Balmaseda Et Al-2009-Geophysical Research Letters
Balmaseda Et Al-2009-Geophysical Research Letters
Balmaseda Et Al-2009-Geophysical Research Letters
1029/2008GL035561, 2009
L01701 1 of 5
Table 1. Description of Experiments (defined in Table 2) for the 3 experiments. The amplitude of
Experiment Information in the Ocean Initial Conditions the interannual variability of the coupled model as a
i ALL SST + Atmos obs + Ocean Obs function of lead time is shown in the lower panels. This
ii NO-OCOBS SST + Atmos obs latter is calculated as the ratio between the standard devi-
iii SST-ONLY SST ation of the interannual anomalies of the coupled model
NOMOOR ALL except moorings
NOALTI ALL except altimeter
(computed separately for each ensemble member) and that
NOARGO ALL except Argo of the observed SST.
MDT0 As ALL, but using MDT0 [8] Both the model bias and the amplitude of the inter-
annual variability are sensitive to the initial conditions. In
the Eastern Pacific (NINO3; Figures 1a and 1c), ALL shows
Oct). For each date, an ensemble of 5 coupled forecasts with the strongest warm bias for forecasts initialized in April,
perturbed initial conditions is integrated to 7-months ahead. July and October. The warm bias is symptomatic of the
[6] The three initialisation strategies can also be viewed as existence of initialization shock: the coupled model is not
OSE type experiments in which atmospheric and oceanic able to maintain the slope of the thermocline in the initial
data are withdrawn as can be seen in Table 1. Differences in conditions, and fast dynamic adjustment takes place through
forecast skill between ALL (method i) and NO-OCOBS a downwelling Kelvin wave which depresses the thermo-
(method ii) are indicative of the impact of ocean observa- cline in the Eastern Pacific, shutting down the upwelling
tions, between NO-OCOBS and SST-ONLY (method iii) of and producing surface warming. The bias is close to zero in
the impact of atmospheric data that went into the ERA40/ experiment NO-OCOBS, where the initial conditions have a
OPS. The combined impact of ocean and atmosphere infor- flatter thermocline, and consequently the dynamic Kelvin
mation can be gauged by the differences between ALL and wave adjustment is weaker. The cold bias in SST-ONLY,
SST-ONLY. All skill scores have been cross-validated. which develops especially fast for October starts is likely to
be related to the thermocline being too shallow in the initial
2.2. Assessment of Skill of Different conditions, leading to an overestimation of the cooling by
Initialisation Strategies upwelling and the development of a cold bias as soon as the
[7] The evolution of the SST bias in the coupled model is strong relaxation to SST used in the initialization process is
shown in Figures 1a and 1b for regions NINO3 and NINO4 turned off.
Figure 1. (top) Forecast drift as a function of forecast lead time for 4 start months in regions (a) NINO3 and (b) NINO4
for experiments ALL, NO-OCOBS and SST-ONLY. (bottom) Variance ratio as a function of lead time for the same
experiments averaged over all start months in (c) NINO3 and (d) NINO4.
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Table 2. Definition of Area Averaged Indices monthly mean absolute error (MAE) resulting from adding
Area Name Latitudes Longitudes information from the ocean and/or atmosphere observations
NINO3 5N – 5S 150W – 90W
for forecast range 1 – 7 months appears in Figure 3a. For
NINO4 5N – 5S 160E – 150W example, in the EQ3 region the impact of not using ocean
EQ3 5N – 5S 150E – 170W obs is to increase the MAE error by 12%, of using neither
EQPAC 5N – 5S 130E – 80W ocean nor atmospheric observations is about 28%. The
EQIND 5N – 5S 40E – 120E impact of not using atmospheric observations is close to
WTIO 10N – 10S 50E – 70E
SETIO 0N – 10S 90E – 110E 15%. With the exception of EQATL, the best scores are
EQATL 5N – 5S 70W – 30E achieved by experiment ALL. This means that for the
NSTRATL 28N – 5N 80W – 20E ECMWF system, which uses i, the benefits of the ocean
data assimilation and the use of fluxes from atmospheric
(re)analyses more than offset problems arising from initial-
ization shock. In the first 3 months of the forecast (not
[9] The amplitude of the interannual variability seems to
shown), the combined information of oceanic and atmo-
be related to the magnitude of the bias, the least activity
spheric observations reduces the error by more than 40% in
occurring in the presence of warm bias. This is to be
the different areas of the Equatorial Pacific (EQ3, NINO4,
expected if convective processes set an upper limit on
NINO3). Atmospheric observations are the main contributor
how large values of SST can be and could explain why
to the reduction of forecast error. The contribution of the
the amplitude of the interannual variability in ALL is low.
ocean observations is largest in the Central Western Pacific
However, it does not explain the low levels of activity in
(13% in EQ3), but is negative in EQATL.
NO-OCOBS and SST-ONLY, suggesting that the underes-
[14] The contribution of oceanic and atmospheric obser-
timation of the interannual variability in NINO3 is not only
vations seem to be cumulative in the reduction for MAE
related to the initial conditions, but stems from other sources
error at all lead times. The OC + AT bars measure the
of error in the coupled model.
difference in skill between (i) and (iii) confirming that the
[10] In the Central Western Pacific (NINO4; Figures 1b
assimilation of atmospheric and oceanic data is markedly
and 1d) the initial conditions also have a large impact on the
better than using just SST, suggesting that the Luo et al.
model bias and interannual variability. Here, ALL shows the
[2005] approach is not the best, at least not at the forecast
smallest bias, followed by NO-OCOBS. The cold bias for
ranges considered here.
SST-ONLY is the largest. The cold biases in NO-OCOBS
and SST-ONLY are especially large during the second half
of the year, consistent with the cold tongue penetrating too
far west. In this region the amplitude of the interannual
variability is related to the mean state and to the initializa-
tion procedure. For instance, overactive upwelling, charac-
teristic of a cold tongue regime in this area, will produce
an overestimation of the interannual variability, as happens
in experiment SST-ONLY. The amplitude is underestimated
in experiment ALL, even when the bias is small. The
underestimation of the interannual variability in NINO4
for experiment ALL, and in NINO3 for all the experiments,
suggests the existence of errors not corrected with the
initialization, such as the underestimation of the atmospheric
intraseasonal variability.
[11] Balmaseda et al. [2008] show that the assimilation of
ocean observations has two main effects on the ocean mean
state: it increases the heat content of the Equatorial Pacific
by deepening the thermocline and increases the slope of the
thermocline. Results shown in Figure 1 suggest that while
the first correction is maintained during the forecast, thus
avoiding the westward penetration of the cold tongue and
the cold bias in NINO4, the slope of the thermocline is
difficult to maintain, and is lost by rapid dynamical adjust-
ment leading to the warm bias in the Eastern Pacific
[12] The impact of initialization strategies in the forecast
skill appears in Figure 2 as a function of lead time for region
NINO4. In this region the most skillful forecast at all lead
times is obtained by method (i), and the worst by method
(iii). There is a clear advantage from assimilating ocean
observations. The results hold for both RMS error Figure 2. Impact of initialization strategies in forecast skill
(Figure 2a) and anomaly correlation (Figure 2b). as a function of lead time in region NINO4, in terms of
[13] Figure 3 shows the impact on forecast skill for (a) RMS error and (b) anomaly correlation. The best skill is
various regions in Table 2. The relative reduction in the obtained by experiment ALL and the worst by SST-ONLY.
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of Argo, moorings and altimeter. The statistics have been Subtropical Atlantic and in the Eastern Pacific, while Argo
calculated only for the (rather short) post-Argo period has a larger effect in the Central-Western Pacific, and in the
2001 – 2006 and so the impacts are best considered as Indian Ocean. The equatorial Atlantic is a region where the
indicative rather than definitive. Figure 3c shows the forecasts are not improved through the use of ocean
dominant impact of Argo in the NINO4 (18%), and EQIND observations, probably indicative of model error.
(12%) regions. Argo is the only observing system with a [21] More sophisticated assimilation methods that reduce
significant positive impact on the WTIO and SETIO regions the initialization shock but still make full use of the
(8%). The information from the moorings is still dominant observations are desirable, though not yet developed. It
in the whole Equatorial Pacific (16%), NINO3 (15%) and has been shown that in the ECMWF seasonal forecasting
EQ3(13%), and quite large in NINO4 (16%), although here System 3 the quality of the wind product used in the
it is less important than that from Argo. Meanwhile the generation of the ocean initial conditions is instrumental
altimeter has a significant positive impact in the Equatorial for increasing the skill of the seasonal forecasts, with the
Pacific, and is the only observing system with positive winds from atmospheric reanalysis being far superior to
impact in the North Subtropical Atlantic (8%). Again, for those obtained by an atmospheric model forced by observed
this period, all the observing systems have a negative SST. This result should be taken into account in the ongoing
impact on the EQATL region. Whether this is related to efforts to design coupled model initialization strategies.
the faulty sensors in the SOLO/FSI Argo floats needs to be
investigated further. [22] Acknowledgments. The authors thank Franco Molteni for his
useful comments in the preparation of this manuscript.
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