Availability of Petromoc Storage Space

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Petróleo de Moçambique SA - Petromoc

Praça dos Trabalhadores, 9

Maputo, Moçambique
Dr. Vicente dos Santos Fringe | Director de Operações e Logística | Telemóvel: +258 82
312 36 20/+282 84 524 74 59 | E-mail: [email protected]
Central de Atendimento ao Cliente: [email protected]
Business Proposal

Availability of Petromoc Storage Space

With presence all over the country, Petromoc SA owns and operates storage and pipelines in all Mozambican ports. Its storage
facilities comprise of four ocean terminals, 19 deposits and facilities with approximately 500,000m3 of capacity.
Taking into account the country's economic situation particularly the fuel price policy, it is crucial for Petromoc to find other
sources of revenue collection through the profitability of its storage areas, particularly in the terminals of Matola -Lingamo,
Beira, Nacala and Pemba.

Petromoc currently operates in four Ocean terminals, fitted with storage facilities, that is available for other
companies to use, namely those companies operating in the domestic market, as well as another companies
that transit in to the hinterland, namely South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and also to the South of
the DRC.

The installed capacity for these terminals is shown in the following table:
Un: m³
Istallation Matola (LOL) Beira (LOB) Nacala (LON) Pemba (LCP)
Capacity installed 406 000 44 400 46 000 7 100
Operational Capacity 304 000 44 400 45 600 6 900
Note: INPETRO (10 000m3) e PETROBEIRA (60 000m3).

In scope of the partnership between Petromoc, Inpetro and Petrobeira, Petromoc has an additional take
or pay capacity, which can also be monetized through third-party assignment, thereby reducing the costs
on the terminals.

Business Proposal: Availability of Petromoc Storage Space 1

Petromoc storage Capacity
Location: Matola - Lingamo;
Installed Capacity: 410.000m³
Operations: Reception of liquid white and LPG fuels by vessels Tank for importing and loading in transit,
storage and disposal of products from modern filling cranes to wagons and tank trucks for the entire
southern region and the hinterland countries ( South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Botswana, etc.);
Loading capacity: 60 trucks per day with average
loading time of 35min. per load. The loading times
are flexible, and it can be negotiated according to
the urgency of the customer and can cover
weekends if necessary. It has eight filling aisle
(diesel, ULP, Jet A1 and Petroleum) and can carry
simultaneously (four arms of UPL, five of diesel,
two of Oil and Jet A1).

The C Zone has the capacity to load 30 trucks per day with loading average of 30 minute per load, with
flexible loading times. It has three filling aisle (diesel, ULP, Jet A1 and Oil) and can simultaneously charge
(eight arms of diesel).
Product flow capacity from modern filling cranes to
18 wagons of 45m³ with an average loading time of
20min./wagon. It has eight filling aisle (diesel fuel) and
can’t carry loads simultaneously.

Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Storage capacity of 3,000tm. The installed capacity for loading is six trucks of 24tm per hour and a half.
All loadings can be performed simultaneously.

Contacts: Eng. Kátia Lamugio | Superintendent of the Lingamo Oceanic Installation| Mobile phone:
+258 84 375 3421 | +258 82 072 1710 | E-mail: [email protected]

Business Proposal: Availability of Petromoc Storage Space 2

Location: Beira - Munhava
Installed Capacity: 44,000 m³;
Operations: Strategic location to ship products to hinterland countries (Zimbabwe, Malawi, Botswana,
DRC, etc);
Reception of white liquid fuels by ships
Tank import and cargo in transit, storage
and shipment via back operations loading
for ships and via modernized cranes for
tank trucks and tank wagons for the central
region of the country and hinterland
countries. Shipment via CPMZ Pipeline for
pumping products to Zimbabwe; Shared storage space with Inpetro and Petrobeira with capacities of
95,000 m³ and 120,000 m³ respectively.
Loading capacity: 35 trucks per day with a loading average of 45 minutes per truck. The loading times
are flexible, and can be negotiated according to the urgency of the customer and weekends can be included
if necessary. It has four filling aisle (diesel, ULP, Jet A1 and petroleum) and can be loaded simultaneously.
Flow capacity of products from modern filling cranes to 10 wagons with an average loading of
45min./wagon. It has three filling aisle (diesel
and ULP) and can carry simultaneously (four
arms of diesel and two of ULP).
In addition, the Petrobeira terminal located at
LOB has the capacity to load 20 trucks a day
with a loading average of 45min/truck. It has
four filling aisle (diesel, ULP and Oil) and can
carry simultaneously.

Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Project under construction with three tanks each with the storage capacity of 3,000tm (1,000tm per tank).
The installed capacity for loading is six wagons of 25tm / day each load is carried over the period of an
hour and a half time per load.

Contacts: Eng. José Maria Simão| Superintendent of the Oceanic Installation of Beira | Mobile phone:
+258 84 328 83 30 | Email: [email protected]

Business Proposal: Availability of Petromoc Storage Space 3

Location: Nacala Porto - Industrial Zone;
Installed Capacity: 45,000m³ with its own pipeline of about 4 km;
Operations: Reception of white liquid fuels through transit ships, storage and loading of trucks and
wagons for the entire northern region and hinterland countries (Zambia and Malawi), and back loading by
Ship Coastal tank.
The terminal has a loading capacity of 50 trucks per day with a loading average of 45min./truck. The
loading times are flexible, and can be negotiated according to the urgency of the customer and covered
weekends if necessary. It has three filling
aisle (diesel, ULP, Jet A1 and Petroleum)
and can be loaded simultaneously. It has
four filling aisle (diesel, ULP and

Contacts: Eng. Eric B. Miller | Superintendent of the Oceanic Installation of Nacala| Mobile phone:
+258 82 133 02 76 | Email: [email protected]


Location: Pemba - Downtown
Installed Capacity: 7,000 m³
Operations: Reception of white liquid fuels by tankers and
trucks, storage and dispatch of products by filling tank
trucks for distribution in the province of Cabo Delgado.
Load capacity: one truck per day with a loading average
of 45min./trucks. The loading times are flexible, and can
be negotiated according to the urgency of the customer and
covered weekends if necessary. It has five filling aisle
(diesel, ULP, Jet A1 and Oil) and can be loaded

Contacts: Eng. Generosa Zita | Superintendent of the Pemba Coastal Installation | Mobile phone: +258
82 861 54 50 | E-mail: [email protected]

Business Proposal: Availability of Petromoc Storage Space 4

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