Javascript Programs

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III Bcom(CA) 2010-2011

1. Write a HTML document using Javascript to read two numbers and display the sum of them on the

<head> <title> Add </title>
<script language="javascript">
function add(form)
var a = parseInt(form.a.value);
var b = parseInt(form.b.value);
var c=a+b;
<form name=form>
<h2> Addition of two numbers </h2>
<p> <b> Enter first number <input type="text" name="a" >
<p> Enter second number <input type="text" name="b" >
<p> <input type="button" value="Add" onclick="add(this.form)" >
<input type="text" name="c" value=" ">
<p><p> <input type="reset" value ="Clear All" >
</b> </pre> </center>


A.A.S College 1 Developed by Ansar

III Bcom(CA) 2010-2011

2. Write a HTML document using Javascript to read two strings and display the concatenated string
on the webpage.

<head><script language="javascript">
function concate(form)
var s1=form.string1.value;
var s2=form.string2.value;
<form name=form>
<h1> Concatenation of two strings </h1>
<b> Enter First String<input type=text name=string1>
<b> Enter Second String<input type=text name=string2>
<input type=button value=Concatenate onclick="concate(this.form)">
<input type=text name=result>


3. Write a HTML document using Javascript to read your name and display it with Blue Color,20
size,Lucida Handwriting face, BoldStyle at the center of webpage.

<script language="javascript">
var name=prompt("Enter your name"," ");
document.writeln(" <CENTER> <h3>Given Name is displayed in Blue color,<BR> Fontsize 20,
Fontface=Lucida & Boldstyle at the center of the page </h3></CENTER><BR> <BR> ");
document.writeln("<center><b><font face=lucida size=20 color=blue>"+ name + </font></b></center>");
</script></body> </html>
A.A.S College 2 Developed by Ansar
III Bcom(CA) 2010-2011


4. Write a HTML document using Javascript to check and display whether the given number is Prime
or not.

function calculate(form)
var num=parseInt(form.number.value);
if (isNaN(num) || num < 0)
form.result.value=(form.number.value + " is not a valid number! Try again!");
if (num == 1 || num == 2)
form.result.value=(num + " is prime!");
for (var i=2;i<num;i++)
if (num % i == 0)
var prime="yes";
form.result.value=(num + " is not prime. It is divisible by " + i + ".");
else var prime="no";
if (prime == "no") form.result.value=(num + " is prime!");

<form name=form>
<h2>Prime Number Calculator</h2><P>
Please enter a number:<br>
A.A.S College 3 Developed by Ansar
III Bcom(CA) 2010-2011

<input type=text name=number size=7>

<input type=button value="Calculate" onClick="calculate(this.form)">
<input type=text name=result size=45 value="">





A.A.S College 4 Developed by Ansar

III Bcom(CA) 2010-2011

5. Write a HTML document using Javascript to read the details of a person such as Name, Age,
Highest Qualification and percentage of marks through prompt dialog box and display them along
with the system Date and Time on the webpage.

<head><title> time </TITLE>

<script language="javascript">
function f()
var d=new Date();
var name=prompt("Enter name "," ");
var age=prompt("Enter age"," ");
var qual=prompt("Enter qualification "," " );
var per=prompt("Enter percentage marks"," ");
document.writeln("<h1> STUDENT DETAILS </h1>");
document.writeln("Name: " + name+" <p>" );
document.writeln("Age: " + age +" <p>" );
document.writeln("Qualification: " + qual +" <p>" );
document.writeln("Percentage: " + per +" <p>" );
document.writeln("Date: " + d.getDate() + "/" + d.getMonth() + "/" + d.getFullYear() + " " );
document.writeln("Time: " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds() );
<body onLoad="f()">


A.A.S College 5 Developed by Ansar

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