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Sahavikas Community College: Microsoft Word

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Sahavikas Community College


Sahavikas Community College
1.Opening word (Or) Opening word 8.Opening a file
Start Start File
Program Run Open
Microsoft office WinWord Choose the file from appropriate drive(C, D, E OR A)
(optional) & folder
Microsoft word Press enter Open  Click left
Left click
2.Creating file 9.Selecting entire document
File Edit
New Select all
Blank document (Or) keep the cursor at the beginning of the document,
Ok then press shift + ctrl + end. (Simultaneously)
Note: document1 is the default file in word. (Or) move the cursor at the end of the document, then
press shift + ctrl + home
3.Saving a untitled file 10.Selecting data
File Drag through the data to which you want to
Save Select.
Give a file name (Or) keep the cursor from where you want to select,
Save or press enter from the keyboard then use the shift + (arrow keys) for selection.
Note: for saving untitled files save and save as (Or) click on selection bar for selecting.
give the same dialog box. Extinction (doc (Or) use f8 key.
is automatically assigned.
4.Saving the modification over the previous 11.Moving through the document through keys
File Ctrl + home: beginning of the document
Save Ctrl + end: end of the document
Note: the modification data is saved over the Home: beginning of line.
previous one. End: end of line.
5.Saving the modification in a new file 12.Changing alignments
File Select the text. Then click on alignment buttons as per
Save as requirement.
Give a name for the new file Left: Left align button
Save/press enter Right: right align button
6.Saving a file with pass word Center: center align button
File Justifying the text within left and right margin: justify
Save as button
Tools 13.Changing font
General option Password to open Select the text that you want to change the font
Password to modified
Give a password as per your requirement Format
Ok Font Font,
Reenter the password Character spacing,
Ok Animation (text effect)
Save Choose any one from the above
7.Closing a file (4 ways) Do changes as per your requirement
File Click on Click on Alt+f4 Ok.
Close control close Note1: ctrl+ b (bold), ctrl+ I (italic), ctrl+u (underline)
box button Note2: ctrl+} to expand the font,
Close (at the (X) ctrl+{ to reduce the font
top left of Note3: typing uppercase (A) holding shift key results in
the lower case (a) and vice versa.

Sahavikas Community College
14.Copy the formatted style 19.Changing back ground of document
Select text containing the formatted style/put the cursor Format
in between the text containing formatted style. Click Back ground No fill
on format painter button on the toolbar Color list
Select the data on which you want the above More color
formatted style. Fill Effects (gradient, texture,
Note: format pointer button copies the formatted pattern, picture)
style of the selected text, not the contents. Choose any back ground
15.Changing cases Note: In web layout view you can see the
Select the text background.
Format 20.Checking spelling & grammar
Change Sentence case, lower case, upper case, Tools
case title case, toggle case. Spelling & grammar
Choose any one of the required options Note: spelling & grammar starts the searching
Ok. From the beginning of the file
16.Creating border and shading Note: custom dictionary is the default English
Select the text dictionary. (You can also create your
Format 21.Inserting page break
Border & Shading Border, Shading, Page border Put the cursor where you want to insert page break
Choose border/shading Insert
Choose any border or shading, Apply to Break
(text/paragraph) Page break
Ok Ok
Note: you can see paragraph border and shading in 22.Removing page break in normal view
print preview and page layout view Put the cursor on the page break (you have
17.Clearing Border and Shading created) Press delete key.
Select the text containing border or shading 23.Zooming file
Format View
Border & shading Zoom (give the percentage of zoom)
Choose 24.Viewing the toolbar if it is not visible
Choose Border/ Apply to View
none Shading (test/paragraph) Toolbar
Ok Click on the toolbar for confirmation.
18.Creating page border Note: you can use the same process to remove a
Format tool bar
Border & Shading Border Note: you can see the list of toolbars by right
Shading clicking on any blank space over the toolbar
Page border or menu bar.
Page border 25.Counting the word in your document
Choose the Apply to (whole document/This Tools
border section/This section first Word count
page only/This section all 26.Observing your file in different views (mode)
except View Normal, Web layout, Print layout,
First page) Out line
Note: you can see page border in print layout view File Print preview
or in print preview. Use different views to see your file

Sahavikas Community College
27.Setting the page 34.Using go to (to navigate)
File Edit
Page setup Margin, Paper size, Paper source, Go to (bookmark, page no)
Layout Choose bookmark/page no
Margin Go to
Set the margin (top, left, right, bottom) Close
Ok Note: mouse pointer automatically goes to that
28.Printing the file marked position.
Open the document 35.Applying multiple columns
File Select the paragraph for which you want to apply
Print multiple columns.
Give current page/all/specific range like 2-3 of 10 Format
Print Column
29.Copying /cutting Select the column type
Select the text that you want to copy or cut Ok
Edit (Or) ctrl + c Edit (Or) ctrl + x 36.Inserting date and time and page no
Copy Cut Put the cursor where you want to insert
30.Pasting Insert
Keep cursor where you want to paste the copied or Date and time/page no
cut text. 37.Adding bullet and numbers
Edit Ctrl + v Select the paragraph
Paste Format
31.Undo / redo Bullet Bulleted (picture, customize)
Edit (Or) ctrl + z And Numbered (customize)
Undo Numbering
Undo is used to cancel the previous editing Select any one bullet/numbered
functions. (Cut, copy, format. etc) Select any particular type (if you don’t want any
The opposite of undo is redo. one from the list then choose any one from
32.Inserting book mark picture or from customize)
Select the text for which you want to insert book Ok
mark 38.Removing bullet and numbering
Insert Select the paragraph
Book mark Format
Give a book mark name Bullet and numbering
Ok Choose none
Note: bookmark is used to go to a specific position Ok
of your file instead of scrolling through the file. 39.Inserting picture from clip art
33.Inserting foot note/endnote Put the cursor where you want to insert the picture
Put the cursor at the end of the word for which you
want to insert footnote or endnote Insert
Insert Picture Clip art, word art, from file
Footnote Clip art
Choose any one footnote/endnote Choose the picture type
Give a custom mark Click on the picture
Ok Click on insert clip button
Type the note for that word Click on close (X) button to close clipart window
Note1: footnote is displayed at the end of the current Note: you can use the word art to select the design
page and endnote is at the end of the document. for your text.
Note2: Suppose a word in your document has a Note: you can use from file option to insert a
special meaning. Then you can mention the picture from paint file (.bmp)
meaning by footnote or by endnote.

Sahavikas Community College
40.Moving the picture 47.Inserting auto correct entry
Select the picture Tools
Edit Auto correct
Cut Auto correct
Put the cursor where you want the picture Replace---type the common misspelled word.
Paste With---type the correct word.
Note: or you can drag the selected picture to the new
area. Add
41.Editing the picture Ok
Select the picture to which you want to edit 48.Replacing auto correct entry
Format Type the word which you have created auto
Picture correct entry
Click on any one Press the space bar or enter key
Edit as per requirement Word automatically replaced the word
Ok 49.Deleting auto correct entry
42.Copying the picture Tools
Select the picture Auto correct
Edit Auto correct
Copy Choose the auto correct you want to delete
Put the cursor where you want to paste Delete
Edit 50.Inserting table
Paste Put the cursor where you want to insert a table
Note: or first hold the ctrl key then Drag through the Table
mouse. After dragging first leave the mouse Insert
then ctrl key. Table
43.Deleting picture Give number of rows & columns
Select the picture Note: -Enter key creates a new line within the cell.
Press the delete key Tab key creates a new row, if the cursor is at the
last cell of the table.
44.Inserting auto text entry 51.Merging cells
Select the data for which you want to create an auto Select the cells to which you want to merge
text entry Table
Insert Merge cells
Auto text 52.Splitting cells
Auto text Select the cell that which you want to split
Preview-: shows the data selected for the auto text Table
Entries-choose the text what is given or you can Split cells
Type a new name (not desirable) Give number of rows & columns
Add Ok
45.Replacing auto text entry 53.Drawing table
While typing auto text entry the word displays, what Put the pointer where you want the table
can be replace by this entry Table draw table
If you want to replace Choose border style and color (optional)
Press f3 key Click on pencil from table toolbar
46.Deleting auto text entry Draw the table through the pencil
Insert 54.Deleting table
Auto text Select the table
Auto text Table
Select the auto text you want to delete Delete (table, columns, rows, cells)
Delete Choose table

Sahavikas Community College
55.Clearing contents of table Put the cursor where you want to insert the field of
Select contents of cell data source.
Press the delete key Insert merge field (tool button in toolbar)
56.Inserting header and footer Click on the field, which you want to insert in that
View particular place.
Header and footer Repeated the above three steps repeatedly until
Type the header in the header section you have not inserted the data fields as per
Click on switch between header and footer button, your requirement.
to move in between header and footer. You Tools
can also use the scroll bar) Mail merge
Type the footer in the footer section Merge
Close Merge
Note1: to see the header and footer use page Form letter1 is the default file in mail merge which
layout view or print preview is opened automatically
Note2: when the header and footer are active the By using file print preview you can see different
document is inactive and vice versa. To make pages of the merged file. (Data source with
the inactivate part activate double click on that the letter)
Note3: to use different header and footer in first Save the merged file with a new name if required
page or in odd and even use filepage set (filesave as)
uplay outdifferent in odd and even / 58.Creating mailing label
different in first page Open a blank file
Removing header and footer Tools
Double click on header /footer of your document Mail merge
to activate it. Main document
Delete that section (header/footer) by using the Cerate
delete key or backspace key. Mailing label
Click on switch between header and footer button Active window
of header footer toolbar to switch between header Data source
and footer. Get data
Delete the contents of the next section. Create /open data source (steps for opening a data
57.Creating form letter (mail merge) label)
Type the letter (Save it by file save as) Choose the data source file
Tools Open
Mail merge (mail merge has three different parts Set up main document
1.Main document, 2.Data source, 3.Merge) Ok
Main document (it is the letter) Place the fields in the proper place of sample label
Create by clicking on different fields of insert merge
Form letter After placing all the fields in the desired place
Active window click on ok

Sahavikas Community College
Data source (contains the address for sending the Merge
letter) Merge
Get data Note1: label1 is the default file for label
Create data source/open data source (steps for Note2: you can also create envelopes using the
creating data source) similar process as you have created form letter
Add and remove fieldsok and mailing labels.
Save the data source by giving a name Note: click on edit button of data source of mail
Edit data source merge to add new addresses to the database.
Add addressesafter adding one record click on
add new button to add new records. After
adding all records click on ok

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