Purnomo2018 PDF
Purnomo2018 PDF
Purnomo2018 PDF
Abstract— Students are among the most common users of This study aimed to produce a laptop desk design for
laptop devices. With the variety of activities done by students students. To simplify the design process, the methods of the
using their laptops, many issues are faced because the physical research analysis tool TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem
interaction between user and laptop is not well designed. This Solving) were used. TRIZ is a method of finding ideas and
research aims to produce a laptop desk design for students. The concepts for the solution to a problem [9–11]. The TRIZ
study was conducted with 30 undergraduate and postgraduate method was selected because it can analyze and formulate a
student subjects in an integrated campus environment of number of diverse problems and can be tailored to the existing
Universitas Islam Indonesia. Based on the results of
problem conditions; therefore, it allows an inventor to develop
questionnaires given to the subjects, six main problems of the
laptop desks were identified: storage, lack of additional
and improve a product [12]. In addition, this method places
functions, lack of laptop mats, complaints while typing or using more emphasis on the details of the solution and provides
laptops, and complaints of neck pain. An analysis was done to better results than other methods [13]. This research is
find a solution using the TRIZ method. The TRIZ analysis tools expected to contribute to an improvement in student
used were cause and effect chain analysis (CECA) and productivity while also improving their physical health and
engineering contradiction. The validation of the success of the comfort. Finally, it can be a point of reference for further
solution was determined by using a homogeneity test with P > research in developing better laptop desks in accordance with
0.05. This shows that there is no difference between the solutions the needs of the era.
given to the table design in terms of consumer expectation.
Keywords— Design, Consumer needs, Laptop, Desk, TRIZ.
A. Sample
I. INTRODUCTION The study was conducted with 30 undergraduate and
Students are among the most common laptop users, and postgraduate student subjects at an Universitas Islam
often cannot be seen without their laptops. With the wide Indonesia (UII) integrated campus. The sample data was
variety of activities done by students using their laptops, many collected using a simple random sampling method. The
issues are faced due to the poor design of the interaction sample criteria used were: (1) being an active S1/S2 students,
between users and their laptops [1,2]. Some problems that are (2) aged 19–26 years, (3) healthy and not disabled, and (4)
often experienced are work stress, complaints of back and regularly using a laptop desk in a seated position.
neck pain, and fatigue [3–5]. Working with a laptop without
using a desk can increase neck discomfort as much as 25%– B. Procedure Research
50% and back pain by 15%–30% [1]. The research process had three main phases.
One of the causes of the various types of complaints above The problem identification phase, in which the problem
is the use of a laptop desk that is unsuitably ergonomic. This was determined to be in accordance with what was studied.
is because there are many laptop desks in the market that give Identification of the problem was done via field observation
little attention to support functions and other parameters such and literature searches, including in articles, official websites,
as material, resistance, ability to absorb heat, and thesis/final projects, books, etc.; The specifications phase,
anthropometry [4,6]. Improper posture while using a laptop which included collecting and analyzing data. It started with
also ignores the safe distance of use. The lengths of work and raw data about the needs of consumers, was processed into
rest periods also increase the risk of complaint [1,2,7,8]. To new information, and then was analyzed to obtain the desired
get an initial idea of the effectiveness of today’s laptop desks, product specifications. This process was analyzed using the
interviews and open questionnaires were distributed to 30 TRIZ method; The design phase. After specification of the
students. The results showed that some complaints are about laptop desk product was complete, this phase continued by
the lack of table function. Additional functions that need to be designing the physical form of the table. The design of the
considered are the need for appropriate storage of the laptop final product was done using anthropometric dimensions and
and accessories, sturdiness of the table legs, and adjustability computer-aided design (CAD) software. With the image
for different laptops with regard to neck posture. specification, the solution was then validated using a
homogeneity test. The test serves to determine the level of user Based on the above problems, improvements were made
satisfaction with the solution given in the design. to increase the effectiveness of the laptop desk, with the
solution search done using the TRIZ method.
C. TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
In general, solving a problem is done by following the B. Problem Formulation
flow of defining the problem, identifying the root of the TRIZ is an innovation method that focuses on process and
problem, solution collection, solution implementation, and product development through the use of TRIZ analysis tools
evaluation. Such a strategy is perfectly normal in solving that can be selected in accordance with the solution and the
problems. However, when solving a fairly complex problem, ability to innovate [15]. The determination of the correct TRIZ
it is not uncommon for the solution to cause new problems, solution is obtained by comparing the contradictions of
which can be called contradictions [9,13]. To solve this common solutions to be given to the product [14]. Prior to the
problem, TRIZ acts as a tool used to solve such contradictions. determination of the solution, the problems obtained are
formulated first into technical language in accordance with the
The first step in TRIZ is to generalize the problem using TRIZ rules. The formulation is shown in Table 1.
some TRIZ analysis tools such as function analysis, cause and
effect analysis, or trimming. The various types of problems TABLE I. Problem Formulation
that exist have been generalized into a collection of problems Attribute No. Simplified TRIZ Tool
and converted into the TRIZ language, include engineering Laptop storage Storage Contradiction
contradiction, physical contradiction, function model, and Accessory storage space matrix
substance-field model. After determining the correct problem Charging place
Additional Contradiction
model, other TRIZ tools such as the contradiction matrix and Cup place functionality matrix
the system of standard inventive solutions help with Surface for laptop
inclination 3 Laptop mat
troubleshooting. The last step is to do a more detailed Circulation of heat
explanation based on the solution given, using the solutions Hand pain when Cause and effect
seen in the 40 inventive principles and 76 standard inventive 4 Ergonomic
typing chain analysis
solutions in the TRIZ method. Based on this approach, the Hand pain when using Cause and effect
5 Ergonomics
application and selection of the best solution can be carried mouse chain analysis
out [10,13]. Overly large table
Distribution Cause and effect
Suitability position 6
function chain analysis
Pain on the neck 7 Ergonomics
chain analysis
A. Problem Analysis
C. TRIZ causes & effect chain analysis (CECA)
A problem search is useful to determine the required
improvements. One repair attribute can consist of one or more The cause and effect chain analysis (CECA) is one of the
solutions. The choice of solution is determined on the basis of TRIZ tools that aims to identify the unfavorable circumstances
the designer’s ability to satisfy the user’s curiosity through the of a problem and eliminate the key of the problem into a
product under investigation. In this study, the initial problem solution [11,16]. In this research, the four problems with
search was conducted through interviews and open CECA solutions are problems # 4, # 5, # 6, and # 7. The
questionnaires. Data collection was done by simple random solution as shown in Figure 2 indicates that:
sampling of 30 students at the Universitas Islam Indonesia
integrated campus. From the collected data, the results show
that the current laptop desks in the market look like the design
in Figure 1. Two clear problems are apparent with this design.
Problem # 5 is caused by the height of the mouse pad from the contradictions matrix were inventive
and the height of the laptop desk; however, the laptop principles 30, 24, 14, and 5. The choice of a suitable
mouse is not a cause as the laptop mouse is a standard solution for the new laptop desk was inventive
part of the laptop. The table is made with an principles 24 (intermediary), which is to make certain
adjustment between the length of the table with the objects connect temporarily to the system (can be
laptop and the height of the table using high installed). The object in question is to make a socket
anthropometry elbow sitting. and place a glass on the table so it can be
moved/replaced/adjusted to the desired size/shape.
Problem # 6 is caused by unsuitable functionality.
Laptop desk mats are only made to be flat and have If the laptop base is added, the productivity (36)
minimal function. Determination of the area of the increases, but the dimensions of the laptop desk (12)
laptop desk will be done by adjusting the dimensions get worse. The functionality in question is
of the existing functions. In determining the length improvement of neck posture to avoid pain and
and depth of the table itself, anthropometry is given improvement in the distribution of heat so that the
based on the suitability of function requirements laptop is not easily damaged. The solutions obtained
[17,18]. from the contradictions matrix were inventive
principles 2, 6, 10, and 34. The selected suitable
Problem # 7 is cause by an inappropriate screen solution for the new laptop desk was inventive
position for optimal neck posture. Improvement of the principle 10 (preliminary action), i.e. the
laptop desk is needed, and done according to problem preparation/setting of object 1 on the system first so
3. that it can help object 2 when needed. In this study,
the object in question is the creation of a buffer on the
D. TRIZ contradiction matrix base of the table so that the base of the laptop can do
Engineering contradiction is a condition where if an the inclination as needed and the manufacture of the
improvement is applied within a variable, it will have an front buffer so the laptop does not fall when inclined.
adverse effect on other variables. To deal with this, TRIZ In addition, inventive principle 13 (the other way
provides a solution using a basic analysis tool called a around) was added to assist in the process of
contradiction matrix [14]. The formulation of a contradiction inclination and regulation of air circulation of the
matrix is “if the manipulative variable changes, then laptop mats.
responding variable #1 improves, but responding variable #2
worsens” [9,14]. TRIZ uses 39 system parameters as the basis E. Design Solution
for comparison of contradictions and the selection of Designing with the TRIZ method aims to enhance the
solutions is described in 40 inventive TRIZ principles. The development of a product. Although it includes a collection of
results of the contradiction analysis shown in Table 2 indicate enhancement solutions, the designer can determine the design
that: in accordance with their own creativity. This study provides
only one final design solution. Based on the analysis, the
proposed new laptop desk design is shown in Figure 3 and
TABLE II. Contradiction solution for the current product
specifications are given in Table 3.
Improving Worsening
Variable Solution Note
parameter parameter
The other
Problem 1 complexity Shape (12) 29,13,1,39
way around
Length of
Loss of
Problem 2 stationery 30,24,14,5 Intermediary
time (25)
object (4)
Volume of
Productivity Preliminary
stationery 2,6,10,34
(39) action
Problem 3 object (8)
The other
- - 13
way around
Note: Bold indicates a TRIZ problem solution