SCHOOL: West Covina High School_________________________ DATE: 1/7/2019 ____ TEACHER: Mr. B
CALIFORNIA STATE PE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: HSC 4A: HSC 4A: 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3______________________________________________
TEACHING PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS (TPE’s): 1a, 2a, 3g, 4i, 6g, 7c, 9g _____________________________________________________________
EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES NEEDED: (55) Maps, (55) compass, phones______________ _______ NUMBER OF STUDENTS: ________55_________
2.4 Explain the relationship between participation in adventure/outdoor activities and health (mental).
3.7 Accept and perform planned and spontaneous leadership assignments and roles in adventure/outdoor activities.
For each domain, do not write what the students will be doing…write
specifically what the students will be learning.
1. CA PE Standards (Psychomotor):
Psychomotor Domain Objectives
Students will partner up and walk from location to location while using a compass
2. CA PE Standards (Cognitive):
Cognitive Domain Objectives:
In dealing with situations where they have control over what they say to someone
who has offended them
3. CA PE Standards (Affective):
Affective Domain Objectives:
(In this section, you MUST DESCRIBE specifically how you will TEACH and
MANAGE your stated objectives and Arrange the class for each of the Beginning with the first transition, What key words will you
following lesson components. EACH SECTION should have a use to help students learn
defined management strategy. This and understand the
can be described and/or illustrated. content?
You cannot simply state what you will be doing during the lesson. You must
describe how you will be teaching and managing each of the following areas:
Lesson Components
(Lesson does not necessarily have to follow this order specifically):
Round 2: On a 3x5 card will state: “The cat in the hat with a bat.”
Round 3: On a 3x5 card will state: “The cat in the hat with a bat saw a rat and
went splat.”
9:04- Introduction
9:14 Teacher: Let see how you did.
I quickly review the clipboard and compare it to the index cards. I tell the class
how they did and ask, “What made it difficult in relaying the last message?”
How many have you used a compass? Which direction are we usually looking
For this activity we will be using magnetic north. On a topographic map you
have lines (example on white board), these line indicate the steepness of a hill.
Fortunately, for this activity, you have zero steepness. With your partner, you
will take turns going to three different points on the field. There will be two
cones to choose from.
One of the main skills to learn while orienteering is staying on the path you
chose. That becomes difficult when you start increasing the distance between
your objectives.
Two groups will start on the North Side of the field followed by two others on
the east side and so forth. You will take turns in directing your small team to
each objective. Once you come to the cone, write down the word on the back of
your clipboard. While you are walking to each objective, answer the following
questions verbally and then on paper once you have finished.
Question 1: What are your views on rape culture before the lesson and
4-5K Chinese used a rock
lodestone (magnetic rock)
Question 2: How have you handled confrontational situations and how did it
Question 3: Name three ways you can assist someone when they are triggered?
Students will go to each objective
and have a choice in picking one
Closure of the words from the two
available cone.
Take a minute in talking over the questions you answered while doing the
activity. Would anyone want to start the discussion in sharing?
Now Group 1 tell me your first, second and third lines. Group 2?...Group 7?
On the white board there will be three lines per group. If done correctly the
entire class should have the Pre-amble written out.
These assessment procedures must tie directly to the lesson objectives for all
three previously described learning objectives. In other words, how will you
assess the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domain?)
You must describe an assessment tool that will be used for each domain
Students will be walking from starting point to a finishing point. If they wrote
down three phrases, they have succeeded in their psycho motor function to
retrieve those phrases.
Students will explain how they handled a situation in the past and what the
outcome was. If students retain a small fraction of the lesson, they will be able
to analyze multiple situations in a more professional manner.
Orienteering may prove to be too stressful for the student with an Anxiety
Disorder. They are placed with the same partner they were with for Pickle
Ball. Poster boards at each station depicts the proper way a birdie goes over
the net. Step by step instructions reduces any anxiety Badminton may cause.
Student can also choose where in the gym they would like to practice their
Alternate Activity
In case of inclement weather, students will have a map and have to come up
with a route in order to navigate a group from a fixed location. The
topographic map used will be according the geographical location of the school.