Objectives Evil Sought To Be Avoided Acts To Be Penalized Penalties

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The Magna Carta of It emphasizes the rights of The discrimination against The discrimination Upon finding of the CHR that a
Women (R.A. 9710) women and institutionalizes women in all its forms and against women and the department, agency, or
the substantive equality of pursues by all appropriate violation of their rights instrumentality of government,
men and women. The very means and without delay under this law. government-owned and -
essence of the law is not only the policy of eliminating controlled corporation, or local
to provide equal opportunities discrimination against government unit has violated any
for women, but also their women. provision of this Act and its
empowerment; implementing rules and
regulations, the sanctions under
Protect women against administrative law, civil service, or
discrimination and from other appropriate laws shall be
violation of their rights; recommended to the Civil Service
Commission and/or the
Promote and fulfill the rights of Department of the Interior and
women in all spheres, Local Government. The person
including their rights to directly responsible for the
substantive equality and non- violation as well as the head of the
discrimination. agency or local chief executive
shall be held liable under this Act.

If the violation is committed by a

private entity or individual, the
person directly responsible for the
violation shall be liable to pay
Anti-violence Against To give value to the dignity of The act of inflicting (a) Causing physical (a) Acts falling under Sec. 5(a)
Women and their women and children and violence on women and harm to the woman or constituting attempted, frustrated
Children Act of 2004 guarantees full respect for their children her child; or consummated parricide or
(RA 9262) human rights. The State also murder or homicide shall be
recognizes the need to protect (b) Threatening to cause punished in accordance with the
the family and its members the woman or her child provisions of the Revised Penal
particularly women and physical harm; Code;
children, from violence and
threats to their personal safety (c) Attempting to cause If these acts resulted in mutilation,
and security. the woman or her child it shall be punishable in
physical harm; accordance with the Revised
Penal Code; those constituting
(d) Placing the woman serious physical injuries shall
or her child in fear of have the penalty of prison mayor;
imminent physical harm; those constituting less serious
physical injuries shall be punished
by prision correccional; and those
(e) Attempting to compel constituting slight physical injuries
or compelling the shall be punished by arresto
woman or her child to mayor;
engage in conduct which
the woman or her child
has the right to desist Acts falling under Sec. 5(b) shall
from or desist from be punished by imprisonment of
conduct which the two degrees lower than the
woman or her child has prescribed penalty for the
the right to engage in, or consummated crime as specified
attempting to restrict or in the preceding paragraph but
restricting the woman's shall in no case be lower than
or her child's freedom of arresto mayor;
movement or conduct by
force or threat of force, (b) Acts falling under Sec. 5(c)
physical or other harm or and 5(d) shall be punished by
threat of physical or arresto mayor;
other harm, or
intimidation directed (c) Acts falling under Sec. 5(e)
against the woman or shall be punished by prision
child. This shall include, correccional;
but not limited to, the
following acts committed (d) Acts falling under Sec. 5(f)
with the purpose or shall be punished by arresto
effect of controlling or mayor;
restricting the woman's
or her child's movement (e) Acts falling under Sec. 5(g)
or conduct: shall be punished by prision
(1) Threatening to
deprive or actually (f) Acts falling under Sec. 5(h) and
depriving the woman or Sec. 5(i) shall be punished by
her child of custody to prision mayor.
her/his family;
If the acts are committed while the
(2) Depriving or woman or child is pregnant or
threatening to deprive committed in the presence of her
the woman or her child, the penalty to be applied
children of financial shall be the maximum period of
support legally due her penalty prescribed in the Sec.
or her family, or
deliberately providing
the woman's children In addition to imprisonment, the
insufficient financial perpetrator shall (a) pay a fine in
support; the amount of not less than One
hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) but not more than
(3) Depriving or three hundred thousand pesos
threatening to deprive (300,000.00); (b) undergo
the woman or her child mandatory psychological
of a legal right; and counseling or psychiatric
treatment and shall report
(4) Preventing the compliance to the court
woman in engaging in
any legitimate
profession, occupation,
business or activity or
controlling the victim's
own mon4ey or
properties, or solely
controlling the conjugal
or common money, or

(f) Inflicting or
threatening to inflict
physical harm on oneself
for the purpose of
controlling her actions or

(g) Causing or
attempting to cause the
woman or her child to
engage in any sexual
activity which does not
constitute rape, by force
or threat of force,
physical harm, or
through intimidation
directed against the
woman or her child or
her/his immediate family;

(h) Engaging in
purposeful, knowing, or
reckless conduct,
personally or through
another, that alarms or
causes substantial
emotional or
psychological distress to
the woman or her child.
This shall include, but
not be limited to, the
following acts:

(1) Stalking or following

the woman or her child
in public or private

(2) Peering in the

window or lingering
outside the residence of
the woman or her child;

(3) Entering or remaining

in the dwelling or on the
property of the woman
or her child against
her/his will;

(4) Destroying the

property and personal
belongings or inflicting
harm to animals or pets
of the woman or her
child; and

(5) Engaging in any form

of harassment or

(i) Causing mental or

emotional anguish,
public ridicule or
humiliation to the woman
or her child, including,
but not limited to,
repeated verbal and
emotional abuse, and
denial of financial
support or custody of
minor children of access
to the woman's

Anti-Trafficking of To protect the dignity of every Exploitation of individuals. (a) To recruit, transport, (a) Any person found guilty of
Persons Act of 2003 human person and guarantees transfer; harbor, provide, committing any of the acts
(RA 9208) the respect of individual rights. or receive a person by enumerated in Section 4 shall
To promote human dignity, any means, including suffer the penalty of imprisonment
protect the people from any those done under the of twenty (20) years and a fine of
threat of violence and pretext of domestic or not less than One million pesos
exploitation, eliminate overseas employment or (P1,000,000.00) but not more than
trafficking in persons, and training or Two million pesos
mitigate pressures for apprenticeship, for the (P2,000,000.00);
involuntary migration and purpose of prostitution,
servitude of persons, not only pornography, sexual (b) Any person found guilty of
to support trafficked persons exploitation, forced committing any of the acts
but more importantly, to labor, slavery, enumerated in Section 5 shall
ensure their recovery, involuntary servitude or suffer the penalty of imprisonment
rehabilitation and reintegration debt bondage; of fifteen (15) years and a fine of
into the mainstream of society. not less than Five hundred
(b) To introduce or thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
match for money, profit, but not more than One million
or material, economic or pesos (P1,000,000.00);
other consideration, any
person or, as provided (c) Any person found guilty of
for under Republic Act qualified trafficking under Section
No. 6955, any Filipino 6 shall suffer the penalty of life
woman to a foreign imprisonment and a fine of not
national, for marriage for less than Two million pesos
the purpose of acquiring, (P2,000,000.00) but not more than
buying, offering, selling Five million pesos
or trading him/her to (P5,000,000.00);
engage in prostitution,
pornography, sexual (d) Any person who violates
exploitation, forced Section 7 hereof shall suffer the
labor, slavery, penalty of imprisonment of six (6)
involuntary servitude or years and a fine of not less than
debt bondage; Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) but not more than
(c) To offer or contract One million pesos
marriage, real or (P1,000,000.00);
simulated, for the
purpose of acquiring, (e) If the offender is a corporation,
buying, offering, selling, partnership, association, club,
or trading them to establishment or any juridical
engage in prostitution, person, the penalty shall be
pornography, sexual imposed upon the owner,
exploitation, forced labor president, partner, manager,
or slavery, involuntary and/or any responsible officer who
servitude or debt participated in the commission of
bondage; the crime or who shall have
knowingly permitted or failed to
(d) To undertake or prevent its commission;
organize tours and travel
plans consisting of (f) The registration with the
tourism packages or Securities and Exchange
activities for the purpose Commission (SEC) and license to
of utilizing and offering operate of the erring agency,
persons for prostitution, corporation, association, religious
pornography or sexual group, tour or travel agent, club or
exploitation; establishment, or any place of
entertainment shall be cancelled
(e) To maintain or hire a and revoked permanently. The
person to engage in owner, president, partner or
prostitution or manager thereof shall not be
pornography; allowed to operate similar
establishments in a different
(f) To adopt or facilitate name;
the adoption of persons
for the purpose of (g) If the offender is a foreigner,
prostitution, he shall be immediately deported
pornography, sexual after serving his sentence and be
exploitation, forced barred permanently from entering
labor, slavery, the country;
involuntary servitude or
debt bondage; (h) Any employee or official of
government agencies who shall
(g) To recruit, hire, issue or approve the issuance of
adopt, transport or travel exit clearances, passports,
abduct a person, by registration certificates,
means of threat or use counseling certificates, marriage
of force, fraud, deceit, license, and other similar
violence, coercion, or documents to persons, whether
intimidation for the juridical or natural, recruitment
purpose of removal or agencies, establishments or other
sale of organs of said individuals or groups, who fail to
person; and observe the prescribed
procedures and the requirement
(h) To recruit, transport as provided for by laws, rules and
or adopt a child to regulations, shall be held
engage in armed administratively liable, without
activities in the prejudice to criminal liability under
Philippines or abroad. this Act. The concerned
government official or employee
shall, upon conviction, be
dismissed from the service and be
barred permanently to hold public
office. His/her retirement and
other benefits shall likewise be
forfeited; and

(i) Conviction by final judgment of

the adopter for any offense under
this Act shall result in the
immediate rescission of the
decree of adoption.

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