g9 Bio Research 2fia Rubric
g9 Bio Research 2fia Rubric
g9 Bio Research 2fia Rubric
Criterion E: Application
● To what extent has the student identified and evaluated a way to apply the
outcome of the investigation into the broader scientific issue that was identified
at the start of the project? ____/5
Note: The word length for the research paper varies depending on grade level.
, G9: 1,000-1,500
Total 30-29 28-26 25-22 23-22 21-18 17-16 15-14 14-13 12 11-10 9-6 5-0
ASM A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F
100,98 97-92 91-90 89-88 87-82 81-80 79-78 77-72 71-70 69-68 67-62 61-0
Criterion A: Establish a background and 2-3 The student has asked relevant research questions
context for the research and outlines a scientific issue that provides the context
0 The work does not reach a standard described by to the research question. The hypothesis may be
the descriptors below. incomplete or identifies only some relevant variables.
1 The hypothesis is missing or does not identify any The student describes connections between the
relevant variables, or variables are not identified scientific issue and the research question, but there are
correctly. There is a research question, but there is a omissions.
lack of focus. A scientific issue is outlined. The 4-5 The student has developed a relevant, coherent and
student lists connections between the scientific issue focused research question, with a hypothesis and
and the research question, but there are significant accurate/relevant variables. The student discusses a
omissions. scientific issue that provides the context for the research
Criterion B: Collect & evaluate sources 3 Sources used were mostly adequate to investigate the
0 The work does not reach a standard described by research question. There may be some limitations in the
the descriptors below. choice of some sources in terms of their origin, purpose
1 Sources were used but were irrelevant and/or and value. A limited number of sources were used.
inadequate to investigate the research question. 4 Sources used were appropriate to the research
2 Sources used were mostly inadequate to investigate question. A variety of different sources were used such
the research question in terms of their origin, purpose as academic journals from online databases and
and value. An inadequate number of sources were reliable in terms of their origins, purpose, value and
used. limitations.
5 Sources used were entirely reliable and appropriate to
the research question in terms of their origin, purpose,
value and limitations. A variety of different sources
were used such as academic journals from online
Criterion E: Application 4-5 The student can extend the experiment’s findings to
he work does not reach a standard described by
0T real world contexts or other scientific issues. The
the descriptors below. student evaluates the strengths and weaknesses and
limitations of the solution.
1-3 The student describes one potential application and
or solution to a scientific issue that has been discussed
in the context. The student describes some strengths
and weaknesses and limitations of this solution.
Criterion F: Write the report & cite sources 3 The use of language and the style are generally clear
0 The work does not reach a standard described by and effective, though there are some inaccuracies
the descriptors below. in grammar, spelling and sentence construction;
1 There is little clarity, with many basic errors; little generally appropriate in style and vocabulary. Some
evidence of academic language and sources may be attempt to write using an academic style. Some attempt
cited inaccurately or not at all. to cite works using Chicago Manual of Style.
2 There is some clarity, though grammar, spelling and 4 The use of language and the style are clear and
sentence structure are often inaccurate; some effective, with a good degree of accuracy; sentence
sense of style and appropriate vocabulary. Little construction and vocabulary are varied, showing a
evidence of academic style. Sources may be cited, but growing maturity of style; academic language is
not accurately using Chicago Manual of Style. attempted in the report. Footnotes and bibliography are
almost correctly cited using Chicago Manual of Style.
5 The use of language and the style is very clear and
effective, with a very good degree of accuracy;
sentence construction and vocabulary are good; the
style is confident. Academic language is used
throughout the report. Footnotes and bibliography are
correctly cited using Chicago Manual of Style.