Applications of Antenna Arrays To Mobile Communications, Part I: Performance Improvement, Feasibility, and System Considerations
Applications of Antenna Arrays To Mobile Communications, Part I: Performance Improvement, Feasibility, and System Considerations
Applications of Antenna Arrays To Mobile Communications, Part I: Performance Improvement, Feasibility, and System Considerations
The demand for wireless mobile communications services is DBS Direct broadcasting system.
growing at an explosive rate, with the anticipation that commu- DCS Digital cellular system.
nication to a mobile device anywhere on the globe at all times will DECT Digital European cordless telecommunication.
be available in the near future.
An array of antennas mounted on vehicles, ships, aircraft, satel- DFT Discrete Fourier transform.
lites, and base stations is expected to play an important role in DOA Direction of arrival.
fulfilling the increased demand of channel requirement for these EIRP Effective isotropically radiated power.
services, as well as for the realization of the dream that a portable ESA European Space Agency.
communications device the size of a wristwatch be available at an
affordable cost for such services.
ESTEC European Space Research and Technology Center.
This paper is the first of a two-part study. It provides a com- ETACS European total access communication system.
prehensive treatment, at a level appropriate to nonspecialists, of FDD Frequency division duplex.
the use of an antenna array to enhance the efficiency of mobile FDMA Frequency division multiple access.
communications systems. It presents an overview of mobile com- FPLMTS Future Public Land-Mobile Telecommunications
munications as well as details of how an array may be used in
various mobile communications systems, including land-mobile, Systems.
indoor-radio, and satellite-based systems. It discusses advantages GEOS Geostationary satellite.
of an array of antennas in a mobile communications system, high- GMSK Gaussian minimum shift keying.
lights improvements that are possible by using multiple antennas GPS Global positioning system.
compared to a single antenna in a system, and provides details
on the feasibility of antenna arrays for mobile communications
GSM Global system for mobile communications.
applications. G/T Gain-to-noise temperature ratio.
HEOS Highly elliptical orbit satellite.
Keywords— Antenna arrays, blind signal estimation, channel
assignment, diversity combining, handoff, mobile communications, IF Intermediate frequency.
multiple access, satellite communications, wireless communica- ISI Intersymbol interference.
tions. LEOS Low earth orbit satellite.
LMS Least mean square.
AMPS Advanced mobile phone services. MEOS Medium earth orbit satellite.
BER Bit error rate. MMIC Monolithic microwave integrated circuit.
BPSK Binary phase shift keying. NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone.
CDMA Code division multiple access. PDC Personal digital cellular.
CMA Constant modulus algorithm. PHS Pocket handphone service.
C/N Carrier-to-noise ratio. PN Pseudonoise.
CT2 Second generation cordless telephone. PSK Phase shift keying.
QPSK Quadrature phase shift keying.
RF Radio frequency.
Manuscript received August 15, 1996; revised April 10, 1997. RLS Recursive least square.
The author is with University College, University of New South Wales, RMS Root mean square.
Australian Defence Force Academy, School of Electrical Engineering,
Canberra ACT 2600 Australia (e-mail: [email protected]). SCARP Smart Communication Antenna Research Pro-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(97)05307-3. gram.
A. Base-Mobile System
A general description of the base-mobile system was
provided in Section II. The system consists of a base station
situated in a cell and serves a set of mobiles within the cell.
It transmits signals to each mobile and receives signals from
them. It monitors their signal strength and organizes the
handoff when mobiles cross the cell boundary. It provides
the link between the mobiles within the cell and the rest
of the network.
In this section, various scenarios are presented to show
Fig. 6. A typical setup showing different beams covering various
how an array could be used in such a system. The discussion mobiles [70].
will concentrate on the use of an array at the base station
as well as at mobiles. Some practical considerations to
implement arrays and blind estimation of the cochannel and thus may be able to use the same frequency or code,
signals are also discussed in this section. as the case may be. Fig. 6 shows a typical setup involving
1) Use of Array at a Base Station: In this section, a num- different beams covering various mobiles along with the
ber of possibilities are discussed where a base station uses directions of moving mobiles. It illustrates the situation at
an array of antennas. A base station having multiple anten- two time instants.
nas is sometimes referred to as having antenna diversity or This setup is different from the one discussed previously,
space diversity [68], [69]. where a number of beams of fixed shape cover the whole
a) Formation of multiple beams: In its simplest form, cell. Here, the beams are shaped to cover the traffic. As the
multiple antennas at the base station may be used to form mobiles move, the different beams cover different clusters
multiple beams to cover the whole cell site. For example, of mobiles, offering the benefit of transmitting the energy
three beams with a beamwidth of 120 each or six beams toward the mobiles. The arrangement is particularly useful
with a beamwidth of 60 each may be formed for the in situations where the mobiles move in clusters or along
purpose. Each beam then may be treated as a separate confined paths, such as highways. It is envisaged in [70]
cell, and the frequency assignment may be performed in that each mobile may be covered by a separate beam. Each
the usual manner. Mobiles are handed to the next beam as beam then would follow the mobile, reducing the handoff
they leave the area covered by the current beam, as is done problem to the bare minimum.
in a normal handoff process when the mobiles cross the c) Null formation: In contrast with steering beams to-
cell boundary. ward mobiles, one may adjust the antenna pattern such that
b) Formation of adaptive beams: An array of antennas it has nulls toward other mobiles. As mentioned, a null in an
with the capability to form independent beams may be used antenna pattern denotes a zero response. In practice, how-
at the base station as discussed in [20], [70], and [71]. The ever, that is seldom achievable, and one creates a pattern
array is used to find the location of each mobile, and then with a reduced response toward undesirable interferences.
beams are formed to cover different mobiles or groups of Formation of nulls in the antenna pattern toward cochan-
mobiles. Each beam may be considered as a cochannel cell, nel mobiles helps to reduce the cochannel interference in