Simplex Middle East Catalog (Dec 2012) High Res
Simplex Middle East Catalog (Dec 2012) High Res
Simplex Middle East Catalog (Dec 2012) High Res
Suppression release
Master clocks
Simplex Product Catalogue
The premier solution for medium to large facilities
Simplex Product Catalogue
Simplex 4100ES
This ability to customise each panel per implex UL listed textual notification appliance
system is a cost effective way to meet project is designed to supplement standard notification
specifications and capacity requirements. The appliances to improve life safety and addresses
future proof design of Simplex systems reduces requirements for the hard of hearing/deaf
cost of ownership by allowing easy expansion to community. Each display can also support
accommodate changes throughout the life of custom non-alarm messages sent from a remote
the system. PC over a TCP/IP network which are overridden
in an emergency condition .e.g. fire evacuate/
implex systems offer true integration including
S alert, security breach, hostile intruder and bomb
voice alarm/evacuation, agency listed non-alarm alert etc.
paging and background music, fire fighter
telephones, emergency notification, MNS It’s important that a fire detection system can
(mass notification systems), smoke management continue to be serviced, supported and upgraded
and control, high level integration to third party throughout its life in order to protect the owners
systems utilising open protocols such as BACNet, investment. Simplex systems are always
OPC server and Modbus, high level networking engineered to provide a migration path and new
with multiple topologies and connectivity options, product releases are compatible with earlier
graphics command centres with client server systems.
Simplex Product Catalogue
Master Bay
• 2GB of integrated,
supervised storage for programming and
system configuration information
Expansion Bays
• ual redundant CPU option for critical
applications such as Fire and Gas Systems
• udio
• irefigher phones
• ED/Switch Modules
Simplex 4100ES
Key Features
• UL/ FM approved.
• Universal platform - small to large systems.
• New processor with onboard IP
network capability.
• Future proof modular design provides an upgrade path to new technologies and easier
installation and programming.
• On board mass storage device archives programmes and other vital infomation.
• Integrated voice alarm and fire fighter phones.
• Agency listed non alarm audio (paging and background music).
• Spoken Walk Test.
• Voice coding/message splicing.
• Smoke management and control.
• High level networking, multiple topologies and conectivity options.
• Third party open protocol interfaces such as BACNet, Modbus and OPC server.
• Graphic command centers with client server and dual redundant configurations.
• SafeLINC fire panel internet interface.
• UL/FM listed for suppression release.
• Master clock interface.
• Sateon NTEC access control integration.
Simplex Product Catalogue
Modular Design
Annunciation Modules
Simplex 4100ES
Easy Interface
Selectable Functions
Simplex Product Catalogue
4100ES smoke control HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) LED/ • The HOA IBC LED/switch module
switch module is a 24 switch/24 LED (green/red/ provides annunciation and control at the
white) module developed to provide a white “Auto” operator interface.
LED indication in compliance with the international
• Raised momentary switches provide
building code (IBC) for HVAC fan control.
tactile feedback.
Emergency Voice / Alarm
Simplex Product Catalogue
The 4100ES is agency listed for non-alarm When non-alarm audio (NAA) applications
audio (NNA) such as background music paging (such as for background music, paging, or for
and mass notification. Mass Notification) are required, optional Constant
Facility owners and managers are often looking Supervision modules provide continued speaker
for ways to reduce hardware space requirements zone supervision during the page or while
and costs without compromising on power or background music is playing.
performance. Combining evacuation and non
alarm audio function such as paging into a single
system can meet these needs.
Simplex Product Catalogue
MX Digital
ID Net
Simplex Product Catalogue
Addressable Notification
Simplex Product Catalogue
Control Panel
Control Panel
Addressable Notification
Simplex Product Catalogue
TrueAlert Notification
Networking & Miniplex
The example shown has the following desired design attributes:
• Survivability.
• Central or local operation. (NVCC)*
• Scalable.
• Compatible systems simplify central controls interface operation.
• Local and central paging.
• Supervision.
• Emergency paging (firefighter’s microphone).
• Smoke control.
• Firefighter’s phone communications.
Graphic Command
Simplex Product Catalogue
Floors 13,14 and 15
Floors 10,11 and 12
Simplex 4100ES
Floors 7,8 and 9
Floors 4,5 and 6
Floors 1,2 and 3
Simplex 4100ES
Ground Floor
Basement 1
Basement 2
Remote Client
Graphic Command
Fire Alarm Networks
Simplex Product Catalogue
fibre or TCP/ IP Network and audio riser
connectivity In one single mode fibre
Library Staff Acommodation Sports Pavillion Network
Fire Alarm Networks
Flexible Network Options for Style 4 or Style 7 Communications
• Wired communications using a single pair between nodes. Manufacturing
Simplex Product Catalogue
XLGraphics is true client server application with multiple topologies and connectivity options including
hardwire, fibre and TCP/IP.
• Device details download directly from the connected panels for rapid site programming.
• Compatible with conventional fire alarm control panels using contact I/O interfaces.
• Listed to UL Standard 864 and ULC Standard ULC-S527 for FireAlarm.
• Full client server with TCP/IP network clients.
• Redundant support for critical applications.
• Integrated IP Video/ CCTV.
• Non-alarm audio, background music and paging control.
• Powerful macros provide optional custom control programming features.
• XLGraphics workstation and fire alarm panels connect to the CCUNET (communication control unit network)
using specific interface modules.
Extensive image importing and editing include:
• Simple importing procedure that supports over 20 image file types; image editing tools allows resizing of
imported images for optimal display.
• Screens support graphical objects (lines, rectangles, and arrows) and textual objects (text boxes, notes, and
push pins) for operator assistance.
• High resolution, colour display.
Simplex Product Catalogue
Screen Operation
Features include
Simplex Product Catalogue
Integration SafeLINC
SafeLINC FIRE PANEL Internet Interface Example
Fire Alarm Control Panel • Programmable lockout to prevent excessive login attempts
by unauthorised users.
System Information
Fire Alarm Control Panel
Simplex fire alarm control panels monitor
model compatibility
their connected devices and gather system
information to describe the status of the • Compatible with 4100ES, 4010ES; and 4100U at
revision 12.06 or higher
protected buildings. This information is available
at the panel and via accessory devices such as Automatic or scheduled e-mail feature
remote terminals or dial-in modems, all requiring provides selectable notification to
special equipment connections. user accounts:
• Built-in e-mail feature can notify users of
Secure Internet Access individually selected status changes either automatically or
The SafeLINC Internet interface provides an as scheduled
alternative access to system information using • Compatible email services include: local SMTP email
the familiar interface of a standard Internet servers, ISP provided email service, and Internet email
browser. A remotely located fire professional can service
use this access to analyze control panel status • Email capacity includes addresses for the 50 user
during non-alarm conditions and can also use this accounts and up to 5 separate email distribution lists with
each supporting up to 20 additional email addresses
information to assist local fire responders during
alarm conditions. • With 4100ES, 4100U, or 4010ES control, action
messages can be sent to email distribution lists for
SafeLINC Fire Panel Internet Interface (FPII) Emergency Communication System (ECS) operation (see
enables investigation of fire alarm control panel details on pages 3 and 4)
status using the familiar interface of an internet • Information can be alarm, priority 2, supervisory, trouble;
browser: or TrueAlarm Sensor Service and Status Reports
• Intuitive menu screens are refreshed automatically with • Compatible pagers, cell phones, or Personal Digital
the occurrence of new events Assistants can receive direct email messages or messages
forwarded from a user account
• Support is for to 50 user accounts with up to five
simultaneous users• Intuitive menu screens. Available information
• Annunciation and reporting capacity up to 12,000 points • Alarm, priority 2 alarm, supervisory, trouble counts and
• Supports either DHCP or static IP addresses status messages.
• Compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6.0 • Detailed point information accessible similar to that
or higher) available at the panel.
• Listed to UL Standard 864 and ULC Standard S527 • TrueAlarm sensor status including service and status
Security access features:
• Alarm and Trouble log information
• Multiple user accounts and passwords (similar to the host
control panel)
Simplex Product Catalogue
SafeLINC Internet
Interface Main Screen
Remote Laptop
with internet access
Local Internet
Local network
Fire alarm
control panel
BACpac Ethernet Module
The 4100-6069 BACpac ethernet module actions may be performed by other systems that
provides a supplementary communications handle those functions for normal conditions as
interface that converts computer terminal well as for abnormal conditions.
information from a compatible Simplex fire
alarm control panel into BACnet building auto- Building Automation Systems
mation protocol. With this module, status infor-
mation from the fire alarm control panel can be As buildings increase in size and complexity,
provided to other components of the building control of the electrical and mechanical systems
automation network with the detail and requires coordination. This process has evolved
information format required. into the general category of Building Systems
Automation and includes systems such as
This information allows other systems to properly heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC),
respond to fire alarm system activity and elevator controls, security controls, lighting
supplement the primary fire alarm response that controls, and other similar building functions.
is under the control of the fire alarm control panel.
Typical responses to fire alarm system status
Systems Responsibilities changes might include: HVAC fan control
operation, elevator capture, lighting control,
Fire detection and alarm systems are distributed and security system awareness.
throughout buildings to monitor for the presence
of smoke or fire. When a fire alarm condition is Specific examples could include turning on
determined, the fire alarm system communicates lighting where needed, aiming security cameras
that information with sufficient detail to allow the on specific areas, providing door release, and
proper fire response to begin. The fire alarm implementing detailed fan exhaust and/or
system may perform other control functions such pressurisation instructions.
as fan shutdown and elevator recall, or those
Simplex Product Catalogue
LAN Connected
Facility LAN
Fire Alarm
Initiating Devices
Simplex Communication Control Unit
Simplex Product Catalogue
And Arts Student
Building Accommodation
Network Network
Administration Sports
Buiding Pavillion
F4100 CCU3/
F4100 E/4100
Fibre E/4100
CCU3/ Ethernet
XLGraphic OPC Alarm
Remote Client and Event
Acommodation XLGraphic
Client/Server and
OPC Alarm and
Event Server
OPC Server
OPC defines a method of publishing events for use by other Buiding
XLGraphics client/server with OPC interface gives access to Manufacturi
the OPC controllers for the monitoring and control of the fire Network
and security network managed behind XLGraphics.
For example, on a large industrial site, the fire system might
publish its status and events via an OPC server. A PLC system
might include these events in its logic and take action with the
plant based on detected fire alarms.
Alternatively, a university site may want to use a specific or
even proprietary graphical information system. The central
system could receive events and status from the fire, electrical,
air conditioning and other systems via the OPC interface.
OPC alarm and event server provides an industry standard
interface to a variety of fire and security monitoring and
annunciation systems. CCU3/ CCU3/
The OPC server implements both the alarm and event (AE) E4100 E4100
server and a data access (DA) server. The AE server can be
used for event annunciation with the option for acknowledging
system events. The DA server can be used if full control
(such as reset, isolate) is required. However, both servers are
operational and can be used simultaneously.
The OPC server utilises the same database as XLGraphics.
Therefore systems with both XLGraphics command centres
and OPC integration will share one common database
configuration. This concept facilitates initial programming,
modifications, changes and additions throughout the life of a XLGraphic XLGraph
system reducing cost of ownership. Remote Client Remote Cli
Simplex Product Catalogue
Control Room
hic XLGraphic
ient Client/Server and
OPC Alarm and
Event Server
CCUNet Interfacing - Modbus
The CCU3/C-4100MB provides a MODBUS interface to
standalone 4100ES panels or a number of panels on a 4100ES
The CCU3/C-4100MB can connect to 2 MODBUS masters
either via RS232, RS485, or RS422 connections.
An optional CCU3/E board is also supported to provide ethernet
connection to MODBUS master.
CCU3/IO boards media cards may also be used to provide
general I/O devices accessed through the MODBUS interface.
Each CCU3/IO has 4 relay outputs that can be used as inputs to
the 4100. These contacts are controlled via WRITE commands Administration
to the MODBUS map. Each CCU3/IO also has 10 supervised Buiding
inputs whose status can be read from the MODBUS map.
The MODBUS map of the CCU3/C-4100MB is configured using
the CCU3/C-4100MB programmer. The map may contain up to
12,288 bits.
MODBUS Commands
The CCU3/C-4100MB connects to a 4100 MODBUS as a
slave. The MODBUS master may use any of the following 5
MODBUS commands:
Code Description
1 Read Coil Status
2 Read Input Status
4 Read Input Registers
15 Force Multiple Coils
16 Preset Multiple Registers XLGraphic XLGraphic Client/Server
Remote Client OPC Alarm and Event Server
Simplex Product Catalogue
Simplex Enterprise
Advantage of hard addressing
• Security
Simplex Product Catalogue
SATEON™ Overview
SATEON™ is a brand new access control system Even though SATEON™ is browser based there
manufactured by Grosvenor Technology. Because are no compromises in terms of functionality or
SATEON™ is 100% browser based it is one of usability. It is a feature rich access control system
the most exciting products available in the market that will meet the demands of even the most
today. complex operational requirements.
100% browser based means that you don’t The SATEON™ architecture is completely scalable
need to install any client software on to your PC. and is perfect for organisations of all sizes. It
Just click on the SATEON™ icon shown on your will seamlessly fit into a modern IP network
favourite’s toolbar and log in. Once logged in you infrastructure and your IT department will both
can manage every aspect of your system. understand and appreciate it.
Simplex Product Catalogue
SATEON™ Overview
Simply start up your web browser and click on the Do even more with our advanced built-in
SATEON icon on your favourites bar. features.
• Run from any networked PC • Subscribe to favourite reports (Full SQL Server)
• Lift Control
No Compromises • Intelligent Token Misuse system
Manage every aspect of your system from with the • Global anti-passback
browser. • Area Management
• Access rights and groups
• Photo-ID printing
• Management reports
Simplex Product Catalogue
SATEON™ Overview
Integration Upgrades
Connect to 3rd party security systems and work Replace your old access control system with the
smarter. minimum of fuss.
The Architecture
Clean Agent Fire Suppression
Simplex offers a wide range of clean agent fire combustion process cannot be sustained.
suppression solutions to meet the needs of its Features:
customers. System users can be assured that options • Meets NFPA2001 standards
• Flexible range of cylinder sizes
such as SapphireTM, FM-200 or i3 offer a
• Flexible range of nozzles for easier system design
comprehensive range of options for high value assets • Fast acting discharge
and special hazard protection. Our Tyco • Approvals include UL, FM and LPCB
manufacturing facility holds the highest possible
accreditation including: OHAS 18001:2007, ISO I3
Inert gas is sometimes preferred for its natural ability
9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.
to contain a fire. The IG55 blend suppresses a fire by
SAPPHIRE reducing the available oxygen to a level where a fire
Sustainability is a key features of SAPPHIRE which can no longer be sustained but crucially where it is still
uses 3M Novec 1230 fire protection fluid. safe to use the system in occupied areas. This system
Environmental safety is a given with a five day allows designers to provide a solution where multiple
atmospheric lifetime ensuring no measurable impact areas can be protected by a single bank of cylinders.
on the climate. To reassure users that SAPPHIRE The additional pressure exerted on the protected area
systems are now and will continue to be can be managed by pressure relief vents fitted to the
environmentally friendly, every SAPPHIRE installation boundary of the protected space.
now carries a 20 year environmental warranty. Safety An i3 advantage is the option of utilising constant flow
is paramount to people and Sapphire meets this technology to manage the pressure exerted on the
criteria. Not only by the recognition that Novec 1230 boundary of a protected space during the discharge
has the highest safety margin of all clean agents but process thus reducing the vent area needed.
also by an accolade given by the prestigious Sea Trade Features:
Awards. At the awards ceremony in 2007, Sapphire • Naturally occurring IG55 blend of nitrogen and argon
won the Safety at Sea category. • No environmental impact
• Multiple area protection from single cylinder bank.
• Zero breakdown products
• SAPPHIRE systems are custom engineered for • 300 bar storage for reduced cylinder footprint.
Novec 1230 • VdS approval
• Zero ozone depletion potential
• Global warming potential of one Standards:
• Clear, odourless agent UL, FM and LPCB offer a comprehensive suite of
• Approvals include UL, FM and LPCB approvals for marine and land based systems. Design-
• Discharges within 10 seconds
ers can work to NFPA, EN15004 or 750 14520
• 20 year environmental warranty
standards to provide compliant system design.
The popular FM-200 offers flexible modular design
that can be adapted to the available space of a
protected area. Its primary action is through cooling
the fire and removing heat energy so that the
Simplex Product Catalogue
Simplex Clocks
The Importance of Accurate, Synchronised Time Analogue Clocks Powered by your Network
Consistent and accurate time across an Simplex OnTime clocks provide accurate,
organisation keeps things running smoothly. synchronised time throughout a facility in sleek
Schools and universities rely on accurate analog and digital formats. Visible at over 100
timekeeping to efficiently transition students feet, these clocks help keep everyone on the same
from one class to the next. In healthcare facilities, schedule. OnTime clocks utilise cutting-edge power
whether it’s checking on patients or delivering over ethernet (PoE) technology.
medications, a synchronised time is critical to Plugging directly into a standard ethernet jack and
daily operations. In a corporate environment, time drawing both time updates and power from the
wasted on waiting for co-workers to arrive at a network; no AC outlets are needed, reducing the
meeting translates directly into lost productivity. cost and complexity from system deployment.
Synchronised time in manufacturing environments Since PoE devices consume significantly less power
promotes schedule adherence, helping the entire than AC-powered devices, they are widely regarded
team meet productivity goals. The integration and as energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
coordination of security systems in all
organisations depends on synchronised time.
Solutions For All Markets
• Education
• Government
• Commercial
• Skyscrapers
• Airports
Simplex Product Catalogue
• Pre-configured stock
• DACT standard
• Competitively priced
Simplex 4006/08
• The 4006 is a 5 or 10 zone conventional panel • When the 4006 and 4008 panels are teamed
ideal for small buildings such as commercial up with the 4009 NAC Power Extender,
retail shops and restaurants. applications requiring large numbers of
notification appliances can be easily
• The 4008 is a 200 point addressable panel suit- accommodated.
able for small to medium size facilities.
• The 4003EC voice control panel can also be
• Ease of use, performance and reliability are evi- added to provide automatic voice notification,
dent in all aspects of the product line. paging and public address making the system
ideal for schools, healthcare and office facilities.
Simplex 4003EC
Adds digital voice message capability to non integrated voice fire
alarm panels
Simplex Product Catalogue
Issue 3 - October 2012
Simplex Product Catalogue
Jason Crouch Abdul Khadeer
General manager Technical Manager
Tyco Fire and Integrated Solutions - MEAR Tyco Fire and Integrated Solutions - MEAR
Middle East, Europe, Africa and Russia Middle East, Europe, Africa and Russia
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +971 50 6177841 Mobile: +971 50 6219457
Tel: +971 2 676 1952 Tel: +971 2 676 1952
Fax: +971 2 676 1954 Fax: +971 2 676 1954