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Carol L. Keefer1
Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Edited by Francisco J. Ayala, University of California, Irvine, CA, and approved April 15, 2015 (received for review February 6, 2015)
Domestic animals can be cloned using techniques such as embryo the blastomeres of an early embryo and forming two or more
splitting and nuclear transfer to produce genetically identical smaller embryos. Initial studies were performed to ask key
individuals. Although embryo splitting is limited to the production questions regarding control of lineage development: When is a
of only a few identical individuals, nuclear transfer of donor nuclei cell’s fate set and how plastic is that fate? Studies in amphibians,
into recipient oocytes, whose own nuclear DNA has been removed, rabbits, and mice suggested that the very early cleavage stages
can result in large numbers of identical individuals. Moreover, (two-cell to four-cell) were flexible and that each blastomere
clones can be produced using donor cells from sterile animals, such could yield a viable blastocyst. At later stages, the blastomeres
as steers and geldings, and, unlike their genetic source, these clones could no longer independently form a viable blastocyst due to the
are fertile. In reality, due to low efficiencies and the high costs of loss of mass as each blastomere underwent cleavage division.
cloning domestic species, only a limited number of identical in- That did not mean that the blastomere nucleus was incapable
dividuals are generally produced, and these clones are primarily of directing full development, but rather that it was unable to
used as breed stock. In addition to providing a means of rescuing stop the developmental clock and replace the lost mass before
and propagating valuable genetics, somatic cell nuclear transfer continuing. Prior to the blastocyst stage, cells in the early embryo,
(SCNT) research has contributed knowledge that has led to the called blastomeres, divide without increasing in mass between
direct reprogramming of cells (e.g., to induce pluripotent stem cells) each division: thus the term cleavage divisions—each cell cleaves
and a better understanding of epigenetic regulation during embry- in half. This constraint led to the obvious question: If you provide
onic development. In this review, I provide a broad overview of the additional mass, can later staged blastomeres—or more appro-
historical development of cloning in domestic animals, of its appli- priately—can the nucleus of a later staged blastomere direct
cation to the propagation of livestock and transgenic animal pro- complete development to the blastocyst stage and be capable of
duction, and of its scientific promise for advancing basic research. continued development resulting in a normal, live offspring? Pio-
neering studies in the 1950s and 1960s in frogs demonstrated that
SCNT | cloning | nuclear transfer | embryo | livestock nuclei from embryos up to the tadpole stage were capable of
directing normal development, resulting in adult individuals, but
Setting the Stage—Historical and Evolutionary Perspective This paper results from the Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of Sci-
ences, “In the Light of Evolution IX: Clonal Reproduction: Alternatives to Sex,” held January
How much have we diverged from nature’s method of cloning? 9–10, 2015, at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences
Even omitting most other forms of plant and animal life and and Engineering in Irvine, CA. The complete program and video recordings of most present-
ations are available on the NAS website at www.nasonline.org/ILE_IX_Clonal_Reproduction.
focusing on vertebrates—animals with backbones—examples of
clones abound in nature. Identical twins are the obvious exam- Author contributions: C.L.K. wrote the paper.
ples, but perhaps more intriguing are armadillos, in which the The author declares no conflict of interest.
offspring in a litter are all clones derived from one zygote (9). The This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
simplest form of artificial cloning is embryo splitting—separating 1
Email: [email protected].
than normal; thus, the term “large offspring syndrome” was coined
transfer technique that had been used in the earlier amphibian
(37). It was determined that exposure to serum and coculture al-
cloning studies described above (Fig. 1). In brief, the oocyte’s tered embryonic epigenetic methylation patterns (38, 39). With
DNA was removed by aspirating the portion of ooplasm con- improvements in culture media, the incidence of large offspring
taining the chromosomes, thus forming a cytoplast; the donor after in vitro embryo production no longer seems to be the issue it
cell was placed abutting the ooplasmic membrane; and the once was although the more subtle epigenetic changes that may have
cytoplast and donor cell were fused together. Using this procedure, long-term consequences on offspring health are of great interest. A
Willadsen obtained live lambs (19) and calves (20) after transfer of number of research groups are exploring these subtle epigenetic
the reconstructed embryos into surrogates. Subsequently, several changes that can occur during gamete, embryo, and early pregnancy
other research groups with ties to the agricultural industry began with potentially long-term consequences on offspring (40, 41).
exploring the possibilities of embryo and embryonic cell nuclear
transfer, achieving success with progressively later stages of em- Propagation of Genetics
bryos (Table 2). In 1996, researchers at the Roslin Research In- Once lambs and calves had been produced using embryonic and
stitute reported successful production of live lambs using long-term fetal cells, publications dealing with SCNT research escalated
cultured embryonic (21) and even transgenic (22) cells. These
achievements were soon followed by the report of the production
of a lamb (Dolly) using cultured somatic cells that had been Table 1. Cloning efficiencies in domestic livestock
obtained from an adult (6). Although much has been made of the Efficiency per Efficiency per
low efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)—Dolly was Species reconstructed oocyte, % transferred SCNT embryo, % Refs.
the single live offspring that resulted from 29 transferred recon-
structed embryos for which 247 oocytes had been manipulated— Cattle 1.7 11.5 1
the fact that a live lamb was produced is still astounding. Goat 6 6 2
To fully comprehend the barriers to artificial cloning, one Horse 0.8 19 3
must first understand the processes of gametogenesis and fer- Pig 0.3 5–13 4, 5
tilization. During mammalian development, the primordial germ Sheep 0.3 3.4–5.9 6–8
cells in the developing fetus migrate to the gonadal ridges and, Estimates based on selected publications that provide sufficient datasets
depending on the sex of the fetus, form either oogonia or sper- to determine cloning efficiencies based both on a per reconstructed oocyte
matogonia. DNA methylation patterns are established such that and a transferred embryo basis. Transferred embryos are often highly
sperm are hypermethylated and oocytes are hypomethylated selected and can represent a very small subset of SCNT embryos produced.
successfully carry a pregnancy initiated by her own identical clone, has contributed knowledge that has led to the direct reprogram-
which implied that foreign paternal antigens are not necessary for ming of cells (e.g., inducing pluripotent stem cells) and to better
establishing a viable, full-term pregnancy (63). Additional studies understanding of epigenetic regulation during embryonic de-
using SCNT could help further decipher the role of paternal anti- velopment and has provided means of propagating and rescuing
gens during pregnancy (64). valuable genetics and establishing large-animal biomedical models.
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