Site Optimisation Worksheet

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Site Optimisation Worksheet

Landing Page 1 (Home Page)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /index.html HOME

Meta Description: index and home page

Meta Keywords: index, home, page, homepage, discover, change, create, landing

Text/Content Edits:

Landing Page 2 (About)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /about.html ABOUT

Meta Description: This page provides a description of the services that can be availed by a

Meta Keywords: dublin, interior, design, about, story, clients, product

Text/Content Edits:

Landing Page 3 (Source Code Page)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /sourcecodepage SOURCECODEPAGE

Meta Description: Source code page

Meta Keywords: source code, code, html, information

Landing Page 4 (Blog)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /sourcecodepage.html SOURCE CODE PAGE

Meta Description: Source code page

Meta Keywords: source code, code, html, information

Text/Content Edits:

Landing Page 5 (SEO Page)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /seosettings.html SEO SETTINGS

Meta Description: on this page are the search engine optimisation elements

Meta Keywords: search, engine, optimisation

Text/Content Edits:

Landing Page 6 (Online C.V)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /onlinecv.html ONLINE CV

Meta Description: this is a page where you can view my c.v online

Meta Keywords: c.v, curriculum vitae, past work, experience, resume

Text/Content Edits:

Landing Page 7 (Portfolio)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /portfolio.html

Meta Description: this is the page that user can view portfolio where they can see previous work

Meta Keywords: portfolio, images, photographs, interiors, previous work, past work

Text/Content Edits:

Landing Page 8 (Contact Us)

Page URL:

HTML Title: /contact.html

Meta Description: This is a page that the customer can contact us attached is an email address
and social media links

Meta Keywords: contact us, get in touch, contact details, email us, mail us, find out more, social
media, pintrest, instagram, email

Text/Content Edits:

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