Perancangan Permukiman 2 - Purwodinatan Riverfront Village

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riverfront village

Perancangan Permukiman 2
S-1 Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Diponegoro
Editorial Team

Wirda Nursiamidewi
NIM. 21020113120012
Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan
NIM. 21020113120011

Sekar Nurhayuningtyas S.
NIM. 21020113120014
Glora Imanta Ginting
NIM. 21020113120013

Melly Artika Silalahi

NIM. 21020113120016
Naomi Asriyanty Lumban T.
NIM. 21020113120015
Kata Pengantar
Thank’s God for Your grace and abundance, the task of this group can be finished as
one primary tasks of “ Perancangan Permukiman 2 ” is to analyze the settlements in the
Purwodinatan village. The author would like to thank you for the stakeholders who have
supported and guided :

1. Ir. Indriastjario , M. Eng as a group lecture for “ Perancangan Permukiman 2 “ .

2. Edward Endrianto Pandelaki, ST, MT, Ph.D as a lecture’s coordinator for “
Perancangan Permukiman 2 “.

3. Parents are always provided support and pray.

4. Our friend from JAFT Undip.

5. etc.

The author realizes that this task is still far from perfect. The authors very excited for
yours criticism and constructive suggestions. Hopefully, this task can be useful and increase
“ Perancangan Permukiman 2 “ knowledge for the readers .

Semarang, March 24, 2016

Special Thanks

Group’s Lecturer Lecturer’s Coordinator

Ir. Indriastjario, M. Eng Edward Endrianto P., ST, MT, Ph.D
NIP. 196210161988031003 NIP. 197402231997021001
profil kelurahan
131,00 m
31,00 m





100 200 300 400 500


71,50 m
31,00 m



village profil

131,00 m

71,50 m
Purwodinatan urban village located in the district of Central Semarang
0 m
117,0 with an area of 49.20 hectares . One of the villages bypassed times Semarang
has a high historical value .
Purwodinatan consists of the three dominant ethnic Chinese - Chinese ,
Arabic - Muslim , and local Java .
Having boundaries as follows :
0 100 200 300 400 500 North : Tanjung Mas’s village
South : Jagalan’s village
West : Kauman’s village
East : Kebon Agung’s village

Profile RT 2 Village Purwodinatan

RT 2 is one of 11 RT contained in village Purwodinatan and headed by
chairman of RT Mr. Hartono located in Kp . Sekolan 40 C. RT 2 has an area of
9000 m2 .
China Riverfront’s design idea
sketch by Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan

Permukiman pada RT 2 Purwodinatan yang terletak di bantaran kali Semarang ini

memiliki pola permukiman yang mengikuti aliran sungai dan dapat dikatakan sebagai
bentukan arsitektur riverfront, dimana :

· Memiliki bagian daratan dimana merupakan tempat mengalir air dan drainase
· Memiliki masalah berupa abrasi oleh arus sungai, pendangkalan lumpur.
· Visual alam berupa bentuk dan aktivitas sungai.

Riverfront yang masuk dalam kategori Waterfront memiliki media air sebagai elemen
utama dan karakteristik khas menurut Douglas M. Wren (1983) yakni :
· Memiliki pola pengembangan massa dinamis sesuai karakter air yang dinamis.
· Orientasi bangunan / massa kegiatan aktivitas berorientasi pada media air.
· Pemandangan khas dengan refleksi bangunan tepi air.
· Adanya penghubung antar daerah tepian dan daerah air ditandai dengan jembatan.
· Arsitektur waterfront memiliki karakter visual yang unik.
(Yuliantor, 2004)
China Riverfront’s design idea
sketch by Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan

Settlement on the RT 2 Purwodinatan, located near of the Semarang’s river. This

settlement’s patterns follow the river and can be regarded as the formation of riverfront
architecture , where :
• Have the mainland part which is the water flow and drainage settlements.
• Has the problem of erosion by river currents , silting of mud .
• Visual nature have form and river’s activity

Riverfront that classified into category of Waterfront, has water as the main element
and the distinctive characteristics according to Douglas M. Wren (1983 ), such as :
• Have a pattern of mass development of dynamic characters in a dynamic water .
• Orientation of the building / mass media activities on water -oriented activities .
• Typical Landscape with reflection building water's edge.
• The existence of a link between the regions and the banks of the water area
marked by bridges .
• Architecture waterfront has a unique visual character .
( Yuliantor , 2004)

Semarang’s River
sketch by Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan

Micro Industrial Design

sketch by Melly Artika Silalahi
Purwodinatan’s village condition Purwodinatan’s public facilities design
sketch by Naomi Asriyanty Lumban T. and Glora Imanta Ginting sketch by Naomi Asriyanty Lumban T.
Keadaan rumah yang terlalu berhimpit dan tidak adanya ruang
terbuka untuk bersosialisasi serta minimnya fasilitas umum dan
sosial, memberikan gagasan akan pendirian rusunawa dengan
fasilitas yang lengkap dan baik.

The condition of settlement is too coincide and lack of open

space for socializing and the lack of public and social facilities ,
from that problem give us the idea of ​the establishment of
subsidized apartments with full amenities and good .

Rusunawa’s design sketch

sketch by Sekar Nurhayuningtyas Syahfitri
Minimnya fasilitas pembuangan sampah dan ramainya kondisi Purwodinatan’s waste disposal facilities and
jalan raya, memberikan ide untuk membangun sebuah road network design
pembuangan sampah terpadu dan jalan raya yang relatif lebar sketch by Wirda Nursiamidewi and Glora Imanta Ginting
untuk menampung segala aktivitas masyarakat.

The lack of waste disposal facilities and the bustling highway

conditions , give an idea to build an integrated waste disposal
and roads are relatively wide to accommodate all the activities
of the community .
Klenteng Tay Kak Sie Gang Lombok
sketch by Melly Artika Silalahi and Sekar Nurhayuningtyas Syahfitri.
Musholla Baitul Iman
sketch by Wirda Nursiamidewi
Keberagaman etnis di RT 2 Kelurahan Purwodinatan, ditandai dengan
keberadaan banyaknya fasilitas peribadatan berbagai agama. Hal ini perlu
dipertahankan dan dilestarikan.

Ethnic diversity in the RT 2 Purwodinatan’s village , characterized by the

presence of many different religions worship facilities . This condition needs
to be maintained and preserved.

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