2018 Washington State Nonprofit Conference
2018 Washington State Nonprofit Conference
2018 Washington State Nonprofit Conference
Washington State
Changing Perspectives
May 16, 2018
Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue, Washington
Thank You to our Sponsors
Scholarship Sponsors
Scholarships are an important tradition at the Washington State Nonprofit Conference. Our sponsors understand
that many nonprofit staff and board members would like to attend the conference but cannot due to financial
constraints. Scholarships provide the cost of admission for people from across the state to attend and ensure
that the conversations at the conference are vibrant and represent our state’s tremendous diversity.
The learning arc for the conference begins with us—how we create a culture of care within our organizations
and our communities. Then we move on to interactive, exciting workshops. The lunch plenary then
investigates how the models of nonprofit management are, and are not, working, introducing you to new
ways our sector is sharing leadership and building stronger equity frameworks.
We have two curated tracks, the technology track and the leadership track, created by social sector leaders,
just like you wanting to share the more innovative, intriguing, and imaginative projects happening in our state.
We hope you are energized by your time with us today. We are grateful for the work you do every day in our
communities and know our state is better with you in it.
Presented By
1:15–2:00 pm Exhibitors/Networking
No Solicitation
The Washington State Nonprofit Conference seeks to bring together the leadership of the entire charitable community.
To maintain the spirit of this unique meeting ground – where leaders from grant making organizations and leaders from
grant seeking organizations can come together as peers – we ask that you respect the no solicitation rule. Please feel
free to network, talk about your organizations and follow up when you return to your office. However, we request that
during today’s conference you do not bring proposals or ask funders if they will fund your organization. Funders should
encourage leaders to talk about their programs, invite people to follow up with them after the conference and politely
remind others about this rule should they be faced with a direct request.
It is important to treat self-care and well-being as an organizational strategy and cultural norm.
Beth will share the latest thinking on well-being in the nonprofit workplace. Going beyond a narrow
focus on physical health and wellness, she will share examples and insights from nonprofits that
have created and implemented a culture of well-being and show how these organizations get
better results for the communities they serve.
Start the day by learning how you can transform a toxic
workplace into a happy, healthy place to work.
Beth Kanter is an internationally recognized thought leader
in networks, social media, philanthropy, well-being in the
workplace, and training. Beth has over 35 years working in the
nonprofit sector in capacity building and has facilitated trainings
for thousands of social change activists and nonprofits on every
continent in the world. She is an in-demand keynote speaker
and workshop leader. Named one of the most influential women
in technology by Fast Company and on BusinessWeek’s
“Voices of Innovation for Social Media,” Beth was Visiting
Scholar at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation 2009-
2013. She author of the award-winning Networked Nonprofit
Books and The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for
Impact without Burnout (http://bit.ly/happyhealthynpbook)
published by J.Wiley.
Sponsored by:
Sean Thomas-Breitfeld co-directs the Building Movement Project, which supports –
and pushes – U.S. nonprofits to engage in progressive social change. In his previous
roles, Sean worked at the Center for Community Change developing training programs
for grassroots leaders, coordinating online and grassroots advocacy efforts, and lobbying
on a range of issues, including immigration reform, transportation equity and anti-poverty
programs. Sean also worked as a Policy Analyst at the National Council of La Raza (now
UnidosUS). Sean holds a MPA from NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service where he
currently teaches, and a Bachelors of Social Work from St. Olaf College in Minnesota.
Vu Le is the Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps, a nonprofit
in Seattle that promotes social justice by developing leaders of
color, strengthening organizations led by communities of color, and
fostering collaboration between diverse communities. He writes the
blog nonprofitAF.com.
Brought to you by 501Commons, Northwest Nonprofit Resources, Washington Nonprofits, and Wayfind
The Doctor is In
Washington Nonprofits has many business members who consult with or offer services to nonprofits, and
support our mission of “helping nonprofits get what they need to succeed.” Many of these folks come to the
conference as exhibitors, and we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about
their offerings. In addition, this year, we have added an informal opportunity to learn more from these experts
through short consultations at our “The Doctor is In” tables. As listed on page 20, consultants and service
providers will be on hand to answer your questions and share information in the topic area listed.
11:45 am –
LUNCHTIME PANEL: Changing Times, Changing Organizations
1:15 pm
1:15 pm –
Exhibitor Exploration + Nonprofit Q&A Visits + Networking
2:00 pm
Lift Your Voice: Getting Choosing the Right Digital Is My Organization a Good
Started with Advocacy, Strategy Fit: Questions You Always
Lobbying, and Civic Wanted to Ask a Funder, But
Engagement Didn’t Think You Could!
ROOM 405 ROOM 406 ROOM 407/408
Table Talks
ROOM 406
Census Jeopardy! What Doing More with Less. Making Your Case Work
Non-Profits Need to Know Technology Is Your
BEFORE 2020 Marketing Friend
The Delta Model: How Deciding with Data: Why Most Nonprofits Fall
People, Place, Practice, and Measuring the Impact of Short of Their Goals and
Power Come Together Your Digital Strategy What You Can Do About It
Succession planning
Shared leadership
Equity & Room 404
ED Forum
Engaging Millennials
Aging, ageism and nonprofits
Table Talks
R 13
12 15
45/46 47/48 49
11 38 39/40 41/42 43/44
E 9
33 34 35 36/37
E 7 10
E E 27 28 29 30 31/32
E 6
E 3
V 21 22 23 24 25/26
V 4
2 5
“Doctor is In”
V 17
Books 19
20 Q&A Center
Registration Lounge
Volunteer area
This track will explore how you can build a successful organizational culture that welcomes
staff and is highly productive. Turn your organization in a new, positive direction by
increasing diversity, practicing self-care, and creating an environment that attracts and
retains great staff.
Building a High-Performance Culture Race Survey a few years ago, giving us a unique
view into what people think and experience related
Session #1: 9:15 – 10:30 am
to leadership and race. Sean will share common
Presenters: Diana Welch, Human Resources & assumptions and offer a new narrative aimed at
Management Solutions increasing the number of people of color leaders.
High-performance organizations don’t take culture Uncover the assumptions you make. Define some
for granted. They plan, monitor and manage their actions you can take to confront the racial leadership
culture so it remains aligned with what they want gap in your community.
to achieve. Many organizations struggle to set
cultural goals, to invest in management training, and Reinventing Nonprofit Work from
to ensure that employees have heard and believe the Inside/Out
the message. In this session, we’ll discuss what
Session #4: 3:30 – 4:45 pm
preferred behaviors you want to create for your
culture, how you want to treat employees, how to Presenter: Beth Kanter, Author of The Happy,
determine what employees really want, and how Healthy Nonprofit
to detect what’s causing them to disengage and This “mini innovation lab” will be an opportunity for
leave. Learn strategies to build or strengthen a you to do some hands-on practice designing and
high-performance culture. How do you want to facilitating approaches to shift the culture at your
treat employees? nonprofit. The session will take a deep dive into
culture change frameworks and leadership support
Race to Lead: Confronting the required for creating and sustaining a culture of
Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap well-being in the nonprofit workplace. You will design
ways to incorporate these processes into your
Session #3: 2:00 – 3:15 pm
workplaces, including how to start the conversation
Presenter: Sean Thomas-Breitfeld, and processes that engage staff around self-care as
Building Movement Project organizational initiative; how to avoid collaborative
The nonprofit sector is experiencing a racial overload and bring mindfulness into the workplace;
leadership gap. Studies show the percentage of and how to design and plan a walking meeting.
people of color in the executive director/CEO role
has remained under 20% for the last 15 years, even
as the country has become more diverse. 4,000
respondents took the Nonprofits, Leadership, and
We are stronger together, but how does that really work? This track will lead you through
three ways of building your community, first with advocacy, then taking a deep dive into
the census, and finishing up with an investigation into how capacity building looks for
communities of color. These three diverse sessions will give you an overview of how we
can lift our community’s voices and ensure all are heard.
Lift Your Voice: Getting Started underfunded, is at risk for mismanagement, and
could result in a massive undercount of immigrants,
with Advocacy, Lobbying, and
communities of color, LGBTQ individuals, and
Civic Engagement people in rural areas. Join this hands-on workshop
Session #1: 9:15 – 10:30 am covering the basics of the upcoming Census and
Presenters: Tony Ramsey, Karr Tuttle Campbell, its impact on racial equity. Learn how your
and David Streeter, Washington Nonprofits nonprofit can play a role in making sure our
communities are counted.
Nonprofit organizations exist to improve our
communities, yet too many groups shy away from
engaging with our leaders on the public policies
The Delta Model: How People, Place,
that directly impact the communities we love. This Practice, and Power Come Together
workshop will provide clarity on misconceptions Session #4: 3:30 – 4:45 pm
about the rules of engagement and address Presenter: Sarah Tran, Nonprofit Assistance Center,
confusion about how, when, and where to get Peter Bloch-Garcia, Latino Community Fund, and
started. You will gain important tools to use to Andrea Caupain Sanderson, Byrd Barr Place
engage with public officials. You will learn the actual
rules governing advocacy and lobbying, tips for The Delta Model is a community collaboration of
how to get started with this important work, and capacity building and community organizations
strategies and tactics for conducting effective serving communities of color and led by people
advocacy and lobbying activities that support of color. We will lift up Delta Model components
your missions. of building and balancing power for communities
of color through capacity building. We will
discuss the history of the Delta Model, share
Census Jeopardy! What Nonprofits
community research on capacity building by and
Need to Know BEFORE 2020 for communities of color, and explain the resulting
Session #3: 2:00 – 3:15 pm framework of the Delta Model. We will explore how
Presenters: Heather Villanueva and Gabriela Quintana, power affects all aspects of capacity building and do
More Equitable Democracy a collective power analysis.
Choosing the Right Digital Strategy Deciding with Data: Measuring the
Session #1: 9:15 – 10:30 am Impact of Your Digital Strategy
Presenter: Nam-ho Park, PLAIN Strategies, Tim Session #4: 3:30 – 4:45 pm
O’Connor, Cascade Bicycle Club, and Heather Griswold, Presenters: Anna Marshall, AdoptUSKids, Loren
Substantial Drummond, Washington Trails Association, and Teresa
Technology is often perceived as a silver bullet, but Gillian, Resource Media
ends up being complicated, confusing and more Is what you are doing working? How do you know?
work. How do you choose the right tools? How do In this session, you will learn how to track the
you work with technology and vendors? How do impact of your digital strategy and use the data to
you prioritize your technology projects? Bring your decide what to do next. We’ll use case studies and
own problem and work through steps in defining exercises to cover defining objectives, choosing
constraints, realistic goals and guiding principles indicators of success, collecting data, and visually
that will help decision-making around your digital communicating results.
strategy. Walk away with an actionable plan to
identify the outcomes that align with your mission.
Is My Organization a Good Fit: settings, how to create and update a living document
that allows a case to evolve as your organization
Questions You Always Wanted to
does, and how to use materials as effective tools to
Ask a Funder support conversations. Learn strategies to make a
Session #1: 9:15 – 10:30 am case really work for your organizations, regardless of
Presenter: Gunner Scott, Pride Foundation, Jessica size or sector, from annual fundraising to campaigns.
Case, Medina Foundation, and Kim Vu, Bank of America
What do you need to share with your team when you get back to the office?
What do you need to share with your team when you get back to the office?
Session 3:
Name one take away:
What do you need to share with your team when you get back to the office?
Session 4:
Name one take away:
What do you need to share with your team when you get back to the office?
Learning opportunities
• Workshops across
• Webinars
• Conference Calls
• Conferences
Phone: 855-299-2922