Be More Productive Arcmap 0107
Be More Productive Arcmap 0107
Be More Productive Arcmap 0107
December 2006
Table of Contents
What Is GIS? 1
Additional Resources 55
What Is GIS?
Making decisions based on geography is basic to human thinking. Where shall we go, what will it be
like, and what shall we do when we get there are applied to the simple event of going to the store or
to the major event of launching a bathysphere into the ocean's depths. By understanding geography
and people's relationship to location, we can make informed decisions about the way we live on our
planet. A geographic information system (GIS) is a technological tool for comprehending geography
and making intelligent decisions.
GIS organizes geographic data so that a person reading a map can select data necessary for a
specific project or task. A thematic map has a table of contents that allows the reader to add layers
of information to a basemap of real-world locations. For example, a social analyst might use the
basemap of Eugene, Oregon, and select datasets from the U.S. Census Bureau to add data layers
to a map that shows residents' education levels, ages, and employment status. With an ability to
combine a variety of datasets in an infinite number of ways, GIS is a useful tool for nearly every field
of knowledge from archaeology to zoology.
A good GIS program is able to process geographic data from a variety of sources and integrate
it into a map project. Many countries have an abundance of geographic data for analysis, and
governments often make GIS datasets publicly available. Map file databases often come included
with GIS packages; others can be obtained from both commercial vendors and government
agencies. Some data is gathered in the field by global positioning units that attach a location
coordinate (latitude and longitude) to a feature such as a pump station.
GIS maps are interactive. On the computer screen, map users can scan a GIS map in any direction,
zoom in or out, and change the nature of the information contained in the map. They can choose
whether to see the roads, how many roads to see, and how roads should be depicted. Then
they can select what other items they wish to view alongside these roads such as storm drains,
gas lines, rare plants, or hospitals. Some GIS programs are designed to perform sophisticated
calculations for tracking storms or predicting erosion patterns. GIS applications can be embedded
into common activities such as verifying an address.
From routinely performing work-related tasks to scientifically exploring the complexities of our world,
GIS gives people the geographic advantage to become more productive, more aware, and more
responsive citizens of planet Earth.
This booklet contains a three-part series that shares tips for enhancing map editing productivity.
Written by ESRI staff members Colin Childs and Keith Mann, these articles originally appeared
in ArcUser magazine. Childs and Mann present productivity tips as a series of challenges.
For each challenge, a scenario describing a common editing task or problem is identified and
followed by its solution.
The first article covers basic strategies for working with layers and controlling how features are
edited. The second article shows how to take advantage of the Sketch tool, Sketch constraints,
and the Midpoint tool to enhance common workflows. The third article supplies information on
dividing features, changing x,y coordinates, and working with more complex features such as
multipart features.
ArcMap is the comprehensive map authoring application for ArcGIS Desktop. In addition to
data display and query, it is also used for high-level map creation and sophisticated editing
so features can be created quickly and easily while maintaining the spatial integrity of a GIS
The same editing tools are available in ArcMap at all license levels—ArcInfo, ArcEditor, and
ArcView. In ArcMap, you can edit shapefiles and geodatabases using a common user interface.
This article highlights 11 useful tips and tricks that will make you more productive when editing
in ArcMap. You will learn how to perform the following tasks:
Task Challenge
Modify feature selection by individual layer. 1
Select the desired feature from overlapping selectable layers. 2
Prevent selected features from being moved accidentally. 3
See the feature type or layer currently affected by the active snap agent. 4
Control which features snap. 5
Override snapping environment settings. 6
Toggle between the Sketch tool and other editing tools using shortcut keys. 7
Use units different than the map units when specifying distance for a sketch 8
Cut polygon features based on a specified distance from a line feature. 9
Rotate a selected line feature on one endpoint and snap the other endpoint to 10
another feature.
Explore a map in detail and perform edits without changing the map display 11
Challenge 1 When working with multiple selectable layers, how can you modify feature selection by
individual layer?
Shortcut keys let you change selectable layers without returning to the
Set Selectable Layers dialog box.
Scenario Often in an edit session, more than one layer has been made selectable in the Set Selectable
Layers dialog box. However, there are occasions when you may want to modify a selection from
a layer or disable a selection from a layer without returning to the Set Selectable Layers dialog
Solution Use the Selection tab on the ArcMap Table of Contents. With this tab selected, you can control
which layers are selectable by checking them. When you select features in the map, those
layers are shown in bold and the number of selected features on each layer is reported in
On the Selection tab, right-clicking on a layer with selected features invokes a context menu
that contains options for modifying the selection that include Zoom to Selected Features, Clear
Selected Features, and Switch Selection. Note that each function in this context menu operates
only on features in that layer, not on all features in all selectable layers (which is the case when
using the Selection dialog box).
The Attributes dialog box can also be used to modify a selection by unselecting features from a
set of selected features based on an attribute value. Click on the Attributes button on the Editor
toolbar to open the Attributes dialog box. Expand the layer in the layer list of selected features.
Right-click on the feature attribute and choose Unselect from the context menu.
Solution Select a feature on the map with the Edit tool, and use the Select Next function to cycle through
all features within the selection tolerance of that selected feature. Simply press the N key to
cycle through the selections. This is a useful way to select a particular feature where several
features overlap. If you select the wrong feature with the Edit tool, press the N key to deselect
this feature and select the next feature within the selection tolerance. Continue pressing the
N key to cycle through all the features under the originally selected feature, based on the order
of the selectable layers.
Use the Select Next function to cycle through all the features
within a selection tolerance.
Scenario It is often difficult to visualize which feature type or layer is currently affected by an active
snapping agent. Knowing the feature type and/or layer gives greater control over snapping
operations and minimizes the chances of inadvertently snapping to the wrong feature.
Solution There are several tools that help identify whether snapping will be to a vertex or edge and on
which layer snapping is taking place. These tools—snap tips, the snapping indicator, and the
T shortcut key—are available during an editing session if the snapping tolerance on the General
tab of the Editing Options dialog box has been set.
Click on the Editor menu in the Editor toolbar, choose Options, click on the General tab in the
Editing Options dialog box, and check the box next to Show Snap Tips. When snapping, a
snap tip (a small text box) will appear on the map identifying the layer and showing the type of
features just snapped to. The snapping indicator displays the same information in the ArcMap
window status line in the snapping indicator. Holding the T shortcut key down while using the
Sketch tool will display a circle showing the current snapping tolerance around a vertex.
Challenge 5 How do you control how features snap to one another and which snap agents take
precedence when snapping occurs?
Scenario Snapping is an important ArcMap function that allows you to make precise and efficient edits.
However, it is important to control how features snap together by setting snap agents and their
Solution In addition to choosing layer snapping agents (vertex, edge, or endpoint), set the snapping
tolerance and snapping priority of the layers. Set snapping tolerance explicitly on the General
tab of the Editing Options dialog box as a distance value in either map units or pixels.
Alternately, the Snap Tolerance tool can be used to interactively set the snapping tolerance. Add
the Snap Tolerance tool to the Editor toolbar by choosing Tools > Customize, clicking on the
Commands tab, and dragging the Snap Tolerance tool to the Editor toolbar. To use the Snap
Tolerance tool, click on it in the toolbar, click on the map, and drag out a circle the size of the
desired snapping tolerance.
Prioritizing snap layers controls the actions of snap agents. From the Editor toolbar menu,
choose Snapping. Snapping occurs first to features on the top layer listed in the Snapping
Solution Use the Snap To Feature option available from the Sketch tool context menu. While sketching,
right-click and choose Snap to Features > Endpoint, Vertex, Midpoint, and Edge from the
context menu. Snapping on the fly overrides the current snapping environment settings. Snap to
Features can also enable Snap to Feature Geometry without setting individual snap agents.
Using Snap to Features also allows for snapping to the midpoint of a line or polygon boundary—
an option not available with the regular snap agent. The snapping environment can temporarily
be suspended by holding down the spacebar.
Z key Zoom in
X key Zoom out
C key Pan
V key Show vertices
Esc Cancel
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Spacebar Suspend snapping
Solution Use the shortcut keys. For the scenario just described, use the E shortcut key to toggle between
Sketch and Edit tools. Some of the most useful shortcut keys are listed in Table 1. More shortcut
keys can be found in ArcGIS Desktop Help by typing "shortcuts" in the Index search box and
choosing "For editing in ArcMap" in the results list.
Toggle between the Sketch tool and other editing tools by using the shortcut keys.
Solution While sketching, type an abbreviation for any unit and ArcMap will convert the sketch unit
automatically to the map unit used in the Data Frame.
Unit Abbreviation
Meter m
Kilometer km
Millimeter mm
Foot ft
Mile mi
Nautical mile nm
Chain ch
Yard yd
Inch in
Survey Foot ftUS
Survey Chain chUS
Survey Mile miUS
Survey Yard ydUS
Table 2: Unit abbreviations.
Scenario You need to use a line feature as a template for constructing new features in a polygon target
feature class. The line feature serves as a basis for cutting away from the target polygon feature
Solution Use the Clip tool in the Editor toolbar menu. Before using the Clip tool, select the source feature
and set the target layer where features will be modified. The Clip tool will buffer the selected
feature and erase the buffer area from the target feature class.
Cut polygon features based on a specified distance from a line feature using the Clip tool.
Pressing the S key to create an Auxiliary Selection Anchor. Position both anchors.
Clicking on the Rotate tool in the Editor toolbar. Use it to position the selection anchors. The
first anchor acts as the pivot point and the second anchor acts as the snapping point so the
features can rotate and snapping will occur.
Solution Use the Overview and Magnifier windows. The Overview window shows the full extent of the
data. Adjust the selection box in the Overview window by dragging, shrinking, or expanding it to
change the map display in the active data frame.
Use the Magnifier window to view an area more closely without changing the map scale.
Create snapshots of several areas using the Magnifier window and return quickly to them later to
complete the edits. Use the Magnifier window in conjunction with the Overview window to
speed editing tasks (see the next illustration).
The Overview window shows the full extent of the data. Adjust the selection box in the Overview window by
dragging, shrinking, or expanding it to change the map display in the active data frame.
There are many ways to make editing easier and more efficient, and these are just a few
techniques. For one of the best sources for more editing tips, see Editing in ArcMap, a manual
that is part of documentation for ArcGIS 9. Also, the ESRI Virtual Campus (
offers several courses such as Creating and Editing Geodatabase Features with ArcGIS 9,
Creating and Editing Linearly Referenced Features with ArcGIS 9, and Creating and Editing
Geodatabase Topology with ArcGIS 9. Visit to learn about instructor-led
training courses that include information on editing such as Introduction to ArcGIS II, Building
Geodatabases I, and Creating and Editing Parcels with ArcGIS.
This article supplies ArcMap editing tips and tricks that will make users more productive by
helping them take advantage of additional functionality and enhanced workflow features that
speed common tasks. It will cover the use of the Sketch tool, Sketch tool constraints, and the
Midpoint tool. The material is presented as a series of challenges and solutions. See Table 1
for an overview of the topics covered.
Task Challenge
Getting Help in Context 1
How Do You Edit in Projected Space? 2
Sketch Constraints 3
Adding New Features Using Existing Features 4
Squaring a Polygon or Polyline 5
Constraining Sketch Length, Direction, and Curves 6
Constructing a Segment Parallel or Perpendicular to Another Segment 7
Creating a Segment Using an Angle or Deflection and a Length 8
Creating a Segment at an Angle from Another Segment 9
Constructing Centerlines with the Midpoint Tool 10
Constructing Features Offset from Other Features 11
Table 1: List of topics covered.
Solution Positioning a mouse pointer over a button or menu command causes the name of the item to
pop up in a small box. A brief description of the item also appears in the status bar at the bottom
of the application window. Access additional help about any command, button, or control in the
application by clicking on the item in question with the What's This? tool. For context help, press
Shift + F1.
For help in a context menu, highlight the command and press Shift + F1.
Scenario You've collected data from a variety of sources, and not all these layers are in the same
coordinate system information. While reprojecting the data into a common coordinate system
before editing is a solution, it may not always be practical.
Solution In ArcMap, the properties of a Data Frame define the context for the data. These properties
include measurement units; scale; and, most important for this scenario, the coordinate system.
Layers are automatically transformed to the coordinate system set for the Data Frame.
Consequently, the shapes and attributes of a layer can be edited regardless of the coordinate
system that layer is stored in. After making and saving edits, the edits will be committed back to
the source feature class in its original coordinate system.
Issues to consider when editing features in a projection different from the source:
Remember that with a new, empty map, the coordinate system for the default
Data Frame is not defined. ArcMap will adopt the coordinate system of the first
layer added to the map that has a defined coordinate system. ArcMap will apply
this coordinate system to any layers subsequently added to the map. If the data
source has no defined coordinate system, ArcMap will automatically analyze the
coordinates in the source data. If the coordinates range from 0–180, ArcMap
sets the Data Frame coordinate system to GCS_Assumed_Geographic.
If coordinates fall outside that range, the coordinate system will be set to
Unknown. To use a specific coordinate system, set the coordinate system in the
Data Frame Properties dialog box.
To create a new feature in ArcMap, you create an edit sketch using the sketch construction
tools. A sketch is a shape that is used to complete the current edit task. It is composed of
vertices (i.e., the points where the sketch changes direction) and segments (i.e., the lines that
connect the vertices).
Create a point feature by clicking once on the map with the Sketch tool. Use the Sketch tool to
digitize the vertices that make up the line or polygon feature. To create the last vertex of a line or
polygon and finish the sketch, double-click the mouse. ArcMap will add the final segment of the
sketch, and the sketch will turn into a feature.
The Sketch context menu can be accessed while working with the sketch by right-clicking on
the sketch. In addition to adding, moving, and deleting vertices, the commands in this menu
can be used to switch the direction of the sketch, reduce the length of the sketch, or display the
properties of the sketch shape.
Scenario New spatial features may have specific construction requirements such as squared corners or a
segment with specifically defined directions. Other than using coordinate geometry, how can you
construct features that meet these requirements?
Solution The Sketch tool contains more advanced methods for constructing features—sketch constraints.
Sketch constraints are generally employed during sketch construction to limit, restrict, or
prescribe how segments of the sketch should be constructed before the last vertex is created
and the sketch is finished. Right-click on a segment to invoke the Sketch context menu. The
Sketch tools also support many useful shortcut keys that make it simple and quick to apply a
specific constraint when needed. See Table 2 for a list of shortcut keys.
Scenario You are capturing building footprints. The angles from the first to the last vertex must be squared
so the footprint feature will be squared.
Solution Use the Sketch tool to digitize at least two segments of the feature. Right-click anywhere on the
map and click Square and Finish. The angles from the first vertex and the last vertex are
squared. A new vertex is added, and the polygon or polyline is finished where the resulting
segments intersect.
Scenario You have been tasked with capturing the street casings for a new subdivision. Street casings
consist of many straight and curved line segments. Segments are often parallel to each other or
perpendicular to existing segments. How best can you incorporate these requirements in the
feature creation process?
Solution To construct straight segments, use the Sketch tool and apply Sketch constraints such as
Perpendicular and Parallel to ensure the casements are constructed as required. To construct
curves, use the Arc, End Point Arc, or Tangent tools from the Tool Palette or the Tangent Curve
sketch constraint. Switch easily between the Sketch tool and the Arc, End Point Arc, or Tangent
tool by holding down the keyboard E key to suspend the current tool and choosing the new tool.
Use the following tools for specific tasks.
Use the Arc tool to create a circular arc curve to digitize a cul-de-sac.
Use the Endpoint Arc tool to place vertices for both ends of the arc and adjust the radius.
When using the Tangent Curve tool, specify two of the following options: arc length, chord,
radius, or delta angle and specify whether the curve will be created to the right or to the left
of the line.
Use the Tangent Curve sketch constraint to add a circular arc curve to an existing segment
such as adding a curved segment to extend a centerline along a curved road. Specify two
of the following options: arc length, chord, radius, or delta angle and specify the direction
of the curve. The curve is created from the last vertex of the existing segment based on the
parameters defined.
Use the Tangent Curve Sketch constraint to add a curve The Tangent Curve sketch constraint creates the curve
segment to an existing sketch that describes the circular from the last vertex of the existing segment based on the
termination of a cul-de-sac. parameters defined.
Solution The Parallel command on the Sketch tool context menu constrains a segment to be parallel to a
specified segment. The Perpendicular command on the Sketch tool context menu constrains a
segment to be perpendicular to an existing segment.
2. Position the pointer over the segment that the new segment will be parallel to and right-
3. Choose Parallel from the context menu or press Ctrl + P to make the segment parallel.
2. Position the pointer over the segment that the new segment will be perpendicular to and
Solution Apply angle and length constraints while creating the road casing segments. Do this by either
applying the Angle or Deflection command and a length constraint. Both the Angle and
Deflection commands constrain the angle of the segment. Angle uses east as 0 degrees and
measures positive angles counterclockwise. Deflection uses the last segment as 0 degrees and
calculates the angle specified from there.
2. Right-click away from the sketch and choose Angle or press Ctrl + A.
3. Type the angle and press Enter. The segment will be constrained to the specified angle.
4. If creating a segment using a deflection angle from the last segment, click on the Deflection
tool and type the angle from the last segment and press Enter.
7. Continue sketching. The new segment will be constructed with the desired angle and length.
If you want to change the length of a segment you have already created, choose Change
Length from the Sketch tool context menu. This will undo the last vertex but keep the angle
constraint. To set the angle and length at the same time, choose the Angle/Length command
from the Sketch tool context menu or press Ctrl + G.
Both the deflection angle and the length of the segment can be specified.
Solution Use the Segment Deflection constraint to create a segment at an angle relative to any existing
segment. The selected segment is 0 degrees, and the deflection angle specified for the new
segment is calculated from this segment. Positive values are calculated in a counterclockwise
direction from the existing segment, and negative values are calculated clockwise.
2. Position the pointer over the segment you want to create a segment from. Right-click and
choose Segment Deflection.
3. Type the desired angle from the selected segment and press Enter or press F7 to set the
angle. The segment is constrained to the specified angle.
4. Click once to digitize the endpoint of the segment or choose Length from the Sketch tool
context menu.
Scenario If you are constructing street centerlines for existing street casing features, the centerline
vertices must be created relative to the street casings. How do you accomplish this?
Solution You may begin constructing the new centerline features with the Sketch tool. However, the
Sketch tool does not allow vertices to be constructed relative to other features. You will need to
switch to the Midpoint tool. Using the Midpoint tool, click to set the from point of the segment.
Click again to set the to point. The midpoint of that line will be added to the edit sketch.
Tip Create a snap agent and set an appropriate snap tolerance before using the
Midpoint tool. Press and hold the Z, X, or C key to zoom or pan in the display
while using the Midpoint tool. Press and hold the V key to see vertices within
three times the snapping tolerance.
With snapping turned on for the edges of the street casings, setting the from and to points for each segment
is more precise, making it easier to generate centerline vertices.
Additional Tips To delete a single vertex from a sketch, center the pointer over the vertex
until the pointer changes. Right-click and select Delete Vertex.
To delete the entire sketch of the feature being constructed, position the
pointer over any part of the sketch, right-click, and choose Delete Sketch
or press Ctrl + Delete.
To finish a sketch, double-click the last vertex of the feature or press F2.
Undo the last vertex created by clicking the Undo button on the ArcMap
Standard toolbar. Click the button again to undo the second-to-last vertex
created, and so on. Click the Redo button to store the vertex.
If the trace went too far or traced too many segments, move the mouse
back over the segments to be removed or press the Esc key to cancel the
Limit the length of the trace using Limit Length in the Options dialog box.
Change the selected features while tracing by clicking on the Edit tool,
making a new selection, and clicking the Trace tool.
This is the third in a series of tips and tricks articles on editing in ArcMap. ArcGIS at the
ArcEditor or ArcInfo license level is required for these operations. This article will help make
editing sessions more productive by supplying information on dividing features, changing XY
coordinates for features, and working with more complex features. The material is presented
as a series of challenges and solutions. See the accompanying table for an overview of the
Challenge Topic
1 Splitting two lines where they intersect (interactively)
2 Splitting two or more lines where they intersect
3 Subdividing lines and generating coincident point features at line
4 Subdividing a line into two lines using percentage of length
5 Subdividing a line into three or more lines by specifying the length as a
percentage of the original line length
6 Changing XY coordinates of an existing feature
7 Creating and working with multipart features
8 Creating or removing an empty hole in an existing polygon feature
Solution Use the Intersection Sketch tool in a novel way to create the point where the lines intersect.
Typically the Intersection Sketch tool is used to create a point or vertex at the implied
intersection of two segments. In this case, this point will define the location for splitting two
features. To construct the intersection:
1. In the Editor toolbar, choose Start Editing from the menu. Click the Tool Palette drop-down
arrow and click the Intersection tool. The pointer turns into crosshairs.
2. Position the crosshairs over the first segment you want to create an intersection with, then
click. A line extends from that segment across the map display so that you can see the first
angle used to construct the point of intersection.
3. Position the crosshairs over the second segment and click. A construction point is added at
the implied intersection of the two segments.
4. Use the construction point to split the lines at the intersection by defining a snapping
agent to snap to the edit sketch vertex and then using the Split tool and snapping to the
construction point.
5. To define the snapping agent, choose Snapping from the Editor menu. In the Snapping
Environment window, check the Edit sketch vertices option. The Edit Sketch snapping
options are located at the bottom of the Snapping Environment window. Note that snapping
properties are effective as soon as they are checked or unchecked.
6. With the snapping agent defined, use the Split tool by selecting the line to split and clicking
the Edit tool. Click on the construction point just created to select it. Click the Split tool on
the Editor toolbar. Click the selected construction point, and the line is split into two features.
Notice that snapping ensures the mouse pointer snaps to the construction point.
3. A cluster tolerance can be included. Check the box to consider existing features of the target
layer in the current extent. Click OK. This will use existing lines as input geometry and split
the features where the selected lines cross them.
1. Select the line feature and choose the Divide command from the Editor menu.
2. In the Divide dialog box, choose Place 3 points along the line, spaced evenly, then click OK.
3. Three new line features are added to the map but the original feature remains. All are
4. Unselect the features by clicking on the original line feature to select it and changing the
target layer to point feature class.
5. Use the Divide command again and choose Place 2 points along the line, spaced evenly.
6. Click OK.
Follow these steps to add four points—two where the line was subdivided by points and two at
each end of the line. Select the original line feature again and delete it.
4. In the text box, enter the percentage (in this example, 60). Click OK.
The original line feature is divided into two new line features with the first feature being
60 percent of the original line feature's length and the second feature 40 percent. Update the
Tip The Split tool works with all license levels but will only be enabled if a single
line feature is selected.
Challenge 5 Subdividing a line into three or more lines by specifying the length as a percentage of
the original line length
Scenario You are editing data in a natural resources application. A river feature has to be divided into
several management units that will be assigned to different field offices for monitoring. How can
the river feature be subdivided into three or more new features that are created as a
percentage of the original river's length?
Solution Using the Proportion command can split a selected line feature into a number of segments
based on specified distance values. If there is a difference between the feature length and the
entered values, this difference is proportioned between all of the new segments. Distance
1. Make the Advanced Editing toolbar active. Select the line feature and click on the Proportion
tool on the Advanced Editing toolbar.
2 In the Proportion dialog box, the length of the selected feature is provided. Because the
Proportion tool automatically redistributes leftover lengths (even negative lengths), you can
subdivide line features into percentages as long as the percentages add up to 100 percent.
a. The trick is to choose a factor of 10 to represent 100 percent depending on the length of
the feature.
b. If the feature length is less than 100 units (e.g., meters), enter lengths that add up to 100.
c. If the feature length is less than 1,000 units, enter lengths that add up to 1,000, and so
d. For example, if the line feature is 1,459.094 meters long, enter lengths that add up to
10,000 (3,500 + 500 + 4,500 + 500 + 1,000 = 10,000). The proportion tool divides the line
into new lines of the appropriate percentage of the original line.
Use the Edit Sketch Properties dialog box to insert and delete vertices, remove
parts of multipart features, and change the z- and m-values of vertices.
Solution Modifying coordinates for an existing feature can easily be done using the Edit Sketch
Properties dialog box. This dialog box allows you to insert and delete vertices, remove parts
from a multipart feature, and change the z- and m-values of vertices. This scenario requires
deleting several vertices and inserting new ones to modify the boundaries.
1. Verify that the Task is set to Modify Feature and that editing is enabled. Double-click the
feature with the Edit tool.
3. In the Edit Sketch Properties dialog box, click to highlight a vertex for editing.
Scenario Forest compartments are often planted with a specific plant species, but many compartments
also contain pockets of natural forest and lakes. These pockets need to be managed as part of
the forest compartment, not as separate features. How can this be done effectively and
Solution Geodatabase feature classes support multipart features. Multipart features are composed of
more than one physical part that references only one set of attributes in the database. Even
though a single multipart feature can consist of several points, polygons, or lines, it only has one
associated attribute record in the database. Multipart polygons have multiple rings, and one ring
inside another creates a hole.
There are several ways to create and edit multipart features: Use the Merge command to
combine features of the same layer into one feature. Merging nonadjacent features will create
a multipart feature. When finished creating the first part of a multipart feature, right-click
anywhere on the map and choose Finish Part from the context menu. Create the second part of
the multipart feature, right-click, and choose Finish Sketch. Alternatively, create parts with the
Sketch context menu and insert vertex coordinates.
Scenario While managing forestry compartments, you must create and remove holes associated with
multipart features.
Solution Two methods for creating holes in polygons and one method for removing a hole from a polygon
are given.
Creating an empty 1. Double-click the polygon feature with the Edit tool to expose the vertices and automatically
hole in an existing change the Task to Modify Feature.
polygon feature
2. Click the Sketch tool. In the map, right-click and select Finish Part from the context menu.
4. Press the delete key. This will create a donut hole in the coincident polygon below the
digitized feature.
Keith Mann is a technical writer for ESRI Industry Solutions on the government team. He has
a master's degree in urban and regional planning from California State Polytechnic University,
Pomona. He has worked as a GIS coordinator for the Bureau of Land Management, California
Desert District, and as a community planner for the United States Forest Service, Fire and
Aviation Division, San Bernardino National Forest, California.
This two-module Virtual Campus course teaches how to use the new and improved Sketch
and Edit tools for the geodatabase to build a geodatabase from the ground up. Learn how
to utilize the ArcMap standard and advanced tools to create and edit simple and complex
features as well as feature-linked and dimension annotation. You will also learn how to work
with features using coordinate geometry (COGO) descriptions and survey measurements.
This two-module Virtual Campus course introduces the fundamental elements of linear
referencing: routes and measures. Participants learn how to create and edit route geometry
and measures and query routes to get location-specific information.
ArcGIS software provides full support for geodatabase topology including an advanced
editing environment for maintaining topological relationships among features. This two-
module, Virtual Campus course explains how topology is implemented in the geodatabase
and teaches how to use geodatabase topology to more accurately model the real world.
Building Geodatabases II
This two-day, instructor-led course teaches the nuances of working in geometric networks.
Learn how to create, edit, and perform analyses on geometric networks; manage linear-
referenced data for displaying data that occurs along linear features; edit linear features in
the field using ArcPad; and migrate coverage arcs, routes, and events to the geodatabase.
This two-day, instructor-led course demonstrates how to effectively enter cadastral data into
your geodatabase. Learn how to display and symbolize parcel data, prepare the editing
environment, create and adjust tax map annotation, and enter and adjust parcels from
various sources.
Introduction to ArcGIS II
This three-day, instructor-led course focuses on spatial analysis, automation of spatial and
attribute data, editing, and advanced options for cartographic display. A portion of the class
is reserved for carrying out an analysis project and applying many of the new skills and
techniques learned in this course. Participants conduct queries, perform spatial analysis,
and present their results in a hard-copy map.
This product documentation book shows you how to put ArcMap to work immediately editing
your spatial data. Designed to make it easy to identify a task you need to perform—from
basic to advanced—this fully illustrated book shows you how to get it done through concise,
step-by-step answers that help you complete a task.
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S ince 1969, ESRI has been giving customers around
the world the power to think and plan geographically.
The market leader in geographic information system
(GIS) solutions, ESRI software is used in more than
300,000 organizations worldwide including each
of the 200 largest cities in the United States, most
national governments, more than two-thirds of Fortune
500 companies, and more than 5,000 colleges and
universities. ESRI applications, running on more than one
million desktops and thousands of Web and enterprise
servers, provide the backbone for the world’s mapping
and spatial analysis. ESRI is the only vendor that provides
complete technical solutions for desktop, mobile, server,
and Internet platforms. Visit us at
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