Physical and Mental Effects of Menstruation Cycle in Relation To 10 Diverse Professions Among Females of District Kohat, KP Pakistan
Physical and Mental Effects of Menstruation Cycle in Relation To 10 Diverse Professions Among Females of District Kohat, KP Pakistan
Physical and Mental Effects of Menstruation Cycle in Relation To 10 Diverse Professions Among Females of District Kohat, KP Pakistan
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1 author:
Hameed Ur Rehman
Kohat University of Science and Technology
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E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2016; 4(4): 1225-1227
Physical and mental effects of menstruation cycle
© 2016 JEZS in relation to ten diverse professions among
Received: 09-05-2016
Accepted: 10-06-2016 females of district Kohat, KP Pakistan
Shehzad Zareen
Department of Zoology, Kohat
University of Science and Shehzad Zareen, Hameed Ur Rehman, Munaza Noor, Sumayya Nisa,
Technology-26000, KPK, Pakistan.
Musarat Yasmin, Sulaiman Bahadar, Fahad Ali, Sajid Iqbal, Muhammad
Hameed Ur Rehman
Department of Chemistry, Kohat Shoaib, Maryuem Humayun, Zakir Ullah and Mujaddad Ur Rehman
University of Science and
Technology-26000, KPK, Pakistan. Abstract
Munaza Noor Menstruation period is also known as monthly or simply it can be called as periods. This period is
Department of Zoology, Kohat characterised by discharge of blood along with menstrual fluid. About 35-36 ml blood is released during
University of Science and menstrual flow. A large number of female also exhibit some other clinical conditions like breast
Technology-26000, KPK, Pakistan.
tenderness, mood swings, appetite, irritability fatigue and many more. A Total of 600 females from 10
Sumayya Nisa diverse occupations were included in this study. Data was collected from, security guards, Tailors,
Department of Zoology, Kohat Households, Maids, Paramedical staff, Social workers, Teachers, Students, lady Police and House wives.
University of Science and Physical and mental symptoms like backache, migraine, fatigue, abdominal cramps, mood swings, breast
Technology-26000, KPK, Pakistan.
tenderness, vaginal dryness and feelings of appetite were questioned. Among all respondents’ backache
Musarat Yasmin was observed as more frequent clinical symptom i.e. among 28.50% respondents as compare to others
Department of Zoology, Kohat symptoms. Next more prevalent issue was fatigue (among 27.50% respondents) and mood swings
University of Science and
(among 17.83% respondents). Abdominal and vaginal cramps were observed among 8.83%respondents,
Technology-26000, KPK, Pakistan.
migraine was observed among 7.83% respondents, appetite in 3.83%, and vaginal dryness among 3.00%
Sulaiman bahadar while Breast tenderness was observed among 2.66% respondents during menstruation period. This study
Department of Microbiology, revealed that backache and fatigue are the most common clinical conditions that a female suffer no
Abbottabad University of Science and
Technology Pakistan
matter if she belongs to either of the profession. While these conditions are followed by abdominal
cramps and migraines. Vaginal dryness, breast tenderness and appetite are the least common conditions
Fahad Ali during menstruation period in any of the professional.
Department of Genetics Hazara
University Mansehra, Pakistan
Keywords: Menstrual period, menstrual syndrome, symptoms, professions
Sajid Iqbal
Department of Pharmacy, Kohat
University of Science and 1. Introduction
Technology, Kohat-26000, KPK, Menstruation period is also known as monthly or simply it can be called as periods [1]. This
Pakistan. period is characterised by discharge of blood along with menstrual fluid [2]. About 35-36 ml
Muhammad Shoaib blood is released during menstrual flow [3]. A large number of females also exhibit some other
Department of Pharmacy, Kohat clinical conditions like breast tenderness, mood swings, appetite, irritability fatigue and many
University of Science and
Technology, Kohat-26000, KPK, more [4]. These conditions are sometime called menstrual syndrome [3]. In most of the cases
Pakistan. menstruation periods are very painful, characterise with abdominal and vaginal cramps, this
Maryuem Humayun condition is called Dysmenorrhea or it is also known as aching periods [5,6].Menstruation
Department of Microbiology, periods varies in relation to physical activities of a female [7, 8]. Most of the female feel change
Abbottabad University of Science and
in moods and also a sort of mental disturbance before and during menstruation [9]. The
Technology Pakistan
objective of the research work was to find out Physical and mental effects of menstruation
Zakir Ullah cycle in relation to ten diverse professions among females of district Kohat, KP Pakistan.
Department of Microbiology,
Abbottabad University of Science and
Technology Pakistan 2. Materials and Methods
Mujaddad Ur Rehman From March 2016 to June 2016 a total of 600 Females from 10 diverse occupations were
Department of Microbiology, included in this study. After sharing the importance of the study and seeking consent all of
Abbottabad University of Science and them were investigated for the effects of physical and mental activity on the duration of
Technology Pakistan
menstruation period. Data was collected from Security guards Tailors Households Maids
Paramedical staff Social workers Teachers Students lady Police and House wives. Physical
Correspondence and mental symptoms like Backache Migraine Fatigue Abdominal Cramps Mood Swings
Hameed Ur Rehman
Department of Chemistry, Kohat Breast Tenderness Vaginal dryness and feelings of appetite were questioned. Female
University of Science and respondents were given questionnaires to be filled.
Technology-26000, KPK, Pakistan.
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
Those who were illiterate, questionnaire were filled by an while no one reported appetite during menstruation period.
oral investigation by a female researcher. Privacy of the About 32/600 maids were included in this study. Among
respondents was kept confidential to avoid any ethical issue. them 13/32 reported backache, 4/32 reported migraines,
11/32 reported fatigue, 3/32 reported abdominal and vaginal
3. Results cramps, 1/32 reported mood swings, No one reported breast
3.1 Physical and mental effects of menstruation in tenderness, vaginal dryness and appetite during menstruation
relation to different profession of females period. About 15/600 respondents were security guards by
About 97/600 respondents of this study were teachers by their profession among them 5/15 reported backache, no one
profession. Among them 33/97 reported backache, 3/97 migraines, 5/15 reported fatigue, 2/15 reported abdominal
reported migraine, 28/97 reported fatigue, 2/97 reported and vaginal cramps, 3/15 reported mood swings, while No
abdominal and Vaginal cramps, 15/97 reported mood swings, one reported breast tenderness, vaginal dryness and appetite
4/97 reported breast tenderness, 4/97 reported vaginal during menstruation period. A total of 138/600 respondents
dryness while 8/97 reported appetite during menstruation were house wives by their occupation. among them 46/138
period. A total of 80/600 respondents of this study were reported backache, 8/138 reported migraines, 34/138
paramedical staff by occupation, among them 5/8 reported reported fatigue, 12/138 reported abdominal and vaginal
Backache, 4/8 reported migraine, 24/8 reported fatigue, 9/8 cramps, 22/138reported mood swings, 5/138reported breast
reported abdominal and vaginal cramps, 12/8 reported mood tenderness, 4/138 reported vaginal dryness while 7/138
swings, 3/8 reported breast tenderness, 1/8 reported vaginal reported appetite during menstruation period. About 109/600
dryness while 2/8 reported appetite during menstruation female students were included in this study, out of them
period. About 77/600 household unmarried girls were 19/109 reported backache, 4/109 reported migraines, 32/109
included in this study, they were jobless household reported fatigue, 8/109 reported abdominal and vaginal
respondents. Out of them 8/77 reported Backache, 16/77 cramps, 38/109 reported mood swings, 3/109 reported breast
reported migraine, 22/77 reported fatigue, 12/77 reported tenderness 5/109 reported vaginal dryness while no one
abdominal and Vaginal cramps, 13/77 reported mood swings, reported appetite during menstruation period. About 9/600
No one reported breast tenderness and Vaginal dryness while Lady police respondents were included in this study, out of
2/8 reported appetite during menstruation period. About them 5/9 reported backache, 3/9 reported fatigue, 1/9
35/600 respondents were social workers by their profession. reported vaginal dryness while no one any other symptom
among them 12/35 reported backache, 8/35 reported during periods. Out of 8/600 female tailors 5/8 reported
migraines, 3/35 reported fatigue, 5/35 reported abdominal backache while 3/8 reported fatigue; no one highlighted any
and vaginal cramps, 3/35 reported mood swings, 1/35 other symptom (Table-1) (Graph-1).
reported breast tenderness, 3/35 reported vaginal dryness
Table 1: Physical and mental effects of menstruation in relation to different profession of females
Side Effects
Total No. of
Professions Abdominal Breast Vaginal
Respondents Backache Migraine Fatigue Mood swing Appetite
Cramps Tenderness Dryness
Teachers 97 33 3 28 2 15 4 4 8
Paramedical staff 80 5 4 24 9 12 3 1 2
Households 77 8 16 22 12 13 0 0 6
Social workers 35 12 8 3 5 3 1 3 0
Maids 32 13 4 11 3 1 0 0 0
Security guards 15 5 0 5 2 3 0 0 0
House wives 138 46 8 34 12 22 5 4 7
Students 109 19 4 32 8 38 3 5 0
Police 9 5 0 3 0 0 0 1 0
Tailors 8 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 600 171 47 165 53 107 16 18 23
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
3.2 Over all Percentage of clinical conditions among (among 17.83% respondents). Abdominal and Vaginal
females during menstruation cramps were observed among 8.83% respondents, Migraine
Among all respondents backache was observed as more was observed among 7.83% respondents, appetite in 3.83%,
frequent clinical symptom i.e. among 28.50% respondents as and vaginal dryness among 3.00% while Breast tenderness
compared to others symptoms. Next more prevalent issue was observed among 2.66% respondents during menstruation
was fatigue (among 27.50% respondents) and mood swings period.