HTML Assignment

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Assignment 1
HTML tags on text arrangement, style, color. Design a page which looks like the text given below.

Assignment 1: Basic HTML Display Features

Here is an example of a horizontal rule:

To begin, we can change the

header size
and color of letters seen on the screen. The well, and actually gives more choices.

font size

can be changed as

We can also change the appearance of words on the screen. This shows some differing word types in a blocked quote. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country. That was also an example of a nested command.

Assignment 2
Basic HTML tags Create a page that includes the following elements. Within the head section create a web page title (displayed in title bar of browser window): My Favorite Things Use a color for the background for the body. A centered heading (use the largest heading size) of: My Favorite Things (remember to turn off centering!) Include a horizontal rule underneath the heading that is colored, centered, 75% of the screens width and has a size of 8. Include the following introductory paragraph, filling in the blanks with the appropriate information for yourself. Use a font size of 4 and a font face of Comic Sans MS: My name is _________ and I am a __________ at BCIPS. This web page lists my favorite foods, favorite television shows. Remember to turn off the paragraph! Insert another blank line (a line break) after the paragraph. Using a heading size of 2, key the following heading: My Favorite Foods. Using an unordered list, include five of your favorite things to eat. Use a colored font with a size of 4, with a font face of your choice Insert another blank line after the list. Using a heading size of 2, key the following heading: My Favorite TV Shows. Using an ordered list, list your top five favorite television shows. Use the same font settings as the unordered list. Save the page as HTML1.html

Assignment 3
Create a web page including HTML image tag and anchor tag. 1. In notepad create a webpage using the following step by step guidelines. Make sure and save your file in your HTML folder : 2. Make sure and use indentation and blank lines to keep your HTML easy to read! 3. Start your web page with an <html> tag 4. Add a heading <head> area with a <title> tag. a. Your title should be: HTML 3 Lastname Firstname b. Where Lastname and Firstname is YOUR Lastname and Firstname c. Make sure and close out the head and title tags 5. You can now start the <body> section. a. Add the following text using <H1> and </H1> tags: This Web page was Designed by (your name) b. Add the following text using <H2> and </H2> tags: My third HTML assignment c. Use the <hr> to add a horizontal line d. Insert an image to your web page. 1. Note: The following is very important. You should save your image in the same folder as your web page. 2. You should then refer to your image with just the filename, and NOT the entire pathname to the file. e. Use the <hr> to add another horizontal line. f. Enter a paragraph of text using the <p> tag. i. Talk about things you have learned in html. ii. Make sure the text in this paragraph is a color other than black. iii. Add a link that takes you to your favorite webpage. iv. Make sure and close out the <p> tag. g. Use the <p> tag to start a new paragraph. h. For review, add a three item ordered list. i. Use </body> and </html> to close out your body and html tags.

Assignment 4: Form
Design a form using HTML tags.

Assignment 5: Tables
Create a web page including HTML table tag Draw the tables given below using HTML table tag:

Conference Schedule Convention Office and Press Room 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Registration 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Professional Placement Service 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Panel Paper Room Sales 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Exhibits 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Child Care 8:30 am to 10:00 pm

Assignment 6
Create a frameset Create a frameset like the one below.

Assignment 7
Create three web pages including your hobbies and educational qualifications.

Create your own home page Your html file should have the following: Proper use of <html>, <title>, <head>, <body> tags A couple of headers, paragraphs and maybe even a horizontal line. (Use the <h1> and </h1> tag for a first level header; the <p> tag for a paragraph and <br /> for a line break; and the <hr> for a horizontal line. An unordered list. Hint use the <ul>, </ul> and <li> tags An image or graphics file Explore your creative side

Assignment 8
Make a website Using frames as an interface create a series of web pages on any theme of your choice. As a minimum requirement to this assignment your webpage should Consist of at least 3 frames. Contain at least 3 urls to internet and/or intranet sites that you can reference as part of your job. Contain at least 3 references to documents/html files that you have created Be organized in a fashion that is logical and intuitive to you. Add color/textured backgrounds, add images, use different fonts, and use tables to make your site interesting.

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