats, dogs, and a lack of cytotoxicity to J774A.1 cells, and had in vitro activity against
nonhuman primates (Krugner-Higby et al., 2003, 2009; Smith et al., M. smegmatis. Our sulfuric acid–loading method provided better
2003, 2013). In the present study, STD-doxy–injected skin samples encapsulation and a longer duration than other passive capture-loading
had a greater probability of having no lesions compared with LE- methods for DPPC and sphing liposomes. Further efficacy research is
DPPC doxy–injected samples. Miscellaneous inflammation was planned for in vivo infectious disease models.
diagnosed in areas of noninjected tissue. Histiocytosis was noted
in the blank, DPPC, and sphing liposomes, but clinically did not Acknowledgments
adversely affect the rats. We found few statistically significant The authors thank the School of Veterinary Medicine vivarium staff for
differences between the groups with respect to skin histology animal care; John Haack and Erin Balay for assistance with the liposomal work;
(Fisher’s exact test), and concluded that the LE-doxy preparations and Matt Warner for determining the liver tissue concentration of doxycycline.
were safe to be given at a dose of 50 mg/kg s.c. in rats.
The sulfuric acid–loaded liposomes were very large when they were Authorship Contributions
sized. The values obtained reflect the expected substantial size of Participated in research design: Heath, Krugner-Higby, Franklin, Marcus,
liposomes made by this method. Large liposomes like these would be Talaat.
Conducted experiments: Franklin, Krugner-Higby, Marcus, Sullivan.
expected to be distributed by circulation in the lymphatics and by
Contributed new reagents or analytic tools: KuKanich.
engulfment by macrophages in the subcutis based on previous Performed data analysis: Franklin, Krugner-Higby, Marcus, KuKanich.
experiments using other liposomal formulations (Oussoren and Storm, Wrote or contributed to the writing of the manuscript: Franklin, Krugner-
1999, 2001). Higby, Heath, Marcus, Talaat, Sullivan, KuKanich.
The efficacy of doxy against cell-associated M. smegmatis at 24