Catalogo Amarex KRT 60 HZ

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Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT
60 Hz

Type Series Booklet

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Type Series Booklet Amarex KRT

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© KSB Aktiengesellschaft, Frankenthal 03.11.2014



Waste Water ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Submersible Motor Pump ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Amarex KRT ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Main applications ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Fluids handled ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Operating data .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Designation .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Design details ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Materials .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Product benefits .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Acceptance tests / guarantees ............................................................................................................................ 7
Selection information .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Overview of product features / selection tables ................................................................................................ 8
Table of fluids handled ................................................................................................................................. 8
Overview of product features ..................................................................................................................... 10
Shaft seal ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Technical data .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Mass moments of inertia as a function of motor size ............................................................................... 19
Selection charts .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Amarex KRT 40-.../80-.../100-..., n = 3500/1750/1160 rpm, K impeller ....................................................... 21
Amarex KRT 150-.../151-.../200-..., n = 1750/1160/875 rpm, K impeller .................................................... 21
Amarex KRT 250-.../300-..., n = 1750/1160/875 rpm, K impeller ............................................................... 22
Amarex KRT 350-.../400-.../500-.../600-.../700-.../900-..., n = 1160/875/700/585 rpm, K impeller ............. 22
Amarex KRT, n = 1750/1160/875 rpm, D impeller ..................................................................................... 23
Amarex KRT, n = 1750/1160 rpm, E impeller .............................................................................................. 23
Amarex KRT, n = 3500/1750/1160 rpm, F impeller ..................................................................................... 24
Amarex KRT, n = 3500 rpm, S impeller ....................................................................................................... 24
Installation types ............................................................................................................................................... 25
General assembly drawings with list of components ...................................................................................... 26
Amarex KRT, 5.5 hp to 40.0 hp ................................................................................................................... 26
Amarex KRT, 36.0 hp to 80.0 hp ................................................................................................................. 27
Amarex KRT, 6.5 hp to 50.0 hp ................................................................................................................... 28
Amarex KRT, 47.0 hp to 640.0 hp, without cooling jacket ........................................................................ 29
Amarex KRT, 47.0 hp to 640.0 hp, with cooling jacket ............................................................................. 30

Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Waste Water Designation

Example: Amarex KRT K 150-401/80 4 UN G-S IE3
Key to the designation
Submersible Motor Pump
Code Description
Amarex Type series
Amarex KRT K Impeller type (⇨ Page 5)
D Open, diagonal single-channel impeller
E Closed single-channel impeller
F Free-flow impeller
K Closed multi-channel impeller
S Impeller with cutter
150 Nominal discharge nozzle diameter [mm]
401 Maximum nominal impeller diameter [mm]
80 Motor size
4 Number of poles
UN Motor version
U/UN Explosion-proof, for fluid temperatures of
up to 104 °F [40 °C]
W/WN Explosion-proof, for fluid temperatures of
up to 140 °F [60 °C]
X/XN Explosion-proof, for fluid temperatures of
up to 104 °F [40 °C]
Z/ZN Explosion-proof, for fluid temperatures of
up to 140 °F [60 °C]
G Material variant
G Standard design, gray cast iron
G1 Like G with impeller made of duplex
stainless steel
Main applications G2 Like G with impeller made of white cast
▪ Waste water management iron
GH Like G with impeller and intermediate
▪ Service water supply systems casing made of white cast iron
▪ Disposal H Hydraulic components made of white cast
▪ Sewage treatment plants iron
C1 Wetted components made of duplex
▪ Sludge disposal stainless steel, mechanical seal with
elastomer bellows, screws made of A4/
A 276 type 316 Ti
Fluids handled C2 Wetted components made of duplex
▪ Sewage containing feces stainless steel, mechanical seal with
▪ Activated sludge covered spring, screws made of 1.4462/
A 182 F51
▪ Digested sludge S Type of installation (⇨ Page 25)
▪ Raw sludge S Stationary wet installation with guide
▪ Fluids containing gas cable or guide rail installation (without
cooling jacket)
▪ Industrial waste water D Stationary dry installation, vertical
P Transportable model in wet installation
K Stationary wet installation with guide
Operating data cable or guide rail installation (with
Operating properties cooling jacket)
Characteristic Value H Stationary dry installation, horizontal
IE3 Motor efficiency classification
Flow rate Q Up to 45,000 US.gpm [2,800 l/s]
1) No efficiency classification
Head H Up to 330 ft [100 m]
Fluid temperature t Up to 140 °F [60 °C] IE2, Optional efficiency classification to
Motor rating P2 Up to 1,140 hp [850 kW] IE3 IEC 60034-30

1) Blank

4 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Design details ▪ Mixed water

Design ▪ Raw waste water
▪ Fully floodable submersible motor pump ▪ Raw sludge
▪ Not self-priming ▪ Recirculated sludge
▪ Close-coupled design K impeller
Drive Closed multi- For use with the following
▪ Three-phase asynchronous squirrel-cage motor channel impeller fluids:
▪ Version with explosion protection to NEC 500: Explosion- (impeller type K) Contaminated, solids-laden,
proof for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D, T3, hazardous non-gaseous fluids without
(classified) locations. stringy material
Shaft seal K impellers are suitable for handling the following fluids:
▪ Two bi-directional mechanical seals in tandem ▪ Activated sludge
arrangement, with liquid reservoir
▪ Landfill waste water
▪ Pumps with reinforced bearings: with leakage chamber
▪ Industrial waste water
▪ Industrial effluent
Impeller type
▪ Mechanically treated waste water
▪ Various, application-oriented impeller types
▪ Pre-screened waste water
D impeller
▪ Stormwater
Open, diagonal For use with the following S impeller
single-vane fluids:
impeller Fluids containing solid Impeller with For use with the following
(D impeller) substances and long fibers cutter fluids:
(impeller type S) Fluids containing coarse
E impeller substances and/or long fibers

Closed single- For use with the following S impellers are suitable for handling the following fluids:
channel impeller fluids: ▪ Domestic waste water
(impeller type E) Fluids containing solid
▪ Waste water
substances and stringy
material ▪ Sewage containing feces
F impeller
▪ Grease-packed bearings sealed for life
Free-flow Suitable for the following
▪ Maintenance-free
impeller fluids
(impeller type F) Fluids containing solids and
stringy material as well as Reinforced bearings
fluids with entrapped air or Drive-end bearing:
▪ Grease-packed bearings sealed for life
D, E and F impellers are suitable for handling the following ▪ Maintenance-free
fluids: Pump-end bearings:
▪ Activated sludge ▪ Grease-packed bearings sealed for life
▪ Digested sludge ▪ Can be re-lubricated
▪ Heating sludge

Amarex KRT 5
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Overview of available materials
Part Description Material variant
No. G G1 G2 GH H C1 C2
Pump set
101 Pump casing EN-GJL-250 EN-GJN-HB555 1.4517
135 Wear plate2) EN-GJL-250 -
230 Impeller3) EN-GJL-250 1.4517 EN-GJN-HB555 1.4517
113/16 Intermediate housing/ EN-GJL-250 EN-GJN-HB555 1.4517
3 discharge cover
433.01 Mechanical seal Carbon/SiC
(drive end)
433.02 Mechanical seal SiC/SiC
(pump end)
210 Shaft 1.4021/C45+N (⇨ Page 10) 1.4021/1.4462/C45+N
(⇨ Page 10)
330 Bearing bracket EN-GJL-250 1.4517
410 Elastomer seals Nitrile butadiene rubber NBR Viton (FKM)
502 Casing wear ring4) EN-GJL-250 VG 434
66-2 Cooling jacket 1.4571/1.0038 -
811 Motor housing EN-GJL-250/1.0038 1.4517
824 Power cable (⇨ Page 13)
900 Screws/bolts A45) 1.4462
Installation parts
72-1 Flanged elbow EN-GJL-250 EN-GJN-HB555 1.4517
732 Claw EN-GJL-250 or EN-GJS-400-15/EN-GJS-500-7 1.4517
894 Bracket 1.4571 to DN 200; 1.0038 + Z from size 200-500 1.4571
572 Guide cable suspension 1.4571 to DN 200; EN-GJL-250 from size 200-500 1.4571
59-24 Guide cable 1.4401 1.4401/
892 Foot plate / feet 1.0038 + Z 1.4571 1.4517/
885 Lifting chain/rope Lifting chain: 1.4404 Lifting rope: polypropylene
Lifting rope: polyamide/polypropylene

Comparison of materials Duplex stainless steel (1.4517 or technically equivalent

EN-GJL-250 A 48 Class 35 B Cast steel is resistant to cavitation, has excellent strength
EN-GJS-400-15 A 536 Class 60-40-18 values and is used for high circumferential speeds. An excellent
resistance to pitting corrosion makes ferritic-austenitic stainless
EN-GJN-HB555 A 532 Class II Type B (15 % Cr-Mo)
steel a popular choice for pumping acidic waste water
1.4517 A 890 CD4MCuN containing large amounts of chlorine, as well as seawater and
1.4021 A 276 Type 410 T brackish water. Thanks to its good chemical resistance, e.g. also
1.4401 A 276 Type 316 L against waste water containing phosphorous and sulphuric
1.4462 A 182 F51 acid, this material is used in a wide range of applications in the
VG 434 - chemical industry and process engineering. Pumps made of
1.4571 A 276 Type 316 Ti duplex stainless steel have a very long service life, even when
C45+N A 576 Gr. 1045 handling brines, chemical waste water (pH value 1 - 12), gray
water and landfill leachate.
FKM FKM Wear-resistant white cast iron ((EN-GJN-HB555 (XCR14) or
technically equivalent material)

Description of materials This is a wear-resistant white cast iron for highly abrasive fluids
containing sand, ash or iron ore sinter. It has a Rockwell
Gray cast iron EN-GJL-250 (lamellar graphite cast iron): hardness of 61.5 to 68, which is higher than that of hardened
Lamellar graphite cast iron to DIN EN 1561 is the most widely chrome steel. The chromium-molybdenum alloy cast iron
used cast material for handling municipal sewage, waste water features a notably higher wear resistance than EN-GJL-250 gray
and sludges as well as stormwater and surface water. It is cast iron and other cast materials.
suitable for neutral fluids which are only slightly aggressive
and cause little wear. The pH value should be ≥ 6.5, the sand
content ≤ 0.5 g/l.

2) For D impeller
3) D impeller: EN-GJL-250, with hardened edges
4) For E and K impellers
5) Equivalent to 1.4571

6 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Product benefits ▪ K impellers are trimmed to match the duty point. Purchase
orders must always contain the H/Q data or impeller
▪ Absolutely water-tight resin-sealed cable entries prevent diameter. If the hydraulic selection program is used, the
any water from entering the motor – even in the event of impeller diameter is automatically computed based on the
a damaged connection cable. H/Q data and added to the designation of the pump set.
▪ Reliable operation ensured by moisture sensors signaling
any ingress of moisture into the motor
Pump input power
▪ Reliable operation ensured by sensors monitoring the
motor temperature and preventing overheating ▪ The pump input power must be matched to the density of
the fluid handled:
▪ Non-clogging low-maintenance design with large free P2req. = ρfluid [kg/dm3] x P2docu
passages reduces clogging risk and, consequently,
maintenance work. ▪ The operating point with the largest pump input power is
decisive for the operating range of the motor. To
▪ Optimum hydraulic and energy efficiency by high- compensate the unavoidable tolerances of the
efficiency motors and variable hydraulic systems characteristic curves of system and pump we recommend
For material variants C1 and C2: selecting a motor size which provides sufficient power
▪ Long service life due to corrosion-resistant hydraulic
components made of stainless steel Recommended minimum reserves6)
Required pump input Motor power reserve
Acceptance tests / guarantees
[hp] [kW] Mains operation With frequency
Functional test inverter
▪ Every pump undergoes functional testing to KSB standard ≤ 40 ≤ 30 10 % 15 %
ZN 56535. > 40 > 30 5% 10 %
▪ Operating data is guaranteed to DIN EN ISO 9906/2/2B or ▪ If larger power reserves are stipulated by local regulations
Hydraulic Institute Level A/B. or are required to compensate for uncertain factors in
system calculations, these larger reserves must be
Acceptance tests
▪ For installation types K and D (with cooling jacket) a
▪ Acceptance tests to ISO/DIN or a comparable standard are power reserve of 2 hp [1.5 kW] must always be added for
available against a surcharge. the cooling circuit.
▪ Acceptance tests to Hydraulic Institute available on ▪ The motors are designed for frequency inverter operation.
▪ The service factor for all motors equals 1.15.

Quality assurance
General information for operating submersible motor
▪ Quality is assured by means of an audited and certified
pumps in waste water
quality assurance system to DIN EN ISO 9001.
In the case of waste water, too low a flow velocity in the
discharge line will lead to clogging and increased wear. A
Selection information minimum flow velocity in the vertical riser of 6.56 ft/s [2 m/s]
▪ The indicated heads and performance data apply to must be observed.
material variant G in combination with handled fluids
with a density ρ = 1 kg/dm3 and a kinematic viscosity In the case of waste water, too low a circumferential
ν ≦ 20 mm2/s. speed of the impeller will lead to clogging of the hydraulic
system (frequency inverter operation). A minimum
▪ For hydraulic acceptance tests of pumps made of different circumferential speed (measured at the outside diameter of
materials the documented efficiencies must be reduced by the impeller) of 49.21 ft/s [15 m/s] must be observed.
2 percent.

Impeller types
▪ S, F, D and E impellers can only be supplied with the
documented impeller diameters. In the purchase order,
the impeller diameter must always be added to the
designation of the pump set.

6) If larger reserves are stipulated by local regulations or are required to compensate for uncertain factors in system
calculations, these larger reserves must be provided.

Amarex KRT 7
Overview of product features / selection tables

Table of fluids handled

Amarex KRT

The table below for your guidance is based on KSB's long-standing experience. The data
are standard values and are not to be considered as generally binding recommendations.
More detailed advice is available from our specialist department in Halle. Make use of our
laboratory's expertise when selecting materials.

Selection aid for materials and impeller type per fluid

Fluid handled7) Recommended material Recommended Comments, further recommendations
impeller type8)
Gray water Gray cast iron K, D, E, F Free passage > any solids contained, possibly pre-screened
River water Gray cast iron K, D, E, F Free passage > any solids contained, possibly pre-screened
Stormwater Gray cast iron K, D, E, F Free passage > any solids contained, possibly pre-screened
Waste water
▪ Untreated municipal waste water Gray cast iron F, S, D, E, K ATV9) recommends a free passage of 4″ [100 mm], min. free passage of 3″ [76 mm]
▪ Waste water containing air or gas Gray cast iron F Up to 8 %, contact KSB for fluids with high outgassing rates
▪ Raw sludge Gray cast iron F, D, E, K Pumpable up to a dry substance content of: 13 % (D), 8 % (F), 6 % (E), 5 % (K)
▪ Digested sludge Gray cast iron F, D, E, K Pumpable up to a dry substance content of: 13 % (D), 8 % (F), 6 % (E), 5 % (K)
▪ Activated sludge Gray cast iron D, K Pumpable up to a dry substance content of: 13 % (D), 5 % (K)
Industrial waste water containing ...
▪ Paint suspensions Gray cast iron K Solvent-free, observe the operating instructions!
▪ Lacquer/paint/varnish suspensions Gray cast iron F, E Solvent-free, contact KSB to handle silicone-free fluids
▪ Fibers/pulp Gray cast iron F, S, D -
▪ Chips/swarf Gray cast iron K, F Material variants G2 or GH, special mechanical seal, solids content < 5 g/l
▪ Abrasive substances10) Gray cast iron K, F Material variants G2 or GH, special mechanical seal, solids content < 5 g/l
Mildly acidic industrial waste water Gray cast iron K, F pH value ≥ 6.5, material variant G1 and FPM (Viton) O-rings
Neutral non-corrosive waste water
▪ Ammonium hydroxide Gray cast iron K -
▪ Ammonium hydroxide 5 % NH4OH Gray cast iron K -
▪ Urea 25 % (NH2)2-CO Gray cast iron K -
▪ Potassium hydroxide 10 % KOH Gray cast iron K -

Submersible Motor Pump

▪ Calcium hydroxide 5 % Ca(OH)2 Gray cast iron K -
▪ Sodium hydroxide 5 % NaOH Gray cast iron K -
▪ Sodium carbonate 30 % Na2CO3 Gray cast iron K -

Waste Water
7) For any fluids which are not listed in this table contact KSB.
8) The first impeller type listed should be given preference.
9) ATV = German regulatory body for waste water management
10) Severe hydroabrasive wear occurs if solids contents of 0.5 g/l or higher are combined with circumferential speeds exceeding 20 m/s or low flow conditions to the left of the duty
Fluid handled7) Recommended material Recommended Comments, further recommendations
impeller type8)
Neutral, non-corrosive waste water containing ...
▪ Aliphatic hydrocarbons, e.g. oils, petrol, Gray cast iron K -
butane, methane
▪ Aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g. benzene, Gray cast iron K FPM (Viton) O-rings11)
▪ Chlorinated hydrocarbons, e.g. Gray cast iron K FPM (Viton) O-rings11)
tetrachloroethylene, ethylene chloride,
chloroform, methylene chloride
Highly abrasive industrial waste water causing wear (chemically neutral)12)
▪ Water containing iron ore sinter Wear-resistant white K Sinter content < 5 g/l: material variant GH
cast iron
Sinter content > 5 g/l: material variant H
▪ Lime milk containing quartz and pigment Wear-resistant white K Lime milk content < 15 %: material variant GH
suspensions cast iron
Lime milk content > 15 %: material variant H
▪ Wash water containing solids Wear-resistant white K, F Material selection based on fluid analysis
cast iron
▪ Waste water containing dust or ash Wear-resistant white K Material selection based on fluid analysis
cast iron
Water/sand mixture Wear-resistant white K, F Solids content < 5 g/l: material variant GH
cast iron
Solids content > 5 g/l: material variant H
Seawater Duplex stainless steel K, F Material variant C2
Brackish water Duplex stainless steel K, F Material variant C1 or G1 (with 250 µm two-component epoxy resin) - depending on salt
Corrosive industrial waste water Duplex stainless steel K, F Material variant C1 or C2 based on fluid analysis

Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT

Waste Water
7) For any fluids which are not listed in this table contact KSB.
8) The first impeller type listed should be given preference.
11) The hydrocarbons mentioned may occur in very high concentrations due to the difference in specific weight and their low solubility. If this is the case, contact KSB.
12) The required material variants highly depend on the operating hours, speed and flow velocity.
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Overview of product features

Material variants G, G1, G2, GH
Feature Motors
2-pole - 5 2 … 25 2 37 2 … 55 2 - - - -
4-pole 4 4.KG 4 4 … 29 4 35 4 … 65 4 35 4.N … 80 4.N 95 4.N … 175 4.N 200 4.N … 350 4.N -
5 4.KG
7 4.KG
6-pole 4 6.KG 4 6 … 19 6 32 6 … 50 6 32 6.N … 60 6.N 80 6.N … 165 6.N 190 6.N … 480 6.N 530 6.N … 850 6.N
6 6.KG
8-pole - - 26 8 ... 35 8 26 8.N … 50 8.N 75 8.N … 130 8.N 150 8.N … 400 8.N 460 8.N … 760 8.N
10-pole - - - - 40 10.N … 80 10.N 110 10.N … 350 10.N 390 10.N … 660 10.N
12-pole - - - - - 105 12.N … 300 12.N 340 12.N … 560 12.N
Suction flange 13)

Shaft material
Shaft A 276 Type 420 A 276 Type A 576 Gr. 1045 A 276 Type 420 A 276 Type 420 A 276 Type 420
Shaft protecting - - - A 276 Type 420 A 276 Type 420 A 276 Type 420 A 276 Type 420
Bearings Grease-packed Grease- Pump end: re-greasable rolling element bearings
rolling element packed drive end: grease-packed rolling element bearings sealed for life
bearings sealed rolling
for life element
sealed for
Explosion protection
Version U, W Not explosion-proof
Version X, Z or Explosion-proof Class I, Division 1, Groups C & D, T3 -
Starting method DOL, soft starter, frequency DOL, soft starter, frequency inverter
inverter or star-delta
Voltage 460 V15) 460 V16)
Cooling Air Cooled by surrounding Cooled by surrounding fluid or via cooling jacket
coolin fluid
Immersion depth 100 ft [30 m] max.
Power cable
Type See table "Overview of power cables"
Length 30 ft [10 m]17)
Cable entry Absolutely watertight
Sealing elements
Elastomer seals Nitrile butadiene rubber NBR18)
Shaft seal Bellows-type mechanical seal19) Mechanical seal
with covered spring
Monitoring equipment
Winding PTC Temperature switch (bimetal) in the winding
version U, W;
installation type
S, P

13) Drilled to ANSI B16.1 Class 125; not available for all sizes; on request
14) For D impeller: re-greasable rolling element bearings at the pump end, grease-packed rolling element bearings sealed for
life at the drive end
15) Optional: 200 V, 230 V, 380 V, 575 V
16) 60Hz:380 V, 575 V
17) Optional: up to 164 ft [50 m]
18) Optional: Viton = fluorocarbon rubber FPM
19) Optional: mechanical seal with covered spring

10 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Feature Motors
2-pole - 5 2 … 25 2 37 2 … 55 2 - - - -
4-pole 4 4.KG 4 4 … 29 4 35 4 … 65 4 35 4.N … 80 4.N 95 4.N … 175 4.N 200 4.N … 350 4.N -
5 4.KG
7 4.KG
6-pole 4 6.KG 4 6 … 19 6 32 6 … 50 6 32 6.N … 60 6.N 80 6.N … 165 6.N 190 6.N … 480 6.N 530 6.N … 850 6.N
6 6.KG
8-pole - - 26 8 ... 35 8 26 8.N … 50 8.N 75 8.N … 130 8.N 150 8.N … 400 8.N 460 8.N … 760 8.N
10-pole - - - - 40 10.N … 80 10.N 110 10.N … 350 10.N 390 10.N … 660 10.N
12-pole - - - - - 105 12.N … 300 12.N 340 12.N … 560 12.N
Winding PTC Temperature switch (bimetal) in the winding, plus PTC for explosion protection -
version X, Z;
installation type
S, P
Winding PTC - PTC
installation type
D, H, K
Coolant - - - PTC
installation type
D, K
Bearing - - -20) PT100 at the pump end21) PT100 at the pump
temperature and drive end
Leakage inside Leakage sensor in the motor space
the motor
Mechanical seal - - Float Float switch in leakage area
leakage switch in
the leakage
area for D
Vibration sensor - - - -22)
Coating Environmentally friendly KSB standard coating, color RAL 500223)
Maximum fluid and ambient temperature
Version U 104 °F [40 °C]
Version X 104 °F [40 °C] -
Version W, Z - 140 °F [60 °C] -
Hydraulic system KSB standard (ZN 56525)24)
General KSB standard (ZN 56525)
Type of installation
Stationary, with Installation depth 15 ft [4.5 m]25)
guide cable
Stationary, with Installation depth 15 ft [4.5 m]26)
guide rail
Transportable Up to size 300-401, except sizes 200-500/501, 200-631, 250-630 -
Stationary, dry 27) - With cooling jacket

20) Optional: PT100 at the pump end

21) Optional: PT100 at the drive end
22) Optional: internal vibration sensor
23) Optional: 250 µm two-component epoxy coating
24) Optional: S, D, E, F impellers to ISO 9906/A, K impellers to ISO 9906//1/2/A
25) Optional: up to 98 ft [30 m], from size 200-500 up to 49 ft [15 m]
26) Optional: up to 98 ft [30 m]
27) With convection cooling

Amarex KRT 11
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Material variants H, C1, C2

Feature Motors
2-pole 5 2 … 25 2 - - - -
4-pole 4 4 … 29 4 35 4 … 65 4 80 4.N 95 4.N … 175 4.N 200 4.N ... 350 4.N
6-pole 4 6 … 19 6 32 6 … 50 6 60 6.N 80 6.N … 165 6.N 190 6.N ... 480 6.N
8-pole - 26 8 … 35 8 50 8.N 75 8.N … 130 8.N 150 8.N ... 480 8.N
10-pole - - - - 110 10.N ... 350 10.N
12-pole - - - - 105 12.N ... 300 12.N
Suction flange 28)

Shaft material for material variant H

Shaft A 276 Type 420 A 576 Gr. 1045 A 276 Type 420
Shaft protecting sleeve - - A 276 Type 420 A 276 Type 420
Shaft material for material variant C1, C2
Shaft A 182 F51 / A 576 Gr. 1045 A 276 Type 420
Shaft protecting sleeve - - A 182 F51 A 182 F51 A 182 F51
Bearings Grease-packed rolling Pump end: re-greasable rolling element bearings
element bearings sealed for drive end: grease-packed rolling element bearings sealed for
life life
Explosion protection
Version U, W Not explosion-proof
Version X, Z or Explosion-proof Class I, Division 1, Groups C & D, T3 -
Starting method DOL, soft starter, frequency inverter or star-delta
Voltage 460 V29)
Cooling Cooled by surrounding fluid
Immersion depth 100 ft [30 m] max.
Power cable
Type See table "Overview of power cables"
Length 30 ft [10 m]30)
Cable entry Absolutely watertight
Sealing elements
Elastomer seals Nitrile butadiene rubber NBR31), for C2 generally fluorocarbon rubber FPM
Shaft seal C1: bellows-type mechanical seal32) Mechanical seal with
H, C2: mechanical seal with covered spring covered spring
Monitoring equipment
Winding temperature, version U, W Temperature switch (bimetal) in the winding
Winding temperature, version X, Z Temperature switch (bimetal) in the winding, plus PTC for explosion protection
Bearing temperature - -33) PT100 at the pump end34)
Leakage inside the motor Leakage sensor in the motor space
Mechanical seal leakage - Float switch in Float switch in leakage area
the leakage area
for D impeller
Vibration sensor - -35)
Coating Material variant H: environmentally friendly KSB standard coating, primer dry film
thickness 1 1/2 - 2 mils (35-50 µm), top coat: two-component epoxy coating dry film
thickness 6 mils (150 mm), color RAL 500236)
Material variants C1, C2: without coating
Maximum fluid and ambient temperature
Version U, X 104 °F [40 °C]
Version W, Z 140 °F [60 °C]
Hydraulic system KSB standard (ZN 56525)37)

28) Drilled to ANSI B16.1 Class 125; not available for all sizes; on request
29) Optional: 200 V, 230 V, 380 V, 575 V
30) Optional: up to 164 ft [50 m]
31) Optional: Viton = fluorocarbon rubber FPM
32) Optional: mechanical seal with covered spring
33) Optional: PT100 at the pump end
34) Optional: PT100 at the drive end
35) Optional: internal vibration sensor
36) Optional: dry film thickness 12 mils (300 µm)

12 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Feature Motors
2-pole 5 2 … 25 2 - - - -
4-pole 4 4 … 29 4 35 4 … 65 4 80 4.N 95 4.N … 175 4.N 200 4.N ... 350 4.N
6-pole 4 6 … 19 6 32 6 … 50 6 60 6.N 80 6.N … 165 6.N 190 6.N ... 480 6.N
8-pole - 26 8 … 35 8 50 8.N 75 8.N … 130 8.N 150 8.N ... 480 8.N
10-pole - - - - 110 10.N ... 350 10.N
12-pole - - - - 105 12.N ... 300 12.N
General KSB standard (ZN 56525)
Type of installation
Stationary, with guide cable Installation depth 15 ft [4.5 m]38)
Transportable Installation depth 15 ft [4.5 m]39)

Overview of power cables

Feature S1BN8-F S07RC4N8-F TEHSITE
rubber-sheathed cable rubber-sheathed cable Tefzel cable
Design Standard Optional Optional
Rated voltage 1000 V 750 V 750 V
EMC screening - ✓ -
Insulation material EPR40) EPR40) ETFE41)
Max. continuous temperature of insulation 194 °F [90 °C] 194 °F [90 °C] 275 °F [135 °C]
For permanent immersion in waste water to DIN ✓ ✓ ✓
VDE 0282-16/HD22.16

Shaft seal
Available shaft seal types per bearing bracket
Standard design Standard variant42)
Mechanical seal with elastomer bellows (NBR, optional Viton)43) Product-side mechanical seal with covered spring44)45)

37) Optional: S, D, E, F impellers to Hydraulic Institute, Level B; K impellers to Hydraulic Institute, Level A
38) Optional: up to 98 ft [30 m], from size 200-500 up to 49 ft [15 m]
39) Up to size 300-401, except for sizes 200-501, 200-631, 250-630
40) EPR = ethylene propylene rubber
41) ETFE = ethylene tetrafluoroethylene
42) A surcharge and longer delivery times apply to standard variants.
43) For all types of waste water
44) For very abrasive fluids or fluids containing metallic particles (e.g. shavings from drilling)
45) Standard for material variants H and C2 (optional for material variants G, G1, G2, GH and C1)

Amarex KRT 13
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Technical data
Gray cast iron (G, G1, G2, GH)
Pump size Impeller Dry installation Wet installation
(installation types D, H) (installation types S, P,

Mass moment of inertia J46)

Max. operating pressure47)

Max. operating pressure47)

Number of impeller channels

Max. impeller diameter

Min. impeller diameter

Max. test pressure

Max. test pressure

Free passage
Material variant

[″] [″] [″] [psi] [psi] [psi] [psi] [kgm2]

S 40-250 G 4 9
/32 9 1/4 6 7/8 - - 145,0 188,6 0,03
F 40-250 G, G1, G2, GH - 1 8 1/4 5 7/8 - - 110,0 142,1 0,03
F 80-250 G, G1, G2, GH - 3 10 7/16 5 7/8 87,0 130,5 91,4 118,9 0,14
F 80-251 G - 4 9 1/16 5 11/16 - - 90,0 117,5 0,057
F 100-250 G, G1, G2, GH - 4 10 7/16 7 7/8 87,0 130,5 49,3 65,2 0,056
F 100-316 G, G1, G2, GH - 4 11 7/16 9 5/16 - - 71,1 92,8 0,075
F 100-401 G, G1, G2, GH - 4 15 3/8 12 13/16 145,0 217,5 110,2 142,1 0,248
F 150-315 G, G1, G2, GH - 4 3/4 11 7/16 9 13/16 87,0 130,5 26,1 33,4 0,144
F 150-401 G, G1, G2, GH - 5 5/16 15 3/8 10 5/8 145,0 217,5 61,0 79,8 0,248
E 80-251 G 1 3 10 5/8 8 7/8 87,0 130,5 59,5 78,3 0,17
E 100-251 G 1 3 1/8 - 3 3/4 9 15/16 7 1/4 87,0 130,5 49,3 65,3 0,18
E 150-315 G 1 4 1/2 - 4 3/4 12 5/8 10 87,0 130,5 45,0 59,5 0,31
E 150-401 G 1 4 1/2- 5 1/2 16 13 11/16 145,0 217,5 91,4 118,9 0,68
E 200-401 G 1 4 3/4 - 5 1/2 15 3/4 12 9/16 145,0 217,5 82,7 107,3 0,86
D 80-315 G, G1 1 2 1/2 10 1/4 9 1/16 145,0 217,5 150,8 197,3 0,124
D 100-251 G, G1 1 3 10 7/16 9 3/16 87,0 130,5 50,8 66,7 0,115
D 100-315 G, G1 1 3 8 3/4 7 11/16 - - 98,6 127,6 0,065
D 100-316 G, G1 1 3 3/8 12 1/16 10 5/8 - - 52,2 68,2 0,233
D 150-251 G, G1 1 4 10 8 7/8 87,0 130,5 27,5 34,8 0,115
D 150-315 G, G1 1 4 12 1/2 11 87,0 130,5 47,9 62,4 0,289
D 150-400 G, G1 1 4 14 15/16 12 13/16 - - 75,4 98,6 0,573
D 150-401 G, G1 1 4 3/8 15 1/8 14 9/16 - - 76,9 100,1 0,999
D 200-315 G, G1 1 4 12 3/8 11 87,0 130,5 39,2 49,3 0,261
D 200-400 G, G1 1 4 14 3/4 14 - - 60,9 79,8 0,825
D 250-400 G, G1 1 4 3/4 14 9/16 12 9/16 - - 50,8 66,7 0,653
D 300-400 G, G1 1 6 16 1/16 14 3/4 - - 24,7 31,9 0,925
K 40-250 G, G1, GH 3 5
/8 10 1/4 5 7/8 - - 145,0 188,5 0,047
K 80-251 G, G1, GH 2 1 1/8 8 11/16 5 1/2 - - 95,7 124,7 0,15
K 100-251 G, G1, GH 2 3 9 13/16 6 7/8 87,0 130,5 52,2 68,2 0,07
K 100-316 G, G1, GH 2 3 11 5/8 9 1/4 - - 71,1 92,8 0,13
K 100-400 G, G1 2 3 16 1/16 14 - - 133,4 174,1 1,1
K 100-401 G, G1, GH 2 2 15 7/8 12 3/16 145,0 217,5 134,9 175,5 0,504
K 150-315 G, G1, GH 2 3 12 3/16 9 1/4 87,0 130,5 50,8 66,7 0,18
K 150-400 G 3 3 15 7/8 11 13/16 - - 130,5 169,6 0,83
K 150-401 G, G1, GH 2 3 15 7/8 12 3/16 145,0 217,5 129,1 168,2 0,916
K 151-401 G, G1, GH 3 3 1/8 16 1/16 11 13/16 145,0 217,5 124,7 162,4 0,52
K 200-315 G, G1, GH 3 2 3/4 11 5/8 9 5/8 87,0 130,5 27,6 34,8 0,22
K 200-316 G, G1, GH 2 4 12 10 7/16 87,0 130,5 24,7 31,9 0,22
K 200-330 G, G1, GH 3 2 3/4 12 13/16 11 5/16 145,0 217,5 75,4 100,1 0,35
K 200-400 G, G1 3 3 16 1/16 11 13/16 - - 98,6 127,6 0,52
K 200-401 G, G1, GH 3 3 1/8 15 7/8 13 145,0 217,5 103,0 133,4 0,52

46) Data applies to maximum impeller diameter and impeller with water fill
47) Permissible operating pressure = inlet pressure + pressure at Q = 0

14 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Pump size Impeller Dry installation Wet installation

(installation types D, H) (installation types S, P,

Mass moment of inertia J46)

Max. operating pressure47)

Max. operating pressure47)

Number of impeller channels

Max. impeller diameter

Min. impeller diameter

Max. test pressure

Max. test pressure

Free passage
Material variant

[″] [″] [″] [psi] [psi] [psi] [psi] [kgm2]

K 200-501 G, G1 2 4 1/8 19 3/4 17 11/16 145,0 217,5 92,8 120,4 1,68
K 200-631 G, G1 2 4 1/8 24 1/2 21 1/4 145,0 217,5 142,1 185,6 4,41
K 250-400 G, G1, GH 3 3 3/8 14 9/16 11 13/16 145,0 217,5 95,7 123,3 0,5
K 250-401 G, G1, GH 2 4 1/8 15 3/4 12 3/16 145,0 217,5 87,0 113,1 0,55
K 250-630 G, G1 4 3 1/2 24 13/16 19 11/16 145,0 217,5 150,8 195,8 2,76
K 250-900 G, G1 3 4 5/16 22 1/16 28 1/4 232,0 348,0 169,7 220,5 19,03
K 300-400 G, G1 3 4 16 1/16 13 1/16 145,0 217,5 50,8 66,7 0,75
K 300-401 G, G1, GH 2 5 5/16 16 1/16 14 7/16 145,0 217,5 33,4 42,1 0,75
K 300-420 G, G1 3 4 16 1/16 14 9/16 87,0 130,5 50,8 105,9 0,95
K 300-500 G, G1 3 3 1/2 19 13/16 16 15/16 145,0 217,5 90,0 116,0 1,48
K 300-503 G, G1 5 2 18 7/8 15 15/16 145,0 217,5 129,1 168,2 2,5
K 350-420 G, G1 3 4 17 11/16 15 1/4 87,0 130,5 50,8 66,7 1,22
K 350-500 G, G1 3 4 5/16 20 16 3/4 87,0 130,5 82,7 107,3 3,12
K 350-501 G, G1 2 6 5/8 20 1/16 19 1/2 87,0 130,5 40,6 53,6 3
K 350-630 G, G1 3 5 5/16 24 13/16 19 11/16 145,0 217,5 105,9 136,3 5,22
K 350-636 G, G1 5 3 23 7/16 20 1/16 145,0 217,5 92,8 120,4 5,42
K 350-710 G, G1 3 4 1/4 28 3/4 22 13/16 145,0 217,5 136,3 176,9 10,6
K 400-500 G, G1 3 5 1/8 20 17 7/16 87,0 130,5 49,3 65,2 3,37
K 400-630 G, G1 3 5 1/4 24 7/16 21 1/2 87,0 130,5 89,9 116,0 8,21
K 400-710 G, G1 3 6 1/2 29 1/8 23 1/8 145,0 217,5 127,6 166,8 14
K 400-900 G, G1 3 5 1/8 32 11/16 25 15/16 232,0 348,0 163,9 213,2 17,79
K 500-630 G, G1 3 5 1/4 22 15/16 20 7/16 58,0 87,0 60,9 79,8 6,11
K 500-710 G, G1 3 6 29 1/8 23 1/8 916 174,1 100,1 130,5 13,0
K 500-900 G, G1 3 7 15/16 35 3/4 28 3/8 145,0 217,5 116,0 149,4 45
K 600-520 G, G1 3 5 11/16 20 15/16 18 58,0 87,0 34,8 46,4 7,02
K 600-710 G, G1 3 6 1/2 29 26 15/16 58,0 87,0 60,9 79,8 16,96
K 700-900 G, G1 3 7 1/2 33 7/16 29 1/16 43,5 65,0 47,9 62,4 40
K 700-901 G, G1 3 7 1/16 35 3/4 29 15/16 130,5 195,8 104,4 134,9 50

46) Data applies to maximum impeller diameter and impeller with water fill
47) Permissible operating pressure = inlet pressure + pressure at Q = 0

Amarex KRT 15
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Gray cast iron (G, G1, G2, GH)

Pump size Impeller Dry installation Wet installation
(installation types D, H) (installation types S, P,

Mass moment of inertia J48)

Max. operating pressure47)

Max. operating pressure47)

Number of impeller channels

Max. impeller diameter

Min. impeller diameter

Max. test pressure

Max. test pressure

Free passage
Material variant

[mm] [mm] [mm] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [kgm2]

S 40-250 G 4 7 235 175 - - 10 13 0,03
F 40-250 G, G1, G2, GH - 25 210 150 - - 7,6 9,8 0,03
F 80-250 G, G1, G2, GH - 76 265 150 6 9 6,3 8,2 0,14
F 80-251 G - 50 230 145 - - 6,2 8,1 0,057
F 100-250 G, G1, G2, GH - 100 265 200 6 9 3,4 4,5 0,056
F 100-316 G, G1, G2, GH - 100 290 236 - - 4,9 6,4 0,075
F 100-401 G, G1, G2, GH - 100 390 325 10 15 7,6 9,8 0,248
F 150-315 G, G1, G2, GH - 120 290 250 6 9 1,8 2,3 0,144
F 150-401 G, G1, G2, GH - 135 390 270 10 15 4,2 5,5 0,248
E 80-251 G 1 76 270 225 6 9 4,1 5,4 0,17
E 100-251 G 1 80-95 252 184 6 9 3,4 4,5 0,18
E 150-315 G 1 110-120 320 254 6 9 3,1 4,1 0,31
E 150-401 G 1 115-140 407 348 10 15 6,3 8,2 0,68
E 200-401 G 1 121-143 400 319 10 15 5,7 7,4 0,86
D 80-315 G, G1 1 65 260 230 10 15 10,4 13,6 0,124
D 100-251 G, G1 1 76 265 234 6 9 3,5 4,6 0,115
D 100-315 G, G1 1 75 222 196 - - 6,8 8,8 0,065
D 100-316 G, G1 1 85 306 270 - - 3,6 4,7 0,233
D 150-251 G, G1 1 100 254 225 6 9 1,9 2,4 0,115
D 150-315 G, G1 1 100 317 280 6 9 3,3 4,3 0,289
D 150-400 G, G1 1 100 363 326 - - 5,2 6,8 0,573
D 150-401 G, G1 1 110 384 370 - - 5,3 6,9 0,999
D 200-315 G, G1 1 100 315 280 6 9 2,7 3,4 0,261
D 200-400 G, G1 1 100 375 355 - - 4,2 5,5 0,825
D 250-400 G, G1 1 120 370 320 - - 3,5 4,6 0,653
D 300-400 G, G1 1 150 408 375 - - 1,7 2,2 0,925
K 40-250 G, G1, GH 3 15 260 150 - - 10 13 0,047
K 80-251 G, G1, GH 2 33 220 140 - - 6,6 8,6 0,15
K 100-251 G, G1, GH 2 76 250 175 6 9 3,6 4,7 0,07
K 100-316 G, G1, GH 2 76 295 235 - - 4,9 6,4 0,13
K 100-400 G, G1 2 76 408 355 - - 9,2 12 1,1
K 100-401 G, G1, GH 2 50 404 310 10 15 9,3 12,1 0,504
K 150-315 G, G1, GH 2 76 310 235 6 9 3,5 4,6 0,18
K 150-400 G 3 76 404 300 - - 9,0 11,7 0,83
K 150-401 G, G1, GH 2 76 404 310 10 15 8,9 11,6 0,916
K 151-401 G, G1, GH 3 80 408 300 10 15 8,6 11,2 0,52
K 200-315 G, G1, GH 3 70 295 245 6 9 1,9 2,4 0,22
K 200-316 G, G1, GH 2 100 305 265 6 9 1,7 2,2 0,22
K 200-330 G, G1, GH 3 70 326 287 10 15 5,2 6,8 0,35
K 200-400 G, G1 3 76 408 300 - - 6,8 8,8 0,52
K 200-401 G, G1, GH 3 80 404 330 10 15 7,1 9,2 0,52
K 200-501 G, G1 2 105 502 450 10 15 6,4 8,3 1,68
K 200-631 G, G1 2 105 622 540 10 15 9,8 12,8 4,41
K 250-400 G, G1, GH 3 85 370 300 10 15 6,6 8,5 0,5
K 250-401 G, G1, GH 2 105 400 310 10 15 6 7,8 0,55
K 250-630 G, G1 4 90 630 500 10 15 10,4 13,5 2,76
K 250-900 G, G1 3 110 840 717 16 24 11,7 15,2 19,03
K 300-400 G, G1 3 100 408 332 10 15 3,5 4,6 0,75

48) Data applies to maximum impeller diameter and impeller with water fill

16 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Pump size Impeller Dry installation Wet installation

(installation types D, H) (installation types S, P,

Mass moment of inertia J48)

Max. operating pressure47)

Max. operating pressure47)

Number of impeller channels

Max. impeller diameter

Min. impeller diameter

Max. test pressure

Max. test pressure

Free passage
Material variant

[mm] [mm] [mm] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [kgm2]

K 300-401 G, G1, GH 2 135 408 367 10 15 2,3 2,9 0,75
K 300-420 G, G1 3 100 408 370 6 9 5,6 7,3 0,95
K 300-500 G, G1 3 90 504 430 10 15 6,2 8 1,48
K 300-503 G, G1 5 50 480 405 10 15 8,9 11,6 2,5
K 350-420 G, G1 3 100 450 387 6 9 3,5 4,6 1,22
K 350-500 G, G1 3 110 508 426 6 9 5,7 7,4 3,12
K 350-501 G, G1 2 170 509 495 6 9 2,8 3,7 3
K 350-630 G, G1 3 135 630 500 10 15 7,3 9,4 5,22
K 350-636 G, G1 5 75 595 510 10 15 6,4 8,3 5,42
K 350-710 G, G1 3 110 730 580 10 15 9,4 12,2 10,6
K 400-500 G, G1 3 130 508 443 6 9 3,4 4,5 3,37
K 400-630 G, G1 3 132 620 546 6 9 6,2 8 8,21
K 400-710 G, G1 3 165 739 587 10 15 8,8 11,5 14
K 400-900 G, G1 3 130 830 659 16 24 11,3 14,7 17,79
K 500-630 G, G1 3 133 582 520 4 6 4,2 5,5 6,11
K 500-710 G, G1 3 150 739 586 8 12 6,9 9,0 13,0
K 500-900 G, G1 3 202 908 721 10 15 8 10,3 45
K 600-520 G, G1 3 145 532 457 4 6 2,4 3,2 7,02
K 600-710 G, G1 3 165 736 685 4 6 4,2 5,5 16,96
K 700-900 G, G1 3 190 850 738 3 4,5 3,3 4,3 40
K 700-901 G, G1 3 180 908 760 9 13,5 7,2 9,3 50

Industrial materials (H, C1, C2)

Pump size Impeller Wet installation

Mass moment of inertia J46)

(installation type S, P)
Number of impeller channels

Max. test pressure

Max. impeller diameter

Max. operating pressure47)

Min. impeller diameter
Free passage
Material variant

[″] [″] [″] [psi] [psi] [kgm2]

S 50-210 C1, C2 4 9
/32 7 1/4 6 7/8 60,9 79,8 0,006
F 40-250 H, C1, C2 - 1 8 1/4 5 7/8 114,6 142,1 0,03
F 100-250 H, C1, C2 - 4 10 7/16 7 7/8 49,3 65,3 0,056
F 100-316 H, C1, C2 - 4 11 7/16 9 5/16 71,1 92,8 0,075
F 100-401 H, C1, C2 - 4 15 3/8 12 13/16 110,2 142,1 0,248
F 150-315 H, C1, C2 - 4 3/4 11 7/16 9 13/16 26,1 33,4 0,144
F 150-401 H, C1, C2 - 5 5/16 15 3/8 10 5/8 60,9 79,8 0,248
K 40-250 H, C1, C2 3 5
/8 10 1/4 5 7/8 145,0 188,6 0,047
K 80-251 H, C1, C2 2 1 1/8 8 11/16 5 1/2 95,0 124,7 0,15
K 100-251 H, C1, C2 2 3 9 13/16 6 7/8 52,2 68,2 0,07
K 100-316 H, C1, C2 2 3 11 5/8 9 1/4 71,1 92,8 0,13
K 100-400 C1, C2 3 3 16 1/16 14 137,8 179,9 1,1

48) Data applies to maximum impeller diameter and impeller with water fill

Amarex KRT 17
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Pump size Impeller Wet installation

Mass moment of inertia J46)

(installation type S, P)

Number of impeller channels

Max. test pressure

Max. impeller diameter

Max. operating pressure47)

Min. impeller diameter

Free passage
Material variant

[″] [″] [″] [psi] [psi] [kgm2]

K 100-401 H, C1, C2 2 2 15 7/8 12 3/16 134,9 175,5 0,504
K 150-315 H, C1, C2 2 3 12 3/16 9 1/4 50,8 66,7 0,18
K 150-401 H, C1, C2 2 3 15 /8
12 3/16 129,1 168,2 0,916
K 151-401 H, C1, C2 3 3 1/8 15 /8 11 13/16
124,7 162,4 0,52
K 200-315 H, C1, C2 3 2 3/4 11 5/8 9 5/8 27,6 34,8 0,22
K 200-316 H, C1, C2 2 4 12 10 7/16 24,7 31,9 0,22
K 200-330 H, C1, C2 3 2 3/4 12 13/16 11 5/16 75,4 98,6 0,35
K 200-401 H, C1, C2 3 3 1/8 15 7/8 13 103,0 98,6 0,52
K 200-501 C1, C2 2 4 1/8 19 3/4 17 11/16 92,8 120,4 1,68
K 200-631 C1, C2 2 4 1/8 24 1/2 21 1/4 142,1 185,6 4,41
K 250-400 H, C1, C2 3 3 3/8 14 /16 11 13/16
95,7 123,3 0,5
K 250-401 H, C1, C2 2 4 1/8 15 3/4 12 3/16 87,0 113,1 0,55
K 250-630 C1, C2 3 3 9/16 24 /16 19 11/16
150,8 195,8 2,76
K 300-400 H, C1, C2 3 4 16 1/16 13 1/16 50,8 66,7 0,75
K 300-401 H, C1, C2 2 5 5/16 16 1/16 14 7/16 33,4 42,1 0,75
K 300-420 C1, C2 3 4 16 1/16 14 9/16 81,2 105,9 0,95
K 300-500 C1, C2 3 3 9/16 19 13/16 16 15/16 90,0 116,0 1,48
K 300-503 C1, C2 5 2 18 7/8 15 15/16 129,1 168,2 2,5
K 350-420 C1, C2 3 4 17 11/16 15 1/4 50,8 66,7 1,22
K 350-500 C1, C2 3 4 5/16 20 16 3/4 82,7 107,3 3,12
K 350-630 C1, C2 3 5 5/16 24 /16 19 11/16
105,9 136,3 5,22
K 350-636 C1, C2 5 3 23 7/16 20 1/16 92,8 120,4 5,42
K 350-710 C1, C2 3 4 5/16 28 3/4 22 13/16 136,3 177,0 10,6
K 400-500 C1, C2 3 5 1/8 20 17 7/16 49,3 65,3 3,37
K 400-630 C1, C2 3 5 1/4 24 7/16 21 1/2 90,0 116,0 8,21
K 500-630 C1, C2 3 5 1/4 22 15/16 20 7/8 60,9 79,8 6,11
K 600-520 C1, C2 3 5 3/4 20 15/16 18 34,8 46,4 7,02
K 600-710 C1, C2 3 6 1/2 29 26 15/16 60,9 79,8 16,96
K 700-900 C1, C2 3 7 1/2 33 7/16 29 1/16 47,9 62,4 40
K 700-901 C1, C2 3 7 1/16 35 /4 29 15/16
104,4 134,9 50

Industrial materials (H, C1, C2)

Pump size Impeller Wet installation (installation types S, P)
Mass moment of inertia J46)
Number of impeller channels

Max. operating pressure47) Max. test pressure

Max. impeller diameter

Min. impeller diameter

Free passage
Material variant

[mm] [mm] [mm] [bar] [bar] [kgm2]

S 50-210 C1, C2 4 7 185 170 4,2 5,5 0,006
F 40-250 H, C1, C2 - 25 210 150 7,6 9,8 0,03
F 100-250 H, C1, C2 - 100 265 200 3,4 4,5 0,056
F 100-316 H, C1, C2 - 100 290 236 4,9 6,4 0,075
F 100-401 H, C1, C2 - 100 390 325 7,6 9,8 0,248
F 150-315 H, C1, C2 - 120 290 250 1,8 2,3 0,144
F 150-401 H, C1, C2 - 135 390 270 4,2 5,5 0,248

18 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Pump size Impeller Wet installation (installation types S, P)

Mass moment of inertia J46)

Number of impeller channels
Max. operating pressure47) Max. test pressure

Max. impeller diameter

Min. impeller diameter

Free passage
Material variant

[mm] [mm] [mm] [bar] [bar] [kgm2]

K 40-250 H, C1, C2 3 15 260 150 10 13 0,047
K 80-251 H, C1, C2 2 33 220 140 6,6 8,6 0,15
K 100-251 H, C1, C2 2 76 250 175 3,6 4,7 0,07
K 100-316 H, C1, C2 2 76 295 235 4,9 6,4 0,13
K 100-400 C1, C2 3 76 408 355 9,5 12,4 1,1
K 100-401 H, C1, C2 2 50 404 310 9,3 12,1 0,504
K 150-315 H, C1, C2 2 76 310 235 3,5 4,6 0,18
K 150-401 H, C1, C2 2 76 404 310 8,9 11,6 0,916
K 151-401 H, C1, C2 3 80 404 300 8,6 11,2 0,52
K 200-315 H, C1, C2 3 70 295 245 1,9 2,4 0,22
K 200-316 H, C1, C2 2 100 305 265 1,7 2,2 0,22
K 200-330 H, C1, C2 3 70 326 287 5,2 6,8 0,35
K 200-401 H, C1, C2 3 80 404 330 7,1 9,2 0,52
K 200-501 C1, C2 2 105 502 450 6,4 8,3 1,68
K 200-631 C1, C2 2 105 622 540 9,8 12,8 4,41
K 250-400 H, C1, C2 3 85 370 300 6,6 8,5 0,5
K 250-401 H, C1, C2 2 105 400 310 6 7,8 0,55
K 250-630 C1, C2 3 90 630 500 10,4 13,5 2,76
K 300-400 H, C1, C2 3 100 408 332 3,5 4,6 0,75
K 300-401 H, C1, C2 2 135 408 367 2,3 2,9 0,75
K 300-420 C1, C2 3 100 408 370 5,6 7,3 0,95
K 300-500 C1, C2 3 90 504 430 6,2 8 1,48
K 300-503 C1, C2 5 50 480 405 8,9 11,6 2,5
K 350-420 C1, C2 3 100 450 387 3,5 4,6 1,22
K 350-500 C1, C2 3 110 508 426 5,7 7,4 3,12
K 350-630 C1, C2 3 135 630 500 7,3 9,4 5,22
K 350-636 C1, C2 5 75 595 510 6,4 8,3 5,42
K 350-710 C1, C2 3 110 730 580 9,4 12,2 10,6
K 400-500 C1, C2 3 130 508 443 3,4 4,5 3,37
K 400-630 C1, C2 3 132 620 546 6,2 8 8,21
K 500-630 C1, C2 3 133 582 520 4,2 5,5 6,11
K 600-520 C1, C2 3 145 532 457 2,4 3,2 7,02
K 600-710 C1, C2 3 165 736 685 4,2 5,5 16,96
K 700-900 C1, C2 3 190 850 738 3,3 4,3 40
K 700-901 C1, C2 3 180 908 760 7,2 9,3 50

Mass moments of inertia as a function of motor size 4-pole

2-pole Motor Mass moment of inertia J
Motor Mass moment of inertia J [kgm2]
[kgm2] 44/54 0,01
74 0,02
52 0,01
11 4 0,04
62 0,01
16 4 0,05
82 0,01
4 4.KG / 5 4.KG 0,05
12 2 0,02
7 4.KG 0,06
17 2 0,03
19 4 / 21 4 0,06
22 2 / 25 2 0,04
23 4 0,07
23 2 0,05
29 4 0,11
37 2 0,13
35 4 0,22
55 2 0,14
50 4 0,25
65 4 0,30
35 4.N 0,25
50 4.N 0,28

Amarex KRT 19
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Motor Mass moment of inertia J Motor Mass moment of inertia J

[kgm2] [kgm2]
65 4.N 0,33 35 8 0,47
80 4.N 0,46 26 8.N 0,40
95 4.N 0,55 35 8.N 0,50
110 4.N 0,63 50 8.N 0,66
130 4.N 1,26 75 8.N 0,94
155 4.N 1,43 90 8.N 1,98
175 4.N 1,57 110 8.N 2,25
200 4.N 3,78 130 8.N 2,55
250 4.N 4,13 150 8.N 7,30
300 4.N 4,82 185 8.N 8,57
350 4.N 5,51 220 8.N 9,84
6-pole 260 8.N 13,3
300 8.N 15,9
Motor Mass moment of inertia J 350 8.N 19,1
[kgm2] 400 8.N 20,7
46 0,02 460 8.N 31,5
66 0,02 530 8.N 36,3
96 0,05 580 8.N 41,1
12 6 0,07 630 8.N 45,8
4 6.KG 0,07 690 8.N 50,6
6 6.KG 0,09 760 8.N 55,3
15 6 0,09 10-pole
19 6 0,09
20 6 0,10 Motor Mass moment of inertia J
26 6 0,13 [kgm2]
32 6 0,34 40 10.N 1,75
40 6 0,42 60 10.N 1,93
50 6 0,51 75 10.N 2,20
32 6.N 0,37 90 10.N 2,49
40 6.N 0,45 110 10.N 7,96
50 6.N 0,54 150 10.N 9,66
60 6.N 0,66 190 10.N 11,8
80 6.N 0,80 230 10.N 17,7
100 6.N 0,94 270 10.N 20,5
120 6.N 1,89 310 10.N 23,2
140 6.N 2,25 350 10.N 25,8
165 6.N 2,55 390 10.N 36,1
190 6.N 7,30 430 10.N 41,6
225 6.N 8,57 475 10.N 47,2
260 6.N 9,84 535 10.N 52,7
320 6.N 14,3 600 10.N 58,2
360 6.N 15,9 660 10.N 63,7
400 6.N 17,6 12-pole
440 6.N 19,2
480 6.N 20,7 Motor Mass moment of inertia J
530 6.N 31,5 [kgm2]
580 6.N 36,3 105 12.N 7,96
630 6.N 41,1 135 12.N 9,66
690 6.N 45,8 165 12.N 11,8
770 6.N 50,6 195 12.N 17,7
850 6.N 55,3 230 12.N 20,5
8-pole 265 12.N 23,2
290 12.N 36,1
Motor Mass moment of inertia J 300 12.N 25,8
[kgm2] 340 12.N 41,6
10 8 0,09 380 12.N 47,2
17 8 0,12 450 12.N 52,7
21 8 0,18 490 12.N 58,2
26 8 0,37 560 12.N 63,7

20 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Selection charts

Amarex KRT 40-.../80-.../100-..., n = 3500/1750/1160 rpm, K impeller

0.3 0.4 0.5 m³/h 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400

0.1 l/s 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100


40-250K/2p 50


100 30

100-316K/4p 20

50 40-250K/4p





1 Q[US.gpm] 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000

1 IM.gpm 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 1000

Amarex KRT 150-.../151-.../200-..., n = 1750/1160/875 rpm, K impeller

50 m³/h 100 200 300 400 500 1000

20 30 40 50 l/s 100 200 300 400


200 151-401K/4p
150-400K/4p 50

100 30
150-401K/4p 200-400K/4p
150-400K/6p 200-330K/4p 20


150-315K/6p 200-330K/6p 10


200-315K/6p 4

10 3
5 m


200 300 400 500 Q[US.gpm] 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7000

200 300 400 500 IM.gpm 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Amarex KRT 21
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT 250-.../300-..., n = 1750/1160/875 rpm, K impeller

200 300 400 500 m³/h 1000 2000 3000 4000

50 l/s 100 200 300 400 500 1000



250-630K/6p 250-900K/8p

250-630K/8p 50

100 30


50 300-420K/6p


300-400K/6p m

20 300-400K/6p

10 3


700 1000 Q[US.gpm] 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000 20000

1000 IM.gpm 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000

Amarex KRT 350-.../400-.../500-.../600-.../700-.../900-..., n = 1160/875/700/585 rpm, K impeller

500 m³/h 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000

200 300 400 500 l/s 1000 2000 3000



350-710K/8p 50

350-636K/8p 500-900K/10p 40

100 350-630K/6p 30

500-710K/8p 20

50 400-630K/8p
40 600-710K/10p

350-501K/10p 10
30 600-710K/12p

400-500K/10p 400-500K/8p 700-900K/12p m


H 5
350-501K/8p 600-520K/10p

10 3


2000 3000 4000 5000 Q[US.gpm] 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

2000 3000 4000 5000 IM.gpm 10000 20000 30000 40000

22 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT, n = 1750/1160/875 rpm, D impeller

30 40 50 m³/h 100 200 300 400 500 1000

10 l/s 20 30 40 50 100 200 300




100 30


30 100-315D/4p
20 150-315D/6p

200-315D/6p 4

10 3
150-251D/6p 250-400D/6p

250-400D/8p 300-400D/8p

100 Q[US.gpm] 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

100 IM.gpm 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000 4000

Amarex KRT, n = 1750/1160 rpm, E impeller

20 30 40 50 m³/h 100 200 300 400 500

4 5 l/s 10 20 30 40 50 100 200




100 30



30 80-200E/4p


80-251E/6p 150-315E/6p 5

10 3

50 Q[US.gpm] 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000 4000

50 IM.gpm 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000

Amarex KRT 23
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT, n = 3500/1750/1160 rpm, F impeller

0.3 0.4 0.5 m³/h 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500

0.1 l/s 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100


40-250F/2p 50

80-250F/2p 40
100 30

80-250F/4p 20

40 40-250F/4p



10 80-250F/6p


1 Q[US.gpm] 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000

1 IM.gpm 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000

Amarex KRT, n = 3500 rpm, S impeller

0.3 0.4 0.5 m³/h 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40

0.1 l/s 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10






100 30




1 Q[US.gpm] 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200

1 IM.gpm 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100

24 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Installation types Installation type P

Installation type S Transportable wet installation (S1 operation with submerged
Stationary wet installation (S1 operation with submerged

Guide cable arrangement Guide rail arrangement

Installation type D
Stationary dry installation, vertical (S1 operation)

Installation type K
Stationary wet installation (S1 operation motor outside the

Guide cable arrangement Guide rail arrangement

Installation type H
Stationary dry installation, horizontal (S1 operation)

Amarex KRT 25
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

General assembly drawings with list of components

Amarex KRT, 5.5 hp to 40.0 hp

Example: Amarex KRT E 150-315/20 6 WG Motors:
5 2 ... 25 2
4 4 ... 29 4
4 6 ... 26 6






113 410


101 502 230 900

List of components
Part No. Description Part No. Description
101 Pump casing 433.01/02 Mechanical seal
113 Intermediate casing 502 Casing wear ring
210 Shaft 503 Impeller wear ring
230 Impeller 811 Motor housing
330 Bearing bracket 900 Screw
410 Profile joint

26 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT, 36.0 hp to 80.0 hp

Example: Amarex KRT E/K 150-401/65 4 XG Motors:
29 4 ... 65 4
20 6 ... 50 6
10 8 ... 35 8

811 X




900 502 230 101

List of components
Part No. Description Part No. Description
101 Pump casing 412 O-ring
113 Intermediate casing 502 Casing wear ring
210 Shaft 503 Impeller wear ring
230 Impeller 811 Motor housing
330 Bearing bracket 900 Screw

Amarex KRT 27
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT, 6.5 hp to 50.0 hp

Example: Amarex KRT D 300-400 / 21 8 XG Motors:
5 4 ... 65 4
4 6 ... 50 6
10 8 ... 26 8













List of components
Part No. Description Part No. Description
101 Pump casing 410 Profile joint
113 Intermediate casing 433.01/02 Mechanical seal
210 Shaft 502 Casing wear ring
230 Impeller 811 Motor housing
330 Bearing bracket 900 Screw

28 Amarex KRT
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT, 47.0 hp to 640.0 hp, without cooling jacket

Example: Amarex KRT K 150-401 / 130 4 XNG-S without cooling jacket Motors:
80 4 N ... 350 4 N
60 6 N ... 480 6 N
50 8 N ... 400 8 N
40 10 N ... 350 10 N
105 12 N ... 310 12 N



900 433.01






List of components
Part No. Description Part No. Description
101 Pump casing 410 Profile joint
163 Discharge cover 433.01/02 Mechanical seal
210 Shaft 502 Casing wear ring
230 Impeller 811 Motor housing
350 Bearing housing 900 Screw

Amarex KRT 29
Waste Water
Submersible Motor Pump

Amarex KRT, 47.0 hp to 640.0 hp, with cooling jacket

Example: Amarex KRT K 150-401 / 130 4 XNG-K with cooling jacket Motors:
80 4 N ... 350 4 N
60 6 N ... 480 6 N
50 8 N ... 400 8 N
40 10 N ... 350 10 N
105 12 N ... 310 12 N









List of components
Part No. Description Part No. Description
101 Pump casing 410 Profile joint
163 Discharge cover 433.01/02 Mechanical seal
210 Shaft 502 Casing wear ring
230 Impeller 811 Motor housing
350 Bearing housing 900 Screw

30 Amarex KRT

KSB, Inc.
4415 Sarellen Road • Richmond, VA 23231
Phone: (804) 222-1818 • Fax: (804) 226-6961 •
5885 Kennedy Road • Mississauga • Ontario L 4Z 2G3
Phone: (905) 568-9200 • Fax: (905) 568-3740 •

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