Hazop Study.x
Hazop Study.x
Hazop Study.x
tions and debris appeared on the histograms and dot plots the FSC versus SSC dot plot. The gating on the FSC and
generated by the flow cytometer. Figs. 9A, B and C dem- SSC determined the viable and depleted cells and the Pm
onstrate the fluorescence produced by the Schiff reagent characterised. Yeast cells stained with Schiff reagent fluo-
and how these patterns can be used to separate viable and resced at 520 nm (FL1). The threshold was adjusted such
depleted cell populations. Gating was used to define the that the debris and autofluorescence of the unstained cells
yeast cell population. Data from within this population were not included in the measurement.
can be plotted on dot plots and histograms for further
analysis. A single parameter histogram views one param- Intracelluar trehalose measurement
eter against the number of events, whereas dot plots with by flow cytometry
range markers display the fluorescence data from events The method for the assessment of intracellular treha-
in the gated region. The yeast cell population was gated in lose content was based on the method described by Hutter
Fig. 9. (A) Intracellular glycogen of control yeast cells (prior to centrifugation) stained by Schiff reagent. A bimodal cell population
was observed. The viable cells (R1) fluoresce more intensely than depleted cells (R2). The viable cells are larger in size and have a
different internal granularity compared to depleted cells. A bimodal population implies yeast with differing physiological conditions
were present in the cell population. (B) Glycogen peak mean (Pm) of viable cells. These cells possess higher proliferation capacity than
depleted cells. A fraction of this population is mother and daughter cells, which potentially have a larger glycogen content. A Pm
increase was observed during anaerobic and nutrient rich conditions. (C) Depleted cells glycogen peak mean (Pm) represents the
population with lower glycogen levels, proliferation capabilities and exhausted cells. Lower glycogen levels imply decreased
fermentation activity of the cell population. (D) A confirmation of the bimodal distribution of glycogen content in the control cell
population. 3D plot generated by WinMDI software (http://facs.scripps.edu/software.html).
Fig. 10. (A) Intracellular trehalose of control yeast cells stained by ConA. Similar to intracellular glycogen, a bimodal cell population
was observed. The viable cells (R1) fluoresced more intensely than depleted cells (R2). The two distinctive fluorescent properties
represent subpopulations within the pitching yeast. (B) Trehalose peak mean (Pm) of viable cells. Trehalose is a cell wall constituent
comprised of α-glucopyranose and is an osmoprotectant. The viable cell population Pm has a low trehalose level at the beginning of
fermentation. Trehalose Pm level increases at the beginning phase of proliferation signifying the yeast’s adaptation to a new environ-
ment. (C) Trehalose peak mean (Pm) of depleted cells. Environmental factors such as the depletion of nutrients, high ethanol and CO2
concentrations coincide with an increase in trehalose content. High trehalose concentrations indicate the cells’ ability to withstand
stressful conditions during fermentation. (D) Bimodal distribution of trehalose in the control cell population. 3D plot generated by
WinMDI software. There is a higher proportion of depleted cells with higher fluorescence intensity content at 0 h compared to the via-
ble cells. This may indicate that these cells are quiescent.
Fig. 11. (A) Intracellular pH as a function of G-force and centrifugation cycle. (B)
Intracellular glycogen as a function of G-force and centrifugation cycle. (C) Intra-
cellular trehalose as a function of G-force and centrifugation cycle.
Fig. 12. (A) Intracellular glycogen peak mean (Pm) of viable cells as a function G-
force and fermentation time. (B) Intracellular glycogen peak mean (Pm) of depleted
cells as a function of G-force and fermentation time.
Fig. 13. (A) Intracellular glycogen of yeast cells after 7 cycles through the centrifuge. These cells
represent a decrease in functionality of the cell population. Due to stress resulting from high G-
force the depleted cell glycogen content increases. (B) A decrease in glycogen peak mean (Pm) of
viable cells due to passage through a centrifuge results in the cell population’s ability to proliferate
decreasing. (C) Glycogen peak mean (Pm) of depleted cells has increased proportionally to viable
cells after centrifugation. These cells are newborn and senescent cells being destroyed during the
centrifugation process and thus eliminated from the viable cell population.
Fig. 14. (A) Intracellular trehalose peak mean (Pm) of viable cells as a function G-
force and fermentation time. (B) Intracellular trehalose peak mean of depleted cells as
a function of G-force and fermentation time.