Orifice Plates

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Orifice plates dimensioning

1 O.P. Air Orifice plate, application for air

2 O.P. Water, beta < 0.3 Orifice plate, application for "water" and b < 0.3

3 O.P. Water, beta > 0.3 Orifice plate, application for "water" and b > 0.3

4 On-line O.P. calculation Orifice plate, application using the On-line program "Flowmeter"

5 Cameron Orifice plates dimensionig for water, according Cameron

The requirement for a value of b , is only to compare the result with the Cameron equations
Rev. cjc. 11.07.2016

See note

See note

gram "Flowmeter"

Cameron equations
Orifice plate, application for Air [1] & [3]

Fluid: Air Tap types (Note 1) Air properties O/P inlet velocity Note 1

Temperatura La= 0 Absolute viscosity vin = Q /A La and Lb are functions of tap type

t= 10 ºC Lb = 0 t= 10 ºC Q= 0.0625 m³/s Corner taps: La and Lb = 0

Adiabatic exponent m= AirAbsoluteViscosity_t A= 0.00046 m² D & D/2 taps. La and Lb = 0.47

k= 1.4 - Calculation m= #VALUE! Pa s vin = 134.8 m/s 1" taps. La and Lb = 0.0254 /D

Air constant Assumed flow rate (Note 2 ) with D (m). For more information, see

R= 287 J/(kg*K) Qass = 225.09 m³/h Inlet density Inlet Reynolds number page 3.

Inlet presure Qass = 0.0625 m³/s rin = Pin / ( R * T) Re = v*d/n

Pin = 170,263 Pa Pin = 170,263 Pa v= 134.8 m/s Note 2

Pressure difference Orifice plate section area R= 287 J/(kg*K) dOP = 0.0243 m Assumed flow required for the calculation,

DP = 68,938 Pa A= (p/4) * dOP^2 T= 283.15 K n= #VALUE! m²/s which can have any positive value.

Dischatge pressure dOP = 0.0243 m² rin = 2.10 kg/m³ Re = #VALUE! As an example, you can leave the existing
Pout = 101,325 Pa A= 0.00046 m² value in the cell.

Inside pipe diameter Kinematic viscosity Diameters ratio "b"

dpipe = 600 mm n= m/r b= dOP / dpipe
Orifice plate diameter m= #VALUE! Pa s dOP = 24.3 mm
dOP = 24.3 mm rin = 2.10 kg/m³ dpipe = 600 mm
dOP = 0.0243 m n= #VALUE! m²/s b= 0.041 -

Expansion coefficient "e" Orifice plate flowrate

e = 1 - (0.41 + 0.35 * b^4 ) * ( DP/ (k * Pin) )

0.041 - Iteration routine
DP = 68,938 Pa Q=C⋅e⋅E⋅A⋅ DQ = Qass - Q
k= 1.4 -
ρ Qass = 225.088 m³/h
Pin = 170,263 Pa Qcalc = #VALUE! m³/h
e= 0.881 - Qcalc = C * e * E * A * (2 * DP/ rin)^0.5 DQ = #VALUE! m³/h
C= #VALUE! -
Discharge coefficient "C" e= 0.881 -
Equation (1) E= 1.00 - #VALUE!
La= 0 - A= 0.00046 m²
Lb = 0 - DP = 68,938 Pa
Re #VALUE! - rin = 2.10 kg/m³ Calculated result
e= 0.881 - Q= #VALUE! m³/s Orifice plate flow rate
C= #VALUE! Qcalc = #VALUE! m³/h Q= #VALUE! m³/h

"E" value
E= ( 1 / (1 - b^4) )^0.5
b= 0.041 -
E= 1.00 -

Equation (1)
C = 0.5961 + 0.0261*b^2 - 0.216 * b^8 + 0.000521 * (b*1e67Re)^0.7 + ( 0.0188 + 0.0063 *(19000*b/Re)0.8 ) * ( 1e6/Re ) * b^3.5 + ( 0.043 + 0.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/Re)^0.8 * ( b^4/(1-b^4) ) - 0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3

Q: Flowrate
√ 2⋅ΔP
C: Dischatge coefficient [-] C = f(b, Re, e, La, Lb) Ec. 1
e: Expansion coefficient [-] e = 1 - (0.41 + 0.35 * b^4 ) * ( DP/ (k * Pin) )
e = 1 for incompressible fluids
E: E- value [-] E = ( 1 / (1 - b^4) )^0.5
A: O/P area [m²] A = (p/4) * d^2
DP : Pressure diferential [Pa] DP = Pin - Pout
r: Fluid density [kg/m3]
k: adiabtic exponent [-]
(Not required for incompresible fluids)
dOP: O/P diameter [mm]
dpipe: Pipe diameter [mm]
b: Diameter ratio b = dOP/dpipe
La y Lb: Constants depending on
tapping type

g= 9.81 m/s²
Equation (1)
C = 0.5961 + 0.0261*b^2 - 0.216 * b^8 + 0.000521 * (b*1e67Re)^0.7 + ( 0.0188 + 0.0063 *(19000*b/Re)0.8 ) * ( 1e6/Re ) * b^3.5 + ( 0.043 + 0.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/Re)^0.8 * ( b^4/(1-b^4) ) - 0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3
Rev. cjc. 11.07.2016
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La and Lb are functions of tap type

Corner taps: La and Lb = 0

D & D/2 taps. La and Lb = 0.47

1" taps. La and Lb = 0.0254 /D

with D (m). For more information, see

Assumed flow required for the calculation,

which can have any positive value.

As an example, you can leave the existing

value in the cell.

Page 2 of 3

0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3

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0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3
Rev. cjc. 11.07.2016
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Orifice plate (O/P), application for "water" and b < 0.3 [1] & [3]

The requirement b < 0.3, is only to compare the result with the Cameron equation for an O/P with b < 0.3

Fluid: Water
Temperature Tap types (Note 1) Water properties O/P inlet velocity Note 1
t= 10 ºC La= 0 Absolute viscosity vin = Q/A La and Lb are functions of tap type
O/P inlet pressure Lb = 0 t= 10 ºC Q= 0.0032 m³/s Corner taps: La and Lb = 0
Pin = 170,372 Pa m= AirAbsoluteViscosity_t A= 0.00046 m² D & D/2 taps. La and Lb = 0.47
O/P outlet pressure Orifice plate section area m= #VALUE! Pa s vin = 7.0 m/s 1" taps. La and Lb = 0.0254 /D
Pout = 101,325 Pa A= 0.000464 m² with D (m). For more information, see
Pressure difference Inlet density Inlet Reynolds number page 3.
DP = 69,047 Pa Calculation rin = f(t, p) Re = v*d/n
Inside pipe diameter Assumed flow rate (Note 2 ) t= 10 °C v= 7.006 m/s Note 2
dpipe = 600 mm Qass = 11.7 m³/h p= 1.70 bar dOP = 0.0243 m Assumed flow required for the calculation,
Orifice plate diameter Qass = 0.0032 m³/s rin = SaturatedWaterDensity_t n= #VALUE! m²/s which can have any positive value.
dOP = 24.3 mm rin = #VALUE! kg/m³ Re = #VALUE! As an example, you can leave the existing
dOP = 0.0243 m value in the cell.
Kinematic viscosity Diameters ratio "b"
n= m/r b= dOP / dpipe
m= #VALUE! Pa s dOP = 24.3 mm
r= #VALUE! kg/m3 dpipe = 600 mm
n= #VALUE! m²/s b= 0.0405 -

Page 2 of 3
Expansion coefficient "e" Orifice plate flow rate
e = 1 for incompressible fluids Cameron
e= 1.0 -
ρ √ Iteration routine
DQ =
Qass =
Qass - Q
11.70 m³/h
Checking with Cameron`s [2]equation
applicable for water and b < 0.3

Qcalc =
Discharge coefficient "C"
Qcalc =
#VALUE! m³/h
Q=0. 01252⋅C⋅d 2⋅h 0. 5 (1)
(See Eq. 1) C * e * E * A * (2 * DP/ rin)^0.5 DQ = #VALUE! m³/h
La= 0 - C= #VALUE! - Q = 0,01252* C * d^2 *( h)^0,5
Lb = 0 - e= 1.000 - valid for b = d/Di < 0,3
Re #VALUE! - E= 1.00 - #VALUE!
e= 1.000 - A= 0.00046 m² b= 0.0405 OK. Beta < 0.3
C= #VALUE! DP = 69,047 Pa C= 0.610 - (constant)
rin = #VALUE! kg/m³ Calculation result d= 24.3 mm
E-value Q= #VALUE! m³/s Orifice plate flow rate h= 7.04 m
E= ( 1 / (1 - b^4) )^0.5 Qcalc = #VALUE! m³/h Q= #VALUE! m³/h Q= 11.97 m³/h
b= 0.041 -
E= 1.00 -

Eq. 1
C = 0.5961 + 0.0261*b^2 - 0.216 * b^8 + 0.000521 * (b*1e67Re)^0.7 + ( 0.0188 + 0.0063 *(19000*b/Re)0.8 ) * ( 1e6/Re ) * b^3.5 + ( 0.043 + 0.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/Re)^0.8 * ( b^4/(1-b^4) ) - 0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3

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Q: Flow rate
√ 2⋅ΔP
C: Discharge coefficient [-] C = f(b, Re, e, La, Lb) Ec. 1
e: Expansion coefficient [-] e = 1 - (0.41 + 0.35 * b^4 ) * ( DP/ (k * Pin) )
e = 1 for incmpressible fluids
E: "E" value [-] E = ( 1 / (1 - b^4) )^0.5
A: O/P area [m²] A = (p/4) * d^2
DP : Pressure diferential [Pa] DP = Pin - Pout
r: Fluid density [kg/m3]
k: adiabtic exponent [-]
(Not required for incompresible fkuids)
dOP: O/P diameter [mm]
dpipe: Pipe diameter [mm]
b: Diameter ratio b = dOP/dpipe
La y Lb: Constants depending on
tapping type

Equation (1)
C = 0.5961 + 0.0261*b^2 - 0.216 * b^8 + 0.000521 * (b*1e67Re)^0.7 + ( 0.0188 + 0.0063 *(19000*b/Re)0.8 ) * ( 1e6/Re ) * b^3.5 + ( 0.043 + 0.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/Re)^0.8 * ( b^4/(1-b^4) ) - 0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3
Orifice plate (O/P), application for "water" and b > 0.3 [1]

The requirement b > 0.3, is only to compare the result with the Cameron equation for an O/P with b > 0.3

Fluio: Water Tap types (Note 1) Water properties

Temperature La= 0 Absolute viscosity
t= 10 ºC Lb = 0 t=
O/P inlet pressure m=
Pin = 170,372 Pa Area m=
P/O outlet pressure A= 0.000464 m²
Pout = 101,325 Pa Inlet density
Pressure difference Calculation rin =
DP = 69,047 Pa Assumed flow rate (Note 2 ) t=
Inside pipe diameter Qas = 11.89 m³/h p=
dpipe = 75 mm Qass = 0.0033 m³/s rin =
O/P diameter rin =
dOP = 24.3 mm
dOP = 0.0243 m Kinematic viscosity

Expansion coefficient "e" Orifice plate flow rate

e = 1 for incompressible fluids

e= 1.0 - Iteration routine
Q=C⋅e⋅E⋅A⋅ DQ =
Discharge coefficient "C"
ρ Qass =
(See Eq. 1) Qcalc =
La= 0 - Q= C * e * E * A * (2 * DP/ rin)^0.5 DQ =
Lb = 0 - C= #VALUE! -
Re #VALUE! - e= 1.000 -
e= 1.000 - E= 1.01 - #VALUE!
C= #VALUE! A= 0.00046 m²
DP = 69,047 Pa
E-value rin = #VALUE! kg/m³ Calculated result
E= ( 1 / (1 - b^4) )^0.5 Q= #VALUE! m³/s Orifice plate flow rate
b= 0.324 - Q= #VALUE! m³/h Q=
E= 1.01 -
Ec. 1
C = 0.5961 + 0.0261*b^2 - 0.216 * b^8 + 0.000521 * (b*1e67Re)^0.7 + ( 0.0188 + 0.0063 *(19000*b/Re)0.8 ) * ( 1e6/Re ) * b^3.5 + ( 0.043 + 0.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/R

Eq. 1
C = 0.5961 + 0.0261*b^2 - 0.216 * b^8 + 0.000521 * (b*1e67Re)^0.7 + ( 0.0188 + 0.0063 *(19000*b/Re)0.8 ) * ( 1e6/Re ) * b^3.5 + ( 0.043 + 0.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/R

Q: Flow rate
√ 2⋅ΔP
C: Coeficiente de decarga. [-] C = f(b, Re, e, La, Lb) Ec. 1
e: Coeficiente de expansión. [-] e = 1 - (0.41 + 0.35 * b^4 ) * ( DP/ (k * Pin) )
e = 1 para fluidos incompresibles
E: Función de diámetros [-] E = ( 1 / (1 - b^4) )^0.5
A: Area de la sección del orificio [m²] A = (p/4) * d^2
DP : Diferencia de presión [Pa] DP = Pin - Pout
r: Densidad del fluido [kg/m3]
k: Razón de calores específicos [-]
(No se requiere para fluidos incompresibles
dOP: Diámetro del orificio [mm]
dpipe: Diámetro de la cañería [mm]
b: Razón de diámetros b = dOP/dpipe
La y Lb: Constantes dpendientes
del tipo de tapping
P with b > 0.3

Water properties O/P inlet velocity Note 1

bsolute viscosity vin = Q/A La and Lb are functions of tap type
10 ºC Q= 0.0033 m³/s Corner taps: La and Lb = 0
SaturWater_DynViscosity_t A= 0.00046 m² D & D/2 taps. La and Lb = 0.47
#VALUE! Pa s vin = 7.12 m/s 1" taps. La and Lb = 0.0254 /D
with D (m). For more information, see
Inlet Reynolds number page 3.
f(t, p) Re = v*d/n
10 °C v= 7.121 m/s Note 2
1.70 bar dOP = 0.0243 m Assumed flow required for the calculation,
SaturatedWaterDensity_t n= #VALUE! m²/s which can have any positive value.
#VALUE! kg/m³ Re = #VALUE! As an example, you can leave the existing
value in the cell.
inematic viscosity Diameters ratio "b"
m/r b= dOP / dpipe
#VALUE! Pa s dOP = 24.3 mm
#VALUE! kg/m3 dpipe = 75 mm
#VALUE! m²/s b= 0.3240 -

eration routine Checking with Cameron`s[2] equation
Qass - Q applicable for water and b > 0.3
11.89 m³/h
Q= A⋅C⋅d 2⋅√ h⋅
√ 1
1− β 4

Q= A * C * d^2 * h^0.5 * (1/(1-b^4))^0.5

with b = d/Di >0,3
#VALUE! A= 0.0034781 - - (constant)
C= 0.61 - - (constant)
d= 24.3 mm
alculated result h= 7.04 mca
rifice plate flow rate D= 75 mm
#VALUE! m³/h b= d/D
b= 0.32 OK. Beta > 0.3
Q= 3.34 l/s
Q= 12.03 m³/h

.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/Re)^0.8 * ( b^4/(1-b^4) ) - 0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3

.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*b)/Re)^0.8 * ( b^4/(1-b^4) ) - 0.031 * ((2*Lb/(1-b)) - 0.8*(2*Lb/(1-b))^1.1)*b^1.3

Rev. cjc. 11.07.2016

nformation, see

d for the calculation,

ositive value.
an leave the existing
http://www.flowmeterdirectory.com/flowmeter_orifice_calc.html [1] Rev. cjc. 11.07.2016

Orifice plate, application using a On-line program "Flowmeter" Fluid: Air O/P inlet velocity
Temperatura vin = 134.82 m/s
t= 10 ºC Inlet Reynolds number
Adiabatic exponent Re = #VALUE!
k= 1.4 - Diameters ratio "b"
Air constant b= 0.041 -
R= 287 J/(kg*K) Expansion coefficient "e"
Inlet presure e= 0.881 -
Pin = 170,263 Pa Discharge coefficient "C"
Pressure difference C= #VALUE!
DP = 68,938 Pa "E" value
Dischatge pressure E= 1.00 -
Pout = 101,325 Pa
Inside pipe diameter
dpipe = 600 mm Qcalc = C * e * E * A * (2 * DP/ rin)^0.5

Orifice plate diameter Qcalc = #VALUE! m³/h

dOP = 24.3 mm
dOP = 0.0243 m
Air properties
Absolute viscosity
t= 10 ºC
m= AirAbsoluteViscosity_t
m= #VALUE! Pa s
Inlet density
rin = Pin / ( R * T) c
Pin = 170,263 Pa
R= 287 J/(kg*K)
T= 273.15 K
rin = 2.17 kg/m³
Kinematic viscosity
n= m/r
m= #VALUE! Pa s
rin = 2.17 kg/m³
n= #VALUE! m²/s

Coefficient of discharge ISO equation

C = 0.5961 + 0.0261*c96^2 - 0.216 * c96^8 + 0.000521 * (c96*1e67Re)^0.7 + ( 0.0188 + 0.0063 *(19000*c96/Re)0.8 ) * ( 1e6/Re ) * c96^3.5 + ( 0.043 + 0.08*e^(-7*La) ) * ( 1-0.11 ) * (19000*c96)/Re)^0.8 * ( c96^4/(1-c96^4) ) - 0.031 * ((2*Lc96/(1-c96)) - 0.8*(2*Lc96/(1-c96))^1.1)*c96^1.3
Orifice plates dimensionig for water, according Cameron [2]

Orifice plate for water and diameters ratio b < 0.3

Orifice plate water flowrate for b < 0.3 Pressure loss in orifice plate, for
water and b < 0.3
Equation adapted from Cameron [3], pag. 2-8
From Eq. 1
2 0. 5 [Ec. 1]
Q=0. 01252⋅C⋅d ⋅h Q
0 . 000157⋅C 2⋅d 4

Q: volumetric flowrate [m3/h] Q: volumetric flowrate [m3/h]

C: discharge coefficient [-] C: discharge coefficient [-]
d: orifice plate diameter [mm] d: orifice plate diameter [mm]
h: orifice plate pressure difference [m] h: orifice plate pressure difference [m]

Application for water flowrate calculation Application for water pressure difference calculation

for b = d/Di < 0,3 for b = d/Di < 0,3

Q= 0,01252* C * d^2 *( h)^0,5 h= Q^2 / (0,000157*C^2*d^4 )
C= 0.61 - (constant) Q= 13.06
d= 25.4 mm C= 0.61
h= 7.03 m d= 25.4
Q= 13.06 m³/h h= 7.02

Orifice plate for water and diameters ratio b > 0.3

Orifice plate water flowrate for b > 0.3 Pressure loss in orifice plate, for
water and b > 0.3
Equation adapted from Cameron [3], pag. 2-8
From Eq. 2
`[Ec. 2]


[ ]
1 2 Q
Q= A⋅C⋅d ⋅√ h⋅ h=
1− β 4 A⋅C⋅d 2⋅
√ 1
1− β

Q: volumetric flowrate [m3/h] Q: volumetric flowrate [m3/h]

C: discharge coefficient [-] C: discharge coefficient [-]
d: orifice plate diameter [mm] d: orifice plate diameter [mm]
h: orifice plate pressure difference [m] h: orifice plate pressure difference [m]

Application for water flowrate calculation Application for water pressure difference calculation
presión de un flujo de agua.

for b = d/Di > 0,3 for b = d/Di > 0,3

Q= A * C * d^2 * h^0.5 * (1/(1-b^4))^0.5 h= (Q / ( A * C * d^2 * (1/(1-
A= 0.0034781 - Q= 949
C= 0.61 - (constant) Q= 263.6
d= 149 mm A= 0.0034781
h= 30.75 m C= 0.61
D= 406 mm d= 149
b= d/D D= 406
b= 0.37 ( > 0,3 ) b= d/D
Q= 263.6 l/s b= 0.37
Q= 949 m³/h h= 30.75
Rev. cjc. 11.07.2016

b < 0.3

n orifice plate, for

00157⋅C 2⋅d 4

wrate [m3/h]

ameter [mm]
essure difference [m]

ater pressure difference calculation

2 / (0,000157*C^2*d^4 )
- (constant)

b > 0.3

n orifice plate, for


C⋅d 2⋅
√ 1
1− β

wrate [m3/h]

ameter [mm]
essure difference [m]

ater pressure difference calculation

jo de agua.
/ ( A * C * d^2 * (1/(1-b^4))^0,5 ))^2
- (constant)

( > 0,3 )
[1] FlowRental.com
Orifice plate on-line calculator

[2] Cameron Hydraulic Data, Pag. 2-8

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