The document discusses prequalification limits for public-private partnership (PPP) highway projects in India. It notes that the conventional limits are 100% technical capacity and 25% financial capacity, but some projects deviate from these limits. Projects located along the Golden Quadrilateral highway network may have higher financial capacity limits due to higher traffic density and interest. Expressway projects may also have higher limits since they are high-speed roads requiring more capital. The document provides an example table showing projects with extreme deviations from the conventional limits.
The document discusses prequalification limits for public-private partnership (PPP) highway projects in India. It notes that the conventional limits are 100% technical capacity and 25% financial capacity, but some projects deviate from these limits. Projects located along the Golden Quadrilateral highway network may have higher financial capacity limits due to higher traffic density and interest. Expressway projects may also have higher limits since they are high-speed roads requiring more capital. The document provides an example table showing projects with extreme deviations from the conventional limits.
The document discusses prequalification limits for public-private partnership (PPP) highway projects in India. It notes that the conventional limits are 100% technical capacity and 25% financial capacity, but some projects deviate from these limits. Projects located along the Golden Quadrilateral highway network may have higher financial capacity limits due to higher traffic density and interest. Expressway projects may also have higher limits since they are high-speed roads requiring more capital. The document provides an example table showing projects with extreme deviations from the conventional limits.
The document discusses prequalification limits for public-private partnership (PPP) highway projects in India. It notes that the conventional limits are 100% technical capacity and 25% financial capacity, but some projects deviate from these limits. Projects located along the Golden Quadrilateral highway network may have higher financial capacity limits due to higher traffic density and interest. Expressway projects may also have higher limits since they are high-speed roads requiring more capital. The document provides an example table showing projects with extreme deviations from the conventional limits.
Fig. 6 Prequalification Limits Zone Wise and PPP Mode Wise
Deviation from the Conventional Pre- higher. Therefore, the national highway projects qualification Limits which lies in the Golden Quadrilateral will have The conventional Prequalification limits for higher prequalification limits (Refer Table 1). National Highway PPP projects in India is The national highways which lies in the Golden 100% Technical Capacity and 25% financial Quadrilateral are NH 2, NH 4, NH 5, NH 6, NH capacity. But in some projects, deviation from the 7, NH 8, NH 46, NH 60, NH 76, NH 79 and NH convention Prequalification limits is observed. 79A. The projects Four Laning of Amravati- Table 1 presents the projects which shows extreme Maharashtra/Gujarat Border Section of NH-6, Six deviation from the conventional Prequalification Laning of Bihar-Jharkhand Border (Chordaha) limits. Such deviation occurs under the following to Barwa Adda Section of NH-2, four laning circumstances as explained below. of Sambalpur - Baragarh - Chattisgarh/Orissa Border Section of NH 6 which lies in the Golden a) Golden Quadrilateral Projects Quadrilateral have Prequalification limits of The Golden Quadrilateral is a highway network financial capacity higher than the conventional connecting many of the major industrial, agricultural 25% of the project cost. and cultural centers of India. A quadrilateral of sorts is formed by connecting Chennai, Kolkata, b) Expressway Projects Delhi and Mumbai. Since, it connects all the other An urban expressway is defined as an arterial highway networks, traffic density will be higher highway for motorized traffic, with divided and numbers of private parties interested will be carriageways for high speed travel, with full
104 Journal of the indian Roads Congress, July - September, 2017