MetricNets Service Desk Balanced Scorecard v2
MetricNets Service Desk Balanced Scorecard v2
MetricNets Service Desk Balanced Scorecard v2
By Jeff Rumburg
This month we depart from our usual format, and instead of discussing a single metric I
will explain how a handful of critical metrics can be combined to create a single, overall
indicator of service desk performance. We call this the Service Desk Balanced
Today’s service desk technologies and reporting packages make it easy to capture
copious amounts of performance data. Most service desk managers can tell you
everything from last month’s average speed of answer to yesterday’s average handle
time. But what does it all mean? If my abandonment rate goes up, but my cost per
contact goes down, is that good or bad? Is my service desk performing better this month
than it was last month?
Despite all the data that service desk managers have at their fingertips, most cannot
answer a very basic question: How is my service desk performing? The balanced
scorecard resolves this dilemma by combining the most important service desk KPI’s into
a single, overall measure of service desk performance.
MetricNet’s research shows that establishing an overall metric for your service desk is
critical. We call this metric the balanced score because it truly does communicate a
balanced picture of service desk performance. The balanced scorecard is a mechanism
that aggregates the most important service desk metrics – such as cost per contact and
customer satisfaction – into a single, all-inclusive measure of service desk performance.
The value of this metric, when tracked over time, is that it enables a service desk to
determine whether overall performance is improving or declining.
scorecard as your letter grade for the month! In this way, a service desk can track its
overall performance, and, in any given month, may see costs go up or customer
satisfaction go down or speed of answer increase, but these individual measures take on a
secondary level of importance because the balanced score provides a more complete and
accurate picture of overall service desk performance.
First you select the metrics to include in your scorecard. We suggest including the
following six metrics: Cost per contact, customer satisfaction, agent utilization, first
contact resolution rate, agent job satisfaction, and average speed of answer. Depending
upon the metrics you track in your service desk, you may choose fewer metrics or a
different mix of metrics for your scorecard. Secondly, you establish a weighting for each
metric based upon its relative importance in the scorecard. This is a judgment call, but
we suggest overweighting cost and customer satisfaction, since these are the foundation
metrics for service and support. Step 3 is to show a reasonable range of performance –
worst case to best case – for each metric. Normally these performance ranges are derived
from a benchmark of your service desk. In step 4 your performance for each metric is
inserted into the third column from the right. A score for each metric is then calculated
based on the interpolation formula in step 5. And finally, a balanced score for each
metric is determined by multiplying the metric weighting by the metric score. When the
metric scores are summed up, you have the total balanced score for your service desk.
In this particular example, the service desk balanced score is 55.6%. Your balanced
score will always range from 0% (if you have the worst possible performance for every
metric in the scorecard) to 100% (if you have the best possible performance for every
metric in the scorecard). It turns out that the service desk in our example has scored quite
well. When we run hundreds of service desks through this algorithm, we get a normal
distribution centered right at 50%. Those who score above 61% are in the top quartile;
those who score between 50% and 61 % are in the second quartile; those between 39%
and 50% are in the third quartile; and those below 39% are in the bottom quartile for
overall performance.
Benchmarking Your Performance
The balanced scorecard is an ideal way to track, trend, and benchmark your service desk
performance. Figure 2 below shows the trend in one company’s service desk
performance over a 12-month period. The blue bars in the chart represent the monthly
balanced scores, while the red background represents the 12 month trailing trend in
scorecard performance. Clearly, the performance trend for this particular service desk is
Figure 2: Balanced Scorecard Trend
Finally, the service desk balanced score can be used to benchmark your service desk on a
fair, apples-to-apples basis against other service desks. Figure 3 on the next page shows
how the service desk in our example compares to other service desks in their
benchmarking peer group.
About MetricNet
MetricNet is the leading source of benchmarks, scorecards, and performance metrics for
corporate managers worldwide. MetricNet benchmarks encompass every industry and
government sector, and address numerous business functions including information
technology, customer service, and technical support.
MetricNet’s mission is to provide its clients with the benchmarks they need to run their
businesses more effectively. MetricNet is committed to making the benchmarking
process quick and easy for its customers. We have pioneered a number of innovative
techniques to ensure that our clients receive fast, actionable benchmarks, with a minimum
of time and effort.
MetricNet offers a number of competitive differentiators that will enable us to complete
this benchmark very successfully. These include:
Credibility and Experience – The principals of MetricNet have collectively
completed more than 3,700 benchmarks since 1988. Each of them has extensively
researched, written, and published on the topic of help desk best practices. Prior to
joining MetricNet, the founders of the company held executive positions at a
number of companies including Gartner, META Group, the Stanford Research
Institute, and the Verity Group.
Board Memberships – MetricNet serves on the Board of Directors for numerous
company and industry associations. In recognition of its industry expertise, and
ground-breaking benchmarks in technical support, MetricNet was recently
appointed to the Strategic Advisory Board for HDI, formerly the Help Desk
Industry Recognition – MetricNet’s CEO, Jeff Rumburg, was recently awarded
the Ron Muns Lifetime achievement award for his contributions to the IT Service
and Support industry (
Benchmarking Database – MetricNet’s help desk benchmarking database is the
most comprehensive in the industry. This database contains information on more
than 20 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and nearly 60 best practices from
hundreds of help desks worldwide.