Toshiba Elevators
Toshiba Elevators
Toshiba Elevators
Concept of New ELBRIGHT
New ELBRIGHT employs a gearless Traction Features of the New Traction Machine Effective space expansion
Maintenance work area of
the (back side) department
(comparisons with other Toshiba products) (Practical use effective for other purposes is possible)
machine using a permanent magnet synchronous
motor (PMSM), in place of the conventional Maintenance work area of
the (front side) department
A door drive system developed for *Comparison with New ELBRIGHT and conventional high-speed elevator
smooth operation
New Traction machine
Rated power : 45kw
Guideline of New ELBRIGHT
■ 2. Trafc calculation
When deciding on the number of elevator cars, passenger
capacity, and service oors, trafc calculation provides
numerical data for study. The basic values for trafc calculation
are shown below.
Ofce building :
Start of ofce hours set to be peak for trafc demand
Hotel :
Morning hours for check-ins and evening hours when
guests leave or go to dinner set to be peak for trafc
■ 3. Simulation
The building's trafc demand is simulated on a computer,
getting a grasp of the state of service including such factors as
average wait times and chance of long waits. Combining this
simulation with the trafc calculation allows for more accurate
planning. The computer mainly outputs normal service
status, including peak times. The general base values for the
simulation are as follows:
Example : rental ofce building with demand
concentration at 6% of building population per 5
minutes span (during ofce hours)
5 6
Guideline of New ELBRIGHT
hall. Avoid constructions with pillars in the elevator hall, and
layouts with recessed elevator car entrances.
6. The elevator hall must be large enough that passengers do
Deciding service oors not spill out even during peak hours. In general, plan the
Ofce buildings of more than 20 stories are generally zoned in elevator hall large enough to hold about 1/2 the combined
maximum capacity of the cars (about 0.5 to 0.8 m2 are
order to decrease transportation times, improve rental rates, required per passenger).
and the like. Zoning refers to dividing elevator service into a
number of zones, and installing a dedicated elevator group for
each zone. The following point must be taken into consideration
in order to make effective use zones. ■ Recommend the examples of elevator layout THE GUIDE LINE
1. There should be about 10 to 15 oors per zone.
2. In consideration of future movements in tenant population,
2 oors of each service zone should overlap to allow for
movement between oors.
Group control system (EJ-1000series)
3. Post the service oors clearly in order to keep people from
getting on the wrong elevator.
4. Keep each elevator at the top or bottom of its service zone.
Unlike ofce buildings, we recommend staying with a single The top model in the system, featuring the latest functionality
elevator group for hotels 40 stories or less in order to give top
priority to ease of use, in consideration for rst-time users.
Using a single group does not make passengers select an
elevator based on their destination oor, and is also more
Standard system specications, featuring highly sensitive
exible than zoning, allowing for a number of elevators to
allocation (fuzzy control) and peak support functions
be used for special
service temporarily,
without greatly affecting
the passengers. Small-scale group control systems, featuring fuzzy control
Additionally, if the hotel
has banquet halls, a ■ EJ-1000series specications
wedding chapel or the
like, it is preferable
to install a dedicated
escalator or elevator for
these guests.
7 8
Guideline of New ELBRIGHT
9 10
Guideline of New ELBRIGHT
■ 2. Room noise
The following two cases could cause noise from the running of
the elevator to be audible from nearby rooms :
1. Wind sheer from the cars can be heard through the shaft
walls (air-propagated sound)
2. Sound from the moving counterweight or car is transmitted
to the shaft walls via the rails or rail brackets (solid- 2. When the room is next to the shaft
propagated sound) (Separator beam insertion example)
The noise from (1) is low, and almost becomes an issue. The
sound from (2) can sometimes be perceived in neighboring
rooms at levels as high as 50dB (A). The most important thing
to do in order to prevent this noise is move the elevator shaft
away from rooms susceptible to or highly impacted by noise.
You should always take this into account when planning a
high-speed elevator. If the shaft cannot be placed away from
such rooms, then as shown in g.7, it is effective to install the
rail brackets onto separator beams or back beams, rather than
directly to the wall or wall beams.
11 12
Guideline of New ELBRIGHT
■ 3. Machine room equipment noise ■ List of measures against elevator noise Although inverter-control elevators feature high-performance, Sample earth line layout
high energy efciency, and other benets, they use high-speed
Normally, the elevator's machine room is installed on the
switching elements, which generate harmonic distortion when
building roof, but if service for a given elevator shaft ends on a
operating, which could impact telecommunications and ofce-
mid-level oor, then a mid or low-oor elevator machine room
automation equipment. Please take the following measures to
is installed inside the building, over that elevator shaft. If such
avoid impact from harmonic distortion.
machine rooms can be planned into the building's common
space, and surrounded by storage rooms, restrooms, stairwells
1. Install the elevator drive power transformers away from
and the like, then machine room equipment noise will not
the transformers of telecommunications devices, ofce
be a particular issue. However, if the layout requires a room
automaton equipment, and other low-power electronic
susceptible to or impacted by noise to be separated from the
machine room by a single wall only, measures against noise
If you draw power for low-power electronic devices from the
must be taken. As machine-room equipment noise proceeds
same transformer as the drive power, the harmonic distortion
from the control panel, hoist, and the like, in addition to the
generated by the elevator could cause condition noise,
soundproong installed to prevent car noise, please install
impacting the low-power electronic devices.
an airtight soundproof door in the machine room entrance.
Additionally, double ceilings or walls may be installed as
2. Keep elevator drive power lines at least 1m away from
the power lines and communications lines of low-power
electronic devices.
As described below, there are measures that can be taken Electromagnetic and electrostatic induction is effective
to prevent elevator noise inside the cars, and outside the at reducing noise. If it is not feasible to keep the lines
elevator. These measures are extremely effective, and must separated, then separate the drive power lines from the lines
be incorporated into the building plan. Every case of noise is of the low-power electronic devices using a steel shielding
different, and it is key to approach it from both the building and plate.
elevator side. We have provided support for a great number
of these unique noise issues. Please consult with us if you 3. Do not install elevator power lines in the ceilings or oors
foresee noise issues other than the ones listed above. near low-power electronic devices.
Electromagnetic and electrostatic induction is effective at
reducing noise. Avoid cabling near low-power electronic
devices, and keep lines as short as possible.
13 14
P8-CO 800 2100 1400 1100 1940 1925 4030 1925 6120 1925 8210 1925 2350 3400 4500 3400 7000 3400 9150 3400
P12-CO 900 2100 1600 1350 2140 2175 4430 2175 6720 2175 9010 2175 2500 3650 4800 3650 7450 3650 9750 3650
Car depth B
Car depth B
Hoistway depth Y
P13-CO 900 2100 1600 1500 2140 2325 4430 2325 6720 2325 9010 2325 2500 3800 4800 3800 7450 3800 9750 3800
30 Running clearance
180 P15-CO 1000 2100 1800 1500 2340 2325 4830 2325 7320 2325 9810 2325 2700 3800 5200 3800 8050 3800 10550 3800
85 Sill
P21-CO 1100 2100 2000 1700 2540 2525 5230 2525 7920 2525 10610 2525 2900 4000 5600 4000 8650 4000 11350 4000
P24-CO 1200 2100 2100 1750 2640 2575 5430 2575 8220 2575 11010 2575 3050 4050 5900 4050 9100 4050 11950 4050
Entrance Entrance
width W width W
* In order to prevent noise in the car for a single-shaft elevator with a speed of 180 m/min or greater, increase the dimensions of the shaft X and machine room MA.
** In order to prevent noise in the car for a double-shaft elevator with a speed of 210 m/min or greater, increase the dimensions of the shaft X and machine room MA.
Hoistway width X
Note: Please contact us for detailed dimensions.
■ Machine-room plan
R1,R2 Please refer to page20 for Machine room reaction load
Reaction R2 Reaction R2
Ventilation fan
with thermostat
Window for Governor Governor switch
Hoistway depth Y
Traction Traction
machine machine
(By others)
Lighting switch &
Reaction R1 Reaction R1
power supply
socket outlet (By others)
Control panel
Hoistway width X
15 16
P8-CO 800 2100 1400 1100 1940 1925 4030 1925 6120 1925 8210 1925 2100 2750 4230 2750 6370 2750 8610 2750
P12-CO 900 2100 1600 1350 2140 2175 4430 2175 6720 2175 9010 2175 2250 2850 4430 2850 6720 2850 9010 2850
Car depth B
Car depth B
Hoistway depth Y
P13-CO 900 2100 1600 1500 2140 2325 4430 2325 6720 2325 9010 2325 2250 2950 4430 2950 6720 2850 9010 2950
30 Running clearance
180 P15-CO 1000 2100 1800 1500 2340 2325 4830 2325 7320 2325 9810 2325 2700 2950 5200 2950 8050 2950 10550 2950
85 Sill
P21-CO 1100 2100 2000 1700 2540 2525 5230 2525 7920 2525 10610 2525 2900 3050 5600 3050 8650 3050 11350 3050
P24-CO 1200 2100 2100 1750 2640 2575 5430 2575 8220 2575 11010 2575 3050 3050 5900 3050 9100 3050 11950 3050
Entrance Entrance
width W width W
* In order to prevent noise in the car for a single-shaft elevator with a speed of 180 m/min or greater, increase the dimensions of the shaft X and machine room MA.
Hoistway width X
** In order to prevent noise in the car for a double-shaft elevator with a speed of 210 m/min or greater, increase the dimensions of the shaft X and machine room MA.
Note: Please contact us for detailed dimensions.
■ Machine-room plan
R1,R2 Please refer to page20 for Machine room reaction load
Reaction R2 Reaction R2
Ventilation fan
Window for with thermostat
Machine room depth M.B.
(By others) Lighting switch &
Reaction R1 power supply Reaction R1
socket outlet (By others)
Control panel
17 18
■ Hoistway section <Standard type> ■ Hoistway section <Compact machine room type> ■ Shaft & Machine room dimensions ■ Machine room reaction, pit reaction, tie-down safety
(Cross section dimensions) and hoisting beam load.
Hoisting beam (By other)
Type speed Standard type machine (kN)
speed room type load
Cinder concrete (m/min) O.H(mm) (m/min) (kN)
R2 R1
(By other) P(mm) M.H(mm) R1(Cage) R2(C/W) R1(Cage) R2(C/W) P1(Cage) P2(C/W) P1' (Cage) P2'(C/W)
R2 R1 P8,P12 Other
120 5950 5350 2150 150 194.0 172.5
95.5 132.5 134.0 94.0 - -
P8-CO 180
150 6150 5550 2450 210 195.5 173.5
240 98.5 137.0 138.5 97.5 201.5 180.0 19.0 35.0
Attention 180 6450 5850 2750 2250 120
210 6850 6250 3250 150 211.5 184.0
106.0 147.0 153.0 99.5 - -
P12-CO 180
240 7450 6850 3850 210 220.0 192.5
Overhead O H
240 109.0 151.5 157.5 103.0 226.5 199.0 22.0 46.5
Note: Dimensions are displayed with a leeway of 50 mm. 120
Entrance height
force pit, force applied to tie-down safety, and force P13-CO 180
applied to machine-room ceiling trolley beam. 210 226.0 196.5
240 110.5 155.0 162.0 104.0 232.5 203.0 20.0 48.5
Top floor 150 232.5 200.5
110.5 154.5 162.5 102.5 - -
P15-CO 180 54.0
210 234.0 201.5
240 113.5 159.0 167.0 105.5 240.5 208.0 21.0 48.5
150 244.5 208.5
115.0 161.0 168.5 107.5 - -
P18-CO 180
210 245.5 209.5
240 118.0 165.5 173.0 110.5 252.0 216.0 20.5 50.0
150 265.5 224.5
123.5 173.0 183.0 113.5 - -
Total height
P21-CO 180
210 266.5 225.5
240 126.5 178.0 188.0 116.5 273.5 232.0 22.5 61.5
150 277.5 232.0
128.5 179.0 190.0 117.5 - -
P24-CO 180
210 278.5 233.0
240 131.5 183.5 194.5 121.0 285.0 240.0 21.5 63.0
Values may differ slightly, depending on car design and car-room size.
Please contact us for details.
Bottom floor
Provision of a downstand beam is necessary to take the loading
Pit depth P
P2 P1
Note : Overhead
When car safety is suddenly actuated or when car strikes against Top clearance *Remark
buffers during high-speed operation, the counterweight will jump up. Downstand beam to take
the machine-beam
Likewise when the counterweight safety (where provided) is actuated
or when it strikes the buffer, the car will also jump up.
Hence for the elevators with speed of 240m/min or higher, tie-down
safety device is provided at the compensating sheave to reduce the
jumping effect of the car and counterweight by absorbing the jumping
energy into the springs of the tie-down safety and elastic strain energy
of the compensating ropes.
19 20
Wo r k s b y o t h e r s
3-4 Power facility plan Wo r k s b e l o w a r e n o t in c l u d e d i n i n s t a l la t io n w o r k s o f e l e v a t o r :
Po w e r f a c i l i t y p l a n f or 8 t o 2 4 p a s se n g e r 1. Hoistway construction and re-proong work, and opening work for jambs, indicators and push-buttons, etc.
Please note that chipping or padding work is required according to the necessity, in case the error of the structure is 30 mm or
■ Single elevator use (1 line per elevator) 380v-50Hz 2. Installation work of separating beams, intermediate beam, back beam and lateral beams (If necessary).
Motor Non-fuse 3. Installation work of the base plate for each oor and of bed steel for furnishing the equipments related to landing entrance, in
Rated Motor Total applicable length of the power source line (m) Grounding Heat case of hoistways of steel structure of PC structure.
source circuit
Model speed capacity
capacity breaker 5.5 8 14 22 38
line size generation 4. Fire-proong work of steel frame material in steel structured hoistways, and re-proong work around landing entrances (If
(m/min) (kW) (mm 2) (W) necessary).
(kVA) (A) (mm 2) (mm 2) (mm 2) (mm 2) (mm2)
5. Finishing works of walls and oors, etc., around entrances, after furnishing equipments related to landing entrances.
120 8 14 40 58 90 160 250 423 3.5 2050
6. Furnishing work of base steel or others for furnishing rail brackets, especially in case the oor height is high (if necessary).
150 10 16 40 46 71 126 198 334 3.5 2600 7. Installation work of the entrance or the gangway for pit inspection (if necessary).
8. Water-proong work of the pit (including drainage if necessary).
P8-CO 180 12 18 40 38 58 104 163 276 3.5 3100
9. Re-arrangement of the building body in case that there are some spaces to be used under the pit.
210 14 20 50 32 50 90 141 238 3.5 3600 10. Installation work of emergency exits for rescue purposes in the event there are oors at which the elevator does not stop and
240 16 22 50 28 44 78 122 207 3.5 4100
installation of a fascia plate.
11. Shelter equipments from rain at landing entrances directly contacting to the air in the place like roof.
120 12 18 40 50 77 138 215 364 3.5 3100 12. Installation work of hooks or beams on top of the elevator shaft.
150 14 21 50 39 61 109 170 288 3.5 3850
13. Instllation work of lighting in hoistway (If necessary).
14. Instllation work of vent opening at the top of shaft (If necessary).
P12-CO 180 18 25 60 33 51 91 142 241 5.5 4600 15. Installation work of a net or wall to prevent falling into the pit (in case of pit level is different.)
210 20 28 60 40 77 120 203 5.5 5400 16. All works related to the building structure other than works above.
240 22 31 75 35 67 105 177 5.5 6150 Machine rooms
120 12 19 50 48 74 133 208 351 3.5 3450
1. Construction work of machine-rooms and installation works of their entrances (including sound proong work if necessary)
2. Fire-proong work for machine rooms and opening work for machine room oors.
150 16 23 50 38 58 104 163 276 3.5 4300 3. Installation work of machine beam supports and spacers.
P13-CO 180 18 27 60 45 86 135 228 5.5 5150
4. Cinder concreting and its nishing work after oor piping in machine rooms.
5. Installation work of hooks or beams on ceilings in machine rooms.
210 22 30 75 38 74 115 195 5.5 6000 6. Installation work of stairs leading to machine rooms and stairs in machine rooms (if necessary)
240 24 34 75 59 99 168 5.5 6850 7. Installation work of lighting windows.
8. Dust-proof nish of the oor.
120 14 22 50 45 70 124 195 329 3.5 3950
150 18 26 60 52 99 155 262 5.5 4900
Works for Equipments
1. Wiring work of the power supply for motors and that for lighting equipments, and of grounding to power source panels of
P15-CO 180 22 30 60 42 81 128 216 5.5 5900 elevators in the Elevator shaft.
210 26 34 75 64 108 183 5.5 6850 2. Wiring work of the power supply to the supervisory panels.
3. Piping and wiring works of interphones outside hoistway and of others necessary for elevators.
240 28 38 100 55 93 158 5.5 7850 4. Supply and installation of switching devices for emergency power supply at the power failure and two pairs of relay contacts for
120 18 25 60 41 65 115 180 305 5.5 4600 normal / emergency power identication, and their piping and wiring work (if necessary).
5. Piping and wiring work of supervisory panels, alarm panels and inter-communication systems, etc., outside hoistways.
150 22 29 60 47 91 142 241 5.5 5750 6. Furnishing work of receptacles for inspection in pits.
P18-CO 180 26 34 75 70 118 199 5.5 6900
Temporary Works
210 30 39 100 60 101 171 5.5 8050 It is required to arrange the following matters:
240 34 44 100 51 86 146 5.5 9200 1. To secure the site ofce for installation work, and the stock yard for materials without charge.
2. Enclosure to be used during the installation work.
120 20 28 60 55 106 166 280 5.5 5450 3. Supply of electric power for installation work and the trial operation for adjustment.
150 24 34 75 77 130 220 5.5 6850 4. Security of enough passage for carrying heavy goods.
5. On use of elevator for the construction work of the building, it is required to make contract with a separate written estimate.
P21-CO 180 30 40 100 64 107 182 5.5 8200
210 34 45 125 54 91 153 8 9550
240 40 51 125 46 78 133 8 10900 Note
120 22 31 75 52 100 157 266 5.5 6150 At inquiry of the estimate, please inform us of the following:
At equipment planning of elevators, please take the following items into
150 28 38 100 73 122 207 5.5 7700 consideration: 1. Building name and address.
P24-CO 180 34 44 100 59 100 170 5.5 9200 1. Provide the power facility so that the voltage regulation of power supply at the 2. Desired type and number of set.
receiving terminals in the hoistway is kept within 10% for motor, and 2% for
210 38 51 125 51 85 145 8 10750 lighting equipments. 3. Number of stops.
240 44 57 125 69 125 8 12300 2. In the hoistways, please avoid allowing the temperature exceed 40 C and 4. Floor height.
humidity exceed 90% (monthly mean) and 95% (daily mean). 5. Voltage and frequency of main power supply.
3. Please do not allow such chemically toxic gas or excess amount of dust enter 6. Desired completion date.
into the hoistways, that makes the metal or electrical contacts corrode.
21 22