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Modelling and control of distillation column

Pratima Acharya, Geetanjali Dumpa and Tarun Kumar Dan

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela, Odisha, India
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Distillation column is one of the most important unit [?] and adaptive neuro-fuzzy (ANFIS) based controller [?]
in a chemical plant. This paper provides a comprehensive study is reported in control literature. In [?], the researchers
of mathematical model and control of binary distillation column. developed a self organizing fuzzy logic control (SOFLC) using
Wood-Berry distillation column model is considered in this paper
which separates methanol from water. PID controller, decoupled general predictive control (GPC) on a Tagaki-Sugeno-Kang
PID controller and model predictive controller are used to control (TSK) model of controlled auto-regressive integrated moving
the distillation column. average (CARIMA) structure. Neural network based control
Index Terms—Distillation column; Wood-Berry Model; PID of distillation column is reported in [?].
controller; Model Predictive Controller This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of
mathematical model and control of distillation column.
Wood and Berry model of distillation column is considered
Chemical process are multi variable and non-linear in which separates methanol from water. MIMO PID controller,
nature. Due to relative uncertainties of the system, the decoupler based PID controller and model predictive
chemical process are difficult to model as well as complex to controller are designed and performance of these controllers
control. Distillation is one of the most common unit operation are evaluated using simulation platform.
used in most of the chemical and petroleum industries. The paper is organized as follows. Section II provides the
Distillation is used to separate two or more components basic working principle as well as mathematical modeling of
from a homogeneous fluid mixture. The quality and purity distillation column. Section III provides the control strategy
of distillation is of paramount importance, therefore proper of the column and section IV provides results. Section V
control of the system is necessary. concludes the paper.
A significant amount of literature is available on modeling
and control of distillation column [?], [?]. This paper II. D ISTILLATION C OLUMN
summarizes a few important literature. A tutorial perspective
A typical distillation column contains a vertical column
of dynamics and control of distillation column has been
where trays are used to enhance the component separations. A
reported in [?]. Due to the nonlinear aspect of chemical
reboiler is used to provide heat for the necessary vaporization
process over a wide range of operating conditions, it is difficult
from the bottom of the column. Condenser is used to cool and
to provide an accurate model of the system. The single linear
condense the vapor from the top of the distillation column.
time invariant (LTI) system is inadequate to describe the
Reflux drum is used to hold the condensed vapour so that
dynamics of the distillation column in both steady state as well
liquid reflux can be recycled back from the top of the column.
as in transient state operation. In transient state when there is
The distillation column contains one feed stream and two
some major disturbances, the nonlinear characteristics of the
product streams. The feed contains a mole percent of the
process model becomes dominant. To counter this limitation
component called xF . The product stream at the top has a
of LTI model, linear parameter varying (LPV) model is used
composition referred as xD . The product stream leaving the
in process industries [?].
bottom contains a composition of xB of the light component.
Researchers have tried to control distillation column using
The schematic diagram of distillation column is illustrated in
different conventional as well as intelligent control techniques.
Fig. ??.
Terminal configuration control [?], model predictive control
[?], [?], internal model control [?] and decentralized control A. Mathematical Modelling
[?] are some of the well known classical control algorithm
used in distillation column. The mathematical model of the distillation column is
Recently, intelligent control has been used in distillation provided below. Liquid holdup are assumed in every array
column control which has generated a new research interest of the distillation column. Francis-Weir formula is used for
in this area. In intelligent control techniques, fractional PID linearization and model the variable liquid hold up. It is
and fractional order fuzzy PID controller has been used to represented as
control the distillation column in [?]. Control of distillation Mn − Mn0
column using type-I and type-II fuzzy logic controller Ln = Ln0 + (1)
B. Models of distillation column
Wood and Berry experimentally modelled a 9 inch diameter,
8-tray binary distillation column that separated methanol from
water. The wood and berry model can be represented as

[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
12.8e−s −18.6e−3s 3.8e−8s
y1 16.7s+1 21s+1 u1 14.9s+1
= 6.6e−7s −19.4e−3s
+ 4.9e−3.4s
y2 u2
10.9s+1 14.4s+1 13.2s+1
Here y1 is distillate methanol [mol%], y2 is water [mol%], u1
is reflux flow rate [lb/ min], u2 is steam flow rate [lb/ min],
d is unmeasured flow rate [lb/ min]

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of distillation column III. C ONTROL S TRATEGY

This section describes the control strategy for distillation
For condensor and reflux drum the mathematical model can column. The complete list of control variable and manipulated
be represented as variable is shown in Fig. ??. The schematic diagram of
complete control structure of distillation column is shown in
dMD Fig. ??.
= VN T − (R + DL + DV ) (2)

= VN T YN T − (R + DL ) XD − DV YD (3)
For top tray the mathematical model can be represented as
= R + VN T −1 − LN T − VN T (4)
= RXD −LN T XN T +VN T −1 YN T −1 −VN T YN T
(5) Fig. 2. Block diagram of control structure for distillation column
For nth tray the mathematical model is
= Ln+1 − Ln + Vn−1 − Vn (6)
dMn Xn
= Ln+1 Xn+1 − Ln Xn + Vn−1 Yn−1 − Vn Yn (7)
For feed tray the mathematical model is
= LN F +1 − LN F + VN F −1 − VN F + FL (8)

dt = LN F +1 XN F +1 − LN F XN F + VN F −1 YN F −1
For bottom tray the mathematical model is
= L2 − L1 + VB − V1 (10)
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of control structure for distillation column
dM1 X1
= L2 X2 − L1 X1 + VB YB − V1 Y1 (11) A distillation column has minimum 4 feedback control
For reboiler the mathematical model is loops to control distillate concentration, bottom concentration,
level of reboiler and level of reflux rate. So it is considered
= L1 − VB − B (12) a MIMO control problem. This paper develops controller
dt to control distillate concentration and bottom concentration.
dMB XB MIMO control can be controlled using two controllers, i.e
= L1 X1 − VB YB − BXB (13)
dt each controller for one variable. The block diagram of PID
 
ŷ o (k + 1)
 ŷ o (k + 1) 
Ŷ o (k + 1) =  :

 ŷ (k + P ) 
∆u (k)
 ∆u (k + 1) 
∆U (k) =   :

∆u (k + M − 1)

The dynamic matrix is defined as 
S1 0 .. 0
 S2 S1 0 : 
 
 : : 0 
 
S=  S M S M −1 .. S 1

 SM +1 S .. S 
Fig. 4. PID control of MIMO plant  M 2 
 : : : 
SP SP −1 .. SP −M +1
Fig. ?? shows the block diagram of model predictive control
for distillation column.

Fig. 5. PID control of MIMO plant with decoupler

controller based MIMO controller for distillation column is

shown in Fig. ??.
Due to multiple variables, the control schemes needs Fig. 6. Block diagram of control structure for distillation column
decoupler. The block diagram of control scheme with
decoupler is shown in Fig. ??. To check the interaction The quadratic performance index used for model predictive
in a multi-loop control systems, decouplers are used. Static controller is expressed as
decouplers are used when fast controls are not required. They
min J = Ê(k + 1)T QÊ(k + 1) + ∆U (k)T R∆U (k) (16)
possess simple simple structure and their design does not ∆U (k)
require detailed description of the system. Relative Gain Array where Q is a positive-definite weighting matrix and R is a
is a normalized form of the gain matrix that describes the positive semi-definite matrix. Both are diagonal matrices with
impact of each control variable on the output, relative to each positive diagonal elements.
control variable impact on other variables. The decoupler can The MPC control law is derived by minimizing the quadratic
be found out using following equations T12 = −G G11 and
objective function. The MPC control law can be written as
T21 = G22
∆U (k) = Kc Ê o (k + 1) (17)
A. Model Predictive Control
Here KC = (S T Q S + R)−1 S T Q
[ control, the output
]T vector can be represented
as y = y1 y2 −− ym and input vector can be IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS
[ ]T
represented as u = u1 u2 −− ur This section provides simulation results for the distillation
The MIMO model for the corrected prediction can be column. Wood and Berry model is considered as the model
represented as for the distillation column. First of all simulation for open
loop step response analysis and open loop transient analysis is
Ỹ (k + 1) = S∆U (k) + Ŷ o (k + 1) + ϕ [y (k) − ŷ (k)] (15) carried out. The open loop step response of binary distillation
 
ỹ (k + 1) column is shown in Fig. ??.
 ỹ (k + 1)  Open loop transient analysis is studied for the distillation
Ỹ (k + 1) = 
 :

 column. Once the flow rate is varied, the response of output
ỹ (k + P ) variable is studied in Fig. ?? and Fig. ?? respectively.
Step Response tuning method. The controlled output of the system with PID
From: Reflux From: Steam
controller is shown in Fig. ??. As it can be seen from the
10 graph, the distillate and the bottom product are regulated using
PID controller but there is significant overshoot in the control
To: Distillate




To: bottoms


−15 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 50 100 0 50 100 time
Time (seconds)

Fig. 7. Open loop step response analysis


0 20 40 60 80 100
52 time

Fig. 10. Response of PID controller without decoupler
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
time Fig. ?? presents the output response of model predictive
0.94 controller in a distillation column. It can be shown in the graph
that the model predictive control algorithm provides the best
output response for a distillation column.


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
time 40


Fig. 8. Change in flow rate of distillation column

0 5 10 15 20 25


50 10

48 5

46 0

0 5 10 15 20 25
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 40


0.085 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


0 5 10 15 20 25
Fig. 9. Change in flow rate of distillation column

PID controller without decoupler is used to control the

Fig. 11. Response of model predictive controller
MIMO plant. Wood and Berry distillation column model is
considered and PID controller is tuned using Zigler-Nichols
V. C ONCLUSION [14] J. C. MacMurray and D. Himmelblau, “Modeling and control of a
packed distillation column using artificial neural networks,” Computers
This paper provides a detailed mathematical model of & chemical engineering, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1077–1088, 1995.
a distillation column and control part of the distillation
column has been studied extensively. For simulation purpose,
Wood-Berry distillation column model is considered. PID
controller for MIMO plant is designed without decoupler and
with decoupler unit. Model predictive controller is also studied
and implemented for a distillation column. The performance
of the control strategy is evaluated with the help of simulation

Symbol Unit Description

Ln Internal liquid flow rate
Ln0 Reference value of internal flow rate
Mn0 Reference molar holdup for nth tray
MD lbmol Liquid holdup in reflux drum
R lbmol/h Reflux flow rate
DL lbmol/h Flow rate of liquid distillate
DV lbmol/h Flow rate of vapour distillate
XD mol fraction Composition of liquid distillate
YD mol fraction Composition of vapour distillate

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