Ethanol Fermentation in An Immobilized Cell Reactor Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

Ethanol fermentation in an immobilized cell reactor

using Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ghasem Najafpour *, Habibollah Younesi, Ku Syahidah Ku Ismail
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Sri Ampangan, Nibong Tebal S.P.S., 14300 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Fermentation of sugar by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for production of ethanol in an immobilized cell reactor (ICR) was suc-
cessfully carried out to improve the performance of the fermentation process. The fermentation set-up was comprised of a column
packed with beads of immobilized cells. The immobilization of S. cerevisiae was simply performed by the enriched cells cultured
media harvested at exponential growth phase. The fixed cell loaded ICR was carried out at initial stage of operation and the cell was
entrapped by calcium alginate. The production of ethanol was steady after 24 h of operation. The concentration of ethanol was
affected by the media flow rates and residence time distribution from 2 to 7 h. In addition, batch fermentation was carried out with
50 g/l glucose concentration. Subsequently, the ethanol productions and the reactor productivities of batch fermentation and
immobilized cells were compared. In batch fermentation, sugar consumption and ethanol production obtained were 99.6% and
12.5% v/v after 27 h while in the ICR, 88.2% and 16.7% v/v were obtained with 6 h retention time. Nearly 5% ethanol production
was achieved with high glucose concentration (150 g/l) at 6 h retention time. A yield of 38% was obtained with 150 g/l glucose. The
yield was improved approximately 27% on ICR and a 24 h fermentation time was reduced to 7 h. The cell growth rate was based on
the Monod rate equation. The kinetic constants (Ks and lm ) of batch fermentation were 2.3 g/l and 0.35 g/l h, respectively. The
maximum yield of biomass on substrate (YX=S ) and the maximum yield of product on substrate (YP=S ) in batch fermentations were
50.8% and 31.2% respectively. Productivity of the ICR were 1.3, 2.3, and 2.8 g/l h for 25, 35, 50 g/l of glucose concentration,
respectively. The productivity of ethanol in batch fermentation with 50 g/l glucose was calculated as 0.29 g/l h. Maximum production
of ethanol in ICR when compared to batch reactor has shown to increase approximately 10-fold. The performance of the two
reactors was compared and a respective rate model was proposed. The present research has shown that high sugar concentration
(150 g/l) in the ICR column was successfully converted to ethanol. The achieved results in ICR with high substrate concentration are
promising for scale up operation. The proposed model can be used to design a lager scale ICR column for production of high
ethanol concentration.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Immobilized cell reactor (ICR); Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Ethanol fermentation; Encapsulated beads; Calcium alginate

1. Introduction cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis are suitable candi-

dates to produce ethanol (Flickinger and Drew, 1999;
Due to the diminishing fossil fuel reserves, alternative Gunasekaran and Raj, 2001).
energy sources need to be renewable, sustainable, effi- Microorganisms under anaerobic growth conditions
cient, cost-effective, convenient and safe (Chum and have the ability to utilize glucose by Embden–Merey-
Overend, 2001). In the past decades, microbial ethanol hof–Parnas pathway (Baily and Ollis, 1986). The phos-
production has been focused and considered as an phorylation of carbohydrates is carried out through the
alternative fuel for future since fossil fuel is depleted. metabolic pathway; the end products are two moles of
Several microorganisms, including Clostridium sp., the ethanol and carbon dioxide (Ingram et al., 1998).
well-known yeast ethanol producers, Saccharomyces During batch fermentation of S. cerevisiae, other
influential parameters can adversely influence the spe-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +60-4-593-7788x6412; fax: +60-4-594-
cific rate of growth and inhibition can be caused either
1013. by product or substrate concentration. The viability of
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Najafpour). S. cerevisiae population, its specific rate of fermentation
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260


S substrate concentration, g/l t time, h

C microorganisms cell concentration, g/l At activity of bacterium at time, t, U/g cell
Ks Monod constant, g/l A0 initial activity of bacterium, U/g cell
l specific growth rate, g/l h kd dissociation constant, h1
lm maximum specific growth rate, g/l h

and the sugar uptake rate are directly related to the products are for thickening, stabilizing, gel and film
desired medium condition (Holzberg et al., 1967). It has forming. Sodium alginate is a linear polysaccharide,
been reported by Nagodawithana and Steinkraus normally isolated from many strains of marine brown
(1976), addition of ethanol in the cultured media was seaweed and algae. Thus the name alginate, the co-
less toxic for S. cerevisiae than ethanol produced by cell polymer consists of two uronic acids or polyuronic acid.
bodies. This indicates that there are other metabolic It composed of primarily of D-mannuronic acid (M)
byproducts, which can cause inhibition and may show and L-glucuronic acid (G). Alginic acid can be either
impurity of ethanol produced in the fermentation sys- water-soluble or non-water soluble depending on the
tem. Also the death rates were lower with addition of type of the associated salt. Interchanging of sodium ions
pure ethanol than the similar condition with the with calcium ions in the solution may follow solidifica-
endogenously produced ethanol concentration (Nagoda- tion of sodium alginate in calcium chloride solution. The
withana and Steinkraus, 1976). sodium salt, other alkaline metals and ammonia are
Use of biofilm reactors for ethanol production has soluble in water, whereas the polyvalent cations salts,
been investigated to improve economics and the per- e.g., calcium, are not water-soluble, except the magne-
formance of fermentation processes (Vega et al., 1988). sium ions.
Immobilization of microbial cells for fermentation has The purpose of this research was to obtain high etha-
been developed to eliminate inhibition caused by high nol production with high yield of productivity and to
concentration of substrate and product, also to enhance lower the high operating costs. The ICR column fer-
productivity and yield of ethanol production. Recent mentor was used with S. cerevisiae using an entrapment
work on ethanol production in an immobilized cell technique utilizing alginate as a porous wall to retain the
reactor (ICR) showed that production of ethanol using yeast cells. The effect of initial glucose concentration on
Z. mobilis was doubled (Takamitsu et al., 1993). The the production of ethanol by S. cerevisiae was evaluated.
immobilized recombinant Z. mobilis was also success- The yield for large scale ethanol production was com-
fully used with high concentration of 12–15% sugar pared to the ethanol produced in batch fermentation
(Yamada et al., 2002). using the same microorganism, S. cerevisiae.
The potential use of immobilized cells in fermentation
processes for fuel production has been described previ-
ously. If intact microbial cells are directly immobilized, 2. Methods
the removal of microorganisms from downstream
product can be omitted and the loss of intracellu- 2.1. Experimental reactor system
lar enzyme activity can be kept to a minimum level
(Najafpour, 1990). The ICR was a plug flow tubular column, constructed
Recently, immobilized biomass activity has been with a nominal diameter of 5 cm, ID of 4.6 cm, Plexiglas
given more attention, since it has been acknowledged to of 3 mm wall thickness and 85 cm length. The medium
play a significant role in bioreactor performance (Gikas was fed to the ICR column from a feed tank located
and Livingston, 1997). Frequently, immobilized cells are above the column. A variable-speed Master flex pump,
subjected to limitations in the supply of nutrients to the model L/S easy load (Cole-Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL,
cells. Thus, because of the presence of heterogeneous USA) was used to transfer feed medium from a 20-liter
materials such as immobilized cells, there is no convec- polypropylene autoclaveable Nalgene carboy (Cole-
tive flow inside the beads and the cells can receive Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL, USA), the carboy serving as
nutrients only by diffusion (Riley et al., 1996). Immo- reservoir. The effluent from the column was collected in
bilization of cells to a solid matrix is an alternative a 20-liter polypropylene autoclaveable carboy serving as
means of high biomass retention. The cells divide within product reservoir. A flow breaker was installed between
and on the core of the matrix (Senthuran et al., 1997). the column and feed pump, which prevented the growth
Alginate is widely used in food, pharmaceutical, textile, of microorganism and contamination of feed line and
and paper products. The uses of alginate utilized in these feed tank. The samples from the ICR column were taken
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

from the inlet and outlet compartments of the column. conversion were monitored in the ICR. Overgrowth of
A 16 h culture was harvested at exponential growth beads after a few days of operation was controlled.
phase and mixed with 2% sodium alginate. The slurry of Carbon dioxide was purged to eliminate overgrowth of
yeast culture was converted to droplet form while it was beads. The major overgrowth occurred at the entrance
dripped into a 6% bath of calcium chloride using a 50 ml region, about the first 30 cm length of the column where
syringe. Once the slurry was added to the bath, beads of the sugar concentration was very high. High sugar
calcium alginate with entrapped cells were formed concentration of 25, 35, 50, and 150 g/l were used.
(Najafpour, 1990). The bed consisted of uniformly The microbial overgrowth was controlled with car-
packed 5 mm beads. The solidified beads were trans- bon dioxide passed through the bed. There was a maxi-
ferred to the column. About 70% of the column was mum 30% increase in the beads diameter at the lower
packed. The extra space was counted for bed expansion part of column, where the glucose concentration was
by the fresh media. The void volume was measured by dominating in this region. The void volume was mea-
volume of distilled water pumped through the bed. The sured by passing sterilized water. In addition to carbon
packed ICR column was used in continuous mode for source, the feeding media consisting of 1 g/l yeast extract
the duration of fermentation. The fresh feed was was pumped from the bottom of the reactor, while the
pumped in an upflow manner; while sugar and ethanol flow rate was constant for a minimum duration of 24 h.
concentration was monitored during the course of con- A seed culture of S. cerevisiae ATCC 24860 (Ameri-
tinuous fermentation. The working volume of ICR after can Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA) was
random packing was 740 ml. The bed volume was about grown in a media of 5 g of glucose, and 0.5 g of yeast
660 ml. The experimental set-up of ICR is shown in Fig. extract, respectively, and 1.5 g of KH2 PO4 and 2.25 g of
1. There was no evidence of cell leakage from the beads Na2 PO4 phosphate buffer up to a total volume of dis-
to the surrounding media, the matrix was permeable to tilled water, 500 ml. The media was sterilized at 121 °C
substrate and product, the cell growth and glucose for 15 min. The stock culture of the microorganisms was

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of ICR experimental setup.

G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

transferred to the broth media for preparation of seed 2.1 g/l was obtained from the 24 h culture broth, the free
culture. cell samples with absorbance of 1.6 at 620 nm.
Sodium alginate (Fisher Scientific, Manchester, UK)
was prepared by dissolving 10 g of powder form in 500 2.5. Electronic microscopic scanning of immobilized cells
ml of distilled water. A separate solution of 120 g of
calcium chloride was made in 2 l distilled water. Sodium For electronic microscopic scanning (SEM) micro-
alginate and calcium chloride solution were autoclaved graphs, samples were taken from fresh beads and 72 h
at 121 °C for 15 min. The sterilized sodium alginate beads from the ICR column. The samples were dipped
solution and the high cell density of the grown seed into liquid nitrogen for 10 min, then freeze-dried for 7 h
culture were thoroughly mixed. Beads were prepared by in the Freeze Drier, EMITECH, model IK750, Cam-
droplet from a pipette about 5 mm diameter in a steri- bridge, UK. The sample was fixed on the aluminium
lized calcium chloride solution. The cell density of seed stub and coated with gold palladium by Polaron ma-
culture for bead preparation was 3.1 g/l. The wet and chine model SD515, EMITECH, Cambridge, UK, at 20
dry weights of a 16 h incubated beads sample were 3.28 nm coating thickness. Finally the sample was examined
and 0.5 g, respectively. The moisture content of the under SEM using Stereoscan model S360 brand SEM-
beads was 85%. Leica Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

2.6. Statistical analysis

2.2. Glucose concentration determination
The size of beads was uniform and consistent, the
To determine the concentration of inlet and outlet mean size of beads with 3% alginate and based on
glucose in the ICR, a reducing chemical reagent, 3,5- measurement of 20 samples, and the mean value for the
dinitrosalicylic acid 98% solution (DNS) was used. The beads diameter was 4.85 mm, with standard deviation of
DNS solution was prepared by dissolving 10 g of 3,5- 0.3 and the calculated variance was 0.1. The standard
dinitrosalicylic acid in 2 M sodium hydroxide solution. deviation was less than 5%. The data for batch fer-
A separate solution of 300 g sodium potassium tartrate mentation experiment with 50 g/l glucose presented in
solution was prepared in 300 ml of distilled water. The Figs. 4–6 for batch was replicated three times. The data
hot alkaline 3,5-dinitrosalicylate solution was added to for ICR with 25, 35, 50 and 150 g/l glucose that were
sodium potassium tartrate solution. The final volume of conducted at wide range of flow rates are shown in Figs.
DNS solution was made up to 1 l with distilled water. 7–11, were repeated in additional runs. The standard
The calibration curve was prepared with 2 g/l glucose deviations of collected data for the batch experiments
solution (Summers, 1924; Miller, 1959). were approximately 5% and the standard deviation for
the ICR experimental data with sugar concentration of
50 g/l was approximately 10%. The statistical analysis of
2.3. Ethanol detection
the obtained data was carried out in a spreadsheet,
Microsoft, Excel 2000. The error analysis for ICR’s data
Ethanol production in the fermentation process was
with substrate concentration of 150 g/l was slightly
detected with gas chromatography, HP 5890 series II,
higher but it was in the range of 10–12%.
(Hewlett-Packard, Avondale, PA, USA) equipped with
flame ionization detector (FID) and GC column Pora-
pak QS (Alltech Associates Inc., Deerfield, IL, USA)
3. Results and discussion
100/120 mesh. The oven and detector temperature were
175 and 185 °C, respectively. Nitrogen gas was used as a
3.1. Evaluation of immobilized cells
carrier gas. Isopropanol was used as an internal stan-
In preparation of immobilized cells, 1.5%, 2%, 3%
and 6% of alginate were used. By pressing them manu-
2.4. Yeast cell dry weight and optical density ally, the hardness and rigidity of beads were tested. The
physical criteria of the prepared beads are summarized
In batch fermentation, approximately 2 ml sample in Table 1. The suitable alginate concentration based on
was harvested every 2 h. The absorbance of each sample activity of the beads for ethanol production was 2%. The
during batch fermentation was measured at 620 nm weight percentage of alginate was related to substrate
using spectrophotometer, Cecil 1000 series (Cecil and product penetration into the beads and return to
Instruments, Cambridge, England). The cell dry weight bulk of fluid. Beads with low alginate (1.5%) were too
was obtained using a calibration curve. The cell dry soft and easily breakable. The soft beads were pressed
weight was proportional to cell turbidity and absor- once it was loaded in ICR column, therefore unable to
bance at 620 nm. The cell concentration (dry weight) of be used successfully, also the soft beads faced problems
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

Table 1
Physical properties and appearance of S. cerevisiae beads

Alginate (wt.%) 1.5 2 3 6

Beads diameter (mm) 5 4.9–5 4.8–4.9 4.5
Growth, diameter expansion after 72 h 50–60% 25–30% 20–25% No expansion
Diffusion problem Nil Nil Nil May exists
Cell activity Active Fully active Fully active Partially active
Physical appearance Easy to break Flexible, hard enough to stand Flexible and hard Very hard
Stability Not stable Good stability Stable and rigid Very rigid

such as overgrowth and expansion of beads diameter sole carbon source for S. cerevisiae. The purpose of
when grown in sugar solution. The high alginate beads batch experiment was to compare the amount of glucose
(6%) were very hard and almost unbreakable by pressing concentration and ethanol production in batch fermen-
manually. It was very rigid therefore diffusion was the tation and immobilized cells reactor (ICR). The con-
most probable cause since ethanol production declined. centration of glucose was gradually decreased while the
The 2% alginate was used since the beads were strong cell density and ethanol production were increased for a
enough to hold the weight of packing in the ICR col- duration of 27 h, shown in Fig. 4. There was a lag phase
umn. The packed beads were used in ICR column for of 4–6 h; the glucose consumption was low at this stage.
the duration of 10 days. The prepared beads were Subsequently the concentration profile markably de-
refrigerated for two weeks and activated in sugar solu- creased during batch fermentation after 8–16 h. Since
tion. The storage condition and ICR column were non- the cell density was initially low the trend of sugar
sterile; therefore, there were chances of contamination in consumption was also low. The resulting cell growth
the packing of ICR and in activation process. curve from batch experiment was a typical sigmoidal
A series of electronic micrographs were taken from shape (S-shape). The maximum cell density of S. cere-
the fresh and 72 h immobilized beads. The outer and visiae in batch fermentation was 13.7 g/l with 50 g/l
inner surfaces of the beads are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, glucose concentration. The average yield of biomass and
respectively. These micrographs were used as a com- product on substrates (YX=S and YP=S ) were 33% and 32%
parative indicator for yeast growth on the surface of the respectively. The rate of ethanol productivity for 24 h
solid support (2% calcium alginate). There was no was 1.4 g/l h.
apparent leakage of cells from the beads into the bulk of Langmuir–Hanes plot based on Monod rate equation
fluid. It was also apparent that by 72 h in ICR, the yeast is presented in Fig. 5. The Monod kinetic model can be
grew on the outer surface. Therefore the active sites were used for microbial cell biocatalyst and is described as
potentially available for ethanol production without follows:
diffusion problems. The outer surface of fresh and 72 h
S Ks S
immobilized cell beads at magnifications of 300 and ¼ þ
2000 are shown in Fig. 2. A visual comparison between l lm lm
fresh and 72 h beads indicates that the cells were present The terms Ks and lm are defined as the Monod constant
on the surface, with a few contaminants from a bacillus and maximum specific growth rate, respectively. The
type organism as shown in Fig. 2d. This may have oc- data generated in this study was linearly fitted with the
curred during transferring stage. model, as a function of concentration produced during
The inner surfaces of the beads before and after use the exponential phase versus time (Fig. 5). From the
were compared. The cells were initially trapped inside plot, the maximum specific growth rate and Monod
the beads and after 72 h, the cells apparently migrated constant were determined to be 0.35 g/l h and 2.23 g/l,
from the inner side to the surface. The micrographs of respectively. The large value of the Monod constant
inner side of beads before and after use, in magnification may suggest that at high concentration of substrate,
of 300 and 2000 are shown in Fig. 3. After 72 h the cells more influence on the [CS] dissociation occurred than
appeared to have formed new colonies on the surface of [CS] formation.
alginate layer. By contrast the surfaces were completely
covered with colonies after 72 h of ethanol production in
3.3. Relative activity
The economics of an immobilized cells process de-
3.2. Batch fermentation pend on the lifetime of the bacterium and a continued
level of clean product delivered by the fixed cells. It is
Ethanol fermentation in batch experiments was car- important to eliminate the free cells from the down-
ried out in triplicates with 50 g/l of glucose solution as stream product without the use of any units such as
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

Fig. 2. Electronic photomicroscope of the outer surface of immobilized S. cerevisiae beads: (a) outer surface of the fresh beads with magnification of
300 lm; (b) outer surface of the fresh beads with magnification of 2000 lm; (c) outer surface of the used beads after 72 h with magnification of 300
lm; (d) outer surface of the used beads after 72 h with magnification of 2000 lm.

centrifuge or filtration processes. Since the cells are (sd ¼ ln 2=kd ) in batch fermentation suspended cells with
retained in the ICR, the activity of intracellular 50 g/l of glucose was calculated to be 1.95 h. The free
enzymes may play a major role. It is assumed that the cells were apparently completely deactivated after 60 h
deactivation of the enzyme at constant temperature in batch operation. The data indicate that the free cells
following a first-order equation is shown below (Yuan were deactivated rapidly compared to immobilized cells
et al., 2002): when used in a continuous mode for more than seven
At ¼ A0 expðkd tÞ days.

where At and A0 are activities of enzymes at time, t and

initial time zero, respectively. Also kd is the dissociation 3.4. Reactor set-up
The plot of relative activity versus time in batch fer- The volume of reactor without beads was 1.4 l. The
mentation with free cells is shown in Fig. 6. The value of column was loaded with the solidified uniform beads of
kd was 0.36 h1 (Fig. 6). According to the first-order S. cerevisiae. The void volume of the reactor was 660 ml
dissociation rate constant, the halflife of the S. cerevisiae when it was packed with immobilized beads. The growth
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

Fig. 3. Electronic photomicroscope of the inner surface of immobilized S. cerevisiae beads: (a) inner surface of the fresh beads with magnification of
300 lm; (b) inner surface of the fresh beads with magnification of 2000 lm; (c) inner surface of the used beads after 72 h with magnification of 300
lm; (d) inner surface of the used beads after 72 h with magnification of 2000 lm.

of beads with different proportions of column packing is gradient was the major force that influenced the mass
shown in Fig. 7. A fresh feed of 10 g/l glucose solution transfer process in immobilized cells of S. cerevisiae.
was pumped from the bottom of the reactor. The opti- Therefore, the immobilized-yeast system was preferred
mum amount of packing obtained, was in the range of compared to free cells in the solution. Moreover, eco-
65–70% of the reactor volume. The trend of the collected nomical aspects of immobilized yeast must be consid-
data resembles the growth curve of yeast in suspended ered as it eliminates the need for the extra unit for free
cell culture. The diameters of beads were increased with cell removal from product stream. The other advantages
the increase of S. cerevisiae cell density, which indicates of immobilization system are that, the substrate may not
that S. cerevisiae had grown within the solid support. be accumulated on the surface of beads and there was no
Under these circumstances substrate would be easily evidence of cell leakage from the beads.
consumed at the solid surface coated with immobilized
yeast cells. Thus, it was expected that substrate con- 3.5. Effect of high concentration of substrates on immo-
centration at the surface would be less than the con- bilized cells
centration of substrate in the bulk fluid. The main
objective was to determine whether substrate penetra- The fermentation was performed with various sugar
tion into beads occurred. Since the matrix of beads was concentration to increase product concentrations. The
quite porous, it was assumed that the concentration initial sugar concentrations were 25, 35 and 50 g/l. The
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

Glucose Concentration, g/l 100

60 18
Cell dry wet, g/l
Ethanol Production, v/v% 16
50 90

Cell dry weight, g/l and Ethanol


Relative Activity %
Glucose Concentration, g/l

40 12

production, v/v%
20 6

4 60

0 0 50
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 24 27 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, hrs Time, hrs
Fig. 4. Glucose concentration, cell density and production of ethanol Fig. 6. Relative activities of S. cerevisiae in batch fermentation.
in batch fermentation with initial concentration of 50 g/l glucose versus

Over growth of packed cells, %

S/µ , g.h/l


80 50 23% Vol. reactor

40 35% Vol. reactor

30 41% Vol. reactor

20 53% Vol. reactor

10 76% Vol. reactor

0 0
0 8 16 24 32 40
-12 0 12 24 36 48 60
S, g/l
Time, hrs
Fig. 7. Percentage, growth of immobilized cell with various initial
Fig. 5. Kinetic model for batch fermentation, Langmuir–Hanes plot.
beads loading.

sugar consumption profile in the ICR is presented in

Fig. 8. The sugar consumption trends of various glucose beads were considered to be loaded with active cells. The
concentrations were similar, with a sharp reduction of beads measurements were carried out prior to loading in
substrate occurring within the first 3 h. A range of 55– the ICR column.
75% of the sugars was reduced within 3 h of retention Conversion of glucose versus dilution rate, used in
time. A 6 h of retention time indicated that this was the the continuous fermentation process with immobilized
most suitable time to achieve high sugar consumption. A S. cerevisiae is shown in Fig. 9. As the sugar concen-
longer retention time was required for higher sugar tration increased the conversion may have decreased. At
concentration of up to 150 g/l in the ICR column (7 h) very high sugar concentration, the conversion of sugar
shown in Fig. 11. The amount of cell immobilized with was decreased. The maximum sugar conversion at 6 h
calcium alginate was determined by the cell dry weight retention time was obtained from 74.3%, 80.5%, and
of immobilized cells and the assumption that 98% of the 88.2% for 25, 35, 50 g/l glucose concentrations, respec-
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

60 21
Glucose, 25 g/l
Glucose Concentration, g/l

25 g/l Glucose Glucose, 35 g/l

50 35 g/l Glucose
18 Glucose, 50 g/l
50 g/l Glucose

Ethanol Production, v/v



10 9

0 2 4 6 8 6

Retention Time, hrs

Fig. 8. Consumption of glucose in immobilization cell column.

0 2 4 6 8

25 g/l glucose
Retention Time, hrs
35 g/l glucose Fig. 10. Ethanol production versus retention time in immobilized cell
50 g/l glucose column.
Conversion, %

160 60
Glucose production, 150 g/l
140 Ethanol consumption, g/l
Glucose concentration, g/l

Ethanol concentration, g/l

20 120
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
80 30
Retention time, hrs

Fig. 9. Conversion versus retention time in immobilized cell column. 60


tively. At high concentration of sugar, conversion was 10

highly influenced by dilution rate. The conversion de-
creased to less than 10% once the dilution rate ap- 0 0
proached wash out. The sugar conversion at low sugar 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
concentration appeared to be much less sensitive to feed Retention time, hrs
dilution rate. The conversion for 25 g/l glucose was
constant at 74% for a retention time of greater than 3 h Fig. 11. Glucose concentration and ethanol production versus reten-
tion time in ICR with initial substrate concentration of 150 g/l glucose.
(Fig. 9). The trend of the data with 50 g/l sugar showed
that conversion increased with respect to retention time.
At a higher sugar concentration, it required a longer
retention time to achieve higher conversion. ality factor may have increased while the substrate
The reactor productivity was obtained by dividing concentration was increased. As the sugar concentration
final ethanol concentration with respect to sugar con- was doubled, the slope of the line for ethanol produc-
centration at a fixed retention time. It was found that the tivity with 50 g/l sugar was increased 5-fold. These re-
rates of 1.3, 2.3, and 2.8 g/l h for 25, 35, 50 g/l of glucose sults indicated that the ICR column has high capacity to
concentrations were optimal. The ethanol productivities produce very high concentrations of ethanol. The final
with various substrate concentrations were linearly ethanol concentrations with 25 and 50 g/l of glucose
dependent on retention time (Fig. 10). The proportion- were 7.6% and 16.73% v/v, respectively.
G. Najafpour et al. / Bioresource Technology 92 (2004) 251–260

High glucose concentration 150 g/l was used in con- of Science Technology and Environment (MOSTE),
tinuous fermentation using immobilized S. cerevisiae; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian government for their finan-
and the obtained data sugar consumption and ethanol cial support for Intensive Research Priority Area
production with respect to retention time are shown in (IRPA).
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