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Sparta Lightning Protection

User Manual
Version 1.0

March, 2013
Sparkta Lightning Protection Systems Design
User Manual

Read before using this software

This software license agreement is a legal agreement between you and author of this software (Sparta
Lightning Protection) for the software product “Sparkta”.

By installing or using the software product, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this
agreement. If you do not wish to agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, you must not
install or use Sparkta.

License Agreement
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Sparta Lightning Protection
grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software Sparkta. This license is
solely for the use of the Software by the Customer on a single computer. Licensee may not, however,
transfer or sublicense the Licensed Program to any third party, in whole or in part, in any form, whether
modified or unmodified.
2. TERM OF LICENSE. The license will continue perpetually from the date of purchase. The Customer may
transfer the Software to another computer, provided that the Software may not be used on more than
one computer at any given time.
3. TRIAL VERSION. Use of the Software Product without purchase of a License shall be limited to evaluation
purposes only. The Licensee shall have the right within a maximum period of 30 days starting from the
date of first use of the software. Any kind of distribution of the software is prohibited.
4. MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT AND UPDATES. For a period of one year following the purchase of the
Software, updates and new versions are free of costs. In order to receive updates after the first year it is
necessary to pay an annual maintenance fee. The first year and the annual maintenance fee also
provide technical support by email.
5. COPYRIGHT. The Software is copyrighted, and all rights therein are reserved by Sparta Lightning
Protection. The Software Product is licensed, not sold.
6. LIMITED WARRANTY. The Customer assumes all responsibility for the selection of the Software as
appropriate to achieve the results intended by the Customer. Licensor does not warrant that the
functions contained in the Software will meet licensee's requirements or that the operation of the
Software will be uninterrupted or error free.
7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. In no event will Sparta Lightning Protection be liable for any amount of
incidental, consequential or other indirect damages arising out of the Customer’s use of the Software,
including, lost profits, interruption of business or any incidental or consequential damages.
8. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The Customer acknowledges that has read and understands this agreement, and
agrees to be bound by all its terms and conditions.

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User Manual


1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Interface ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Creating a new project ............................................................................................................................... 5
4 Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
5 Adding physical data .................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Roofs ................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Air terminals ....................................................................................................................................... 9
6 Editing physical data.................................................................................................................................10
6.1 Roofs .................................................................................................................................................10
6.2 Air terminals .....................................................................................................................................11
7 Deleting physical data ..............................................................................................................................12
7.1 Roofs .................................................................................................................................................12
7.2 Air terminals .....................................................................................................................................13
8 Saving a Project ........................................................................................................................................14
9 Opening a project .....................................................................................................................................15
10 Visualizing the structures .....................................................................................................................16
11 Simulating and analyzing results ..........................................................................................................18
12 Risk assessment ....................................................................................................................................20
12.1 Simplified risk assessment................................................................................................................20
12.2 Detailed risk assessment ..................................................................................................................22
13 Creating a report ..................................................................................................................................23
14 Step by step ..........................................................................................................................................24

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1 Introduction
Sparkta is software for the design of Lightning Protection Systems using the electrogeometric model and
the NFPA 780 Risk Assessment methodology. The program is a tool for carry out designs that ensure user
defined lightning risk levels using the least amount of strike termination devices.

The methodology of design using Sparkta is an iterative process which consists of adding air terminals only
at points which have the greatest likelihood of lightning strikes. Each time, the user adds only one or few
air terminals and evaluates the risk. The process finish when the risk components are less than the
tolerable values.

The program allows the analysis of the protection provided not only by the air terminal but also for other
elements such us metallic roofs, chimneys, etc.

2 Interface
The figure below shows the interface provided by Sparkta.

Sparkta consists of a Menu Bar, a Toolbar and two Panes. The menu bar and the toolbar provide access to
the data files, graphics, simulation, and other facilities of the program. The left pane provides the access to

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the physical data of the structure (roofs and air terminals). The right pane shows the 3D view, plan view
and graphic results of the simulation.

3 Creating a new project

When the user just opens the program it is not needed to create a new project. If you have opened a
project, then the option “New project” will close the current project and will create an empty project.

Click on the button

The program will ask if you really want to begin a new project. You will loose the not saved changes in the
current project.

Click on “Yes” to begin a new project, or “No” to continue in the current project.

4 Settings
The option “Settings” allows to set the parameters for the simulation. This option is in the left pane of the

Click on the

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The program will show a dialog window with the settings for the simulation.

Project Name User defined name for the current project

Type of simulation The user can choose: “Probabilistic” or “Single Current” simulation.
- Probabilistic: the program simulates flashes with discharge currents
according to a distribution of probability. Choose this type of
simulation if you want to assess risk.
- Single current: the program simulates flashes with a single discharge
current or striking distance.
Lightning flash density Flashes per square kilometer of the place where the project is located. This
parameter is needed only if the Probabilistic simulation is selected.
Striking Distance Striking distance in meters of the flashes. This parameter is needed only if the
Single Current simulation is selected. If the user set this parameter, the
program automatically calculates the Discharge Current.
Discharge Current Discharge current in kA of the flashes. This parameter is needed only if the
Single Current simulation is selected. If the user set this parameter, the
program automatically calculates the Striking Distance. The program uses the
following relationship between striking distance and discharge current:

D: Striking Distance in meters

I: Discharge Current in kA

Write the name of the project, select the type of simulation and set the parameters needed. Click on
“Save” to save the changes or “Cancel” to keep the current settings.

5 Adding physical data

For the simulation the user have to model the structure. For the electrogeometric model the relevant parts
of the structure are the roofs and the strike termination devices (air terminals).

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5.1 Roofs
Each roof is modeled as a quadrilateral or a set of quadrilaterals. To create a new roof, follow the sequence
in the figure below.

Right Click on
Click on
“New Roof”

The program will show a dialog window with the parameters of the roof.

Select the type of roof you want to add to the physical model. Any roof can be modeled as a set of
quadrilaterals, however the program offers the possibility of other types of roofs for make it easier the
modeling. Once you select the type of roof, the program displays the required parameters, the dimensions
are in meters. The following figure shows the parameters for each type of roof.

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Rectangle Quadrilateral Gable

Broken Gable Hip mansard

The metallic roofs that have a metal thickness of 4.8 mm (3⁄16 in.) or greater and that are connected to the
protection system in accordance with Section 4.9 of NFPA 780, can be used as strike termination devices.
In this case check the option “Metal roof used as strike termination device”, the program will assume the
flashes to this roofs like to the flashes to the air terminals.

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Set the parameter of the roof and click on “Save” button to add the new roof or on “Cancel” button to

5.2 Air terminals

To add a new air terminal, follow the sequence in the figure below.

Right Click on
“Air Terminals”
Click on
“New Air Terminal”

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The program will show a dialog window with the parameters of the air terminal.

The dimensions are in meters. Set the parameters of the air terminal and click on “Save” button to add the
new air terminal or on “Cancel” button to abort.

6 Editing physical data

6.1 Roofs
To edit any roof follow the sequence in the figure below.

Right Click on
The roof to edit
Click on
“Edit Roof”

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The program will show the roofs dialog window as in the following figure.

The user can change both the physical parameters and the name of the roof, the type of the roof cannot be
changed. Click on the “Save” button to save the changes or on “Cancel” to keep the current parameters.

6.2 Air terminals

To edit any air terminal follow the sequence in the figure below.

Right Click on
The air terminal to edit
Click on
“Edit Air Terminal”

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The program will show the air terminals dialog window as in the following figure.

The user can change any parameters of the air terminal. Click on “Save” button to save the changes or on
“Cancel” button to keep the current parameters.

7 Deleting physical data

7.1 Roofs
To delete any roof follow the sequence in the figure below.

Right Click on
The roof to delete
Click on
“Delete Roof”

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The program will show the dialog window as in the following figure.

Click on “Yes” button to delete the selected roof or on “No” button to abort.

7.2 Air terminals

To delete any air terminal follow the sequence in the figure below.

Right Click on
The air terminal to
Click on
“Delete Air Terminal”

The program will show the dialog window as in the following figure.

Click on “Yes” button to delete the selected air terminal or on “No” button to abort.

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8 Saving a Project
To save the project with the current file name, click on the “Save Project” button.

Click on the button

The program will save the project with the current file name and extension “.xml”.

To save the project with a different file name, click on the “Save Project As” button.

Click on the button

The program will show the “Save As” dialog window.

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Write the file name and click on the “Save” button to save the file with the written name, click on “Cancel”
button to abort.

9 Opening a project
To open an existing project click on the “Open Project” button.

Click on the button

The program will show the “Open” dialog window.

Select the folder and the Sparkta file with “.xml” extension, click on the “Open” button to open the project,
click on the “Cancel” button to abort.

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10 Visualizing the structures

The program offers two dimensional and three dimensional views of the project. To display the
two dimensional view, click on the “Plan View” button.

Click on the button

The program will show the plan view of the project. The roofs are shown as quadrilaterals and the air
terminals as green dots.

To display the three dimensional view, click on the “View 3D” button.

Click on the button

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The program will show the 3D view of the project. The roofs are shown as solids and the air terminals as
red lines.

The user can zoom the views. The option “Zoom In” makes the view larger, the option “Zoom Out” makes
the view smaller and the option “Zoom to Fit” adapts the size of the view to the size of the window.

Click on the button

Click on the two or

three dimensional view
Click on the button

Click on the two or

three dimensional view

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Click on the button

11 Simulating and analyzing results

Once you have finished the setting for the simulation and the physical modeling, you can simulate the
electrogeometrical model. Click on the “Simulate” button.

Click on the button

The simulation can take several minutes depending on the area covered by the project, the number of
roofs and the number of air terminals. The progress bar will display the progression of the simulation.
When the simulation is over the program will display the plan view with red dots representing the impacts
of flashes. The flashes can impact the roofs, the air terminals or ground. With this graphic the user can
visualize the points of the structures exposed to direct flashes.

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The graphical result can be copied to the clipboard by clicking on the “Copy Image” button.

Click on the button

The results of the last simulation can be deleted by clicking on the “Clear Results” button.

Click on the

If the user has simulated with the “Probabilistic” type of simulation option, then the program allows
carrying out analysis based on the yearly lightning strike frequency. To do this analysis, click on the
“Results” button.

Click on the button

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The program will display the following window with two tables.

The results window shows the yearly strike frequency total, tabbed by a range of discharge current and
tabbed by roofs. In the results tables the user can identify the roofs with highest direct flash probabilities
and decide the most convenient places to install the air terminals.

12 Risk assessment
Sparkta allows the user to assess the lightning risk and design the lightning protections systems to reduce
the lightning risk components to tolerable values. Two methods can be used, simplified risk assessment
and simplified risk assessment.

12.1 Simplified risk assessment

Using this option the user can evaluate the risk of the installation in a simply way according to the section
L.5 from the NFPA 780. To assess the risk, click on the “NFPA 780 Simplified Risk Assessment” button.

Click on the

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The program will show the “Simplified Risk Assessment” window.

Select the parameters of the structure according to the NFPA 780. The user can calculate the risk using
collected area formulas or using the results of the simulation. Check the “Use strikes/year from
electrogeometric model simulation” option to use the results of the simulation; in this case the program
uses the yearly lightning strike frequency to the structure calculated in the last simulation and the
dimensions of the structure are not needed. This option requires that the user had previously carried out a
probabilistic simulation. Click on the “Calculate” button to calculate the risk.

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The program will highlight the yearly lightning strike frequency to the structure Nd in the color red if it is
greater than the tolerable lightning frequency Nc, otherwise it will be highlighted in the color green.

12.2 Detailed risk assessment

Using this option the user can evaluate the risk of the installation in a detailed way according to the section
L.6 from the NFPA 780. To assess the risk, click on the “NFPA 780 Detailed Risk Assessment” button.

Click on the

The program will show the “Detailed Risk Assessment” window.

Select the parameters of the structure according to the NFPA 780. The user can calculate the risk using
collected area formulas or using the results of the simulation. Check the “Use strikes/year from simulation”
option to use the results of the simulation; in this case the program uses the yearly lightning strike

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frequency to the structure and near the structure calculated in the last simulation and the dimensions of
the structure are not needed (dimensions of the adjacent structure are required). This option requires that
the user had previously carried out a probabilistic simulation.
The program will highlight in red color the risk components that are greater than its tolerable value; the risk
components that are lower than its tolerable value will be highlighted in green.

13 Creating a report
With this option the user can create a report including the input data, the results of the simulation and the
risk assessment.

Click on the

The program will show the “Report” dialog window.

The user can print or save the report in Excel, Word or PDF formats.

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14 Step by step
Using Sparkta the user can carry out the following designs:

 Design for the installation of strike terminals for a predefined striking distance or discharge current.
 Design for the installation of strike terminals using simplified risk assessment
 Design for the installation of strike terminals using detailed risk assessment

The following example shows how to design a lightning protection systems using Sparkta. Depending on
the type of design is the procedure.

1. Create a new project

2. Select the type of simulation and set the parameters

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3. Add the roofs of the structure. Select the type of roof and set the parameters.

4. Add the air terminals of the structure and set the parameters.

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5. Display the plan view and the 3D view.

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6. Save the project

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7. Run the simulation

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8. Analyze the results

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9. Simplified Risk Assessment

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User Manual

10. Detailed Risk Assessment

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