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MEM12024A – Perform computations


Perform computations

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26th January 2013 – Version 1
MEM12024A – Perform computations

First Published January 2013

This work is copyright. Any inquiries about the use of this material should
be directed to the publisher.

Edition 1 – January 2013

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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Conditions of Use:

Unit Resource Manual

Manufacturing Skills Australia Courses

This Student’s Manual has been developed by BlackLine Design for use in the
Manufacturing Skills Australia Courses.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be printed or transmitted in any
form by any means without the explicit permission of the writer.

Statutory copyright restrictions apply to this material in digitally and hard copy.

Copyright  BlackLine Design 2013

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MEM12024A – Perform computations


Your feedback is essential for improving the quality of these manuals.

Please advise the appropriate industry specialist of any changes, additions, deletions or
anything else you believe would improve the quality of this Student Workbook. Don’t
assume that someone else will do it. Your comments can be made by photocopying the
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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Aims of the Competency Unit

This unit covers estimating approximate answers to arithmetical problems, carrying out
basic calculations involving percentages and proportions, and determining simple ratios
and averages. The unit includes producing and interpreting simple charts and graphs and
applies in manufacturing, engineering or related environments. It includes the application
of the four rules of algebraic expressions, extracting information from drawings,
diagrams, graphs and charts and producing simple charts and graphs.
Data may be derived from readings taken or may be computer generated. Applications
can include computations associated with pressure, volume, temperature, heat, speed,
power, elasticity, density, mass, force etc.
Calculations may be performed using pen and paper or on a calculator.

Unit Hours

36 Hours



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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Elements and Performance Criteria

1. Determine work 1.1 Required outcomes are established from job

requirement instructions.

1.2 Data is obtained from relevant sources and

interpreted correctly.

1.3 Required calculation method is determined to suit the

application, including selection of relevant arithmetic
operations and/or formulae.
1.4 Expected results are estimated, including rounding
off, as appropriate.

2. Perform calculations 2.1 Calculation method is applied correctly.

2.2 Correct answer is obtained.
2.3 Answer is checked against estimation.

3. Use two- 3.1 Data is transposed accurately to produce charts or

dimensional graphs.
geometry to solve
3.2 Charts or graphs accurately reflect data on which they
practical problems
are based.

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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Required Skills and Knowledge

Required skills include:

 performing calculations involving whole numbers using all four basic rules
 performing calculations involving length, perimeter, area and volume
 checking calculated answers for accuracy
 rounding off estimated answers
 expressing information presented in fractional or decimal format as a
 selecting appropriate formulae for the given application
 substituting the correct values for each term in the relevant formulae
 using appropriate mathematical operations
 performing calculations involving ratios or proportions
 determining required information from appropriate charts or graphs
 producing simple charts or graphs from given information or observations
 selecting appropriate scales and using them in the production of charts and
 marking appropriate limits clearly on the graph or chart
 reading, interpreting and following information on written job instructions,
specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, lists, drawings and
other applicable reference documents
 planning and sequencing operations
 checking and clarifying task related information
 checking for conformance to specifications
 undertaking numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae
within the scope of this unit

Required knowledge includes:

 formula applicable to the determination of perimeter, area and volume of
simple geometric shapes
 techniques for estimating approximate answers
 reasons for using dimensions with the same units when calculating length,
perimeter, area and volume
 concepts of perimeter, area and volume
 procedures for rounding off figures when estimating approximate answers
 mixed numbers, decimals, fractions and whole numbers
 concept of percentage
 procedures to be followed in converting a decimal to a percentage
 procedures for carrying out calculations involving fractions and using each
of the four basic rules
 procedures to be followed on converting a fraction to a percentage
 sources of appropriate formulae
 reasons for ensuring that the units of each term are consistent with the
formulae selected
 procedures for converting given units to those required for use in formulae
 concepts of ratio and proportion
 given ratios and proportions can be expressed in terms of whole numbers,
fractions and decimal fractions
 scales applicable to the axes of the graphs or charts
 three types of charts and/or graphs used in the individual's field of work
 where appropriate, upper and lower limits of acceptability applicable to data
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MEM12024A – Perform computations

entered on a graph or chart

 where appropriate, the trends indicated by the slope or gradient of a graph
 where appropriate, the action to be taken when given trends occur or set
limits are approached on graphs or charts
 procedures for drawing 'lines of best fit'
 the trends indicated by the graphs or charts drawn
 hazards and control measures associated with performing computations,
including housekeeping
 safe work practices and procedures

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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
CONDITIONS OF USE:......................................................................................... 3
Unit Resource Manual .....................................................................................3
Manufacturing Skills Australia Courses ..............................................................3
FEEDBACK: ......................................................................................................... 4
AIMS OF THE COMPETENCY UNIT ....................................................................... 5
UNIT HOURS ...................................................................................................... 5
PREREQUISITES: ................................................................................................ 6
ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA .......................................................... 6
REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE ................................................................. 6
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... 7
LESSON PROGRAM: ............................................................................................ 7
SOLVING MATHS PROBLEMS: ............................................................................. 5
LESSON 1 – THE FOUR BASIC OPERATIONS: ...................................................... 8
Required Skills: ..............................................................................................8
Required Knowledge: ......................................................................................8
The Four Mathematics Operations: ...................................................................8
Addition: .......................................................................................................8
Subtraction: ..................................................................................................9
Multiplication: .............................................................................................. 10
Dividing Whole Numbers: .............................................................................. 11
Order of Operations: ..................................................................................... 13
Skill Practice Exercise: MEM12024-SP-0101: ................................................... 15
LESSON 2 – CONVERTING FRACTIONS & DECIMALS: ........................................ 16
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 16
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 16
Introduction to Fractions: .............................................................................. 16
Equivalent Fractions: .................................................................................... 17
Simplifying Fractions: ................................................................................... 19
Mixed to Improper Fractions: ......................................................................... 19
Adding and Subtracting Simple Fractions: ....................................................... 20
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions: ......................................................... 21
Multiplying Simple Fractions: ......................................................................... 22
Multiplying Mixed Fractions: ........................................................................... 22
Dividing Simple Fractions : ............................................................................ 23
Dividing Mixed Fractions : ............................................................................. 23
Skill Practice Exercise: MEM12024-SP-0201: ................................................... 25
LESSON 3 – DECIMALS: .................................................................................... 27
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 27
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 27
What Is a Decimal?....................................................................................... 27
Change Decimals to Fractions: ....................................................................... 28
Changing Fractions to Decimals: .................................................................... 28
Adding and Subtracting Decimals: .................................................................. 30

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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Multiplying Decimals: .................................................................................... 31

Dividing Decimals:........................................................................................ 32
Rounding Off: .............................................................................................. 33
Rounding Rules: ........................................................................................... 34
Skill Practice Exercise: MEM12024-SP-0301: ................................................... 35
LESSON 4 – PERCENTAGES: .............................................................................. 37
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 37
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 37
Introduction: ............................................................................................... 37
Converting a Fraction to a Percentage: ........................................................... 37
Converting a Percentage to a Fraction: ........................................................... 38
Converting a Decimal to Percentage: .............................................................. 38
Converting a Percentage to a Decimal:............................................................ 38
Common Fractions Decimals & Percentges: ..................................................... 39
Skill Practice Exercise: MEM12024-SP-0401: ................................................... 40
LESSON 5 – ANGLES & TRIANGLES: .................................................................. 41
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 41
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 41
Types of Angles: .......................................................................................... 41
Theorems: ................................................................................................... 43
Triangles: .................................................................................................... 45
Convert Degrees and Radians: ....................................................................... 47
Skill Practice Exercises: MEM12024-SP-0501: .................................................. 49
LESSON 6 – PERIMETERS & AREAS: .................................................................. 50
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 50
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 50
Metric Units: ................................................................................................ 50
Perimeter: ................................................................................................... 53
Area: .......................................................................................................... 54
Composite Areas: ......................................................................................... 57
Skill Practice Exercises: MEM12024-SP-0601 ................................................... 59
LESSON 7 – ALGEBRA: ...................................................................................... 61
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 61
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 61
Introduction: ............................................................................................... 61
Index Notation: ............................................................................................ 62
Substitution into Algebraic Expressions: .......................................................... 63
Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Expressions: ................................................ 63
Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions: ........................................................... 65
Dividing Algebraic Expressions: ...................................................................... 66
Solving Algebraic Equations: .......................................................................... 68
Skill Practice Exercises: MEM12024-SP-0701 ................................................... 71
LESSON 8 – RATIOS & RATES: .......................................................................... 73
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 73
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 73
What is a Ratio?: .......................................................................................... 73
Equivalent Ratios: ........................................................................................ 74
Simplifying Ratios: ....................................................................................... 75
Problem Solving Using Ratios: ....................................................................... 75
Rates: ......................................................................................................... 77
Speed, Distance and Time: ............................................................................ 77
Skill Practice Exercises MEM12024-SP-0801..................................................... 79
LESSON 9 – SCALE DRAWINGS: ........................................................................ 80
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 80

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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 80

Scale Overview: ........................................................................................... 80
Skill Practice Exercises MEM12024-SP-0901..................................................... 84
LESSON 10 – VOLUMES & SURFACE AREAS: ..................................................... 85
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 85
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 85
Use of the Volume Formulae in Industry: ........................................................ 85
Use of the Surface Area Formulae in Industry: ................................................. 85
Square or Rectangular Prism: ........................................................................ 86
Cylinder: ..................................................................................................... 87
Triangular Prism: ......................................................................................... 88
Pentagonal Prism: ........................................................................................ 89
Cone: ......................................................................................................... 90
Pyramid: ..................................................................................................... 91
Torus: ......................................................................................................... 92
Sphere:....................................................................................................... 93
Skill Practice Exercises MEM12024-SP-1001: ................................................... 94
LESSON 11 – ESTIMATION/APPROXIMATION: ................................................. 96
Required Skills: ............................................................................................ 96
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................... 96
Estimating: .................................................................................................. 96
Tips and Tricks: ........................................................................................... 97
Visual Estimation: ........................................................................................ 99
Estimating Techniques: ............................................................................... 100
Basic rules for estimating: ........................................................................... 101
Skill Practice Exercises MEM12024-SP-1101................................................... 102
LESSON 12 – COORDINATES & STATISTICS: .................................................. 106
Required Skills: .......................................................................................... 106
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................. 106
Cartesian Co-ordinates: .............................................................................. 106
Polar Co-ordinates:..................................................................................... 107
Convert Between Polar and Cartesian Co-ordinates: ....................................... 109
Statistics: .................................................................................................. 110
Skill Practice Exercise MEM12024-SP-1201 .................................................... 112
LESSON 13 – INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: .................................................... 114
Required Skills: .......................................................................................... 114
Required Knowledge: .................................................................................. 114
Material Weights: ....................................................................................... 114
Areas:....................................................................................................... 117
Component Volumes: ................................................................................. 122
Flow Rates & Velocity: ................................................................................ 124
Skill Practice Exercise MEM12024-SP-1301 .................................................... 126
PRACTICE COMPETENCY TEST: ....................................................................... 129
Answers to Skill Practice Exercises: .............................................................. 131

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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Lesson Program:

Lesson Skill Practice Exercise

Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations: MEM12024-SP-0101
Error! Reference source not found. MEM12024-SP-0201
Topic 3 – Decimals MEM12024-SP-0301
Topic 4 – Percentages MEM12024-SP-0401
Topic 5 – Angles & Triangles MEM12024-SP-0501
Topic 6 – Perimeters & Areas MEM12024-SP-0601
Topic 7 – Algebra MEM12024-SP-0701
Topic 8 – Ratios & Rates MEM12024-SP-0801
Topic 9 – Scale Drawings MEM12024-SP-0901
Topic 10 – Volumes and Surface Areas MEM12024-SP-1001
Topic 11 – Pythagoras Theorem MEM12024-SP-1101
Topic 12 – Trigonometry MEM12024-SP-1201
Topic 13 – Coordinates & Statistics MEM12024-SP-1301
Topic 14 – Industrial Applications MEM12024-SP-1401
Practice Competency Test:

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MEM12024A – Perform computations

Solving Maths Problems:

An equation is a combination of math expressions.

Word problems are a series of expressions that fits into an equation.
There are two steps to solving math word problems:
1. Translate the wording into a numeric equation that combines smaller
2. Solve the equation!
 Read the problem entirely
Get a feel for the whole problem
 List information and the variables you identify
Attach units of measure to the variables (gallons, miles, inches, etc.)
 Define what answer you need,
as well as its units of measure
 Work in an organized manner
Working clearly will help you think clearly
 Draw and label all graphs and pictures clearly
 Note or explain each step of your process;
this will help you track variables and remember their meanings
 Look for the "key" words (above)
Certain words indicate certain mathematical operations:
Key words for addition ( + ) :
increased by; more than; combined together; total of; sum; added to
What is the sum of 8 and y?
Express the total weight of the mast (x) and antenna (y).
Key words for Subtraction ( - ) :
less than, fewer than, reduced by, decreased by, difference of
What is four less than y.
What is the difference in the mass of the beams x and the columns y.
Key words for multiplication ( * or  ):
of, times, multiplied by
What is y multiplied by 13.
A car drives at 105 kilometres per hour. How far will it go in x hours?
Key words for division ( ÷ or / )
per, a; out of; ratio of, quotient of; percent (divide by 100).
What is the quotient of x and 3.
y machines produce a total of 3457. Express their average production

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MEM12024A – Perform computations
Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations

Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations:

Required Skills:
 Determine the result of a mathematical expression using addition.
 Determine the result of a mathematical expression using subtraction.
 Determine the result of a mathematical expression by multiplication.
 Determine the result of a mathematical expression by division.
 Calculate the result of a compound mathematical expression consisting of
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Required Knowledge:
 The difference between a whole number, decimal percentage and fraction.
 Multiplication and division is carried out before addition and subtraction.
 Laying out calculations on paper in a logical manner.

The Four Mathematics Operations:

The basic understanding of the use of arithmetic and mathematics without the aid of
mobile phones, calculators and computers is an essential skill required for engineers,
technicians, and people working in the trades. The first instinct is to reach for some
electronic means to do a simple calculation but what happens if the mobile phone
batteries go flat, or worse the phone is dropped in the water or under the wheels of a
150 tonne earth moving machine? The calculations must be worked out in the head or
at the very least approximated by applying mathematics learned at school and at
The four basic mathematical operations are:
 Addition
 Subtraction
 Multiplication
 Division
To effectively operate in engineering fields, everyone must know the 4 basic operations
of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication () and division (), and how they are
applied to whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.

Addition is a mathematical operation that represents combining collections of
objects together into a larger collection. It is signified by the plus sign (+).
Each number being added is called an addend while the total, which is the answer to
the addition problem, is called the sum.
4 addend 9 addend
+3 addend +4 addend
7 sum 13 sum
Adding numbers with 1 digit is reasonably straightforward. In general, it mentally can be
calculated mentally or by the use of fingers. Adding zero to a number never changes the

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Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations

Look at the following problems and select the incorrect answer.

2 7 4 5 5 6 6 7 9
+6 +3 +8 +6 +5 +9 +7 +8 +8
8 10 12 11 10 13 13 15 17
If you selected F you are correct as 6+9=15; NOT 13.
Adding numbers with 2 or more digits is a bit more challenging so when we have to add
57 and 34 together. The result can be determined using the Expanded Notation method
or placing the numbers into columns and carrying numbers over.

Expanded Notation:
To calculate the sum the numbers are broken down into basic elements:
57 = 50 (tens) + 7 (ones)
34 = 30 (tens) + 4 (ones)
The ones are totalled first 7 + 4 = 11 or 1 (ten) + 1 (ones).
The tens are totalled next, 50 + 30 + 10 = 90 or 90 (tens) + 1 (ones) = 91.

The same result can be achieved by arranging the numbers into columns where the
ones, tens, hundreds are lined vertically below each other.
The one (right) column is totalled first, then the tens (next left), then the hundreds (3 rd
column from the right) and so on. Where the ones column totals more then 10, the
number 0 to 9 is placed in the answer line and the ten number carried over to the ten

7 + 4 = 11

Subtraction is one of the four basic arithmetic operations; it is the inverse of addition
meaning that if we start with any number and add any number and then subtract the
same number we added, we return to the number we started with. Subtraction is
denoted by a minus (-).
Instead of adding 2 numbers to get a sum, one number is removed from the other to get
the difference. The following are simple subtractions:
9 8 6 11 16
-4 -7 -2 -3 -6
5 1 4 8 10

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MEM12024A – Perform computations
Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations

In the first example, if 9 – 4 = 5 is related to money, if you had $9 and bought an item
for $4 you would have $5 left.
Subtractions with one digit are fairly simple however subtractions with 2 or more digits
can become more complicated especially when a digit being subtracted is larger than the
other digit; eg. 93 – 6.
As in addition the result can be determined using the expanded notation or column

Expanded Notation:
As with additions, the numbers are broken down into basic elements:
93 = 9 tens + 3 ones 8 tens + 13 ones
-6 = 6 ones -6 ones
8 tens + 7 ones
= 87
In the above example, the 9-10’s is reduced to 8-10’s and the 3-1’s is increased to 13-
1’s. The ones can then be subtracted (13 – 6 = 7) and added to the 8-10’s to give 87.

Since 6 can not be subtracted from 3, 10 is borrowed from the 10’s column and then
paid back.
9 3
-1 6
8 7
In the above example, 10 is borrowed from the 9 to turn the 3 into 13 therefore 13–
6=7; the 10 is then paid back to the tens column, 9 – 1 = 8. The final answer is 87.

Multiplication is the mathematical operation of scaling one number by another. It is one
of the four basic operations in elementary arithmetic. The multiplication is denoted by
the symbol (x).

Numbers being multiplied are called Factors, while the result or answer to the multiplied
figures is called the Product. A solid knowledge of the multiplication tables is
recommended to successfully multiply.
3 factor 8 factor
2 factor 3 factor
6 product 24 product
The easiest multiplication we can perform is the one with one digit because all we need
is a good remembrance of a multiplication table.
8 9 6 10 5
4 3 1 0 5
32 27 6 0 25
Multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number is a little bit more fun but can
easily be calculated using the Expanded Notation method.
Let’s look at 53x7 using the Expanded Notation and Columns methods.
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MEM12024A – Perform computations
Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations

Expanded Notation:
53 = 5 tens and 3 ones
7 =  7 ones
35 tens and 21 ones
35+2 tens and 1 one

The 21 ones break down to 2 tens and 1 one with the 2 tens being added to the 35 tens
to give 37 tens and 1 one or 371.

As with addition and subtraction, multiplication can be done by laying the calculation out
in column form.
Method 1:
53 factor
7 factor
21 Ones - 3  7
350 Tens - 5  70
371 product
Method 2:
20 carry over
53 factor
7 factor
371 product
3x7=21 1 is placed on the answer line and 2 is carried over to the tens column.
7x5=35+2=37 and is placed next to the 1.

Keep the columns neat and carry over

numbers clear and neat.

Dividing Whole Numbers:

Dividing whole numbers is the opposite of multiplying whole numbers. It is the process
by which we try to find out how many times a number (divisor) is contained in another
number (dividend). The resulting answer is called the quotient. The symbol used to
designate divide is .
6 quotient
5 )30 dividend

Long Division:
At times when the number or dividend is too long to simply divide, the Long Division
method should be used to calculate the answer or quotient. The division is laid out in
the same manner but there are several lines under breaking up the long number into
shorter sections.

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MEM12024A – Perform computations
Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations

Example 1-1:
Divide 1645 by 7 or 1645  7
Step 1:

7 )1645
Lay the division out as shown.
Step 2:
7 )1645
7 will go into 16, twice so 2 is placed above the line.
Step 3:
7 )1645
27=14; 14 is placed below the 16.
Step 4:
7 )1645
Subtract 14 from 16 = 2
Step 5:
7 )1645
Cary the 4 down next to the 2 to give a figure of 24.
Step 6:
7 )1645
24  7 is 3 so 3 is placed in the quotient next to 2.
Step 7:
7 )1645
37=21; 21 is placed below the 24.

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Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations

Step 8:
7 )1645
Subtract 21 from 24 = 3.
Step 9:
7 )1645
Cary the 5 down next to the 3 to give a figure of 35.
Step 10:
7 )1645
35  7 is 5, so 5 is placed in the quotient next to 23.
Step 11:
7 )1645
57=35; 35 is placed below the 35 and when subtracted leaves 0.

The final answer is 235.

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MEM12024A – Perform computations
Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Operations

Order of Operations:
Since the early days of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, Mathematicians have agreed
on a definite order of doing the 4 operations (+, – , ,  ) otherwise confusion would

Working from left to right, Multiplication and

Division are calculated before additions and

 First: Work out any grouping of symbols or brackets.

 Second: Work out any multiplication and division as they occur from left to right.
 Third: Work out any addition and subtraction as they occur from left to right.

From the following example, which is the correct answer; A or B?

A 5 + 3  4 = 17
B 5 + 3  4 = 32
As any multiplication must be done before any addition, then the answer would be
5+12=17 as answer A is correct. For B to be correct
The agreed Order of Operations is often remembered as B O D M A S or Brackets Of
Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction.

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MEM12024A – Perform computations
Answers to Skill Practice Exercises

Skill Practice Exercise: MEM12024-SP-0101:

1. Determine the following answers:
a. 7+4 b. 17+24 c. 34+58 d. 62+74 e. 53+96

f. 85+65 g. 105+89 h. 186+178 i. 275+349 j. 597+627

k. 1017+527 l. 297+2489 m. 2481+92 n. 1579+6982 o. 8715+2547

2. Determine the following answers:

a. 6-4 b. 12-8 c. 84-24 d. 98-72 e. 53-7

f. 85-36 g. 207-104 h. 179-36 i. 285-147 j. 987-321

k. 1489 l. 2478- m. 2481- n. 2579 o. 8715

-268 1587 1478 -1587 -2547

3. Determine the following answers:

a. 54 b. 39 c. 87 d. 96 e. 128

f. 78 g. 146 h. 8524 i. 9648 j. 5757

k. 11847 l. 24958 m. 75868 n. 148569 o. 1479247

4. Determine the following answers:

48  8 16  4 81  9 e 12  6
a. 15  3 b. c. d.

f. 8 ) 448 g. 6 ) 252 h. 7 ) 868 i. 4 ) 116

j. 9 )3132 k. 3 ) 501 l. 10 )1000 m. 12 ) 2904

5. Determine the following answers:

a. 86+4 b. 4 x7–9 c. 4+78

d. 12  3 + 5 x 6 e. 36 – 4  8 f. 28  2  8

g. 46 + 24  4 h. 68+43 i. 15  5 + 25  5

6. Name the 4 major operations in Mathematics.

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