Monthly Accomplishment Report Month of APRIL 2018 Remarks Actual A. Rural Health Unit (Rhu) 1. Admission/ Pre-Conference

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Monthly Accomplishment Report

Month of APRIL 2018



1. Admission/ Pre- Conference
a. Gets corresponding records Total number of patients entertained /assisted
b. Obtains the ff information: -chief complaint,
History/background prior to current condition, medications Total number of records accomplished
taken,Vital signs, weight

2. Treatment Room
a. Assists the physician Total number of patients assisted
b.Manages instructions of physician Total number of instructions managed

c. Refers to PHN for specific procedures as per physician's

instructions Total number of procedures referred to PHN

d. Administers vaccinations Total number of infants/children vaccinated

3. Post- Conference

Explains instructions/ management of the health problem as Total number of instructions explained to patients
per physician's instructions Total number of queries/questions responded to

4. Home Visit
a. Visits to families, Regular well-family/community
Total number of home visits conducted
b. Follow up of patients whenever necessary
Total number of follow-up visit/s conducted
c. Case finding/surveillance Total number of case findings /surveillance conducted
5. Mothers' Class
Conducts assembly/conference Total number of assembly/ies or conferences held
a. Pre-marital counseling Total number of pre-marital counseling done
b. Prenatal Class Total number of prenatal classes held
c. Family planning conference Total number of FP conferences held
Total number of pts motivated to practice FP
d. Well- baby/immunization Total number of children immunized
e. Mothers'class Total number of mothers'classes held

B. Health Facility/ Birthing F.

a. Vital Signs Total number of pts whose V/S were taken and recorded
b. Triage of patients (prioritizes clients according to urgency
Total number of triage conducted
of case)
c. Pre-pregnancy counseling (may also be done during
Total number of pts counseled
home visits)
d. Pre-natal check up: palpation, auscultation, Fundic
Height, presentation/position (Leopold's), routine urinalysis, Total number of pre-natal check-ups done
Birth Plan (may also be done during home visits)

e. Postnatal Check-up: discharges (lochia), Family

Total number of postnatal check-ups done
Planning, Breastfeeding

f. Newborn care: Vital Signs, immunization Total number of newborn care done
g. Referral Total number of patients referred
a. Monitor contractions: duration, interval, Intensity Total number of patients monitored
b. Referral Total number of patients referred
c. Manage delivery Total number of deliveries attended/assisted
c.1 baby
c.2 placenta
c.3. APGAR scoring Total number of APGAR scoring done
c.4 Immediate care of the NB Total number of immediate newborn care done
d. Manage
d.1. Internal examination Total number of internal examination done/assisted
d.2. Insertion of IV fluid Total number of IV insertions done/assisted
d.3. Suturing of perineal laceration Total number of perineal suturing done/assisted
e. Referral Total number of referrals done

POST PARTUM CARE (may be done during home visits)

a. Provide Postpartum Care Total number of patients provided with postpartum care
a.1 . Vital Signs Vital signs taken and recorded
Pad count initiated, characteristics of discharges
a.2. Discharges (amount of blood) documented
a.3. Involution Checks for involution and firmness of uterus
a.4. Breast care Teaches mother on how to care for breasts
a.5. Personal Hygiene Teaches/assists mother on personal hygiene
a. 6. Nutrition Teaches/encourages intake of nutritious food
b. Bedside counseling Total number of counseling done
c. Referral Total number of patients referred

Newborn Care Total number of newborns provided with care

a. Vital Signs Total number of newborn
b. Breastfeeding Total number of infants breastfed
c. Cord Care Total number of cord care done
d. Immunization Total number of Newborn immunized
e. Special Care Total number of infants needing close care monitored
e.1. Follow doctor's orders Total number of doctor's orders followed
f. Referral Total number of referrals
C. Submit monthly accomplishment report and DTRs.
D. Performs other related functions as may be assigned



Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

RHM MHO/ PHN/Supervisor DMO

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