Bulletin Supplement May 6 2018

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May 6, 2018

Welcome to Aldersgate Church!
We’re glad you’ve found our church! We hope you’ll find us to be
an encouraging, friendly group of people. While we don’t make
any claims to be perfect, at our church we come together to help
make the kingdom of God a reality on earth by loving God and
loving our neighbor.


Next New Member Sunday is June 10!
The local church is the most significant arena through which disciples of
Jesus Christ are made and Jesus’ disciples reach out into the world to
share God’s love. It is in and through the church that Jesus Christ is
proclaimed and professed as Lord and Savior. Please contact Pastor Rob
by telephone at 434-973-5806 or complete the communication card
found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate when it is passed
during the service if you wish to explore the meaning of membership in
the life of Aldersgate Church.
For Our Youngest Friends
and Their Parents
A professionally staffed nursery is available for children birth through
age three during all services and Sunday School on the lower level. An
usher will be happy to direct you. Additionally, a Parent Room is
available in the Parlor adjacent to the Sanctuary, for viewing and
hearing all services. Please ask an usher to show you the way. All
restrooms are equipped with changing tables.

Aldersgate welcomes Julie Nitzsche,

Associate Pastor in July!
As you may know, we’ve been without a part-time associate pastor for
quite some time now. Our own Pastor Rob has a very big job leading our
church, and it is time for him to have some help! Every year, SPRC and
the Finance committee allocate funds to support an associate pastor,
yet SPRC has struggled to find a licensed Methodist pastor to fill the
position. This year, SPRC and Pastor Rob worked much more closely
with the District Superintendent to fill this need, and our prayers for
help have been answered. We are happy to announce to you that our
Virginia Conference’s Bishop Lewis projects that starting July 1, Julie
Nitzsche will be appointed as Aldersgate’s part-time associate pastor.
Pastor Julie is licensed for pastoral ministry in the Virginia Conference,
and earned a master of divinity in 2017. She’s been called to ministry a
little bit later in life, having already enjoyed a distinguished career as a
Registered Nurse in acute cardiology. Pastor Julie’s passion is in
fostering an intergenerational faith community, and she served for
many years as a director of children and youth ministries before
accepting a charge as the pastor at Westover United Methodist Church.
We are very blessed that she is coming to Aldersgate, and we eagerly
await her arrival! Pastor Julie is married to Kurt and they have 3
children; Helen, Olivia and Brandt. We will plan events in July to
welcome Pastor Julie, so please look for more details to follow in our
weekly bulletins!
AED Training Sessions, Sunday June 3rd
Aldersgate’s United Methodist Men have recently purchased a new
automatic defibrillator (AED) to place on the ground floor level of the
church. On Sunday, June 3rd there will be two training sessions (about Youth 2017-2018 School Year Schedule
30 minutes duration) on how this device operates – one at 10:15 and a May 6th – Youth Group Program at Aldersgate
second session at 12:15. Both sessions will be held in the Fellowship 5:00 – 6:15 PM High School (9th Grade to 12th Grade)
6:15 – 6:45 PM Dinner High School and Middle School
6:45 – 8:00 PM Middle School (6th Grade – 8th Grade)
AED’s are easy to use devices, which give step by step audio instructions May 13th - Mother’s Day – No Youth Group Tonight
when activated. And they will not shock anyone who is not in need of
May 20th - Youth Group End Of The School Year Celebration
such treatment. Nonetheless, it is helpful to be familiar with the device
5:00 - 8:00 PM Combined Middle and High School
so that one is more comfortable using it, should the need ever arise. Includes dinner to celebrate a wonderful year
Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate in one of these spent together in fellowship!
training sessions. No RSVP is required – just be there.
May 27th - Memorial Day Weekend – No Youth Group Tonight
For questions contact Dave Reynolds at 434-295-8217 or
[email protected].

Save the Date!

Vacation Notice and Pastoral Care Sunday, May 20th is Pentecost and
Confirmation Sunday. Wear red and
Rev. Robertson will be taking some time off. The schedule is as follows:
join us in welcoming our
Half days 5/7, 5/8; Off 5/9 - 5/16; Half day 5/22; Off 5/23 - 5/29
confirmands into membership.
For urgent congregational care needs, please call Mrs. Pat Daniel
at (434) 975-1363. She can help to make the necessary arrangements.

Church Office Note Sip n Chat Host/Hostess Needed:

The Church Office will be closed on Tuesday, May 8. June 3rd at 9am and July 1st at 11am
We need your helping hands to set up and/or take down coffee and
goodies. All refreshments are provided (of course you may supplement
United Methodist Men if you like). We have instructions printed out and are happy to walk
The UMM will have their final supper meeting before Summer Break on through the process with you. Please contact Jennifer Hamlin
Thursday, May 10. Join us in the Hospitality Room on the lower level at ([email protected]) 434.960.1527 or Tina Shifflett
6:30pm as Dr. Dave Reynolds brings us stories and insights about his ([email protected]) 434.978.1723 if you can help fill this need.
medical mission trip to Haiti last month.
Youth Ministry June 2018 Join the Conversation concerning the Work of
Commission on a Way Forward
Summer Schedule
The Charlottesville District is presenting a series of open discussions
June 3rd 5:00 PM - Mandatory Parent and Youth Meeting with the intention of helping churches begin, or continue, conversations
for Summer Youth Ministry Programs about the work of the Commission on the Way Forward and the Council
Aldersgate Youth Summer Ministry is design for all youth in middle and of Bishops. “The Commission on a Way Forward was proposed by the
high school including Rising 6th Graders. Join us for dinner, fellowship Council of Bishops and approved by the 2016 General Conference to do
and important information regarding youth ministry programing for a complete examination and possible revision of every paragraph of
Summer 2018. This is very important information that will facilitate a the Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and explore options
wonderful summer of fun and fellowship together. Please plan to join that help to maintain and strengthen the unity of the church.” [https://
us! Adults interested in chaperoning are welcome to join us as well. www.vaumc.org/WayForward] The final resolution from the Council of
Bishops will be presented at the specially called General Conference in
June 8th River Tubing on the James -Scottsville, Virginia February 2019. At each event a summary and overview of the work will
Reservations must be made in advance of this event. be presented as well as discussion about what happens next. There will
A fee of $20.00 per person, includes roundtrip transportation to/from be ample time for questions and discussion. We hope that at the end of
Aldersgate-Scottsville, tube rental, lunch and drinks for the day. Tubing the evening you will take away hope for what God has in store for the
future of the United Methodist Church. There are two remaining events,
Trip run about 2-4 hours depending on river.
both 6:30pm - 8:00pm. May 8, 2018, Culpeper UMC, in the Sanctuary.
May 16, 2018, Aldersgate UMC, in the Sanctuary. If you have questions
June 21st KingsFest
in advance of the event, feel free to contact Martha Murray, Assistant
If you are interested in attending, please sign up by contacting Carolyn
District Lay Leader, [email protected]
Robertson, Youth Coordinator. Note: There is an Early Bird Special
Pricing Ticket you can purchase online until April 27th! All other tickets
A handout on the Commission on a Way Forward can be found in the
will be purchased prior to the event. Reservation Fee: $ 30.00 for Ticket. narthex on green paper.
Reservations must be made in advance of this event, Deadline for
reservations will be June 6th .
Stay informed :
June 24th – 28th Vacation Bible School – Youth, Hang out with us while Website: UMC.org/wayforward
we are “Shipwrecked” together! Volunteer your time to serve others at Facebook: UMCforward
VBS as we learn how Jesus Rescues all of us! Twitter: @UMCforward
Instagram: UMCforward
ALDERSGATE AT… Vacation Bible School
Aldersgate will host several events during the spring, summer and early
Fall of 2018. We are calling our series “Aldersgate At…” These events
will be hosted by various ministries of Aldersgate. All these events are
designed to be fun outings for everyone, members and guest alike!
These events will occur both off-site and at the church. The mission of Sunday, June 24th — Thursday, June 28th
“ALDERSGATE AT…” is to create an opportunity for our members,
friends, families and guest to meet one another for fellowship and fun.
Free Family Dinner - 5:30 to 6:00 pm
We hope you will find an opportunity to join us at one of these Program - 6:00 to 8:30 pm
“ALDERSGATE AT…” events.
Registration is now available online at
Aldersgate At…ANNIE Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM www.cvaumc.org/vbs
Everyone’s favorite Orphan is back! Annie, Molly, Kate, Tessie, Meg,
Kate, July, Duffy are just a few of the girls who live in the NYC Municipal Five days of VBS fun this year! We will
Orphanage that is run by the not so nice Miss Hannigan. One day start each evening with a free, family
though, the seemingly hopeless situation changes dramatically for Annie friendly dinner and fun for all! Please
when she is selected to spend a short time at the residence of the mark your calendars and plan to join the
wealthy, Oliver Warbucks! This is a wonderful outing for every member
of the family young and old alike! The play last approximately 2 hours
and yes young children will enjoy this production. The cast includes Our “Shipwrecked” VBS is open to all
several Aldersgate family members! Aldersgate families will pay for children from 3 years (must be potty-
their advance ticket at the church. The cost will be $5 per person - that trained) to rising 6th grade.
is half off the At the Door Price. We will have reserved seating so that
we can all sit together the night of the show. For more information
MaryAnne Thornton or Carolyn Robertson.

Aldersgate At … Evening Sunset at Carter Mountain Youth Praise Band

Thursday, June 14 - 5:30 to 8:30
After a summer break, the YPB will start up again in September. We’ll be
Join us for an evening filled with live music and the best sunset
anywhere! It’s free admission so bring your lawn chairs or a blanket! looking for a new keyboardist and guitar player. Please contact Mike
This is a great evening to gather together in fellowship on to watch a Colley, Whitney Gatesman, or Rob Robertson if interested.
lovely sunset with friends and family. This is also a wonderful event for Current band members include: Natalie Gatesman, Mckenzie Gatesman,
families. Because this is a free venue, it would be a nice to gesture to
Jo Anne Reid, Sophia Schlicht (vocals), Lucas McGraw (keyboard), Len
support our local food vendors on the premises. For more information,
contact Amanda Vogel Helmstetter. Colley (bass), Claire Marie Colley (drums).

If your ministry would like to host an event or for more information,

Contact Carolyn Robertson [email protected]
Children’s Ministry is Growing! Children’s Summer Sunday School
We are growing! As a result, the Children’s Ministry is looking for a few If you love crafting, music, science, food creations, drama or telling Bible
adults that are willing to rotate once a month to serve as “Assistants” stories please prayerfully consider if you would share your talent to
with our Pre-School Children’s Church Sunday Ministry during the 11 AM teach our children the scriptures in a new and creative way about the
Service. This is a Non-Teaching position. This will allow us to continue love and life of Jesus.*
to maintain a safe and fun experience for our pre-school age children Children’s Ministry is beginning to prepare for our Summer Sunday
School Programing. This year we will be offering a new program of
who join us each Sunday. Required: Child Safety Policy Training and
Rotational Sunday School that will allow our children to explore in
fulfillment of guidelines. For more information please contact: Carolyn
different ways our monthly scripture lesson. This programing model
Robertson, Interim Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator at
offers our children various approaches to learn their monthly scripture
[email protected] lesson while reducing the time commitment of adult leaders and
assistants during the busy summer months.
What is your commitment? We would request you serve no more than
Peace with Justice Sunday four Sundays from June 10th to August 26th, during the Sunday School
Hour. Approximately once every 3 to 4 weeks on our monthly rotational
Because we believe that all God’s children deserve to live full lives, we
cycle. Since vacations vary, we will work together as a team to meet
will celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday on May 27. On this Special individual/family summer schedules for all who are interested in serving
Sunday, follow in the footsteps of our founders who left us a legacy to and sharing their talent with the children of the church. This will also
care for and support the oppressed. If you would like to make a allow our regular Sunday School Teachers to take a much-needed rest
contribution to support vulnerable and oppressed children, youth, and this summer.
adults, make your checks payable to “AUMC” with “Peace with Justice” For more information please contact:
on the memo line. Offering envelopes will be available in each bulletin. Carolyn Robertson, Interim Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator at
[email protected]
*Required: Child Safety Policy Training and fulfillment of guidelines.
Summer Show!
Come join AUMC and the Black Box Players this summer in "The Pirates Nursery Volunteers Needed!
of Penzance". There are lots of great roles for women and men of all Please consider joining Aldersgate’s group of loving nursery volunteers
ages and experience levels in this fun musical! and help care for the smallest of our members while their parents
The shows are July 26, 27, 28, and 29, and August 2, 3, 4, and 5. attend worship! This is an easy and fun service to our church. Volunteers
Casting will be held on Wednesday, May 23rd at 6PM in the Reed Room. sign up for about 1 service a month. You can attend worship at 9 and
If you would like be in the show but can't attend casting, or if you would then volunteer during the 11am service, or you can come early and
like to help out behind the scenes, email MaryAnne Thornton at volunteer for the 9am service, then attend worship at 11am. If you are
willing to join our group of volunteers, please email
[email protected] or call (434) 825-9202.
[email protected]. Many thanks for considering!

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