A Voluminous Survey On Content Based Image Retrieval: Abstract

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2017


A voluminous survey on Content based image retrieval

Dr. Ruksar Fatima1, Prof. Feroza. D. Mirajkar2, Syeda Butool Fatima3, Prof. Afreen Fatima4
1 vice-principal and head of Department of computer science and Engineering
2,3Department of Electronics and communication Engineering
4 Department of Electronics and Intstumentation engineering
1,2,3,4 Khaja Banda Nawaz of Engineering, Kalaburagi

The amount of images or the pictorial data is growing day by day with the expansion of internet services.
content, such as color, texture, shape, and spatial
As the network and development of multimedia technologies are becoming more popular, users are not satisfied
layout. the content based image retrieval is becoming a
with the traditional information retrieval techniques. So nowadays
source of exact and fast retrieval. . It is very difficult for the users to retrieve the required images using a operative
and efficient mechanism. There are many techniques which are used to retrieve the images depending upon the
requirement of different applications. This paper provides an extensive review of various latest research work and
methodologies applied in the field of CBIR. Images are retrieved on the basis of automatically derived features such
as, texture, shape and color which is generally referred to as Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Content based
image retrieval is an important research area in image processing, with a vast domain of applications like
recognition systems i.e. finger, face, biometrics, medical sciences etc. However, the technology still lacks maturity,
and is not yet being used on a significant scale. In the absence of hard evidence on the effectiveness of CBIR
techniques in practice, opinion is still sharply divided about their usefulness in handling real-life queries in large
and diverse image collections.

Keywords — Region Based Image Retrieval (RBIR), Subspace learning based Techniques, CBIR

I. INTRODUCTION Information Retrieval

In the past decade, more and more information has
During the last decade there has been a rapid been published in computer readable formats. In the
increase in volume of image and video collections. meanwhile, much of the information in older books,
A huge amount of information is available, and journals and newspapers has been digitized and
daily gigabytes of new visual information is made computer readable. Big archives of films,
generated, stored, and transmitted. However, it is music, images, satellite pictures, books, newspapers,
difficult to access this visual information unless it is and magazines have been made accessible for
organized in a way that allows efficient browsing, computer users. Internet makes it possible for the
searching, and retrieval. Data bases rely on a human to access this huge amount of information.
number of descriptive keywords, associated with The greatest challenge of the World Wide Web is
each image. However, this manual annotation that the more information available about a given
approach is subjective and recently, due to the topic, the more difficult it is to locate accurate and
rapidly growing database sizes, it is becoming relevant information. Most users know what
outdated. To overcome these difficulties in the early information they need, but are unsure where to find
1990s, Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) it. Search engines can facilitate the ability of users
emerged as a promising means for describing and to locate such relevant information.
retrieving images. According to its objective, In this computer age, virtually all spheres of human
instead of being manually annotated by text-based life including commerce,, academics, hospitals,
keywords, images are indexed by their visual crime prevention, surveillance, engineering,

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architecture, journalism, fashion and graphic design, automatically, e.g. from surveillance cameras. It is
and historical research use images for efficient also possible to miss images that use different
services. A large collection of images is referred to synonyms in their descriptions. Systems based on
as image database. An image database is a system categorizing images in semantic classes like "cat"
where image data are integrated and stored [1]. as a subclass of "animal" avoid this problem, but
Image data include the raw images and information still face the same scaling issues [3].
extracted from images by automated or computer The Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR)
assisted image analysis. technique uses image content to search and retrieve
The police maintain image database of criminals, digital images. Content-based image retrieval
crime scenes, and stolen items. In the medical systems were introduced to address the problems
profession, X-rays and scanned image database are associated with text-based image retrieval. Content
kept for diagnosis, monitoring, and research based image retrieval is a set of techniques for
purposes. In architectural and engineering design, retrieving semantically-relevant images from an
image database exists for design projects, finished image database based on automatically-derived
projects, and machine parts. In publishing and image features [4]. The main goal of CBIR is
advertising, journalists create image databases for efficiency during image indexing and retrieval,
various events and activities such as sports, thereby reducing the need for human intervention in
buildings, personalities, national and international the indexing process. The computer must be able to
events, and product advertisements. In historical retrieve images from a database without any human
research, image databases are created for archives assumption on specific domain (such as texture vs.
in areas that include arts, sociology, and medicine. non-texture, or indoor vs. outdoor).One of the main
In a small collection of images, simple browsing tasks for CBIR systems is similarity comparison;
can identify an image. This is not the case for large extracting feature signatures of every image based
and varied collection of images, where the user on its pixel values and defining rules for comparing
encounters the image retrieval problem. An image images. These features become the image
is the problem encountered when searching and representation for measuring similarity with other
retrieving images that are relevant to a user’s images in the database. An image is compared to
request from a database. To solve this problem, other images by calculating the difference between
text-based and content-based are the two techniques their corresponding features.
adopted for search and retrieval in an image
database. Principle of CBIR

Text-Based and Content-Based Image Retrieval Content-based retrieval uses the contents of images
In text-based retrieval, images are indexed using to represent and access the images. Atypical
keywords, subject headings, or classification codes, content-based retrieval system is divided into off-
which in turn are used as retrieval keys during line feature extraction and online image retrieval. In
search and retrieval [2]. Text-based retrieval is non- off-line stage, the system automatically extracts
standardized because different users employ visual attributes (color, shape, texture, and spatial
different keywords for annotation. Text descriptions information) of each image in the database based on
are sometimes subjective and incomplete because its pixel values and stores them in a different
they cannot depict complicated image features very database within the system called a feature database.
well. Examples are texture images that cannot be The feature data (also known as image signature)
described by text. Textual information about images for each of the visual attributes of each image is
can be easily searched using existing technology, very much smaller in size compared to the image
but requires humans to personally describe every data ,thus the feature database contains an
image in the database. This is impractical for very abstraction (compact form) of the images in the
large databases, or for images that are generated image database. One advantage of a signature over

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the original pixel values is the significant moments invariants, circularity, and eccentricity.
compression of image representation. However, a Similarly, the Photo book system [6] , Visual seek
more important reason for using the signature is to [7], and VIR [8], use global features to represent
gain an improved correlation between image image semantics.
representation and visual semantics [4]. These global approaches are not adequate to
In on-line image retrieval, the user can submit a support queries looking for images where specific
query example to the retrieval system in search of objects in an image with particular colors and/or
desired images. The system represents this example texture are present, and shift/scale invariant queries,
with a feature vector. The distances (i.e., where the position and/or the dimension of the
similarities) between the feature vectors of the query objects may not be relevant. For example,
query example and those of the media in the feature suppose in one image there are two flowers with
database are then computed and ranked. Retrieval is different colors: red and yellow. The global features
conducted by applying an indexing scheme to describe the image as the average of the global
provide an efficient way of searching the image average color which is orange. This description is
database. Finally, the system ranks the search certainly not there presentation of the semantic
results and then returns the results that are most meaning of the image. Therefore, the weakness of
similar to the query examples. If the user is not global features is observable.
satisfied with the search results, he can provide Region-based retrieval systems attempt to
relevance feedback to the retrieval system, which overcome previous method limitations of global
contains a mechanism to learn the user’s based retrieval systems by representing images as
information needs. collections of regions that may correspond to
objects such as flowers, trees, skies and mountains
A key prerequisite for a good region based image
retrieval system is a robust segmentation algorithm
[10]. A segmentation algorithm takes an input
image and clusters pixels of this image that seem to
be similar with respect to some feature (e.g. color,
texture, or shape). The result of this clustering
phase is to decompose an image into regions, which
correspond to physical objects (trees, people, cars,
flowers) if the decomposition is ideal. The feature
descriptors are then extracted from each object
instead of global image. Color, texture, and shape
features are extracted on each pixel that belongs to
Figure 1: A Conceptual Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval the object, and each object is described by the
average value of these pixel features.
Region Based Image Retrieval (RBIR) For efficient image retrieval we have discussed
Early CBIR methods used global feature extraction feature based challenges in the previous section, in
to obtain the image descriptors. For example, QBIC this section we discuss the major challenges in
[5] developed at the IBM Almaden Research Center terms of classifiers.
extracts several features from each image, namely SVM RF approaches ignore the basic difference
color, texture, and shape features. These descriptors between the two distinct groups of feedbacks i.e.,
are obtained globally by extracting information by all positive feedbacks share a similar concept while
means of color histograms for color features; global each negative feedback usually varies. This has
texture information on coarseness, contrast, and been found to drastically degrade the effectiveness
direction; and shape features about the curvature, of this method. This can be overcome by

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implementing CBIR both on-line and off-line [23]. II. LITERATURE SURVEY
Also choosing proper kernel functions and 1. J. Han and S. J. Mckenna, "Query-dependent
parameters for a real specific database remains metric learning for adaptive, content-based
challenging. The number of support vectors that image browsing and retrieval," in IET Image
compose the decision function increase Processing, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 610-618, Oct.
dramatically when the decision procedure becomes 2014[13]
complicated. Moreover the over fitting problem can
become more severe i.e., training samples may be Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems
few to train a good classifier in a high dimensional often incorporate a relevance feedback mechanism
space [24]. in which retrieval is adapted based on users
identifying images as relevant or irrelevant. Such
Subspace learning based Techniques relevance decisions are often assumed to be
category-based. However, forcing a user to decide
Based on the user’s relevant feedback, learning upon category membership of an image, even when
based approaches are typically used in modifying unfamiliar with a database and irrespective of
the feature set or similarity measure [25]. The context, is restrictive. An alternative is to obtain
subspace learning based methods define a class user feedback in the form of relative similarity
problem and find a subspace within which to judgments. The ability of a user to provide
separate the one positive class from the unknown meaningful feedback depends on the interface that
number of negative classes. Few of the methods displays retrieved images and facilitates the
come under this category are: Biased Discriminant feedback. Similarity-based 2D layouts provide
Analysis or BDA, the Direct Kernel Biased context and can enable more efficient visual search.
Discriminant Analysis (DKBDA) and Marginal Motivated by these observations, this study
Biased Analysis (MBA). To prevent the problem of describes and evaluates an interactive image
learning from small training sets, discriminant browsing and retrieval approach based on relative
algorithms have been used for unlabeled images in similarity feedback obtained from 2D image layouts.
the database. Recently, BDA has been used as a It incorporates online maximal-margin learning to
feature selection method to improve RF, because adapt the image similarity metric used to perform
BDA models the RF better than many other retrieval. A user starts a session by browsing a
methods. However, BDA assumes all positive collection of images displayed in a 2D layout.
samples from a single Gaussian distribution, which He/she may choose a query image perceived to be
means all positive samples, should be similar with similar to the envisioned target image. A set of
similar view angle, similar illumination, etc. images similar to the query are then returned. The
Clearly, this is not the case for CBIR. The kernel user can then provide relational feedback and/or
based learning is used in BDA to overcome the update the query image to obtain a new set of
problem. However, kernel-based learning has to images. Algorithms for CBIR are often
rely on parameter tuning, which makes the online characterised empirically by simulating usage based
learning unfeasible [26]. on pre-defined, fixed category labels, deeming
The performance of image retrieval task can be retrieved results as relevant if they share a category
significantly improved in low-dimensional label with the query. In contrast, the purpose of the
subspace by making the system learn a semantic system in this study is to enable browsing and
concept subspace from the RF log data with retrieval without predefined categories. Therefore
contextual information without using any class evaluation is performed in a target-based setting by
label information. This method which is called the quantifying the efficiency with which target images
Semantic Subspace Learning (SSL) [27] exploits are retrieved given initial queries.
the RF log data to improve its performance.

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2. E. Aptoula, "Remote Sensing Image Retrieval problem. Among the various reasons, high diverse
With Global Morphological Texture visual content is the most significant one. It is
Descriptors," in IEEE Transactions on common that for the same landmark, images with a
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 52, no. 5, wide range of visual appearances can be found from
pp. 3023-3034, May 2014.[14] different sources and different landmarks may share
very similar sets of images. As a consequence, it is
This work presents the results of applying global very hard to accurately estimate the similarities
morphological texture descriptors to the problem of between the landmarks purely based on single type
content-based remote sensing image retrieval. of visual feature. Moreover, the relationships
Specifically, multiscale texture descriptors, namely, between landmark images can be very complex and
the circular covariance histogram and the rotation- how to develop an effective modeling scheme to
invariant point triplets are explored. Moreover, a characterize the associations still remains an open
couple of new descriptors, exploiting the Fourier question. Motivated by these concerns, multimodal
power spectrum of the quasi-flat-zone-based scale hyper graph (MMHG) to characterize the complex
space of their input are introduced associations between landmark images is proposed.
In MMHG, images are modeled as independent
3. L. Zheng, S. Wang and Q. Tian, "Coupled vertices and hyper edges contain several vertices
Binary Embedding for Large-Scale Image corresponding to particular views. Multiple hyper
Retrieval," in IEEE Transactions on Image graphs are firstly constructed independently based
Processing, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 3368-3380, Aug. on different visual modalities to describe the hidden
2014.[15] high-order relations from different aspects. Then,
they are integrated together to involve
Visual matching is a crucial step in image retrieval
discriminative information from heterogeneous
based on the bag-of-words (BoW) model. In the
sources. A novel content-based visual landmark
baseline method, two keypoints are considered as a
search system based on MMHG to facilitate
matching pair if their SIFT descriptors are
effective search is also proposed.
quantized to the same visual word. However, the
SIFT visual word has two limitations. First, it loses
5. J. Luo, Z. Jiang and J. Li, "Multi-scale
most of its discriminative power during
orderless cross-regions-pooling of deep
quantization. Second, SIFT only describes the local
attributes for image retrieval," in Electronics
texture feature. Both drawbacks impair the
Letters, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 276-277, 2 18
discriminative power of the BoW model and lead to
false positive matches. To tackle this problem, this
paper proposes to embed multiple binary features at To build a powerful image representation, a novel
indexing level. To model correlation between method named cross-regions-pooling (CRP)
features, a multi-IDF scheme is introduced, through combining two key ingredients is proposed: (i)
which different binary features are coupled into the region proposals detected by objectness detection
inverted file. technique; (ii) deep attributes (DA), i.e. the outputs
of the softmax layer of off-the-shelf convolutional
4. L. Zhu, J. Shen, H. Jin, R. Zheng and L. Xie, neural network pre-trained on a large-scale dataset.
"Content-Based Visual Landmark Search via The ultimate representation of an image is the
Multimodal Hypergraph Learning," in IEEE aggregation (e.g. max-pooling) of DA extracted
Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 45, no. 12, from all the regions. In addition, a multi-scale
pp. 2756-2769, Dec. 2015.[16] orderless pooling strategy considering layout of
contexts of an image is proposed to integrate with
While content-based landmark image search has
CRP to improve the image representation.
recently received a lot of attention and became a
very active domain, it still remains a challenging

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6. L. Jiao, X. Tang, B. Hou and S. Wang, "SAR reduced colour shade occurrence in its local
Images Retrieval Based on Semantic neighbourhood using a binary pattern.
Classification and Region-Based Similarity
Measure for Earth Observation," in IEEE 8. J. Luo, Z. Jiang and J. Li, "Multi-scale
Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth orderless cross-regions-pooling of deep
Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 8, no. 8, attributes for image retrieval," in Electronics
pp. 3876-3891, Aug. 2015.[18] Letters, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 276-277, 2 18
Based on the semantic categorization and region-
based similarity measure, a novel synthetic aperture This paper presents a new approach to index color
radar (SAR) image retrieval method is proposed in images using the features extracted from the error
this paper, which is inspired by the existing content- diffusion block truncation coding (EDBTC). The
based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques and is EDBTC produces two color quantizer and bitmap
oriented toward the Earth observation (EO). First, images, which are further processed using vector
due to the large sizes of SAR images, new method quantization (VQ) to generate the image feature
semantically classifies the land covers in the patch descriptor. Herein two features are introduced,
level rather than the pixel level by the classic semi namely, color histogram feature (CHF) and bit
supervised learning (SSL), which could reduce the pattern histogram feature (BHF), to measure the
workload of selecting the representative image similarity between a query image and the target
patch and decrease the searching space in the image in database. The CHF and BHF are
similarity calculation component. Furthermore, to computed from the VQ-indexed color quantizer and
overcome the inevitable classification error, our VQ-indexed bitmap image, respectively. The
method provides an error recovery scheme, distance computed from CHF and BHF can be
preventing the errors produced in categorization to utilized to measure the similarity between two
contaminate the retrieval results. Third, the images.
similarity between two patches is calculated by the
improved integrated region matching (IIRM) 9. B. Xu, J. Bu, C. Chen, C. Wang, D. Cai and X.
measure based on the region-based similarity He, "EMR: A Scalable Graph-Based Ranking
measure, which fails to meet the expectation in Model for Content-Based Image Retrieval," in
SAR images. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 102-114, Jan.
7. S. R. Dubey, S. K. Singh and R. Kumar Singh, 2015.
"Local neighbourhood-based robust colour
occurrence descriptor for colour image Graph-based ranking models have been widely
retrieval," in IET Image Processing, vol. 9, no. applied in information retrieval area. In this paper,
7, pp. 578-586, 7 2015[19] we focus on a well-known graph-based model - the
Ranking on Data Manifold model, or Manifold
This study introduces a novel local neighbourhood- Ranking (MR). Particularly, it has been
based robust colour occurrence descriptor (LCOD) successfully applied to content-based image
to encode the colour information present in the retrieval, because of its outstanding ability to
local structure of the image. The colour information discover underlying geometrical structure of the
is processed in two steps: first, the number of given image database. However, manifold ranking
colours is reduced into a less number of shades by is computationally very expensive, which
quantising the red-green-blue colour space; second, significantly limits its applicability to large
the reduced colour shade information of the local databases especially for the cases that the queries
neighbourhood is used to compute the descriptor. A are out of the database (new samples). A novel
local colour occurrence binary pattern is generated scalable graph-based ranking model called Efficient
for each pixel of the image by representing each Manifold Ranking (EMR) is proposed, trying to

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