Atlas Biblico
Atlas Biblico
Atlas Biblico
Almost every reader of the Bible will realize that the Scriptures, from
Genesis to Revelation, contain extensive historical materials and
innumerable allusions to the geographical background of that history.
The geographical references range eastward to the Tigris and
Euphrates and beyond to Media, Elam, and Parthia – from which came
some of those present at Pentecost – and even to India. Including Asia
Minor, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Arabia, they reach westward beyond
Greece and Rome as far as Spain, which Paul visited or hoped to visit,
and where we are probably to find Tarshish, towards which Jonah
started his fateful voyage. Between these limits, the Holy Land itself,
under its various names – Canaan, the land of Israel, or Palestine – with
its immediate neighbors, is at the center of the picture throughout.
Because in many cases a map alone would not do this for the ordinary
reader, it is recommended that the New Oxford Annotated Bible with
the Apocrypha: New Revised Standard Version. Ed. Michael D. Coogan.
3rd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press), be used in conjunction
with this electronic atlas.
Chapter 4
Before Abraham
Chapter 5
The Exodus
Chapter 8
The Kingdoms of
Judah and Israel
Chapter 11
Chapter 15
Rome's Emergence as a
World Power
Chapter 16
Early Expansion of
the Church
Chapter 20