Customs Modernization (Customtrade - Asia)
Customs Modernization (Customtrade - Asia)
Customs Modernization (Customtrade - Asia)
Support for the Senate ratification of the RKC and By the middle of 2009, a draft was submitted to the BoC
approval of legislative measures; management and soon thereafter, a draft bill was filed in
Congress, then entitled “Customs and Tariff Modernization
Drafting of the omnibus bill to amend the Tariff and Act” (CTMA). The bill was not passed by the Lower House by
Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP); the end of its term. In 2010, several versions of the CTMA were
filed in both houses. The Lower House was able to approve its
Drafting of the Manuals of Operations to govern the version but the Senate failed to act on such bill.
main areas in customs operations (entry
processing, customs bonded warehouse, CMTA – RA 10863. In 2013, new versions were again filed. In
administrative and judicial proceedings, transit the early part of 2015, after the conduct of numerous public
goods, etc.); consultations in the Lower House, a technical working group
was created. The TWG was chaired by Rep. Sharon Garin and
Infrastructure support (e.g. Information and was composed of representatives from the House Committee
Communication Technology); and on Ways and Means, BoC, Department of Finance and external
Provision for human resource training, capacity
building and change management. For the next 6 months, the TWG worked on the consolidated
bill, taking into consideration the adoption of the provisions of
What is the RKC? In order to meet the growing demands of both the RKC and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA),
governments and the international trading community, the the revision of all other old provisions and the inclusion of
original convention was revised and updated in June 1999. The anti-smuggling provisions. By the middle of 2015, a
World Customs Organization (WCO) Council adopted the RKC consolidated bill (now entitled ‘CMTA’ instead of ‘CTMA’) was
as the model for efficient and modern customs procedures in submitted to the mother committee in the Lower House and
the 21st century. To date, there are 105 countries which are by the third quarter of 2015, the bill was approved by the
signatories to the convention. mother committee. At about the same time, the Senate
Committee on Ways and Means also started conducting its
RKC was designed by the WCO to standardize and harmonize public hearings.
customs policies and procedures worldwide. It likewise serves
to implement customs-related principles developed by the In the last quarter of 2015, both houses approved the CMTA
World Trade Organization (WTO), such as the agreements and work started on the harmonization of the House and
contained in Article V (Freedom of Transit), Article VIII (Fees Senate versions. In January 2016, the bicameral committee
& Formalities Connected with Importation and Exportation) convened. On January 21, 2016, both houses ratified the final
version and thereafter, the same was transmitted to the Creation of a Congressional Customs and Tariff
Office of the President. On May 30, 2016, Republic Act No. Oversight Committee to oversee the
10863 was signed and approved by the President. implementation of the CMTA.
Procedure for advance ruling to allow early Procedure allowing settlement while forfeiture
resolution of customs issues even if there is yet proceedings are ongoing.
no actual importation involved;
Implementation. Once fully implemented, the CMTA should in
Provision on ‘Authorized Economic Operator’ or AEO, general provide for (a) less discretion on customs
an expansion of the original concept of
decision-making, (b) adoption of internal best practices, (c)
‘Authorized Operator’ under the RKC and an
clear, simplified and harmonized processes, and (c) reduced
adoption of the expanded program of the the
penalties for errors and omissions.
World Customs Organization (WCO) to promote
both trade compliance and security in the supply
Given the scope of work required, full implementation of
CMTA will take years, albeit many of the major policy reforms
will be issued piece-by-piece.
Definition of ‘alerts’ to harmonize and simplify
rules on the apprehension of shipments, to make
Customs Modernization and Tariff Act Series 4: Title
the process transparent for the trading
1-Preliminary Provisions
community, and to prevent abuse by customs
Title I of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA) has
enforcement officers;
four chapters: Chapter 1 provides the short title; Chapter 2
Provision for summary remedies such as distraint on the general and common provisions; Chapter 3 defines the
personal property and levy on real property to types of importation; and Chapter 4 is a special provision on
collect duties, taxes and other charges arising relief consignment.
from a customs audit;
Chapter 1 (Short Title)
Creation of a Forfeiture Fund for the purpose of As previously mentioned, the original title of the initial bills
outsourcing customs functions, facilitating filed in Congress in 2008 was “Customs and Tariff
processes, capacity building, and modernization Modernization Act” or CTMA. The approved law revised the
through automation; and short title based on the misconception that the term tariff
refers to the Tariff Commission and that the term
modernization should properly refer to customs only.
In most customs jurisdictions, tariff administration is an
inherent function of the customs office and there is no Chapter 3 (Types of Importation)
separate office assigned to perform tariff administration. In This Chapter is based on the Section 100 and 101 of the Tariff
the Philippines, we have a separate agency known as the and Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP). The main
Tariff Commission which is under the National Economic and difference under the CMTA is that the old provision on
Development Authority whereas the Bureau of Customs is prohibited importation has been redefined under 2 new
under the Department of Finance. section—one on prohibited goods per se and another on
restricted goods. Additionally, new provisions have been
Chapter 2 (General and Common Provisions) provided to define free and regulated goods.
We have outlined below the specific changes provided under
this chapter: Under Section 117, import permits for regulated goods may be
submitted after arrival of the goods but prior to release from
‘Declaration of Policy’ (Section 101) is a new customs custody. Old customs rules require that import
provision which specifically mentions the permits be issued prior to arrival of the goods and this rule
promotion of trade facilitation as a major affects many importations particularly telecom equipment
customs function. (Section 101) and IT products arriving at Ninoy Aquino International Airport.
Goods seized by deputized officers shall be Customs can now allow provisional goods
physically turned over immediately to the declarations when some information or
bureau; supporting documents are not available to
complete a regular goods declaration, but such
Port and airport authorities are obliged to provide information or document must be submitted
authorized customs officers with unhampered within 45 days.
access to all premises within their administrative
jurisdictions; and Goods declarations are now required to be
submitted within 15 days from discharge from
In the exercise of the power to inspect and visit aircraft or vessel. The period may be extended
commercial establishments and demand evidence for another 15 days. Under the rules on
of tax and duty payments, the owners of the abandonment, the importer may also reclaim the
establishments have 15 days to produce evidence abandoned goods within an additional 30 days.
before their goods may be subject to seizure.
A new provision has been provided allowing advance
Under the past administrations, law enforcement agencies lodgement and clearance of goods. At present,
were allowed to exercise customs police authority without the the Bureau of Customs allows the advance filing
supervision and control of the BOC. The cited provision now of goods declaration even prior to the arrival of
has certain limitations. For one, these agencies must clearly the goods.
be authorized by the Commissioner and deputized officers
must at all times carry their written authorizations and International standards on the mode of payment
present the same upon requested. and terms of trade are recognized. These
With regard to the exercise of police power in ports and standards include those developed by the
airports, this chapter now expressly provides that port and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on
airport authorities are required to provide unhampered access INCOTERMs and on international letter of credit
to customs police authorities. such as the Uniform Customs and Practice for
Title III (Customs Jurisdiction and Customs Control) Documentary Credits.
Many of the sections under this Title have been adopted from
the old code. Under chapter 2, BOC shall exercise control,
direction and management of customs offices, facilities, Chapter 2 (Examination of Goods) retains many of the old
warehouses, ports, airports, wharves, infrastructures and provisions relating to examination of goods. A provision has
other premises. In addition, the bureau may issue rules and been provided allowing customs to adopt non-intrusive
regulations to allow temporary operation of storage facilities technology (such as x-ray machines) in the examination of
especially for abandoned and overstaying cargoes. goods.
This expanded power of the bureau under this title clearly
impacts on the management and supervision of facilities and Chapter 3 (Assessment and Release) adopted many of the old
operators within ports and airports. provisions on the assessment process which includes the
Customs Modernization and Tariff Act Series 6: Titles IV and V valuation, classification and computation of taxes and duties
(Import and Export Clearance) on imported goods. Among the major changes under this
Title IV of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act has four chapter are as follows:
chapters: chapter 1 (Goods Declaration), chapter 2
(Examination of Goods), chapter 3 (Assessment and Release) A new provision provides a tax and duty exemption
and chapter four (Special Procedures). Title V has a single on goods with a de minimis value of Php10,000
chapter covering Export Clearance and Declaration. FOB or FCA.
Title IV (Import Clearance and Formalities) In lieu of the old provision on tentative liquidation,
two provisions on tentative assessment have been
provided to cover (i) goods subject to dispute Under Section 600, goods transferred from one customs office
settlement, and (ii) goods covered by provisional to another customs office (e.g. Port of Manila to Port of Davao)
declarations. but intended for domestic use (goods for consumption) are not
considered transit goods and are subject to the immediate
Assessment shall be deemed FINAL after 15 days payment of duties and taxes.
from receipt of notice. Final assessment shall
also be deemed CONCLUSIVE after 3 years from Under Section 601, transit goods bound for CBWs, Free Zones,
date of final payment of duties and taxes. Within and goods covered by RA 10668 (An Act Allowing Foreign
that 3-year period, customs may conduct a post Vessels to Transport and Co-Load Foreign Cargoes for
clearance audit on the subject importation. Domestic Transshipment and for Other Purposes) are not
subject to the payment of duties and taxes. In the case of
goods covered by RA 10668, goods for consumption arriving at
Chapter 4 (Special Procedures) are new provisions covering a port of discharge (e.g. Port of Manila) for transfer to the
rules on travelers, passenger baggage, postal mail and express port of final destination (e.g. Port of Davao) using another
shipment (courier). Additional provision under Section 440 on foreign vessel shall be subjected to the payment of duties only
advance clearance and control on containerized cargoes has at the port of destination. In all other cases, goods for transit
been provided to allow customs to provide a load port survey or for transfer from one customs office to another shall be
program on containerized cargoes. subject to the payment of duties and taxes at the port of
What is clearly new under this chapter is the mandate for
customs to provide a simplified process based on international Chapter 2 (Customs Transshipment) refers to goods for
practices for postal matters and courier shipments. With transshipment or goods that are transshipped through a port
regard to Section 440, the version approved by the Lower of entry for immediate exportation in the same port.
House required a load port survey for all containerized cargoes Transshipped goods will not be subject to the payment of
but the approved version only directs customs to implement a duties and taxes and shall be subject to re-exportation in the
voluntary program. same port within 30 days from arrival. The period for
exportation may be extended by the Commissioner upon
Title V (Export Clearance and Formalities) request.
Many of the sections under this Title have been adopted from
the old code. The only new provision is Section 503 (Rules of Section 604 also states that
Origin). Under this new provision, CMTA allows the bureau or “unless it shall appear in the bill of lading, airway bill, invoice,
any other designated government agency to determine the manifest, or other satisfactory evidence, that goods arriving in
origin of goods for export, and for exporters to adopt a the Philippines are destined for transshipment, no exportation
self-certification system accredited by the bureau or a thereof will be permitted…”.
designated government agency.
Title VII (Import Duty and Tax)
Customs Modernization and Tariff Act Series 7: Titles VI and VII Chapter 1 (Basis of Valuation) covers the rules on valuation,
(Transit, Transshipment and Valuation) specifically the different methods of valuation which are
Title VI of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act has 5 principally based on the WTO Valuation Agreement. While the
sections under 2 chapters: chapter 1 (Customs Transit) and new rules are substantially based on the old ones, the new
chapter 2 (Customs Transshipment). Title VII has 15 sections rules are now provided in 7 sections unlike the old rules which
with 2 chapters: Chapter 1 (Basis of Valuation) and Chapter 2 are provided in a single section (Section 201, TCCP). Section
(Special Duties and Trade Remedy Measures). 700 sets the rules on the sequential application of the
valuation methods while the succeeding 6 sections outline the
Title VI (Customs Transit and Customs Transshipment) various methods of valuation.
Chapter 1 (Customs Transit) covers new rules on the
movement of goods from one customs office to another office. Section 707 clearly provides the basis for customs to verify the
Under the old rules, the term for such movement would be truth or accuracy of values as declared by importers.
‘transshipment’. Transit goods are generally not subject to Specifically, the section states that
duties and taxes. Transit may involve the following activities: “when a declaration has been presented and when the Bureau
has reason to doubt the truth or accuracy of the particulars or
Goods imported through any port of entry (e.g. of documents produced in support of such declaration, it may
Clark) for transit to another port (e.g. Ninoy ask the importer to provide further explanation, including
Aquino International Airport) for immediate documents or other evidence, that the declared value
exportation; represents the total amount actually paid or payable for the
imported goods…”.
Goods imported through any port of entry (e.g.
NAIA, Port of Manila or Manila International The same section also provides that when there is a valid
Container Port) for transit to a Free Zone such as valuation dispute, the importer has the right to secure the
a free port (e.g. Clark or Subic) or a Philippine release of the imported goods upon the posting of sufficient
Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) zone; guaranty equivalent to the duties and taxes subject of the
dispute. The amount of duties and taxes not subject to dispute
Goods from a Free Zone (e.g. zone) for transit to a shall be paid prior to release of the goods.
port (e.g. MICP) for subsequent export; and
Chapter 2 (Special Duties and Trade Remedy Measures)
Goods from a Free Zone (e.g. Subic) for transfer to substantially reiterates the old provisions on the right of
a PEZA zone or a customs bonded warehouse. compulsory acquisition of grossly undervalued goods and the
power of the President to increase duties on imported goods
arising from discrimination from a foreign country. The same code. The major change involves the provision on the
chapter outlines the additional duties that may also be prescription for the duty drawback claim (1 year) and for
imposed on imported duties such as: marking duty, safeguard refund application (12 months).
duty, dumping duty and countervailing duty. It should be noted here that while 1 year is normally
interpreted as a calendar year, the term “12 months” is
Customs Modernization and Tariff Act Series 8: Titles VIII, IX generally defined as equivalent to “three hundred sixty (360)
and X (Duty Exemption and Drawback; Post Clearance Audit) days”.
Title VIII of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act has 22 Title X (Post Clearance Audit)
sections under 4 chapters as follows: Chapter 1 (Conditionally A major change under CMTA is the change in title from “Post
Tax and/or Duty Free Importation), Chapter 2 (Customs Entry Audit” to “Post Clearance Audit”, the latter being the
Warehouses), Chapter 3 (Free Zones) and Chapter 4 (Stores). commonly-used term by most customs jurisdictions worldwide.
Title IX has 14 sections under 2 chapters: Chapter 1 (Duty While many provisions are still based on the old code, among
Drawback) and Chapter 2 (Refund and Abatement). Title X of the substantial changes are as follows:
the CMTA has 7 sections covered by a single chapter on Post increase in the minimum penalty but decrease in the
Clearance Audit (PCA). maximum penalty in case of findings of underpayment of
Title IX (Tax and Duty Deferment, Preference and duties and taxes; and
Exemption) additional powers to the bureau to enable it to fully exercise
Chapter 1 (Conditionally Tax and/or Duty Free Importation) is its audit powers — power to issue summons to produce records
substantially based on Section 105 of the Tariff and Customs and to give testimony, and to exercise summary remedies such
Code of the Philippines. Among the substantial changes under as distraint of personal property and levy of real property to
this chapter are the following: implement its audit findings.
Reduction of the security required from 150% to Sometime late 2013, the customs audit function was
100% of the ascertained duty and tax; transferred from the BOC to the Department of Finance. The
CMTA clearly provides that Post Clearance Audit (PCA) is a
Duty exemption of goods subject to outward function and responsibility of the BOC. Customs is expected to
processing; and aggressively start its customs audits once the PCA office is
activated and a new head is appointed.
Increase in tax and duty exemptions of OFWs and
returning residents for a minimum of