TRIZ Method by Genrich Altshuller
TRIZ Method by Genrich Altshuller
TRIZ Method by Genrich Altshuller
constructed to determine defect that must be priority to eliminate, preliminary FTA constructed to find
defect root cause and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) have been identified to determine
improvement priority.
In the 1980s the Russian engineer Genrich Altshuller developed the TRIZ theory which is an acronym for
Teorya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch. The literal translation is: “theory of inventive problem
solving”. The most important result of the research was, that the evolution of technological progress
follows a number of predictable patterns. It is an innovative way of looking at problems and solutions.
TRIZ starts from a number of principles and processes of innovation that are universally applicable. Large
multinationals such as Hewlett-Packard, Boeing and Samsung have used the TRIZ method to develop
new products, optimize processes and gaining a better understanding of developments and trends in
the market for decades. TRIZ has become an umbrella that covers a host of inventive concepts, tools and
processes that are often used to solve difficult problems.
To arrive at improvement, TRIZ uses 5 basic principles and 40 inventive principles. TRIZ forces us to look
at problems differently.
Thinking out of the box is a good principle to achieve an ideal end result. TRIZ encourages people not to
be satisfied too quickly with the solutions to a problem, but to be always open to even better ideas.
2. Less is more
There is not always a need to invest a lot of money to arrive at the best idea. Innovation can be realized
with existing materials and sometimes the solution is close at hand.
TRIZ helps people define problems in terms of frequently used and general principles, which enables
searching for solutions outside their primary field of expertise.
Innovating equals problem solving, which mostly exist of contradictions. When these contradictions are
defined, the solution is often imminent.
5. Lines of evolution
Systems do not evolve randomly. There are fixed patterns that make the evolution of technology
Fault Tree Analysis - Use a general conclusion to determine specific causes of a system failure
The fault tree analysis (FTA) was first introduced by Bell Laboratories and is one of the most widely used
methods in system reliability, maintainability and safety analysis. It is a deductive procedure used to
determine the various combinations of hardware and software failures and human errors that could
cause undesired events (referred to as top events) at the system level.
When you perform an FTA, you systematically determine what happens to the system when the status
of a part or another factor changes. In some applications, the minimum criterion for success is that no
single failure can cause injury or an undetected loss of control over the process. In others, where
extreme hazards exist or when high value product is being processed, the criteria may be increased to
require toleration of multiple failures.
1. Define the fault condition, and write down the top level failure.
2. Using technical information and professional judgments, determine the possible reasons for the
failure to occur. Remember, these are level two elements because they fall just below the top
level failure in the tree.
3. Continue to break down each element with additional gates to lower levels. Consider the
relationships between the elements to help you decide whether to use an "and" or an "or" logic
4. Finalize and review the complete diagram. The chain can only be terminated in a basic fault:
human, hardware or software.
5. If possible, evaluate the probability of occurrence for each of the lowest level elements and
calculate the statistical probabilities from the bottom up.
FTA is a deductive analysis depicting a visual path of failure. As product and process technology
becomes more complex, the visual FTA approach has proven to be invaluable as a stand-alone
risk technique or a supplement to Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
Fault Tree Analysis also provides valuable troubleshooting information when applied to problem
solving. The FTA diagram often utilizes failure probabilities at each level, from components and
software to the undesirable Top-level event.
The Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMEA / FMECA) procedure is a tool that
has been adapted in many different ways for many different purposes. It can contribute to
improved designs for products and processes, resulting in higher reliability, better quality,
increased safety, enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced costs. The tool can also be
used to establish and optimize maintenance plans for repairable systems and/or contribute
to control plans and other quality assurance procedures. It provides a knowledge base of
failure mode and corrective action information that can be used as a resource in future
troubleshooting efforts and as a training tool for new engineers.
FMEAs help manufacturers prevent defects, enhance safety and increase customer satisfaction. Most
are conducted in the product design or process development stages, but conducting an FMEA on an
existing product and process can also be beneficial.
-Robin E. McDermott, Raymond J. Mikulak and Michael R. Beauregard, The Basics of FMEA (New York: Quality Resources, 1996).
1. Review the process: Gather a team of four to six (be sure to include people with various job responsibilities and
levels of experience) and give each member a copy of the product's blueprint. Also, have the team operate the
product so all members can become familiar with the way it works.
2. Brainstorm potential failure modes: Look at each component of the product and identify ways it could potentially
3. List potential effects of each failure mode: List the potential effect of each failure next to the failure. If a failure has
Using this information, determine how likely it is for a failure to occur and assign an appropriate rating (from 1 to 10,
effect of a failure from occurring and assign a detection rating for each item (from 1 to 10, with 10 being a low
likelihood of detection).
7. Calculate the risk priority number (RPN) for each effect: Multiply the severity rating by the occurrence rating by
end up with RPNs ranging from 50 to 500, you might want to work first on those with an RPN of 200 or higher.
9. Take action to eliminate or reduce the high risk failure modes: Determine what action to take with each high risk
completing the initial corrective actions and calculate a new RPN for each failure. Then you may decide you've taken