RD 810
RD 810
RD 810
RD 810(RD 2)
Relief device RD 310 and RD 810 (mentioned as RD 1 and RD 2 in “DFA PSV and RD.xls” file
provided by site personnel) located on Main Still (C-251) and Back End Still (C-281) provide adequate
relief capacity for all the identified overpressure scenarios.
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
Executive Summary
Protected Equipment
Design Data
Tag Description Design P Design T P&ID No.
C-281 Back End Still N/A N/A Site confirmation N/A
General Comments
1. Manufacturer BS&B Safety Systems (INDIA) LTD and Type DV are as per data provided by site.
2. Relief device is a 4” rupture disk with flow resistance (Kr) of 2.6 (Liquid) and (Kr) of 1.19 (Gas) are
considered per vendor’s catalog.
3. RD 810 is a Composite Forward Acting Rupture Disk (RD) for gas & liquid service as per
manufacturer catalog.
A. Vessel/System:
1. MAWP of the Back End Still (C-281) is not available. For the purpose of analysis MAWP is
considered to be same as design pressure (1.02 kg/cm²) of C-251 per data provided by site
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
B. Operating Conditions:
1. Operating condition of Back End Still :
Operating Pressure Shell side :10mmHg
Operating Temperature Shell side :250°C
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
1.1 Blocked Outlet (Vapor Outlet Isolation Valve of E-273) See Case 2
Blocked Outlet due to inadvertent closure of isolation valve located on vapor outlet line of secondary condenser
(E-273) (on P&ID of Vacuum system) may result in overpressure. The following source of overpressure are
From Pumps (P-251 A/B): The upstream pressure is limited to 5 kg/cm² by the maximum discharge pressure
(normal suction/maximum head) of Pump P-251 A/B (on P&ID “FD-8682”) per data provided by site, which
exceeds the lowest MAWP (1.02 kg/cm2) of the system.
Heat duty from candles: The vapors generated by the heat duty from candles of Main Still (C-251) & Back End
Still (C-281) results in vapor formation which may overpressure the system due to blocked overhead vapors.
However the listed scenario is similar to Cooling Water Failure scenario. Refer Case 2 Cooling Water Failure
scenario for details.
1.2 Blocked Outlet (Bottom Liquid Isolation Valve between C-251 & C-281) Not Applicable
Blocked Outlet due to inadvertent closure of 2" isolation valve (on line P-50-SB1-Ih-1413-J on P&ID “FD-8682”)
located on Main Still (C-251) bottom outlet line to Back End Still (C-281) may result in overpressure. The
following source of overpressure are considered:
From Pumps (P-251 A/B): The upstream pressure is limited to 5 kg/cm² by the maximum discharge pressure
(normal suction/maximum head) of Pump P-251 A/B (on P&ID “FD-8682”) per data provided by site, which
exceeds the MAWP (1.02 kg/cm2) of the system.
The liquid outlet flow rate of 1000 kg/hr (based on the normal operating flow rate of Main Still bottom residue),
the total column volume of 34.54 m3 and the HLL of 3 m (based on high liquid level data provided by site
personnel), the vessel will take 1230.73 minutes to overfill. Per project guidelines, overfilling will not be
considered as the fill time from the High Liquid Level set point is more than 30 minutes. Therefore, relief may
not be expected. Note that though column will take 1230.73 minutes to completely fill with liquid; there is
possibility of liquid head (in 30 minutes) due to accumulation of liquid may exceed the RD burst pressure.
Hence, liquid head acting on the RD inlet is checked due to accumulation of liquid in operator intervention time
of 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, it is observed that liquid level will go up to 0.194 m above HLL (note that
conservatively RD is considered to be located just above the HLL). The liquid head (0.0159 kg/cm²; based on
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
accumulated CSFA density of 818 kg/m³ per data provided by site) based on this liquid level (0.194 m) is less
than the RD burst pressure (0.54kg/cm²). Therefore, liquid relief is not expected.
The credit of volume above High Liquid Level for Back End Still (C-281) is not taken in this case.
2. Cooling Water Failure
E-255, Condenser of overhead vapors of Main Still (C-251) on P&ID “FD-8682” (result in loss of cooling)
E-256, Condenser of overhead vapors of Main Still (C-251) on P&ID “FD-8682” (result in loss of cooling)
E-282, Condenser of overhead vapors of Back End Still (C-281) on P&ID “FD-8682” (result in loss of cooling)
Primary Condenser (E-272) of ejectors (J-271 & J-272) on Vacuum system P&ID (result in loss of cooling)
Secondary Condenser (E-273) of ejector (J-273) on Vacuum system P&ID (result in loss of cooling)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274) of ejector (J-274) on Vacuum system P&ID (result in loss of cooling)
The loss of cooling water to the listed exchangers will result in overpressure due to failure of heat removal from
the system and subsequent accumulation of uncondensed vapors.
Note that at relief pressure, the column bottom liquid bubble point temperature (370.3°C, per Aspen Hysys
simulation file “RD simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C, based on
saturation temperature of 57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site personnel);
Therefore the candle duty may pinch at relief condition. However, without the heat duty from candle, lighter
from the feed may reach to the bottom and with the inclusion of lighters, the equilibrium bottom temperature will
decrease and the heat duty from candle may be reestablished.
To check whether the heat duty of candle can be revived; the bubble point of feed stream is checked at relief
pressure. So, at relief pressure the column feed stream bubble point temperature (369.9°C, per Aspen Hysys
simulation file “RD simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C, based on
saturation temperature of 57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site personnel). Hence,
no vapor generation is possible at relief pressure. However the steam flow to the ejectors of vacuum system
(6.63 kg/cm2) may overpressure the system.
Therefore relief is expected and the relief device RD 310 & RD 810 provides relief at 0.54 kg/cm2 and 0.49
kg/cm2 respectively.
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
See Case 2
3. Coolant Failure (Other than Cooling Water)
The overhead vapors of Main Still (C-251) are condensed in a reflux condenser (E-254) in which low pressure
condensate are used as a cooling medium.
The loss of low pressure condensate to the reflux condenser (E-254) will result in overpressure due to failure of
heat removal from the system and subsequent accumulation of uncondensed vapors.
Note that conservatively the credit of the overhead condensers E-255, E-256, E-282, Primary condenser (E-
272), Secondary condenser (E-273), Tertiary condenser (E-274) is not considered.
However listed scenario will result in relief similar to Cooling Water Failure scenario. Refer Case 2 Cooling
Water Failure scenario for details.
A loss of overhead reflux to the system may result in overpressure of due to continued vapor generation and
loss of cooling by reflux. As there is no mechanism available for reflux failure to system, However
conservatively reflux failure is considered.
Note that conservatively the credit of the overhead condensers E-255, E-256, E-282, Primary condenser (E-
272), Secondary condenser (E-273), Tertiary condenser (E-274) is not considered.
The listed scenario will result in relief similar to Cooling Water Failure scenario. Refer Case 2 Cooling Water
Failure scenario for details.
5. Overfilling (Bottom Liquid Isolation Valve of Back End Still) Not Applicable
The inadvertent closure of isolation valve (on P&ID “FD-8682”) located on bottom residue line of Back End Still
(C-281) may result in overpressure.
The residue outlet flow rate of 250 kg/hr (based on the normal operating flow rate of Back End Still bottom
residue), the total column volume of 3.94 m3 and the HLL of 3 m (based on high liquid level data provided by
site personnel), the vessel will take 307.67 minutes to overfill. Per project guidelines, overfilling will not be
considered as the fill time from the High Liquid Level set point is more than 30 minutes. Therefore, relief is not
expected. Note that though column will take 307.67 minutes to completely fill with liquid; there is possibility of
liquid head (in 30 minutes) due to accumulation of liquid may exceed the RD burst pressure. Hence, liquid head
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
acting on the RD inlet is checked due to accumulation of liquid in operator intervention time of 30 minutes. In
30minutes, it is observed that liquid level will go up to 0.213 m above HLL (note that conservatively RD is
considered to be located just above the HLL). The liquid head (0.0174 kg/cm²; based on accumulated bottom
residue liquid density of 818 kg/m³ per data provided by site) based on this liquid level (0.213m) is less than the
The credit of volume above High Liquid Level for Main Still (C-251) is not taken in this case.
See Case 2
6. Accumulation of non-condensable
In the event of accumulation of non-condensable, there is a potential for blocking of vapors of the overhead
condensers, resulting in a similar effect as loss of cooling.
However, this case is less severe than the Cooling Water Failure scenario, which considers loss of overhead
cooling to the system. Please see Case 2 for further analysis.
Not Applicable
7. Failure of Automatic Controls (FCV-337)
From Pump (P-251 A/B) : The normal operating pressure upstream of control valve FCV-337 (1” FC shown on
P&ID “FD-8682”) is 4 kg/cm² based on normal discharge pressure of pump P-251A/B based on data provided
by site, which exceeds the lowest MAWP(1.02 kg/cm2)of the system.
Based on the liquid outlet flow rate of 20449.3 kg/hr (based on maximum flow through full open 1” control valve
FCV-337 subtracted by the normal operating flow (5000 kg/hr) through the control valve), the total column
volume of 34.54 m3 and the HLL of 3 m (based on high liquid level data provided by site personnel), the vessel
will take 64.75 minutes to overfill. Per project guidelines, overfilling will not be considered as the fill time from
the High Liquid Level set point is more than 30 minutes. Therefore, relief is not expected. Note that though
column will take 64.75 minutes to completely fill with liquid; there is possibility of liquid head (in 30 minutes) due
to accumulation of liquid may exceed the RD burst pressure. Hence, liquid head acting on the RD inlet is
checked due to accumulation of liquid in operator intervention time of 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, it is observed
that liquid level will go up to 3.7 m above HLL (note that conservatively RD is considered to be located just
above the HLL). The liquid head (0.325 kg/cm²; based on accumulated CSFA liquid density of 880 kg/m³ per
data provided by site) based on this liquid level (3.7 m) is less than the RD burst pressure (0.54kg/cm²).
Therefore, liquid relief is not expected.
The credit of volume above High Liquid Level for Back End Still (C-281) is not taken in this case.
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
8.1 Split Heat Exchanger Tube (E-254)
The high pressure side operating pressure (3.4 kg/cm2) of reflux condenser (E-254) exceeds the hydro test
pressure of the low pressure side (1.5 kg/cm2). Per project guideline, a single tube rupture will be considered.
In the case of tube rupture low pressure condensate may overpressure the Main Still (C-251).
Based on the calculated low pressure condensate inlet flow rate of 18680.24 kg/hr (as per Aspen Hysys
simulation “Tube rupture.hsc”) the total vessel volume of 34.54 m3 and the HLL of 3 m (based on high liquid
level data provided by site personnel) the vessel will take 76.42 minutes to overfill. Per project guideline,
overfilling will not be considered as the fill time from High Liquid Level is more than 30 minutes. Therefore liquid
relief is not expected in the event of listed scenario. However due to failure of heat removal from the system
and subsequent accumulation of uncondensed vapors may result in overpressure.
Note that at relief pressure, the column bottom liquid bubble point temperature (370.3°C, per Aspen Hysys
simulation file “RD simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C, based on
saturation temperature of 57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site personnel);
Therefore the candle duty may pinch at relief condition. However, without the heat duty from candle, lighter
from the feed may reach to the bottom and with the inclusion of lighters, the equilibrium bottom temperature will
decrease and the heat duty from candle may be reestablished.
To check whether the heat duty of candle can be revived; the bubble point of feed stream is checked at relief
pressure. So, at relief pressure the column feed stream bubble point temperature (369.9°C, per Aspen Hysys
simulation file “RD simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C, based on
saturation temperature of 57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site personnel). Hence,
no vapor generation is possible at relief pressure. However the steam flow to the ejectors of vacuum system
(6.63 kg/cm2) and additional incoming vapor due to tube rupture (3.4 kg/cm2) may overpressure the system.
Therefore relief is expected and the relief device RD 310 & RD 810 provides relief at 0.54 kg/cm2 and 0.49
kg/cm2 respectively.
Note that conservatively the credit of the overhead condensers E-255, E-256, E-282, Primary condenser (E-
272), Secondary condenser (E-273), Tertiary condenser (E-274) is not considered and the credit of volume
above High Liquid Level for Back End Still (C-281) is not taken in this case
8.2 Split Heat Exchanger Tube (E-255)
The high pressure side operating pressure (5 kg/cm2) of condenser (E-255) exceeds the hydro test pressure of
the low pressure side (1.5 kg/cm2). Per project guideline, a single tube rupture will be considered. In the case of
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
tube rupture cooling water may overfill the Main Still (C-251).
Based on the calculated cooling water flow rate of 49726.20 kg/hr (as per Aspen Hysys simulation file “Tube
rupture.hsc”) the total vessel volume of 36.89 m3 (based addition of Main Still volume 34.54 m3 and Back End
Still volume 2.35m3) and the HLL of 3 m (based on high liquid level data provided by site personnel) the vessel
will take 32 minutes to overfill. Per project guideline, overfilling will not be considered as the fill time from High
Liquid Level is more than 30 minutes. Therefore, relief may not be expected. Note that though column will take
32 minutes to completely fill with liquid; there is possibility of liquid head (in 30 minutes) due to accumulation of
liquid may exceed the RD burst pressure. Hence, liquid head acting on the RD inlet is checked due to
accumulation of liquid in operator intervention time of 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, it is observed that liquid level
will go up to 6.36 m above HLL (note that conservatively RD is considered to be located just above the HLL).
The liquid head (0.633 kg/cm²; based on accumulated liquid density of 995 kg/m³) based on this liquid level
(6.36 m) is greater than the burst pressure of both RD 310 (burst pressure 0.54 kg/cm2) & RD 810 (burst
pressure 0.49kg/cm²).
Therefore liquid relief is expected and the relief device RD 310 and RD 810 provides relief at 0.54 kg/cm2 and
0.49 kg/cm2 respectively.
The credit of volume above High Liquid Level for both Main Still (C-251) and Back End Still (C-281) is taken in
this case.
The high pressure side operating pressure (5 kg/cm2) of condenser (E-256) exceeds the hydro test pressure of
the low pressure side (1.5 kg/cm2). Per project guideline, a single tube rupture will be considered. In the case of
tube rupture cooling water may overfill the system.
However listed scenario is similar to Split Heat Exchanger Tube (E-255) scenario. Refer Case 8.2 Split Heat
Exchanger Tube (E-255) scenario for details.
The high pressure side operating pressure (5 kg/cm2) of condenser (E-282) exceeds the hydro test pressure of
the low pressure side (1.5 kg/cm2). Per project guideline, a single tube rupture will be considered. In the case of
tube rupture cooling water may overfill the system.
However listed scenario is similar to Split Heat Exchanger Tube (E-255) scenario. Refer Case 8.2 Split Heat
Exchanger Tube (E-255) scenario for details.
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
8.5 Split Heat Exchanger Tube (Primary Condenser E-272) See Case 2
The high pressure side operating pressure (5 kg/cm2) of primary condenser exceeds the hydro test pressure of
the low pressure side (1.5 kg/cm2). Per project guideline, a single tube rupture will be considered.
The tube rupture scenario on listed exchanger may cause blocking of steam to ejector due to which there will
be loss of vacuum in the system. The cooling water flowing from tube side to shell side may cause overflow of
hot well (least resistance path).
The overflow line of hot well (V-271) is considered to be adequate for the cooling water flow rate during tube
The ejector steam is expected to be blocked due to cooling water flow coming from high pressure side.
Therefore, this steam may overpressure the Main Still RD 310 and Back End Still RD 810, Hence the listed
scenario result in relief similar to Cooling Water Failure scenario. Refer Case 2 Cooling Water Failure scenario
for details.
8.6 Split Heat Exchanger Tube (Secondary Condenser E-273) See Case 2
The high pressure side operating pressure (5 kg/cm2) of primary condenser exceeds the hydro test pressure of
the low pressure side (1.5 kg/cm2). Per project guideline, a single tube rupture will be considered.
The tube rupture scenario on listed exchanger may cause blocking of steam to ejector due to which there will
be loss of vacuum in the system. The cooling water flowing from tube side to shell side may cause overflow of
hot well (least resistance path).
The overflow line of hot well (V-271) is considered to be adequate for the cooling water flow rate during tube
The ejector steam is expected to be blocked due to cooling water flow coming from high pressure side.
Therefore, this steam may overpressure the Main Still RD 310 and Back End Still RD 810, Hence the listed
scenario result in relief similar to Cooling Water Failure scenario. Refer Case 2 Cooling Water Failure scenario
for details.
See Case 2
8.7 Split Heat Exchanger Tube (Tertiary Condenser E-274)
The high pressure side operating pressure (5 kg/cm2) of primary condenser exceeds the hydro test pressure of
the low pressure side (1.5 kg/cm2). Per project guideline, a single tube rupture will be considered.
The tube rupture scenario on listed exchanger may cause blocking of steam to ejector due to which there will
be loss of vacuum in the system. The cooling water flowing from tube side to shell side may cause overflow of
hot well (least resistance path).
The overflow line of hot well (V-271) is considered to be adequate for the cooling water flow rate during tube
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
The ejector steam is expected to be blocked due to cooling water flow coming from high pressure side.
Therefore, this steam may overpressure the Main Still RD 310 and Back End Still RD 810, Hence the listed
scenario result in relief similar to Cooling Water Failure scenario. Refer Case 2 Cooling Water Failure scenario
for details.
Not Applicable
9. Abnormal Heat and Vapor input (TCV-385, TCV-363, TCV-305)
Failure opening of Control Valve TCV-385, TCV-363, TCV-305, and TCV-386 on the steam line to the Main Still
(C-251) & Back End Still (C-281) candles on P&ID “FD-8682” may result in overpressure of the system.
In the event of drop in temperature of liquid in first candle there is a possibility that it may cause a drop in
temperature of liquid in the subsequent candles which may led to simultaneous opening of all the steam control
In the case of excess heat input to the system, it will result in excess vapor generation that will cause excess
vapors to the ejector system due to which there may be loss of vacuum in the system.
Note that at relief pressure, the column bottom liquid bubble point temperature (370.3°C, per Aspen Hysys
simulation file “RD simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C, based on
saturation temperature of 57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site personnel);
Therefore the candle duty may pinch at relief condition. However, without the heat duty from candle, lighter
from the feed may reach to the bottom and with the inclusion of lighters, the equilibrium bottom temperature will
decrease and the heat duty from candle may be reestablished.
To check whether the heat duty of candle can be revived; the bubble point of feed CSFA stream is checked at
relief pressure. So, at relief pressure the feed CSFA stream bubble point temperature (369.9°C, per Aspen
Hysys simulation file “RD simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C,
based on saturation temperature of 57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site
personnel). Hence, no vapor generation is possible at relief pressure.
Based on the excess flow rate of 4000 kg/hr (based on difference between CSFA inlet flow rate of 5000 kg/hr
and total bottom residue flow rate of 1000 kg/hr based on data provided by site personnel) The total volume of
36.89 m3 (based addition of Main Still volume 34.54 m3 and Back End Still volume 2.35m3) and HLL of 3 m
(based on data provided by site personnel), the system takes 351.53 minutes to overfill. Per project guidelines,
overfilling will not be considered, as the fill time from the high liquid level is greater than 30 minutes. Note that
though column will take 351.53 minutes to completely fill with liquid; there is possibility of liquid head (in 30
minutes) due to accumulation of liquid may exceed the RD burst pressure. Hence, liquid head acting on the RD
inlet is checked due to accumulation of liquid in operator intervention time of 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, it is
observed that liquid level will go up to 0.724 m above HLL (note that conservatively RD is considered to be
located just above the HLL). The liquid head (0.063 kg/cm²; based on accumulated CSFA liquid density 880
kg/m³ per data provided by site) based on this liquid level (0.724 m) is less than the RD burst pressure
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
The credit of volume above High Liquid Level for both Main Still (C-251) and Back End Still (C-281) is taken in
this case.
In the event of the loss of instrument air, the following relevant pneumatic control valves will go to
their fail-safe positions:
* FCV-337, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on CSFA inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-385, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-363, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-305, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-386, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Back End Still (C-281) (results
in fail close; based on data provided by site personnel)
*LCV-338, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on P-256A/B discharge line of the DFA Pump (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
*LCV-319, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on P-257A/B discharge line of the Pump (results in fail close;
based on data provided by site personnel)
As a result; total feed to the system will be lost; product draw and bottom residue draw from the system will be
lost. Also heat input to the system will be lost due to loss of steam. As such no overpressure is expected to
occur in the event of instrument air failure scenario.
Based on confirmation from site dated 7th March 2018; listed equipment is present in the area where there is no
possibility of liquid pool formation and hence external fire scenario will not be applicable. Therefore
overpressure is not expected.
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
This scenario considers a total power failure along with loss of total steam and instrument air supply per site
personnel confirmation.
A total power failure will result in loss of the following relevant electrically driven equipment items:
- CSFA Pump (P-251A/B on P&ID “FD-8682”); this will result in loss of CSFA supply to Main Still.
- DFA Pump (P-256A/B on P&ID “FD-8682”); this will result in loss of outlet DFA product flow from the Main Still
-Pump (P-257 A/B on P&ID “FD-8682”); this will result in loss of outlet residue flow from the Back End Still
- Boiler Feed Water Pumps (normally one out of two is in service); this will result in loss of Boiler Feed Water
supply to HP Steam Boiler.
In the event of the loss of instrument air, the following relevant pneumatic control valves will go to
their fail-safe positions:
* FCV-337, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on CSFA inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-385, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-363, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-305, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Main Still (C-251) (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
* TCV-386, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on HP steam inlet line of the Back End Still (C-281) (results
in fail close; based on data provided by site personnel)
*LCV-338, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on P-256A/B discharge line of the DFA Pump (results in fail
close; based on data provided by site personnel)
*LCV-319, (shown on P&ID “FD-8682”) installed on P-257A/B discharge line of the pump (results in fail close;
based on data provided by site personnel)
As a result; total feed to the system will be lost; product draw from the system will be lost. Also heat input to the
system & vacuum of the system will be lost due to loss of steam. As such no overpressure is expected during
listed scenario.
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
Not Applicable
13.1 Thermal Expansion (E-254)
Hydraulic expansion is not a concern for the hot side of a heat exchanger.
Not Applicable
13.2 Thermal Expansion (E-255)
Hydraulic expansion is not a concern for the hot side of a heat exchanger.
Not Applicable
13.3 Thermal Expansion (E-256)
Hydraulic expansion is not a concern for the hot side of a heat exchanger.
Not Applicable
13.4 Thermal Expansion (E-282)
Hydraulic expansion is not a concern for the hot side of a heat exchanger.
Not Applicable
13.5 Thermal Expansion (E-272)
Hydraulic expansion is not a concern for the hot side of a heat exchanger.
Not Applicable
13.6 Thermal Expansion (E-273)
Hydraulic expansion is not a concern for the hot side of a heat exchanger.
Not Applicable
13.7 Thermal Expansion (E-274)
Hydraulic expansion is not a concern for the hot side of a heat exchanger.
A loss of side stream from the Main Still (C-251) may occur in the event of inadvertent closure of 2” isolation
valve (on line P-50-SB1-Ih-1420-J on P&ID “FD-8682”) located on product outlet DFA line may result in
overpressure due to accumulation of excess liquid in the column system. The following source of overpressure
are considered:
From Pumps (P-251 A/B): The upstream pressure is limited to 5 kg/cm² by the maximum discharge pressure
(normal suction/maximum head) of Pump P-251 A/B (on P&ID “FD-8682”) per data provided by site, which
exceeds the lowest MAWP (1.02 kg/cm2) of the system.
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
The liquid outlet flow rate of 3200 kg/hr (based on the normal operating flow rate of Main Still outlet DFA flow
rate), the total vessel volume of 34.54 m³, and the HLL set point of 3m (based on high liquid level data provided
by site personnel); it takes 351.95 minutes to overfill. Per project guidelines overfilling will not be considered as
the fill time from the High Liquid Level set point is more than 30 minutes. Therefore relief is not expected. Note
that though column will take 351.95 minutes to completely fill with liquid; there is possibility of liquid head (in 30
minutes) due to accumulation of liquid may exceed the RD burst pressure. Hence, liquid head acting on the RD
inlet is checked due to accumulation of liquid in operator intervention time of 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, it is
observed that liquid level will go up to 0.68 m above HLL (note that conservatively RD is considered to be
located just above the HLL). The liquid head (0.051 kg/cm²; based on accumulated liquid density of 748.6 kg/m³
per Aspen Hysys simulation file “RD simulation” based on composition of DFA stream provided by site data
provided by site) based on this liquid level (0.68 m) is less than the RD burst pressure (0.54kg/cm²). Therefore,
liquid relief is not expected.
The credit of volume above High Liquid Level for Back End Still (C-281) is not taken in this case.
In the event of steam failure the steam flow to the candles of Main Still (C-251) and Back End Still (C-281) will
be lost. This will result in accumulation of inlet CSFA liquid in the column system.
Based on the flow rate of 4000 kg/hr (based on difference between CSFA inlet flow rate of 5000 kg/hr and total
bottom residue flow rate of 1000 kg/hr based on data provided by site personnel) The total volume of 34.54 m3
(based addition of Main Still volume 34.54 m3 and Back End Still volume 2.35m3) and HLL of 3 m (based on
data provided by site personnel), the system takes 351.51 minutes to overfill. Per project guidelines, overfilling
will not be considered, as the fill time from the high liquid level is greater than 30 minutes. Note that though
column will take 351.51 minutes to completely fill with liquid; there is possibility of liquid head (in 30 minutes)
due to accumulation of liquid may exceed the RD burst pressure. Hence, liquid head acting on the RD inlet is
checked due to accumulation of liquid in operator intervention time of 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, it is observed
that liquid level will go up to 0.724 m above HLL (note that conservatively RD is considered to be located just
above the HLL). The liquid head (0.063 kg/cm²; based on accumulated liquid density of CSFA 880 kg/m³ per
data provided by site personnel) based on this liquid level (0.724 m) is less than the RD burst pressure
(0.54kg/cm²). Therefore, liquid relief is not expected.
The credit of volume above High Liquid Level for both Main Still (C-251) and Back End Still (C-281) is taken in
this case.
Please provide the
0.1 m missing lengths for lines
highlighted in red
RD 2m
0.1 m
3 elbows
4 inch line SS316
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy check for RD and PSV
Unit : DFA Unit, Orai
Equipment Data
The MAWP, MAWT are not available. For the purpose of analysis, MAWP and MAWT are considered to be same as design
pressure and temperature based on data provided by site personnel. The dimensions are taken from the data of C-281 provided
in "Back End still datasheet" provided by site personnel. The Designt pressure & Design temperature is based on C-251 Design
pressure & Design temperature. The normal and high liquid level is considered same per confirmation provided by site
personnel. The operating pressure and temperature is based on file "General Assumptions and data requirements 16.03.2018"
file per confirmation from site personnel.
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
Note that MAWP and MAWT of E-254(Shell side) is not available. For analysis purpose the MAWP is considered
same as the MAWP (1.02 kg/cm²)of the Main Still (C-251)and MAWT is same as Design temperature.
The following pieces of equipment are in open communication and may be simultaneously subjected to the same
overpressure scenarios:
Main Still (C-251; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Back End Still (C-281; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-255; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-256; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-282; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Primary Condenser (E-272; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Secondary Condenser (E-273; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Note the lowest MAWP is 1.02 kg/cm²
The tube O.D.(25.6mm) data was provided, to calculate tube I.D. conservatively tube thickness is taken as 16BWG for
tube I.D. calculation.
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
Note that MAWP and MAWT of E-255(Shell side) is not available. For analysis purpose the MAWPis considered
same as the MAWP (1.02 kg/cm²)of the Main Still (C-251)and MAWT is same as Design temperature.
The following pieces of equipment are in open communication and may be simultaneously subjected to the same
overpressure scenarios:
Main Still (C-251; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Back End Still (C-281; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-255; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-256; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-282; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Primary Condenser (E-272; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Secondary Condenser (E-273; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Note that the lowest MAWP is 1.02 kg/cm²
The tube O.D.(25.6mm) data was provided, to calculate tube I.D. conservatively tube thickness is taken as 16BWG for
tube I.D. cacluation
Note Operating pressure data not available, for analysis purpose it is considered same as E-254 operating pressure
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
Note that MAWP and MAWT of E-256(Shell side) is not available. For analysis purpose the MAWP is considered
same as the MAWP (1.02 kg/cm²)of the Main Still (C-251) and MAWT is same as Design temperature.
The following pieces of equipment are in open communication and may be simultaneously subjected to the same
overpressure scenarios:
Main Still (C-251; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Back End Still (C-281; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-255; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-256; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-282; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Primary Condenser (E-272; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Secondary Condenser (E-273; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Note the lowest MAWP is 1.02 kg/cm²
The tube O.D.(25.6mm) data was provided, to calculate tube I.D. conservatively tube thickness is taken as 16BWG for
tube I.D. calculation.
Note Operating pressure data not available, for analysis purpose it is considered same as E-254 operating pressure
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
Note that MAWP and MAWT of E-282(Shell side) is not available. For analysis purpose the MAWP is considered
same as the MAWP (1.02 kg/cm²)of the Main Still (C-251) and MAWT is same as Design temperature.
The is discerpancy as per the exchanger data provided by site the shell side of E-282 is shown as the utility side
and as per P&ID and PFD shell side of E-282 is shown as process side, for analysis purpose P&ID is considered
The following pieces of equipment are in open communication and may be simultaneously subjected to the same
overpressure scenarios:
Main Still (C-251; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Back End Still (C-281; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-255; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-256; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-282; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Primary Condenser (E-272; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Secondary Condenser (E-273; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Note the lowest MAWP is 1.02 kg/cm²
The tube O.D. and I.D. data was not available ,for purpose of analysis it is taken same as the tube O.D. of Overhead
condenser (E-255, E-256, E-254).
The tube O.D.(25.6mm) data was provided, to calculate tube I.D. conservatively tube thickness is taken as 16BWG
for tube I.D. calculation.
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
Note that MAWP and MAWT of E-272(Shell side) is not available. For analysis purpose the MAWP is considered
same as the MAWP (1.02 kg/cm²)of the Main Still (C-251).
The following pieces of equipment are in open communication and may be simultaneously subjected to the same
overpressure scenarios:
Main Still (C-251; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Back End Still (C-281; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-255; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-256; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-282; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Primary Condenser (E-272; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Secondary Condenser (E-273; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Note the lowest MAWP is 1.02 kg/cm²
The tube O.D. and I.D. data was not available ,for purpose of analysis is taken same as the tube O.D. of Overhead
condenser (E-255, E-256, E-254).
The tube O.D.(25.6mm) data was provided to calculate tube I.D. conservatively tube thickness is taken as
16BWG for tube I.D. calculation.
Note Operating pressure data not available, for analysis purpose it is considered same as E-254 operating pressure
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
Note that MAWP and MAWT of E-273(Shell side) is not available. For analysis purpose the MAWP is considered
same as the MAWP (1.02 kg/cm²)of the Main Still (C-251).
The following pieces of equipment are in open communication and may be simultaneously subjected to the same
overpressure scenarios:
Main Still (C-251; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Back End Still (C-281; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-255; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-256; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-282; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Primary Condenser (E-272; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Secondary Condenser (E-273; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Note the lowest MAWP is 1.02 kg/cm²
The tube O.D. and I.D. data was not available ,for purpose of analysis is taken same as the tube O.D. of Overhead
condenser (E-255, E-256, E-254).
The tube O.D.(25.6mm) data was provided to calculate tube I.D. conservatively tube thickness is taken as 16BWG for
tube I.D. calculation.
Note Operating pressure data not available, for analysis purpose it is considered same as E-254 operating pressure
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
Note that MAWP and MAWT of E-274(Shell side) is not available. For analysis purpose the MAWP is same as the
lowest MAWP (1.02 kg/cm²)of the system.
The following pieces of equipment are in open communication and may be simultaneously subjected to the same
overpressure scenarios:
Main Still (C-251; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Back End Still (C-281; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-255; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-256; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Overhead Condenser (E-282; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Primary Condenser (E-272; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Secondary Condenser (E-273; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Tertiary Condenser (E-274; MAWP: 1.02 kg/cm²)
Note the lowest MAWP is 1.02 kg/cm²
The tube O.D. and I.D. data was not available ,for purpose of analysis is taken same as the tube O.D. of Overhead
condenser (E-255, E-256, E-254).
The tube O.D.(25.6mm) data was provided to calculate tube I.D. conservatively tube thickness is taken as 16BWG for
tube I.D. calculation.
Note Operating pressure data not available, for analysis purpose it is considered same as E-254 operating pressure
Equipment Revisions
Equipment Data
The Casing MAWP and MAWT are not available.
Operating pressure data reference is taken from "General Assumptions and data requirements 27.03.2018" as per
data provided by site personnel.
Maximum Operating pressure data reference is taken from "General Assumptions and data requirements
24.04.2018" as per data provided by site personnel.
Equipment Revisions
Vessel Information
38. Segment No
40. Fluid Calculations Unit
41. 1 Vapor Density Kg/m3 0.81
41. 2 Design Volumetric Flow m3/hr 3,953.68
42. Pipe Calculations
43. 2 Pipe Roughness Factor mm 0.05
44. 3 Pipe ID mm 102.26
45. 4 Pipe Area m2 0.01
45. Hydraullic Calculations
46. 1 Fluid Velocity m/s 133.67
47. 2 Reynolds Number 931,717.24
47. 3 Moody Friction Factor 0.02
48. 6 K-Fittings 2.53
49. 7 K-Valves 0.00
50. 8 K-Entrance/Exit/Both 0.50
51. 9 K-Reducer/Expander 0.00
51. 10 K-Other 1.19
52. 11 K-Pipe 3.99
53. 11 Total K 8.21
54. 12 Total Equivalent Length m 49.78
55. 13 Total Frictional Loss m 7,487.81
56. 14 Other+Equipments Kg/cm2 0.00
57. 16 Static Head m -15.80
Total Pressure Drop
59. Kg/cm2 0.51
60. 17 Pressure at Point 2 Kg/cm2g 0.03
61. 18 Sonic Velocity m/s 77.36
60. 19 Mac No 1.73
61. 20 % of drop 0.94
62. 21 Error Exceeding Sonic Velocity
Revision No. / Date
Made / Revised by
Checked by
Approved by
U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Main Still RD1\Templates\[Case 2 Calculation Comment_RD 310.xls]Sheet1
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD and PSV
Unit : DFA Unit, Orai
Calculation Comment
System: Main Still (C-251) & Back End Still(C-281) P&ID Filename : FD-8682
1. Relief Pressure: 0.54 kg/cm² (based on RD 310 burst pressure (0.54 kg/cm²).
4.Note that at relief pressure, the column bottom liquid bubble point temperature (370.3°C, per Aspen Hysys simulation file
“RD simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C, based on saturation temperature of
57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site personnel);
Therefore the candle duty may pinch at relief condition. However, without the heat duty from candle, lighter from the feed
may reach to the bottom and with the inclusion of lighters, the equilibrium bottom temperature will decrease and the heat
duty from candle may be reestablished.
To check whether the heat duty of candle can be revived; the bubble point of feed stream is checked at relief pressure. So,
at relief pressure the column feed stream bubble point temperature (369.9°C, per Aspen Hysys simulation file “RD
simulation.hsc”) exceeds the candle side steam saturation temperature (272°C, based on saturation temperature of
57kg/cm2 steam at inlet of control valve per data provided by site personnel). Hence, no vapor generation is possible at
relief pressure.
Note that the total required flow rate 770 kg/hr (based on the normal operating flowrates of steam to ejectors (J-271, J-272,
J-273, J-274) per site confirmation) is equally divided between RD 310 and RD 810 ( 385 kg/hr for each RD) based on their
respective size (4" each).
6. The capacity of the relief device RD 310 is 2340 kg/hr and RD 810 is 2450 kg/hr. Hence, the listed scenario is adequate
ith tt it
Ejector rate of
Steam CWF MIX-100 tube
VLV-102 Relief rupture
Ejector Steam 3
CWF Relief
Temperature 167.8 C Temperature 146.4 C Relief rate of tube rupture
Pressure 6.628 kg/cm2_g Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g Temperature 124.7 C
Molecular Weight 18.02 Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 1.0000 Molecular Weight 18.02 CW Relief
Phase Mass Density (Vapour Phase) 0.8076 kg/m3 Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 1.0000 Relief
Phase Cp/Cv (Liquid Phase) 1.334 Phase Cp/Cv (Vapour Phase) 1.343 Temperature 31.10 C
Viscosity 1.392e-002 cP Phase Mass Density (Vapour Phase)
0.8551 kg/m3 Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Z Factor 0.9865 Mass Density 995.2 kg/m3
Mass Flow 100.0 kg/h
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000
Condensate Condensate
VLV-101 relief
Condensate relief
Temperature 112.2 C
Temperature 146.7 C
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Pressure 3.400 kg/cm2_g
Molecular Weight 18.02
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0661
Phase Mass Density (Vapour Phase) 0.8856 kg/m3
Phase Cp/Cv (Vapour Phase) 1.349
Phase Mass Density (Aqueous Phase)948.7 kg/m3
Fri May 04 21:14:46 2018 Case: U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Main Still RD1\Simulations\Tube rupture_1.hsc Flowsheet: Case (Main)
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy check for
RD and PSV
Unit : DFA Unit, Orai
Vessel Information
Vessel Information
General Data
Item RD 810
Scenario Data
Scenario Description
Fluid flowing from Tube to Shell True Fluid flowing from Shell to Tube False
Overpressure 10(%)
2-Phase Data (evaluated at critical pressure or set pressure plus accumulation, whichever is greater)
38. Segment No
40. Fluid Calculations Unit
41. 1 Vapor Density Kg/m3 0.86
41. 2 Design Volumetric Flow m3/hr 3,858.54
42. Pipe Calculations
43. 2 Pipe Roughness Factor mm 0.05
44. 3 Pipe ID mm 102.26
45. 4 Pipe Area m2 0.01
45. Hydraullic Calculations
46. 1 Fluid Velocity m/s 130.45
47. 2 Reynolds Number 958,337.73
47. 3 Moody Friction Factor 0.02
48. 6 K-Fittings 2.53
49. 7 K-Valves 0.00
50. 8 K-Entrance/Exit/Both 0.50
51. 9 K-Reducer/Expander 0.00
51. 10 K-Other 1.19
52. 11 K-Pipe 3.99
53. 11 Total K 8.21
54. 12 Total Equivalent Length m 49.79
55. 13 Total Frictional Loss m 7,126.65
56. 14 Other+Equipments Kg/cm2 0.00
57. 16 Static Head m -15.80
Total Pressure Drop
59. Kg/cm2 0.51
60. 17 Pressure at Point 2 Kg/cm2g 0.03
61. 18 Sonic Velocity m/s 73.73
60. 19 Mac No 1.77
61. 20 % of drop 0.95
62. 21 Error Exceeding Sonic Velocity
Revision No. / Date
Made / Revised by
Checked by
Approved by
U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Back end Still RD2\Simulations\[Hydrualic calculation_Condesate_tube rupture_RD 2.xls]Hydraulic Calculator
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy check for
RD and PSV
Unit : DFA Unit, Orai
Vessel Information
Calculation Comment
System: Main Still (C-251) & Back End Still(C-281) P&ID Filename : FD-8682
1. Relief Pressure: 0.54 kg/cm² (based on RD 310 burst pressure (0.54 kg/cm²).
4. In Split Heat Exchanger Tube scenario of E-254 the flowrate of condensate from tube side to shell side is 20002.4 kg/hr
based on Aspen Hysys simulation "Tube rupture.hsc".
Note that the total required flow rate 2092.16 kg/hr (based on the addition of incoming vapor due to tube rupture 1322.16
kg/hr per Aspen Hysys simulation "Tube rupture.hsc" and normal operating flow rates of steam 770 kg/hr to ejectors J-
271, J-272, J-273, J-274 per data provided by site) is equally divided between RD 310 and RD 810 1046.08 kg/hr for each
RD based on their respective size.
6. The capacity of the relief device RD 310 is 2400 kg/hr and RD 810 is 2520 kg/hr. Hence, the listed scenario is adequate
with respect to capacity.
Ejector rate of
Steam CWF MIX-100 tube
VLV-102 Relief rupture
Condensate relief
Temperature 112.2 C
Temperature 146.7 C
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Pressure 3.400 kg/cm2_g
Molecular Weight 18.02
Mass Flow 2.000e+004 kg/h
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0661
Phase Mass Density (Vapour Phase) 0.8856 kg/m3
Phase Cp/Cv (Vapour Phase) 1.349
Phase Mass Density (Aqueous Phase) 948.7 kg/m3
Phase Cp/Cv (Aqueous Phase) 1.138
Mass Flow 2.000e+004 kg/h
Sun May 06 14:43:54 2018 Case: U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Main Still RD1\Simulations\Tube rupture_1.hsc Flowsheet: Case (Main)
PRD Calculation Report - Exch. Tube Rupture Scenario
General Data
Item RD 810
Scenario Data
Scenario Description
Fluid flowing from Tube to Shell False Fluid flowing from Shell to Tube True
Overpressure 10(%)
38. Segment No
40. Fluid Calculations Unit
41. 1 Vapor Density Kg/m3 N/A
41. 2 Design Volumetric Flow m3/hr 193.03
42. Pipe Calculations
43. 2 Pipe Roughness Factor mm 0.05
44. 3 Pipe ID mm 102.26
45. 4 Pipe Area m2 0.01
45. Hydraullic Calculations
46. 1 Fluid Velocity m/s 6.53
47. 2 Reynolds Number 850,783.14
47. 3 Moody Friction Factor 0.02
48. 6 K-Fittings 2.54
49. 7 K-Valves 0.00
50. 8 K-Entrance/Exit/Both 0.50
51. 9 K-Reducer/Expander 0.00
51. 10 K-Other 2.60
52. 11 K-Pipe 4.01
53. 11 Total K 9.64
54. 12 Total Equivalent Length m 58.27
55. 13 Total Frictional Loss m 20.96
56. 14 Other+Equipments Kg/cm2 0.00
57. 16 Static Head m -15.80
Total Pressure Drop
59. Kg/cm2 0.51
60. 17 Pressure at Point 2 Kg/cm2g 0.03
61. 18 Sonic Velocity m/s N/A
60. 19 Mac No N/A
61. 20 % of drop N/A
62. 21 Error N/A
Revision No. / Date
Made / Revised by
Checked by
Approved by
U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Back end Still RD2\Simulations\[Hydrualic calculation_Coalescer-A_Outlet Line_tube.xls]Hydraulic Calculator
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy check for
RD and PSV
Unit : DFA Unit, Orai
Vessel Information
Calculation Comment
System: Main Still (C-251) & Back End Still(C-281) P&ID Filename : FD-8682
1. Relief Pressure: 0.54 kg/cm² (based on RD 310 burst pressure (0.54 kg/cm²).
2. Relief Temperature: 31 °C (based on the noraml operating temperature of cooling water provided by site personnel )
Note that the total required flow rate 49726.20 kg/hr(based on the of cooling water flow 49726.20 kg/hr per Aspen Hysys
simulation "Tube rupture.hsc") is equally divided between RD 310 and RD 810 (24863.1 kg/hr for each RD) based on their
respective size (4").
5. The capacity of the relief device RD 310 is 182600 kg/hr and RD 810 is 174500 kg/hr. Hence, the listed scenario is
adequate with respect to capacity.
Ejector rate of
Steam CWF MIX-100 tube
VLV-102 Relief rupture Case 8.2 Simulation
Ejector Steam CWF Relief 3
Temperature 167.8 C Temperature 146.4 C Relief rate of tube rupture
Pressure 6.628 kg/cm2_g Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g Temperature 124.7 C
Molecular Weight 18.02 V-100
Mass Flow 770.0 kg/h Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 1.0000 Molecular Weight 18.02 CW Relief
Phase Mass Density (Vapour Phase) 0.8076 kg/m3 VLV-100
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 1.0000 Relief
Phase Cp/Cv (Liquid Phase) 1.334 Phase Cp/Cv (Vapour Phase) 1.343 CW Temperature 31.10 C
Viscosity 1.392e-002 cP Phase Mass Density (Vapour Phase) 0.8551 kg/m3 Temperature 31.00 C Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Z Factor 0.9865 Mass Flow 2092 kg/h Pressure 5.000 kg/cm2_g Mass Density 995.2 kg/m3
Mass Flow 770.0 kg/h Mass Flow 100.0 kg/h
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000
Viscosity 0.7789 cP
Condensate Condensate
VLV-101 relief
Condensate relief
Temperature 112.2 C
Temperature 146.7 C
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Pressure 3.400 kg/cm2_g
Molecular Weight 18.02
Mass Flow 2.000e+004 kg/h
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0661
Phase Mass Density (Vapour Phase) 0.8856 kg/m3
Phase Cp/Cv (Vapour Phase) 1.349
Phase Mass Density (Aqueous Phase) 948.7 kg/m3
Phase Cp/Cv (Aqueous Phase) 1.138
Mass Flow 2.000e+004 kg/h
Sun May 06 15:01:13 2018 Case: U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Main Still RD1\Simulations\Tube rupture_1.hsc Flowsheet: Case (Main)
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy check for
RD and PSV
Unit : DFA Unit, Orai
Vessel Information
Vessel Information
3 3
Temperature 367.6 C
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Mass Density 602.8 kg/m3
Mass Flow 3200 kg/h
Molecular Weight 265.1
outlet VLV-103 Cp/(Cp - R) 1.010
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis0.0000
Temperature 205.9 C
Pressure -1.020 kg/cm2_g
Mass Density 748.6 kg/m3
Mass Flow 3200 kg/h
Molecular Weight 267.9
Cp/(Cp - R) 1.012
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis0.0000
Backend 7
outlet VLV-105
Backend 6 Temperature 258.0 C
inlet VLV-104
Pressure -0.9630 kg/cm2_g
Mass Density 712.4 kg/m3
Temperature 370.3 C
Mass Flow 250.0 kg/h
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Molecular Weight 281.4
Mass Density 601.2 kg/m3
Cp/(Cp - R) 1.011
Mass Higher Heating Value 1000 kg/h
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis0.0000
Molecular Weight 268.9
Cp/(Cp - R) 1.010
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000
Steam 8
Temperature 112.2 C
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Mass Density 0.8856 kg/m3
Mass Heat Capacity 515.0 kg/h
Molecular Weight 18.02
Cp/(Cp - R) 1.285
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 1.0000
Viscosity 1.250e-002 cP
Z Factor 0.9795
Thu May 03 19:57:37 2018 Case: U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Main Still RD1\Simulations\RD1 simulation.hsc Flowsheet: Case (Main)
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy check for
RD and PSV
Unit : DFA Unit, Orai
Vessel Information
CSFA Relief
Inlet VLV-100
Top Relief. Relief
Vapor VLV-102
Temperature 369.9 C
Relief. Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Temperature 288.4 C Mass Density 602.3 kg/m3
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g Mass Flow 5000 kg/h
Mass Density 666.8 kg/m3 Molecular Weight 268.4
Mass Flow 4000 kg/h Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000
Molecular Weight 201.9
Cp/(Cp - R) 1.014
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000
Backend Relief*
outlet VLV-105
Bottom Relief: Temperature 375.1 C
DFA Relief, residue VLV-104
outlet VLV-103
Relief, Relief: Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g
Temperature 369.7 C Temperature 370.3 C Mass Density 601.9 kg/m3
Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g Pressure 0.5400 kg/cm2_g Mass Flow 250.0 kg/h
Mass Density 602.3 kg/m3 Mass Density 601.2 kg/m3 Molecular Weight 281.4
Mass Flow 3200 kg/h Mass Higher Heating Value 1000 kg/h Cp/(Cp - R) 1.009
Molecular Weight 267.9 Molecular Weight 268.9 Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000
Cp/(Cp - R) 1.010 Cp/(Cp - R) 1.010
Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000 Vap Frac on a Mass Basis 0.0000
Fri May 04 11:05:49 2018 Case: U:\07_Unit\06_System Folders\Main Still RD1\Simulations\To HUL\RD simulation.hsc Flowsheet: Case (Main)
Client : Hindustan Unilever Ltd
Project : Adequacy Check for RD
and PSV
Unit : DFA, Orai
Fluid flow rate in each equipment on which the PSV/ Crude split fatty acid distilla
RD is placed, Kg /hr
Crude Split fatty acid @
2 Current/ Design material balance and heat balance 750 mmHg vaccuum and
of that equipment 200‐250 deg C
3 PSV & Rupture Disc data sheet with Fluid
properties: temperature, pressure, composition,
density, viscosity Please check tag details
4 Process data sheet + Mechanical data sheet of PSV,
Rupture Disc & equipment, Please check tag details
5 P&ID’s of the related section
6 Piping isometrics for computation of pressure drop
7 Control valve data sheet, if there is any in the PSV/
RD line.
BS & B Safety Systems
Supplier (INDIA) LTD
Tag No. DFA RD 1 UOM
Size 4"
Type DV
Material 316SS/TEF/316SS
Rupture Pressure 0.668 @ amb kg/cm2
0.492 @ 250 deg C kg/cm2
Catalog # 77-3001
BS&B Quick-Sert
Safety Head
BSBsystems.com | BSB.ie
Visit our website for the most complete, up-to-date information
Type D TM
Composite Forward
• Gas and liquid service
Acting Rupture Disks • Suitable for operating pressure to 80% of the marked burst
Type D™ rupture disks consist of a slotted metal top section and pressure
a metal or fluorocarbon seal for low burst pressure. Since the top
• Designed for non-fragmentation
section has open slots, the seal isolates it from process media to
prevent leakage. When in service, pressure is applied to the concave • Available in sizes 1 through 44 inches (25 through 1,100mm)
side of the disk, putting the disk in a tension loaded condition. • Flange type installation in BS&B type FA-7R safety heads.
When vacuum or back pressure are present, in any amount, the seal • Threaded or welded union type installation in BS&B type UA
must have a structural support. safety heads
Available Sizes 1 - 44 inches (25 - 1,100mm)
FEP fluoropolymer seal: -40°F to 400°F (-40C° to
Maximum Temperature for all
204°C), PTFE fluoropolymer seal: -40°F to 500°F Type D Disk Components
Temperature (-40C° to 260°C), PFA fluoropolymer seal: -40°F Disk Material F° C°
to 400°F (-40C° to 204°C), Metal seal: -320°F to FEP 400 204
1000°F (-196°C to 538°C)
PFA 400 204
Standard metals: 316ss, Inconel® (alloy 600),
PTFE 500 260
nickel (alloy 200), and Monel® (alloy 400),
Top Section Aluminum 800 427
Hastelloy® C-276 (alloy C-276), titanium and
tantalum Silver 800 427
Standard materials: fluoropolymer film, PTFE, Nickel alloy 200 1000 538
PFA, 316ss, nickel (alloy 200), Inconel® (alloy Monel® (alloy 400) 1000 538
Seal 600), Monel® (alloy 400), Hastelloy® C-276 (alloy Inconel® (alloy 600) 1000 538
C-276), silver, and aluminum, Special metals: 316ss 1000 538
platinum, titanium and tantalum
Hastelloy® B or
1000 538
Standard materials: 316ss, Inconel® (alloy 600), C-276 (alloy C-276)
nickel (alloy 200), Monel® (alloy 400), Hastelloy®
C-276 (alloy C-276), titanium and tantalum
Standard materials: 316ss, Inconel® (alloy 600),
Manufacturing Design Range
Protective Ring nickel (alloy 200), Monel® (alloy 400), Hastelloy® Desired Pressure Test specimens must rupture within limits
Rating below of the pressure specified
C-276 (alloy C-276), titanium and tantalum
Plus Minus
Soft Gasket psig bar
Aluminum or fluoropolymer film psig bar psig bar
2.5 - 3.5 0.2 - 0.3 1 0.1 1 0.1
Hastelloy® is a trademark of Haynes International Inc. Monel® and Inconel® are
registered trademarks of Special Metals Corporation and Its subsidiaries. 4-6 0.3 -0.4 2 0.1 1 0.1
7 - 10 0.5 - 0.7 2.5 0.2 1.5 0.1
Burst Pressure Tolerances 11 - 16 0.8 - 1.1 3 0.2 2 0.1
Marked Burst Pressure Burst Tolerance 17 - 25 1.2 - 1.8 4 0.3 2 0.1
> 2 to < 15 psig +1.5 psig 26 - 40 1.8 - 2.8 5 0.4 3 0.2
( > 0.14 to <1.03barg) (+0.1barg) 41 - 65 2.9 - 4.6 6 0.4 4 0.3
15 to < 40 psig +2.0 psig 66 -100 4.6 - 7.0 9 0.6 5 0.4
(1.03 to <2.8barg) (0.14barg)
101 - 150 7.1 - 10.6 12 0.8 6 0.4
>40 +5%
151 - 200 10.6 - 14.1 16 1.1 9 0.6
201 - 350 14.1 - 24.6 23 1.6 12 0.8
351 - 500 24.7 - 35.2 -35.2 2.1 15 1.1
501 & up 35.2 & up 6% 6% 3% 3%
Type D Rupture Disk TM
A type D disk with a protective ring attached to the Type DRV rupture disk
top of the disk and vacuum support attached.
20 February 2017 BS&B Safety Systems
B, BR, BRR Liquid 1.47/0.18 1.47/0.80 1.47/1.76 1.47/3.33 1.47/6.51 1.47/11.8 1.47/28.8 1.47/49.8 1.47/78.8 1.47/112.0 1.47/137.0 1.47/182.0 1.47/233.0 1.47/291.0 1.47/424.0 1.47/671.0 1.47/975.0
B, BR, BRR Gas 0.71/0.18 0.71/0.80 0.71/1.76 0.23/3.33 0.71/6.51 0.71/11.8 0.71/28.8 0.71/49.8 0.71/78.8 0.71/112.0 0.71/137.0 0.71/182.0 0.71/233.0 0.71/291.0 0.71/424.0 0.71/671.0 0.71/975.0
B-,BR-, BRR-LTF(Note 5) Liquid 8.0/0.18 8.0/0.80 8.0/1.76 8.0/3.33 8.0/6.51 8.0/11.8 8.0/28.8 8.0/49.8 8.0/78.8 8.0/112.0 8.0/137.0 8.0/182.0 8.0/233.0 8.0/291.0 8.0/424.0 8.0/671.0 8.0/975.0
B-,BR-, BRR-LTF(Note 5) Gas 8.0/0.18 8.0/0.80 8.0/1.76 8.0/3.33 8.0/6.51 8.0/11.8 8.0/28.8 8.0/49.8 8.0/78.8 8.0/112.0 8.0/137.0 8.0/182.0 8.0/233.0 8.0/291.0 8.0/424.0 8.0/671.0 8.0/975.0
BV-,BRV-,BSV-,BRSV-LTF(Note 5) Liquid 2.47/0.57 2.47/1.44 2.47/2.24 2.47/5.41 2.47/9.62 2.47/23.7 2.47/44.1 2.47/70.8 2.47/101.0 2.47/130.0 2.47/176.0 2.47/202.0 2.47/279.0 2.47/380.0 2.47/615.0 2.47/927.0
BV-,BRV-,BSV-,BRSV-LTF(Note 5) Gas 2.47/0.57 2.47/1.44 2.47/2.24 2.47/5.41 2.47/9.62 2.47/23.7 2.47/44.1 2.47/70.8 2.47/101.0 2.47/130.0 2.47/176.0 2.47/202.0 2.47/279.0 2.47/380.0 2.47/615.0 2.47/927.0
BV-,BRV-,BSV-,BRSV-LTF (w/liners) (Note 5) Liquid 2.47/0.57 2.47/1.44 2.47/2.24 2.47/5.41 2.47/9.62 2.47/23.7 2.47/44.1 2.47/70.8 2.47/101.0
BV-,BRV-,BSV-,BRSV-LTF (w/liners) (Note 5) Gas 2.47/0.57 2.47/1.44 2.47/2.24 2.47/5.41 2.47/9.62 2.47/23.7 2.47/44.1 2.47/70.8 2.47/101.0
B-Series w/liner(Note 3) Liquid 1.47/0.18 1.47/0.80 1.47/1.76 1.47/3.33 1.47/6.51 1.47/11.8 1.47/28.8 1.47/49.8 1.47/78.8 1.47/112.0
B-Series w/liner(Note 3) Gas 0.71/0.18 0.71/0.80 0.71/1.76 0.71/3.33 0.71/6.51 0.71/11.8 0.71/28.8 0.71/49.8 0.71/78.8 0.71/112.0
BV-Series(Note 3) Liquid 2.45/0.57 2.45/1.44 2.45/2.24 2.45/5.41 2.45/9.62 2.45/23.7 2.45/44.1 2.45/70.8 2.45/101.0 2.45/130.0 2.45/176.0 2.45/202.0 2.45/279.0 2.45/380.0 2.45/615.0 2.45/927.0
BV-Series(Note 3) Gas 0.80/0.57 0.80/1.44 0.55/2.24 0.80/5.41 0.80/9.62 0.80/23.7 0.80/44.1 0.80/70.8 0.80/101.0 0.80/130.0 0.80/176.0 0.80/202.0 0.80/279.0 0.80/380.0 0.80/615.0 0.80/927.0
BV-Series w/liner(Note 3) Liquid 2.45/0.57 2.45/1.44 2.45/2.24 2.45/5.41 2.45/9.62 2.45/23.7 2.45/44.1 2.45/70.8 2.45/101.0
BV-Series w/liner(Note 3) Gas 0.80/0.57 0.80/1.44 0.55/2.24 0.80/5.41 0.80/9.62 0.80/23.7 0.80/44.1 0.80/70.8 0.80/101.0
Scored B, XB, & "SCD B" Liquid 0.40/0.86 0.40/2.03 0.40/3.35 0.40/7.39 0.40/12.7 0.40/28.8 0.40/50.0 0.40/78.8 0.40/111.0 0.40/137.0 0.40/176.0 0.40/223.0 0.40/277.0 0.40/402.2
Scored B, XB, & "SCD B" Gas 0.40/0.86 0.40/2.03 0.40/3.35 0.40/7.39 0.40/12.7 0.40/28.8 0.40/50.0 0.40/78.8 0.40/111.0 0.40/137.0 0.40/176.0 0.40/223.0 0.40/277.0 0.40/402.2
Scored B, XB, & "SCD B"-LTF(Note 5) Liquid 4.77/0.80 4.77/1.76 4.77/3.33 4.77/6.51 4.77/11.82 4.77/28.8 4.77/49.9 4.77/78.9 4.77/112.5 4.77/137.9 4.77/182.7 4.77/233.7 4.77/291.0 4.77/424.6
Scored B, XB, & "SCD B"-LTF(Note 5) Gas 4.77/0.80 4.77/1.76 4.77/3.33 4.77/6.51 4.77/11.82 4.77/28.8 4.77/49.9 4.77/78.9 4.77/112.5 4.77/137.9 4.77/182.7 4.77/233.7 4.77/291.0 4.77/424.6
D, DR, DRR Liquid 1.3/0.80 1.3/1.76 1.3/3.33 1.3/6.51 1.3/11.8 1.3/28.8 1.3/49.8 1.3/78.8 1.3/112.0 1.3/137.0 1.3/182.0 1.3/233.0 1.3/291.0 1.3/424.0 1.3/671.0 1.3/975.0
D, DR, DRR Gas 1.19/0.69 1.19/1.62 1.19/2.95 1.19/6.49 1.19/11.0 1.19/25.9 1.19/47.1 1.19/74.6 1.19/106.0 1.19/135.0 1.19/176.0 1.19/223.0 1.19/277.0 1.19/397.0 1.19/661.0 1.19/907.0
D-,DR-, DRR-LTF(Note 5) Liquid 2.3/0.80 2.3/1.76 2.3/3.33 2.3/6.51 2.3/11.8 2.3/28.8 2.3/49.8 2.3/78.8 2.3/112.0 2.3/137.0 2.3/182.0 2.3/223.0 2.3/291.0 2.3/424.0 2.3/671.0 2.3/975.0
D-,DR-, DRR-LTF(Note 5) Gas 2.3/0.80 2.3/1.76 2.3/3.33 2.3/6.51 2.3/11.8 2.3/28.8 2.3/49.8 2.3/78.8 2.3/112.0 2.3/137.0 2.3/182.0 2.3/223.0 2.3/291.0 2.3/424.0 2.3/671.0 2.3/975.0
DV, DRV, DSV, DRSV Liquid 2.60/0.57 2.60/1.44 2.60/2.24 2.60/5.41 2.60/9.62 2.60/23.7 2.60/44.1 2.60/70.8 2.60/101.0 2.60/130.0 2.60/176.0 2.60/202.0 2.60/279.0 2.60/380.0 2.60/615.0 2.60/927.0
DV, DRV, DSV, DRSV Gas 1.19/0.69 1.19/1.62 1.19/2.94 1.19/6.49 1.19/11.0 1.19/25.9 1.19/47.1 1.19/74.6 1.19/106.0 1.19/135.0 1.19/176.0 1.19/223.0 1.19/277.0 1.19/397.0 1.19/660.0 1.19/907.0
PLD Liquid 4.2/0.69 4.2/1/62 4.2/2.95 4.2/6.49 4.2/11/0 4.2/25.9 4.2/47.1 4.2/74.6 4.2/106.0 4.2/135.0 4.2/176.0 4.2/223.0 4.2/277.0 4.2/397.0 4.2/661.0 4.2/907.0
PLD Gas 4.2/0.69 4.2/1/62 4.2/2.95 4.2/6.49 4.2/11/0 4.2/25.9 4.2/47.1 4.2/74.6 4.2/106.0 4.2/135.0 4.2/176.0 4.2/223.0 4.2/277.0 4.2/397.0 4.2/661.0 4.2/907.0
PLDV Liquid 6.0/0.57 6.0/1.44 6.0/2.24 6.0/5.41 6.0/9.62 6.0/23.7 6.0/44.1 6.0/70.8 6.0/101.0 6.0/130.0 6.0/176.0 6.0/202.0 6.0/270.0 6.0/375.0 6.0/650.0 6.0/900.0
PLDV Gas 6.0/0.57 6.0/1.44 6.0/2.24 6.0/5.41 6.0/9.62 6.0/23.7 6.0/44.1 6.0/70.8 6.0/101.0 6.0/130.0 6.0/176.0 6.0/202.0 6.0/270.0 6.0/375.0 6.0/650.0 6.0/900.0
AV Liquid 4.35/0.86 4.35/2.03 4.35/3.35 4.35/7.39 4.35/12.7 4.35/28.8 4.35/50.0 4.35/78.8 4.35/113.0 4.35/137.0 4.35/182.0 4.35/233.0 4.35/291.0 4.35/424.0 4.35/671.0 4.35/975.0
AV Gas 4.35/0.86 4.35/2.03 4.35/3.35 4.35/7.39 4.35/12.7 4.35/28.8 4.35/50.0 4.35/78.8 4.35/113.0 4.35/137.0 4.35/182.0 4.35/233.0 4.35/291.0 4.35/424.0 4.35/671.0 4.35/975.0
CSR (w/ or w/o Liners) Liquid 3.19/0.86 3.19/2.03 3.19/3.35 3.19/7.39 3.19/12.7 3.19/28.8 3.19/50.0
CSR (w/ or w/o Liners) Gas 1.0/0.86 1.0/2.03 1.0/3.35 1.0/7.39 1.0/12.7 1.0/28.8 1.0/50.0
CSI (w/ or w/o Liners) Liquid 3.09/0.86 3.09/1.89 3.09/3.35 3.09/7.29 3.09/11.2 3.09/22.6 3.09/42.7
CSI (w/ or w/o Liners) Gas 0.62/0.86 0.62/1.89 0.62/3.35 0.62/7.29 0.62/11.2 0.62/22.6 0.62/42.7
Sigma (Series) Liquid 1.25/0.86 1.25/1.93 1.25/3.36 1.25/7.39 1.25/12.7 1.25/28.8 1.25/50.0
Sigma (Series) Gas 0.38/0.86 0.38/1.93 0.38/3.36 0.38/7.39 0.38/12.7 0.38/28.8 0.38/50.0
UBR Liquid 1.25/0.86 1.25/1.93 1.25/3.36 1.25/7.39 1.25/12.7 1.25/28.8 1.25/50.0
UBR Gas 0.38/0.86 0.38/1.93 0.38/3.36 0.38/7.39 0.38/12.7 0.38/28.8 0.38/50.0
LPS Liquid 0.86/0.86 0.86/1.93 0.86/3.36 0.86/7.39 0.86/12.7 0.86/28.8 0.86/50.0
LPS Gas 0.79/0.86 0.79/1.93 0.79/3.36 0.79/7.39 0.79/12.7 0.79/28.8 0.79/50.0
S-90 (w/ or w/o Liners) Gas 1.13/0.86 1.13/2.03 1.13/3.35 1.13/7.39 1.13/12.7 1.13/28.8 1.13/50.0 1.13/78.8 1.13/111.0 1.13/135.0 1.13/176.0 1.13/223.0 1.13/277.0 1.13/402.0 1.13/672.0
S-90 (Note 1) Gas 0.23/0.86 0.23/2.03 0.23/3.35 0.23/7.39 0.23/12.7 0.23/28.8 0.23/50.0 0.23/78.8 0.23/111.0 0.23/135.0 0.23/176.0 0.23/223.0 0.23/277.0 0.23/402.0 0.23/672.0
S-90 Double Disk Assembly Gas 1.13/0.86 1.13/2.03 1.13/3.35 1.13/7.39 1.13/12.7 1.13/28.8 1.13/50.0 1.13/78.8 1.13/111.0 1.13/135.0 1.13/176.0 1.13/223.0 1.13/277.0 1.13/402.0 1.13/672.0
SVI Gas 11.35/1.37 11.35/2.26 11.35/5.11 11.35/8.66 11.35/20.9 11.35/37.0 11.35/61.0
MVB Gas 0.23/7.39
SRC(Note 3) Gas 1.1/3.35 1.1/7.39 1.1/12.7 1.1/28.8 1.1/50.0
JRS Gas 0.31/0.86 0.31/1.89 0.31/3.35 0.31/6.53 0.31/11.86 0.31/25.08 0.31/42.07 0.31/68.65 0.31/102.28 0.31/121.86 0.31/156.0 0.31/198.0 0.31/246.0 0.31/357.0 0.31/592.0 0.31/868.0
JRS (w/ Liners) Gas 0.31/3.35 0.31/6.53 0.31/11.86 0.31/25.08 0.31/42.07 0.31/68.65 0.31/102.28 0.31/121.86 0.31/156.0 0.31/198.0 0.31/246.0 0.31/357.0 0.31/592.0 0.31/868.0
JRS Double Disk Assembly Gas 0.68/0.86 0.68/1.89 0.68/3.35 0.68/6.53 0.68/11.8 0.68/25.0 0.68/42.0 0.68/68.6 0.68/102.0 0.68/121.0 0.68/156.0 0.68/198.0 0.68/246.0 0.68/357.0 0.68/592.0 0.68/868.0
RLS (w/ or w/o Liners) Liquid 5.83/0.50 5.83/0.84 5.83/1.77 5.83/3.23 5.83/6.44 5.83/11.54 5.83/26.44 5.83/47.07 5.83/73.94 5.83/99.1 5.83/131.0 5.83/172.0 5.83/219.0 5.83/270.0
RLS (w/ or w/o Liners) Gas 1.14/0.50 1.14/0.84 1.14/1.77 1.14/3.23 1.14/6.44 1.14/11.54 1.14/26.44 1.14/47.07 1.14/73.94 1.14/99.1 1.14/131.0 1.14/172.0 1.14/219.0 1.14/270.0
RLS Double Disk Assembly Liquid 5.83/0.84 5.83/1.77 5.83/3.23 5.83/6.44 5.83/11.5 5.83/26.4 5.83/47.0 5.83/73.9 5.83/99.0 5.83/131.0 5.83/172.0 5.83/219.0 5.83/270.0
RLS Double Disk Assembly Gas 1.9/0.84 1.9/1.77 1.9/3.23 1.9/6.44 1.9/11.5 1.9/26.4 1.9/47.0 1.9/73.9 1.9/99.0 1.9/131.0 1.9/172.0 1.9/219.0 1.9/270.0
SKR Liquid 1.91/0.59 1.91/0.86 1.91/2.04 1.91/3.36 1.91/7.39 1.91/12.74 1.91/28.89 1.91/50.0 1.91/78.86 1.91/111.87
SKR Gas 0.37/0.59 0.37/0.86 0.37/2.04 0.37/3.36 0.37/7.39 0.37/12.74 0.37/28.89 0.37/50.0 0.37/78.86 0.37/111.87
SKR-U Liquid 1.10/0.53 2.20/0.61
SKR-U Gas 0.85/0.30 0.73/0.53 1.25/0.61
SKr Double Disk Assembly Liquid 1.6/0.59 1.6/0.86 1.6/2.04 1.6/3.36 1.6/7.39 1.6/12.74 1.6/28.89 1.6/50.0 1.6/78.86 1.6/111.87
SKR Double Disk Assembly Gas 0.63/0.59 0.63/0.86 0.63/2.04 0.63/3.36 0.63/7.39 0.63/12.74 0.63/28.89 0.63/50.0 0.63/78.86 0.63/111.87
SSR Liquid 0.52/0.86 0.52/1.93 0.52/3.36 0.52/7.39 0.52/12.74 0.52/28.89 0.52/50.0 0.52/78.8
SSR Gas 0.52/0.86 0.52/1.93 0.52/3.36 0.52/7.39 0.52/12.74 0.52/28.89 0.52/50.0 0.52/78.8
SRD Liquid 4.0/0.84 4.0/1.77 4.0/3.23 4.0/6.44 4.0/11.54 4.0/26.44 4.0/47.07
SRD Gas 0.59/0.84 0.59/1.77 0.59/3.23 0.59/6.44 0.59/11.54 0.59/26.44 0.59/47.07
SRD-L Gas 3.4/0.84 3.4/1.77 3.4/3.23 3.4/6.44 3.4/11.54 3.4/26.44 3.4/47.07
Properties of Fluid ( CSFA 1) Details
ii) Density [kg/m³] 880
ii) Specific Heat [kJ/(kg*K)] 2.128
iii) Thermal Conductivity [W/(m*K)] 0.221
iv) Viscosity [cP] 14.68
Flow ( tons /hr ) 3.5
Properties of Fluid ( Back end CSFA) Details
ii) Density [kg/m³] 818
ii) Specific Heat [kJ/(kg*K)] 2.59
iii) Thermal Conductivity [W/(m*K)] 0.144
iv) Viscosity [cP] 11
Flow ( tons /hr ) 1.5
Sr. No. PSV location PSV Tag Assumptions to be made Data still outstanding/pending Reply from HUL
IMTP 50 (Intalax Metal Tower Packing of size of 50
Packing mm )
Mellapak 250Y structured packing ( 4 mass transfer )
Heating pr Candle 1&2 ‐210 deg C , Candle 3,4,5 ‐221 deg C , Candle 6,7 ‐229.9 deg C , Candle 8,9 ‐250 deg C
P&ID of Ejector system (J‐271) with file name "FD‐8684", CSFA Pump to Main Still (C‐251) with file name "FD‐
8586", and any other associated system P&IDs will be required to understand system and to verify team is not jector system P &I attached
missing scenario
2) Steam flowrate, pressure and temperature to Ejector (J‐271) is required to calculate the relief rate in the
6.5 bar , 515 kg/hr
event of Cooling Water Failure scenario
3x1.5‐9J AKAY pump
, pump discharge
3) Pump datasheet/curve or normal max pressure of inlet CSFA pump (P‐251A/B) to Main Still to decide pressure is 5 kg/cm2 ,
Blocked outlet scenario applicability request to please check if
you can retrieve data
4) Overfilling: We have calculated overfilling time based on bottom residue flow rate and found that overfilling
time is more than 30 minutes (GEP for operator intervention in case of liquid overfilling). Hence, overfilling will Ok
not be applicable scenario.
5) Confirm whether RD is located below the HLL/NLL or the vapor space of the Main/Backend Still Above
6) Share the control valve datasheet/CV of FCV‐337 to calculate maximum flow through the control valve
7) Utility condition of Cooling Water: Supply Pressure and Temperature 5 kg/cm2 , 31 deg C
8) Based on data provided on 05/04/2018, we have used following carboxylic compounds for the analysis of
Main still and Backend still column.
C8 = Caprylic acid (C 8H 16O 2) Ok
C10 = Capric acid (C 10H 20O 2) Ok
C12 = Lauric acid (C 12H 24O 2) Ok
C14 = Myristic acid (C 14H 28O 2) Ok
C16 = Palmitic acid (C 16H 32O 2) Ok
C18 = Stearic acid (C 18H 36O 2) Ok
C18:1 = Oleic acid (C 18H 34O 2) Ok
C18:2 = Linoleic acid (C 18H 32O 2) Ok
Looking forward to discuss tomorrow.
Main still condesnors
EQUIPMENT NAME : K1 ( condenser)
TAG NO: E-254
DESIGN TEMP. 225 C 200 C
OPERATING PRESS 9mm bar 3.4 Kg/cm2
TEST PRESS(HYDRO) 1.5 Kg/cm2 18 Kg/cm2
TUBES O.D. : 25.6 MM
Back End condesnor
TAG NO: E-282
TEST PRESSURE : 9 kg/cm2
Page 1 of 5
Chetan Meshram
Hi Ashish,
2. In the revised isometrics, lengths mentioned as 20 cm (for PSV 1) and 30 cm (for PSV 2) will be
considered as the pipe lengths at the immediate outlet of PSV 1 and 2.
Page 2 of 5
However, since the actual piping in the plant is of 1” (for inlet and outlet) and this being an inlet
and outlet piping code violation, it will be highlighted in the reports and a suitable mitigation option
will be suggested.
Generic queries:
1. Per today’s discussion, Partial Power Failure (PPF) scenario is not possible as the DFA unit has a
supply from a common MCC unit.
2. In the event of Total Power Failure (TPF), Steam failure and Instrument Air failure will be
Warm Regards ,
Ashish Mishra,
Hi Ashish,
Thank you for sharing the data. We were going through the shared data on isometrics and came
across following discrepancies.
Meanwhile, please refer our replies/queries in the trailing mail (highlighted in green)
Please confirm the occurrence of Partial power failure and Total power power failure in the plant
5/6/2018 Re[2]: Relief analysis queries for rupture discs (RDs) of... - Meshram, Chetan
Re[2]: Relief analysis queries for rupture discs (RDs) of Main Still and
Back end still
[email protected]
Wed 5/2/2018 1:47 PM
Dear Ashish,
ING is currently working on adequacy check for Main Still and Back end still rupture discs (RDs). Based on data
provided till date, ING is proceeding ahead with following assumptions for analysis:
1. For Exchangers E-254, E-255 and E-256 (Vapor Condensers of Main Still), tube Outside Diameters (ODs) are
available as 25.6 mm (1.008 inch); however tube inside diameters (IDs) are not available. Hence, ING will proceed
ahead considering tube thickness as 16 BWG (0.065 inch) conservatively for all these exchangers for tube rupture
scenario analysis.
2. For exchangers E-282 (Vapor Condenser of Back End Still), E-272, E-273 and E-274 (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
Condensers respectively); tube ODs and IDs are not available. For the analysis purpose, ODs and IDs for all these
exchangers will be considered same as E-254, E-255 and E-256 (Vapor Condensers of Main Still).
3. For E-272, E-273 and E-274; tube rupture scenario will result in vacuum break inside column system and liquid flow
rate due to tube rupture will cause overflow from hot well (least resistance path). Overflow line of Hot well will be
considered to be adequate for the tube rupture liquid (Cooling water) flow rate. However, steam flow rate coming to
ejectors will be relieved from Column RDs.
4. Column Rupture discs (RDs) are relieving to Hot well with 300 mm as submergence inside hot well per Vacuum
System provided P&ID. Therefore, back pressure of 0.03 kgf/cm²g (corresponding to 300 mm WC) will be considered
for all scenarios while calculating capacity of rupture discs (RDs). Please confirm.
5. Design pressures of all equipment (wherever not available) will be considered to be same as design pressure of
Main Still (1 kgf/cm²g) for analysis purpose.
6. Mechanism for reflux failure is not available per Distillation Section P&ID. However, conservatively reflux failure will
be considered and scenario will be referred to cooling water failure scenario conservatively.
Please let us know if you have any comments on above mentioned points.
We will share analysis of this system on Monday (7th May 2018) if not completed till Friday (4th May 2018).
-----Original Message-----
> From: "Mishra5, Ashish" <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected]
> Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
> Date: 05/01/18 11:53
> Subject: RE: Relief analysis reports of MP Steam header relief device (PSV 9) for review
> Dear Mandar ,
> Thanks for sharing the report . Please let know if there are any queries for rupture discs adequacy check .
> Warm Regards ,
> Ashish Mishra,
> 8980012897
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:00 PM
> To: Mishra5, Ashish <[email protected]>
> Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
> Subject: Relief analysis reports of MP Steam header relief device (PSV 9) for review
> Dear Ashish,
> Greetings for the day!
> Relief analysis reports of MP Steam header relief device (PSV 9) have been uploaded on SFTP for your review. This
PSV is inadequate wrt capacity for control valve failure opening scenario and bypass valve failure opening scenario.
Also PSV has inlet/ outlet pressure drop concerns. Therefore, directional mitigation for the same is suggested in
> Note that simultaneous opening of control valve along with its bypass scenario is not identified (based on
confirmation provided by HUL, Barotiwala site personnel) for consistency with HUL, Barotiwala site.
> Please use following SFTP details to get the PSV packages. (On your computer, if you go to web browser and type
in the URL given below, it will take you to the SFTP location after you enter user name and Password below. You may
extract the PSV packages (kept in system wise individual folders on SFTP) and can place it on your local folder.)
> URL: https://ingenero.net/WebInterface/login.html
> Username: hul_orai
> Password: 974714.166
> Looking forward for your comments.
> Thanks & best wishes,
> Mandar Karne
5/6/2018 Re[2]: Relief analysis queries for rupture discs (RDs) of... - Meshram, Chetan
> IMPORTANT NOTICE: This email and any attachments may contain information that is confidential and privileged.
It is intended to be received only by persons entitled to receive the information. If you are not the intended recipient,
please delete it from your system and notify the sender. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose
or distribute its contents to any other person.
Distillation process flow chart
Distillation 1
80 200mm
1 2 Hg
217degC TIC Backend still
192degC TIC 40 230 degC
HPS 195 degC TIC
224 degC
E-282 ICW
77.5 degC
SW 60
318 A
Residue tank (T-214)
318 B
make up water tank E-257
PHE Residue Receiver
P 253A P 253B
P 257A P 257B
Distillation3: DFA
DFA V-251
CSFA E-252
99.98 ICW (E-256)
P 251A P251B
40 73 degC
Distillation 5 : MPS
10.51 kg/cm2 35.2 degC
V 261
748.5 mm Hg
Ejector J-271
E-272 E-273 J-274
J-273 E-274
Seal pot E-275
P 271A P 271B
DFA Unit, HUL, Orai
LP Condensate
Reflux to
To drain
HP Steam
Crude split fatty acid
From V-251
E-251 HP
1", FC heater
To Cooling Tower
C-251 RD-810 V-271
C-281 Burst at 0.49 kg/cm2
RD-310 LCV-319
Burst at 0.54 kg/cm2
1", FC To T-2414
1", FC
2" P-257A/B
To T-210
Note 1: Legends:
High Pressure TCV-385
FC – Fail Closed
steam FO – Fail Open
1", FC N/A-- Not available
1", FC TCV-305
1", FC
Main Still Shell side (C-251) Back End Still Shell side (C-281) SYSTEM NAME: Main Still (C-251) & Back End Still (C-281)
2000 mm ID x 11000 mm T/T 1000 mm ID x 5000 mm T/T
Design Pressure : 1.02 kg/cm2 Design Pressure : 1.02 kg/cm2 RD TAG NO: RD 310 and RD 810 MAIN P&ID NO: NA