Out of The Abyss Sample Travel Days

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The document describes a 70 day journey through the Underdark with various encounters, obstacles, and warnings along the way.

The party encountered creatures like giant fire beetles, drow traders, giant lizards, a duregar, yellow mold, orogs, a duregar spore servant, violet fungi, a moon elf commoner, and more.

Obstacles included a gas leak, horrid sounds, climbing a cliff with a ladder, walking a narrow ledge, crossing an underground stream, climbing into and out of a deep gorge, and a rockfall.

Day 1: Giant Fire Beetles, 6

Day 2: No Encounter

Day 3: No Encounter

Day 4: Terrain encounter w/ creature


The party stumbles upon a cave that is sheltered and easily defended. If the characters camp here, they
can finish a long rest without any chance of an encounter while they are resting.

3 Drow Traders

3 Giant Lizards

150 GP of goods, 30 rations

Day 5: No encounter

Day 6: No encounter

Day 7: No encounter

Day 8: Terrain encounter w/ creature

Slime or mold

Patch of Yellow mold

Day 9: Mad Creature

1 Duregar with a 10 GP gem, can’t take anything seriously

Day 10: Nothing

Day 11: Nothing

Day 12: Gas Leak

The adventurers come upon a cavern with a dangerous natural gas leak. Any member of the party with a
passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher detects signs of the gas. The characters’ travel pace
for the day is slowed by half as they circumvent the area, but there are no ill effects. If the gas goes
undetected, each character in the area must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (1d10)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any open flames brought
into the area cause the gas to explode. Each creature in the explosion must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Day 13: Ambushers

2 Orogs perching on ledges

Day 14: Silken Paths

Day 15: Nothing

Day 16: Nothing

Day 17: Horrid sounds with 1 Duregar Spore Servant

For hours, the party’s travel is plagued by terrible shrieks, moans, and incoherent gibbering echoing
through nearby passages, without any apparent origin. Each character must make a successful DC 11
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the character’s madness level increases by 1.

Day 18: Ruins with Skriss, Society of Brilliance

The adventurers come across a small ruin hidden in the Underdark. This might be the creation of a
subterranean race or a surface ruin that collapsed and sank long ago. If the characters search the ruins,
there is a 50 percent chance of them finding 1d4 trinkets

Day 19: Nothing

Day 20: Cliff and Ladder

A cliff 45 feet high blocks the party’s passage, but a rolled-up rope ladder is visible at the top. If
someone can climb the cliff—requiring a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check—and toss down the
ladder, the characters can proceed. Otherwise, they lose a day’s travel finding another route. If the
characters remove the ladder once they are at the top, they decrease the drow pursuit level by 1.

Day 21: Nothing

Day 22: Nothing

Day 23: Nothing

Day 24: Nothing

Day 25: The Oozing Temple

Day 26: Nothing

Day 27: Nothing

Day 28: Nothing

Day 29: High Ledge

The characters must walk along an 18-inch-wide ledge that skirts a ravine 2d6 × 10 feet deep. The
party’s travel pace for the day is slowed by half, and each character must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity
saving throw to avoid a fall. Precautions such as roping everyone together let each character make the
save with advantage. Increase the pursuit level of the drow by 1.

Day 30: Nothing

Day 31: Fungus Cavern with 1 Violet Fungi

Day 32: Mad Stone Giant, I keep whatever I find

Day 33: Nothing

Day 34: Nothing

Day 35: Lava Swell with 2 escaped moon elf commoners

As the party traverses a long and winding corridor, a tremor opens up a lava-filled fissure behind them.
Each character must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to avoid the lava swell, taking 21 (6d6) fire
damage on a failed save. Decrease the drow pursuit level by 1.

Day 36: Rope Bridge with Giant Rocktopus

A ravine 62 feet wide and 54 feet deep cuts across the party’s path, spanned by an old rope bridge. If
the characters cut the bridge after they pass, the drow pursuit level decreases by 1.

This creature is a giant octopus that has evolved to live and thrive on land. It can alter its coloration to
appear as a rock formation, and it tends to lurk in crevices and fissures, attacking smaller creatures that
wander near. It has a walking speed of 20 feet and a climbing speed of 10 feet, loses its Hold Breath
feature, and replaces its Underwater Camouflage feature with the following feature: Camouflage. The
octopus has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Day 37: Nothing

Day 38: Nothing

Day 39: Nothing

Day 40: Nothing

Day 41: 1 Gas Spore

Day 42: Nothing

Day 43: 6 Kuo Toa Traders

90 GP of goods, 60 days of provisions

Day 44: Nothing

Day 45: Nothing

Day 46: 2 Shield Dwarf commoners escaped slaves

Day 47: Hook Horror Hunt

Day 48: Nothing

Day 49: 5 piercers masquerading as stalactites

Day 50: Giant fire beetles

Day 51: Nothing

Day 52: Warning sign

The characters enter a cavern dotted with stalagmites and stalactites. Those with a passive Wisdom
(Perception) score of 11 or higher spot the following sigil carved into one of the stalagmites:

The sigil is a drow warning sign that means “Demons ahead!” Any non-drow creature that touches the
symbol must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s madness level
increases by 1. If the characters take a long rest within one mile of the warning sign, roll a d20 and
consult the table to determine what, if anything, they encounter at the end of their rest.

1 invisible barlgura

Day 53: Underground stream

A waterway 24 feet wide cuts across the party’s path. The stream is shallow and easily crossed, and the
characters can drink and refresh their water supplies. Edible fish inhabit the stream, so that the DC of
any foraging attempts for food in this area is reduced to 10. Crossing the stream reduces the drow
pursuit level by 1.

Day 54: Nothing

Day 55: Nothing

Day 56: Carrion Crawler

Day 57: Nothing

Day 58: Nothing

Day 59: Boneyard with 5 skeletons

Day 60: Gorge

The characters must make a difficult climb down a gorge 405 feet deep and up the other side, or find a
way around it. Their travel pace for the day is slowed by half unless they come up with a plan to cross
the gorge quickly

Day 61: Nothing

Day 62: Nothing

Day 63: Lost Tomb of Khaem

Day 64: 6 duregar spore servants

Day 65: Nothing

Day 66: Nothing

Day 67: Muck pit with 1 Grell

Humanoid skeleton carrying a Longsword

Day 68: Nothing

Day 69: Rockfall with 1 Shield Dwarf Scout

Day 70: Society of Brilliance, Grazilaxx the Mind Flayer

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