Self-Tuning Control Matlab Toolbox - Memodology and Design
Self-Tuning Control Matlab Toolbox - Memodology and Design
Self-Tuning Control Matlab Toolbox - Memodology and Design
Abstract: The contribution presents a class of SISO discrete self-tuners for simulation and
industrial applications. The proposed adaptive controllers can be divided into two parts.
The first part covers PID adaptive algorithms with utilization of traditional methods. The
second part is based on polynomial solutions of control problems. Both class of algorithms
were unified and incorporated into a Matlab - like Toolbox for self-tuning control.
Key words: Self-tuning control, Recursive least squares, PID control, Pole assigment,
Polynomial equations.
first case the poles of the characteristic polynomial which holds a 2 + fJ2 = 1 . Then the
of closed-loop system must lie on the imaginary axis characteristic polynomial (5) includes a
and in left-hand of the s-plane. The computation of
quadratic three-term C/(z) = Z2 -2az+l .
Kpu and Tu can be obtaned by substitution s = jw. in
• The characteristic polynomial (5) includes one or
the characteristic polynomial. This solution is the
same as the experimental setting of proportional more real poles z, = a (imaginary part fJ = 0).
controller by Ziegler-Nichols method. The control loop is on the stability boundary in
case of a = -1 , because the positive pole a = 1
2.1 Determining of ultimate parameters will not put the control loop into oscillation.
Then characteristic polynomial (5) includes j-
The relations for tuning of discrete PID controllers terms C, (z) = (z + 1)', j = 1,2, .. . .
will be now derived. Let the process be described by
the single input single output (SI SO) system model The characteristic polynomial must be divisible by
in the form of the discrete transfer function one of these terms and it leads in the first case to the
solution of the polynomial equation
Z·+<I[A(Z-/)+Z-4 KJI'~Z-/)] =
where U(z) and Y(z) are the z-transforms of the =(Z2 -2az+l)zn+<l-2 E(Z-/)
controller output and the process output, d is the
time delay expressed as an integer multiple of the
sampling period To. A and B are n-degree
polynomial defined by
Let the process (1) is controlled by the proportional and unknown parameters are Kpu, a and coefficients
e;of the polynomial E(z).
In the second case we obtain the polynomial
G (z)= U(z) =K (3) equation
C E(z) P
previous value u(k-1) and from compensation
(11) increment seem to be suitable
The term CJ z) = z: - 2az + 1 has its equivalent 2.3 pm controller with a filter constant in the D-
in continuous form as the denominator
z: - 2 cOSOJ MTOZ + 1 of z-transformation of the Let the controller be described by a transfer function
harmonic function cos OJ t or sin OJ t and the real in the form
component a can be the expressed as
G S =--=K 1 - +TdS)
( 1+ -- (16)
21rTo c() E(s) p T;s 1+TJs
a = cOS(J) MTO = cos-- (12)
T.,(To )
where T, is a filter constant improves the dynamic
The equation for computing of the ultimate period behaviour of the control loop. Using Tustin
can be easily derived from equation (12) approximation the transfer function (16) can be
transcribed into the form
u(k) = pJu(k -1) + p:u(k - 2)+q oe(k) +
+ qJe(k -1)+q:e(k - 2) . (17)
The relations for calculation of the ultimate
parameters for second order process model (n = 2, d
= 0 in equations (1) and (2» has been proposed by where PJ,P: = f(To'~) (see Isermann, 1989) and
BobaI (1995). The auto-tuning procedure for the
third process model (n = 3, d = 0 in equations (1) qo,qJ,q: =f(Kp,T;,Td,~,To). The PIDparameters
and (2» can be derived by some analytical ways. for computing of the controller parameters in the
BobaI (1994) used for the calculation of the poles of equations (15) and (17) are given by Ziegler-Nichols
the third order process model the Cardan formulas. (1942) relations
Calculation of the ultimate gain for the fourth and
higher order process model is necessary realize by T; = O.5TM ; Td = O.l25Tu (18)
numerical way, e.g. using MATLAB. It is suitable
use for deriving of the relations Symbolic Math
Toolbox. 2.4 Tahahashi's pm controller
2.2 Recurrent pm control algorithms Unfavourable large changes of the controller output
amplitude can be reduced, when the process output
Let the continuous PID controller be described by a reference value w(k) is included only in the integral
transfer function in the form component
u(S) ( 1 ) (14) T
Gc(S)=-() =Kp 1+-+TdS u(k) = K (y(k-1)- y(k)+2..[w(k)- y(k)] +
E S T;s p T;
To get a digital version of the PID controller, we +--f!... [2y(k -1) - y(k) - y(k -2)]) + u(k-1)
should discretize the integral and derivative To
component at the equation (14). For discretizing the (19)
integral component, usually forward rectangular This is a well-known recurrent control algorithm
method (FRM), backward rectangular method proposed by Takahashi et al. (1971), where
(BRM) or trapezoidal method (TRM) are used. The
derivative component is mostly replaced by the 1st
3Kpu Tu
order difference (two-point difference). For practical K =O.6K (1_T;,). T= KpTu . T =-"'---
use the recurrent control algorithms which compute P "" Tu' I 1.2Kpu' d 40Kp
the actual value of the controller output u(k) from the (20)
The relations (20) show that the PID parameters According to Fig. 1 the control law is governed by
depend only on the ultimate gain Kplb on the the equation:
ultimate period of oscillations Tu and on the
sampling period To . P(z-' )U(z-') = Q(z-' )(Y(z-') + N (z -'))
p (22)
+R(z -' )W(z-')
p y
q,=g (25)
where A. (z-') = A(z) and the quadratic
(deterministic) cost
Polynomial equations (23), (24) with spectral factors A (z·J )fPA.(z·J) + B(z·J)Z B.(z·J) =
(25), (27) yield the regulator polynomials under the (31)
= go + glz·J + z) + gl(Z·' + Zl)
following conditions:
a.) polynomials A and B are relatively prime
13) polynomials F", and B are relatively prime where
More details can be found in Ku~era and Sebek go = fP{l+a: +a:)+ Z{b: +b:)
(1984), Ku~ra (1980), Sebek and Ku~era (1982).
gJ = fP aJ(1+a 2 ) + Zbp, (32)
3.2 Parameter Estimation and Adaptive Control g, = za,
For spectral factorization (27), expression (31) is
Almost all mathematical models differs from similar with
physical systems. That is one of the reason for go = 1'(1+ a: +a;)+v(l+c: +c;)
adaptive control strategies. The most commonly used
approach for parameter estimation is the recursive gJ = .ooJ(l+a, ) + VCJ(1 + c,) (33)
least squares method. By re-arranging of (21) the g, = pa,
following equation
The spectral factors m(z·I), f(zol) are given:
y(k) = e'(k)z(k) + v(k) (29) go
~J =2-g, + (2+g,
g o ) 1 -gJ1
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This work was supported by the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic under grant No. 102/9610927 and by
the grant VUT Bmo No. FUZ 601 08.